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A BeBanjo Movida event stream processor


Read below to get started, or see the API Documentation for more details.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'movida_events'


require 'movida_events'

client = 'my_user', password: 'my_pass')
poller =
poller.poll do |event|
  puts event.inspect

Above, we first create a Client object. This serves as the interface between the poller and Movida. We then create a Poller object with that client. Then using the poll method, we print each event.

By default, the Poller only processes events that occur after the poller has started.

Starting at after a given event

Usually, you want to keep track of which event was processed last, so that you can ensure that every event gets processed. Use the newer_than option to tell the poller to process all events after a given ID., newer_than: 1234).poll do |event|
  # All events after (but not including) event 1234 will be processed here

Filtering event types

You can limit the types of events by setting the event_types option. See the event type documentation for a list of available types.

types = ['title_created', 'title_updated'], event_types: types).poll do |event|
  # Only title_created and title_updated events will be processed here

The event_types option also accepts a comma separated string like "title_created,title_updated".

The poll interval

The poller checks for new events every few seconds. The default poll interval is 30 seconds, that can be changed with the interval option.

Note that even though the poller checks for new events every few seconds, the processing block will not get called unless there is a new event.

# Polls every 5 seconds to check for new events, interval: 5)

Run code for every poll

The processing block only gets called if an event is found, but we can use the on_poll method to set a callback for every time the poller checks for new events. This is especially useful for logging. It could be used to broadcast a heartbeat, etc.

poller.on_poll do |stats|
  log("Polled #{stats.requests} times")

See below for more information about the stats object.


The blocks for poll and on_poll both accept a stats object. It contains information about the current poller status. The available methods are:

  • last: The ID of the event processed last. In the case of the poll method, this is the current event ID.
  • requests: The number of requests processed including the current one.
  • events: The number of events processed including the current one.
  • request_events: The number of events processed in the current request including the current one. For on_poll this will always be 0.
poller.poll do |event, stats|
  log("Processing event number #{}")

Stopping the poller

Use the stop method on the poller to manually stop polling for events. When stop is called, the poller will finish processing the current request including the associated events. Then it will exit the poll loop.

trap('INT') { poller.stop }
poller.poll do |event, stats|
  # If the poller is interrupted in the middle of an event, it will finish
  # processing before stopping
  log('Processing event')

### Setting the number of times to poll

The `poll` method accepts an argument `times` that sets how many times it checks
for new events. This can be useful for testing.

# Will only check for new events once do |event|

Setting the API domain

The default API domain is It can be set to a different domain with the domain option in the client object.
  username: 'my_user',
  password: 'my_pass',
  domain: ''


You can run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

Before committing, run bin/rake to run the linter and tests.