diff --git a/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/__snapshots__/update-vite-config.spec.ts.snap b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/__snapshots__/update-vite-config.spec.ts.snap
index 95c9c90531171c..0493e2cfcbae14 100644
--- a/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/__snapshots__/update-vite-config.spec.ts.snap
+++ b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/__snapshots__/update-vite-config.spec.ts.snap
@@ -270,6 +270,75 @@ export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
+exports[`change-vite-ts-paths-plugin migration should correctly migrate the vite config within the file and not other object literals 1`] = `
+import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
+import dns from 'dns';
+import { PluginOption, defineConfig } from 'vite';
+import { nxViteTsPaths } from '@nx/vite/plugins/nx-tsconfig-paths.plugin';
+const BASE_HREF = '/app';
+ * Adds \` to the head of the index.html
+ * The reason why the \`base\` configuration property doesn't work is because it makes
+ * all assets served under \`/app\` of \`/\` and this impacts the download zip service worker
+ * We only want to the service worker to listen to events related to downloads, but not capture any other events
+ * and the only way to do this is make sure all assets are served from the root, but we still want our app path to be \`/app\`
+ *
+ * This mimics the same behavior we had with webpack before migrating to vite
+ */
+const baseHrefPlugin: () => PluginOption = () => {
+ return {
+ name: 'html-transform',
+ transformIndexHtml(html) {
+ return html.replace('
', \`\\n \`);
+ },
+ };
+export default defineConfig({
+ root: __dirname,
+ cacheDir: '../../node_modules/.vite/jetstream',
+ envPrefix: 'NX',
+ server: {
+ port: 4200,
+ host: 'localhost',
+ },
+ build: {
+ outDir: '../../dist/apps/demo',
+ reportCompressedSize: true,
+ commonjsOptions: { transformMixedEsModules: true }, // Put all assets at the root of the app instead of under /assets
+ assetsDir: './',
+ sourcemap: true,
+ rollupOptions: {
+ output: {
+ sourcemap: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ react({
+ jsxImportSource: '@emotion/react',
+ babel: {
+ plugins: ['@emotion/babel-plugin'],
+ },
+ }),
+ nxViteTsPaths(),
+ baseHrefPlugin(),
+ ],
+ worker: {
+ plugins: [nxViteTsPaths()],
+ },
exports[`change-vite-ts-paths-plugin migration should show warning to the user if could not recognize config 1`] = `
"// some invalid config
diff --git a/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/lib/vite-config-with-additional-js.fixture.ts b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/lib/vite-config-with-additional-js.fixture.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..3105b0b97870a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/lib/vite-config-with-additional-js.fixture.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+export const viteConfigFixture = `///
+import react from '@vitejs/plugin-react';
+import dns from 'dns';
+import { PluginOption, defineConfig } from 'vite';
+import { nxViteTsPaths } from '@nx/vite/plugins/nx-tsconfig-paths.plugin';
+const BASE_HREF = '/app';
+ * Adds \` to the head of the index.html
+ * The reason why the \`base\` configuration property doesn't work is because it makes
+ * all assets served under \`/app\` of \`/\` and this impacts the download zip service worker
+ * We only want to the service worker to listen to events related to downloads, but not capture any other events
+ * and the only way to do this is make sure all assets are served from the root, but we still want our app path to be \`/app\`
+ *
+ * This mimics the same behavior we had with webpack before migrating to vite
+ */
+const baseHrefPlugin: () => PluginOption = () => {
+ return {
+ name: 'html-transform',
+ transformIndexHtml(html) {
+ return html.replace('', \`\\n \`);
+ },
+ };
+export default defineConfig({
+ cacheDir: '../../node_modules/.vite/jetstream',
+ envPrefix: 'NX',
+ server: {
+ port: 4200,
+ host: 'localhost',
+ },
+ build: {
+ // Put all assets at the root of the app instead of under /assets
+ assetsDir: './',
+ sourcemap: true,
+ rollupOptions: {
+ output: {
+ sourcemap: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ plugins: [
+ react({
+ jsxImportSource: '@emotion/react',
+ babel: {
+ plugins: ['@emotion/babel-plugin'],
+ },
+ }),
+ nxViteTsPaths(),
+ baseHrefPlugin(),
+ ],
+ worker: {
+ plugins: [
+ nxViteTsPaths(),
+ ],
+ },
diff --git a/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.spec.ts b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.spec.ts
index d30297a49db98f..4ce0a6b89928ec 100644
--- a/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.spec.ts
+++ b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.spec.ts
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import {
} from '@nx/devkit';
import updateBuildDir from './update-vite-config';
+import { viteConfigFixture } from '@nx/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/lib/vite-config-with-additional-js.fixture';
describe('change-vite-ts-paths-plugin migration', () => {
let tree: Tree;
@@ -71,6 +72,16 @@ describe('change-vite-ts-paths-plugin migration', () => {
+ it('should correctly migrate the vite config within the file and not other object literals', async () => {
+ addProject1(tree, 'demo');
+ tree.write(`apps/demo/vite.config.ts`, viteConfigFixture);
+ // ACT
+ await updateBuildDir(tree);
+ expect(tree.read('apps/demo/vite.config.ts', 'utf-8')).toMatchSnapshot();
+ });
function addProject1(tree: Tree, name: string) {
diff --git a/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.ts b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.ts
index 13ffa53de0733d..e2ba23607d6abc 100644
--- a/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.ts
+++ b/packages/vite/src/migrations/update-17-2-0/update-vite-config.ts
@@ -61,16 +61,18 @@ export function getConfigNode(configFileContents: string): ts.Node | undefined {
let configNode = tsquery.query(
- `ObjectLiteralExpression`
+ `CallExpression:has(Identifier[name=defineConfig]) > ObjectLiteralExpression`
- const arrowFunctionReturnStatement = tsquery.query(
- configFileContents,
- `ArrowFunction Block ReturnStatement ObjectLiteralExpression`
- )?.[0];
+ if (!configNode) {
+ const arrowFunctionReturnStatement = tsquery.query(
+ configFileContents,
+ `ArrowFunction Block ReturnStatement ObjectLiteralExpression`
+ )?.[0];
- if (arrowFunctionReturnStatement) {
- configNode = arrowFunctionReturnStatement;
+ if (arrowFunctionReturnStatement) {
+ configNode = arrowFunctionReturnStatement;
+ }
return configNode;