Install-Package kafka4net
- Event-driven architecture, all asynchronous
- Automatic following changes of Leader Partition in case of broker failure
- Connection sharing: one connection per kafka broker is used
- Flow control: slow consumer will suspend fetching and prevent memory exhausting
- Integration tests are part of the codebase. Use Vagrant to provision 1 zookeeper and 3 kafka virtual servers
- Use RxExtensions library to expose API and for internal implementation
- Support compression (gzip, lz4, snappy). Unit-tested to be interoperable with Java implementation
##Not implemented:
- Offset Fetch/Commit API
- Only protocol for 0.8 (aka v0) is implemented at the moment
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using kafka4net;
using kafka4net.ConsumerImpl;
namespace examples
public static class ConsumerExample
// Notice, unlike java driver, port is not mandatory and will resolve to default value 9092.
// Explicit ports are allowed though, for example "kafka1:9092, kafka2:9093, kafka3:9094"
readonly static string _connectionString = "kafka1, kafka2, kafka3";
readonly static string _topic = "some.topic";
/// <summary>Simplest consumer with termination example</summary>
public static async Task TakeForOneMinute()
// If you want to consume all messages in the topic, use TopicPositionFactory.Start
// TopicPositionFactory.End will start waiting for new messages starting from the moment of subscription
var consumer = new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_connectionString, _topic, new StartPositionTopicEnd()));
consumer.OnMessageArrived.Subscribe(msg => {
// Perform your own deserialization here
var text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Value);
Console.WriteLine($"Got message: '{text}' Partition: {msg.Partition} Offset: {msg.Offset} Lag: {msg.HighWaterMarkOffset - msg.Offset}");
// Connecting starts when subscribing to OnMessageArrived. If you need to know when connection is actually one, wait for IsConnected task completion
await consumer.IsConnected;
// Consume for one minute
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
await consumer.CloseAsync();
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using kafka4net;
using kafka4net.ConsumerImpl;
namespace examples
public static class ConsumerExample
// Notice, unlike java driver, port is not mandatory and will resolve to default value 9092.
// Explicit ports are allowed though, for example "kafka1:9092, kafka2:9093, kafka3:9094"
readonly static string _connectionString = "kafka1, kafka2, kafka3";
readonly static string _topic = "some.topic";
public static async Task SubscribeToMultipleTopics()
var rx = new Regex("some\\.topic\\..+");
var cluster = new Cluster(_connectionString);
await cluster.ConnectAsync();
var allTopics = await cluster.GetAllTopicsAsync();
var wantedTopics = allTopics.Where(topic => rx.IsMatch(topic)).ToArray();
var consumers = wantedTopics.Select(topic => new Consumer(new ConsumerConfiguration(_connectionString, topic, new StartPositionTopicEnd()))).ToArray();
consumers.AsParallel().ForAll(consumer => consumer.OnMessageArrived.Subscribe(msg => {
var text = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Value);
Console.WriteLine($"Got message '{text}' from topic '{msg.Topic}' partition {msg.Partition} offset {msg.Offset}");
await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));
await Task.WhenAll(consumers.Select(consumer => consumer.CloseAsync()));
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using kafka4net;
namespace examples
public static class ProducerExample
// Notice, unlike java driver, port is not mandatory and will resolve to default value 9092.
// Explicit ports are allowed though, for example "kafka1:9092, kafka2:9093, kafka3:9094"
readonly static string _connectionString = "kafka1, kafka2, kafka3";
readonly static string _topic = "some.topic";
public async static Task Produce100RandomMessages()
var rnd = new Random();
var randomNumbers = Enumerable.Range(1, 100).Select(_ => rnd.Next().ToString());
var producer = new Producer(_connectionString, new ProducerConfiguration(_topic));
// Technically not mandatory, but good idea to listen to possible errors and act accordingly to your application requirements
producer.OnPermError += (exception, messages) => Console.WriteLine($"Failed to write {messages.Length} because of {exception.Message}");
// When message is confirmed by kafka broker to be persisted, OnSuccess is called. Can be used if upstream requires acknowlegement for extra reliability.
producer.OnSuccess += messages => Console.WriteLine($"Sent {messages.Length} messages");
await producer.ConnectAsync();
foreach(var str in randomNumbers)
// Message.Key is optional. If not set, then driver will partition messages at random. In this case, for sake of example, partition by 1st character of the string
var key = BitConverter.GetBytes(str[0]);
// Implement your own serialization here.
var msg = new Message { Value = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(str), Key = key};
// Await for every producer to complete. Note, that calling CloseAsync is safe: all bessages currently in buffers will be awaited until flushed.
await producer.CloseAsync(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));