A static-webpage-generator based on node.js using mustaches, markdown and JSON.
- Realtime editing.
- Publishing via FTP.
$ sudo npm install -g nodeache
Building a website:
$ nodeache folder
Rebuilding a website everytime a file or folder has changed:
$ nodeache dev folder
Publishing a website via FTP:
$ nodeache publish folder
Where folder is a folder following the structure given under Folder structure.
|- (config.json)
|- content
'- templates
All content is saved in folder/content.
It is possible to save content as markdown with the file-extensions md or markdown or as JSON with the file-extension json. The resulting block will be named after the filename.
Special cases:
- Markdown files can be ordered by prepending XX- to the filename. (i.e. 01-Home.md, 02-About.md etc.) XX- will be skipped in the blockname. (i.e. 01-Home.md will be Home)
- Files placed in a subdirectory will be named according to their path. (i.e. folder/content/pages/01-Home.md will be pages.Home or pages.0)
All templates are saved in folder/templates. It is possible to create as much subdirectorys as you want. A template consists of a fully functional website except for the content.
Content can be included via the syntax of handlebars.js.