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File metadata and controls

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Environment Management: Scope

Specification of how Snapcraft manages local and remote build environments and their lifecycle.

This includes locally and remotely provisioned containers, VMs and build services such as Launchpad.


Snapcraft Build Environment Counter (build-count)

Counter that increments every time Snapcraft creates a new build environment. Initialized to zero 0. Tracked in the environment-manager datastore.

Snapcraft Project Path (project-path)

Absolute path to a Snapcraft project directory (containing Snapcraft.yaml, etc.).

Snapcraft Project Name (project-name)

Name of snap (specified in snapcraft.yaml’s name field).

Snapcraft Project (project-instance)

An instance of a Snapcraft project, found in project-path.

No more than one project-instance can exist in project-path.

There may be multiple project-instance(s) for a given project-name (e.g. user working on multiple project copies simultaneously).

Project Build Environment Instance Naming (build-instance-id)

The build environment’s user-facing name.

Format: snapcraft-<build-count>-<project-name>

Project Build Environment Instance (build-instance)

Project build environment instance, identified with build-instance-id. No more than one build-instance can exist for a given project-instance and provider.

Environment Manager Datastore (environment-manager-datastore)

Snapcraft’s persistent data storage for managing build-instances(s) throughout their lifecycle.

Build Instance Lifecycle


Snapcraft shall re-use a previously instantiated build-instance for project-instance, if available for the configured provider.

If no matching build-instance exists for the configured provider, snapcraft shall create a new instance, naming it build-instance-id.

Re-using Build Environments

When a build-instance is going to be re-used, Snapcraft shall first verify it was created:

  1. by a compatible version of Snapcraft
  2. with image matching current upstream image (via hash/fingerprint)

If any of these checks fail, Snapcraft shall automatically clean the build-instance and instantiate a new build-instance for use.


When a build-instance is removed by Snapcraft, all associated metadata must also be purged.

User Options for Removing Build Environment Instances

Snapcraft shall provide the user with options to perform on-demand removal of Snapcraft-created build-instance(s).

snapcraft clean

snapcraft clean shall remove all build-instance(s) associated with the current project-instance. This extends current snapcraft clean behavior to clean all known instances for all possible providers for project-instance.

snapcraft clean --all-projects

Extends snapcraft clean behavior to clean all build-instance(s) created by Snapcraft, for all project-instance(s).

For additional safety, --dry-run argument shall be supported to log all build-instance(s) that would be cleaned if --dry-run were not present.

Environment Manager Datastore

Snapcraft shall utilize a TinyDB-based datastore with YAML storage. TinyDB provides database functionality, including support for queries, which shall support operations to maintain build environments throughout their lifecycle.

This environment-manager-datastore shall be per-user such that Snapcraft does not require root. The environment-manager-datastore shall reside in <user-data>/snapcraft/environment-manager.yaml, where <user-data> is the first defined value of:

  3. $HOME/.local/share

Table Schema


The environment-manager-datastore shall have a Control table with one, and only one, control record:

created_with_snapcraft_versionstringVersion of Snapcraft that created this document.“4.0.1”
schema_versionintegerVersion of schema used by the datastore.3
  • Any environment-manager-datastore without this table and control record must be considered invalid.


The environment-manager-datastore shall have a Migrations table with an array of migration records:

schema_versionintegerVersion of schema this migration migrated datastore to.3
timestampstringUTC timestamp of when this migration occurred (ISO 6801 format + “Z”).“2020-09-03T08:45:29.000599Z”
snapcraft_versionstringVersion of Snapcraft that performed this migration.“4.0.1”
  • When migrating a database, each migration shall be logged in the environment-manager-datastore for triaging purposes.
  • Any environment-manager-datastore without this table shall be considered invalid.


The environment-manager-datastore shall have a BuildEnvironments table with an array of build-environment records:

providerstringName of build provider, e.g. [“host”, “lxd”, “multipass”, “launchapad”].“multipass”
timestamp_createdstringUTC timestamp of when build-instance was created.“2020-09-03T08:45:29.000599Z”
timestamp_accessedstringUTC timestamp of when build-instance was last used by Snapcraft.“2020-09-03T08:45:29.000599Z”
snapcraft_versionstringVersion of Snapcraft that created this environment.“4.0.1”
project_namestringName of project (as derived from snapcraft.yaml).“my-snap-name”
project_pathstringPath to project.“/home/user/git/my-snap-name”
build_instance_idstringUnique identifier for project.“snapcraft-4-my-snap-name”
  • Whenever an environment is created or updated, the record is created/updated. When cleaning the environment, the build-environment record is purged.


The environment-manager-datastore shall have a LXD table with an array of lxd-environment records:

build_instance_idstringUnique identifier for build-instance.“snapcraft-4-my-snap-name”
image_source_serverstringURL of remote server image was pulled from.
image_source_server_protocolstringProtocol of server.“simplestreams”
image_source_aliasstringAlias of image.“16.04”
image_fingerprintstringImage fingerprint.“1f1a6e97b643”
  • Records any LXD-specific attributes related to a build-environment.


The environment-manager-datastore shall have a Multipass table with an array of multipass-environment records:

build_instance_idstringUnique identifier for build-instance.“snapcraft-4-my-snap-name”
image_namestringImage used to create build-instance.“20.04”
image_hashstringImage hash.“c14a2047c6ba”
  • Records any Multipass-specific attributes related to a build-environment.


The environment-manager-datastore shall have a Launchpad table with an array of launchpad-build records:

build_instance_idstringUnique identifier for build-instance.“snapcraft-4-my-snap-name”
git_urlstringURL to Launchpad git repository.“https://<launchpad-user><launchpad-user>/+git/<repository-name>/”
launchpad_userstringLaunchpad username.“user”
snap_namestringName of snap registered with Launchpad.“snapcraft-4-my-snap-name”
  • Records metadata about any builds pushed to Launchpad using snapcraft remote-build.