All the items.
echo "1 2 4" | num all
1 2 4
The first item.
echo "1 2 4" | num first
The last item.
echo "1 2 4" | num last
The number of items.
echo "1 2 4" | num n
The minimum value.
echo "1 2 4" | num minimum
The maximum value.
echo "1 2 4" | num maximum
The range, which is maximum - minimum.
echo "1 2 4" | num range
The frequency minimum. Count occurances of each value, and return the minimum count.
echo "10 10 11 11 11"
The frequency maximum. Count occurances of each value, and return the maximum count.
echo "10 10 11 11 11"
The sum total of all the items.
echo "1 2 4" | num sum
The product all the items.
echo "1 2 4" | num product
The arithmetic mean a.ka. average.
echo "1 2 4" | num mean
The average distance between each value and the mean.
echo "1 2 4" | num mean-absolute-deviation
The value that is closest numerically to the mean.
echo "1 2 4" | num meanest
The trimean.
echo "1 2 4" | num trimean
The advantage of using the trimean vs. the mean: the trimean is robust to outliers. The trimean equals (quartile-1 + 2 * median + quartile-3) / 4.
The median.
echo "1 2 3 4" | num median
The low median, i.e. lesser of two middle values.
echo "1 2 3 4" | num median
The high median, i.e. greater of two middle values.
echo "1 2 3 4" | num median
The modes or UNDEF. TODO.
echo "1 2 2 3" | num modes
echo "1 2 2 3 3" | num modes
2 3
echo "1 2 3" | num modes
The minimum value of the mode values or UNDEF. TODO.
echo "1 1 2 2 3 3" | num mode-min
The maximum value of the mode values or UNDEF. TODO.
echo "1 1 2 2 3 3" | num mode-high
The sum of squares, a.k.a. sum of each mean deviation to the power of 2.
echo "1 2 4" | num sum-of-squares
The sum of cubes, a.k.a. sum of each mean deviation to the power of 3.
echo "1 2 4" | num sum-of-cubes
The sum of quads, a.k.a. sum of each mean deviation to the power of 4.
echo "1 2 4" | num sum-of-quads
The variance.
echo "1 2 4" | num variance
This calculates for a sample, not a population.
These are also available:
- sample-variance, svar
- population-variance, pvar
The standard deviation (SD).
echo "1 2 4" | num standard-deviation
This calculates for a sample, not a population.
These are also available:
- sample-standard-deviation, sstdev, ssd
- population-standard-deviation, pstdev, psd
The coefficient of variance (CV), a.k.a. relative standard deviation (RSD).
echo "1 2 4" | num coefficient-of-variance
This calculates for a sample, not a population.
These are also available:
- sample-coefficient-of-variance, scovar, scv, sample-relative-standard-deviation, srsd
- population-coefficient-of-variance, pcovar, pcv, population-relative-standard-deviation, prsd
The skewness, e.g. the lack of symmetry.
echo "1 2 4" | num skewness
This calculates for a sample, not a population.
These are also available:
- sample-skewness, sskew
- population-skewness, pskew
The kurtosis, e.g. the heaviness of a distribution's tails. Default uses sample, not population.
echo "1 2 4" | num kurtosis
This calculates for a sample, not a population.
The kurtosis is sometimes described as a curve's "peakness or flatness", or "small shoulders or big shoulders".
These are also available:
- sample-kurtosis, skurt
- population-kurtosis, pkurt
second-moment-about-the-mean, 2matm
sample-second-moment-about-the-mean, s2matm
population-second-moment-about-the-mean, p2matm
The second moment about the mean. A.k.a. variance.
echo "1 2 4" | num second-moment-about-the-mean
third-moment-about-the-mean, 3matm
sample-third-moment-about-the-mean, s3matm
population-third-moment-about-the-mean, p3matm
The third moment about the mean. A.k.a. skewness.
echo "1 2 4" | num third-moment-about-the-mean
fourth-moment-about-the-mean, 4matm
sample-fourth-moment-about-the-mean, s4matm
population-fourth-moment-about-the-mean, p4matm
The fourth moment about the mean. A.k.a. kurtosis.
echo "1 2 4" | num fourth-moment-about-the-mean
Quartiles divide an ordered data set into four equal parts.
- Q0 is the minimum.
- Q1 is the "middle" value in the first half of the rank-ordered data set.
- Q2 is the median value in the set.
- Q3 is the "middle" value in the second half of the rank-ordered data set.
- Q4 is the maximum.
Num uses a weighted average to calculate quartiles, because this is robust. For details please see and the "Method 3" description.
The interquartile range. This is calculated by using Q3 - Q1.
echo "6 7 15 36 39 40 41 42 43 47 49" | interquartile-range
Note that Num quartile calculations use the proportional smoothing algorithm, rather than a median value algorithm or removal of values algorithm. The proportional smoothing algorithm is more stable, and more useful especially for ongoing streams of statitiscs.
Quartile 0, a.k.a. minimum.
echo "6 7 15 36 39 40 41 42 43 47 49" | quartile-0
Quartile 1, a.k.a. lower quartile, 25th percentile.
echo "6 7 15 36 39 40 41 42 43 47 49" | quartile-1
Note that Num quartile calculations for Q1 and Q3 use the proportional smoothing algorithm, rather than a median value algorithm or removal of values algorithm. The proportional smoothing algorithm is more stable, and more useful especially for ongoing streams of statitiscs.
Quartile 2, a.k.a. median, 50th percentile.
echo "6 7 15 36 39 40 41 42 43 47 49" | quartile-2
Quartile 3, a.k.a. upper quartile, 75th percentile.
echo "6 7 15 36 39 40 41 42 43 47 49" | quartile-3
Note that Num quartile calculations for Q1 and Q3 use the proportional smoothing algorithm, rather than a median value algorithm or removal of values algorithm. The proportional smoothing algorithm is more stable, and more useful especially for ongoing streams of statitiscs.
Quartile 4, a.k.a. maximum.
echo "6 7 15 36 39 40 41 42 43 47 49" | quartile-4
Transforms change the list.
Sort the items in ascending order.
echo "3 1 2" | num sort all
1 2 3
Sort items in ascending order.
echo "3 1 2" | num sort-ascending all
1 2 3
Sort items in descending order.
echo "3 1 2" | num sort-descending all
3 2 1
Keep unique values; omit the rest. TODO.
echo "1 2 2 3 3 3" | num unique all
1 2 3
The difference between each number and the next number. TODO.
echo "2 3 1 5" | num difference all
1 -2 4
Mappings work on each value.
Convert to absolute value a.k.a. magnitude, positive numbers.
echo "-1 1" | num absolute-value all
1 1
Convert to sign, which is one of -1, 0, 1.
echo "-8 0 8" | num sign all
-1 0 1
Increment each value, i.e. add 1.
echo "1 2 3" | num increment all
2 3 4
Normalize each value to be within 0..1.
echo "1 2 4" | num normalize all
0 0.333333 1
Convert to nearest integer.
echo "-1.9 1.9" | num round all
2 2
Convert to integer by omitting the fractional part.
echo "-1.9 1.9" | num round-off all
-1 1
Convert to integer by rounding up.
echo "-1.9 1.9" | num round-up all
-1 2
Convert to integer by rounding down.
echo "-1.9 1.9" | num round-down all
-2 1
Queries return TRUE as 1, or FALSE as 0.
Is each item unique?
echo "1 2 3" | num is-unique
echo "2 2 2" | num is-unique
Is the data ascending, i.e. each next number is greater or equal?
echo "1 2 3" | num is-ascending
echo "3 2 1" | num is-ascending
Is the data strictly ascending, i.e. each next number is greater?
echo "1 2 3" | num is-strictly-ascending
echo "3 2 1" | num is-strictly-ascending
Is the data non-ascending, i.e. some next number is lesser?
echo "1 2 3" | num is-non-ascending
echo "3 2 1" | num is-non-ascending
Is the data descending, i.e. each next number is lesser or equal?
echo "3 2 1" | num is-descending
echo "1 2 3" | num is-descending
Is the data strictly descending, i.e. each next number is lesser?
echo "3 2 1" | num is-strictly-descending
echo "1 2 3" | num is-strictly-descending
Is the data non-descending, i.e. some next number is greater?
echo "3 2 1" | num is-non-descending
echo "1 2 3" | num is-non-descending
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