This app is a simple household account book. It is assumed that the following configuration will be used.
- OS:Linux(CentOS)
- Python:3.11.5
- Python Library:fastapi,uvicorn,gunicorn,SQLAlchemy
- WebServer: Nginx
git clone
cd Household-Account-Book-App
mv build.tar.gz /var/www/html/
cd /var/www/html/
tar zxvf build.tar.gz && chown -R nginx:nginx build && rm -rf build.tar.gz
cd Household-Account-Book-App
cp app.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
systemctl restart nginx
uvicorn main:app --reload
If you run it using the systemctl command, please rewrite the path in the fastapi-app.service file appropriately.
The API server can also be started using the following method.
pip3 install Household_Account_Book_App
cp Household-Account-Book-App/config.json ./
You can decide what day of the month you want to start the month on.
"day_threshold": 25
Changing the value of day_threshold will also change the WebUI aggregation period.