is a simple manager that handles dequeuing and enqueuing reused objects. It works similar to how UITableView
and UICollectionView
dequeue their cells. Instead of registering a class, you register an initHandler
closure, which returns your Recyclable
- Simply dequeue and enqueue your
objects - Clears out the unused objects when the application receives a memory warning
- Works with any kind of object, not just UI elements
- iOS 8.0+
- tvOS 9.0+
- Xcode 7+
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.
Because RecyclingCenter
is written in Swift, you must use frameworks.
To integrate RecyclingCenter
into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'RecyclingCenter'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Add this to your Cartfile
github "nuudles/RecyclingCenter"
You will need to have a RecyclingCenter
for each kind of Recyclable
class you want to use. Simply initialize a center and register an initHandler
for your reuseIdentifier
let recyclingCenter = RecyclingCenter<RecyclableView>()
recyclingCenter.registerInitHandler({ (_) in return RecyclableView(color: .redColor()) }, forReuseIdentifier: ViewController.redReuseIdentifier)
Later when you want to dequeue a Recyclable
object by calling:
let redView = recyclingCenter.dequeueObjectWithReuseIdentifier(ViewController.redReuseIdentifier, context: nil)
When you want to recycle a view, simply enqueue it:
recyclingCenter.enqueueObject(redView, withReuseIdentifier: ViewController.redReuseIdentifier)
Take a look at the Example project for a more concrete example. Try playing around with the +Red
and +Blue
buttons and you should see logs when the RecyclingCenter
has to create the objects. Remove them using the -Red
and -Blue
buttons and when you re-add new views you should see that the views are being recycled. If you simulate a memory warning, you should see the recycled objects get flushed out, thus having to create new ones.