- Detail View:
- Featured Listings:
- Feedback: OZF-711 Correct feedback edit button href (a6e380a5)
- Header: OZF-746 Keep header padding synced with body (c900714a)
- Icons:
- Listing Administration: OZF-707 show proper 4 colums in IE (a29527c2)
- Listing Management:
- Metrics: Remove hardcoded metrics path (7194c7b6)
- OZF-643: Removing incorrect RouteHandler components (228d349c)
- build:
- travis: Attempt to fix travis errors (cfc09ffe)
- Detail View:
- Featured Listings:
- Feedback: OZF-711 Correct feedback edit button href (a6e380a5)
- Header: OZF-746 Keep header padding synced with body (c900714a)
- Icons:
- Listing Administration: OZF-707 show proper 4 colums in IE (a29527c2)
- Listing Management:
- Metrics: Remove hardcoded metrics path (7194c7b6)
- OZF-643: Removing incorrect RouteHandler components (228d349c)
- build:
- travis: Attempt to fix travis errors (cfc09ffe)
- Header Styles: OZF-650 Fixed indentation (7458ee86)
- Listing Edit: OZF-666 Fix Edit button in IE9 (5f15e226)
- METRICS_URL: Missing semicolon (9e970c6f)
- Sass Variables: Replaced inline colors (46dfd10b)
- User Menu:
- User-Menu: Change links, styling and functionality #OZF-650 (52b5df51)
- User-Menu Test: OZF-650 Updated unit test (acd238c6)
- User-Menu.js:
- list-unstyled: Swapped for bootstrap list-unstyled (f5d52b65)
- Listing Management: OZF-464 fixed icons and sizing so it can be four across as per convo with Sarah (93d83bbd)
- Change Log: OZF-598 Date/Time not showing in IE (98aece01)
- Changlog: OZF-459 fixing review-edited changelog text (3b2ec852)
- Create Edit:
- OZF-637 (41f3afea)
- OZF-637. Users should not be able to navigate to the edit page if they don't own (8426d22a)
- is the current user as the default listing owner (5a8d1989)
- cleaning up help element when a help property does not exist on the input elemen (b2adf0e2)
- Correcting help messages and descriptions for input fields (f4b4a480)
- fixing the console error that sometimes occurs when scrolling the page to the fi (fcf91a44)
- Fixing scrollTo behavior on form errors. Add proper help message for contact typ (512c2ae0)
- Fixing create/edit form imports on Linux (c5516b10)
- Create Edit Page:
- CreateEdit: After a submit attempt fails due to validation errors, don't hide errors on chan (44451302)
- Discovery: fix store schemas to match the listing representation (02deb55d)
- Fonts: Ubuntu fonts are not looking right in IE (2c6533c9)
- Help:
- Listing Deletion: fixing delete confirmation box which was broken as part of refactoring Listing (7d0a0336)
- Modals: OZF-639 Switching from native, but unsupported, Promises to jquery (0e85a316)
- My Listings:
- QuickView Admin:
- QuickView Admin Tab: OZF-575. Changelogs are not rendered on the admin tab (4e03d8cc)
- QuickView Edit Button: properly handle closing of the quick view modal (007bccc1)
- Quickview Admin: The admin tab should not be visible by users that are not an admin or owner (fbe2c8f5)
- Routing:
- User Menu: AppsMall Management menu option is not displaying (c9870dfa)
- cache: refresh config cache after CUD on admin types (958ce666)
- category: deleting a category is causing a 404 error (d50da4c7)
- changelogs do not update when rejecting: Correcting a typo in the ListingAction.js (b48b0e56)
- create listing: correct page title (9ba9fef3)
- css: When the number of listings does not fill the page a blank area is shown (82b5e6bb)
- load error on main page: Upgrading tcomb-form library to 0.1.5 (b76d0ba4)
- quickview:
- rest: update response parse function to work with HAL (4f90277e)
- routing: route to parent path when closing quick view (651b00f4)
- All Listings: Implement all listings page for AppsMall stewards (0f797326)
- Delete Confirmation: Generic DeleteConfirmation and ListingDeleteConfirmation (1e60e5fb)
- Dependencies: Upgrade to React 0.12 and Router 0.11 (13199aed)
- Error handling:
- Featured:
- Help: Implement help modal window (987534be)
- Listing Management: OZF-464 updated the filters and counts for all listings admin view (5d6e1d52)
- Mall Management:
- Metrics: Integrate metrics (c701d7d6)
- My Listings:
- OZF-339 more elegant filter impl (f35e25b4)
- OZF-342 View links (e16c0639)
- OZF-342 Fixing menu/filter state interaction (e048be5a)
- OZF-342 approvalStatus-sensitive menu options (4a73defe)
- OZF-332: Fixing My Listings loading (6c676919)
- OZF-341 using bootstrap styles for button (7b084530)
- OZF-341 Steward feedback functionality and styles (c6c1dcac)
- FeedbackModal (02e2655b)
- UX review changes (4bfc2c3d)
- OZF-340 Filter counts (4cfef3ac)
- OZF-340 Initial My Listings filters (3b1be052)
- Adjusting for long titles (583d8f15)
- OZF-339 My Listings list (c4437d43)
- Basic My Listings functionality and styling (11ae49f6)
- OZF-339 Fixing jsx syntax error (85cac7f1)
- OZF-339 My listings page initial work (9ea53e5f)
- Org Steward: OZF-569 Allow Org Stewards the ability to Approve and Reject listings (ade3aa3c)
- QuickView Admin:
- Quickview: OZF-568 Allow Org Stewards to Edit Listings in their Steward Org (4bc46ec1)
- Stewards: filter by ORG_STEWARD role (973c825c)
- Unit Tests:
- categories:
- quick view: implement change log tab (0a1b308c)
- quickview: Use listing data instead of fake data (f02cda10)
- routing: redirect to home when logo image is clicked (429c63e9)
- styled checkbox: Adding css for styled checkboxes (5fc05644)
- Create Edit Listing:
- is the current user as the default listing owner (5a8d1989)
- cleaning up help element when a help property does not exist on the input elemen (b2adf0e2)
- Correcting help messages and descriptions for input fields (f4b4a480)
- fixing the console error that sometimes occurs when scrolling the page to the fi (fcf91a44)
- Fixing scrollTo behavior on form errors. Add proper help message for contact typ (512c2ae0)
- on validation failures the help messages is not properly highlighted on subobjec (356e6dd4)
- Correcting the position of the sub header and button group (eacf89ad)
- After a submit attempt fails due to validation errors, don't hide errors on chan (44451302)
- Listing Deletion: fixing delete confirmation box which was broken as part of refactoring Listing (7d0a0336)
- Detailed Listing View:
- Routing:
- Help: Implement help modal window (987534be)
- Unit Tests:
- Change log: OZF-459 Fixing review-edited change log text (3b2ec852)
- Detailed Listing View (previously Quick View) Admin:
- Correcting some mistakes made during merge (8fdf6ca9)
- The admin tab should not be visible by users that are not an admin or owner (fbe2c8f5)
- Cache: Refresh config cache after CUD on admin types (958ce666)
- Category: Deleting a category is causing a 404 error (d50da4c7)
- Change logs do not update when rejecting: Correcting a typo in the ListingAction.js (b48b0e56)
- Load error on main page: Upgrading tcomb-form library to 0.1.5 (b76d0ba4)
Error handling:
Marketplace Management:
Detailed Listing View (previously Quick View) Admin:
Stewards: Filter by ORG_STEWARD role (973c825c)
##0.1.0 (2014-11-1)
###Bug Fixes
- Create Edit: Fixing Create/Edit Form imports on Linux (c5516b10)
- Discovery: Fix store schemas to match the listing representation (02deb55d)
- My Listings:
- Create listing: Correct page title (9ba9fef3)
- CSS: When the number of listings does not fill the page a blank area is shown (82b5e6bb)
- Detailed Listing View (previously Quick View)
- REST: Update response parse function to work with HAL (4f90277e)
- Routing: Route to parent path when closing Detailed Listing View (previously Quick View) (651b00f4)
- Delete Confirmation: Generic DeleteConfirmation and ListingDeleteConfirmation (1e60e5fb)
- My Listings:
- OZF-339 More elegant filter impl (f35e25b4)
- OZF-342 View links (e16c0639)
- OZF-342 Fixing menu/filter state interaction (e048be5a)
- OZF-342 approvalStatus-sensitive menu options (4a73defe)
- OZF-332: Fixing My Listings loading (6c676919)
- OZF-341 Using Bootstrap styles for button (7b084530)
- OZF-341 Steward feedback functionality and styles (c6c1dcac)
- Feedback Modal (02e2655b)
- UX review changes (4bfc2c3d)
- OZF-340 Filter counts (4cfef3ac)
- OZF-340 Initial My Listings filters (3b1be052)
- Adjusting for long titles (583d8f15)
- OZF-339 My Listings list (c4437d43)
- Basic My Listings functionality and styling (11ae49f6)
- OZF-339 Fixing JSX syntax error (85cac7f1)
- OZF-339 My Listings Page initial work (9ea53e5f)
- Categories:
- Detailed Listing View (previously Quick View)
- Routing: Redirect to home when logo image is clicked (429c63e9)