GripLockIoT is a Disc Golf Scorecard application built for Android. The application is for Disc Golf Players to log in their scores while playing disc golf.
The aim is to build this into a fairly simplistic Disc Golf Scorecard application with all the essential functionalities.
Clone / Download the repository and open it using Android Studio.
1. Download the samples by cloning this repository or downloading an archived snapshot. (See the options at the top of the page.)
2. In Android Studio, create a new project and choose the "Import non-Android Studio project" or "Import Project" option.
3. Get your GMaps API key from
4. Add your API key to your app. (For information on getting an API key, see the documentation.)
The app is written entirely in Kotlin and uses the Gradle build system.
To build the app, use the gradlew build command or use "Import Project" in Android Studio. A canary or stable version >= 3.2 of Android Studio is required and may be downloaded here.
This app is built using:
- Android Architectural Components
- LiveData
- Room
- ViewModel
- Dependency Injection
- Koin
- Testing frameworks
- JUnit
- Espresso
- Roboelectric
- Mockito
- Utility
- LiveEvent (
Instrumentation tests are located under the "androidTest" folder. Run by right-clicking the folder and execute tests. Unit tests are located under the "test" folder. Run by right-clicking the folder and execute tests.
- *Niklas Poussu - SulavaOperaattori
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This app is licenced under the GNU GPL v3 license.