From 225645420cf3d13bc0b0d591f7f7bf21a9c24e47 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Gar Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 10:21:00 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] chore: update to latest eslint and linting rules This brings us in line with the rest of the linting rules we are wanting to use on the npm cli repos. There were several hundred over-length lines and instead of editing them all by hand I piped the failing file through `prettier` and back through `eslint` just to save some time and energy. This means there may be some quirks in the linting those files have, but we can fix those if we see them and they bother us. Other than that there were about 50 lines that are legitimately over-length, all are now explicitly overridden. Many are tests that could be snapshots. PR-URL: Credit: @wraithgar Close: #3995 Reviewed-by: @lukekarrys --- .eslintrc.json | 213 +-- bin/npx-cli.js | 15 +- docs/dockhand.js | 73 +- index.js | 5 +- lib/auth/legacy.js | 15 +- lib/auth/sso.js | 12 +- lib/base-command.js | 30 +- lib/cli.js | 13 +- lib/commands/access.js | 38 +- lib/commands/adduser.js | 9 +- lib/commands/audit.js | 7 +- lib/commands/bin.js | 3 +- lib/commands/bugs.js | 15 +- lib/commands/cache.js | 45 +- lib/commands/completion.js | 49 +- lib/commands/config.js | 39 +- lib/commands/deprecate.js | 9 +- lib/commands/diff.js | 45 +- lib/commands/dist-tag.js | 42 +- lib/commands/docs.js | 9 +- lib/commands/doctor.js | 185 ++- lib/commands/edit.js | 9 +- lib/commands/exec.js | 9 +- lib/commands/explain.js | 33 +- lib/commands/explore.js | 12 +- lib/commands/fund.js | 70 +- lib/commands/help-search.js | 26 +- lib/commands/help.js | 23 +- lib/commands/hook.js | 34 +- lib/commands/init.js | 20 +- lib/commands/install.js | 30 +- lib/commands/link.js | 6 +- 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const removed = new Set([ const { definitions, shorthands } = require('../lib/utils/config/index.js') const npmSwitches = Object.entries(definitions) - .filter(([key, {type}]) => type === Boolean || + .filter(([key, { type }]) => type === Boolean || (Array.isArray(type) && type.includes(Boolean))) .map(([key]) => key) @@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ let i let sawRemovedFlags = false for (i = 3; i < process.argv.length; i++) { const arg = process.argv[i] - if (arg === '--') + if (arg === '--') { break - else if (/^-/.test(arg)) { + } else if (/^-/.test(arg)) { const [key, ...v] = arg.replace(/^-+/, '').split('=') switch (key) { @@ -87,8 +87,9 @@ for (i = 3; i < process.argv.length; i++) { // resolve shorthands and run again if (shorthands[key] && !removed.has(key)) { const a = [...shorthands[key]] - if (v.length) + if (v.length) { a.push(v.join('=')) + } process.argv.splice(i, 1, ...a) i-- continue @@ -109,8 +110,9 @@ for (i = 3; i < process.argv.length; i++) { if (removed.has(key)) { // also remove the value for the cut key. process.argv.splice(i + 1, 1) - } else + } else { i++ + } } } else { // found a positional arg, put -- in front of it, and we're done @@ -119,7 +121,8 @@ for (i = 3; i < process.argv.length; i++) { } } -if (sawRemovedFlags) +if (sawRemovedFlags) { console.error('See `npm help exec` for more information') +} cli(process) diff --git a/docs/dockhand.js b/docs/dockhand.js index 77a20f7de1357..e2b9111ed4341 100644 --- a/docs/dockhand.js +++ b/docs/dockhand.js @@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ const run = async function () { const navPaths = await getNavigationPaths() const fsPaths = await renderFilesystemPaths() - if (!ensureNavigationComplete(navPaths, fsPaths)) + if (!ensureNavigationComplete(navPaths, fsPaths)) { process.exit(1) + } } catch (error) { console.error(error) } @@ -32,19 +33,21 @@ const run = async function () { run() function ensureNavigationComplete (navPaths, fsPaths) { - const unmatchedNav = { }; const unmatchedFs = { } + const unmatchedNav = {} + const unmatchedFs = {} - for (const navPath of navPaths) + for (const navPath of navPaths) { unmatchedNav[navPath] = true + } for (let fsPath of fsPaths) { fsPath = '/' + fsPath.replace(/\.md$/, '') - if (unmatchedNav[fsPath]) + if (unmatchedNav[fsPath]) { delete unmatchedNav[fsPath] - - else + } else { unmatchedFs[fsPath] = true + } } const missingNav = Object.keys(unmatchedNav).sort() @@ -56,15 +59,17 @@ function ensureNavigationComplete (navPaths, fsPaths) { if (missingNav.length > 0) { message += '\nThe following path(s) exist on disk but are not present in nav.yml:\n\n' - for (const nav of missingNav) + for (const nav of missingNav) { message += ` ${nav}\n` + } } if (missingNav.length > 0 && missingFs.length > 0) { message += '\nThe following path(s) exist in nav.yml but are not present on disk:\n\n' - for (const fs of missingFs) + for (const fs of missingFs) { message += ` ${fs}\n` + } } message += '\nUpdate nav.yml to ensure that all files are listed in the appropriate place.' @@ -88,11 +93,11 @@ function walkNavigation (entries) { const paths = [] for (const entry of entries) { - if (entry.children) + if (entry.children) { paths.push(...walkNavigation(entry.children)) - - else + } else { paths.push(entry.url) + } } return paths @@ -109,15 +114,12 @@ async function walkFilesystem (root, dirRelative) { const children = fs.readdirSync(dirPath) for (const childFilename of children) { - const childRelative = dirRelative ? - path.join(dirRelative, childFilename) : - childFilename + const childRelative = dirRelative ? path.join(dirRelative, childFilename) : childFilename const childPath = path.join(root, childRelative) - if (fs.lstatSync(childPath).isDirectory()) - paths.push(...await walkFilesystem(root, childRelative)) - - else { + if (fs.lstatSync(childPath).isDirectory()) { + paths.push(...(await walkFilesystem(root, childRelative))) + } else { await renderFile(childRelative) paths.push(childRelative) } @@ -137,7 +139,7 @@ async function renderFile (childPath) { const outputPath = path.join(outputRoot, childPath.replace(/\.md$/, '.html')) let md = fs.readFileSync(inputPath).toString() - let frontmatter = { } + let frontmatter = {} // Take the leading frontmatter out of the markdown md = md.replace(/^---\n([\s\S]+)\n---\n/, (header, fm) => { @@ -222,8 +224,9 @@ async function renderFile (childPath) { url = url.replace(/^\//, prefix) - if (linktype.suffix) + if (linktype.suffix) { url += linktype.suffix + } tag.setAttribute(linktype.attr, url) } @@ -238,12 +241,16 @@ async function renderFile (childPath) { continue } - const headerText = header.textContent.replace(/[A-Z]/g, x => x.toLowerCase()).replace(/ /g, '-').replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, '') + const headerText = header.textContent + .replace(/[A-Z]/g, x => x.toLowerCase()) + .replace(/ /g, '-') + .replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/g, '') let headerId = headerText let headerIncrement = 1 - while (document.getElementById(headerId) !== null) - headerId = headerText + (++headerIncrement) + while (document.getElementById(headerId) !== null) { + headerId = headerText + ++headerIncrement + } headerIds.push(headerId) header.setAttribute('id', headerId) @@ -252,8 +259,9 @@ async function renderFile (childPath) { // Walk the dom and build a table of contents const toc = document.getElementById('_table_of_contents') - if (toc) + if (toc) { toc.appendChild(generateTableOfContents(document)) + } // Write the final output const output = dom.serialize() @@ -272,21 +280,17 @@ function generateTableOfContents (document) { for (const header of headers) { const level = headerLevel(header) - while ( - hierarchy.length && - hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1].headerLevel > level - ) + while (hierarchy.length && hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1].headerLevel > level) { hierarchy.pop() + } - if ( - !hierarchy.length || - hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1].headerLevel < level - ) { + if (!hierarchy.length || hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1].headerLevel < level) { const newList = document.createElement('ul') newList.headerLevel = level - if (hierarchy.length) + if (hierarchy.length) { hierarchy[hierarchy.length - 1].appendChild(newList) + } hierarchy.push(newList) } @@ -307,8 +311,9 @@ function generateTableOfContents (document) { function walkHeaders (element, headers) { for (const child of element.childNodes) { - if (headerLevel(child)) + if (headerLevel(child)) { headers.push(child) + } walkHeaders(child, headers) } diff --git a/index.js b/index.js index 570df352b9d4b..5447643e04b66 100644 --- a/index.js +++ b/index.js @@ -1,4 +1,5 @@ -if (require.main === module) +if (require.main === module) { require('./lib/cli.js')(process) -else +} else { throw new Error('The programmatic API was removed in npm v8.0.0') +} diff --git a/lib/auth/legacy.js b/lib/auth/legacy.js index 8659446dc4c02..2da82e361db40 100644 --- a/lib/auth/legacy.js +++ b/lib/auth/legacy.js @@ -40,10 +40,11 @@ const login = async (npm, opts) => { opts ) } catch (err) { - if (err.code === 'EOTP') + if (err.code === 'EOTP') { newUser = await requestOTP() - else + } else { throw err + } } return newUser @@ -58,20 +59,20 @@ const login = async (npm, opts) => { opts.creds.username && opts.creds.password && - if (err.code === 'EOTP') + if (err.code === 'EOTP') { res = await requestOTP() - else if (needsMoreInfo) + } else if (needsMoreInfo) { throw err - else { + } else { // TODO: maybe this needs to check for err.code === 'E400' instead? res = await addNewUser() } } const newCreds = {} - if (res && res.token) + if (res && res.token) { newCreds.token = res.token - else { + } else { newCreds.username = opts.creds.username newCreds.password = opts.creds.password = diff --git a/lib/auth/sso.js b/lib/auth/sso.js index 56cff3c06e292..6fcfc30e5d3a8 100644 --- a/lib/auth/sso.js +++ b/lib/auth/sso.js @@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ const pollForSession = ({ registry, token, opts }) => { return sleep(opts.ssoPollFrequency).then(() => { return pollForSession({ registry, token, opts }) }) - } else + } else { throw err + } } ) } @@ -41,8 +42,9 @@ const login = async (npm, { creds, registry, scope }) => { const opts = { ...npm.flatOptions, creds, registry, scope } const { ssoType } = opts - if (!ssoType) + if (!ssoType) { throw new Error('Missing option: sso-type') + } // We're reusing the legacy login endpoint, so we need some dummy // stuff here to pass validation. They're never used. @@ -57,10 +59,12 @@ const login = async (npm, { creds, registry, scope }) => { opts => profile.loginCouch(auth.username, auth.password, opts) ) - if (!token) + if (!token) { throw new Error('no SSO token returned') - if (!sso) + } + if (!sso) { throw new Error('no SSO URL returned by services') + } await openUrl(npm, sso, 'to complete your login please visit') diff --git a/lib/base-command.js b/lib/base-command.js index c5fce6fd8d0bd..ad261b5148bd2 100644 --- a/lib/base-command.js +++ b/lib/base-command.js @@ -19,17 +19,22 @@ class BaseCommand { get usage () { let usage = `npm ${}\n\n` - if (this.constructor.description) + if (this.constructor.description) { usage = `${usage}${this.constructor.description}\n\n` + } usage = `${usage}Usage:\n` - if (!this.constructor.usage) + if (!this.constructor.usage) { usage = `${usage}npm ${}` - else - usage = `${usage}${ => `npm ${} ${u}`).join('\n')}` + } else { + usage = `${usage}${this.constructor.usage + .map(u => `npm ${} ${u}`) + .join('\n')}` + } - if (this.constructor.params) + if (this.constructor.params) { usage = `${usage}\n\nOptions:\n${this.wrappedParams}` + } // Mostly this just appends aliases, this could be more clear usage = usageUtil(, usage) @@ -43,7 +48,7 @@ class BaseCommand { for (const param of this.constructor.params) { const usage = `[${ConfigDefinitions[param].usage}]` - if (line.length && (line.length + usage.length) > this.wrapWidth) { + if (line.length && line.length + usage.length > this.wrapWidth) { results = [results, line].filter(Boolean).join('\n') line = '' } @@ -54,23 +59,24 @@ class BaseCommand { } usageError (prefix = '') { - if (prefix) + if (prefix) { prefix += '\n\n' + } return Object.assign(new Error(`\nUsage: ${prefix}${this.usage}`), { code: 'EUSAGE', }) } async execWorkspaces (args, filters) { - throw Object.assign( - new Error('This command does not support workspaces.'), - { code: 'ENOWORKSPACES' } - ) + throw Object.assign(new Error('This command does not support workspaces.'), { + code: 'ENOWORKSPACES', + }) } async setWorkspaces (filters) { - if (this.isArboristCmd) + if (this.isArboristCmd) { this.includeWorkspaceRoot = false + } const ws = await getWorkspaces(filters, { path: this.npm.localPrefix, diff --git a/lib/cli.js b/lib/cli.js index 0e6301517f445..9dcd9d04d2ff2 100644 --- a/lib/cli.js +++ b/lib/cli.js @@ -1,13 +1,10 @@ // Separated out for easier unit testing -module.exports = async (process) => { +module.exports = async process => { // set it here so that regardless of what happens later, we don't // leak any private CLI configs to other programs process.title = 'npm' - const { - checkForBrokenNode, - checkForUnsupportedNode, - } = require('../lib/utils/unsupported.js') + const { checkForBrokenNode, checkForUnsupportedNode } = require('../lib/utils/unsupported.js') checkForBrokenNode() @@ -25,8 +22,9 @@ module.exports = async (process) => { // if npm is called as "npmg" or "npm_g", then // run in global mode. - if (process.argv[1][process.argv[1].length - 1] === 'g') + if (process.argv[1][process.argv[1].length - 1] === 'g') { process.argv.splice(1, 1, 'npm', '-g') + } const replaceInfo = require('../lib/utils/replace-info.js') log.verbose('cli', replaceInfo(process.argv)) @@ -70,7 +68,8 @@ module.exports = async (process) => { if (err.code === 'EUNKNOWNCOMMAND') { const didYouMean = require('./utils/did-you-mean.js') const suggestions = await didYouMean(npm, npm.localPrefix, cmd) - npm.output(`Unknown command: "${cmd}"${suggestions}\n\nTo see a list of supported npm commands, run:\n npm help`) + npm.output(`Unknown command: "${cmd}"${suggestions}\n`) + npm.output('To see a list of supported npm commands, run:\n npm help') process.exitCode = 1 return exitHandler() } diff --git a/lib/commands/access.js b/lib/commands/access.js index 15e51a450aa2a..df783c35fe0f7 100644 --- a/lib/commands/access.js +++ b/lib/commands/access.js @@ -52,15 +52,17 @@ class Access extends BaseCommand { async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return subcommands + } switch (argv[2]) { case 'grant': - if (argv.length === 3) + if (argv.length === 3) { return ['read-only', 'read-write'] - else + } else { return [] + } case 'public': case 'restricted': @@ -77,11 +79,13 @@ class Access extends BaseCommand { } async exec ([cmd, ...args]) { - if (!cmd) + if (!cmd) { throw this.usageError('Subcommand is required.') + } - if (!subcommands.includes(cmd) || !this[cmd]) + if (!subcommands.includes(cmd) || !this[cmd]) { throw this.usageError(`${cmd} is not a recognized subcommand.`) + } return this[cmd](args, this.npm.flatOptions) } @@ -95,11 +99,13 @@ class Access extends BaseCommand { } async grant ([perms, scopeteam, pkg], opts) { - if (!perms || (perms !== 'read-only' && perms !== 'read-write')) + if (!perms || (perms !== 'read-only' && perms !== 'read-write')) { throw this.usageError('First argument must be either `read-only` or `read-write`.') + } - if (!scopeteam) + if (!scopeteam) { throw this.usageError('`` argument is required.') + } const [, scope, team] = scopeteam.match(/^@?([^:]+):(.*)$/) || [] @@ -115,8 +121,9 @@ class Access extends BaseCommand { } async revoke ([scopeteam, pkg], opts) { - if (!scopeteam) + if (!scopeteam) { throw this.usageError('`` argument is required.') + } const [, scope, team] = scopeteam.match(/^@?([^:]+):(.*)$/) || [] @@ -152,8 +159,9 @@ class Access extends BaseCommand { } async lsPackages ([owner], opts) { - if (!owner) + if (!owner) { owner = await getIdentity(this.npm, opts) + } const pkgs = await libaccess.lsPackages(owner, opts) @@ -183,9 +191,9 @@ class Access extends BaseCommand { } async getPackage (name, requireScope) { - if (name && name.trim()) + if (name && name.trim()) { return name.trim() - else { + } else { try { const pkg = await readPackageJson(path.resolve(this.npm.prefix, 'package.json')) name = @@ -194,14 +202,16 @@ class Access extends BaseCommand { throw new Error( 'no package name passed to command and no package.json found' ) - } else + } else { throw err + } } - if (requireScope && !name.match(/^@[^/]+\/.*$/)) + if (requireScope && !name.match(/^@[^/]+\/.*$/)) { throw this.usageError('This command is only available for scoped packages.') - else + } else { return name + } } } } diff --git a/lib/commands/adduser.js b/lib/commands/adduser.js index 6136eb726fa7e..aa3d8a336a51b 100644 --- a/lib/commands/adduser.js +++ b/lib/commands/adduser.js @@ -54,8 +54,9 @@ class AddUser extends BaseCommand { if (scope) { const scopedRegistry = this.npm.config.get(`${scope}:registry`) const cliRegistry = this.npm.config.get('registry', 'cli') - if (scopedRegistry && !cliRegistry) + if (scopedRegistry && !cliRegistry) { return scopedRegistry + } } return registry } @@ -63,8 +64,9 @@ class AddUser extends BaseCommand { getAuthType ({ authType }) { const type = authTypes[authType] - if (!type) + if (!type) { throw new Error('no such auth module') + } return type } @@ -72,8 +74,9 @@ class AddUser extends BaseCommand { async updateConfig ({ newCreds, registry, scope }) { this.npm.config.delete('_token', 'user') // prevent legacy pollution this.npm.config.setCredentialsByURI(registry, newCreds) - if (scope) + if (scope) { this.npm.config.set(scope + ':registry', registry, 'user') + } await'user') } } diff --git a/lib/commands/audit.js b/lib/commands/audit.js index d05633ab0fe09..ebc9f65c58e1f 100644 --- a/lib/commands/audit.js +++ b/lib/commands/audit.js @@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ class Audit extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return ['fix'] + } switch (argv[2]) { case 'fix': @@ -60,9 +61,9 @@ class Audit extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { const arb = new Arborist(opts) const fix = args[0] === 'fix' await arb.audit({ fix }) - if (fix) + if (fix) { await reifyFinish(this.npm, arb) - else { + } else { // will throw if there's an error, because this is an audit command auditError(this.npm, arb.auditReport) const result = auditReport(arb.auditReport, opts) diff --git a/lib/commands/bin.js b/lib/commands/bin.js index 9a894f3bb58f3..68559e4133e90 100644 --- a/lib/commands/bin.js +++ b/lib/commands/bin.js @@ -17,8 +17,9 @@ class Bin extends BaseCommand { async exec (args) { const b = this.npm.bin this.npm.output(b) - if (this.npm.config.get('global') && !envPath.includes(b)) + if (this.npm.config.get('global') && !envPath.includes(b)) { console.error('(not in PATH env variable)') + } } } module.exports = Bin diff --git a/lib/commands/bugs.js b/lib/commands/bugs.js index 863a7ffeca56b..ecf50f32e35f9 100644 --- a/lib/commands/bugs.js +++ b/lib/commands/bugs.js @@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ class Bugs extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (!args || !args.length) + if (!args || !args.length) { args = ['.'] + } await Promise.all( => this.getBugs(pkg))) } @@ -39,20 +40,24 @@ class Bugs extends BaseCommand { getBugsUrl (mani) { if (mani.bugs) { - if (typeof mani.bugs === 'string') + if (typeof mani.bugs === 'string') { return mani.bugs + } - if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && mani.bugs.url) + if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && mani.bugs.url) { return mani.bugs.url + } - if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && + if (typeof mani.bugs === 'object' && { return `mailto:${}` + } } // try to get it from the repo, if possible const info = hostedFromMani(mani) - if (info) + if (info) { return info.bugs() + } // just send them to the website, hopefully that has some info! return `${}` diff --git a/lib/commands/cache.js b/lib/commands/cache.js index b4a932d1bec03..9a089c562e162 100644 --- a/lib/commands/cache.js +++ b/lib/commands/cache.js @@ -12,8 +12,10 @@ const localeCompare = require('@isaacs/string-locale-compare')('en') const searchCachePackage = async (path, spec, cacheKeys) => { const parsed = npa(spec) - if (parsed.rawSpec !== '' && parsed.type === 'tag') + if (parsed.rawSpec !== '' && parsed.type === 'tag') { throw new Error(`Cannot list cache keys for a tagged package.`) + } + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ const searchMFH = new RegExp(`^make-fetch-happen:request-cache:.*(? { const noExt = filename.slice(0, -4) const noScope = `${'/').pop()}-` const ver = noExt.slice(noScope.length) - if (semver.satisfies(ver, parsed.rawSpec)) + if (semver.satisfies(ver, parsed.rawSpec)) { results.add(key) + } continue } // is this key a packument? - if (!searchPack.test(key)) + if (!searchPack.test(key)) { continue + } results.add(key) let packument, details @@ -43,16 +47,19 @@ const searchCachePackage = async (path, spec, cacheKeys) => { // if we couldn't parse the packument, abort continue } - if (!packument.versions || typeof packument.versions !== 'object') + if (!packument.versions || typeof packument.versions !== 'object') { continue + } // assuming this is a packument for (const ver of Object.keys(packument.versions)) { if (semver.satisfies(ver, parsed.rawSpec)) { - if (packument.versions[ver].dist - && typeof packument.versions[ver].dist === 'object' - && packument.versions[ver].dist.tarball !== undefined - && cacheKeys.has(`make-fetch-happen:request-cache:${packument.versions[ver].dist.tarball}`)) + if (packument.versions[ver].dist && + typeof packument.versions[ver].dist === 'object' && + packument.versions[ver].dist.tarball !== undefined && + cacheKeys.has(`make-fetch-happen:request-cache:${packument.versions[ver].dist.tarball}`) + ) { results.add(`make-fetch-happen:request-cache:${packument.versions[ver].dist.tarball}`) + } } } } @@ -90,8 +97,9 @@ class Cache extends BaseCommand { async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return ['add', 'clean', 'verify', 'ls', 'delete'] + } // TODO - eventually... switch (argv[2]) { @@ -162,8 +170,9 @@ class Cache extends BaseCommand { // npm cache add ... async add (args) { log.silly('cache add', 'args', args) - if (args.length === 0) + if (args.length === 0) { throw this.usageError('First argument to `add` is required') + } return Promise.all( => { log.silly('cache add', 'spec', spec) @@ -185,9 +194,16 @@ class Cache extends BaseCommand { const stats = await cacache.verify(cache) this.npm.output(`Cache verified and compressed (${prefix})`) this.npm.output(`Content verified: ${stats.verifiedContent} (${stats.keptSize} bytes)`) - stats.badContentCount && this.npm.output(`Corrupted content removed: ${stats.badContentCount}`) - stats.reclaimedCount && this.npm.output(`Content garbage-collected: ${stats.reclaimedCount} (${stats.reclaimedSize} bytes)`) - stats.missingContent && this.npm.output(`Missing content: ${stats.missingContent}`) + if (stats.badContentCount) { + this.npm.output(`Corrupted content removed: ${stats.badContentCount}`) + } + if (stats.reclaimedCount) { + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + this.npm.output(`Content garbage-collected: ${stats.reclaimedCount} (${stats.reclaimedSize} bytes)`) + } + if (stats.missingContent) { + this.npm.output(`Missing content: ${stats.missingContent}`) + } this.npm.output(`Index entries: ${stats.totalEntries}`) this.npm.output(`Finished in ${ / 1000}s`) } @@ -201,8 +217,9 @@ class Cache extends BaseCommand { const results = new Set() for (const spec of specs) { const keySet = await searchCachePackage(cachePath, spec, cacheKeys) - for (const key of keySet) + for (const key of keySet) { results.add(key) + } } [...results].sort(localeCompare).forEach(key => this.npm.output(key)) return diff --git a/lib/commands/completion.js b/lib/commands/completion.js index fbbde0df70ea7..bce6c3619ccc4 100644 --- a/lib/commands/completion.js +++ b/lib/commands/completion.js @@ -57,8 +57,9 @@ class Completion extends BaseCommand { // completion for the completion command async completion (opts) { - if (opts.w > 2) + if (opts.w > 2) { return + } const { resolve } = require('path') const [bashExists, zshExists] = await Promise.all([ @@ -66,11 +67,13 @@ class Completion extends BaseCommand { fileExists(resolve(process.env.HOME, '.zshrc')), ]) const out = [] - if (zshExists) + if (zshExists) { out.push(['>>', '~/.zshrc']) + } - if (bashExists) + if (bashExists) { out.push(['>>', '~/.bashrc']) + } return out } @@ -88,8 +91,9 @@ class Completion extends BaseCommand { // if the COMP_* isn't in the env, then just dump the script. if (COMP_CWORD === undefined || COMP_LINE === undefined || - COMP_POINT === undefined) + COMP_POINT === undefined) { return dumpScript() + } // ok we're actually looking at the envs and outputting the suggestions // get the partial line and partial word, @@ -106,8 +110,9 @@ class Completion extends BaseCommand { // figure out where in that last word the point is. const partialWordRaw = args[w] let i = partialWordRaw.length - while (partialWordRaw.substr(0, i) !== partialLine.substr(-1 * i) && i > 0) + while (partialWordRaw.substr(0, i) !== partialLine.substr(-1 * i) && i > 0) { i-- + } const partialWord = unescape(partialWordRaw.substr(0, i)) partialWords.push(partialWord) @@ -126,8 +131,9 @@ class Completion extends BaseCommand { } if (partialWords.slice(0, -1).indexOf('--') === -1) { - if (word.charAt(0) === '-') + if (word.charAt(0) === '-') { return this.wrap(opts, configCompl(opts)) + } if (words[w - 1] && words[w - 1].charAt(0) === '-' && @@ -151,8 +157,9 @@ class Completion extends BaseCommand { nopt(types, shorthands, partialWords.slice(0, -1), 0) // check if there's a command already. const cmd = parsed.argv.remain[1] - if (!cmd) + if (!cmd) { return this.wrap(opts, cmdCompl(opts)) + } Object.keys(parsed).forEach(k => this.npm.config.set(k, parsed[k])) @@ -173,17 +180,20 @@ class Completion extends BaseCommand { // Ie, returning ['a', 'b c', ['d', 'e']] would allow it to expand // to: 'a', 'b c', or 'd' 'e' wrap (opts, compls) { - if (!Array.isArray(compls)) + if (!Array.isArray(compls)) { compls = compls ? [compls] : [] + } compls = => Array.isArray(c) ?' ') : escape(c)) - if (opts.partialWord) + if (opts.partialWord) { compls = compls.filter(c => c.startsWith(opts.partialWord)) + } - if (compls.length > 0) + if (compls.length > 0) { this.npm.output(compls.join('\n')) + } } } @@ -197,8 +207,9 @@ const dumpScript = async () => { await new Promise((res, rej) => { let done = false process.stdout.on('error', er => { - if (done) + if (done) { return + } done = true @@ -214,15 +225,17 @@ const dumpScript = async () => { // can never ever work on OS X. // TODO Ignoring coverage, see 'non EPIPE errors cause failures' test. /* istanbul ignore next */ - if (er.errno === 'EPIPE') + if (er.errno === 'EPIPE') { res() - else + } else { rej(er) + } }) process.stdout.write(d, () => { - if (done) + if (done) { return + } done = true res() @@ -258,7 +271,7 @@ const isFlag = word => { const split = word.match(/^(-*)((?:no-)+)?(.*)$/) const no = split[2] const conf = split[3] - const {type} = definitions[conf] + const { type } = definitions[conf] return no || type === Boolean || (Array.isArray(type) && type.includes(Boolean)) || @@ -269,12 +282,14 @@ const isFlag = word => { // if they all resolve to the same thing, just return the thing it already is const cmdCompl = opts => { const matches = fullList.filter(c => c.startsWith(opts.partialWord)) - if (!matches.length) + if (!matches.length) { return matches + } const derefs = new Set([ => deref(c))]) - if (derefs.size === 1) + if (derefs.size === 1) { return [...derefs] + } return fullList } diff --git a/lib/commands/config.js b/lib/commands/config.js index fc482edb6a688..0e92f6f3e50ba 100644 --- a/lib/commands/config.js +++ b/lib/commands/config.js @@ -64,13 +64,15 @@ class Config extends BaseCommand { async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (argv[1] !== 'config') + if (argv[1] !== 'config') { argv.unshift('config') + } if (argv.length === 2) { const cmds = ['get', 'set', 'delete', 'ls', 'rm', 'edit'] - if (opts.partialWord !== 'l') + if (opts.partialWord !== 'l') { cmds.push('list') + } return cmds } @@ -79,8 +81,9 @@ class Config extends BaseCommand { switch (action) { case 'set': // todo: complete with valid values, if possible. - if (argv.length > 3) + if (argv.length > 3) { return [] + } // fallthrough /* eslint no-fallthrough:0 */ @@ -132,28 +135,32 @@ class Config extends BaseCommand { } async set (args) { - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { throw this.usageError() + } const where = this.npm.flatOptions.location for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(keyValues(args))) {'config', 'set %j %j', key, val) this.npm.config.set(key, val || '', where) - if (!this.npm.config.validate(where)) + if (!this.npm.config.validate(where)) { this.npm.log.warn('config', 'omitting invalid config values') + } } await } async get (keys) { - if (!keys.length) + if (!keys.length) { return this.list() + } const out = [] for (const key of keys) { - if (!publicVar(key)) + if (!publicVar(key)) { throw `The ${key} option is protected, and cannot be retrieved in this way` + } const pref = keys.length > 1 ? `${key}=` : '' out.push(pref + this.npm.config.get(key)) @@ -162,12 +169,14 @@ class Config extends BaseCommand { } async del (keys) { - if (!keys.length) + if (!keys.length) { throw this.usageError() + } const where = this.npm.flatOptions.location - for (const key of keys) + for (const key of keys) { this.npm.config.delete(key, where) + } await } @@ -220,8 +229,9 @@ ${defData} const [bin, ...args] = e.split(/\s+/) const editor = spawn(bin, [...args, file], { stdio: 'inherit' }) editor.on('exit', (code) => { - if (code) + if (code) { return reject(new Error(`editor process exited with code: ${code}`)) + } return resolve() }) }) @@ -232,12 +242,14 @@ ${defData} // long does not have a flattener const long = this.npm.config.get('long') for (const [where, { data, source }] of { - if (where === 'default' && !long) + if (where === 'default' && !long) { continue + } const keys = Object.keys(data).sort(localeCompare) - if (!keys.length) + if (!keys.length) { continue + } msg.push(`; "${where}" config from ${source}`, '') for (const k of keys) { @@ -265,8 +277,9 @@ ${defData} async listJson () { const publicConf = {} for (const key in this.npm.config.list[0]) { - if (!publicVar(key)) + if (!publicVar(key)) { continue + } publicConf[key] = this.npm.config.get(key) } diff --git a/lib/commands/deprecate.js b/lib/commands/deprecate.js index 37b9d2dc27b66..1e33b98bf312f 100644 --- a/lib/commands/deprecate.js +++ b/lib/commands/deprecate.js @@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ class Deprecate extends BaseCommand { } async completion (opts) { - if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 1) + if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 1) { return [] + } const username = await getIdentity(this.npm, this.npm.flatOptions) const packages = await libaccess.lsPackages(username, this.npm.flatOptions) @@ -44,8 +45,9 @@ class Deprecate extends BaseCommand { async exec ([pkg, msg]) { // msg == null because '' is a valid value, it indicates undeprecate - if (!pkg || msg == null) + if (!pkg || msg == null) { throw this.usageError() + } // fetch the data and make sure it exists. const p = npa(pkg) @@ -53,8 +55,9 @@ class Deprecate extends BaseCommand { // "*" is the appropriate default. const spec = p.rawSpec === '' ? '*' : p.fetchSpec - if (semver.validRange(spec, true) === null) + if (semver.validRange(spec, true) === null) { throw new Error(`invalid version range: ${spec}`) + } const uri = '/' + p.escapedName const packument = await fetch.json(uri, { diff --git a/lib/commands/diff.js b/lib/commands/diff.js index 67d0d15058534..f6e2cce8b70e9 100644 --- a/lib/commands/diff.js +++ b/lib/commands/diff.js @@ -49,22 +49,25 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { async exec (args) { const specs = this.npm.config.get('diff').filter(d => d) - if (specs.length > 2) + if (specs.length > 2) { throw this.usageError(`Can't use more than two --diff arguments.`) + } // execWorkspaces may have set this already - if (!this.prefix) + if (!this.prefix) { this.prefix = this.npm.prefix + } // this is the "top" directory, one up from node_modules // in global mode we have to walk one up from globalDir because our // node_modules is sometimes under ./lib, and in global mode we're only ever // walking through node_modules (because we will have been given a package // name already) - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { = resolve(this.npm.globalDir, '..') - else + } else { = this.prefix + } const [a, b] = await this.retrieveSpecs(specs)'diff', { src: a, dst: b }) @@ -96,8 +99,9 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { npmlog.verbose('diff', 'could not read project dir package.json') } - if (!name) + if (!name) { throw this.usageError('Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir.') + } return name } @@ -129,14 +133,16 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { noPackageJson = true } - const missingPackageJson = this.usageError('Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir.') + const missingPackageJson = + this.usageError('Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir.') // using a valid semver range, that means it should just diff // the cwd against a published version to the registry using the // same project name and the provided semver range if (semver.validRange(a)) { - if (!pkgName) + if (!pkgName) { throw missingPackageJson + } return [ `${pkgName}@${a}`, `file:${this.prefix}`, @@ -165,8 +171,9 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { } if (!node || ! || !node.package || !node.package.version) { - if (noPackageJson) + if (noPackageJson) { throw missingPackageJson + } return [ `${}@${spec.fetchSpec}`, `file:${this.prefix}`, @@ -177,8 +184,9 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { (actualTree && actualTree.edgesOut.get( || {}).spec const tryAnySpec = () => { - for (const edge of node.edgesIn) + for (const edge of node.edgesIn) { return edge.spec + } } const aSpec = `file:${node.realpath}` @@ -188,9 +196,9 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { // work from the top of the arborist tree to find the original semver // range declared in the package that depends on the package. let bSpec - if (spec.rawSpec) + if (spec.rawSpec) { bSpec = spec.rawSpec - else { + } else { const bTargetVersion = tryRootNodeSpec() || tryAnySpec() @@ -217,8 +225,9 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { `file:${spec.fetchSpec}`, `file:${this.prefix}`, ] - } else + } else { throw this.usageError(`Spec type ${spec.type} not supported.`) + } } async convertVersionsToSpecs ([a, b]) { @@ -234,19 +243,22 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { npmlog.verbose('diff', 'could not read project dir package.json') } - if (!pkgName) + if (!pkgName) { throw this.usageError('Needs to be run from a project dir in order to diff two versions.') + } return [`${pkgName}@${a}`, `${pkgName}@${b}`] } // otherwise uses the name from the other arg to // figure out the of what to compare - if (!semverA && semverB) + if (!semverA && semverB) { return [a, `${npa(a).name}@${b}`] + } - if (semverA && !semverB) + if (semverA && !semverB) { return [`${npa(b).name}@${a}`, b] + } // no valid semver ranges used return [a, b] @@ -267,8 +279,9 @@ class Diff extends BaseCommand { return => { const spec = npa(i) - if (spec.rawSpec) + if (spec.rawSpec) { return i + } const node = actualTree && actualTree.inventory.query('name', diff --git a/lib/commands/dist-tag.js b/lib/commands/dist-tag.js index b7baa3d463e5d..9c938851afd83 100644 --- a/lib/commands/dist-tag.js +++ b/lib/commands/dist-tag.js @@ -33,8 +33,9 @@ class DistTag extends BaseCommand { async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return ['add', 'rm', 'ls'] + } switch (argv[2]) { default: @@ -45,21 +46,25 @@ class DistTag extends BaseCommand { async exec ([cmdName, pkg, tag]) { const opts = this.npm.flatOptions - if (['add', 'a', 'set', 's'].includes(cmdName)) + if (['add', 'a', 'set', 's'].includes(cmdName)) { return this.add(pkg, tag, opts) + } - if (['rm', 'r', 'del', 'd', 'remove'].includes(cmdName)) + if (['rm', 'r', 'del', 'd', 'remove'].includes(cmdName)) { return this.remove(pkg, tag, opts) + } - if (['ls', 'l', 'sl', 'list'].includes(cmdName)) + if (['ls', 'l', 'sl', 'list'].includes(cmdName)) { return this.list(pkg, opts) + } if (!pkg) { // when only using the pkg name the default behavior // should be listing the existing tags return this.list(cmdName, opts) - } else + } else { throw this.usageError() + } } async execWorkspaces ([cmdName, pkg, tag], filters) { @@ -68,16 +73,18 @@ class DistTag extends BaseCommand { // - unset // - . // - .@version - if (['ls', 'l', 'sl', 'list'].includes(cmdName) && (!pkg || pkg === '.' || /^\.@/.test(pkg))) + if (['ls', 'l', 'sl', 'list'].includes(cmdName) && (!pkg || pkg === '.' || /^\.@/.test(pkg))) { return this.listWorkspaces(filters) + } // pkg is unset // cmdName is one of: // - unset // - . // - .@version - if (!pkg && (!cmdName || cmdName === '.' || /^\.@/.test(cmdName))) + if (!pkg && (!cmdName || cmdName === '.' || /^\.@/.test(cmdName))) { return this.listWorkspaces(filters) + } // anything else is just a regular dist-tag command // so we fallback to the non-workspaces implementation @@ -92,13 +99,15 @@ class DistTag extends BaseCommand { log.verbose('dist-tag add', defaultTag, 'to', + '@' + version) - if (! || !version || !defaultTag) + if (! || !version || !defaultTag) { throw this.usageError() + } const t = defaultTag.trim() - if (semver.validRange(t)) + if (semver.validRange(t)) { throw new Error('Tag name must not be a valid SemVer range: ' + t) + } const tags = await this.fetchTags(spec, opts) if (tags[t] === version) { @@ -125,8 +134,9 @@ class DistTag extends BaseCommand { spec = npa(spec || '') log.verbose('dist-tag del', tag, 'from', - if (! + if (! { throw this.usageError() + } const tags = await this.fetchTags(spec, opts) if (!tags[tag]) { @@ -148,11 +158,13 @@ class DistTag extends BaseCommand { async list (spec, opts) { if (!spec) { - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { throw this.usageError() + } const pkg = await readPackageName(this.npm.prefix) - if (!pkg) + if (!pkg) { throw this.usageError() + } return this.list(pkg, opts) } @@ -190,10 +202,12 @@ class DistTag extends BaseCommand { `/-/package/${spec.escapedName}/dist-tags`, { ...opts, 'prefer-online': true, spec } ) - if (data && typeof data === 'object') + if (data && typeof data === 'object') { delete data._etag - if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) + } + if (!data || !Object.keys(data).length) { throw new Error('No dist-tags found for ' + + } return data } diff --git a/lib/commands/docs.js b/lib/commands/docs.js index 4482678ea7f0c..e73528d180993 100644 --- a/lib/commands/docs.js +++ b/lib/commands/docs.js @@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ class Docs extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (!args || !args.length) + if (!args || !args.length) { args = ['.'] + } await Promise.all( => this.getDocs(pkg))) } @@ -52,12 +53,14 @@ class Docs extends BaseCommand { } getDocsUrl (mani) { - if (mani.homepage) + if (mani.homepage) { return mani.homepage + } const info = hostedFromMani(mani) - if (info) + if (info) { return + } return '' + } diff --git a/lib/commands/doctor.js b/lib/commands/doctor.js index b6363467c6487..8cb774ee33e57 100644 --- a/lib/commands/doctor.js +++ b/lib/commands/doctor.js @@ -11,21 +11,26 @@ const { promisify } = require('util') const ansiTrim = require('../utils/ansi-trim.js') const isWindows = require('../utils/is-windows.js') const ping = require('../utils/ping.js') -const { registry: { default: defaultRegistry } } = require('../utils/config/definitions.js') +const { + registry: { default: defaultRegistry }, +} = require('../utils/config/definitions.js') const lstat = promisify(fs.lstat) const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir) const access = promisify(fs.access) const { R_OK, W_OK, X_OK } = fs.constants const maskLabel = mask => { const label = [] - if (mask & R_OK) + if (mask & R_OK) { label.push('readable') + } - if (mask & W_OK) + if (mask & W_OK) { label.push('writable') + } - if (mask & X_OK) + if (mask & X_OK) { label.push('executable') + } return label.join(', ') } @@ -59,13 +64,31 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand { ['node -v', 'getLatestNodejsVersion', []], ['npm config get registry', 'checkNpmRegistry', []], ['which git', 'getGitPath', []], - ...(isWindows ? [] : [ - ['Perms check on cached files', 'checkFilesPermission', [this.npm.cache, true, R_OK]], - ['Perms check on local node_modules', 'checkFilesPermission', [this.npm.localDir, true]], - ['Perms check on global node_modules', 'checkFilesPermission', [this.npm.globalDir, false]], - ['Perms check on local bin folder', 'checkFilesPermission', [this.npm.localBin, false, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK]], - ['Perms check on global bin folder', 'checkFilesPermission', [this.npm.globalBin, false, X_OK]], - ]), + ...(isWindows + ? [] + : [ + ['Perms check on cached files', 'checkFilesPermission', [this.npm.cache, true, R_OK]], + [ + 'Perms check on local node_modules', + 'checkFilesPermission', + [this.npm.localDir, true], + ], + [ + 'Perms check on global node_modules', + 'checkFilesPermission', + [this.npm.globalDir, false], + ], + [ + 'Perms check on local bin folder', + 'checkFilesPermission', + [this.npm.localBin, false, R_OK | W_OK | X_OK], + ], + [ + 'Perms check on global bin folder', + 'checkFilesPermission', + [this.npm.globalBin, false, X_OK], + ], + ]), ['Verify cache contents', 'verifyCachedFiles', [this.npm.flatOptions.cache]], // TODO: // - ensure arborist.loadActual() runs without errors and no invalid edges @@ -85,39 +108,43 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand { messages.push(line) } - const outHead = ['Check', 'Value', 'Recommendation/Notes'] - .map(!this.npm.color ? h => h : h => chalk.underline(h)) + const outHead = ['Check', 'Value', 'Recommendation/Notes'].map( + !this.npm.color ? h => h : h => chalk.underline(h) + ) let allOk = true - const outBody =!this.npm.color - ? item => { - allOk = allOk && item[1] - item[1] = item[1] ? 'ok' : 'not ok' - item[2] = String(item[2]) - return item - } - : item => { - allOk = allOk && item[1] - if (!item[1]) { - item[0] =[0]) - item[2] = chalk.magenta(String(item[2])) + const outBody = + !this.npm.color + ? item => { + allOk = allOk && item[1] + item[1] = item[1] ? 'ok' : 'not ok' + item[2] = String(item[2]) + return item } - item[1] = item[1] ?'ok') :'not ok') - return item - }) + : item => { + allOk = allOk && item[1] + if (!item[1]) { + item[0] =[0]) + item[2] = chalk.magenta(String(item[2])) + } + item[1] = item[1] ?'ok') :'not ok') + return item + } + ) const outTable = [outHead, ...outBody] const tableOpts = { stringLength: s => ansiTrim(s).length, } - const silent = this.npm.log.levels[this.npm.log.level] > - this.npm.log.levels.error + const silent = this.npm.log.levels[this.npm.log.level] > this.npm.log.levels.error if (!silent) { this.npm.output(table(outTable, tableOpts)) - if (!allOk) + if (!allOk) { console.error('') + } } - if (!allOk) + if (!allOk) { throw new Error('Some problems found. See above for recommendations.') + } } async checkPing () { @@ -127,10 +154,11 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand { await ping(this.npm.flatOptions) return '' } catch (er) { - if (/^E\d{3}$/.test(er.code || '')) + if (/^E\d{3}$/.test(er.code || '')) { throw er.code.substr(1) + ' ' + er.message - else + } else { throw er.message + } } finally { tracker.finish() } @@ -141,10 +169,11 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand {'getLatestNpmVersion', 'Getting npm package information') try { const latest = (await pacote.manifest('npm@latest', this.npm.flatOptions)).version - if (semver.gte(this.npm.version, latest)) + if (semver.gte(this.npm.version, latest)) { return `current: v${this.npm.version}, latest: v${latest}` - else + } else { throw `Use npm v${latest}` + } } finally { tracker.finish() } @@ -163,26 +192,29 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand { let maxCurrent = '0.0.0' let maxLTS = '0.0.0' for (const { lts, version } of data) { - if (lts &&, maxLTS)) + if (lts &&, maxLTS)) { maxLTS = version + } - if (semver.satisfies(version, currentRange) && -, maxCurrent)) + if (semver.satisfies(version, currentRange) &&, maxCurrent)) { maxCurrent = version + } } const recommended =, maxLTS) ? maxCurrent : maxLTS - if (semver.gte(process.version, recommended)) + if (semver.gte(process.version, recommended)) { return `current: ${current}, recommended: ${recommended}` - else + } else { throw `Use node ${recommended} (current: ${current})` + } } finally { tracker.finish() } } async checkFilesPermission (root, shouldOwn, mask = null) { - if (mask === null) + if (mask === null) { mask = shouldOwn ? R_OK | W_OK : R_OK + } let ok = true @@ -194,24 +226,25 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand { const files = new Set([root]) for (const f of files) { tracker.silly('checkFilesPermission', f.substr(root.length + 1)) - const st = await lstat(f) - .catch(er => { - ok = false - tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'error getting info for ' + f) - }) + const st = await lstat(f).catch(er => { + ok = false + tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'error getting info for ' + f) + }) tracker.completeWork(1) - if (!st) + if (!st) { continue + } if (shouldOwn && (uid !== st.uid || gid !== st.gid)) { tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'should be owner of ' + f) ok = false } - if (!st.isDirectory() && !st.isFile()) + if (!st.isDirectory() && !st.isFile()) { continue + } try { await access(f, mask) @@ -223,23 +256,26 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand { } if (st.isDirectory()) { - const entries = await readdir(f) - .catch(er => { - ok = false - tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'error reading directory ' + f) - return [] - }) - for (const entry of entries) + const entries = await readdir(f).catch(er => { + ok = false + tracker.warn('checkFilesPermission', 'error reading directory ' + f) + return [] + }) + for (const entry of entries) { files.add(resolve(f, entry)) + } } } } finally { tracker.finish() if (!ok) { - throw `Check the permissions of files in ${root}` + + throw ( + `Check the permissions of files in ${root}` + (shouldOwn ? ' (should be owned by current user)' : '') - } else + ) + } else { return '' + } } } @@ -261,27 +297,29 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand {'verifyCachedFiles', 'Verifying the npm cache') try { const stats = await cacache.verify(this.npm.flatOptions.cache) - const { - badContentCount, - reclaimedCount, - missingContent, - reclaimedSize, - } = stats + const { badContentCount, reclaimedCount, missingContent, reclaimedSize } = stats if (badContentCount || reclaimedCount || missingContent) { - if (badContentCount) + if (badContentCount) { tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Corrupted content removed: ${badContentCount}`) + } - if (reclaimedCount) - tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Content garbage-collected: ${reclaimedCount} (${reclaimedSize} bytes)`) + if (reclaimedCount) { + tracker.warn( + 'verifyCachedFiles', + `Content garbage-collected: ${reclaimedCount} (${reclaimedSize} bytes)` + ) + } - if (missingContent) + if (missingContent) { tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', `Missing content: ${missingContent}`) + } tracker.warn('verifyCachedFiles', 'Cache issues have been fixed') } -'verifyCachedFiles', `Verification complete. Stats: ${ - JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2) - }`) + + 'verifyCachedFiles', + `Verification complete. Stats: ${JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2)}` + ) return `verified ${stats.verifiedContent} tarballs` } finally { tracker.finish() @@ -289,10 +327,11 @@ class Doctor extends BaseCommand { } async checkNpmRegistry () { - if (this.npm.flatOptions.registry !== defaultRegistry) + if (this.npm.flatOptions.registry !== defaultRegistry) { throw `Try \`npm config set registry=${defaultRegistry}\`` - else + } else { return `using default registry (${defaultRegistry})` + } } } diff --git a/lib/commands/edit.js b/lib/commands/edit.js index 4f0af6e8333e6..3a9a10b400449 100644 --- a/lib/commands/edit.js +++ b/lib/commands/edit.js @@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ class Edit extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (args.length !== 1) + if (args.length !== 1) { throw this.usageError() + } const path = splitPackageNames(args[0]) const dir = resolve(this.npm.dir, path) @@ -43,13 +44,15 @@ class Edit extends BaseCommand { // graceful-fs does not promisify await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.lstat(dir, (err) => { - if (err) + if (err) { return reject(err) + } const [bin, ...args] = this.npm.config.get('editor').split(/\s+/) const editor = spawn(bin, [...args, dir], { stdio: 'inherit' }) editor.on('exit', (code) => { - if (code) + if (code) { return reject(new Error(`editor process exited with code: ${code}`)) + } this.npm.exec('rebuild', [dir]).catch(reject).then(resolve) }) }) diff --git a/lib/commands/exec.js b/lib/commands/exec.js index ffe72ccb4c862..86a806eb525db 100644 --- a/lib/commands/exec.js +++ b/lib/commands/exec.js @@ -60,11 +60,13 @@ class Exec extends BaseCommand { } async exec (_args, { locationMsg, path, runPath } = {}) { - if (!path) + if (!path) { path = this.npm.localPrefix + } - if (!runPath) + if (!runPath) { runPath = process.cwd() + } const args = [..._args] const call = this.npm.config.get('call') @@ -79,8 +81,9 @@ class Exec extends BaseCommand { const packages = this.npm.config.get('package') const yes = this.npm.config.get('yes') - if (call && _args.length) + if (call && _args.length) { throw this.usageError() + } return libexec({ ...flatOptions, diff --git a/lib/commands/explain.js b/lib/commands/explain.js index 0ef41559f7a9e..03930c2f71777 100644 --- a/lib/commands/explain.js +++ b/lib/commands/explain.js @@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ class Explain extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { } async exec (args) { - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { throw this.usageError() + } const arb = new Arborist({ path: this.npm.prefix, ...this.npm.flatOptions }) const tree = await arb.loadActual() @@ -45,9 +46,9 @@ class Explain extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { if (this.npm.flatOptions.workspacesEnabled && this.workspaceNames && this.workspaceNames.length - ) + ) { this.filterSet = arb.workspaceDependencySet(tree, this.workspaceNames) - else if (!this.npm.flatOptions.workspacesEnabled) { + } else if (!this.npm.flatOptions.workspacesEnabled) { this.filterSet = arb.excludeWorkspacesDependencySet(tree) } @@ -58,20 +59,22 @@ class Explain extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { const filteredOut = this.filterSet && this.filterSet.size > 0 && !this.filterSet.has(node) - if (!filteredOut) + if (!filteredOut) { nodes.add(node) + } } } - if (nodes.size === 0) + if (nodes.size === 0) { throw new Error(`No dependencies found matching ${args.join(', ')}`) + } const expls = [] for (const node of nodes) { const { extraneous, dev, optional, devOptional, peer, inBundle } = node const expl = node.explain() - if (extraneous) + if (extraneous) { expl.extraneous = true - else { + } else { = dev expl.optional = optional expl.devOptional = devOptional @@ -81,9 +84,9 @@ class Explain extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { expls.push(expl) } - if (this.npm.flatOptions.json) + if (this.npm.flatOptions.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(expls, null, 2)) - else { + } else { this.npm.output( => { return explainNode(expl, Infinity, this.npm.color) }).join('\n\n')) @@ -93,21 +96,24 @@ class Explain extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { getNodes (tree, arg) { // if it's just a name, return packages by that name const { validForOldPackages: valid } = validName(arg) - if (valid) + if (valid) { return tree.inventory.query('packageName', arg) + } // if it's a location, get that node const maybeLoc = arg.replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/+$/, '') const nodeByLoc = tree.inventory.get(maybeLoc) - if (nodeByLoc) + if (nodeByLoc) { return [nodeByLoc] + } // maybe a path to a node_modules folder const maybePath = relative(this.npm.prefix, resolve(maybeLoc)) .replace(/\\/g, '/').replace(/\/+$/, '') const nodeByPath = tree.inventory.get(maybePath) - if (nodeByPath) + if (nodeByPath) { return [nodeByPath] + } // otherwise, try to select all matching nodes try { @@ -119,8 +125,9 @@ class Explain extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { getNodesByVersion (tree, arg) { const spec = npa(arg, this.npm.prefix) - if (spec.type !== 'version' && spec.type !== 'range') + if (spec.type !== 'version' && spec.type !== 'range') { return [] + } return tree.inventory.filter(node => { return === && diff --git a/lib/commands/explore.js b/lib/commands/explore.js index 81a71f86abace..d7397262cd8f1 100644 --- a/lib/commands/explore.js +++ b/lib/commands/explore.js @@ -33,15 +33,17 @@ class Explore extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (args.length < 1 || !args[0]) + if (args.length < 1 || !args[0]) { throw this.usageError() + } const pkgname = args.shift() // detect and prevent any .. shenanigans const path = join(this.npm.dir, join('/', pkgname)) - if (relative(path, this.npm.dir) === '') + if (relative(path, this.npm.dir) === '') { throw this.usageError() + } // run as if running a script named '_explore', which we set to either // the set of arguments, or the shell config, and let @npmcli/run-script @@ -58,8 +60,9 @@ class Explore extends BaseCommand { _explore: args.join(' ').trim() || shell, } - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { this.npm.output(`\nExploring ${path}\nType 'exit' or ^D when finished\n`) + } this.npm.log.disableProgress() try { return await runScript({ @@ -76,8 +79,9 @@ class Explore extends BaseCommand { // if it's not an exit error, or non-interactive, throw it const isProcExit = er.message === 'command failed' && (typeof er.code === 'number' || /^SIG/.test(er.signal || '')) - if (args.length || !isProcExit) + if (args.length || !isProcExit) { throw er + } }) } finally { this.npm.log.enableProgress() diff --git a/lib/commands/fund.js b/lib/commands/fund.js index fbf78051d97a9..e2a158bd4cce9 100644 --- a/lib/commands/fund.js +++ b/lib/commands/fund.js @@ -5,11 +5,7 @@ const pacote = require('pacote') const semver = require('semver') const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const { depth } = require('treeverse') -const { - readTree: getFundingInfo, - normalizeFunding, - isValidFunding, -} = require('libnpmfund') +const { readTree: getFundingInfo, normalizeFunding, isValidFunding } = require('libnpmfund') const completion = require('../utils/completion/installed-deep.js') const openUrl = require('../utils/open-url.js') @@ -33,13 +29,7 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get params () { - return [ - 'json', - 'browser', - 'unicode', - 'workspace', - 'which', - ] + return ['json', 'browser', 'unicode', 'workspace', 'which'] } /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ @@ -59,11 +49,12 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { const fundingSourceNumber = numberArg && parseInt(numberArg, 10) const badFundingSourceNumber = - numberArg !== null && - (String(fundingSourceNumber) !== numberArg || fundingSourceNumber < 1) + numberArg !== null && (String(fundingSourceNumber) !== numberArg || fundingSourceNumber < 1) if (badFundingSourceNumber) { - const err = new Error('`npm fund [<@scope>/] [--which=fundingSourceNumber]` must be given a positive integer') + const err = new Error( + '`npm fund [<@scope>/] [--which=fundingSourceNumber]` must be given a positive integer' + ) err.code = 'EFUNDNUMBER' throw err } @@ -95,10 +86,11 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { workspaces: this.workspaceNames, }) - if (this.npm.config.get('json')) + if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { this.npm.output(this.printJSON(fundingInfo)) - else + } else { this.npm.output(this.printHuman(fundingInfo)) + } } printJSON (fundingInfo) { @@ -110,8 +102,7 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { const unicode = this.npm.config.get('unicode') const seenUrls = new Map() - const tree = obj => - archy(obj, '', { unicode }) + const tree = obj => archy(obj, '', { unicode }) const result = depth({ tree: fundingInfo, @@ -119,9 +110,7 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { // composes human readable package name // and creates a new archy item for readable output visit: ({ name, version, funding }) => { - const [fundingSource] = [] - .concat(normalizeFunding(funding)) - .filter(isValidFunding) + const [fundingSource] = [].concat(normalizeFunding(funding)).filter(isValidFunding) const { url } = fundingSource || {} const pkgRef = getPrintableName({ name, version }) let item = { @@ -139,8 +128,9 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { item = seenUrls.get(url) item.label += `, ${pkgRef}` return null - } else + } else { seenUrls.set(url, item) + } } return item @@ -149,20 +139,20 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { // puts child nodes back into returned archy // output while also filtering out missing items leave: (item, children) => { - if (item) + if (item) { item.nodes = children.filter(Boolean) + } return item }, // turns tree-like object return by libnpmfund // into children to be properly read by treeverse - getChildren: (node) => - Object.keys(node.dependencies || {}) - .map(key => ({ - name: key, - ...node.dependencies[key], - })), + getChildren: node => + Object.keys(node.dependencies || {}).map(key => ({ + name: key, + ...node.dependencies[key], + })), }) const res = tree(result) @@ -179,8 +169,9 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { } else { // matches any file path within current arborist inventory for (const item of tree.inventory.values()) { - if (item.path === arg.fetchSpec) + if (item.path === arg.fetchSpec) { return item.package + } } } } else { @@ -190,17 +181,17 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { .filter(i => semver.valid(i.package.version)) .sort((a, b) => semver.rcompare(a.package.version, b.package.version)) - if (item) + if (item) { return item.package + } } } - const { funding } = retrievePackageMetadata() || - await pacote.manifest(arg, this.npm.flatOptions).catch(() => ({})) + const { funding } = + retrievePackageMetadata() || + (await pacote.manifest(arg, this.npm.flatOptions).catch(() => ({}))) - const validSources = [] - .concat(normalizeFunding(funding)) - .filter(isValidFunding) + const validSources = [].concat(normalizeFunding(funding)).filter(isValidFunding) const matchesValidSource = validSources.length === 1 || @@ -218,7 +209,10 @@ class Fund extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { const msg = `${typePrefix} available at the following URL` this.npm.output(`${i + 1}: ${msg}: ${url}`) }) - this.npm.output('Run `npm fund [<@scope>/] --which=1`, for example, to open the first funding URL listed in that package') + this.npm.output( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'Run `npm fund [<@scope>/] --which=1`, for example, to open the first funding URL listed in that package' + ) } else { const noFundingError = new Error(`No valid funding method available for: ${spec}`) noFundingError.code = 'ENOFUND' diff --git a/lib/commands/help-search.js b/lib/commands/help-search.js index a179939abf673..a2586f30958c2 100644 --- a/lib/commands/help-search.js +++ b/lib/commands/help-search.js @@ -27,18 +27,20 @@ class HelpSearch extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { throw this.usageError() + } const docPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', '..', 'docs/content') const files = await glob(`${docPath}/*/*.md`) const data = await this.readFiles(files) const results = await this.searchFiles(args, data, files) const formatted = this.formatResults(args, results) - if (!formatted.trim()) + if (!formatted.trim()) { this.npm.output(`No matches in help for: ${args.join(' ')}\n`) - else + } else { this.npm.output(formatted) + } } async readFiles (files) { @@ -55,8 +57,9 @@ class HelpSearch extends BaseCommand { for (const [file, content] of Object.entries(data)) { const lowerCase = content.toLowerCase() // skip if no matches at all - if (!args.some(a => lowerCase.includes(a.toLowerCase()))) + if (!args.some(a => lowerCase.includes(a.toLowerCase()))) { continue + } const lines = content.split(/\n+/) @@ -90,17 +93,20 @@ class HelpSearch extends BaseCommand { // now squish any string of nulls into a single null const pruned = lines.reduce((l, r) => { - if (!(r === null && l[l.length - 1] === null)) + if (!(r === null && l[l.length - 1] === null)) { l.push(r) + } return l }, []) - if (pruned[pruned.length - 1] === null) + if (pruned[pruned.length - 1] === null) { pruned.pop() + } - if (pruned[0] === null) + if (pruned[0] === null) { pruned.shift() + } // now count how many args were found const found = {} @@ -157,15 +163,17 @@ class HelpSearch extends BaseCommand { out.push(' '.repeat((Math.max(1, cols - out.join(' ').length - r.length - 1)))) out.push(r) - if (!this.npm.config.get('long')) + if (!this.npm.config.get('long')) { return out.join('') + } out.unshift('\n\n') out.push('\n') out.push('-'.repeat(cols - 1) + '\n') res.lines.forEach((line, i) => { - if (line === null || i > 3) + if (line === null || i > 3) { return + } if (!this.npm.color) { out.push(line + '\n') diff --git a/lib/commands/help.js b/lib/commands/help.js index bfc7f8b60e5b3..0de047615711a 100644 --- a/lib/commands/help.js +++ b/lib/commands/help.js @@ -34,8 +34,9 @@ class Help extends BaseCommand { } async completion (opts) { - if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 2) + if (opts.conf.argv.remain.length > 2) { return [] + } const g = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../man/man[0-9]/*.[0-9]') const files = await glob(g) @@ -51,15 +52,18 @@ class Help extends BaseCommand { // By default we search all of our man subdirectories, but if the user has // asked for a specific one we limit the search to just there let manSearch = 'man*' - if (/^\d+$/.test(args[0])) + if (/^\d+$/.test(args[0])) { manSearch = `man${args.shift()}` + } - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { return this.npm.output(await this.npm.usage) + } // npm help foo bar baz: search topics - if (args.length > 1) + if (args.length > 1) { return this.helpSearch(args) + } let section = this.npm.deref(args[0]) || args[0] @@ -76,17 +80,19 @@ class Help extends BaseCommand { const bManNumber = b.match(manNumberRegex)[1] // man number sort first so that 1 aka commands are preferred - if (aManNumber !== bManNumber) + if (aManNumber !== bManNumber) { return aManNumber - bManNumber + } return localeCompare(a, b) }) const man = mans[0] - if (man) + if (man) { await this.viewMan(man) - else + } else { return this.helpSearch(args) + } } helpSearch (args) { @@ -125,8 +131,9 @@ class Help extends BaseCommand { const proc = spawn(bin, args, opts) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { proc.on('exit', (code) => { - if (code) + if (code) { return reject(new Error(`help process exited with code: ${code}`)) + } return resolve() }) diff --git a/lib/commands/hook.js b/lib/commands/hook.js index 7b2deff22940b..3ae2e07b4ea4f 100644 --- a/lib/commands/hook.js +++ b/lib/commands/hook.js @@ -50,9 +50,9 @@ class Hook extends BaseCommand { async add (pkg, uri, secret, opts) { const hook = await hookApi.add(pkg, uri, secret, opts) - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) { + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(Object.keys(hook).join('\t')) this.npm.output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t')) } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { @@ -64,20 +64,21 @@ class Hook extends BaseCommand { async ls (pkg, opts) { const hooks = await{ ...opts, package: pkg }) - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(hooks, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) { + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(Object.keys(hooks[0]).join('\t')) hooks.forEach(hook => { this.npm.output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t')) }) - } else if (!hooks.length) + } else if (!hooks.length) { this.npm.output("You don't have any hooks configured yet.") - else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { - if (hooks.length === 1) + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { + if (hooks.length === 1) { this.npm.output('You have one hook configured.') - else + } else { this.npm.output(`You have ${hooks.length} hooks configured.`) + } const table = new Table({ head: ['id', 'target', 'endpoint'] }) hooks.forEach((hook) => { @@ -94,8 +95,9 @@ class Hook extends BaseCommand { }, hook.response_code, ]) - } else + } else { table.push([{ colSpan: 2, content: 'never triggered' }]) + } }) this.npm.output(table.toString()) } @@ -103,9 +105,9 @@ class Hook extends BaseCommand { async rm (id, opts) { const hook = await hookApi.rm(id, opts) - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) { + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(Object.keys(hook).join('\t')) this.npm.output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t')) } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { @@ -117,9 +119,9 @@ class Hook extends BaseCommand { async update (id, uri, secret, opts) { const hook = await hookApi.update(id, uri, secret, opts) - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(hook, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) { + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(Object.keys(hook).join('\t')) this.npm.output(Object.keys(hook).map(k => hook[k]).join('\t')) } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { @@ -131,10 +133,12 @@ class Hook extends BaseCommand { hookName (hook) { let target = - if (hook.type === 'scope') + if (hook.type === 'scope') { target = '@' + target - if (hook.type === 'owner') + } + if (hook.type === 'owner') { target = '~' + target + } return target } } diff --git a/lib/commands/init.js b/lib/commands/init.js index b88b38436e910..1eb6fbf24a52b 100644 --- a/lib/commands/init.js +++ b/lib/commands/init.js @@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ class Init extends BaseCommand { async exec (args) { // npm exec style - if (args.length) + if (args.length) { return (await this.execCreate({ args, path: process.cwd() })) + } // no args, uses classic init-package-json boilerplate await this.template() @@ -47,8 +48,9 @@ class Init extends BaseCommand { async execWorkspaces (args, filters) { // if the root package is uninitiated, take care of it first - if (this.npm.flatOptions.includeWorkspaceRoot) + if (this.npm.flatOptions.includeWorkspaceRoot) { await this.exec(args) + } // reads package.json for the top-level folder first, by doing this we // ensure the command throw if no package.json is found before trying @@ -80,9 +82,9 @@ class Init extends BaseCommand { const [initerName, ...otherArgs] = args let packageName = initerName - if (/^@[^/]+$/.test(initerName)) + if (/^@[^/]+$/.test(initerName)) { packageName = initerName + '/create' - else { + } else { const req = npa(initerName) if (req.type === 'git' && req.hosted) { const { user, project } = req.hosted @@ -90,8 +92,9 @@ class Init extends BaseCommand { .replace(user + '/' + project, user + '/create-' + project) } else if (req.registry) { packageName =^(@[^/]+\/)?/, '$1create-') - if (req.rawSpec) + if (req.rawSpec) { packageName += '@' + req.rawSpec + } } else { throw Object.assign(new Error( 'Unrecognized initializer: ' + initerName + @@ -166,9 +169,9 @@ class Init extends BaseCommand { this.npm.log.warn('init', 'canceled') return res() } - if (er) + if (er) { rej(er) - else { + } else {'init', 'written successfully') res(data) } @@ -181,8 +184,9 @@ class Init extends BaseCommand { // skip setting workspace if current package.json glob already satisfies it for (const wPath of workspaces.values()) { - if (wPath === workspacePath) + if (wPath === workspacePath) { return + } } // if a create-pkg didn't generate a package.json at the workspace diff --git a/lib/commands/install.js b/lib/commands/install.js index ea3bbcee3fca0..95b5a5bac1d38 100644 --- a/lib/commands/install.js +++ b/lib/commands/install.js @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@ /* eslint-disable camelcase */ -/* eslint-disable standard/no-callback-literal */ const fs = require('fs') const util = require('util') const readdir = util.promisify(fs.readdir) @@ -78,10 +77,11 @@ class Install extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { const partialName = partialWord.slice(lastSlashIdx + 1) const partialPath = partialWord.slice(0, lastSlashIdx) || '/' - const annotatePackageDirMatch = async (sibling) => { + const annotatePackageDirMatch = async sibling => { const fullPath = join(partialPath, sibling) - if (sibling.slice(0, partialName.length) !== partialName) - return null // not name match + if (sibling.slice(0, partialName.length) !== partialName) { + return null + } // not name match try { const contents = await readdir(fullPath) @@ -136,10 +136,15 @@ class Install extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { try { checks.checkEngine(npmManifest, npmManifest.version, process.version) } catch (e) { - if (forced) - this.npm.log.warn('install', `Forcing global npm install with incompatible version ${npmManifest.version} into node ${process.version}`) - else + if (forced) { + this.npm.log.warn( + 'install', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + `Forcing global npm install with incompatible version ${npmManifest.version} into node ${process.version}` + ) + } else { throw e + } } } @@ -147,12 +152,17 @@ class Install extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { args = args.filter(a => resolve(a) !== this.npm.prefix) // `npm i -g` => "install this package globally" - if (where === globalTop && !args.length) + if (where === globalTop && !args.length) { args = ['.'] + } // TODO: Add warnings for other deprecated flags? or remove this one? - if (isDev) - log.warn('install', 'Usage of the `--dev` option is deprecated. Use `--include=dev` instead.') + if (isDev) { + log.warn( + 'install', + 'Usage of the `--dev` option is deprecated. Use `--include=dev` instead.' + ) + } const opts = { ...this.npm.flatOptions, diff --git a/lib/commands/link.js b/lib/commands/link.js index 4a800d7c60242..b4f4a1289ddb1 100644 --- a/lib/commands/link.js +++ b/lib/commands/link.js @@ -169,8 +169,9 @@ class Link extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { // Returns a list of items that can't be fulfilled by // things found in the current arborist inventory missingArgsFromTree (tree, args) { - if (tree.isLink) + if (tree.isLink) { return this.missingArgsFromTree(, args) + } const foundNodes = [] const missing = args.filter(a => { @@ -193,8 +194,9 @@ class Link extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { // remote nodes from the loaded tree in order // to avoid dropping them later when reifying - for (const node of foundNodes) + for (const node of foundNodes) { node.parent = null + } return missing } diff --git a/lib/commands/logout.js b/lib/commands/logout.js index 3c0bdc756508c..43a04bb577cd8 100644 --- a/lib/commands/logout.js +++ b/lib/commands/logout.js @@ -37,15 +37,16 @@ class Logout extends BaseCommand { method: 'DELETE', ignoreBody: true, }) - } else if (auth.isBasicAuth) + } else if (auth.isBasicAuth) { log.verbose('logout', `clearing user credentials for ${reg}`) - else { + } else { const msg = `not logged in to ${reg}, so can't log out!` throw Object.assign(new Error(msg), { code: 'ENEEDAUTH' }) } - if (scope) + if (scope) { this.npm.config.delete(regRef, 'user') + } this.npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI(reg) diff --git a/lib/commands/ls.js b/lib/commands/ls.js index af7d44ab41800..b8c1f0ef9c221 100644 --- a/lib/commands/ls.js +++ b/lib/commands/ls.js @@ -88,23 +88,26 @@ class LS extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { legacyPeerDeps: false, path, }) - const tree = await this.initTree({arb, args, packageLockOnly }) + const tree = await this.initTree({ arb, args, packageLockOnly }) // filters by workspaces nodes when using -w // We only have to filter the first layer of edges, so we don't // explore anything that isn't part of the selected workspace set. let wsNodes - if (this.workspaceNames && this.workspaceNames.length) + if (this.workspaceNames && this.workspaceNames.length) { wsNodes = arb.workspaceNodes(tree, this.workspaceNames) + } const filterBySelectedWorkspaces = edge => { if (!workspacesEnabled && edge.from.isProjectRoot && - ) + ) { return false + } - if (!wsNodes || !wsNodes.length) + if (!wsNodes || !wsNodes.length) { return true + } if (edge.from.isProjectRoot) { return && @@ -176,8 +179,9 @@ class LS extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { // loop through list of node problems to add them to global list if (node[_include]) { - for (const problem of node[_problems]) + for (const problem of node[_problems]) { problems.add(problem) + } } seenItems.add(item) @@ -200,8 +204,9 @@ class LS extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { ) // if filtering items, should exit with error code on no results - if (result && !result[_include] && args.length) + if (result && !result[_include] && args.length) { process.exitCode = 1 + } if (rootError) { throw Object.assign( @@ -237,8 +242,9 @@ class LS extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { module.exports = LS const isGitNode = (node) => { - if (!node.resolved) + if (!node.resolved) { return + } try { const { type } = npa(node.resolved) @@ -257,14 +263,17 @@ const isExtraneous = (node, { global }) => const getProblems = (node, { global }) => { const problems = new Set() - if (node[_missing] && !isOptional(node)) + if (node[_missing] && !isOptional(node)) { problems.add(`missing: ${node.pkgid}, required by ${node[_missing]}`) + } - if (node[_invalid]) + if (node[_invalid]) { problems.add(`invalid: ${node.pkgid} ${node.path}`) + } - if (isExtraneous(node, { global })) + if (isExtraneous(node, { global })) { problems.add(`extraneous: ${node.pkgid} ${node.path}`) + } return problems } @@ -297,10 +306,11 @@ const getHumanOutputItem = (node, { args, color, global, long }) => { // special formatting for top-level package name if (node.isRoot) { const hasNoPackageJson = !Object.keys(node.package).length - if (hasNoPackageJson || global) + if (hasNoPackageJson || global) { printable = path - else + } else { printable += `${long ? EOL : ' '}${path}` + } } const highlightDepName = @@ -347,19 +357,22 @@ const getHumanOutputItem = (node, { args, color, global, long }) => { const getJsonOutputItem = (node, { global, long }) => { const item = {} - if (node.version) + if (node.version) { item.version = node.version + } - if (node.resolved) + if (node.resolved) { item.resolved = node.resolved + } item[_name] = // special formatting for top-level package name const hasPackageJson = node && node.package && Object.keys(node.package).length - if (node.isRoot && hasPackageJson) + if (node.isRoot && hasPackageJson) { = || + } if (long && !node[_missing]) { = item[_name] @@ -376,18 +389,21 @@ const getJsonOutputItem = (node, { global, long }) => { } // augment json output items with extra metadata - if (isExtraneous(node, { global })) + if (isExtraneous(node, { global })) { item.extraneous = true + } - if (node[_invalid]) + if (node[_invalid]) { item.invalid = node[_invalid] + } if (node[_missing] && !isOptional(node)) { item.required = node[_required] item.missing = true } - if (node[_include] && node[_problems] && node[_problems].size) + if (node[_include] && node[_problems] && node[_problems].size) { item.problems = [...node[_problems]] + } return augmentItemWithIncludeMetadata(node, item) } @@ -436,8 +452,9 @@ const mapEdgesToNodes = ({ seenPaths }) => (edge) => { // item would appear twice given that it's a children of an extraneous item, // so it's marked extraneous but it will ALSO show up in edgesOuts of // its parent so it ends up as two diff nodes if we don't track it - if (node.path) + if (node.path) { seenPaths.add(node.path) + } node[_required] = edge.spec || '*' node[_type] = edge.type @@ -515,20 +532,23 @@ const humanOutput = ({ color, result, seenItems, unicode }) => { // so that all its ancestors should be displayed) // here is where we put items in their expected place for archy output for (const item of seenItems) { - if (item[_include] && item[_parent]) + if (item[_include] && item[_parent]) { item[_parent].nodes.push(item) + } } - if (!result.nodes.length) + if (!result.nodes.length) { result.nodes = ['(empty)'] + } const archyOutput = archy(result, '', { unicode }) return color ? chalk.reset(archyOutput) : archyOutput } const jsonOutput = ({ path, problems, result, rootError, seenItems }) => { - if (problems.size) + if (problems.size) { result.problems = [...problems] + } if (rootError) { result.problems = [ @@ -546,8 +566,9 @@ const jsonOutput = ({ path, problems, result, rootError, seenItems }) => { // append current item to its parent item.dependencies obj in order // to provide a json object structure that represents the installed tree if (item[_include] && item[_parent]) { - if (!item[_parent].dependencies) + if (!item[_parent].dependencies) { item[_parent].dependencies = {} + } item[_parent].dependencies[item[_name]] = item } diff --git a/lib/commands/org.js b/lib/commands/org.js index 6d0b8cd505758..18f73cb59f017 100644 --- a/lib/commands/org.js +++ b/lib/commands/org.js @@ -24,18 +24,14 @@ class Org extends BaseCommand { /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get params () { - return [ - 'registry', - 'otp', - 'json', - 'parseable', - ] + return ['registry', 'otp', 'json', 'parseable'] } async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return ['set', 'rm', 'ls'] + } switch (argv[2]) { case 'ls': @@ -66,85 +62,109 @@ class Org extends BaseCommand { set (org, user, role, opts) { role = role || 'developer' - if (!org) + if (!org) { throw new Error('First argument `orgname` is required.') + } - if (!user) + if (!user) { throw new Error('Second argument `username` is required.') + } - if (!['owner', 'admin', 'developer'].find(x => x === role)) - throw new Error('Third argument `role` must be one of `owner`, `admin`, or `developer`, with `developer` being the default value if omitted.') + if (!['owner', 'admin', 'developer'].find(x => x === role)) { + throw new Error( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'Third argument `role` must be one of `owner`, `admin`, or `developer`, with `developer` being the default value if omitted.' + ) + } return liborg.set(org, user, role, opts).then(memDeets => { - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(memDeets, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) { + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(['org', 'orgsize', 'user', 'role'].join('\t')) - this.npm.output([ -, -, - memDeets.user, - memDeets.role, - ].join('\t')) - } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') - this.npm.output(`Added ${memDeets.user} as ${memDeets.role} to ${}. You now have ${} member${ === 1 ? '' : 's'} in this org.`) + this.npm.output( + [,, memDeets.user, memDeets.role].join('\t') + ) + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { + this.npm.output( + `Added ${memDeets.user} as ${memDeets.role} to ${}. You now have ${ + + } member${ === 1 ? '' : 's'} in this org.` + ) + } return memDeets }) } rm (org, user, opts) { - if (!org) + if (!org) { throw new Error('First argument `orgname` is required.') + } - if (!user) + if (!user) { throw new Error('Second argument `username` is required.') + } - return liborg.rm(org, user, opts).then(() => { - return, opts) - }).then(roster => { - user = user.replace(/^[~@]?/, '') - org = org.replace(/^[~@]?/, '') - const userCount = Object.keys(roster).length - if (opts.json) { - this.npm.output(JSON.stringify({ - user, - org, - userCount, - deleted: true, - })) - } else if (opts.parseable) { - this.npm.output(['user', 'org', 'userCount', 'deleted'].join('\t')) - this.npm.output([user, org, userCount, true].join('\t')) - } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') - this.npm.output(`Successfully removed ${user} from ${org}. You now have ${userCount} member${userCount === 1 ? '' : 's'} in this org.`) - }) + return liborg + .rm(org, user, opts) + .then(() => { + return, opts) + }) + .then(roster => { + user = user.replace(/^[~@]?/, '') + org = org.replace(/^[~@]?/, '') + const userCount = Object.keys(roster).length + if (opts.json) { + this.npm.output( + JSON.stringify({ + user, + org, + userCount, + deleted: true, + }) + ) + } else if (opts.parseable) { + this.npm.output(['user', 'org', 'userCount', 'deleted'].join('\t')) + this.npm.output([user, org, userCount, true].join('\t')) + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { + this.npm.output( + `Successfully removed ${user} from ${org}. You now have ${userCount} member${ + userCount === 1 ? '' : 's' + } in this org.` + ) + } + }) } ls (org, user, opts) { - if (!org) + if (!org) { throw new Error('First argument `orgname` is required.') + } return, opts).then(roster => { if (user) { const newRoster = {} - if (roster[user]) + if (roster[user]) { newRoster[user] = roster[user] + } roster = newRoster } - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(roster, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) { + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(['user', 'role'].join('\t')) Object.keys(roster).forEach(user => { this.npm.output([user, roster[user]].join('\t')) }) } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { const table = new Table({ head: ['user', 'role'] }) - Object.keys(roster).sort().forEach(user => { - table.push([user, roster[user]]) - }) + Object.keys(roster) + .sort() + .forEach(user => { + table.push([user, roster[user]]) + }) this.npm.output(table.toString()) } }) diff --git a/lib/commands/outdated.js b/lib/commands/outdated.js index 119316d3b4890..01047b4d37018 100644 --- a/lib/commands/outdated.js +++ b/lib/commands/outdated.js @@ -91,19 +91,21 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { // sorts list alphabetically const outdated = this.list.sort((a, b) => localeCompare(, - if (outdated.length > 0) + if (outdated.length > 0) { process.exitCode = 1 + } // return if no outdated packages - if (outdated.length === 0 && !this.npm.config.get('json')) + if (outdated.length === 0 && !this.npm.config.get('json')) { return + } // display results - if (this.npm.config.get('json')) + if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { this.npm.output(this.makeJSON(outdated)) - else if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) + } else if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { this.npm.output(this.makeParseable(outdated)) - else { + } else { const outList = => this.makePretty(x)) const outHead = ['Package', 'Current', @@ -113,12 +115,14 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { 'Depended by', ] - if (this.npm.config.get('long')) + if (this.npm.config.get('long')) { outHead.push('Package Type', 'Homepage') + } const outTable = [outHead].concat(outList) - if (this.npm.color) + if (this.npm.color) { outTable[0] = outTable[0].map(heading => styles.underline(heading)) + } const tableOpts = { align: ['l', 'r', 'r', 'r', 'l'], @@ -145,18 +149,21 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { } getEdgesIn (node) { - for (const edge of node.edgesIn) + for (const edge of node.edgesIn) { this.trackEdge(edge) + } } getEdgesOut (node) { // TODO: normalize usage of edges and avoid looping through nodes here if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { - for (const child of node.children.values()) + for (const child of node.children.values()) { this.trackEdge(child) + } } else { - for (const edge of node.edgesOut.values()) + for (const edge of node.edgesOut.values()) { this.trackEdge(edge) + } } } @@ -167,15 +174,17 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { && this.filterSet.size > 0 && !this.filterSet.has( - if (filteredOut) + if (filteredOut) { return + } this.edges.add(edge) } getWorkspacesEdges (node) { - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { return + } for (const edge of this.tree.edgesOut.values()) { const workspace = edge @@ -183,8 +192,9 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { && && - if (workspace) + if (workspace) { this.getEdgesOut( + } } } @@ -209,22 +219,25 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { : 'dependencies' for (const omitType of this.npm.config.get('omit')) { - if (node[omitType]) + if (node[omitType]) { return + } } // deps different from prod not currently // on disk are not included in the output - if (edge.error === 'MISSING' && type !== 'dependencies') + if (edge.error === 'MISSING' && type !== 'dependencies') { return + } try { const packument = await this.getPackument(spec) const expected = edge.spec // if it's not a range, version, or tag, skip it try { - if (!npa(`${}@${edge.spec}`).registry) + if (!npa(`${}@${edge.spec}`).registry) { return null + } } catch (err) { return null } @@ -259,14 +272,16 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { err.code === 'ETARGET' || err.code === 'E403' || err.code === 'E404') - ) + ) { throw err + } } } maybeWorkspaceName (node) { - if (!node.isWorkspace) + if (!node.isWorkspace) { return + } const humanOutput = !this.npm.config.get('json') && !this.npm.config.get('parseable') @@ -331,8 +346,9 @@ class Outdated extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { name + '@' + latest, dependent, ] - if (this.npm.config.get('long')) + if (this.npm.config.get('long')) { out.push(type, homepage) + } return out.join(':') }).join(os.EOL) diff --git a/lib/commands/owner.js b/lib/commands/owner.js index 5d28e2b750cf5..4d1fe9b9f8d0e 100644 --- a/lib/commands/owner.js +++ b/lib/commands/owner.js @@ -36,30 +36,36 @@ class Owner extends BaseCommand { async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (argv.length > 3) + if (argv.length > 3) { return [] + } - if (argv[1] !== 'owner') + if (argv[1] !== 'owner') { argv.unshift('owner') + } - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return ['add', 'rm', 'ls'] + } // reaches registry in order to autocomplete rm if (argv[2] === 'rm') { - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { return [] + } const pkgName = await readLocalPkgName(this.npm.prefix) - if (!pkgName) + if (!pkgName) { return [] + } const spec = npa(pkgName) const data = await pacote.packument(spec, { ...this.npm.flatOptions, fullMetadata: true, }) - if (data && data.maintainers && data.maintainers.length) + if (data && data.maintainers && data.maintainers.length) { return => + } } return [] } @@ -82,12 +88,14 @@ class Owner extends BaseCommand { async ls (pkg, opts) { if (!pkg) { - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { throw this.usageError() + } const pkgName = await readLocalPkgName(this.npm.prefix) - if (!pkgName) + if (!pkgName) { throw this.usageError() + } pkg = pkgName } @@ -97,10 +105,11 @@ class Owner extends BaseCommand { try { const packumentOpts = { ...opts, fullMetadata: true } const { maintainers } = await pacote.packument(spec, packumentOpts) - if (!maintainers || !maintainers.length) + if (!maintainers || !maintainers.length) { this.npm.output('no admin found') - else + } else { this.npm.output( => `${} <${}>`).join('\n')) + } return maintainers } catch (err) { @@ -110,15 +119,18 @@ class Owner extends BaseCommand { } async add (user, pkg, opts) { - if (!user) + if (!user) { throw this.usageError() + } if (!pkg) { - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { throw this.usageError() + } const pkgName = await readLocalPkgName(this.npm.prefix) - if (!pkgName) + if (!pkgName) { throw this.usageError() + } pkg = pkgName } @@ -130,15 +142,18 @@ class Owner extends BaseCommand { } async rm (user, pkg, opts) { - if (!user) + if (!user) { throw this.usageError() + } if (!pkg) { - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { throw this.usageError() + } const pkgName = await readLocalPkgName(this.npm.prefix) - if (!pkgName) + if (!pkgName) { throw this.usageError() + } pkg = pkgName } @@ -178,8 +193,9 @@ class Owner extends BaseCommand { const before = data.maintainers ? data.maintainers.length : 0 const m = validation(u, data.maintainers) - if (!m) - return // invalid owners + if (!m) { + return + } // invalid owners const body = { _id: data._id, @@ -197,10 +213,11 @@ class Owner extends BaseCommand { }) if (!res.error) { - if (m.length < before) + if (m.length < before) { this.npm.output(`- ${user} (${})`) - else + } else { this.npm.output(`+ ${user} (${})`) + } } else { throw Object.assign( new Error('Failed to update package: ' + JSON.stringify(res)), diff --git a/lib/commands/pack.js b/lib/commands/pack.js index 013e88b44a25d..27682878cb613 100644 --- a/lib/commands/pack.js +++ b/lib/commands/pack.js @@ -40,8 +40,9 @@ class Pack extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (args.length === 0) + if (args.length === 0) { args = ['.'] + } const unicode = this.npm.config.get('unicode') const dryRun = this.npm.config.get('dry-run') @@ -53,8 +54,9 @@ class Pack extends BaseCommand { for (const arg of args) { const spec = npa(arg) const manifest = await pacote.manifest(spec, this.npm.flatOptions) - if (!manifest._id) + if (!manifest._id) { throw new Error('Invalid package, must have name and version') + } const filename = `${}-${manifest.version}.tgz` .replace(/^@/, '').replace(/\//, '-') @@ -69,8 +71,9 @@ class Pack extends BaseCommand { const pkgContents = await getContents(manifest, tarballData) const tarballFilename = path.resolve(this.npm.config.get('pack-destination'), filename) - if (!dryRun) + if (!dryRun) { await writeFile(tarballFilename, tarballData) + } tarballs.push(pkgContents) } diff --git a/lib/commands/ping.js b/lib/commands/ping.js index d8ad1dc2a281d..0025573d6016f 100644 --- a/lib/commands/ping.js +++ b/lib/commands/ping.js @@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ class Ping extends BaseCommand { time, details, }, null, 2)) - } else if (Object.keys(details).length) + } else if (Object.keys(details).length) { log.notice('PONG', `${JSON.stringify(details, null, 2)}`) + } } } module.exports = Ping diff --git a/lib/commands/pkg.js b/lib/commands/pkg.js index 1fa2c3bc5777b..53e6431ee4d44 100644 --- a/lib/commands/pkg.js +++ b/lib/commands/pkg.js @@ -32,10 +32,11 @@ class Pkg extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args, { prefix } = {}) { - if (!prefix) + if (!prefix) { this.prefix = this.npm.localPrefix - else + } else { this.prefix = prefix + } if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { throw Object.assign( @@ -81,15 +82,17 @@ class Pkg extends BaseCommand { // in case there's only a single result from the query // just prints that one element to stdout - if (Object.keys(result).length === 1) + if (Object.keys(result).length === 1) { result = result[args] + } } // only outputs if not running with workspaces config, // in case you're retrieving info for workspaces the pkgWorkspaces // will handle the output to make sure it get keyed by ws name - if (!this.workspaces) + if (!this.workspaces) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2)) + } return result } @@ -98,8 +101,9 @@ class Pkg extends BaseCommand { const setError = () => this.usageError('npm pkg set expects a key=value pair of args.') - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { throw setError() + } const force = this.npm.config.get('force') const json = this.npm.config.get('json') @@ -108,8 +112,9 @@ class Pkg extends BaseCommand { for (const arg of args) { const [key,] = arg.split('=') const value = rest.join('=') - if (!key || !value) + if (!key || !value) { throw setError() + } q.set(key, json ? JSON.parse(value) : value, { force }) } @@ -122,14 +127,16 @@ class Pkg extends BaseCommand { const setError = () => this.usageError('npm pkg delete expects key args.') - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { throw setError() + } const pkgJson = await PackageJson.load(this.prefix) const q = new Queryable(pkgJson.content) for (const key of args) { - if (!key) + if (!key) { throw setError() + } q.delete(key) } diff --git a/lib/commands/profile.js b/lib/commands/profile.js index abfe5edd7a9d7..72e4bb849f46d 100644 --- a/lib/commands/profile.js +++ b/lib/commands/profile.js @@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { async completion (opts) { var argv = opts.conf.argv.remain - if (!argv[2]) + if (!argv[2]) { return ['enable-2fa', 'disable-2fa', 'get', 'set'] + } switch (argv[2]) { case 'enable-2fa': @@ -89,8 +90,9 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (args.length === 0) + if (args.length === 0) { throw this.usageError() + }'profile') @@ -122,8 +124,9 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { npmProfile.get(this.npm.flatOptions) ) - if (!info.cidr_whitelist) + if (!info.cidr_whitelist) { delete info.cidr_whitelist + } if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(info, null, 2)) @@ -132,21 +135,24 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { // clean up and format key/values for output const cleaned = {} - for (const key of knownProfileKeys) + for (const key of knownProfileKeys) { cleaned[key] = info[key] || '' + } const unknownProfileKeys = Object.keys(info).filter((k) => !(k in cleaned)) - for (const key of unknownProfileKeys) + for (const key of unknownProfileKeys) { cleaned[key] = info[key] || '' + } delete cleaned.tfa delete cleaned.email_verified += info.email_verified ? ' (verified)' : '(unverified)' - if (info.tfa && !info.tfa.pending) + if (info.tfa && !info.tfa.pending) { cleaned[tfa] = info.tfa.mode - else + } else { cleaned[tfa] = 'disabled' + } if (args.length) { const values = args // comma or space separated @@ -159,15 +165,17 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { } else { if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { for (const key of Object.keys(info)) { - if (key === 'tfa') + if (key === 'tfa') { this.npm.output(`${key}\t${cleaned[tfa]}`) - else + } else { this.npm.output(`${key}\t${info[key]}`) + } } } else { const table = new Table() - for (const key of Object.keys(cleaned)) + for (const key of Object.keys(cleaned)) { table.push({ [ansistyles.bright(key)]: cleaned[key] }) + } this.npm.output(table.toString()) } @@ -192,8 +200,9 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { return newpassword } - if (prop !== 'password' && value === null) + if (prop !== 'password' && value === null) { throw new Error('npm profile set ') + } if (prop === 'password' && value !== null) { throw new Error( @@ -217,26 +226,29 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { const user = await pulseTillDone.withPromise(npmProfile.get(conf)) const newUser = {} - for (const key of writableProfileKeys) + for (const key of writableProfileKeys) { newUser[key] = user[key] + } newUser[prop] = value const result = await otplease(conf, conf => npmProfile.set(newUser, conf)) - if (this.npm.config.get('json')) + if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify({ [prop]: result[prop] }, null, 2)) - else if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) + } else if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { this.npm.output(prop + '\t' + result[prop]) - else if (result[prop] != null) + } else if (result[prop] != null) { this.npm.output('Set', prop, 'to', result[prop]) - else + } else { this.npm.output('Set', prop) + } } async enable2fa (args) { - if (args.length > 1) + if (args.length > 1) { throw new Error('npm profile enable-2fa [auth-and-writes|auth-only]') + } const mode = args[0] || 'auth-and-writes' if (mode !== 'auth-only' && mode !== 'auth-and-writes') { @@ -267,11 +279,11 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { const creds = this.npm.config.getCredentialsByURI(this.npm.config.get('registry')) const auth = {} - if (creds.token) + if (creds.token) { auth.token = creds.token - else if (creds.username) + } else if (creds.username) { auth.basic = { username: creds.username, password: creds.password } - else if (creds.auth) { + } else if (creds.auth) { const basic = Buffer.from(creds.auth, 'base64').toString().split(':', 2) auth.basic = { username: basic[0], password: basic[1] } } @@ -370,8 +382,9 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { 'if you lose your authentication device.' ) - for (const tfaCode of result.tfa) + for (const tfaCode of result.tfa) { this.npm.output('\t' + tfaCode) + } } async disable2fa (args) { @@ -396,12 +409,13 @@ class Profile extends BaseCommand { tfa: { password: password, mode: 'disable' }, }, conf)) - if (this.npm.config.get('json')) + if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify({ tfa: false }, null, 2)) - else if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) + } else if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { this.npm.output('tfa\tfalse') - else + } else { this.npm.output('Two factor authentication disabled.') + } } } module.exports = Profile diff --git a/lib/commands/publish.js b/lib/commands/publish.js index 3bc309c12a15b..efa1485654b2b 100644 --- a/lib/commands/publish.js +++ b/lib/commands/publish.js @@ -56,10 +56,12 @@ class Publish extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (args.length === 0) + if (args.length === 0) { args = ['.'] - if (args.length !== 1) + } + if (args.length !== 1) { throw this.usageError() + } log.verbose('publish', replaceInfo(args)) @@ -70,8 +72,9 @@ class Publish extends BaseCommand { const ignoreScripts = this.npm.config.get('ignore-scripts') const silent = log.level === 'silent' - if (semver.validRange(defaultTag)) + if (semver.validRange(defaultTag)) { throw new Error('Tag name must not be a valid SemVer range: ' + defaultTag.trim()) + } const opts = { ...this.npm.flatOptions } @@ -80,8 +83,9 @@ class Publish extends BaseCommand { const spec = npa(args[0]) let manifest = await this.getManifest(spec, opts) - if (manifest.publishConfig) + if (manifest.publishConfig) { flatten(manifest.publishConfig, opts) + } // only run scripts for directory type publishes if (spec.type === 'directory' && !ignoreScripts) { @@ -101,13 +105,15 @@ class Publish extends BaseCommand { // so that we send the latest and greatest thing to the registry // note that publishConfig might have changed as well! manifest = await this.getManifest(spec, opts) - if (manifest.publishConfig) + if (manifest.publishConfig) { flatten(manifest.publishConfig, opts) + } // note that logTar calls npmlog.notice(), so if we ARE in silent mode, // this will do nothing, but we still want it in the debuglog if it fails. - if (!json) + if (!json) { logTar(pkgContents, { log, unicode }) + } if (!dryRun) { const resolved = npa.resolve(, manifest.version) @@ -140,10 +146,11 @@ class Publish extends BaseCommand { } if (!this.suppressOutput) { - if (!silent && json) + if (!silent && json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(pkgContents, null, 2)) - else if (!silent) + } else if (!silent) { this.npm.output(`+ ${}`) + } } return pkgContents @@ -180,21 +187,24 @@ class Publish extends BaseCommand { } // This needs to be in-line w/ the rest of the output that non-JSON // publish generates - if (!silent && !json) + if (!silent && !json) { this.npm.output(`+ ${}`) - else + } else { results[name] = pkgContents + } } - if (!silent && json) + if (!silent && json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(results, null, 2)) + } } // if it's a directory, read it from the file system // otherwise, get the full metadata from whatever it is getManifest (spec, opts) { - if (spec.type === 'directory') + if (spec.type === 'directory') { return readJson(`${spec.fetchSpec}/package.json`) + } return pacote.manifest(spec, { ...opts, fullMetadata: true }) } } diff --git a/lib/commands/rebuild.js b/lib/commands/rebuild.js index 3b9211e2e43bf..d95a865b49320 100644 --- a/lib/commands/rebuild.js +++ b/lib/commands/rebuild.js @@ -51,33 +51,39 @@ class Rebuild extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { const tree = await arb.loadActual() const specs = => { const spec = npa(arg) - if (spec.type === 'tag' && spec.rawSpec === '') + if (spec.type === 'tag' && spec.rawSpec === '') { return spec + } - if (spec.type !== 'range' && spec.type !== 'version' && spec.type !== 'directory') + if (spec.type !== 'range' && spec.type !== 'version' && spec.type !== 'directory') { throw new Error('`npm rebuild` only supports SemVer version/range specifiers') + } return spec }) const nodes = tree.inventory.filter(node => this.isNode(specs, node)) await arb.rebuild({ nodes }) - } else + } else { await arb.rebuild() + } this.npm.output('rebuilt dependencies successfully') } isNode (specs, node) { return specs.some(spec => { - if (spec.type === 'directory') + if (spec.type === 'directory') { return node.path === spec.fetchSpec + } - if ( !== + if ( !== { return false + } - if (spec.rawSpec === '' || spec.rawSpec === '*') + if (spec.rawSpec === '' || spec.rawSpec === '*') { return true + } const { version } = node.package // TODO: add tests for a package with missing version diff --git a/lib/commands/repo.js b/lib/commands/repo.js index 372940512c6c9..f873098967f02 100644 --- a/lib/commands/repo.js +++ b/lib/commands/repo.js @@ -28,8 +28,9 @@ class Repo extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (!args || !args.length) + if (!args || !args.length) { args = ['.'] + } await Promise.all( => this.get(pkg))) } @@ -86,8 +87,9 @@ const unknownHostedUrl = url => { } = new URL(url) /* istanbul ignore next - URL ctor should prevent this */ - if (!protocol || !hostname) + if (!protocol || !hostname) { return null + } const proto = /(git\+)http:$/.test(protocol) ? 'http:' : 'https:' const path = pathname.replace(/\.git$/, '') diff --git a/lib/commands/run-script.js b/lib/commands/run-script.js index 34e96257c365a..832e166a684b0 100644 --- a/lib/commands/run-script.js +++ b/lib/commands/run-script.js @@ -66,17 +66,19 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (args.length) + if (args.length) { return - else + } else { return this.list(args) + } } async execWorkspaces (args, filters) { - if (args.length) + if (args.length) { return this.runWorkspaces(args, filters) - else + } else { return this.listWorkspaces(args, filters) + } } async run ([event, ...args], { path = this.npm.localPrefix, pkg } = {}) { @@ -87,32 +89,38 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { pkg = pkg || (await rpj(`${path}/package.json`)) const { scripts = {} } = pkg - if (event === 'restart' && !scripts.restart) + if (event === 'restart' && !scripts.restart) { scripts.restart = 'npm stop --if-present && npm start' - else if (event === 'env' && !scripts.env) + } else if (event === 'env' && !scripts.env) { scripts.env = isWindowsShell ? 'SET' : 'env' + } pkg.scripts = scripts if ( !, event) && - !(event === 'start' && await isServerPackage(path)) + !(event === 'start' && (await isServerPackage(path))) ) { - if (this.npm.config.get('if-present')) + if (this.npm.config.get('if-present')) { return + } const suggestions = await didYouMean(this.npm, path, event) - throw new Error(`Missing script: "${event}"${suggestions}\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run`) + throw new Error( + `Missing script: "${event}"${suggestions}\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run` + ) } // positional args only added to the main event, not pre/post const events = [[event, args]] if (!this.npm.config.get('ignore-scripts')) { - if (scripts[`pre${event}`]) + if (scripts[`pre${event}`]) { events.unshift([`pre${event}`, []]) + } - if (scripts[`post${event}`]) + if (scripts[`post${event}`]) { events.push([`post${event}`, []]) + } } const opts = { @@ -140,12 +148,14 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { const pkgid = _id || name const color = this.npm.color - if (!scripts) + if (!scripts) { return [] + } const allScripts = Object.keys(scripts) - if (log.level === 'silent') + if (log.level === 'silent') { return allScripts + } if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(scripts, null, 2)) @@ -153,8 +163,9 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { } if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { - for (const [script, cmd] of Object.entries(scripts)) + for (const [script, cmd] of Object.entries(scripts)) { this.npm.output(`${script}:${cmd}`) + } return allScripts } @@ -170,24 +181,30 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { const colorize = color ? chalk : nocolor if (cmds.length) { - this.npm.output(`${ - colorize.reset(colorize.bold('Lifecycle scripts'))} included in ${ -}:`) + this.npm.output( + `${colorize.reset(colorize.bold('Lifecycle scripts'))} included in ${ + pkgid + )}:` + ) } - for (const script of cmds) + for (const script of cmds) { this.npm.output(prefix + script + indent + colorize.dim(scripts[script])) + } if (!cmds.length && runScripts.length) { - this.npm.output(`${ - colorize.bold('Scripts') - } available in ${} via \`${ -'npm run-script')}\`:`) - } else if (runScripts.length) + this.npm.output( + `${colorize.bold('Scripts')} available in ${} via \`${ + 'npm run-script' + )}\`:` + ) + } else if (runScripts.length) { this.npm.output(`\navailable via \`${'npm run-script')}\`:`) + } - for (const script of runScripts) + for (const script of runScripts) { this.npm.output(prefix + script + indent + colorize.dim(scripts[script])) + } this.npm.output('') return allScripts @@ -212,8 +229,9 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { // avoids exiting with error code in case there's scripts missing // in some workspaces since other scripts might have succeeded - if (!scriptMissing) + if (!scriptMissing) { process.exitCode = 1 + } return scriptMissing }) @@ -221,15 +239,17 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { } // in case **all** tests are missing, then it should exit with error code - if (res.every(Boolean)) + if (res.every(Boolean)) { throw new Error(`Missing script: ${args[0]}`) + } } async listWorkspaces (args, filters) { await this.setWorkspaces(filters) - if (log.level === 'silent') + if (log.level === 'silent') { return + } if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { const res = {} @@ -244,14 +264,16 @@ class RunScript extends BaseCommand { if (this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { for (const workspacePath of this.workspacePaths) { const { scripts, name } = await rpj(`${workspacePath}/package.json`) - for (const [script, cmd] of Object.entries(scripts || {})) + for (const [script, cmd] of Object.entries(scripts || {})) { this.npm.output(`${name}:${script}:${cmd}`) + } } return } - for (const workspacePath of this.workspacePaths) + for (const workspacePath of this.workspacePaths) { await this.list(args, workspacePath) + } } } diff --git a/lib/commands/search.js b/lib/commands/search.js index e60f41afb03fc..6c5c995c38c80 100644 --- a/lib/commands/search.js +++ b/lib/commands/search.js @@ -14,10 +14,11 @@ function prepareIncludes (args) { function prepareExcludes (searchexclude) { var exclude - if (typeof searchexclude === 'string') + if (typeof searchexclude === 'string') { exclude = searchexclude.split(/\s+/) - else + } else { exclude = [] + } return exclude .map(s => s.toLowerCase()) @@ -66,16 +67,18 @@ class Search extends BaseCommand { exclude: prepareExcludes(, } - if (opts.include.length === 0) + if (opts.include.length === 0) { throw new Error('search must be called with arguments') + } // Used later to figure out whether we had any packages go out let anyOutput = false class FilterStream extends Minipass { write (pkg) { - if (packageFilter(pkg, opts.include, opts.exclude)) + if (packageFilter(pkg, opts.include, opts.exclude)) { super.write(pkg) + } } } @@ -96,14 +99,16 @@ class Search extends BaseCommand { ) p.on('data', chunk => { - if (!anyOutput) + if (!anyOutput) { anyOutput = true + } this.npm.output(chunk.toString('utf8')) }) await p.promise() - if (!anyOutput && !this.npm.config.get('json') && !this.npm.config.get('parseable')) + if (!anyOutput && !this.npm.config.get('json') && !this.npm.config.get('parseable')) { this.npm.output('No matches found for ' + (' '))) + } log.silly('search', 'search completed') log.clearProgress() diff --git a/lib/commands/set-script.js b/lib/commands/set-script.js index 00f9b5d5b1745..d99487e6713b4 100644 --- a/lib/commands/set-script.js +++ b/lib/commands/set-script.js @@ -36,19 +36,22 @@ class SetScript extends BaseCommand { } validate (args) { - if (process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === 'postinstall') + if (process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === 'postinstall') { throw new Error('Scripts can’t set from the postinstall script') + } // Parse arguments - if (args.length !== 2) + if (args.length !== 2) { throw new Error(`Expected 2 arguments: got ${args.length}`) + } } async exec (args) { this.validate(args) const warn = await this.doSetScript(this.npm.localPrefix, args[0], args[1]) - if (warn) + if (warn) { log.warn('set-script', `Script "${args[0]}" was overwritten`) + } } async execWorkspaces (args, filters) { @@ -86,8 +89,9 @@ class SetScript extends BaseCommand { && scripts[name] && scripts[name] !== value - if (overwriting) + if (overwriting) { warn = true + } pkgJson.update({ scripts: { diff --git a/lib/commands/set.js b/lib/commands/set.js index cdaabc04ac9ce..b38623c60c7ec 100644 --- a/lib/commands/set.js +++ b/lib/commands/set.js @@ -21,8 +21,9 @@ class Set extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { throw this.usageError() + } return this.npm.exec('config', ['set'].concat(args)) } } diff --git a/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js b/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js index 42489a27f5bfb..2d57e7b914275 100644 --- a/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js +++ b/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js @@ -57,19 +57,22 @@ class Shrinkwrap extends BaseCommand { if (newFile) { let message = 'created a lockfile as npm-shrinkwrap.json' - if (updatedVersion) + if (updatedVersion) { message += ` with version ${updatedVersion}` + } log.notice('', message) } else if (notSW) { await unlink(oldFilename) let message = 'package-lock.json has been renamed to npm-shrinkwrap.json' - if (updatedVersion) + if (updatedVersion) { message += ` and updated to version ${updatedVersion}` + } log.notice('', message) - } else if (updatedVersion) + } else if (updatedVersion) { log.notice('', `npm-shrinkwrap.json updated to version ${updatedVersion}`) - else + } else { log.notice('', 'npm-shrinkwrap.json up to date') + } } } module.exports = Shrinkwrap diff --git a/lib/commands/star.js b/lib/commands/star.js index 36003a02004be..ce1564ff121fe 100644 --- a/lib/commands/star.js +++ b/lib/commands/star.js @@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ class Star extends BaseCommand { } async exec (args) { - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { throw this.usageError() + } // if we're unstarring, then show an empty star image // otherwise, show the full star image @@ -52,8 +53,9 @@ class Star extends BaseCommand { }), ]) - if (!username) + if (!username) { throw new Error('You need to be logged in!') + } const body = { _id: fullData._id, diff --git a/lib/commands/stars.js b/lib/commands/stars.js index d430be2ced4ef..61fd45f8410e5 100644 --- a/lib/commands/stars.js +++ b/lib/commands/stars.js @@ -29,21 +29,25 @@ class Stars extends BaseCommand { async exec ([user]) { try { - if (!user) + if (!user) { user = await getIdentity(this.npm, this.npm.flatOptions) + } const { rows } = await fetch.json('/-/_view/starredByUser', { ...this.npm.flatOptions, query: { key: `"${user}"` }, }) - if (rows.length === 0) + if (rows.length === 0) { log.warn('stars', 'user has not starred any packages') + } - for (const row of rows) + for (const row of rows) { this.npm.output(row.value) + } } catch (err) { - if (err.code === 'ENEEDAUTH') + if (err.code === 'ENEEDAUTH') { log.warn('stars', 'auth is required to look up your username') + } throw err } } diff --git a/lib/commands/team.js b/lib/commands/team.js index b337a7536051f..04b1b708fb026 100644 --- a/lib/commands/team.js +++ b/lib/commands/team.js @@ -39,11 +39,13 @@ class Team extends BaseCommand { const { conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } } = opts const subcommands = ['create', 'destroy', 'add', 'rm', 'ls'] - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return subcommands + } - if (subcommands.includes(argv[2])) + if (subcommands.includes(argv[2])) { return [] + } throw new Error(argv[2] + ' not recognized') } @@ -62,10 +64,11 @@ class Team extends BaseCommand { case 'rm': return this.rm(entity, user, opts) case 'ls': { const match = entity.match(/[^:]+:.+/) - if (match) + if (match) { return this.listUsers(entity, opts) - else + } else { return this.listTeams(entity, opts) + } } default: throw this.usageError() @@ -80,10 +83,11 @@ class Team extends BaseCommand { created: true, team: entity, })) - } else if (opts.parseable) + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(`${entity}\tcreated`) - else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { this.npm.output(`+@${entity}`) + } } async destroy (entity, opts) { @@ -93,10 +97,11 @@ class Team extends BaseCommand { deleted: true, team: entity, })) - } else if (opts.parseable) + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(`${entity}\tdeleted`) - else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { this.npm.output(`-@${entity}`) + } } async add (entity, user, opts) { @@ -107,10 +112,11 @@ class Team extends BaseCommand { team: entity, user, })) - } else if (opts.parseable) + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(`${user}\t${entity}\tadded`) - else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { this.npm.output(`${user} added to @${entity}`) + } } async rm (entity, user, opts) { @@ -121,19 +127,20 @@ class Team extends BaseCommand { team: entity, user, })) - } else if (opts.parseable) + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(`${user}\t${entity}\tremoved`) - else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { this.npm.output(`${user} removed from @${entity}`) + } } async listUsers (entity, opts) { const users = (await libteam.lsUsers(entity, opts)).sort() - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(users, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(users.join('\n')) - else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { const plural = users.length === 1 ? '' : 's' const more = users.length === 0 ? '' : ':\n' this.npm.output(`\n@${entity} has ${users.length} user${plural}${more}`) @@ -143,11 +150,11 @@ class Team extends BaseCommand { async listTeams (entity, opts) { const teams = (await libteam.lsTeams(entity, opts)).sort() - if (opts.json) + if (opts.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(teams, null, 2)) - else if (opts.parseable) + } else if (opts.parseable) { this.npm.output(teams.join('\n')) - else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { + } else if (!opts.silent && opts.loglevel !== 'silent') { const plural = teams.length === 1 ? '' : 's' const more = teams.length === 0 ? '' : ':\n' this.npm.output(`\n@${entity} has ${teams.length} team${plural}${more}`) diff --git a/lib/commands/token.js b/lib/commands/token.js index f7b92ea1dde7d..499ea3d024d6d 100644 --- a/lib/commands/token.js +++ b/lib/commands/token.js @@ -21,39 +21,33 @@ class Token extends BaseCommand { /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get usage () { - return [ - 'list', - 'revoke ', - 'create [--read-only] [--cidr=list]', - ] + return ['list', 'revoke ', 'create [--read-only] [--cidr=list]'] } /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get params () { - return [ - 'read-only', - 'cidr', - 'registry', - 'otp', - ] + return ['read-only', 'cidr', 'registry', 'otp'] } async completion (opts) { const argv = opts.conf.argv.remain const subcommands = ['list', 'revoke', 'create'] - if (argv.length === 2) + if (argv.length === 2) { return subcommands + } - if (subcommands.includes(argv[2])) + if (subcommands.includes(argv[2])) { return [] + } throw new Error(argv[2] + ' not recognized') } async exec (args, cb) {'token') - if (args.length === 0) + if (args.length === 0) { return this.list() + } switch (args[0]) { case 'list': case 'ls': @@ -79,25 +73,26 @@ class Token extends BaseCommand { return } else if (conf.parseable) { this.npm.output(['key', 'token', 'created', 'readonly', 'CIDR whitelist'].join('\t')) - tokens.forEach((token) => { - this.npm.output([ - token.key, - token.token, - token.created, - token.readonly ? 'true' : 'false', - token.cidr_whitelist ? token.cidr_whitelist.join(',') : '', - ].join('\t')) + tokens.forEach(token => { + this.npm.output( + [ + token.key, + token.token, + token.created, + token.readonly ? 'true' : 'false', + token.cidr_whitelist ? token.cidr_whitelist.join(',') : '', + ].join('\t') + ) }) return } this.generateTokenIds(tokens, 6) - const idWidth = tokens.reduce((acc, token) => - Math.max(acc,, 0) + const idWidth = tokens.reduce((acc, token) => Math.max(acc,, 0) const table = new Table({ head: ['id', 'token', 'created', 'readonly', 'CIDR whitelist'], colWidths: [Math.max(idWidth, 2) + 2, 9, 12, 10], }) - tokens.forEach((token) => { + tokens.forEach(token => { table.push([, token.token + '…', @@ -110,39 +105,47 @@ class Token extends BaseCommand { } async rm (args) { - if (args.length === 0) + if (args.length === 0) { throw this.usageError('`` argument is required.') + } const conf = this.config() const toRemove = [] const progress = log.newItem('removing tokens', toRemove.length)'token', 'getting existing list') const tokens = await pulseTillDone.withPromise(profile.listTokens(conf)) - args.forEach((id) => { - const matches = tokens.filter((token) => token.key.indexOf(id) === 0) - if (matches.length === 1) + args.forEach(id => { + const matches = tokens.filter(token => token.key.indexOf(id) === 0) + if (matches.length === 1) { toRemove.push(matches[0].key) - else if (matches.length > 1) - throw new Error(`Token ID "${id}" was ambiguous, a new token may have been created since you last ran \`npm token list\`.`) - else { + } else if (matches.length > 1) { + throw new Error( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + `Token ID "${id}" was ambiguous, a new token may have been created since you last ran \`npm token list\`.` + ) + } else { const tokenMatches = tokens.some(t => id.indexOf(t.token) === 0) - if (!tokenMatches) + if (!tokenMatches) { throw new Error(`Unknown token id or value "${id}".`) + } toRemove.push(id) } }) - await Promise.all( => { - return otplease(conf, conf => { - return profile.removeToken(key, conf) + await Promise.all( + => { + return otplease(conf, conf => { + return profile.removeToken(key, conf) + }) }) - })) - if (conf.json) + ) + if (conf.json) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(toRemove)) - else if (conf.parseable) + } else if (conf.parseable) { this.npm.output(toRemove.join('\t')) - else + } else { this.npm.output('Removed ' + toRemove.length + ' token' + (toRemove.length !== 1 ? 's' : '')) + } } async create (args) { @@ -150,34 +153,40 @@ class Token extends BaseCommand { const cidr = conf.cidr const readonly = conf.readOnly - return readUserInfo.password().then((password) => { - const validCIDR = this.validateCIDRList(cidr) -'token', 'creating') - return pulseTillDone.withPromise(otplease(conf, conf => { - return profile.createToken(password, readonly, validCIDR, conf) - })) - }).then((result) => { - delete result.key - delete result.updated - if (conf.json) - this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(result)) - else if (conf.parseable) - Object.keys(result).forEach((k) => this.npm.output(k + '\t' + result[k])) - else { - const table = new Table() - for (const k of Object.keys(result)) - table.push({ [ansistyles.bright(k)]: String(result[k]) }) - this.npm.output(table.toString()) - } - }) + return readUserInfo + .password() + .then(password => { + const validCIDR = this.validateCIDRList(cidr) +'token', 'creating') + return pulseTillDone.withPromise( + otplease(conf, conf => { + return profile.createToken(password, readonly, validCIDR, conf) + }) + ) + }) + .then(result => { + delete result.key + delete result.updated + if (conf.json) { + this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(result)) + } else if (conf.parseable) { + Object.keys(result).forEach(k => this.npm.output(k + '\t' + result[k])) + } else { + const table = new Table() + for (const k of Object.keys(result)) { + table.push({ [ansistyles.bright(k)]: String(result[k]) }) + } + this.npm.output(table.toString()) + } + }) } config () { const conf = { ...this.npm.flatOptions } const creds = this.npm.config.getCredentialsByURI(conf.registry) - if (creds.token) + if (creds.token) { conf.auth = { token: creds.token } - else if (creds.username) { + } else if (creds.username) { conf.auth = { basic: { username: creds.username, @@ -192,11 +201,13 @@ class Token extends BaseCommand { password: auth[1], }, } - } else + } else { conf.auth = {} + } - if (conf.otp) + if (conf.otp) { conf.auth.otp = conf.otp + } return conf } @@ -209,9 +220,9 @@ class Token extends BaseCommand { for (const token of tokens) { = token.key for (let ii = minLength; ii < token.key.length; ++ii) { - const match = tokens.some(ot => - ot !== token && - ot.key.slice(0, ii) === token.key.slice(0, ii)) + const match = tokens.some( + ot => ot !== token && ot.key.slice(0, ii) === token.key.slice(0, ii) + ) if (!match) { = token.key.slice(0, ii) break @@ -226,11 +237,15 @@ class Token extends BaseCommand { const maybeList = cidrs ? (Array.isArray(cidrs) ? cidrs : [cidrs]) : [] const list = maybeList.length === 1 ? maybeList[0].split(/,\s*/) : maybeList for (const cidr of list) { - if (isCidrV6(cidr)) - throw this.invalidCIDRError('CIDR whitelist can only contain IPv4 addresses, ' + cidr + ' is IPv6') + if (isCidrV6(cidr)) { + throw this.invalidCIDRError( + 'CIDR whitelist can only contain IPv4 addresses, ' + cidr + ' is IPv6' + ) + } - if (!isCidrV4(cidr)) + if (!isCidrV4(cidr)) { throw this.invalidCIDRError('CIDR whitelist contains invalid CIDR entry: ' + cidr) + } } return list } diff --git a/lib/commands/uninstall.js b/lib/commands/uninstall.js index 09b6e47a78f0c..aaebd1a907f8b 100644 --- a/lib/commands/uninstall.js +++ b/lib/commands/uninstall.js @@ -39,18 +39,19 @@ class Uninstall extends ArboristWorkspaceCmd { : this.npm.localPrefix if (!args.length) { - if (!global) + if (!global) { throw new Error('Must provide a package name to remove') - else { + } else { let pkg try { pkg = await rpj(resolve(this.npm.localPrefix, 'package.json')) } catch (er) { - if (er.code !== 'ENOENT' && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') + if (er.code !== 'ENOENT' && er.code !== 'ENOTDIR') { throw er - else + } else { throw this.usageError() + } } args.push( diff --git a/lib/commands/unpublish.js b/lib/commands/unpublish.js index 60ab4a5f9be8b..6ef3f282ac24f 100644 --- a/lib/commands/unpublish.js +++ b/lib/commands/unpublish.js @@ -33,38 +33,44 @@ class Unpublish extends BaseCommand { async completion (args) { const { partialWord, conf } = args - if (conf.argv.remain.length >= 3) + if (conf.argv.remain.length >= 3) { return [] + } const opts = this.npm.flatOptions const username = await getIdentity(this.npm, { ...opts }).catch(() => null) - if (!username) + if (!username) { return [] + } const access = await libaccess.lsPackages(username, opts) // do a bit of filtering at this point, so that we don't need // to fetch versions for more than one thing, but also don't // accidentally unpublish a whole project let pkgs = Object.keys(access || {}) - if (!partialWord || !pkgs.length) + if (!partialWord || !pkgs.length) { return pkgs + } const pp = npa(partialWord).name pkgs = pkgs.filter(p => !p.indexOf(pp)) - if (pkgs.length > 1) + if (pkgs.length > 1) { return pkgs + } const json = await npmFetch.json(npa(pkgs[0]).escapedName, opts) const versions = Object.keys(json.versions) - if (!versions.length) + if (!versions.length) { return pkgs - else + } else { return => `${pkgs[0]}@${v}`) + } } async exec (args) { - if (args.length > 1) + if (args.length > 1) { throw this.usageError() + } const spec = args.length && npa(args[0]) const force = this.npm.config.get('force') @@ -93,10 +99,11 @@ class Unpublish extends BaseCommand { try { manifest = await readJson(pkgJson) } catch (err) { - if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT' && err.code !== 'ENOTDIR') + if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT' && err.code !== 'ENOTDIR') { throw err - else + } else { throw this.usageError() + } } this.npm.log.verbose('unpublish', manifest) @@ -104,19 +111,22 @@ class Unpublish extends BaseCommand { const { name, version, publishConfig } = manifest const pkgJsonSpec = npa.resolve(name, version) const optsWithPub = { ...opts, publishConfig } - if (!dryRun) + if (!dryRun) { await otplease(opts, opts => libunpub(pkgJsonSpec, optsWithPub)) + } pkgName = name pkgVersion = version ? `@${version}` : '' } else { - if (!dryRun) + if (!dryRun) { await otplease(opts, opts => libunpub(spec, opts)) + } pkgName = pkgVersion = spec.type === 'version' ? `@${spec.rawSpec}` : '' } - if (!silent) + if (!silent) { this.npm.output(`- ${pkgName}${pkgVersion}`) + } } async execWorkspaces (args, filters) { @@ -130,8 +140,9 @@ class Unpublish extends BaseCommand { ) } - for (const name of this.workspaceNames) + for (const name of this.workspaceNames) { await this.exec([name]) + } } } module.exports = Unpublish diff --git a/lib/commands/version.js b/lib/commands/version.js index 60e1e36f58080..1572a38454e99 100644 --- a/lib/commands/version.js +++ b/lib/commands/version.js @@ -32,13 +32,21 @@ class Version extends BaseCommand { /* istanbul ignore next - see test/lib/load-all-commands.js */ static get usage () { - return ['[ | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]'] + return [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + '[ | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]', + ] } async completion (opts) { - const { conf: { argv: { remain } } } = opts - if (remain.length > 2) + const { + conf: { + argv: { remain }, + }, + } = opts + if (remain.length > 2) { return [] + } return [ 'major', @@ -104,17 +112,20 @@ class Version extends BaseCommand { .then(data => JSON.parse(data)) .catch(() => ({})) - if ( && pkg.version) + if ( && pkg.version) { results[] = pkg.version + } results.npm = this.npm.version - for (const [key, version] of Object.entries(process.versions)) + for (const [key, version] of Object.entries(process.versions)) { results[key] = version + } - if (this.npm.config.get('json')) + if (this.npm.config.get('json')) { this.npm.output(JSON.stringify(results, null, 2)) - else + } else { this.npm.output(results) + } } async listWorkspaces (filters) { @@ -123,11 +134,11 @@ class Version extends BaseCommand { for (const path of this.workspacePaths) { const pj = resolve(path, 'package.json') // setWorkspaces has already parsed package.json so we know it won't error - const pkg = await readFile(pj, 'utf8') - .then(data => JSON.parse(data)) + const pkg = await readFile(pj, 'utf8').then(data => JSON.parse(data)) - if ( && pkg.version) + if ( && pkg.version) { results[] = pkg.version + } } return this.list(results) } diff --git a/lib/commands/view.js b/lib/commands/view.js index 24d13cfcfb3df..08bed57e09a49 100644 --- a/lib/commands/view.js +++ b/lib/commands/view.js @@ -67,44 +67,51 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { function getFields (d, f, pref) { f = f || [] - if (!d) + if (!d) { return f + } pref = pref || [] Object.keys(d).forEach((k) => { - if (k.charAt(0) === '_' || k.indexOf('.') !== -1) + if (k.charAt(0) === '_' || k.indexOf('.') !== -1) { return + } const p = pref.concat(k).join('.') f.push(p) if (Array.isArray(d[k])) { d[k].forEach((val, i) => { const pi = p + '[' + i + ']' - if (val && typeof val === 'object') + if (val && typeof val === 'object') { getFields(val, f, [p]) - else + } else { f.push(pi) + } }) return } - if (typeof d[k] === 'object') + if (typeof d[k] === 'object') { getFields(d[k], f, [p]) + } }) return f } } async exec (args) { - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { args = ['.'] + } let pkg = args.shift() const local = /^\.@/.test(pkg) || pkg === '.' if (local) { - if (this.npm.config.get('global')) + if (this.npm.config.get('global')) { throw new Error('Cannot use view command in global mode.') + } const dir = this.npm.prefix const manifest = await readJson(resolve(dir, 'package.json')) - if (! + if (! { throw new Error('Invalid package.json, no "name" field') + } // put the version back if it existed pkg = `${}${pkg.slice(1)}` } @@ -131,14 +138,16 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { log.disableProgress() const msg = await this.jsonData(reducedData, pckmnt._id) - if (msg !== '') + if (msg !== '') { console.log(msg) + } } } async execWorkspaces (args, filters) { - if (!args.length) + if (!args.length) { args = ['.'] + } const pkg = args.shift() @@ -166,22 +175,25 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { } if (!this.npm.config.get('json')) { - if (wholePackument) + if (wholePackument) { => this.prettyView(pckmnt, v[Object.keys(v)[0]][''])) - else { + } else { console.log(`${name}:`) const msg = await this.jsonData(reducedData, pckmnt._id) - if (msg !== '') + if (msg !== '') { console.log(msg) + } } } else { const msg = await this.jsonData(reducedData, pckmnt._id) - if (msg !== '') + if (msg !== '') { results[name] = JSON.parse(msg) + } } } - if (Object.keys(results).length > 0) + if (Object.keys(results).length > 0) { console.log(JSON.stringify(results, null, 2)) + } } async getData (pkg, args) { @@ -196,13 +208,15 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { // get the data about this package let version = this.npm.config.get('tag') // rawSpec is the git url if this is from git - if (spec.type !== 'git' && spec.rawSpec) + if (spec.type !== 'git' && spec.rawSpec) { version = spec.rawSpec + } const pckmnt = await packument(spec, opts) - if (pckmnt['dist-tags'] && pckmnt['dist-tags'][version]) + if (pckmnt['dist-tags'] && pckmnt['dist-tags'][version]) { version = pckmnt['dist-tags'][version] + } if (pckmnt.time && pckmnt.time.unpublished) { const u = pckmnt.time.unpublished @@ -218,15 +232,17 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { pckmnt.versions = Object.keys(versions).sort(semver.compareLoose) // remove readme unless we asked for it - if (args.indexOf('readme') === -1) + if (args.indexOf('readme') === -1) { delete pckmnt.readme + } Object.keys(versions).forEach((v) => { if (semver.satisfies(v, version, true)) { args.forEach(arg => { // remove readme unless we asked for it - if (args.indexOf('readme') !== -1) + if (args.indexOf('readme') !== -1) { delete versions[v].readme + } data.push(showFields(pckmnt, versions[v], arg)) }) @@ -237,8 +253,9 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { !this.npm.config.get('json') && args.length === 1 && args[0] === '' - ) + ) { pckmnt.version = version + } return [pckmnt, data] } @@ -254,17 +271,19 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { versions.forEach((v) => { const fields = Object.keys(data[v]) includeFields = includeFields || (fields.length > 1) - if (json) + if (json) { msgJson.push({}) + } fields.forEach((f) => { let d = cleanup(data[v][f]) - if (fields.length === 1 && json) + if (fields.length === 1 && json) { msgJson[msgJson.length - 1][f] = d + } if (includeVersions || includeFields || typeof d !== 'string') { - if (json) + if (json) { msgJson[msgJson.length - 1][f] = d - else { + } else { d = inspect(d, { showHidden: false, depth: 5, @@ -272,12 +291,14 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { maxArrayLength: null, }) } - } else if (typeof d === 'string' && json) + } else if (typeof d === 'string' && json) { d = JSON.stringify(d) + } if (!json) { - if (f && includeFields) + if (f && includeFields) { f += ' = ' + } msg += (includeVersions ? name + '@' + v + ' ' : '') + (includeFields ? f : '') + d + '\n' } @@ -289,10 +310,11 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { const k = Object.keys(msgJson[0])[0] msgJson = => m[k]) } - if (msgJson.length === 1) + if (msgJson.length === 1) { msg = JSON.stringify(msgJson[0], null, 2) + '\n' - else if (msgJson.length > 1) + } else if (msgJson.length > 1) { msg = JSON.stringify(msgJson, null, 2) + '\n' + } } return msg.trim() @@ -351,10 +373,11 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { manifest.dist.fileCount && color.yellow(manifest.dist.fileCount), unpackedSize: unpackedSize && color.yellow(unpackedSize), } - if (info.license.toLowerCase().trim() === 'proprietary') + if (info.license.toLowerCase().trim() === 'proprietary') { info.license = style.bright( - else + } else { info.license = + } console.log('') console.log( @@ -364,8 +387,9 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { ' | versions: ' + info.versions ) info.description && console.log(info.description) - if (info.repo || + if (info.repo || { && console.log(color.cyan( + } const warningSign = unicode ? ' ⚠️ ' : '!!' info.deprecated && console.log( @@ -396,8 +420,9 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { console.log('') console.log('dependencies:') console.log(columns(info.deps.slice(0, maxDeps), { padding: 1 })) - if (info.deps.length > maxDeps) + if (info.deps.length > maxDeps) { console.log(`(...and ${info.deps.length - maxDeps} more.)`) + } } if (info.maintainers && info.maintainers.length) { @@ -412,10 +437,12 @@ class View extends BaseCommand { if (info.publisher || info.modified) { let publishInfo = 'published' - if (info.modified) + if (info.modified) { publishInfo += ` ${info.modified}` - if (info.publisher) + } + if (info.publisher) { publishInfo += ` by ${info.publisher}` + } console.log('') console.log(publishInfo) } @@ -458,24 +485,28 @@ function showFields (data, version, fields) { const s = queryable.query(fields) const res = { [version.version]: s } - if (s) + if (s) { return res + } } function cleanup (data) { - if (Array.isArray(data)) + if (Array.isArray(data)) { return + } - if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') + if (!data || typeof data !== 'object') { return data + } const keys = Object.keys(data) if (keys.length <= 3 && && (keys.length === 1 || (keys.length === 3 && && data.url) || - (keys.length === 2 && ( || data.url)))) + (keys.length === 2 && ( || data.url)))) { data = unparsePerson(data) + } return data } diff --git a/lib/npm.js b/lib/npm.js index 4b7b3440ff5ca..ecc7f0a7de206 100644 --- a/lib/npm.js +++ b/lib/npm.js @@ -14,18 +14,19 @@ const timers = new Map() // Finished timers const timings = {} -const processOnTimeHandler = (name) => { +const processOnTimeHandler = name => { timers.set(name, } -const processOnTimeEndHandler = (name) => { +const processOnTimeEndHandler = name => { if (timers.has(name)) { const ms = - timers.get(name) log.timing(name, `Completed in ${ms}ms`) timings[name] = ms timers.delete(name) - } else + } else { log.silly('timing', "Tried to end timer that doesn't exist:", name) + } } const { definitions, flatten, shorthands } = require('./utils/config/index.js') @@ -113,17 +114,23 @@ class Npm extends EventEmitter { // Options are prefixed by a hyphen-minus (-, \u2d). // Other dash-type chars look similar but are invalid. if (!warnedNonDashArg) { - args.filter(arg => /^[\u2010-\u2015\u2212\uFE58\uFE63\uFF0D]/.test(arg)) + args + .filter(arg => /^[\u2010-\u2015\u2212\uFE58\uFE63\uFF0D]/.test(arg)) .forEach(arg => { warnedNonDashArg = true - this.log.error('arg', 'Argument starts with non-ascii dash, this is probably invalid:', arg) + this.log.error( + 'arg', + 'Argument starts with non-ascii dash, this is probably invalid:', + arg + ) }) } const workspacesEnabled = this.config.get('workspaces') const workspacesFilters = this.config.get('workspace') - if (workspacesEnabled === false && workspacesFilters.length > 0) + if (workspacesEnabled === false && workspacesFilters.length > 0) { throw new Error('Can not use --no-workspaces and --workspace at the same time') + } const filterByWorkspaces = workspacesEnabled || workspacesFilters.length > 0 // normally this would go in the constructor, but our tests don't @@ -141,8 +148,9 @@ class Npm extends EventEmitter { return } if (filterByWorkspaces) { - if (this.config.get('global')) + if (this.config.get('global')) { throw new Error('Workspaces not supported for global packages') + } return command.execWorkspaces(args, this.config.get('workspace')).finally(() => { process.emit('timeEnd', `command:${cmd}`) @@ -159,16 +167,20 @@ class Npm extends EventEmitter { process.emit('time', 'npm:load') this.log.pause() this.loadPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { - this[_load]().catch(er => er).then((er) => { - this.loadErr = er - if (!er && this.config.get('force')) - this.log.warn('using --force', 'Recommended protections disabled.') - - process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm:load') - if (er) - return reject(er) - resolve() - }) + this[_load]() + .catch(er => er) + .then(er => { + this.loadErr = er + if (!er && this.config.get('force')) { + this.log.warn('using --force', 'Recommended protections disabled.') + } + + process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm:load') + if (er) { + return reject(er) + } + resolve() + }) }) } return this.loadPromise @@ -215,7 +227,8 @@ class Npm extends EventEmitter { // args keeps those from being leaked. process.emit('time', 'npm:load:setTitle') const tokrev = deref(this.argv[0]) === 'token' && this.argv[1] === 'revoke' - this.title = tokrev ? 'npm token revoke' + (this.argv[2] ? ' ***' : '') + this.title = tokrev + ? 'npm token revoke' + (this.argv[2] ? ' ***' : '') : ['npm', ...this.argv].join(' ') process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm:load:setTitle') @@ -232,20 +245,21 @@ class Npm extends EventEmitter { process.emit('time', 'npm:load:configScope') const configScope = this.config.get('scope') - if (configScope && !/^@/.test(configScope)) + if (configScope && !/^@/.test(configScope)) { this.config.set('scope', `@${configScope}`, this.config.find('scope')) + } process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm:load:configScope') process.emit('time', 'npm:load:projectScope') - this.projectScope = this.config.get('scope') || - getProjectScope(this.prefix) + this.projectScope = this.config.get('scope') || getProjectScope(this.prefix) process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm:load:projectScope') } get flatOptions () { const { flat } = this.config - if (this.command) + if (this.command) { flat.npmCommand = this.command + } return flat } @@ -298,7 +312,7 @@ class Npm extends EventEmitter { } get dir () { - return (this.config.get('global')) ? this.globalDir : this.localDir + return this.config.get('global') ? this.globalDir : this.localDir } get globalBin () { diff --git a/lib/search/format-package-stream.js b/lib/search/format-package-stream.js index fb7d81856d63f..7ff44e9e2049d 100644 --- a/lib/search/format-package-stream.js +++ b/lib/search/format-package-stream.js @@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ class JSONOutputStream extends Minipass { if (!this._didFirst) { super.write('[\n') this._didFirst = true - } else + } else { super.write('\n,\n') + } try { return super.write(JSON.stringify(obj)) @@ -93,8 +94,9 @@ function prettify (data, num, opts) { } ) output = trimToMaxWidth(output) - if (opts.color) + if (opts.color) { output = highlightSearchTerms(output, opts.args) + } return output } diff --git a/lib/search/package-filter.js b/lib/search/package-filter.js index 2e7d8e82ae3e7..45a67835b8c4a 100644 --- a/lib/search/package-filter.js +++ b/lib/search/package-filter.js @@ -19,13 +19,15 @@ function getWords (data, opts) { function filterWords (data, include, exclude, opts) { var words = getWords(data, opts) for (var i = 0, l = include.length; i < l; i++) { - if (!match(words, include[i])) + if (!match(words, include[i])) { return false + } } for (i = 0, l = exclude.length; i < l; i++) { - if (match(words, exclude[i])) + if (match(words, exclude[i])) { return false + } } return true diff --git a/lib/utils/audit-error.js b/lib/utils/audit-error.js index c58c1d16e6885..b4ab26fd0c697 100644 --- a/lib/utils/audit-error.js +++ b/lib/utils/audit-error.js @@ -4,11 +4,13 @@ // returns 'true' if there was an error, false otherwise const auditError = (npm, report) => { - if (!report || !report.error) + if (!report || !report.error) { return false + } - if (npm.command !== 'audit') + if (npm.command !== 'audit') { return true + } const { error } = report @@ -25,8 +27,9 @@ const auditError = (npm, report) => { statusCode: error.statusCode, body, }, null, 2)) - } else + } else { npm.output(body) + } throw 'audit endpoint returned an error' } diff --git a/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js b/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js index 13d1e50da82e9..8fb0fa1550281 100644 --- a/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js +++ b/lib/utils/cleanup-log-files.js @@ -8,23 +8,26 @@ const { resolve } = require('path') const rimraf = require('rimraf') const glob = require('glob') module.exports = (cache, max, warn) => { - /* eslint-disable promise/param-names */ return new Promise(done => { glob(resolve(cache, '_logs', '*-debug.log'), (er, files) => { - if (er) + if (er) { return done() + } let pending = files.length - max - if (pending <= 0) + if (pending <= 0) { return done() + } for (let i = 0; i < files.length - max; i++) { - rimraf(files[i], (er) => { - if (er) + rimraf(files[i], er => { + if (er) { warn('log', 'failed to remove log file', files[i]) + } - if (--pending === 0) + if (--pending === 0) { done() + } }) } }) diff --git a/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js b/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js index 62686f9b2d3c9..7098d81fe7b49 100644 --- a/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js +++ b/lib/utils/completion/installed-deep.js @@ -27,14 +27,16 @@ const installedDeep = async (npm) => { }) const gTree = await gArb.loadActual({ global: true }) - for (const node of getValues(gTree)) + for (const node of getValues(gTree)) { res.add(global ? : [, '-g']) + } if (!global) { const arb = new Arborist({ global: false, path: prefix, workspacesEnabled }) const tree = await arb.loadActual() - for (const node of getValues(tree)) + for (const node of getValues(tree)) { res.add( + } } return [...res] diff --git a/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js b/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js index 1c9b8ef5acb0f..686c95e63245e 100644 --- a/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js +++ b/lib/utils/completion/installed-shallow.js @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ const readdir = promisify(require('readdir-scoped-modules')) const installedShallow = async (npm, opts) => { const names = global => readdir(global ? npm.globalDir : npm.localDir) const { conf: { argv: { remain } } } = opts - if (remain.length > 3) + if (remain.length > 3) { return null + } const { global } = npm.flatOptions const locals = global ? [] : await names(false) diff --git a/lib/utils/config/definition.js b/lib/utils/config/definition.js index 1354851326adf..fc46bc3d6a5ef 100644 --- a/lib/utils/config/definition.js +++ b/lib/utils/config/definition.js @@ -6,12 +6,7 @@ // say "these are for registry access", "these are for // version resolution" etc. -const required = [ - 'type', - 'description', - 'default', - 'key', -] +const required = ['type', 'description', 'default', 'key'] const allowed = [ 'default', @@ -44,42 +39,50 @@ class Definition { this.envExport = true Object.assign(this, def) this.validate() - if (!this.defaultDescription) + if (!this.defaultDescription) { this.defaultDescription = describeValue(this.default) - if (!this.typeDescription) + } + if (!this.typeDescription) { this.typeDescription = describeType(this.type) + } // hint is only used for non-boolean values if (!this.hint) { - if (this.type === Number) + if (this.type === Number) { this.hint = '' - else + } else { this.hint = `<${this.key}>` + } } - if (!this.usage) + if (!this.usage) { this.usage = describeUsage(this) + } } validate () { for (const req of required) { - if (!, req)) + if (!, req)) { throw new Error(`config lacks ${req}: ${this.key}`) + } } - if (!this.key) + if (!this.key) { throw new Error(`config lacks key: ${this.key}`) + } for (const field of Object.keys(this)) { - if (!allowed.includes(field)) + if (!allowed.includes(field)) { throw new Error(`config defines unknown field ${field}: ${this.key}`) + } } } // a textual description of this config, suitable for help output describe () { const description = unindent(this.description) - const noEnvExport = this.envExport ? '' : ` + const noEnvExport = this.envExport + ? '' + : ` This value is not exported to the environment for child processes. ` - const deprecated = !this.deprecated ? '' - : `* DEPRECATED: ${unindent(this.deprecated)}\n` + const deprecated = !this.deprecated ? '' : `* DEPRECATED: ${unindent(this.deprecated)}\n` return wrapAll(`#### \`${this.key}\` * Default: ${unindent(this.defaultDescription)} @@ -90,28 +93,32 @@ ${noEnvExport}`) } } -const describeUsage = (def) => { +const describeUsage = def => { let key = '' // Single type if (!Array.isArray(def.type)) { - if (def.short) + if (def.short) { key = `-${def.short}|` + } - if (def.type === Boolean && def.default !== false) + if (def.type === Boolean && def.default !== false) { key = `${key}--no-${def.key}` - else + } else { key = `${key}--${def.key}` + } - if (def.type !== Boolean) + if (def.type !== Boolean) { key = `${key} ${def.hint}` + } return key } key = `--${def.key}` - if (def.short) + if (def.short) { key = `-${def.short}|--${def.key}` + } // Multiple types let types = def.type @@ -122,14 +129,15 @@ const describeUsage = (def) => { // all non-optional params have defaults so we render everything as optional types = types.filter(t => t !== null && t !== Array && t !== Boolean) - if (!types.length) + if (!types.length) { return key + } let description - if (!types.some(t => typeof t !== 'string')) + if (!types.some(t => typeof t !== 'string')) { // Specific values, use specifics given description = `<${types.filter(d => d).join('|')}>` - else { + } else { // Generic values, use hint description = def.hint } @@ -142,17 +150,16 @@ const describeUsage = (def) => { } const usage = `${key} ${description}` - if (multiple) + if (multiple) { return `${usage} [${usage} ...]` - else + } else { return usage + } } const describeType = type => { if (Array.isArray(type)) { - const descriptions = type - .filter(t => t !== Array) - .map(t => describeType(t)) + const descriptions = type.filter(t => t !== Array).map(t => describeType(t)) // [a] => "a" // [a, b] => "a or b" @@ -162,8 +169,7 @@ const describeType = type => { const last = descriptions.length > 1 ? [descriptions.pop()] : [] const oxford = descriptions.length > 1 ? ', or ' : ' or ' const words = [descriptions.join(', ')].concat(last).join(oxford) - const multiple = type.includes(Array) ? ' (can be set multiple times)' - : '' + const multiple = type.includes(Array) ? ' (can be set multiple times)' : '' return `${words}${multiple}` } @@ -193,8 +199,7 @@ const describeType = type => { } // if it's a string, quote it. otherwise, just cast to string. -const describeValue = val => - typeof val === 'string' ? JSON.stringify(val) : String(val) +const describeValue = val => (typeof val === 'string' ? JSON.stringify(val) : String(val)) const unindent = s => { // get the first \n followed by a bunch of spaces, and pluck off @@ -203,30 +208,44 @@ const unindent = s => { return !match ? s.trim() : s.split(match[0]).join('\n').trim() } -const wrap = (s) => { +const wrap = s => { const cols = Math.min(Math.max(20, process.stdout.columns) || 80, 80) - 5 - return unindent(s).split(/[ \n]+/).reduce((left, right) => { - const last = left.split('\n').pop() - const join = last.length && last.length + right.length > cols ? '\n' : ' ' - return left + join + right - }) + return unindent(s) + .split(/[ \n]+/) + .reduce((left, right) => { + const last = left.split('\n').pop() + const join = last.length && last.length + right.length > cols ? '\n' : ' ' + return left + join + right + }) } const wrapAll = s => { let inCodeBlock = false - return s.split('\n\n').map(block => { - if (inCodeBlock || block.startsWith('```')) { - inCodeBlock = !block.endsWith('```') - return block - } - - if (block.charAt(0) === '*') { - return '* ' + block.substr(1).trim().split('\n* ').map(li => { - return wrap(li).replace(/\n/g, '\n ') - }).join('\n* ') - } else - return wrap(block) - }).join('\n\n') + return s + .split('\n\n') + .map(block => { + if (inCodeBlock || block.startsWith('```')) { + inCodeBlock = !block.endsWith('```') + return block + } + + if (block.charAt(0) === '*') { + return ( + '* ' + + block + .substr(1) + .trim() + .split('\n* ') + .map(li => { + return wrap(li).replace(/\n/g, '\n ') + }) + .join('\n* ') + ) + } else { + return wrap(block) + } + }) + .join('\n\n') } module.exports = Definition diff --git a/lib/utils/config/definitions.js b/lib/utils/config/definitions.js index a725ee0fa1d6f..b47a46de85e2e 100644 --- a/lib/utils/config/definitions.js +++ b/lib/utils/config/definitions.js @@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ const maybeReadFile = file => { try { return fs.readFileSync(file, 'utf8') } catch (er) { - if (er.code !== 'ENOENT') + if (er.code !== 'ENOENT') { throw er + } return null } } @@ -27,27 +28,32 @@ const buildOmitList = obj => { const omit = obj.omit || [] const only = obj.only - if (/^prod(uction)?$/.test(only) || obj.production) + if (/^prod(uction)?$/.test(only) || obj.production) { omit.push('dev') - else if (obj.production === false) + } else if (obj.production === false) { include.push('dev') + } - if (/^dev/.test(obj.also)) + if (/^dev/.test(obj.also)) { include.push('dev') + } - if ( + if ( { include.push('dev') + } - if (obj.optional === false) + if (obj.optional === false) { omit.push('optional') - else if (obj.optional === true) + } else if (obj.optional === true) { include.push('optional') + } obj.omit = [ Set(omit)].filter(type => !include.includes(type)) obj.include = [ Set(include)] - if (obj.omit.includes('dev')) + if (obj.omit.includes('dev')) { process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production' + } return obj.omit } @@ -98,8 +104,9 @@ const { const define = (key, def) => { /* istanbul ignore if - this should never happen, prevents mistakes below */ - if (definitions[key]) + if (definitions[key]) { throw new Error(`defining key more than once: ${key}`) + } definitions[key] = new Definition(key, def) } @@ -342,8 +349,9 @@ define('cache-max', { This option has been deprecated in favor of \`--prefer-online\` `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { - if (obj[key] <= 0) + if (obj[key] <= 0) { flatOptions.preferOnline = true + } }, }) @@ -357,8 +365,9 @@ define('cache-min', { This option has been deprecated in favor of \`--prefer-offline\`. `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { - if (obj[key] >= 9999) + if (obj[key] >= 9999) { flatOptions.preferOffline = true + } }, }) @@ -372,12 +381,14 @@ define('cafile', { `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { // always set to null in defaults - if (!obj.cafile) + if (!obj.cafile) { return + } const raw = maybeReadFile(obj.cafile) - if (!raw) + if (!raw) { return + } const delim = '-----END CERTIFICATE-----' = raw.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n').split(delim) @@ -806,8 +817,9 @@ define('global', { `, flatten: (key, obj, flatOptions) => { flatten(key, obj, flatOptions) - if ( + if ( { flatOptions.location = 'global' + } }, }) @@ -1150,8 +1162,9 @@ define('location', { `, flatten: (key, obj, flatOptions) => { flatten(key, obj, flatOptions) - if ( + if ( { flatOptions.location = 'global' + } }, }) @@ -1281,10 +1294,11 @@ define('noproxy', { Also accepts a comma-delimited string. `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { - if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) + if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) { flatOptions.noProxy = obj[key].join(',') - else + } else { flatOptions.noProxy = obj[key] + } }, }) @@ -1403,8 +1417,9 @@ define('package-lock', { `, flatten: (key, obj, flatOptions) => { flatten(key, obj, flatOptions) - if (flatOptions.packageLockOnly) + if (flatOptions.packageLockOnly) { flatOptions.packageLock = true + } }, }) @@ -1423,8 +1438,9 @@ define('package-lock-only', { `, flatten: (key, obj, flatOptions) => { flatten(key, obj, flatOptions) - if (flatOptions.packageLockOnly) + if (flatOptions.packageLockOnly) { flatOptions.packageLock = true + } }, }) @@ -1607,8 +1623,9 @@ define('save-dev', { `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { if (!obj[key]) { - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'dev') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'dev') { delete flatOptions.saveType + } return } @@ -1640,20 +1657,23 @@ define('save-optional', { `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { if (!obj[key]) { - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'optional') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'optional') { delete flatOptions.saveType - else if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') + } else if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') { flatOptions.saveType = 'peer' + } return } - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') { return + } - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peer') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peer') { flatOptions.saveType = 'peerOptional' - else + } else { flatOptions.saveType = 'optional' + } }, }) @@ -1665,20 +1685,23 @@ define('save-peer', { `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { if (!obj[key]) { - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peer') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peer') { delete flatOptions.saveType - else if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') + } else if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') { flatOptions.saveType = 'optional' + } return } - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'peerOptional') { return + } - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'optional') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'optional') { flatOptions.saveType = 'peerOptional' - else + } else { flatOptions.saveType = 'peer' + } }, }) @@ -1715,8 +1738,9 @@ define('save-prod', { `, flatten (key, obj, flatOptions) { if (!obj[key]) { - if (flatOptions.saveType === 'prod') + if (flatOptions.saveType === 'prod') { delete flatOptions.saveType + } return } @@ -2085,8 +2109,9 @@ define('user-agent', { const value = obj[key] const ciName = obj['ci-name'] let inWorkspaces = false - if (obj.workspaces || obj.workspace && obj.workspace.length) + if (obj.workspaces || obj.workspace && obj.workspace.length) { inWorkspaces = true + } flatOptions.userAgent = value.replace(/\{node-version\}/gi, obj['node-version']) .replace(/\{npm-version\}/gi, obj['npm-version']) diff --git a/lib/utils/config/describe-all.js b/lib/utils/config/describe-all.js index 23a10ae97783c..39f8d5fe4d453 100644 --- a/lib/utils/config/describe-all.js +++ b/lib/utils/config/describe-all.js @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ const describeAll = () => { /* istanbul ignore next - typically already sorted in the definitions file, * but this is here so that our help doc will stay consistent if we decide * to move them around. */ - const sort = ([keya, {deprecated: depa}], [keyb, {deprecated: depb}]) => { + const sort = ([keya, { deprecated: depa }], [keyb, { deprecated: depb }]) => { return depa && !depb ? 1 : !depa && depb ? -1 : localeCompare(keya, keyb) diff --git a/lib/utils/config/flatten.js b/lib/utils/config/flatten.js index f6d6124bddf7a..588d05bf0d77d 100644 --- a/lib/utils/config/flatten.js +++ b/lib/utils/config/flatten.js @@ -11,10 +11,11 @@ const definitions = require('./definitions.js') const flatten = (obj, flat = {}) => { for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(obj)) { const def = definitions[key] - if (def && def.flatten) + if (def && def.flatten) { def.flatten(key, obj, flat) - else if (/@.*:registry$/i.test(key) || /^\/\//.test(key)) + } else if (/@.*:registry$/i.test(key) || /^\/\//.test(key)) { flat[key] = val + } } // XXX make this the bin/npm-cli.js file explicitly instead diff --git a/lib/utils/config/index.js b/lib/utils/config/index.js index a24f5865242bf..d8706d50c612d 100644 --- a/lib/utils/config/index.js +++ b/lib/utils/config/index.js @@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ const shorthands = { reg: ['--registry'], } -for (const [key, {short}] of Object.entries(definitions)) { - if (!short) +for (const [key, { short }] of Object.entries(definitions)) { + if (!short) { continue + } // can be either an array or string - for (const s of [].concat(short)) + for (const s of [].concat(short)) { shorthands[s] = [`--${key}`] + } } module.exports = { diff --git a/lib/utils/deref-command.js b/lib/utils/deref-command.js index f45c2627e49f6..dd89fb5a4f2b2 100644 --- a/lib/utils/deref-command.js +++ b/lib/utils/deref-command.js @@ -7,21 +7,25 @@ const abbrev = require('abbrev') const abbrevs = abbrev(fullList) module.exports = c => { - if (!c || typeof c !== 'string') + if (!c || typeof c !== 'string') { return '' + } - if (c.match(/[A-Z]/)) + if (c.match(/[A-Z]/)) { c = c.replace(/([A-Z])/g, m => '-' + m.toLowerCase()) + } - if (plumbing.indexOf(c) !== -1) + if (plumbing.indexOf(c) !== -1) { return c + } // first deref the abbrev, if there is one // then resolve any aliases // so `npm install-cl` will resolve to `install-clean` then to `ci` let a = abbrevs[c] - while (aliases[a]) + while (aliases[a]) { a = aliases[a] + } return a || '' } diff --git a/lib/utils/did-you-mean.js b/lib/utils/did-you-mean.js index 953048309856b..b859abaaf5d23 100644 --- a/lib/utils/did-you-mean.js +++ b/lib/utils/did-you-mean.js @@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ const { cmdList } = require('./cmd-list.js') const didYouMean = async (npm, path, scmd) => { // const cmd = await npm.cmd(str) - const close = cmdList - .filter(cmd => distance(scmd, cmd) < scmd.length * 0.4 && scmd !== cmd) + const close = cmdList.filter(cmd => distance(scmd, cmd) < scmd.length * 0.4 && scmd !== cmd) let best = [] for (const str of close) { const cmd = await npm.cmd(str) @@ -17,22 +16,25 @@ const didYouMean = async (npm, path, scmd) => { const { bin, scripts } = await readJson(`${path}/package.json`) best = best.concat( Object.keys(scripts || {}) - .filter(cmd => distance(scmd, cmd) < scmd.length * 0.4 && - !runScripts.includes(cmd)) + .filter(cmd => distance(scmd, cmd) < scmd.length * 0.4 && !runScripts.includes(cmd)) .map(str => ` npm run ${str} # run the "${str}" package script`), Object.keys(bin || {}) .filter(cmd => distance(scmd, cmd) < scmd.length * 0.4) + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ .map(str => ` npm exec ${str} # run the "${str}" command from either this or a remote npm package`) ) } catch (_) { // gracefully ignore not being in a folder w/ a package.json } - if (best.length === 0) + if (best.length === 0) { return '' + } - const suggestion = best.length === 1 ? `\n\nDid you mean this?\n${best[0]}` - : `\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n${best.slice(0, 3).join('\n')}` + const suggestion = + best.length === 1 + ? `\n\nDid you mean this?\n${best[0]}` + : `\n\nDid you mean one of these?\n${best.slice(0, 3).join('\n')}` return suggestion } module.exports = didYouMean diff --git a/lib/utils/error-message.js b/lib/utils/error-message.js index 9343d37d54149..48ad4676f471e 100644 --- a/lib/utils/error-message.js +++ b/lib/utils/error-message.js @@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { const short = [] const detail = [] - if (er.message) + if (er.message) { er.message = replaceInfo(er.message) - if (er.stack) + } + if (er.stack) { er.stack = replaceInfo(er.stack) + } switch (er.code) { case 'ERESOLVE': @@ -46,10 +48,14 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { case 'EACCES': case 'EPERM': { - const isCachePath = typeof er.path === 'string' && - npm.config.loaded && er.path.startsWith(npm.config.get('cache')) - const isCacheDest = typeof er.dest === 'string' && - npm.config.loaded && er.dest.startsWith(npm.config.get('cache')) + const isCachePath = + typeof er.path === 'string' && + npm.config.loaded && + er.path.startsWith(npm.config.get('cache')) + const isCacheDest = + typeof er.dest === 'string' && + npm.config.loaded && + er.dest.startsWith(npm.config.get('cache')) const isWindows = require('./is-windows.js') @@ -64,7 +70,9 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { 'previous versions of npm which has since been addressed.', '', 'To permanently fix this problem, please run:', - ` sudo chown -R ${process.getuid()}:${process.getgid()} ${JSON.stringify(npm.config.get('cache'))}`, + ` sudo chown -R ${process.getuid()}:${process.getgid()} ${JSON.stringify( + npm.config.get('cache') + )}`, ].join('\n'), ]) } else { @@ -73,14 +81,17 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { '', [ '\nThe operation was rejected by your operating system.', - (isWindows - ? 'It\'s possible that the file was already in use (by a text editor or antivirus),\n' + + isWindows + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + ? "It's possible that the file was already in use (by a text editor or antivirus),\n" + 'or that you lack permissions to access it.' - : 'It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user'), + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + : 'It is likely you do not have the permissions to access this file as the current user', '\nIf you believe this might be a permissions issue, please double-check the', 'permissions of the file and its containing directories, or try running', 'the command again as root/Administrator.', - ].join('\n')]) + ].join('\n'), + ]) } break } @@ -89,11 +100,9 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { short.push(['', er.message]) detail.push([ '', - [ - '', - 'Failed using git.', - 'Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.', - ].join('\n'), + ['', 'Failed using git.', 'Please check if you have git installed and in your PATH.'].join( + '\n' + ), ]) break @@ -101,8 +110,7 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { // Check whether we ran into a conflict in our own package.json if (er.path === resolve(npm.prefix, 'package.json')) { const { isDiff } = require('parse-conflict-json') - const txt = require('fs').readFileSync(er.path, 'utf8') - .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') + const txt = require('fs').readFileSync(er.path, 'utf8').replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') if (isDiff(txt)) { detail.push([ '', @@ -141,17 +149,19 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { } else { // npm ERR! code E401 // npm ERR! Unable to authenticate, need: Basic - const auth = !er.headers || !er.headers['www-authenticate'] ? [] - : er.headers['www-authenticate'].map((au) => au.split(/[,\s]+/))[0] + const auth = + !er.headers || !er.headers['www-authenticate'] + ? [] + : er.headers['www-authenticate'].map(au => au.split(/[,\s]+/))[0] if (auth.includes('Bearer')) { - short.push(['', 'Unable to authenticate, your authentication token seems to be invalid.']) + short.push([ + '', + 'Unable to authenticate, your authentication token seems to be invalid.', + ]) detail.push([ '', - [ - 'To correct this please trying logging in again with:', - ' npm login', - ].join('\n'), + ['To correct this please trying logging in again with:', ' npm login'].join('\n'), ]) } else if (auth.includes('Basic')) { short.push(['', 'Incorrect or missing password.']) @@ -169,8 +179,9 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { ' npm login', ].join('\n'), ]) - } else + } else { short.push(['', er.message || er]) + } } break @@ -185,19 +196,16 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { const valResult = nameValidator(pkg) - if (valResult.validForNewPackages) - detail.push(['404', 'You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)']) - else { + if (valResult.validForNewPackages) { + detail.push([ + '404', + 'You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!)', + ]) + } else { detail.push(['404', 'This package name is not valid, because', '']) - const errorsArray = [ - ...(valResult.errors || []), - ...(valResult.warnings || []), - ] - errorsArray.forEach((item, idx) => detail.push([ - '404', - ' ' + (idx + 1) + '. ' + item, - ])) + const errorsArray = [...(valResult.errors || []), ...(valResult.warnings || [])] + errorsArray.forEach((item, idx) => detail.push(['404', ' ' + (idx + 1) + '. ' + item])) } detail.push(['404', '\nNote that you can also install from a']) @@ -218,26 +226,30 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { short.push(['git', ' ' + er.path]) detail.push([ 'git', - [ - 'Refusing to remove it. Update manually,', - 'or move it out of the way first.', - ].join('\n'), + ['Refusing to remove it. Update manually,', 'or move it out of the way first.'].join('\n'), ]) break case 'EBADPLATFORM': { - const validOs = er.required && - er.required.os && - er.required.os.join ? er.required.os.join(',') : er.required.os - const validArch = er.required && - er.required.cpu && - er.required.cpu.join ? er.required.cpu.join(',') : er.required.cpu + const validOs = + er.required && er.required.os && er.required.os.join + ? er.required.os.join(',') + : er.required.os + const validArch = + er.required && er.required.cpu && er.required.cpu.join + ? er.required.cpu.join(',') + : er.required.cpu const expected = { os: validOs, arch: validArch } const actual = { os: process.platform, arch: process.arch } short.push([ 'notsup', [ - format('Unsupported platform for %s: wanted %j (current: %j)', er.pkgid, expected, actual), + format( + 'Unsupported platform for %s: wanted %j (current: %j)', + er.pkgid, + expected, + actual + ), ].join('\n'), ]) detail.push([ @@ -283,19 +295,25 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { case 'ETARGET': short.push(['notarget', er.message]) - detail.push(['notarget', [ - 'In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting', - "a package version that doesn't exist.", - ].join('\n')]) + detail.push([ + 'notarget', + [ + 'In most cases you or one of your dependencies are requesting', + "a package version that doesn't exist.", + ].join('\n'), + ]) break case 'E403': short.push(['403', er.message]) - detail.push(['403', [ - 'In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting', - 'a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or', - 'on a server you do not have access to.', - ].join('\n')]) + detail.push([ + '403', + [ + 'In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting', + 'a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or', + 'on a server you do not have access to.', + ].join('\n'), + ]) break case 'EBADENGINE': @@ -306,10 +324,11 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { [ 'Not compatible with your version of node/npm: ' + er.pkgid, 'Required: ' + JSON.stringify(er.required), - 'Actual: ' + JSON.stringify({ - npm: npm.version, - node: npm.config.loaded ? npm.config.get('node-version') : process.version, - }), + 'Actual: ' + + JSON.stringify({ + npm: npm.version, + node: npm.config.loaded ? npm.config.get('node-version') : process.version, + }), ].join('\n'), ]) break @@ -363,17 +382,21 @@ module.exports = (er, npm) => { default: short.push(['', er.message || er]) - if (er.signal) + if (er.signal) { detail.push(['signal', er.signal]) + } - if (er.cmd && Array.isArray(er.args)) + if (er.cmd && Array.isArray(er.args)) { detail.push(['command', ...[er.cmd,]]) + } - if (er.stdout) + if (er.stdout) { detail.push(['', er.stdout.trim()]) + } - if (er.stderr) + if (er.stderr) { detail.push(['', er.stderr.trim()]) + } break } diff --git a/lib/utils/exit-handler.js b/lib/utils/exit-handler.js index 7be138d2c361f..5b2811468eca3 100644 --- a/lib/utils/exit-handler.js +++ b/lib/utils/exit-handler.js @@ -15,8 +15,13 @@ let wroteLogFile = false const getLogFile = () => { // we call this multiple times, so we need to treat it as a singleton because // the date is part of the name - if (!logFileName) - logFileName = path.resolve(npm.config.get('cache'), '_logs', (new Date()).toISOString().replace(/[.:]/g, '_') + '-debug.log') + if (!logFileName) { + logFileName = path.resolve( + npm.config.get('cache'), + '_logs', + new Date().toISOString().replace(/[.:]/g, '_') + '-debug.log' + ) + } return logFileName } @@ -26,8 +31,9 @@ process.on('exit', code => { // unfinished timer check below process.emit('timeEnd', 'npm') npm.log.disableProgress() - for (const [name, timers] of npm.timers) + for (const [name, timers] of npm.timers) { npm.log.verbose('unfinished npm timer', name, timers) + } if (npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('timing')) { try { @@ -35,12 +41,15 @@ process.on('exit', code => { const dir = path.dirname(npm.config.get('cache')) mkdirp.sync(dir) - fs.appendFileSync(file, JSON.stringify({ - command: process.argv.slice(2), - logfile: getLogFile(), - version: npm.version, - ...npm.timings, - }) + '\n') + fs.appendFileSync( + file, + JSON.stringify({ + command: process.argv.slice(2), + logfile: getLogFile(), + version: npm.version, + ...npm.timings, + }) + '\n' + ) const st = fs.lstatSync(path.dirname(npm.config.get('cache'))) fs.chownSync(dir, st.uid, st.gid) @@ -50,10 +59,11 @@ process.on('exit', code => { } } - if (!code) + if (!code) {'ok') - else + } else { npm.log.verbose('code', code) + } if (!exitHandlerCalled) { process.exitCode = code || 1 @@ -65,19 +75,18 @@ process.on('exit', code => { writeLogFile() } // In timing mode we always write the log file - if (npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('timing') && !wroteLogFile) + if (npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('timing') && !wroteLogFile) { writeLogFile() + } if (wroteLogFile) { // just a line break - if (npm.log.levels[npm.log.level] <= npm.log.levels.error) + if (npm.log.levels[npm.log.level] <= npm.log.levels.error) { console.error('') + } npm.log.error( '', - [ - 'A complete log of this run can be found in:', - ' ' + getLogFile(), - ].join('\n') + ['A complete log of this run can be found in:', ' ' + getLogFile()].join('\n') ) } @@ -86,7 +95,7 @@ process.on('exit', code => { wroteLogFile = false }) -const exitHandler = (err) => { +const exitHandler = err => { npm.log.disableProgress() if (!npm.config.loaded) { err = err || new Error('Exit prior to config file resolving.') @@ -131,8 +140,9 @@ const exitHandler = (err) => { for (const k of ['type', 'stack', 'statusCode', 'pkgid']) { const v = err[k] - if (v) + if (v) { npm.log.verbose(k, replaceInfo(v)) + } } npm.log.verbose('cwd', process.cwd()) @@ -145,13 +155,15 @@ const exitHandler = (err) => { for (const k of ['code', 'syscall', 'file', 'path', 'dest', 'errno']) { const v = err[k] - if (v) + if (v) { npm.log.error(k, v) + } } const msg = errorMessage(err, npm) - for (const errline of [...msg.summary, ...msg.detail]) + for (const errline of [...msg.summary, ...msg.detail]) { npm.log.error(...errline) + } if (npm.config.loaded && npm.config.get('json')) { const error = { @@ -164,21 +176,24 @@ const exitHandler = (err) => { console.error(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)) } - if (typeof err.errno === 'number') + if (typeof err.errno === 'number') { exitCode = err.errno - else if (typeof err.code === 'number') + } else if (typeof err.code === 'number') { exitCode = err.code + } } } npm.log.verbose('exit', exitCode || 0) - if (npm.log.level === 'silent') + if (npm.log.level === 'silent') { noLog = true + } // noLog is true if there was an error, including if config wasn't loaded, so // this doesn't need a config.loaded guard - if (exitCode && !noLog) + if (exitCode && !noLog) { writeLogFile() + } // explicitly call process.exit now so we don't hang on things like the // update notifier, also flush stdout beforehand because process.exit doesn't @@ -193,11 +208,14 @@ const writeLogFile = () => { let logOutput = '' npm.log.record.forEach(m => { const p = [, m.level] - if (m.prefix) + if (m.prefix) { p.push(m.prefix) + } const pref = p.join(' ') - m.message.trim().split(/\r?\n/) + m.message + .trim() + .split(/\r?\n/) .map(line => (pref + ' ' + line).trim()) .forEach(line => { logOutput += line + os.EOL @@ -216,12 +234,10 @@ const writeLogFile = () => { // truncate once it's been written. npm.log.record.length = 0 wroteLogFile = true - } catch (ex) { - - } + } catch (ex) {} } module.exports = exitHandler -module.exports.setNpm = (n) => { +module.exports.setNpm = n => { npm = n } diff --git a/lib/utils/explain-dep.js b/lib/utils/explain-dep.js index 944b4be62bacf..107f68549ef1d 100644 --- a/lib/utils/explain-dep.js +++ b/lib/utils/explain-dep.js @@ -43,20 +43,25 @@ const printNode = (node, color) => { } = node const { bold, dim, green } = color ? chalk : nocolor const extra = [] - if (extraneous) + if (extraneous) { extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('extraneous', color))) + } - if (dev) + if (dev) { extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('dev', color))) + } - if (optional) + if (optional) { extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('optional', color))) + } - if (peer) + if (peer) { extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('peer', color))) + } - if (bundled) + if (bundled) { extra.push(' ' + bold(colorType('bundled', color))) + } const pkgid = isWorkspace ? green(`${name}@${version}`) @@ -67,8 +72,9 @@ const printNode = (node, color) => { } const explainLinksIn = ({ linksIn }, depth, color) => { - if (!linksIn || !linksIn.length || depth <= 0) + if (!linksIn || !linksIn.length || depth <= 0) { return '' + } const messages = => explainNode(link, depth - 1, color)) const str = '\n' + messages.join('\n') @@ -76,8 +82,9 @@ const explainLinksIn = ({ linksIn }, depth, color) => { } const explainDependents = ({ name, dependents }, depth, color) => { - if (!dependents || !dependents.length || depth <= 0) + if (!dependents || !dependents.length || depth <= 0) { return '' + } const max = Math.ceil(depth / 2) const messages = dependents.slice(0, max) @@ -118,8 +125,9 @@ const explainEdge = ({ name, type, bundled, from, spec }, depth, color) => { } const explainFrom = (from, depth, color) => { - if (! && !from.version) + if (! && !from.version) { return 'the root project' + } return printNode(from, color) + explainDependents(from, depth - 1, color) + diff --git a/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js b/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js index b25e3e4a9ccd0..7f6a10869c73c 100644 --- a/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js +++ b/lib/utils/explain-eresolve.js @@ -15,20 +15,22 @@ const explain = (expl, color, depth) => { const whileInstalling = dep && dep.whileInstalling || current && current.whileInstalling || edge && edge.from && edge.from.whileInstalling - if (whileInstalling) + if (whileInstalling) { out.push('While resolving: ' + printNode(whileInstalling, color)) + } // it "should" be impossible for an ERESOLVE explanation to lack both // current and currentEdge, but better to have a less helpful error // than a crashing failure. - if (current) + if (current) { out.push('Found: ' + explainNode(current, depth, color)) - else if (peerConflict && peerConflict.current) + } else if (peerConflict && peerConflict.current) { out.push('Found: ' + explainNode(peerConflict.current, depth, color)) - else if (currentEdge) + } else if (currentEdge) { out.push('Found: ' + explainEdge(currentEdge, depth, color)) - else /* istanbul ignore else - should always have one */ if (edge) + } else /* istanbul ignore else - should always have one */ if (edge) { out.push('Found: ' + explainEdge(edge, depth, color)) + } out.push('\nCould not resolve dependency:\n' + explainEdge(edge, depth, color)) diff --git a/lib/utils/format-bytes.js b/lib/utils/format-bytes.js index 87fb561aabef1..d7cf6d144e339 100644 --- a/lib/utils/format-bytes.js +++ b/lib/utils/format-bytes.js @@ -4,17 +4,24 @@ const formatBytes = (bytes, space = true) => { let spacer = '' - if (space) + if (space) { spacer = ' ' + } - if (bytes < 1000) // B + if (bytes < 1000) { + // B return `${bytes}${spacer}B` + } - if (bytes < 1000000) // kB + if (bytes < 1000000) { + // kB return `${(bytes / 1000).toFixed(1)}${spacer}kB` + } - if (bytes < 1000000000) // MB + if (bytes < 1000000000) { + // MB return `${(bytes / 1000000).toFixed(1)}${spacer}MB` + } return `${(bytes / 1000000000).toFixed(1)}${spacer}GB` } diff --git a/lib/utils/get-identity.js b/lib/utils/get-identity.js index e92a2c524ec45..e77c2eea4c5ab 100644 --- a/lib/utils/get-identity.js +++ b/lib/utils/get-identity.js @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ const needsAuthError = (msg) => module.exports = async (npm, opts = {}) => { const { registry } = opts - if (!registry) + if (!registry) { throw Object.assign(new Error('No registry specified.'), { code: 'ENOREGISTRY' }) + } // First, check if we have a user/pass-based auth const creds = npm.config.getCredentialsByURI(registry) @@ -22,9 +23,9 @@ module.exports = async (npm, opts = {}) => { }) const { username: usernameFromRegistry } = registryData // Retrieved username from registry; return it - if (usernameFromRegistry) + if (usernameFromRegistry) { return usernameFromRegistry - else { + } else { // Didn't get username from registry; bad token throw needsAuthError( 'Your auth token is no longer valid. Please login again.' diff --git a/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js b/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js index 3ce84d5bb0a59..dc1b4deba3dc2 100644 --- a/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js +++ b/lib/utils/get-project-scope.js @@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ const { resolve } = require('path') module.exports = prefix => { try { const { name } = require(resolve(prefix, 'package.json')) - if (!name || typeof name !== 'string') + if (!name || typeof name !== 'string') { return '' + } const split = name.split('/') - if (split.length < 2) + if (split.length < 2) { return '' + } const scope = split[0] return /^@/.test(scope) ? scope : '' diff --git a/lib/utils/npm-usage.js b/lib/utils/npm-usage.js index d54c8ac5479dc..b0c98b2ae6c0b 100644 --- a/lib/utils/npm-usage.js +++ b/lib/utils/npm-usage.js @@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ npm@${npm.version} ${dirname(dirname(__dirname))}` } const allCommands = async (npm) => { - if (npm.config.get('long')) + if (npm.config.get('long')) { return usages(npm) + } return ('\n ' + wrap(cmdList)) } @@ -45,9 +46,9 @@ const wrap = (arr) => { let l = 0 for (const c of arr.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : 1)) { - if (out[l].length + c.length + 2 < line) + if (out[l].length + c.length + 2 < line) { out[l] += ', ' + c - else { + } else { out[l++] += ',' out[l] = c } diff --git a/lib/utils/open-url.js b/lib/utils/open-url.js index 331ca96fa96d0..21368efe7bc0d 100644 --- a/lib/utils/open-url.js +++ b/lib/utils/open-url.js @@ -25,8 +25,9 @@ const open = async (npm, url, errMsg) => { } try { - if (!/^(https?|file):$/.test(new URL(url).protocol)) + if (!/^(https?|file):$/.test(new URL(url).protocol)) { throw new Error() + } } catch (_) { throw new Error('Invalid URL: ' + url) } @@ -35,10 +36,11 @@ const open = async (npm, url, errMsg) => { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { opener(url, { command }, (err) => { if (err) { - if (err.code === 'ENOENT') + if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { printAlternateMsg() - else + } else { return reject(err) + } } return resolve() }) diff --git a/lib/utils/otplease.js b/lib/utils/otplease.js index ca271526ccb5c..0e32493f9eb3e 100644 --- a/lib/utils/otplease.js +++ b/lib/utils/otplease.js @@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ module.exports = otplease function otplease (opts, fn) { opts = { prompt, ...opts } return Promise.resolve().then(() => fn(opts)).catch(err => { - if (!isOtpError(err)) + if (!isOtpError(err)) { throw err - else if (!process.stdin.isTTY || !process.stdout.isTTY) + } else if (!process.stdin.isTTY || !process.stdout.isTTY) { throw err - else { + } else { return readUserInfo.otp(opts.prompt) .then(otp => fn({ ...opts, otp })) } diff --git a/lib/utils/queryable.js b/lib/utils/queryable.js index e10eba3b5f092..ceb06bdccd103 100644 --- a/lib/utils/queryable.js +++ b/lib/utils/queryable.js @@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ const replaceAppendSymbols = str => { return [str] } -const parseKeys = (key) => { +const parseKeys = key => { const sqBracketItems = new Set() sqBracketItems.add(_append) - const parseSqBrackets = (str) => { + const parseSqBrackets = str => { const index = sqBracketsMatcher(str) // once we find square brackets, we recursively parse all these @@ -48,11 +48,7 @@ const parseKeys = (key) => { return [ ...parseSqBrackets(preSqBracketPortion), foundKey, - ...( - postSqBracketPortion - ? parseSqBrackets(postSqBracketPortion) - : [] - ), + ...(postSqBracketPortion ? parseSqBrackets(postSqBracketPortion) : []), ] } @@ -72,13 +68,14 @@ const parseKeys = (key) => { for (const k of sqBracketKeys) { // keys parsed from square brackets should just be added to list of // resulting keys as they might have dots as part of the key - if (sqBracketItems.has(k)) + if (sqBracketItems.has(k)) { res.push(k) - else { + } else { // splits the dot-sep property names and add them to the list of keys - for (const splitKey of k.split('.')) - /* eslint-disable-next-line no-new-wrappers */ - res.push(new String(splitKey)) + /* eslint-disable-next-line no-new-wrappers */ + for (const splitKey of k.split('.')) { + res.push(String(splitKey)) + } } } @@ -98,10 +95,9 @@ const getter = ({ data, key }) => { for (const k of keys) { // empty-bracket-shortcut-syntax is not supported on getter if (k === _append) { - throw Object.assign( - new Error('Empty brackets are not valid syntax for retrieving values.'), - { code: 'EINVALIDSYNTAX' } - ) + throw Object.assign(new Error('Empty brackets are not valid syntax for retrieving values.'), { + code: 'EINVALIDSYNTAX', + }) } // extra logic to take into account printing array, along with its @@ -118,8 +114,9 @@ const getter = ({ data, key }) => { } else { // if can't find any more values, it means it's just over // and there's nothing to return - if (!_data[k]) + if (!_data[k]) { return undefined + } // otherwise sets the next value _data = _data[k] @@ -130,8 +127,9 @@ const getter = ({ data, key }) => { // these are some legacy expectations from // the old API consumed by lib/view.js - if (Array.isArray(_data) && _data.length <= 1) + if (Array.isArray(_data) && _data.length <= 1) { _data = _data[0] + } return { [key]: _data, @@ -151,30 +149,32 @@ const setter = ({ data, key, value, force }) => { try { maybeIndex = Number(_key) } catch (err) {} - if (!Number.isNaN(maybeIndex)) + if (!Number.isNaN(maybeIndex)) { _key = maybeIndex + } // creates new array in case key is an index // and the array obj is not yet defined const keyIsAnArrayIndex = _key === maybeIndex || _key === _append const dataHasNoItems = !Object.keys(_data).length - if (keyIsAnArrayIndex && dataHasNoItems && !Array.isArray(_data)) + if (keyIsAnArrayIndex && dataHasNoItems && !Array.isArray(_data)) { _data = [] + } // converting from array to an object is also possible, in case the // user is using force mode, we should also convert existing arrays // to an empty object if the current _data is an array - if (force && Array.isArray(_data) && !keyIsAnArrayIndex) + if (force && Array.isArray(_data) && !keyIsAnArrayIndex) { _data = { ..._data } + } // the _append key is a special key that is used to represent // the empty-bracket notation, e.g: arr[] -> arr[arr.length] if (_key === _append) { if (!Array.isArray(_data)) { - throw Object.assign( - new Error(`Can't use append syntax in non-Array element`), - { code: 'ENOAPPEND' } - ) + throw Object.assign(new Error(`Can't use append syntax in non-Array element`), { + code: 'ENOAPPEND', + }) } _key = _data.length } @@ -182,23 +182,15 @@ const setter = ({ data, key, value, force }) => { // retrieves the next data object to recursively iterate on, // throws if trying to override a literal value or add props to an array const next = () => { - const haveContents = - !force && - _data[_key] != null && - value !== _delete - const shouldNotOverrideLiteralValue = - !(typeof _data[_key] === 'object') + const haveContents = !force && _data[_key] != null && value !== _delete + const shouldNotOverrideLiteralValue = !(typeof _data[_key] === 'object') // if the next obj to recurse is an array and the next key to be // appended to the resulting obj is not an array index, then it // should throw since we can't append arbitrary props to arrays const shouldNotAddPropsToArrays = - typeof keys[0] !== 'symbol' && - Array.isArray(_data[_key]) && - Number.isNaN(Number(keys[0])) + typeof keys[0] !== 'symbol' && Array.isArray(_data[_key]) && Number.isNaN(Number(keys[0])) - const overrideError = - haveContents && - shouldNotOverrideLiteralValue + const overrideError = haveContents && shouldNotOverrideLiteralValue if (overrideError) { throw Object.assign( new Error(`Property ${_key} already exists and is not an Array or Object.`), @@ -206,14 +198,11 @@ const setter = ({ data, key, value, force }) => { ) } - const addPropsToArrayError = - haveContents && - shouldNotAddPropsToArrays + const addPropsToArrayError = haveContents && shouldNotAddPropsToArrays if (addPropsToArrayError) { - throw Object.assign( - new Error(`Can't add property ${key} to an Array.`), - { code: 'ENOADDPROP' } - ) + throw Object.assign(new Error(`Can't add property ${key} to an Array.`), { + code: 'ENOADDPROP', + }) } return typeof _data[_key] === 'object' ? _data[_key] || {} : {} @@ -222,18 +211,20 @@ const setter = ({ data, key, value, force }) => { // sets items from the parsed array of keys as objects, recurses to // setKeys in case there are still items to be handled, otherwise it // just sets the original value set by the user - if (keys.length) + if (keys.length) { _data[_key] = setKeys(next(), keys.shift()) - else { + } else { // handles special deletion cases for obj props / array items if (value === _delete) { - if (Array.isArray(_data)) + if (Array.isArray(_data)) { _data.splice(_key, 1) - else + } else { delete _data[_key] - } else + } + } else { // finally, sets the value in its right place _data[_key] = value + } } return _data @@ -245,10 +236,9 @@ const setter = ({ data, key, value, force }) => { class Queryable { constructor (obj) { if (!obj || typeof obj !== 'object') { - throw Object.assign( - new Error('Queryable needs an object to query properties from.'), - { code: 'ENOQUERYABLEOBJ' } - ) + throw Object.assign(new Error('Queryable needs an object to query properties from.'), { + code: 'ENOQUERYABLEOBJ', + }) } this[_data] = obj @@ -258,28 +248,33 @@ class Queryable { // this ugly interface here is meant to be a compatibility layer // with the legacy API lib/view.js is consuming, if at some point // we refactor that command then we can revisit making this nicer - if (queries === '') + if (queries === '') { return { '': this[_data] } + } - const q = query => getter({ - data: this[_data], - key: query, - }) + const q = query => + getter({ + data: this[_data], + key: query, + }) if (Array.isArray(queries)) { let res = {} - for (const query of queries) + for (const query of queries) { res = { ...res, ...q(query) } + } return res - } else + } else { return q(queries) + } } // return the value for a single query if found, otherwise returns undefined get (query) { const obj = this.query(query) - if (obj) + if (obj) { return obj[query] + } } // creates objects along the way for the provided `query` parameter diff --git a/lib/utils/read-user-info.js b/lib/utils/read-user-info.js index e3c4a9fbe51ca..993aa886f6b4c 100644 --- a/lib/utils/read-user-info.js +++ b/lib/utils/read-user-info.js @@ -23,16 +23,18 @@ function read (opts) { } function readOTP (msg = otpPrompt, otp, isRetry) { - if (isRetry && otp && /^[\d ]+$|^[A-Fa-f0-9]{64,64}$/.test(otp)) + if (isRetry && otp && /^[\d ]+$|^[A-Fa-f0-9]{64,64}$/.test(otp)) { return otp.replace(/\s+/g, '') + } return read({ prompt: msg, default: otp || '' }) .then((otp) => readOTP(msg, otp, true)) } function readPassword (msg = passwordPrompt, password, isRetry) { - if (isRetry && password) + if (isRetry && password) { return password + } return read({ prompt: msg, silent: true, default: password || '' }) .then((password) => readPassword(msg, password, true)) @@ -41,10 +43,11 @@ function readPassword (msg = passwordPrompt, password, isRetry) { function readUsername (msg = usernamePrompt, username, opts = {}, isRetry) { if (isRetry && username) { const error = userValidate.username(username) - if (error) + if (error) { opts.log && opts.log.warn(error.message) - else + } else { return Promise.resolve(username.trim()) + } } return read({ prompt: msg, default: username || '' }) @@ -54,10 +57,11 @@ function readUsername (msg = usernamePrompt, username, opts = {}, isRetry) { function readEmail (msg = emailPrompt, email, opts = {}, isRetry) { if (isRetry && email) { const error = - if (error) + if (error) { opts.log && opts.log.warn(error.message) - else + } else { return email.trim() + } } return read({ prompt: msg, default: email || '' }) diff --git a/lib/utils/reify-finish.js b/lib/utils/reify-finish.js index a9ac4c61f5b8e..9b43abcb7610a 100644 --- a/lib/utils/reify-finish.js +++ b/lib/utils/reify-finish.js @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ const reifyOutput = require('./reify-output.js') const ini = require('ini') const { writeFile } = require('fs').promises -const {resolve} = require('path') +const { resolve } = require('path') const reifyFinish = async (npm, arb) => { await saveBuiltinConfig(npm, arb) @@ -10,18 +10,21 @@ const reifyFinish = async (npm, arb) => { const saveBuiltinConfig = async (npm, arb) => { const { options: { global }, actualTree } = arb - if (!global) + if (!global) { return + } // if we are using a builtin config, and just installed npm as // a top-level global package, we have to preserve that config. const npmNode = actualTree.inventory.get('node_modules/npm') - if (!npmNode) + if (!npmNode) { return + } const builtinConf ='builtin') - if (builtinConf.loadError) + if (builtinConf.loadError) { return + } const content = ini.stringify(builtinConf.raw).trim() + '\n' await writeFile(resolve(npmNode.path, 'npmrc'), content) diff --git a/lib/utils/reify-output.js b/lib/utils/reify-output.js index bf3fa7fb2e13d..7741b72200dd8 100644 --- a/lib/utils/reify-output.js +++ b/lib/utils/reify-output.js @@ -92,14 +92,16 @@ const reifyOutput = (npm, arb) => { // to get the exitCode set appropriately. const printAuditReport = (npm, report) => { const res = getAuditReport(npm, report) - if (!res || ! + if (!res || ! { return + } npm.output(`\n${}`) } const getAuditReport = (npm, report) => { - if (!report) + if (!report) { return + } // when in silent mode, we print nothing. the JSON output is // going to just JSON.stringify() the report object. @@ -115,8 +117,9 @@ const getAuditReport = (npm, report) => { ...npm.flatOptions, auditLevel, }) - if (npm.command === 'audit') + if (npm.command === 'audit') { process.exitCode = process.exitCode || res.exitCode + } return res } @@ -124,43 +127,52 @@ const packagesChangedMessage = (npm, { added, removed, changed, audited }) => { const msg = ['\n'] if (added === 0 && removed === 0 && changed === 0) { msg.push('up to date') - if (audited) + if (audited) { msg.push(', ') + } } else { - if (added) + if (added) { msg.push(`added ${added} package${added === 1 ? '' : 's'}`) + } if (removed) { - if (added) + if (added) { msg.push(', ') + } - if (added && !audited && !changed) + if (added && !audited && !changed) { msg.push('and ') + } msg.push(`removed ${removed} package${removed === 1 ? '' : 's'}`) } if (changed) { - if (added || removed) + if (added || removed) { msg.push(', ') + } - if (!audited && (added || removed)) + if (!audited && (added || removed)) { msg.push('and ') + } msg.push(`changed ${changed} package${changed === 1 ? '' : 's'}`) } - if (audited) + if (audited) { msg.push(', and ') + } } - if (audited) + if (audited) { msg.push(`audited ${audited} package${audited === 1 ? '' : 's'}`) + } msg.push(` in ${ms( - npm.started)}`) npm.output(msg.join('')) } const packagesFundingMessage = (npm, { funding }) => { - if (!funding) + if (!funding) { return + } npm.output('') const pkg = funding === 1 ? 'package' : 'packages' diff --git a/lib/utils/replace-info.js b/lib/utils/replace-info.js index 7c7489bc17b16..e9d19ef5fb2ba 100644 --- a/lib/utils/replace-info.js +++ b/lib/utils/replace-info.js @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ function replaceInfo (arg) { const isArray = Array.isArray(arg) const isString = str => typeof str === 'string' - if (!isArray && !isString(arg)) + if (!isArray && !isString(arg)) { return arg + } const testUrlAndReplace = str => { try { @@ -19,8 +20,9 @@ function replaceInfo (arg) { const args = isString(arg) ? arg.split(' ') : arg const info = => { - if (isString(a) && a.indexOf(' ') > -1) + if (isString(a) && a.indexOf(' ') > -1) { return a.split(' ').map(testUrlAndReplace).join(' ') + } return testUrlAndReplace(a) }) diff --git a/lib/utils/setup-log.js b/lib/utils/setup-log.js index aaf7fa47e266d..05ca38c828240 100644 --- a/lib/utils/setup-log.js +++ b/lib/utils/setup-log.js @@ -35,28 +35,32 @@ module.exports = (config) => { return warn(heading, ...args) } - if (config.get('timing') && config.get('loglevel') === 'notice') + if (config.get('timing') && config.get('loglevel') === 'notice') { log.level = 'timing' - else + } else { log.level = config.get('loglevel') + } log.heading = config.get('heading') || 'npm' - if (enableColorStderr) + if (enableColorStderr) { log.enableColor() - else + } else { log.disableColor() + } - if (config.get('unicode')) + if (config.get('unicode')) { log.enableUnicode() - else + } else { log.disableUnicode() + } // if it's more than error, don't show progress const quiet = log.levels[log.level] > log.levels.error - if (config.get('progress') && stderrNotDumb && !quiet) + if (config.get('progress') && stderrNotDumb && !quiet) { log.enableProgress() - else + } else { log.disableProgress() + } } diff --git a/lib/utils/split-package-names.js b/lib/utils/split-package-names.js index bb6e449bac243..395c2517d5934 100644 --- a/lib/utils/split-package-names.js +++ b/lib/utils/split-package-names.js @@ -4,15 +4,17 @@ const splitPackageNames = (path) => { return path.split('/') // combine scoped parts .reduce((parts, part) => { - if (parts.length === 0) + if (parts.length === 0) { return [part] + } const lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1] // check if previous part is the first part of a scoped package - if (lastPart[0] === '@' && !lastPart.includes('/')) + if (lastPart[0] === '@' && !lastPart.includes('/')) { parts[parts.length - 1] += '/' + part - else + } else { parts.push(part) + } return parts }, []) diff --git a/lib/utils/tar.js b/lib/utils/tar.js index 0ff822370d4da..26e7a98df6b49 100644 --- a/lib/utils/tar.js +++ b/lib/utils/tar.js @@ -14,39 +14,58 @@ const logTar = (tarball, opts = {}) => { log.notice('', `${unicode ? '📦 ' : 'package:'} ${}@${tarball.version}`) log.notice('=== Tarball Contents ===') if (tarball.files.length) { - log.notice('', columnify( => { - const bytes = formatBytes(f.size, false) - return (/^node_modules\//.test(f.path)) ? null - : { path: f.path, size: `${bytes}` } - }).filter(f => f), { - include: ['size', 'path'], - showHeaders: false, - })) + log.notice( + '', + columnify( + tarball.files + .map(f => { + const bytes = formatBytes(f.size, false) + return /^node_modules\//.test(f.path) ? null : { path: f.path, size: `${bytes}` } + }) + .filter(f => f), + { + include: ['size', 'path'], + showHeaders: false, + } + ) + ) } if (tarball.bundled.length) { log.notice('=== Bundled Dependencies ===') - tarball.bundled.forEach((name) => log.notice('', name)) + tarball.bundled.forEach(name => log.notice('', name)) } log.notice('=== Tarball Details ===') - log.notice('', columnify([ - { name: 'name:', value: }, - { name: 'version:', value: tarball.version }, - tarball.filename && { name: 'filename:', value: tarball.filename }, - { name: 'package size:', value: formatBytes(tarball.size) }, - { name: 'unpacked size:', value: formatBytes(tarball.unpackedSize) }, - { name: 'shasum:', value: tarball.shasum }, - { - name: 'integrity:', - value: tarball.integrity.toString().substr(0, 20) + '[...]' + tarball.integrity.toString().substr(80), - }, - tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'bundled deps:', value: tarball.bundled.length }, - tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'bundled files:', value: tarball.entryCount - tarball.files.length }, - tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'own files:', value: tarball.files.length }, - { name: 'total files:', value: tarball.entryCount }, - ].filter((x) => x), { - include: ['name', 'value'], - showHeaders: false, - })) + log.notice( + '', + columnify( + [ + { name: 'name:', value: }, + { name: 'version:', value: tarball.version }, + tarball.filename && { name: 'filename:', value: tarball.filename }, + { name: 'package size:', value: formatBytes(tarball.size) }, + { name: 'unpacked size:', value: formatBytes(tarball.unpackedSize) }, + { name: 'shasum:', value: tarball.shasum }, + { + name: 'integrity:', + value: + tarball.integrity.toString().substr(0, 20) + + '[...]' + + tarball.integrity.toString().substr(80), + }, + tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'bundled deps:', value: tarball.bundled.length }, + tarball.bundled.length && { + name: 'bundled files:', + value: tarball.entryCount - tarball.files.length, + }, + tarball.bundled.length && { name: 'own files:', value: tarball.files.length }, + { name: 'total files:', value: tarball.entryCount }, + ].filter(x => x), + { + include: ['name', 'value'], + showHeaders: false, + } + ) + ) log.notice('', '') } @@ -81,7 +100,7 @@ const getContents = async (manifest, tarball) => { const comparator = ({ path: a }, { path: b }) => localeCompare(a, b) - const isUpper = (str) => { + const isUpper = str => { const ch = str.charAt(0) return ch === ch.toUpperCase() } diff --git a/lib/utils/update-notifier.js b/lib/utils/update-notifier.js index 14c4fac0d58b3..2b45d54c815e0 100644 --- a/lib/utils/update-notifier.js +++ b/lib/utils/update-notifier.js @@ -37,8 +37,9 @@ const updateNotifier = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => { // never check for updates in CI, when updating npm already, or opted out if (!npm.config.get('update-notifier') || isGlobalNpmUpdate(npm) || - ciDetect()) + ciDetect()) { return null + } // if we're on a prerelease train, then updates are coming fast // check for a new one daily. otherwise, weekly. @@ -46,15 +47,17 @@ const updateNotifier = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => { const current = semver.parse(version) // if we're on a beta train, always get the next beta - if (current.prerelease.length) + if (current.prerelease.length) { spec = `^${version}` + } // while on a beta train, get updates daily const duration = spec !== 'latest' ? DAILY : WEEKLY // if we've already checked within the specified duration, don't check again - if (!(await checkTimeout(npm, duration))) + if (!(await checkTimeout(npm, duration))) { return null + } // if they're currently using a prerelease, nudge to the next prerelease // otherwise, nudge to latest. @@ -67,8 +70,9 @@ const updateNotifier = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => { }).catch(() => null) // if pacote failed, give up - if (!mani) + if (!mani) { return null + } const latest = mani.version @@ -76,12 +80,14 @@ const updateNotifier = async (npm, spec = 'latest') => { // and should get the updates from that release train. // Note that this isn't another http request over the network, because // the packument will be cached by pacote from previous request. - if (, latest) && spec === 'latest') + if (, latest) && spec === 'latest') { return updateNotifier(npm, `^${version}`) + } // if we already have something >= the desired spec, then we're done - if (semver.gte(version, latest)) + if (semver.gte(version, latest)) { return null + } // ok! notify the user about this update they should get. // The message is saved for printing at process exit so it will not get diff --git a/lib/utils/usage.js b/lib/utils/usage.js index 5f4eca73ea5d3..e23e50c51c42a 100644 --- a/lib/utils/usage.js +++ b/lib/utils/usage.js @@ -3,13 +3,15 @@ const aliases = require('../utils/cmd-list').aliases module.exports = function usage (cmd, txt, opt) { const post = Object.keys(aliases).reduce(function (p, c) { var val = aliases[c] - if (val !== cmd) + if (val !== cmd) { return p + } return p.concat(c) }, []) - if (opt || post.length > 0) + if (opt || post.length > 0) { txt += '\n\n' + } if (post.length === 1) { txt += 'alias: ' @@ -20,8 +22,9 @@ module.exports = function usage (cmd, txt, opt) { } if (opt) { - if (post.length > 0) + if (post.length > 0) { txt += '\n' + } txt += 'common options: ' + opt } diff --git a/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js b/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js index 3eb8e4865b706..a59b5a6c54b70 100644 --- a/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js +++ b/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js @@ -10,18 +10,21 @@ const getWorkspaces = async (filters, { path, includeWorkspaceRoot }) => { const pkg = await rpj(resolve(path, 'package.json')) const workspaces = await mapWorkspaces({ cwd: path, pkg }) let res = new Map() - if (includeWorkspaceRoot) + if (includeWorkspaceRoot) { res.set(, path) + } - if (!filters.length) + if (!filters.length) { res = new Map([...res, ...workspaces]) + } for (const filterArg of filters) { for (const [workspaceName, workspacePath] of workspaces.entries()) { if (filterArg === workspaceName || resolve(path, filterArg) === workspacePath - || minimatch(workspacePath, `${resolve(path, filterArg)}/*`)) + || minimatch(workspacePath, `${resolve(path, filterArg)}/*`)) { res.set(workspaceName, workspacePath) + } } } diff --git a/node_modules/.gitignore b/node_modules/.gitignore index 69731618ef376..6b301e324febf 100644 --- a/node_modules/.gitignore +++ b/node_modules/.gitignore @@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ readme* /@istanbuljs/schema /@mdx-js/mdx /@mdx-js/util +/@npmcli/eslint-config /@types/hast -/@types/json5 /@types/mdast /@types/parse5 /@types/unist @@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ readme* /append-transform /argparse /array-find-index -/array-includes -/array.prototype.flat /asn1 /assert-plus /astral-regex @@ -136,20 +134,14 @@ readme* /ecc-jsbn /end-of-stream /enquirer -/error-ex /es-abstract /es-to-primitive /es6-error /escape-string-regexp /escodegen /eslint -/eslint-import-resolver-node -/eslint-module-utils /eslint-plugin-es -/eslint-plugin-import /eslint-plugin-node -/eslint-plugin-promise -/eslint-plugin-standard /eslint-scope /eslint-utils /eslint-visitor-keys @@ -170,7 +162,6 @@ readme* /file-uri-to-path /fill-range /find-cache-dir -/find-up /findit /flat-cache /flatted @@ -213,7 +204,6 @@ readme* /inline-style-parser /is-alphabetical /is-alphanumerical -/is-arrayish /is-bigint /is-binary-path /is-boolean-object @@ -250,7 +240,6 @@ readme* /jsbn /jsdom /jsesc -/json-parse-better-errors /json-parse-errback /json-schema /json-schema-traverse @@ -262,8 +251,6 @@ readme* /levn /libtap /licensee -/load-json-file -/locate-path /lodash /lodash.clonedeep /lodash.flattendeep @@ -301,27 +288,17 @@ readme* /object-keys /object.assign /object.getownpropertydescriptors -/object.values /optionator /own-or /own-or-env -/p-limit -/p-locate -/p-try /package-hash /parent-module /parse-entities -/parse-json /parse5 -/path-exists /path-key /path-parse -/path-type /performance-now /picomatch -/pify -/pkg-dir -/pkg-up /prebuild-install /prelude-ls /process-on-spawn @@ -337,8 +314,6 @@ readme* /react /react-is /read-package-tree -/read-pkg -/read-pkg-up /readdirp /regexpp /release-zalgo @@ -376,7 +351,6 @@ readme* /state-toggle /string.prototype.trimend /string.prototype.trimstart -/strip-bom /strip-json-comments /style-to-object /symbol-tree @@ -397,7 +371,6 @@ readme* /trim-trailing-lines /trivial-deferred /trough -/tsconfig-paths /tunnel-agent /tweetnacl /type-check diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json index a5360642f85d4..cc54b37537eb2 100644 --- a/package-lock.json +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -161,11 +161,9 @@ "npx": "bin/npx-cli.js" }, "devDependencies": { + "@npmcli/eslint-config": "^1.0.2", "eslint": "^7.31.0", - "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.23.4", "eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0", - "eslint-plugin-promise": "^5.1.0", - "eslint-plugin-standard": "^5.0.0", "licensee": "^8.2.0", "spawk": "^1.7.1", "tap": "^15.0.9" @@ -850,6 +848,16 @@ "node": ">=10" } }, + "node_modules/@npmcli/eslint-config": { + "version": "1.0.2", + "resolved": "", + "integrity": "sha512-7fycAADbqtTTcDbYvUeWy56p+F+gju6JZrUSfx5ARle6LjhnoLyniCiuJueuxJkxYFcTUvcbaVGU4CzaD21PxA==", + "dev": true, + "peerDependencies": { + "eslint": ">= 7", + "eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0" + } + }, "node_modules/@npmcli/fs": { "version": "1.0.0", "resolved": "", @@ -995,12 +1003,6 @@ "@types/unist": "*" } }, - "node_modules/@types/json5": { - "version": "0.0.29", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha1-7ihweulOEdK4J7y+UnC86n8+ce4=", - "dev": true - }, "node_modules/@types/mdast": { "version": "3.0.3", "resolved": "", @@ -1242,42 +1244,6 @@ "node": ">=0.10.0" } }, - "node_modules/array-includes": { - "version": "3.1.3", - "resolved": "", - "integrity": "sha512-gcem1KlBU7c9rB+Rq8/3PPKsK2kjqeEBa3bD5kkQo4nYlOHQCJqIJFqBXDEfwaRuYTT4E+FxA9xez7Gf/e3Q7A==", - 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"no-implied-eval": "error", - "no-inner-declarations": ["error", "functions"], - "no-invalid-regexp": "error", - "no-irregular-whitespace": "error", - "no-iterator": "error", - "no-labels": ["error", { "allowLoop": true, "allowSwitch": false }], - "no-lone-blocks": "error", - "no-misleading-character-class": "error", - "no-prototype-builtins": "error", - "no-useless-catch": "error", - "no-mixed-operators": "off", - "no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs": "error", - "no-multi-spaces": "error", - "no-multi-str": "error", - "no-multiple-empty-lines": ["error", { "max": 1, "maxEOF": 0 }], - "no-negated-in-lhs": "error", - "no-new": "off", - "no-new-func": "error", - "no-new-object": "error", - "no-new-require": "error", - "no-new-symbol": "error", - "no-new-wrappers": "error", - "no-obj-calls": "error", - "no-octal": "error", - "no-octal-escape": "error", - "no-path-concat": "error", - "no-proto": "error", - "no-redeclare": ["error", { "builtinGlobals": false }], - "no-regex-spaces": "error", - "no-return-assign": "off", - "no-self-assign": "off", - "no-self-compare": "error", - "no-sequences": "error", - "no-shadow-restricted-names": "error", - "no-sparse-arrays": "error", - "no-tabs": "error", - "no-template-curly-in-string": "error", - "no-this-before-super": "error", - "no-throw-literal": "off", - "no-trailing-spaces": "error", - "no-undef": "error", - "no-undef-init": "error", - "no-unexpected-multiline": "error", - "no-unmodified-loop-condition": "error", - "no-unneeded-ternary": ["error", { "defaultAssignment": false }], - "no-unreachable": "error", - "no-unsafe-finally": 0, - "no-unsafe-negation": "error", - "no-unused-expressions": ["error", { "allowShortCircuit": true, "allowTernary": true, "allowTaggedTemplates": true }], - "no-unused-vars": ["error", { "vars": "all", "args": "none", "ignoreRestSiblings": true }], - "no-use-before-define": ["error", { "functions": false, "classes": false, "variables": false }], - "no-useless-call": "error", - "no-useless-computed-key": "error", - "no-useless-constructor": "error", - "no-useless-escape": "error", - "no-useless-rename": "error", - "no-useless-return": "error", - "no-void": "error", - "no-whitespace-before-property": "error", - "no-with": "error", - "nonblock-statement-body-position": [2, "below"], - "object-curly-newline": "off", - "object-curly-spacing": "off", - "object-property-newline": ["error", { "allowMultiplePropertiesPerLine": true }], - "one-var": ["error", { "initialized": "never" }], - "operator-linebreak": "off", - "padded-blocks": ["error", { "blocks": "never", "switches": "never", "classes": "never" }], - "prefer-const": ["error", {"destructuring": "all"}], - "prefer-promise-reject-errors": "error", - "quote-props": ["error", "as-needed"], - "quotes": ["error", "single", { "avoidEscape": true, "allowTemplateLiterals": true }], - "rest-spread-spacing": ["error", "never"], - "semi": ["error", "never"], - "semi-spacing": ["error", { "before": false, "after": true }], - "space-before-blocks": ["error", "always"], - "space-before-function-paren": ["error", "always"], - "space-in-parens": ["error", "never"], - "space-infix-ops": "error", - "space-unary-ops": ["error", { "words": true, "nonwords": false }], - "spaced-comment": ["error", "always", { - "line": { "markers": ["*package", "!", "/", ",", "="] }, - "block": { "balanced": true, "markers": ["*package", "!", ",", ":", "::", "flow-include"], "exceptions": ["*"] } - }], - "symbol-description": "error", - "template-curly-spacing": ["error", "never"], - "template-tag-spacing": ["error", "never"], - "unicode-bom": ["error", "never"], - "use-isnan": "error", - "valid-typeof": ["error", { "requireStringLiterals": true }], - "wrap-iife": ["error", "any", { "functionPrototypeMethods": true }], - "yield-star-spacing": ["error", "both"], - "yoda": ["error", "never"], - - "import/export": "error", - "import/first": "error", - "import/no-absolute-path": ["error", { "esmodule": true, "commonjs": true, "amd": false }], - "import/no-duplicates": "error", - "import/no-named-default": "error", - "import/no-webpack-loader-syntax": "error", - - "node/no-deprecated-api": "error", - "node/process-exit-as-throw": "error", - - "promise/param-names": "off", - - "standard/no-callback-literal": "error" - } + "extends": ["@npmcli"] } diff --git a/packages/libnpmdiff/index.js b/packages/libnpmdiff/index.js index 2d074c3d1bb67..6e68e6c4c4376 100644 --- a/packages/libnpmdiff/index.js +++ b/packages/libnpmdiff/index.js @@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ const argsError = () => { code: 'EDIFFARGS' } ) const diff = async (specs, opts = {}) => { - if (specs.length !== 2) + if (specs.length !== 2) { throw argsError() + } const [ aManifest, diff --git a/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/format-diff.js b/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/format-diff.js index 979ce8873c54f..211386cb5390e 100644 --- a/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/format-diff.js +++ b/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/format-diff.js @@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ const formatDiff = ({ files, opts = {}, refs, versions }) => { b: filenames.b && filenames.b.mode, } - if (contents.a === contents.b && modes.a === modes.b) + if (contents.a === contents.b && modes.a === modes.b) { continue + } if (opts.diffNameOnly) { res += `${filename}${EOL}` @@ -47,18 +48,19 @@ const formatDiff = ({ files, opts = {}, refs, versions }) => { // manually build a git diff-compatible header header(`diff --git ${names.a} ${names.b}`) - if (modes.a === modes.b) + if (modes.a === modes.b) { fileMode = filenames.a.mode - else { - if (modes.a && !modes.b) + } else { + if (modes.a && !modes.b) { header(`deleted file mode ${modes.a}`) - else if (!modes.a && modes.b) + } else if (!modes.a && modes.b) { header(`new file mode ${modes.b}`) - else { + } else { header(`old mode ${modes.a}`) header(`new mode ${modes.b}`) } } + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ header(`index ${opts.tagVersionPrefix || 'v'}${versions.a}..${opts.tagVersionPrefix || 'v'}${versions.b} ${fileMode}`) if (shouldPrintPatch(filename)) { diff --git a/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/should-print-patch.js b/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/should-print-patch.js index aeb015c1a04b3..a954811407d4f 100644 --- a/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/should-print-patch.js +++ b/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/should-print-patch.js @@ -5,8 +5,9 @@ const binaryExtensions = require('binary-extensions') // we should try to print patches as long as the // extension is not identified as binary files const shouldPrintPatch = (path, opts = {}) => { - if (opts.diffText) + if (opts.diffText) { return true + } const filename = basename(path) const extension = ( diff --git a/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/tarball.js b/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/tarball.js index 0c8fb177a3885..4d01d69c9c413 100644 --- a/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/tarball.js +++ b/packages/libnpmdiff/lib/tarball.js @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ const tarball = (manifest, opts) => { const fromNodeModules = npa(resolved).type === 'directory' && /node_modules[\\/](@[^\\/]+\/)?[^\\/]+[\\/]?$/.test(relative(where, resolved)) - if (fromNodeModules) + if (fromNodeModules) { return nodeModulesTarball(manifest, opts) + } return pacote.tarball(manifest._resolved, opts) } diff --git a/packages/libnpmdiff/package.json b/packages/libnpmdiff/package.json index 529fc79539bac..129d9b90cd7fe 100644 --- a/packages/libnpmdiff/package.json +++ b/packages/libnpmdiff/package.json @@ -46,11 +46,7 @@ ] }, "devDependencies": { - "eslint": "^7.28.0", - "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.23.4", - "eslint-plugin-node": "^11.1.0", - "eslint-plugin-promise": "^5.1.0", - "eslint-plugin-standard": "^5.0.0", + "eslint": "^8.1.0", "tap": "^15.0.9" }, "dependencies": { diff --git a/packages/libnpmdiff/test/index.js b/packages/libnpmdiff/test/index.js index 88b474c111f15..80b3daaa60161 100644 --- a/packages/libnpmdiff/test/index.js +++ b/packages/libnpmdiff/test/index.js @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ t.test('folder in node_modules', async t => { t.resolveMatchSnapshot(diff([ `file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/a/node_modules/b')}`, `file:${resolve(path, 'packages/b')}`, - ], { where: path}), 'should output expected diff') + ], { where: path }), 'should output expected diff') }) t.test('nested, relative path', async t => { const _cwd = process.cwd() diff --git a/scripts/changelog.js b/scripts/changelog.js index 0951bd0275cfc..ef5497d7d07c9 100644 --- a/scripts/changelog.js +++ b/scripts/changelog.js @@ -13,21 +13,26 @@ the result to the changelog. */ const execSync = require('child_process').execSync const branch = process.argv[2] || 'origin/latest' -const log = execSync(`git log --reverse --pretty='format:%h %H%d %s (%aN)%n%b%n---%n' ${branch}...`).toString().split(/\n/) +const log = execSync(`git log --reverse --pretty='format:%h %H%d %s (%aN)%n%b%n---%n' ${branch}...`) + .toString() + .split(/\n/) main() function shortname (url) { - const matched = url.match(/https:\/\/github\.com\/([^/]+\/[^/]+)\/(?:pull|issues)\/(\d+)/) || - url.match(/https:\/\/(npm\.community)\/t\/(?:[^/]+\/)(\d+)/) - if (!matched) + const matched = + url.match(/https:\/\/github\.com\/([^/]+\/[^/]+)\/(?:pull|issues)\/(\d+)/) || + url.match(/https:\/\/(npm\.community)\/t\/(?:[^/]+\/)(\d+)/) + if (!matched) { return false + } const repo = matched[1] const id = matched[2] - if (repo !== 'npm/cli') + if (repo !== 'npm/cli') { return `${repo}#${id}` - else + } else { return `#${id}` + } } function printCommit (c) { @@ -35,21 +40,23 @@ function printCommit (c) { if (c.fixes.length) { for (const fix of c.fixes) { const label = shortname(fix) - if (label) + if (label) { console.log(` [${label}](${fix})`) + } } } else if (c.prurl) { const label = shortname(c.prurl) - if (label) + if (label) { console.log(` [${label}](${c.prurl})`) - else + } else { console.log(` [#](${c.prurl})`) + } } const msg = c.message - .replace(/^\s+/mg, '') + .replace(/^\s+/gm, '') .replace(/^[-a-z]+: /, '') - .replace(/^/mg, ' ') - .replace(/^ {2}Reviewed-by: @.*/mg, '') + .replace(/^/gm, ' ') + .replace(/^ {2}Reviewed-by: @.*/gm, '') .replace(/\n$/, '') // backtickify package@version .replace(/^(\s*@?[^@\s]+@\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)\b(\s*\S)/g, '$1:$2') @@ -63,8 +70,9 @@ function printCommit (c) { (credit) { console.log(` ([@${credit}](${credit}))`) }) - } else + } else { console.log(` ([@${}](${}))`) + } } } @@ -74,9 +82,11 @@ function main () { line = line.replace(/\r/g, '') let m /* eslint no-cond-assign:0 */ - if (/^---$/.test(line)) + if (/^---$/.test(line)) { printCommit(commit) - else if (m = line.match(/^([a-f0-9]{7,10}) ([a-f0-9]+) (?:[(]([^)]+)[)] )?(.*?) [(](.*?)[)]/)) { + } else if ( + (m = line.match(/^([a-f0-9]{7,10}) ([a-f0-9]+) (?:[(]([^)]+)[)] )?(.*?) [(](.*?)[)]/)) + ) { commit = { shortid: m[1], fullid: m[2], @@ -87,21 +97,23 @@ function main () { fixes: [], credit: null, } - } else if (m = line.match(/^PR-URL: (.*)/)) + } else if ((m = line.match(/^PR-URL: (.*)/))) { commit.prurl = m[1] - else if (m = line.match(/^Credit: @(.*)/)) { - if (! + } else if ((m = line.match(/^Credit: @(.*)/))) { + if (! { = [] + }[1]) - } else if (m = line.match(/^(?:Fix(?:es)|Closes?): #?([0-9]+)/)) + } else if ((m = line.match(/^(?:Fix(?:es)|Closes?): #?([0-9]+)/))) { commit.fixes.push(`${m[1]}`) - else if (m = line.match(/^(?:Fix(?:es)|Closes?): ([^#]+)#([0-9]*)/)) + } else if ((m = line.match(/^(?:Fix(?:es)|Closes?): ([^#]+)#([0-9]*)/))) { commit.fixes.push(`${m[1]}/issues/${m[2]}`) - else if (m = line.match(/^(?:Fix(?:es)|Closes?): (https?:\/\/.*)/)) + } else if ((m = line.match(/^(?:Fix(?:es)|Closes?): (https?:\/\/.*)/))) { commit.fixes.push(m[1]) - else if (m = line.match(/^Reviewed-By: @(.*)/)) + } else if ((m = line.match(/^Reviewed-By: @(.*)/))) { commit.reviewed = m[1] - else if (/\S/.test(line)) + } else if (/\S/.test(line)) { commit.message += `\n${line}` + } }) } diff --git a/scripts/config-doc-command.js b/scripts/config-doc-command.js index 085ac958d21fa..9db026f304281 100644 --- a/scripts/config-doc-command.js +++ b/scripts/config-doc-command.js @@ -16,12 +16,14 @@ const describeAll = () => const addBetweenTags = (doc, startTag, endTag, body) => { const startSplit = doc.split(startTag) - if (startSplit.length !== 2) + if (startSplit.length !== 2) { throw new Error('Did not find exactly one start tag') + } const endSplit = startSplit[1].split(endTag) - if (endSplit.length !== 2) + if (endSplit.length !== 2) { throw new Error('Did not find exactly one end tag') + } return [ startSplit[0], @@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ const addDescriptions = doc => { const doc = readFileSync(configDoc, 'utf8') const hasTag = doc.includes('') const newDoc = params && hasTag ? addDescriptions(doc) : doc -if (params && !hasTag) +if (params && !hasTag) { console.error('WARNING: did not find config description section', configDoc) +} writeFileSync(configDoc, newDoc) diff --git a/scripts/config-doc.js b/scripts/config-doc.js index 03e8fbc2d07ca..b14baa381f411 100644 --- a/scripts/config-doc.js +++ b/scripts/config-doc.js @@ -5,12 +5,14 @@ const configDoc = resolve(__dirname, '../docs/content/using-npm/') const addBetweenTags = (doc, startTag, endTag, body) => { const startSplit = doc.split(startTag) - if (startSplit.length !== 2) + if (startSplit.length !== 2) { throw new Error('Did not find exactly one start tag') + } const endSplit = startSplit[1].split(endTag) - if (endSplit.length !== 2) + if (endSplit.length !== 2) { throw new Error('Did not find exactly one end tag') + } return [ startSplit[0], diff --git a/scripts/docs-build.js b/scripts/docs-build.js index 8e217d2259a54..63658c79b1631 100644 --- a/scripts/docs-build.js +++ b/scripts/docs-build.js @@ -8,16 +8,18 @@ var src = args[0] var dest = args[1] || src fs.readFile(src, 'utf8', function (err, data) { - if (err) + if (err) { return console.log(err) + } function frontmatter (match, p1) { const fm = { } p1.split(/\r?\n/).forEach((kv) => { const result = kv.match(/^([^\s:]+):\s*(.*)/) - if (result) + if (result) { fm[result[1]] = result[2] + } }) return `# ${fm.title}(${fm.section}) - ${fm.description}` @@ -35,7 +37,8 @@ fs.readFile(src, 'utf8', function (err, data) { .trim() fs.writeFile(dest, marked(result), 'utf8', function (err) { - if (err) + if (err) { return console.log(err) + } }) }) diff --git a/scripts/git-dirty.js b/scripts/git-dirty.js index 4199768deb000..484a4d23e7be2 100644 --- a/scripts/git-dirty.js +++ b/scripts/git-dirty.js @@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ if (status || signal) { console.error({ status, signal }) process.exitCode = status || 1 } -if (stdout.trim() !== '') +if (stdout.trim() !== '') { throw new Error('git dirty') -else +} else { console.log('git clean') +} diff --git a/scripts/update-dist-tags.js b/scripts/update-dist-tags.js index 371d0c03a47d6..825823ce512ea 100644 --- a/scripts/update-dist-tags.js +++ b/scripts/update-dist-tags.js @@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ const { execSync } = require('child_process') const semver = require('semver') const path = require('path') -const getMajorVersion = (input) => semver.parse(input).major -const getMinorVersion = (input) => semver.parse(input).minor +const getMajorVersion = input => semver.parse(input).major +const getMinorVersion = input => semver.parse(input).minor // INFO: String templates to generate the tags to update const LATEST_TAG = (strings, major) => `latest-${major}` @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ function main () { const removeTag = REMOVE_TAG`${major}${minor}` const updateList = [].concat(TAG_LIST, latestTag, nextTag) - updateList.forEach((tag) => { + updateList.forEach(tag => { setDistTag(tag, version, otp) }) removeDistTag(removeTag, version, otp) @@ -79,8 +79,9 @@ function parseOTP (args) { } case 1: { // --otp=123456 or --otp123456 - if (otp) + if (otp) { return otp + } console.error('Invalid otp value supplied. [CASE 1]') process.exit(1) @@ -89,8 +90,9 @@ function parseOTP (args) { // --otp 123456 // INFO: validating the second argument is an otp code const isValidOtp = PARSE_OTP_VALUE.test(args[1]) - if (isValidOtp) + if (isValidOtp) { return args[1] + } console.error('Invalid otp value supplied. [CASE 2]') process.exit(1) @@ -104,7 +106,9 @@ function parseOTP (args) { function setDistTag (tag, version, otp) { try { - const result = execSync(`npm dist-tag set npm@${version} ${tag} --otp=${otp}`, { encoding: 'utf-8' }) + const result = execSync(`npm dist-tag set npm@${version} ${tag} --otp=${otp}`, { + encoding: 'utf-8', + }) console.log('Result:', result) } catch (err) { console.error('Bad dist-tag command.') diff --git a/smoke-tests/index.js b/smoke-tests/index.js index bf99b47307fd8..06ca3dee6422e 100644 --- a/smoke-tests/index.js +++ b/smoke-tests/index.js @@ -7,14 +7,20 @@ const rimraf = promisify(require('rimraf')) const normalizePath = path => path.replace(/[A-Z]:/, '').replace(/\\/g, '/') const cwd = normalizePath(process.cwd()) -t.cleanSnapshot = s => s.split(cwd).join('{CWD}') - .split(registry).join('') - .split(normalizePath(process.execPath)).join('node') - .split(process.cwd()).join('{CWD}') - .replace(/\\+/g, '/') - .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') - .replace(/ \(in a browser\)/g, '') - .replace(/^npm@.* /mg, 'npm ') +t.cleanSnapshot = s => + s + .split(cwd) + .join('{CWD}') + .split(registry) + .join('') + .split(normalizePath(process.execPath)) + .join('node') + .split(process.cwd()) + .join('{CWD}') + .replace(/\\+/g, '/') + .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') + .replace(/ \(in a browser\)/g, '') + .replace(/^npm@.* /gm, 'npm ') // setup server const { start, stop, registry } = require('./server.js') @@ -37,16 +43,23 @@ const env = { HOME: path, PATH: `${process.env.PATH}:${binLocation}`, } -const npmOpts = `--registry=${registry} --cache="${cacheLocation}" --userconfig="${userconfigLocation}" --no-audit --no-update-notifier --loglevel=silly` +const npmOpts = [ + `--registry=${registry}`, + `--cache="${cacheLocation}"`, + `--userconfig="${userconfigLocation}"`, + '--no-audit', + '--no-update-notifier', + '--loglevel=silly', +].join(' ') const npmBin = `"${process.execPath}" "${npmLocation}" ${npmOpts}` const exec = async cmd => { const res = await execAsync(cmd, { cwd: localPrefix, env }) - if (res.stderr) + if (res.stderr) { console.error(res.stderr) + } return String(res.stdout) } -const readFile = filename => - String(fs.readFileSync(resolve(localPrefix, filename))) +const readFile = filename => String(fs.readFileSync(resolve(localPrefix, filename))) // this test must come first, its package.json will be destroyed and the one // created in the next test (npm init) will create a new one that must be @@ -75,14 +88,22 @@ t.test('npm install sends correct user-agent', async t => { }) const cmd = `${npmBin} install fail_reflect_user_agent` - await t.rejects(exec(cmd), { - stderr: /workspaces\/false/, - }, 'workspaces/false is present in output') + await t.rejects( + exec(cmd), + { + stderr: /workspaces\/false/, + }, + 'workspaces/false is present in output' + ) const wsCmd = `${npmBin} install fail_reflect_user_agent --workspaces` - await t.rejects(exec(wsCmd), { - stderr: /workspaces\/true/, - }, 'workspaces/true is present in output') + await t.rejects( + exec(wsCmd), + { + stderr: /workspaces\/true/, + }, + 'workspaces/true is present in output' + ) }) t.test('npm init', async t => { @@ -97,39 +118,29 @@ t.test('npm init', async t => { t.test('npm (no args)', async t => { const cmd = `"${process.execPath}" "${npmLocation}" --no-audit --no-update-notifier` - const cmdRes = await execAsync(cmd, { cwd: localPrefix, env }) - .catch(err => { - t.equal(err.code, 1, 'should exit with error code') - return err - }) + const cmdRes = await execAsync(cmd, { cwd: localPrefix, env }).catch(err => { + t.equal(err.code, 1, 'should exit with error code') + return err + }) t.equal(cmdRes.stderr, '', 'should have no stderr output') - t.matchSnapshot(String(cmdRes.stdout), - 'should have expected no args output') + t.matchSnapshot(String(cmdRes.stdout), 'should have expected no args output') }) t.test('npm install prodDep@version', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} install abbrev@1.0.4` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should have expected install reify output') - t.matchSnapshot( - readFile('package.json'), - 'should have expected package.json result' - ) - t.matchSnapshot( - readFile('package-lock.json'), - 'should have expected lockfile result' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should have expected install reify output') + t.matchSnapshot(readFile('package.json'), 'should have expected package.json result') + t.matchSnapshot(readFile('package-lock.json'), 'should have expected lockfile result') }) t.test('npm install dev dep', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} install -D promise-all-reject-late` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should have expected dev dep added reify output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should have expected dev dep added reify output') t.matchSnapshot( readFile('package.json'), 'should have expected dev dep added package.json result' @@ -144,32 +155,28 @@ t.test('npm ls', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} ls` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected ls output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected ls output') }) t.test('npm fund', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} fund` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected fund output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected fund output') }) t.test('npm explain', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} explain abbrev` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected explain output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected explain output') }) t.test('npm diff', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} diff --diff=abbrev@1.0.4 --diff=abbrev@1.1.1` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected diff output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected diff output') }) t.test('npm outdated', async t => { @@ -180,16 +187,14 @@ t.test('npm outdated', async t => { }) t.not(cmdRes.stderr, '', 'should have stderr output') - t.matchSnapshot(String(cmdRes.stdout), - 'should have expected outdated output') + t.matchSnapshot(String(cmdRes.stdout), 'should have expected outdated output') }) t.test('npm set-script', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} set-script "hello" "echo Hello"` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected set-script output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected set-script output') t.matchSnapshot( readFile('package.json'), 'should have expected script added package.json result' @@ -200,68 +205,49 @@ t.test('npm run-script', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} run hello` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected run-script output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected run-script output') }) t.test('npm prefix', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} prefix` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected prefix output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected prefix output') }) t.test('npm view', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} view abbrev@1.0.4` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, - 'should have expected view output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes, 'should have expected view output') }) t.test('npm update dep', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} update abbrev` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should have expected update reify output') - t.matchSnapshot( - readFile('package.json'), - 'should have expected update package.json result' - ) - t.matchSnapshot( - readFile('package-lock.json'), - 'should have expected update lockfile result' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should have expected update reify output') + t.matchSnapshot(readFile('package.json'), 'should have expected update package.json result') + t.matchSnapshot(readFile('package-lock.json'), 'should have expected update lockfile result') }) t.test('npm uninstall', async t => { const cmd = `${npmBin} uninstall promise-all-reject-late` const cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should have expected uninstall reify output') - t.matchSnapshot( - readFile('package.json'), - 'should have expected uninstall package.json result' - ) - t.matchSnapshot( - readFile('package-lock.json'), - 'should have expected uninstall lockfile result' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should have expected uninstall reify output') + t.matchSnapshot(readFile('package.json'), 'should have expected uninstall package.json result') + t.matchSnapshot(readFile('package-lock.json'), 'should have expected uninstall lockfile result') }) t.test('npm pkg', async t => { let cmd = `${npmBin} pkg get license` let cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should have expected pkg get output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should have expected pkg get output') cmd = `${npmBin} pkg set tap[test-env][0]=LC_ALL=sk` cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should have expected pkg set output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should have expected pkg set output') t.matchSnapshot( readFile('package.json'), @@ -270,13 +256,11 @@ t.test('npm pkg', async t => { cmd = `${npmBin} pkg get` cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should print package.json contents') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should print package.json contents') cmd = `${npmBin} pkg delete tap` cmdRes = await exec(cmd) - t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), - 'should have expected pkg delete output') + t.matchSnapshot(cmdRes.replace(/in.*s/, ''), 'should have expected pkg delete output') t.matchSnapshot( readFile('package.json'), diff --git a/smoke-tests/server.js b/smoke-tests/server.js index e0ac0c94eb5ab..31ffebb2ad4e7 100644 --- a/smoke-tests/server.js +++ b/smoke-tests/server.js @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ /* istanbul ignore file */ -const {join, dirname, basename} = require('path') -const {existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync} = require('fs') +const { join, dirname, basename } = require('path') +const { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs') const PORT = 12345 + (+process.env.TAP_CHILD_ID || 0) const http = require('http') const https = require('https') @@ -86,8 +86,9 @@ const startServer = () => new Promise((res, rej) => { https.request(opts) .on('response', upstream => handleUpstream(upstream)) .end(Buffer.concat(body)) - } else + } else { handleUpstream(upstream) + } }).end(Buffer.concat(body)) } else { res.setHeader('content-encoding', 'gzip') @@ -195,8 +196,9 @@ const startServer = () => new Promise((res, rej) => { const errorStatus = upstream.statusCode >= 300 || upstream.statusCode < 200 - if (errorStatus) + if (errorStatus) { console.error('UPSTREAM ERROR', upstream.statusCode) + } const ct = upstream.headers['content-type'] const isJson = ct.includes('application/json') @@ -217,8 +219,9 @@ const startServer = () => new Promise((res, rej) => { const minFile = file.replace(/\.json$/, '.min.json') writeFileSync(minFile, JSON.stringify(mrm(obj), 0, 2) + '\n') console.error('WROTE JSONS', [file, minFile]) - } else + } else { writeFileSync(file, out) + } } res.end(out) }) @@ -227,8 +230,9 @@ const startServer = () => new Promise((res, rej) => { } res.statusCode = er.code === 'ENOENT' ? 404 : 500 - if (res.method === 'GET') + if (res.method === 'GET') { console.error(er) + } res.setHeader('content-type', 'text/plain') res.end(er.stack) } diff --git a/test/bin/npx-cli.js b/test/bin/npx-cli.js index 5eeee30184363..b526f2dfbe32e 100644 --- a/test/bin/npx-cli.js +++ b/test/bin/npx-cli.js @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const npm = require.resolve('../../bin/npm-cli.js') const logs = [] console.error = (...msg) => logs.push(msg) -t.afterEach(() => logs.length = 0) +t.afterEach(() => (logs.length = 0)) t.test('npx foo -> npm exec -- foo', t => { process.argv = ['node', npx, 'foo'] @@ -39,7 +39,17 @@ t.test('npx --x=y --no-install foo -z -> npm exec --x=y -- foo -z', t => { t.test('transform renamed options into proper values', t => { process.argv = ['node', npx, '-y', '--shell=bash', '-p', 'foo', '-c', 'asdf'] t.mock(npx, { [cli]: () => {} }) - t.strictSame(process.argv, ['node', npm, 'exec', '--yes', '--script-shell=bash', '--package', 'foo', '--call', 'asdf']) + t.strictSame(process.argv, [ + 'node', + npm, + 'exec', + '--yes', + '--script-shell=bash', + '--package', + 'foo', + '--call', + 'asdf', + ]) t.end() }) diff --git a/test/bin/windows-shims.js b/test/bin/windows-shims.js index 8d73e39f2c4d1..8d08e603b03e3 100644 --- a/test/bin/windows-shims.js +++ b/test/bin/windows-shims.js @@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ const has = path => { // If WSL is installed, it *has* a bash.exe, but it fails if // there is no distro installed, so we need to detect that. const result = spawnSync(path, ['-l', '-c', 'exit 0']) - if (result.status === 0) + if (result.status === 0) { return true - else { + } else { // print whatever error we got throw result.error || Object.assign(new Error(String(result.stderr)), { code: result.status, diff --git a/test/coverage-map.js b/test/coverage-map.js index aff7a6527715c..b29fcd8618557 100644 --- a/test/coverage-map.js +++ b/test/coverage-map.js @@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ const coverageMap = (filename) => { // this one doesn't provide any coverage nyc can track return [] } - if (/^test\/(lib\/|bin\/|index\.js$)/.test(filename)) + if (/^test\/(lib\/|bin\/|index\.js$)/.test(filename)) { return filename.replace(/^test\//, '') + } return [] } diff --git a/test/fixtures/mock-npm.js b/test/fixtures/mock-npm.js index 0a7bc0e8ad8f0..abb45613c85a9 100644 --- a/test/fixtures/mock-npm.js +++ b/test/fixtures/mock-npm.js @@ -9,8 +9,9 @@ procLog.reset() require('events').defaultMaxListeners = Infinity const realLog = {} -for (const level in npmlog.levels) +for (const level in npmlog.levels) { realLog[level] = npmlog[level] +} const { title, execPath } = process @@ -53,8 +54,9 @@ const RealMockNpm = (t, otherMocks = {}) => { process.removeAllListeners('time') process.removeAllListeners('timeEnd') npmlog.record.length = 0 - for (const level in npmlog.levels) + for (const level in npmlog.levels) { npmlog[level] = realLog[level] + } procLog.reset() process.title = title process.execPath = execPath @@ -79,18 +81,19 @@ class MockNpm { const config = base.config || {} for (const attr in base) { - if (attr !== 'config') + if (attr !== 'config') { this[attr] = base[attr] + } } this.flatOptions = base.flatOptions || {} this.config = { // for now just set `find` to what config.find should return // this works cause `find` is not an existing config entry - find: (k) => ({...realConfig.defaults, ...config})[k], - get: (k) => ({...realConfig.defaults, ...config})[k], + find: (k) => ({ ...realConfig.defaults, ...config })[k], + get: (k) => ({ ...realConfig.defaults, ...config })[k], set: (k, v) => config[k] = v, - list: [{ ...realConfig.defaults, ...config}], + list: [{ ...realConfig.defaults, ...config }], } if (!this.log) { this.log = { @@ -110,8 +113,9 @@ class MockNpm { } output (...msg) { - if (this.base.output) + if (this.base.output) { return this.base.output(msg) + } this._mockOutputs.push(msg) } } diff --git a/test/fixtures/sandbox.js b/test/fixtures/sandbox.js index 626e2ab5c509c..b012790fb535d 100644 --- a/test/fixtures/sandbox.js +++ b/test/fixtures/sandbox.js @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ createHook({ before: (asyncId) => { // find the nearest parent id that has a sandbox let parent = asyncId - while (chain.has(parent) && !sandboxes.has(parent)) + while (chain.has(parent) && !sandboxes.has(parent)) { parent = chain.get(parent) + } process = sandboxes.has(parent) ? sandboxes.get(parent) @@ -201,19 +202,22 @@ class Sandbox extends EventEmitter { // test.teardown hook teardown () { - if (this[_parent]) + if (this[_parent]) { sandboxes.delete(this[_parent]) + } return rimraf(this[_dirs].temp).catch(() => null) } // proxy get handler [_get] (target, prop, receiver) { - if (this[_data].has(prop)) + if (this[_data].has(prop)) { return this[_data].get(prop) + } - if (this[prop] !== undefined) + if (this[prop] !== undefined) { return Reflect.get(this, prop, this) + } const actual = Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver) if (typeof actual === 'function') { diff --git a/test/lib/auth/legacy.js b/test/lib/auth/legacy.js index d06f9535742fb..7b61e9f6e946e 100644 --- a/test/lib/auth/legacy.js +++ b/test/lib/auth/legacy.js @@ -13,8 +13,9 @@ const legacy = t.mock('../../../lib/auth/legacy.js', { }, 'npm-profile': profile, '../../../lib/utils/open-url.js': (npm, url, msg) => { - if (!url) + if (!url) { throw Object.assign(new Error('failed open url'), { code: 'ERROR' }) + } }, '../../../lib/utils/read-user-info.js': read, }) diff --git a/test/lib/auth/sso.js b/test/lib/auth/sso.js index 11be002aee345..d5922055931e1 100644 --- a/test/lib/auth/sso.js +++ b/test/lib/auth/sso.js @@ -30,9 +30,9 @@ const sso = t.mock('../../../lib/auth/sso.js', { } }, '../../../lib/utils/otplease.js': (opts, fn) => { - if (opts) + if (opts) { return fn({ ...opts, otp: '1234' }) - else { + } else { throw Object.assign( new Error('failed retrieving otp'), { code: 'ERROR' } diff --git a/test/lib/cli.js b/test/lib/cli.js index 4e24dcd78b73f..d762943b47008 100644 --- a/test/lib/cli.js +++ b/test/lib/cli.js @@ -12,8 +12,9 @@ let exitHandlerNpm = null let exitHandlerCb const exitHandlerMock = (...args) => { exitHandlerCalled = args - if (exitHandlerCb) + if (exitHandlerCb) { exitHandlerCb() + } } exitHandlerMock.setNpm = npm => { exitHandlerNpm = npm @@ -26,15 +27,16 @@ const npmlogMock = { info: (...msg) => logs.push(['info', ...msg]), } -const cliMock = (Npm) => t.mock('../../lib/cli.js', { - '../../lib/npm.js': Npm, - '../../lib/utils/update-notifier.js': async () => null, - '../../lib/utils/unsupported.js': unsupportedMock, - '../../lib/utils/exit-handler.js': exitHandlerMock, - npmlog: npmlogMock, -}) +const cliMock = Npm => + t.mock('../../lib/cli.js', { + '../../lib/npm.js': Npm, + '../../lib/utils/update-notifier.js': async () => null, + '../../lib/utils/unsupported.js': unsupportedMock, + '../../lib/utils/exit-handler.js': exitHandlerMock, + npmlog: npmlogMock, + }) -const processMock = (proc) => { +const processMock = proc => { const mocked = { ...process, on: () => {}, @@ -104,13 +106,16 @@ t.test('calling with --versions calls npm version with no args', async t => { t.test('logged argv is sanitized', async t => { const proc = processMock({ - argv: ['node', 'npm', 'version', ''], + argv: [ + 'node', + 'npm', + 'version', + '', + ], }) const { Npm } = mockNpm(t, { '../../lib/commands/version.js': class Version { - async exec (args) { - - } + async exec (args) {} }, }) @@ -120,12 +125,11 @@ t.test('logged argv is sanitized', async t => { t.equal(proc.title, 'npm') t.strictSame(logs, [ 'pause', - ['verbose', 'cli', [ - 'node', - 'npm', - 'version', - 'https://username:***', - ]], + [ + 'verbose', + 'cli', + ['node', 'npm', 'version', 'https://username:***'], + ], ['info', 'using', 'npm@%s', Npm.version], ['info', 'using', 'node@%s', process.version], ]) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/access.js b/test/lib/commands/access.js index 6ddd21428a781..fdf132aff97f3 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/access.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/access.js @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ t.test('completion', async t => { testComp(['npm', 'access', 'revoke'], []) await t.rejects( - access.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'access', 'foobar']}}}), + access.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'access', 'foobar'] } } }), { message: 'foobar not recognized' } ) }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/adduser.js b/test/lib/commands/adduser.js index 368d5d68a7227..71d79ea9351b1 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/adduser.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/adduser.js @@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ let deletedConfig = {} let registryOutput = '' let setConfig = {} const authDummy = (npm, options) => { - if (!options.fromFlatOptions) + if (!options.fromFlatOptions) { throw new Error('did not pass full flatOptions to auth function') + } return Promise.resolve({ message: 'success', @@ -40,13 +41,15 @@ const npm = { config: { delete: deleteMock, get (key, where) { - if (!where || where === 'user') + if (!where || where === 'user') { return _flatOptions[key] + } }, getCredentialsByURI, async save () { - if (failSave) + if (failSave) { throw new Error('error saving user config') + } }, set (key, value, where) { setConfig = { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/audit.js b/test/lib/commands/audit.js index cf6d36d4710b7..59a33e8652d6f 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/audit.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/audit.js @@ -35,8 +35,9 @@ t.test('should audit using Arborist', t => { } }, '../../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': (npm, arb) => { - if (arb !== ARB_OBJ) + if (arb !== ARB_OBJ) { throw new Error('got wrong object passed to reify-output') + } REIFY_FINISH_CALLED = true }, @@ -122,8 +123,7 @@ t.test('report endpoint error', t => { head: ['ers'], }, statusCode: 420, - body: json ? { nope: 'lol' } - : Buffer.from('i had a vuln but i eated it lol'), + body: json ? { nope: 'lol' } : Buffer.from('i had a vuln but i eated it lol'), }, } } @@ -132,27 +132,25 @@ t.test('report endpoint error', t => { }) const audit = new Audit(npm) - await t.rejects( - audit.exec([]), - 'audit endpoint returned an error' - ) + await t.rejects(audit.exec([]), 'audit endpoint returned an error') t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [ [ - json ? '{\n' + - ' "message": "hello, this didnt work",\n' + - ' "method": "POST",\n' + - ' "uri": "",\n' + - ' "headers": {\n' + - ' "head": [\n' + - ' "ers"\n' + - ' ]\n' + - ' },\n' + - ' "statusCode": 420,\n' + - ' "body": {\n' + - ' "nope": "lol"\n' + - ' }\n' + - '}' - : 'i had a vuln but i eated it lol', + json + ? '{\n' + + ' "message": "hello, this didnt work",\n' + + ' "method": "POST",\n' + + ' "uri": "",\n' + + ' "headers": {\n' + + ' "head": [\n' + + ' "ers"\n' + + ' ]\n' + + ' },\n' + + ' "statusCode": 420,\n' + + ' "body": {\n' + + ' "nope": "lol"\n' + + ' }\n' + + '}' + : 'i had a vuln but i eated it lol', ], ]) t.strictSame(LOGS, [['audit', 'hello, this didnt work']]) @@ -165,20 +163,27 @@ t.test('completion', t => { const Audit = require('../../../lib/commands/audit.js') const audit = new Audit({}) t.test('fix', async t => { - t.resolveMatch(audit.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'audit'] } } }), ['fix'], 'completes to fix') + t.resolveMatch( + audit.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'audit'] } } }), + ['fix'], + 'completes to fix' + ) t.end() }) t.test('subcommand fix', t => { - t.resolveMatch(audit.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'audit', 'fix'] } } }), [], 'resolves to ?') + t.resolveMatch( + audit.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'audit', 'fix'] } } }), + [], + 'resolves to ?' + ) t.end() }) t.test('subcommand not recognized', t => { - t.rejects( - audit.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'audit', 'repare'] } } }), - { message: 'repare not recognized' } - ) + t.rejects(audit.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'audit', 'repare'] } } }), { + message: 'repare not recognized', + }) t.end() }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/bugs.js b/test/lib/commands/bugs.js index dcb36af393a61..dbd618b0848a4 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/bugs.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/bugs.js @@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ t.test('open bugs urls & emails', t => { keys.forEach(pkg => { t.test(pkg, async t => { await bugs.exec([pkg]) - t.equal(opened[expect[pkg]], 1, 'opened expected url', {opened}) + t.equal(opened[expect[pkg]], 1, 'opened expected url', { opened }) }) }) }) t.test('open default package if none specified', async t => { await bugs.exec([]) - t.equal(opened[''], 1, 'opened expected url', {opened}) + t.equal(opened[''], 1, 'opened expected url', { opened }) }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/cache.js b/test/lib/commands/cache.js index 168cfce6db3e7..70a8ba1b2022f 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/cache.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/cache.js @@ -56,14 +56,17 @@ const setupCacacheFixture = () => { pkgs.forEach(pkg => addCacachePkg(...pkg)) // corrupt the packument cacacheContent[ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ [cacacheEntries['make-fetch-happen:request-cache:'].integrity] ].data = Buffer.from('<>>>}"') // nuke the version dist cacacheContent[ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ [cacacheEntries['make-fetch-happen:request-cache:'].integrity] ].data = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ versions: { '23.0.0': {} } })) // make the version a non-object cacacheContent[ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ [cacacheEntries['make-fetch-happen:request-cache:'].integrity] ].data = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ versions: 'hello' })) } @@ -87,8 +90,9 @@ const addCacachePkg = (spec, registry, publicURL) => { const parts = npa(spec) const ver = parts.rawSpec || '1.0.0' let url = `${registry}/${}/-/${}-${ver}.tgz` - if (!publicURL) + if (!publicURL) { url = `${registry}/aabbcc/${contentId}` + } const key = `make-fetch-happen:request-cache:${url}` const pkey = `make-fetch-happen:request-cache:${registry}/${parts.escapedName}` if (!packuments[parts.escapedName]) { @@ -114,14 +118,16 @@ const cacache = { }, get: (path, key) => { if (cacacheEntries[key] === undefined - || cacacheContent[cacacheEntries[key].integrity] === undefined) + || cacacheContent[cacacheEntries[key].integrity] === undefined) { throw new Error() + } return cacacheContent[cacacheEntries[key].integrity] }, rm: { entry: (path, key) => { - if (cacacheEntries[key] === undefined) + if (cacacheEntries[key] === undefined) { throw new Error() + } delete cacacheEntries[key] }, content: (path, sha) => { @@ -243,9 +249,12 @@ t.test('cache ls', async t => { setupCacacheFixture() await cache.exec(['ls']) t.strictSame(outputOutput, [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', @@ -255,8 +264,10 @@ t.test('cache ls', async t => { 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', @@ -320,8 +331,10 @@ t.test('cache ls scoped and scoped slash', async t => { }) await cache.exec(['ls', '@fritzy/staydown', '@gar/npm-expansion']) t.strictSame(outputOutput, [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', ]) @@ -345,6 +358,7 @@ t.test('cache ls missing packument dist', async t => { await cache.exec(['ls', 'missing-dist']) t.strictSame(outputOutput, [ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', ]) }) @@ -356,6 +370,7 @@ t.test('cache ls missing packument version not an object', async t => { await cache.exec(['ls', 'missing-version']) t.strictSame(outputOutput, [ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', ]) }) @@ -367,6 +382,7 @@ t.test('cache rm', async t => { await cache.exec(['rm', 'make-fetch-happen:request-cache:']) t.strictSame(outputOutput, [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'Deleted: make-fetch-happen:request-cache:', ]) }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/ci.js b/test/lib/commands/ci.js index 8573b585a5f47..1091f9125b041 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/ci.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/ci.js @@ -52,13 +52,15 @@ t.test('should use Arborist and run-script', async t => { // when the test is done, we assert that all timers ended const timers = {} const onTime = msg => { - if (timers[msg]) + if (timers[msg]) { throw new Error(`saw duplicate timer: ${msg}`) + } timers[msg] = true } const onTimeEnd = msg => { - if (!timers[msg]) + if (!timers[msg]) { throw new Error(`ended timer that was not started: ${msg}`) + } timers[msg] = false } process.on('time', onTime) @@ -118,8 +120,9 @@ t.test('should use Arborist and run-script', async t => { const ci = new CI(npm) await ci.exec(null) - for (const [msg, result] of Object.entries(timers)) + for (const [msg, result] of Object.entries(timers)) { t.notOk(result, `properly resolved ${msg} timer`) + } t.match(timers, { 'npm-ci:rm': false }, 'saw the rimraf timer') t.equal(actualRimrafs, expectRimrafs, 'removed the right number of things') t.strictSame(scripts, [], 'called all scripts') diff --git a/test/lib/commands/completion.js b/test/lib/commands/completion.js index 7fdee0627273e..7a7e0a759fbfe 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/completion.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/completion.js @@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ const t = require('tap') const fs = require('fs') const path = require('path') -const completionScript = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../lib/utils/'), { encoding: 'utf8' }).replace(/^#!.*?\n/, '') +const completionScript = fs + .readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../lib/utils/'), { encoding: 'utf8' }) + .replace(/^#!.*?\n/, '') const output = [] const npmConfig = {} @@ -14,20 +16,22 @@ const npm = { npmConfig[key] = value }, clear: () => { - for (const key in npmConfig) + for (const key in npmConfig) { delete npmConfig[key] + } }, }, - cmd: (cmd) => { - return ({ + cmd: cmd => { + return { completion: { completion: () => [['>>', '~/.bashrc']], }, adduser: {}, access: { completion: () => { - if (accessCompletionError) + if (accessCompletionError) { throw new Error('access completion failed') + } return ['public', 'restricted'] }, @@ -45,9 +49,9 @@ const npm = { return ' fast' }, }, - }[cmd]) + }[cmd] }, - output: (line) => { + output: line => { output.push(line) }, } @@ -56,11 +60,7 @@ const cmdList = { aliases: { login: 'adduser', }, - cmdList: [ - 'access', - 'adduser', - 'completion', - ], + cmdList: ['access', 'adduser', 'completion'], plumbing: [], } @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const config = { }, } -const deref = (cmd) => { +const deref = cmd => { return cmd } @@ -102,10 +102,14 @@ t.test('completion completion', async t => { }) const res = await completion.completion({ w: 2 }) - t.strictSame(res, [ - ['>>', '~/.zshrc'], - ['>>', '~/.bashrc'], - ], 'identifies both shells') + t.strictSame( + res, + [ + ['>>', '~/.zshrc'], + ['>>', '~/.bashrc'], + ], + 'identifies both shells' + ) t.end() }) @@ -137,10 +141,9 @@ t.test('completion errors in windows without bash', async t => { await t.rejects( compl.exec({}), - { code: 'ENOTSUP', - message: /completion supported only in MINGW/, - - }, 'returns the correct error') + { code: 'ENOTSUP', message: /completion supported only in MINGW/ }, + 'returns the correct error' + ) }) t.test('dump script when completion is not being attempted', async t => { @@ -302,13 +305,17 @@ t.test('handles async completion function', async t => { await completion.exec(['npm', 'promise', '']) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'promise'], - cooked: ['npm', 'promise'], - original: ['npm', 'promise'], + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'promise'], + cooked: ['npm', 'promise'], + original: ['npm', 'promise'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) t.strictSame(output, ['resolved_completion_promise'], 'resolves async completion results') }) @@ -327,14 +334,22 @@ t.test('completion triggers command completions', async t => { await completion.exec(['npm', 'access', '']) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'access'], - cooked: ['npm', 'access'], - original: ['npm', 'access'], + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'access'], + cooked: ['npm', 'access'], + original: ['npm', 'access'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') - t.strictSame(output, [['public', 'restricted'].join('\n')], 'correctly completed a subcommand name') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) + t.strictSame( + output, + [['public', 'restricted'].join('\n')], + 'correctly completed a subcommand name' + ) }) t.test('completion triggers filtered command completions', async t => { @@ -352,13 +367,17 @@ t.test('completion triggers filtered command completions', async t => { await completion.exec(['npm', 'access', 'p']) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'access'], - cooked: ['npm', 'access'], - original: ['npm', 'access'], + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'access'], + cooked: ['npm', 'access'], + original: ['npm', 'access'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) t.strictSame(output, ['public'], 'correctly completed a subcommand name') }) @@ -377,13 +396,17 @@ t.test('completions for commands that return nested arrays are joined', async t await completion.exec(['npm', 'completion', '']) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'completion'], - cooked: ['npm', 'completion'], - original: ['npm', 'completion'], + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'completion'], + cooked: ['npm', 'completion'], + original: ['npm', 'completion'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) t.strictSame(output, ['>> ~/.bashrc'], 'joins nested arrays') }) @@ -402,13 +425,17 @@ t.test('completions for commands that return nothing work correctly', async t => await completion.exec(['npm', 'donothing', '']) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'donothing'], - cooked: ['npm', 'donothing'], - original: ['npm', 'donothing'], + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'donothing'], + cooked: ['npm', 'donothing'], + original: ['npm', 'donothing'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'returns nothing') }) @@ -426,14 +453,18 @@ t.test('completions for commands that return a single item work correctly', asyn }) await completion.exec(['npm', 'driveaboat', '']) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'driveaboat'], - cooked: ['npm', 'driveaboat'], - original: ['npm', 'driveaboat'], + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'driveaboat'], + cooked: ['npm', 'driveaboat'], + original: ['npm', 'driveaboat'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') - t.strictSame(output, ['\' fast\''], 'returns the correctly escaped string') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) + t.strictSame(output, ["' fast'"], 'returns the correctly escaped string') }) t.test('command completion for commands with no completion return no results', async t => { @@ -450,14 +481,18 @@ t.test('command completion for commands with no completion return no results', a }) // quotes around adduser are to ensure coverage when unescaping commands - await completion.exec(['npm', '\'adduser\'', '']) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'adduser'], - cooked: ['npm', 'adduser'], - original: ['npm', 'adduser'], + await completion.exec(['npm', "'adduser'", '']) + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'adduser'], + cooked: ['npm', 'adduser'], + original: ['npm', 'adduser'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'correctly completed a subcommand name') }) @@ -481,13 +516,17 @@ t.test('command completion errors propagate', async t => { /access completion failed/, 'catches the appropriate error' ) - t.strictSame(npmConfig, { - argv: { - remain: ['npm', 'access'], - cooked: ['npm', 'access'], - original: ['npm', 'access'], + t.strictSame( + npmConfig, + { + argv: { + remain: ['npm', 'access'], + cooked: ['npm', 'access'], + original: ['npm', 'access'], + }, }, - }, 'applies command config appropriately') + 'applies command config appropriately' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'returns no results') }) @@ -507,7 +546,11 @@ t.test('completion can complete flags', async t => { await completion.exec(['npm', 'install', '--']) t.strictSame(npmConfig, {}, 'does not apply command config') - t.strictSame(output, [['--global', '--browser', '--registry', '--reg', '--no-global', '--no-browser'].join('\n')], 'correctly completes flag names') + t.strictSame( + output, + [['--global', '--browser', '--registry', '--reg', '--no-global', '--no-browser'].join('\n')], + 'correctly completes flag names' + ) }) t.test('double dashes escape from flag completion', async t => { @@ -526,7 +569,11 @@ t.test('double dashes escape from flag completion', async t => { await completion.exec(['npm', '--', 'install', '--']) t.strictSame(npmConfig, {}, 'does not apply command config') - t.strictSame(output, [['access', 'adduser', 'completion', 'login'].join('\n')], 'correctly completes flag names') + t.strictSame( + output, + [['access', 'adduser', 'completion', 'login'].join('\n')], + 'correctly completes flag names' + ) }) t.test('completion cannot complete options that take a value in mid-command', async t => { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/config.js b/test/lib/commands/config.js index 56ec7fd91630e..b37088c06b9cd 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/config.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/config.js @@ -10,25 +10,37 @@ const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile) const Sandbox = require('../../fixtures/sandbox.js') -t.test('config no args', async (t) => { +t.test('config no args', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) - await t.rejects('config', []), { - code: 'EUSAGE', - }, 'rejects with usage') + await t.rejects( +'config', []), + { + code: 'EUSAGE', + }, + 'rejects with usage' + ) }) -t.test('config ignores workspaces', async (t) => { +t.test('config ignores workspaces', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) - await t.rejects('config', ['--workspaces']), { - code: 'EUSAGE', - }, 'rejects with usage') - - t.match(sandbox.logs.warn, [['config', 'This command does not support workspaces.']], 'logged the warning') + await t.rejects( +'config', ['--workspaces']), + { + code: 'EUSAGE', + }, + 'rejects with usage' + ) + + t.match( + sandbox.logs.warn, + [['config', 'This command does not support workspaces.']], + 'logged the warning' + ) }) -t.test('config list', async (t) => { +t.test('config list', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) const temp = t.testdir({ @@ -51,7 +63,7 @@ t.test('config list', async (t) => { t.matchSnapshot(sandbox.output, 'output matches snapshot') }) -t.test('config list --long', async (t) => { +t.test('config list --long', async t => { const temp = t.testdir({ global: { npmrc: 'globalloaded=yes', @@ -73,7 +85,7 @@ t.test('config list --long', async (t) => { t.matchSnapshot(sandbox.output, 'output matches snapshot') }) -t.test('config list --json', async (t) => { +t.test('config list --json', async t => { const temp = t.testdir({ global: { npmrc: 'globalloaded=yes', @@ -95,15 +107,19 @@ t.test('config list --json', async (t) => { t.matchSnapshot(sandbox.output, 'output matches snapshot') }) -t.test('config delete no args', async (t) => { +t.test('config delete no args', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) - await t.rejects('config', ['delete']), { - code: 'EUSAGE', - }, 'rejects with usage') + await t.rejects( +'config', ['delete']), + { + code: 'EUSAGE', + }, + 'rejects with usage' + ) }) -t.test('config delete single key', async (t) => { +t.test('config delete single key', async t => { // location defaults to user, so we work with a userconfig const home = t.testdir({ '.npmrc': 'foo=bar\nbar=baz', @@ -118,7 +134,7 @@ t.test('config delete single key', async (t) => { t.not(contents.includes('foo='), 'foo was removed on disk') }) -t.test('config delete multiple keys', async (t) => { +t.test('config delete multiple keys', async t => { const home = t.testdir({ '.npmrc': 'foo=bar\nbar=baz\nbaz=buz', }) @@ -134,7 +150,7 @@ t.test('config delete multiple keys', async (t) => { t.not(contents.includes('bar='), 'bar was removed on disk') }) -t.test('config delete key --location=global', async (t) => { +t.test('config delete key --location=global', async t => { const global = t.testdir({ npmrc: 'foo=bar\nbar=baz', }) @@ -148,7 +164,7 @@ t.test('config delete key --location=global', async (t) => { t.not(contents.includes('foo='), 'foo was removed on disk') }) -t.test('config delete key --global', async (t) => { +t.test('config delete key --global', async t => { const global = t.testdir({ npmrc: 'foo=bar\nbar=baz', }) @@ -162,15 +178,19 @@ t.test('config delete key --global', async (t) => { t.not(contents.includes('foo='), 'foo was removed on disk') }) -t.test('config set no args', async (t) => { +t.test('config set no args', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) - await t.rejects('config', ['set']), { - code: 'EUSAGE', - }, 'rejects with usage') + await t.rejects( +'config', ['set']), + { + code: 'EUSAGE', + }, + 'rejects with usage' + ) }) -t.test('config set key', async (t) => { +t.test('config set key', async t => { const home = t.testdir({ '.npmrc': 'foo=bar', }) @@ -185,7 +205,7 @@ t.test('config set key', async (t) => { t.ok(contents.includes('foo='), 'wrote foo to disk') }) -t.test('config set key value', async (t) => { +t.test('config set key value', async t => { const home = t.testdir({ '.npmrc': 'foo=bar', }) @@ -200,7 +220,7 @@ t.test('config set key value', async (t) => { t.ok(contents.includes('foo=baz'), 'wrote foo to disk') }) -t.test('config set key=value', async (t) => { +t.test('config set key=value', async t => { const home = t.testdir({ '.npmrc': 'foo=bar', }) @@ -215,7 +235,7 @@ t.test('config set key=value', async (t) => { t.ok(contents.includes('foo=baz'), 'wrote foo to disk') }) -t.test('config set key1 value1 key2=value2 key3', async (t) => { +t.test('config set key1 value1 key2=value2 key3', async t => { const home = t.testdir({ '.npmrc': 'foo=bar\nbar=baz\nbaz=foo', }) @@ -233,17 +253,19 @@ t.test('config set key1 value1 key2=value2 key3', async (t) => { t.ok(contents.includes('baz='), 'baz was written to disk') }) -t.test('config set invalid key logs warning', async (t) => { +t.test('config set invalid key logs warning', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) // this doesn't reject, it only logs a warning await'config', ['set', 'access=foo']) - t.match(sandbox.logs.warn, [ - ['invalid config', 'access="foo"', `set in ${join(sandbox.home, '.npmrc')}`], - ], 'logged warning') + t.match( + sandbox.logs.warn, + [['invalid config', 'access="foo"', `set in ${join(sandbox.home, '.npmrc')}`]], + 'logged warning' + ) }) -t.test('config set key=value --location=global', async (t) => { +t.test('config set key=value --location=global', async t => { const global = t.testdir({ npmrc: 'foo=bar\nbar=baz', }) @@ -257,7 +279,7 @@ t.test('config set key=value --location=global', async (t) => { t.not(contents.includes('foo=buzz'), 'foo was saved on disk') }) -t.test('config set key=value --global', async (t) => { +t.test('config set key=value --global', async t => { const global = t.testdir({ npmrc: 'foo=bar\nbar=baz', }) @@ -271,7 +293,7 @@ t.test('config set key=value --global', async (t) => { t.not(contents.includes('foo=buzz'), 'foo was saved on disk') }) -t.test('config get no args', async (t) => { +t.test('config get no args', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) await'config', ['get']) @@ -285,28 +307,38 @@ t.test('config get no args', async (t) => { t.equal(listOutput, getOutput, 'get with no args outputs list') }) -t.test('config get single key', async (t) => { +t.test('config get single key', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) await'config', ['get', 'node-version']) t.equal(sandbox.output, sandbox.config.get('node-version'), 'should get the value') }) -t.test('config get multiple keys', async (t) => { +t.test('config get multiple keys', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) await'config', ['get', 'node-version', 'npm-version']) - t.ok(sandbox.output.includes(`node-version=${sandbox.config.get('node-version')}`), 'outputs node-version') - t.ok(sandbox.output.includes(`npm-version=${sandbox.config.get('npm-version')}`), 'outputs npm-version') + t.ok( + sandbox.output.includes(`node-version=${sandbox.config.get('node-version')}`), + 'outputs node-version' + ) + t.ok( + sandbox.output.includes(`npm-version=${sandbox.config.get('npm-version')}`), + 'outputs npm-version' + ) }) -t.test('config get private key', async (t) => { +t.test('config get private key', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) - await t.rejects('config', ['get', '_authToken']), '_authToken is protected', 'rejects with protected string') + await t.rejects( +'config', ['get', '_authToken']), + '_authToken is protected', + 'rejects with protected string' + ) }) -t.test('config edit', async (t) => { +t.test('config edit', async t => { const home = t.testdir({ '.npmrc': 'foo=bar\nbar=baz', }) @@ -323,7 +355,11 @@ t.test('config edit', async (t) => { await'config', ['edit']) t.ok(editor.called, 'editor was spawned') - t.same(editor.calledWith.args, [join(sandbox.home, '.npmrc')], 'editor opened the user config file') + t.same( + editor.calledWith.args, + [join(sandbox.home, '.npmrc')], + 'editor opened the user config file' + ) const contents = await readFile(join(home, '.npmrc'), { encoding: 'utf8' }) t.ok(contents.includes('foo=bar'), 'kept foo') @@ -331,7 +367,7 @@ t.test('config edit', async (t) => { t.ok(contents.includes('shown below with default values'), 'appends defaults to file') }) -t.test('config edit - editor exits non-0', async (t) => { +t.test('config edit - editor exits non-0', async t => { t.teardown(() => { spawk.clean() }) @@ -341,22 +377,31 @@ t.test('config edit - editor exits non-0', async (t) => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) sandbox.process.env.EDITOR = EDITOR - await t.rejects('config', ['edit']), { - message: 'editor process exited with code: 1', - }, 'rejects with error about editor code') + await t.rejects( +'config', ['edit']), + { + message: 'editor process exited with code: 1', + }, + 'rejects with error about editor code' + ) t.ok(editor.called, 'editor was spawned') - t.same(editor.calledWith.args, [join(sandbox.home, '.npmrc')], 'editor opened the user config file') + t.same( + editor.calledWith.args, + [join(sandbox.home, '.npmrc')], + 'editor opened the user config file' + ) }) -t.test('completion', async (t) => { +t.test('completion', async t => { const sandbox = new Sandbox(t) let allKeys const testComp = async (argv, expect) => { t.match(await sandbox.complete('config', argv), expect, argv.join(' ')) - if (!allKeys) + if (!allKeys) { allKeys = Object.keys(sandbox.config.definitions) + } sandbox.reset() } diff --git a/test/lib/commands/diff.js b/test/lib/commands/diff.js index 9b3e2aca51329..811936fe6d24c 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/diff.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/diff.js @@ -169,13 +169,14 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@2.1.4', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(b, `file:${fooPath}`, 'should compare to cwd') - t.match(opts, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - diffFiles: [ - './foo.js', - './bar.js', - ], - }, 'should forward flatOptions and diffFiles') + t.match( + opts, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + diffFiles: ['./foo.js', './bar.js'], + }, + 'should forward flatOptions and diffFiles' + ) } config.diff = ['2.1.4'] @@ -264,7 +265,7 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { const Diff = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/diff.js', { ...mocks, pacote: { - packument: (spec) => { + packument: spec => { t.equal(, 'bar', 'should have expected spec name') }, }, @@ -273,7 +274,11 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { return { version: '1.8.10' } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) t.equal(b, 'bar@1.8.10', 'should have possible semver range spec') }, }) @@ -325,7 +330,7 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { const Diff = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/diff.js', { ...mocks, pacote: { - packument: (spec) => { + packument: spec => { t.equal(, 'lorem', 'should have expected spec name') }, }, @@ -334,7 +339,11 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { return { version: '2.1.0' } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `lorem@file:${resolve(path, 'globalDir/lib/node_modules/lorem')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `lorem@file:${resolve(path, 'globalDir/lib/node_modules/lorem')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) t.equal(b, 'lorem@2.1.0', 'should have possible semver range spec') }, }) @@ -364,7 +373,11 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should have expected comparison spec') } @@ -407,7 +420,7 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { ...mocks, '../../../lib/utils/read-package-name.js': async () => 'my-project', pacote: { - packument: (spec) => { + packument: spec => { t.equal(, 'lorem', 'should have expected spec name') }, }, @@ -416,7 +429,11 @@ t.test('single arg', t => { return { version: '2.2.2' } }, libnpmdiff: async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `lorem@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/lorem')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `lorem@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/lorem')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) t.equal(b, 'lorem@2.2.2', 'should have expected target spec') }, }) @@ -548,7 +565,11 @@ t.test('first arg is a qualified spec', t => { libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should set expected first spec') - t.equal(b, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + b, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) } npm.prefix = path @@ -606,15 +627,20 @@ t.test('first arg is a known dependency name', async t => { }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should set expected second spec') } npm.prefix = path config.diff = ['bar', 'bar@2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -645,15 +671,24 @@ t.test('first arg is a known dependency name', async t => { }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') - t.equal(b, `bar-fork@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar-fork')}`, 'should target fork local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) + t.equal( + b, + `bar-fork@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar-fork')}`, + 'should target fork local node_modules pkg' + ) } npm.prefix = path config.diff = ['bar', 'bar-fork'] diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -678,15 +713,20 @@ t.test('first arg is a known dependency name', async t => { }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) t.equal(b, 'bar@2.0.0', 'should use package name from first arg') } npm.prefix = path config.diff = ['bar', '2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -711,7 +751,11 @@ t.test('first arg is a known dependency name', async t => { }) libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.equal(a, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + a, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) t.equal(b, 'bar-fork@latest', 'should set expected second spec') } @@ -759,7 +803,11 @@ t.test('first arg is a valid semver range', t => { libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar@1.0.0', 'should use name from second arg') - t.equal(b, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should set expected second spec from nm') + t.equal( + b, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should set expected second spec from nm' + ) } npm.prefix = path @@ -847,8 +895,9 @@ t.test('first arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { config.diff = ['bar', 'bar@2.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -874,14 +923,19 @@ t.test('first arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'bar-fork@latest', 'should use latest tag') - t.equal(b, `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, 'should target local node_modules pkg') + t.equal( + b, + `bar@file:${resolve(path, 'node_modules/bar')}`, + 'should target local node_modules pkg' + ) } npm.prefix = path config.diff = ['bar-fork', 'bar'] diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -895,8 +949,9 @@ t.test('first arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { config.diff = ['bar', '^1.0.0'] diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -910,8 +965,9 @@ t.test('first arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { config.diff = ['bar', 'bar-fork'] diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -928,8 +984,9 @@ t.test('first arg is an unknown dependency name', t => { npm.prefix = path diff.exec([], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) @@ -943,10 +1000,14 @@ t.test('various options', t => { flatOptions.diffNameOnly = true libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.match(opts, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - diffNameOnly: true, - }, 'should forward nameOnly=true option') + t.match( + opts, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + diffNameOnly: true, + }, + 'should forward nameOnly=true option' + ) } await diff.exec([]) @@ -960,13 +1021,14 @@ t.test('various options', t => { libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@2.1.4', 'should use expected spec') t.equal(b, 'foo@3.0.0', 'should use expected spec') - t.match(opts, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - diffFiles: [ - './foo.js', - './bar.js', - ], - }, 'should forward diffFiles values') + t.match( + opts, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + diffFiles: ['./foo.js', './bar.js'], + }, + 'should forward diffFiles values' + ) } await diff.exec(['./foo.js', './bar.js']) @@ -978,13 +1040,14 @@ t.test('various options', t => { libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { t.equal(a, 'foo@latest', 'should have default spec') t.equal(b, `file:${fooPath}`, 'should compare to cwd') - t.match(opts, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - diffFiles: [ - './foo.js', - './bar.js', - ], - }, 'should forward all remaining items as filenames') + t.match( + opts, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + diffFiles: ['./foo.js', './bar.js'], + }, + 'should forward all remaining items as filenames' + ) } await diff.exec(['./foo.js', './bar.js']) @@ -1001,15 +1064,19 @@ t.test('various options', t => { flatOptions.diffText = true libnpmdiff = async ([a, b], opts) => { - t.match(opts, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - diffContext: 5, - diffIgnoreWhitespace: true, - diffNoPrefix: false, - diffSrcPrefix: 'foo/', - diffDstPrefix: 'bar/', - diffText: true, - }, 'should forward diff options') + t.match( + opts, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + diffContext: 5, + diffIgnoreWhitespace: true, + diffNoPrefix: false, + diffSrcPrefix: 'foo/', + diffDstPrefix: 'bar/', + diffText: true, + }, + 'should forward diff options' + ) } await diff.exec([]) @@ -1062,10 +1129,14 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { npm.prefix = path npm.localPrefix = path await diff.execWorkspaces([], []) - t.same(diffCalls, [ - ['workspace-a@latest', join(`file:${path}`, 'workspace-a')], - ['workspace-b@latest', join(`file:${path}`, 'workspace-b')], - ], 'should call libnpmdiff with workspaces params') + t.same( + diffCalls, + [ + ['workspace-a@latest', join(`file:${path}`, 'workspace-a')], + ['workspace-b@latest', join(`file:${path}`, 'workspace-b')], + ], + 'should call libnpmdiff with workspaces params' + ) }) t.test('one workspace', async t => { @@ -1076,9 +1147,11 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { npm.prefix = path npm.localPrefix = path await diff.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-a']) - t.same(diffCalls, [ - ['workspace-a@latest', join(`file:${path}`, 'workspace-a')], - ], 'should call libnpmdiff with workspaces params') + t.same( + diffCalls, + [['workspace-a@latest', join(`file:${path}`, 'workspace-a')]], + 'should call libnpmdiff with workspaces params' + ) }) t.test('invalid workspace', async t => { @@ -1087,14 +1160,8 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { } npm.prefix = path npm.localPrefix = path - await t.rejects( - diff.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), - /No workspaces found/ - ) - await t.rejects( - diff.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), - /workspace-x/ - ) + await t.rejects(diff.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), /No workspaces found/) + await t.rejects(diff.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), /workspace-x/) }) t.end() }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/dist-tag.js b/test/lib/commands/dist-tag.js index be66366f84337..6b45dc1167557 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/dist-tag.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/dist-tag.js @@ -43,8 +43,9 @@ const routeMap = { // XXX overriding this does not appear to do anything, adding t.plan to things // that use it fails the test let npmRegistryFetchMock = (url, opts) => { - if (url === '/-/package/foo/dist-tags') + if (url === '/-/package/foo/dist-tags') { throw new Error('no package found') + } return routeMap[url] } @@ -52,8 +53,9 @@ let npmRegistryFetchMock = (url, opts) => { npmRegistryFetchMock.json = async (url, opts) => routeMap[url] const logger = (...msgs) => { - for (const msg of [...msgs]) + for (const msg of [...msgs]) { log += msg + ' ' + } log += '\n' } diff --git a/test/lib/commands/docs.js b/test/lib/commands/docs.js index 4853a7960c5e5..a3b31bd70656d 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/docs.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/docs.js @@ -99,14 +99,14 @@ t.test('open docs urls', t => { const url = expect[pkg] t.match({ [url]: 1, - }, opened, `opened ${url}`, {opened}) + }, opened, `opened ${url}`, { opened }) }) }) }) t.test('open default package if none specified', async t => { await docs.exec([]) - t.equal(opened[''], 1, 'opened expected url', {opened}) + t.equal(opened[''], 1, 'opened expected url', { opened }) }) t.test('workspaces', (t) => { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/doctor.js b/test/lib/commands/doctor.js index 9db622878c620..e3ad5cc72692f 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/doctor.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/doctor.js @@ -17,14 +17,16 @@ const output = [] let pingError const ping = async () => { - if (pingError) + if (pingError) { throw pingError + } } let whichError = null const which = async () => { - if (whichError) + if (whichError) { throw whichError + } return '/path/to/git' } @@ -51,10 +53,11 @@ const logs = { const clearLogs = (obj = logs) => { output.length = 0 for (const key in obj) { - if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) + if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) { obj[key].length = 0 - else + } else { delete obj[key] + } } } @@ -63,31 +66,35 @@ const npm = { registry: '', }, log: { - info: (msg) => { + info: msg => { }, - newItem: (name) => { + newItem: name => { logs[name] = {} return { info: (_, msg) => { - if (!logs[name].info) + if (!logs[name].info) { logs[name].info = [] + } logs[name].info.push(msg) }, warn: (_, msg) => { - if (!logs[name].warn) + if (!logs[name].warn) { logs[name].warn = [] + } logs[name].warn.push(msg) }, error: (_, msg) => { - if (!logs[name].error) + if (!logs[name].error) { logs[name].error = [] + } logs[name].error.push(msg) }, silly: (_, msg) => { - if (!logs[name].silly) + if (!logs[name].silly) { logs[name].silly = [] + } logs[name].silly.push(msg) }, completeWork: () => {}, @@ -103,7 +110,7 @@ const npm = { }, }, version: '7.1.0', - output: (data) => { + output: data => { output.push(data) }, } @@ -162,18 +169,26 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { }) await doctor.exec([]) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -205,14 +220,18 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { await doctor.exec([]) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) st.strictSame(output, [], 'did not print output') }) @@ -241,23 +260,27 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { clearLogs() }) - await st.rejects( - doctor.exec([]), - /Some problems found/, - 'detected the ping error' + await st.rejects(doctor.exec([]), /Some problems found/, 'detected the ping error') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping.*not ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v.*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v.*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry.*ok.*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry.*ok.*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git.*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files.*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules.*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -297,18 +320,26 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { }) await winDoctor.exec([]) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: undefined, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: undefined, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cache contents\s*ok/, 'cache contents is ok') }) @@ -337,23 +368,31 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { clearLogs() }) - await st.rejects( - doctor.exec([]), - /Some problems found/, - 'detected the ping error' + await st.rejects(doctor.exec([]), /Some problems found/, 'detected the ping error') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) + st.match( + output, + /npm ping\s*not ok\s*111 this error is 111/, + 'ping output contains trimmed error' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') - st.match(output, /npm ping\s*not ok\s*111 this error is 111/, 'ping output contains trimmed error') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -387,23 +426,27 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { clearLogs() }) - await st.rejects( - doctor.exec([]), - /Some problems found/, - 'detected the ping error' + await st.rejects(doctor.exec([]), /Some problems found/, 'detected the ping error') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*not ok\s*generic error/, 'ping output contains trimmed error') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -437,23 +480,27 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { clearLogs() }) - await st.rejects( - doctor.exec([]), - /Some problems found/, - 'detected the out of date npm' + await st.rejects(doctor.exec([]), /Some problems found/, 'detected the out of date npm') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*not ok/, 'npm -v output is not ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -524,8 +571,9 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { return cb(err) } - if (p === join(dir, 'cache', 'baddir')) + if (p === join(dir, 'cache', 'baddir')) { err = new Error('broken') + } return cb(err, result) } @@ -577,27 +625,31 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { clearLogs() }) - await st.rejects( - doctor.exec([]), - /Some problems found/, - 'identified problems' + await st.rejects(doctor.exec([]), /Some problems found/, 'identified problems') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [join(dir, 'cache')]: { finished: true }, + [join(dir, 'local')]: { finished: true }, + [join(dir, 'global')]: { finished: true }, + [join(dir, 'localBin')]: { finished: true }, + [join(dir, 'globalBin')]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [join(dir, 'cache')]: { finished: true }, - [join(dir, 'local')]: { finished: true }, - [join(dir, 'global')]: { finished: true }, - [join(dir, 'localBin')]: { finished: true }, - [join(dir, 'globalBin')]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*not ok/, 'cached files are not ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*not ok/, 'local node_modules are not ok') @@ -631,23 +683,27 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { clearLogs() }) - await st.rejects( - doctor.exec([]), - /Some problems found/, - 'detected the missing git' + await st.rejects(doctor.exec([]), /Some problems found/, 'detected the missing git') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*not ok/, 'which git output is not ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -687,18 +743,26 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { // cache verification problems get fixed and so do not throw an error await doctor.exec([]) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -740,18 +804,26 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { // cache verification problems get fixed and so do not throw an error await doctor.exec([]) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -791,18 +863,26 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { // cache verification problems get fixed and so do not throw an error await doctor.exec([]) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -842,18 +922,26 @@ t.test('node versions', t => { /Some problems found/, 'detected the non-default registry' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' + ) st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*ok/, 'node -v output is ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*not ok/, 'npm config get registry output is not ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*not ok/, + 'npm config get registry output is not ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') @@ -901,23 +989,27 @@ t.test('outdated node version', vt => { clearLogs() }) - await st.rejects( - doctor.exec([]), - /Some problems found/, - 'detected the out of date nodejs' + await st.rejects(doctor.exec([]), /Some problems found/, 'detected the out of date nodejs') + st.match( + logs, + { + checkPing: { finished: true }, + getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, + getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, + getGitPath: { finished: true }, + [dir]: { finished: true }, + verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, + }, + 'trackers all finished' ) - st.match(logs, { - checkPing: { finished: true }, - getLatestNpmVersion: { finished: true }, - getLatestNodejsVersion: { finished: true }, - getGitPath: { finished: true }, - [dir]: { finished: true }, - verifyCachedFiles: { finished: true }, - }, 'trackers all finished') st.match(output, /npm ping\s*ok/, 'ping output is ok') st.match(output, /npm -v\s*ok/, 'npm -v output is ok') st.match(output, /node -v\s*not ok/, 'node -v output is not ok') - st.match(output, /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, 'npm config get registry output is ok') + st.match( + output, + /npm config get registry\s*ok\s*using default/, + 'npm config get registry output is ok' + ) st.match(output, /which git\s*ok/, 'which git output is ok') st.match(output, /cached files\s*ok/, 'cached files are ok') st.match(output, /local node_modules\s*ok/, 'local node_modules are ok') diff --git a/test/lib/commands/edit.js b/test/lib/commands/edit.js index 39e1697b71c1e..92754f2823256 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/edit.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/edit.js @@ -31,8 +31,9 @@ const npm = { dir: resolve(__dirname, '../../../node_modules'), exec: async (cmd, args) => { rebuildArgs = args - if (rebuildFail) + if (rebuildFail) { throw rebuildFail + } }, } diff --git a/test/lib/commands/exec.js b/test/lib/commands/exec.js index 25c1f789a97ad..4ab26568f1091 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/exec.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/exec.js @@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ const npm = mockNpm({ const RUN_SCRIPTS = [] const runScript = async opt => { RUN_SCRIPTS.push(opt) - if (!PROGRESS_IGNORED && PROGRESS_ENABLED) + if (!PROGRESS_IGNORED && PROGRESS_ENABLED) { throw new Error('progress not disabled during run script!') + } } const MANIFESTS = {} @@ -134,20 +135,22 @@ t.test('npx foo, bin already exists locally', async t => { npm.localBin = resolve(path, 'node_modules', '.bin') await exec.exec(['foo', 'one arg', 'two arg']) - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' }}, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - cache: flatOptions.cache, - npxCache: flatOptions.npxCache, - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { - PATH: [npm.localBin, ...PATH].join(delimiter), + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + cache: flatOptions.cache, + npxCache: flatOptions.npxCache, + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { + PATH: [npm.localBin, ...PATH].join(delimiter), + }, + stdio: 'inherit', }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + ]) }) t.test('npx foo, bin already exists globally', async t => { @@ -163,18 +166,20 @@ t.test('npx foo, bin already exists globally', async t => { npm.globalBin = resolve(path, 'node_modules', '.bin') await exec.exec(['foo', 'one arg', 'two arg']) - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' }}, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { - PATH: [npm.globalBin, ...PATH].join(delimiter), + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { + PATH: [npm.globalBin, ...PATH].join(delimiter), + }, + stdio: 'inherit', }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + ]) }) t.test('npm exec foo, already present locally', async t => { @@ -196,23 +201,25 @@ t.test('npm exec foo, already present locally', async t => { t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) }) t.test('npm exec , run interactive shell', t => { CI_NAME = null const { isTTY } = process.stdin process.stdin.isTTY = true - t.teardown(() => process.stdin.isTTY = isTTY) + t.teardown(() => (process.stdin.isTTY = isTTY)) const run = async (t, doRun) => { LOG_WARN.length = 0 @@ -226,18 +233,21 @@ t.test('npm exec , run interactive shell', t => { t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') if (doRun) { - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'shell-cmd' } }, - args: [], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) - } else + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'shell-cmd' } }, + args: [], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) + } else { t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) + } RUN_SCRIPTS.length = 0 } @@ -246,9 +256,16 @@ t.test('npm exec , run interactive shell', t => { process.stdin.isTTY = true await run(t, true) t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, []) - t.strictSame(npm._mockOutputs, [ - [`\nEntering npm script environment at location:\n${process.cwd()}\nType 'exit' or ^D when finished\n`], - ], 'printed message about interactive shell') + t.strictSame( + npm._mockOutputs, + [ + [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + `\nEntering npm script environment at location:\n${process.cwd()}\nType 'exit' or ^D when finished\n`, + ], + ], + 'printed message about interactive shell' + ) }) t.test('print message with color when tty and not in CI', async t => { @@ -259,9 +276,16 @@ t.test('npm exec , run interactive shell', t => { await run(t, true) t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, []) - t.strictSame(npm._mockOutputs, [ - [`\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0mEntering npm script environment\u001b[0m\u001b[0m at location:\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[2m${process.cwd()}\u001b[22m\u001b[0m\u001b[1m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1mType 'exit' or ^D when finished\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1m\u001b[22m`], - ], 'printed message about interactive shell') + t.strictSame( + npm._mockOutputs, + [ + [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + `\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0mEntering npm script environment\u001b[0m\u001b[0m at location:\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[2m${process.cwd()}\u001b[22m\u001b[0m\u001b[1m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1mType 'exit' or ^D when finished\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1m\u001b[22m`, + ], + ], + 'printed message about interactive shell' + ) }) t.test('no message when not TTY', async t => { @@ -276,9 +300,7 @@ t.test('npm exec , run interactive shell', t => { CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' process.stdin.isTTY = true await run(t, false) - t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, [ - ['exec', 'Interactive mode disabled in CI environment'], - ]) + t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, [['exec', 'Interactive mode disabled in CI environment']]) t.strictSame(npm._mockOutputs, [], 'no message about interactive shell') }) @@ -289,9 +311,11 @@ t.test('npm exec , run interactive shell', t => { await exec.exec([]) - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: /sh|cmd/ } }, - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: /sh|cmd/ } }, + }, + ]) LOG_WARN.length = 0 ARB_CTOR.length = 0 @@ -325,19 +349,21 @@ t.test('npm exec foo, not present locally or in central loc', async t => { await exec.exec(['foo', 'one arg', 'two arg']) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) - t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add: ['foo@'], legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install foo@') + t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{ add: ['foo@'], legacyPeerDeps: false }], 'need to install foo@') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) }) t.test('npm exec foo, not present locally but in central loc', async t => { @@ -364,16 +390,18 @@ t.test('npm exec foo, not present locally but in central loc', async t => { t.match(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to install again, already there') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) }) t.test('npm exec foo, present locally but wrong version', async t => { @@ -400,16 +428,18 @@ t.test('npm exec foo, present locally but wrong version', async t => { t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{ add: ['foo@2.x'], legacyPeerDeps: false }], 'need to add foo@2.x') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) }) t.test('npm exec --package=foo bar', async t => { @@ -433,16 +463,18 @@ t.test('npm exec --package=foo bar', async t => { t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'bar' } }, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'bar' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) }) t.test('npm exec @foo/bar -- --some=arg, locally installed', async t => { @@ -471,87 +503,97 @@ t.test('npm exec @foo/bar -- --some=arg, locally installed', async t => { t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'bar' } }, - args: ['--some=arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) -}) - -t.test('npm exec @foo/bar, with same bin alias and no unscoped named bin, locally installed', async t => { - const foobarManifest = { - name: '@foo/bar', - version: '1.2.3', - bin: { - baz: 'corge', // pick the first one - qux: 'corge', - quux: 'corge', - }, - } - const path = t.testdir({ - node_modules: { - '@foo/bar': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify(foobarManifest), - }, + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'bar' } }, + args: ['--some=arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', }, - }) - npm.localPrefix = path - ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { - children: new Map([['@foo/bar', { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3' }]]), - } - MANIFESTS['@foo/bar'] = foobarManifest - await exec.exec(['@foo/bar', 'one arg', 'two arg']) - t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') - t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) - t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') - t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'baz' } }, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + ]) }) -t.test('npm exec @foo/bar, with different bin alias and no unscoped named bin, locally installed', async t => { - const path = t.testdir() - npm.localPrefix = path - ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { - children: new Map([['@foo/bar', { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3' }]]), - } - MANIFESTS['@foo/bar'] = { - name: '@foo/bar', - version: '1.2.3', - bin: { - foo: 'qux', - corge: 'qux', - baz: 'quux', - }, - _from: 'foo@', - _id: '@foo/bar@1.2.3', +t.test( + 'npm exec @foo/bar, with same bin alias and no unscoped named bin, locally installed', + async t => { + const foobarManifest = { + name: '@foo/bar', + version: '1.2.3', + bin: { + baz: 'corge', // pick the first one + qux: 'corge', + quux: 'corge', + }, + } + const path = t.testdir({ + node_modules: { + '@foo/bar': { + 'package.json': JSON.stringify(foobarManifest), + }, + }, + }) + npm.localPrefix = path + ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { + children: new Map([['@foo/bar', { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3' }]]), + } + MANIFESTS['@foo/bar'] = foobarManifest + await exec.exec(['@foo/bar', 'one arg', 'two arg']) + t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [], 'no need to make any dirs') + t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) + t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') + t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'baz' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) } - await t.rejects( - exec.exec(['@foo/bar']), - { +) + +t.test( + 'npm exec @foo/bar, with different bin alias and no unscoped named bin, locally installed', + async t => { + const path = t.testdir() + npm.localPrefix = path + ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { + children: new Map([['@foo/bar', { name: '@foo/bar', version: '1.2.3' }]]), + } + MANIFESTS['@foo/bar'] = { + name: '@foo/bar', + version: '1.2.3', + bin: { + foo: 'qux', + corge: 'qux', + baz: 'quux', + }, + _from: 'foo@', + _id: '@foo/bar@1.2.3', + } + await t.rejects(exec.exec(['@foo/bar']), { message: 'could not determine executable to run', pkgid: '@foo/bar@1.2.3', - } - ) -}) + }) + } +) t.test('run command with 2 packages, need install, verify sort', async t => { // test both directions, should use same install dir both times // also test the read() call here, verify that the prompts match - const cases = [['foo', 'bar'], ['bar', 'foo']] + const cases = [ + ['foo', 'bar'], + ['bar', 'foo'], + ] t.plan(cases.length) for (const packages of cases) { t.test(packages.join(', '), async t => { @@ -585,19 +627,21 @@ t.test('run command with 2 packages, need install, verify sort', async t => { await exec.exec(['foobar', 'one arg', 'two arg']) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) - t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install both packages') + t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{ add, legacyPeerDeps: false }], 'need to install both packages') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) }) } }) @@ -614,13 +658,10 @@ t.test('npm exec foo, no bin in package', async t => { _from: 'foo@', _id: 'foo@1.2.3', } - await t.rejects( - exec.exec(['foo']), - { - message: 'could not determine executable to run', - pkgid: 'foo@1.2.3', - } - ) + await t.rejects(exec.exec(['foo']), { + message: 'could not determine executable to run', + pkgid: 'foo@1.2.3', + }) }) t.test('npm exec foo, many bins in package, none named foo', async t => { @@ -639,13 +680,10 @@ t.test('npm exec foo, many bins in package, none named foo', async t => { _from: 'foo@', _id: 'foo@1.2.3', } - await t.rejects( - exec.exec(['foo']), - { - message: 'could not determine executable to run', - pkgid: 'foo@1.2.3', - } - ) + await t.rejects(exec.exec(['foo']), { + message: 'could not determine executable to run', + pkgid: 'foo@1.2.3', + }) }) t.test('npm exec -p foo -c "ls -laF"', async t => { @@ -666,23 +704,22 @@ t.test('npm exec -p foo -c "ls -laF"', async t => { t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no need to reify anything') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'ls -laF' } }, - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'ls -laF' } }, + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH: process.env.PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) }) t.test('positional args and --call together is an error', async t => { = 'true' - await t.rejects( - exec.exec(['foo']), - exec.usage - ) + await t.rejects(exec.exec(['foo']), exec.usage) }) t.test('prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is a TTY', async t => { @@ -732,141 +769,165 @@ t.test('prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is a TT await exec.exec(['foobar']) t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) - t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install both packages') + t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{ add, legacyPeerDeps: false }], 'need to install both packages') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) - t.strictSame(READ, [{ - prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', - default: 'y', - }]) + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) + t.strictSame(READ, [ + { + prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', + default: 'y', + }, + ]) }) -t.test('skip prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is not a tty (multiple packages)', async t => { - const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY - const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY - t.teardown(() => { - process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY - process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY - CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' - }) - process.stdout.isTTY = false - process.stdin.isTTY = false - CI_NAME = false +t.test( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'skip prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is not a tty (multiple packages)', + async t => { + const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY + const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY + t.teardown(() => { + process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY + process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY + CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' + }) + process.stdout.isTTY = false + process.stdin.isTTY = false + CI_NAME = false - const packages = ['foo', 'bar'] - READ_RESULT = 'yolo' + const packages = ['foo', 'bar'] + READ_RESULT = 'yolo' - config.package = packages - config.yes = undefined + config.package = packages + config.yes = undefined - const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, 'en')) - const path = t.testdir() - const installDir = resolve('npx-cache-dir/07de77790e5f40f2') - npm.localPrefix = path - ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { - children: new Map(), - } - ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { - children: new Map(), - } - = { - name: 'foo', - version: '1.2.3', - bin: { - foo: 'foo', - }, - _from: 'foo@', - } - = { - name: 'bar', - version: '1.2.3', - bin: { - bar: 'bar', - }, - _from: 'bar@', + const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, 'en')) + const path = t.testdir() + const installDir = resolve('npx-cache-dir/07de77790e5f40f2') + npm.localPrefix = path + ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { + children: new Map(), + } + ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { + children: new Map(), + } + = { + name: 'foo', + version: '1.2.3', + bin: { + foo: 'foo', + }, + _from: 'foo@', + } + = { + name: 'bar', + version: '1.2.3', + bin: { + bar: 'bar', + }, + _from: 'bar@', + } + await exec.exec(['foobar']) + t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') + t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) + t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{ add, legacyPeerDeps: false }], 'need to install both packages') + t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') + const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) + t.strictSame(READ, [], 'should not have prompted') + t.strictSame( + LOG_WARN, + [['exec', 'The following packages were not found and will be installed: bar, foo']], + 'should have printed a warning' + ) } - await exec.exec(['foobar']) - t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') - t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) - t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install both packages') - t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') - const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) - t.strictSame(READ, [], 'should not have prompted') - t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, [['exec', 'The following packages were not found and will be installed: bar, foo']], 'should have printed a warning') -}) - -t.test('skip prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is not a tty (single package)', async t => { - const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY - const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY - t.teardown(() => { - process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY - process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY - CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' - }) - process.stdout.isTTY = false - process.stdin.isTTY = false - CI_NAME = false +) + +t.test( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'skip prompt when installs are needed if not already present and shell is not a tty (single package)', + async t => { + const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY + const stdinTTY = process.stdin.isTTY + t.teardown(() => { + process.stdout.isTTY = stdoutTTY + process.stdin.isTTY = stdinTTY + CI_NAME = 'travis-ci' + }) + process.stdout.isTTY = false + process.stdin.isTTY = false + CI_NAME = false - const packages = ['foo'] - READ_RESULT = 'yolo' + const packages = ['foo'] + READ_RESULT = 'yolo' - config.package = packages - config.yes = undefined + config.package = packages + config.yes = undefined - const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, 'en')) - const path = t.testdir() - const installDir = resolve('npx-cache-dir/f7fbba6e0636f890') - npm.localPrefix = path - ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { - children: new Map(), - } - ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { - children: new Map(), - } - = { - name: 'foo', - version: '1.2.3', - bin: { - foo: 'foo', - }, - _from: 'foo@', + const add = => `${p}@`).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, 'en')) + const path = t.testdir() + const installDir = resolve('npx-cache-dir/f7fbba6e0636f890') + npm.localPrefix = path + ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[path] = { + children: new Map(), + } + ARB_ACTUAL_TREE[installDir] = { + children: new Map(), + } + = { + name: 'foo', + version: '1.2.3', + bin: { + foo: 'foo', + }, + _from: 'foo@', + } + await exec.exec(['foobar']) + t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') + t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) + t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{ add, legacyPeerDeps: false }], 'need to install the package') + t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') + const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { PATH }, + stdio: 'inherit', + }, + ]) + t.strictSame(READ, [], 'should not have prompted') + t.strictSame( + LOG_WARN, + [['exec', 'The following package was not found and will be installed: foo']], + 'should have printed a warning' + ) } - await exec.exec(['foobar']) - t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') - t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) - t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add, legacyPeerDeps: false}], 'need to install the package') - t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') - const PATH = `${resolve(installDir, 'node_modules', '.bin')}${delimiter}${process.env.PATH}` - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foobar' } }, - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { PATH }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) - t.strictSame(READ, [], 'should not have prompted') - t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, [['exec', 'The following package was not found and will be installed: foo']], 'should have printed a warning') -}) +) t.test('abort if prompt rejected', async t => { const stdoutTTY = process.stdout.isTTY @@ -911,20 +972,18 @@ t.test('abort if prompt rejected', async t => { }, _from: 'bar@', } - await t.rejects( - exec.exec(['foobar']), - /canceled/, - 'should be canceled' - ) + await t.rejects(exec.exec(['foobar']), /canceled/, 'should be canceled') t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no install performed') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) - t.strictSame(READ, [{ - prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', - default: 'y', - }]) + t.strictSame(READ, [ + { + prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', + default: 'y', + }, + ]) }) t.test('abort if prompt false', async t => { @@ -970,20 +1029,18 @@ t.test('abort if prompt false', async t => { }, _from: 'bar@', } - await t.rejects( - exec.exec(['foobar']), - 'canceled', - 'should be canceled' - ) + await t.rejects(exec.exec(['foobar']), 'canceled', 'should be canceled') t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no install performed') t.equal(PROGRESS_ENABLED, true, 'progress re-enabled') t.strictSame(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) - t.strictSame(READ, [{ - prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', - default: 'y', - }]) + t.strictSame(READ, [ + { + prompt: 'Need to install the following packages:\n bar\n foo\nOk to proceed? ', + default: 'y', + }, + ]) }) t.test('abort if -n provided', async t => { @@ -1028,11 +1085,7 @@ t.test('abort if -n provided', async t => { }, _from: 'bar@', } - await t.rejects( - exec.exec(['foobar']), - /canceled/, - 'should be canceled' - ) + await t.rejects(exec.exec(['foobar']), /canceled/, 'should be canceled') t.strictSame(MKDIRPS, [installDir], 'need to make install dir') t.match(ARB_CTOR, [{ path }]) t.strictSame(ARB_REIFY, [], 'no install performed') @@ -1062,7 +1115,11 @@ t.test('forward legacyPeerDeps opt', async t => { config.yes = true flatOptions.legacyPeerDeps = true await exec.exec(['foo']) - t.match(ARB_REIFY, [{add: ['foo@'], legacyPeerDeps: true}], 'need to install foo@ using legacyPeerDeps opt') + t.match( + ARB_REIFY, + [{ add: ['foo@'], legacyPeerDeps: true }], + 'need to install foo@ using legacyPeerDeps opt' + ) }) t.test('workspaces', t => { @@ -1101,18 +1158,20 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { t.test('with args, run scripts in the context of a workspace', async t => { await exec.execWorkspaces(['foo', 'one arg', 'two arg'], ['a', 'b']) - t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [{ - pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' }}, - args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], - banner: false, - path: process.cwd(), - stdioString: true, - event: 'npx', - env: { - PATH: [npm.localBin, ...PATH].join(delimiter), + t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, [ + { + pkg: { scripts: { npx: 'foo' } }, + args: ['one arg', 'two arg'], + banner: false, + path: process.cwd(), + stdioString: true, + event: 'npx', + env: { + PATH: [npm.localBin, ...PATH].join(delimiter), + }, + stdio: 'inherit', }, - stdio: 'inherit', - }]) + ]) }) t.test('no args, spawn interactive shell', async t => { @@ -1122,9 +1181,18 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { await exec.execWorkspaces([], ['a']) t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, []) - t.strictSame(npm._mockOutputs, [ - [`\nEntering npm script environment in workspace a@1.0.0 at location:\n${resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/a')}\nType 'exit' or ^D when finished\n`], - ], 'printed message about interactive shell') + t.strictSame( + npm._mockOutputs, + [ + [ + `\nEntering npm script environment in workspace a@1.0.0 at location:\n${resolve( + npm.localPrefix, + 'packages/a' + )}\nType 'exit' or ^D when finished\n`, + ], + ], + 'printed message about interactive shell' + ) npm.color = true flatOptions.color = true @@ -1132,9 +1200,20 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { await exec.execWorkspaces([], ['a']) t.strictSame(LOG_WARN, []) - t.strictSame(npm._mockOutputs, [ - [`\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0mEntering npm script environment\u001b[0m\u001b[0m in workspace \u001b[32ma@1.0.0\u001b[39m at location:\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[2m${resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'packages/a')}\u001b[22m\u001b[0m\u001b[1m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1mType 'exit' or ^D when finished\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1m\u001b[22m`], - ], 'printed message about interactive shell') + t.strictSame( + npm._mockOutputs, + [ + [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + `\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0mEntering npm script environment\u001b[0m\u001b[0m in workspace \u001b[32ma@1.0.0\u001b[39m at location:\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m\u001b[2m${resolve( + npm.localPrefix, + 'packages/a' + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + )}\u001b[22m\u001b[0m\u001b[1m\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1mType 'exit' or ^D when finished\u001b[22m\n\u001b[1m\u001b[22m`, + ], + ], + 'printed message about interactive shell' + ) }) t.end() diff --git a/test/lib/commands/explore.js b/test/lib/commands/explore.js index 4ae10afc69e77..b2e7be2136b76 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/explore.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/explore.js @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ const mockRPJ = async path => { } } RPJ_CALLED = path - return {some: 'package'} + return { some: 'package' } } let RUN_SCRIPT_ERROR = null @@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ let RUN_SCRIPT_EXIT_CODE = 0 let RUN_SCRIPT_SIGNAL = null let RUN_SCRIPT_EXEC = null const mockRunScript = ({ pkg, banner, path, event, stdio }) => { - if (event !== '_explore') + if (event !== '_explore') { throw new Error('got wrong event name') + } RUN_SCRIPT_EXEC = pkg.scripts._explore diff --git a/test/lib/commands/fund.js b/test/lib/commands/fund.js index 7a86389f084df..b82ed93fe5c7e 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/fund.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/fund.js @@ -102,10 +102,7 @@ const nestedMultipleFundingPackages = { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'nested-multiple-funding-packages', version, - funding: [ - '', - '', - ], + funding: ['', ''], dependencies: { foo: '*', }, @@ -129,10 +126,7 @@ const nestedMultipleFundingPackages = { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'bar', version, - funding: [ - '', - { url: '' }, - ], + funding: ['', { url: '' }], }), }, }, @@ -188,25 +182,28 @@ const config = { which: null, } const openUrl = async (npm, url, msg) => { - if (url === '') + if (url === '') { throw new Error('ERROR') + } if (config.json) { printUrl = JSON.stringify({ title: msg, url: url, }) - } else + } else { printUrl = `${msg}:\n ${url}` + } } const Fund = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/fund.js', { '../../../lib/utils/open-url.js': openUrl, pacote: { - manifest: (arg) => === 'ntl' - ? Promise.resolve({ - funding: '', - }) - : Promise.reject(new Error('ERROR')), + manifest: arg => + === 'ntl' + ? Promise.resolve({ + funding: '', + }) + : Promise.reject(new Error('ERROR')), }, }) const npm = mockNpm({ @@ -278,10 +275,7 @@ t.test('fund containing multi-level nested deps with no funding', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir(nestedNoFundingPackages) await fund.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should omit dependencies with no funding declared' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should omit dependencies with no funding declared') t.end() }) @@ -368,11 +362,7 @@ t.test('fund does not support global', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) = true - await t.rejects( - fund.exec([]), - { code: 'EFUNDGLOBAL' }, - 'should throw EFUNDGLOBAL error' - ) + await t.rejects(fund.exec([]), { code: 'EFUNDGLOBAL' }, 'should throw EFUNDGLOBAL error') = false }) @@ -437,11 +427,7 @@ t.test('fund using symlink ref', async t => { // using symlinked ref await fund.exec(['./node_modules/a']) - t.match( - printUrl, - '', - 'should retrieve funding url from symlink' - ) + t.match(printUrl, '', 'should retrieve funding url from symlink') printUrl = '' result = '' @@ -449,11 +435,7 @@ t.test('fund using symlink ref', async t => { // using target ref await fund.exec(['./a']) - t.match( - printUrl, - '', - 'should retrieve funding url from symlink target' - ) + t.match(printUrl, '', 'should retrieve funding url from symlink target') }) t.test('fund using data from actual tree', async t => { @@ -568,7 +550,11 @@ t.test('fund using bad which value', async t => { await t.rejects( fund.exec(['bar']), - { code: 'EFUNDNUMBER', message: '`npm fund [<@scope>/] [--which=fundingSourceNumber]` must be given a positive integer' }, + { + code: 'EFUNDNUMBER', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + message: '`npm fund [<@scope>/] [--which=fundingSourceNumber]` must be given a positive integer', + }, 'should have bad which option error message' ) config.which = null @@ -595,11 +581,7 @@ t.test('fund a package throws on openUrl', async t => { }), }) - await t.rejects( - fund.exec(['.']), - { message: 'ERROR' }, - 'should throw unknown error' - ) + await t.rejects(fund.exec(['.']), { message: 'ERROR' }, 'should throw unknown error') }) t.test('fund a package with type and multiple sources', async t => { @@ -714,10 +696,7 @@ t.test('sub dep with fund info and a parent with no funding info', async t => { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'c', version: '1.0.0', - funding: [ - '', - '', - ], + funding: ['', ''], }), }, }, @@ -745,10 +724,7 @@ t.test('workspaces', async t => { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'c', version: '1.0.0', - funding: [ - '', - '', - ], + funding: ['', ''], }), }, d: { @@ -785,14 +761,12 @@ t.test('workspaces', async t => { await fund.execWorkspaces([], ['a']) - t.matchSnapshot(result, - 'should display only filtered workspace name and its deps') + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should display only filtered workspace name and its deps') result = '' await fund.execWorkspaces([], ['./packages/a']) - t.matchSnapshot(result, - 'should display only filtered workspace path and its deps') + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should display only filtered workspace path and its deps') }) }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/help-search.js b/test/lib/commands/help-search.js index 406977b622a2f..8d13009a22252 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/help-search.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/help-search.js @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const { fake: mockNpm } = require('../../fixtures/mock-npm') const ansicolors = require('ansicolors') const OUTPUT = [] -const output = (msg) => { +const output = msg => { OUTPUT.push(msg) } @@ -20,17 +20,22 @@ const npm = mockNpm({ }, usage: 'npm test usage', exec: async () => { - if (npmHelpErr) + if (npmHelpErr) { throw npmHelpErr + } }, output, }) let globRoot = null const globDir = { - '': 'the exec command\nhelp has multiple lines of exec help\none of them references exec', + '': + 'the exec command\nhelp has multiple lines of exec help\none of them references exec', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ '': 'another\ncommand you run\nthat\nreferences exec\nand has multiple lines\nwith no matches\nthat will be ignored\nand another line\nthat does have exec as well', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ '': 'the scripted run-script command runs scripts\nand has lines\nsome of which dont match the string run\nor script\nscript', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ '': 'does a thing in a script\nif a thing does not exist in a thing you run\nto install it and run it maybe in a script', '': 'will run the `help-search` command if you need to run it to help you search', '': 'is the help search command\nthat you get if you run help-search', @@ -39,7 +44,10 @@ const globDir = { '': 'exec\nexec\nexec', } const glob = (p, cb) => - cb(null, Object.keys(globDir).map((file) => join(globRoot, file))) + cb( + null, + Object.keys(globDir).map(file => join(globRoot, file)) + ) const HelpSearch = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/help-search.js', { glob, @@ -99,7 +107,11 @@ t.test('npm help-search long output with color', async t => { await helpSearch.exec(['help-search']) const highlightedText = ansicolors.bgBlack('help-search')) - t.equal(OUTPUT.some((line) => line.includes(highlightedText)), true, 'returned highlighted search terms') + t.equal( + OUTPUT.some(line => line.includes(highlightedText)), + true, + 'returned highlighted search terms' + ) }) t.test('npm help-search no args', async t => { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/help.js b/test/lib/commands/help.js index 9ea2b9d92ae7e..b76234d996627 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/help.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/help.js @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const OUTPUT = [] const npm = { usage: 'test npm usage', config: { - get: (key) => npmConfig[key], + get: key => npmConfig[key], set: (key, value) => { npmConfig[key] = value }, @@ -21,12 +21,13 @@ const npm = { }, }, exec: async (cmd, args) => { - if (cmd === 'help-search') + if (cmd === 'help-search') { helpSearchArgs = args - else if (cmd === 'help') + } else if (cmd === 'help') { return { usage: 'npm help ' } + } }, - deref: (cmd) => {}, + deref: cmd => {}, output: msg => { OUTPUT.push(msg) }, @@ -89,7 +90,11 @@ t.test('npm help completion', async t => { const threeArgs = await help.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['one', 'two', 'three'] } } }) t.strictSame(threeArgs, [], 'outputs no results when more than 2 args are provided') globErr = new Error('glob failed') - t.rejects(help.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: [] } } }), /glob failed/, 'glob errors propagate') + t.rejects( + help.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: [] } } }), + /glob failed/, + 'glob errors propagate' + ) }) t.test('npm help multiple args calls search', async t => { @@ -121,11 +126,7 @@ t.test('npm help glob errors propagate', async t => { spawnArgs = null }) - await t.rejects( - help.exec(['whoami']), - /glob failed/, - 'glob error propagates' - ) + await t.rejects(help.exec(['whoami']), /glob failed/, 'glob error propagates') }) t.test('npm help whoami', async t => { @@ -144,10 +145,7 @@ t.test('npm help whoami', async t => { t.test('npm help 1 install', async t => { npmConfig.viewer = 'browser' - globResult = [ - '/root/man/man5/install.5', - '/root/man/man1/npm-install.1', - ] + globResult = ['/root/man/man5/install.5', '/root/man/man1/npm-install.1'] t.teardown(() => { npmConfig.viewer = undefined @@ -164,9 +162,7 @@ t.test('npm help 1 install', async t => { t.test('npm help 5 install', async t => { npmConfig.viewer = 'browser' - globResult = [ - '/root/man/man5/install.5', - ] + globResult = ['/root/man/man5/install.5'] t.teardown(() => { npmConfig.viewer = undefined @@ -184,9 +180,7 @@ t.test('npm help 5 install', async t => { t.test('npm help 7 config', async t => { npmConfig.viewer = 'browser' - globResult = [ - '/root/man/man7/config.7', - ] + globResult = ['/root/man/man7/config.7'] t.teardown(() => { npmConfig.viewer = undefined globParam = null @@ -218,10 +212,7 @@ t.test('npm help package.json redirects to package-json', async t => { t.test('npm help ?(un)star', async t => { npmConfig.viewer = 'woman' - globResult = [ - '/root/man/man1/npm-star.1', - '/root/man/man1/npm-unstar.1', - ] + globResult = ['/root/man/man1/npm-star.1', '/root/man/man1/npm-unstar.1'] t.teardown(() => { npmConfig.viewer = undefined globResult = globDefaults @@ -232,16 +223,17 @@ t.test('npm help ?(un)star', async t => { await help.exec(['?(un)star']) t.equal(spawnBin, 'emacsclient', 'maps woman to emacs correctly') - t.strictSame(spawnArgs, ['-e', `(woman-find-file '/root/man/man1/npm-star.1')`], 'passes the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + spawnArgs, + ['-e', `(woman-find-file '/root/man/man1/npm-star.1')`], + 'passes the correct arguments' + ) }) t.test('npm help - woman viewer propagates errors', async t => { npmConfig.viewer = 'woman' spawnCode = 1 - globResult = [ - '/root/man/man1/npm-star.1', - '/root/man/man1/npm-unstar.1', - ] + globResult = ['/root/man/man1/npm-star.1', '/root/man/man1/npm-unstar.1'] t.teardown(() => { npmConfig.viewer = undefined spawnCode = 0 @@ -256,7 +248,11 @@ t.test('npm help - woman viewer propagates errors', async t => { 'received the correct error' ) t.equal(spawnBin, 'emacsclient', 'maps woman to emacs correctly') - t.strictSame(spawnArgs, ['-e', `(woman-find-file '/root/man/man1/npm-star.1')`], 'passes the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + spawnArgs, + ['-e', `(woman-find-file '/root/man/man1/npm-star.1')`], + 'passes the correct arguments' + ) }) t.test('npm help un*', async t => { @@ -291,11 +287,7 @@ t.test('npm help - man viewer propagates errors', async t => { spawnArgs = null }) - await t.rejects( - help.exec(['un*']), - /help process exited with code: 1/, - 'received correct error' - ) + await t.rejects(help.exec(['un*']), /help process exited with code: 1/, 'received correct error') t.equal(spawnBin, 'man', 'calls man by default') t.strictSame(spawnArgs, ['/root/man/man1/npm-uninstall.1'], 'passes the correct arguments') }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/hook.js b/test/lib/commands/hook.js index af162e4fce37c..cd4b38787280f 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/hook.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/hook.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const npm = { loglevel: 'info', unicode: false, }, - output: (msg) => { + output: msg => { output.push(msg) }, } @@ -28,13 +28,14 @@ const libnpmhook = { hookArgs = { pkg, uri, secret, opts } return { id: 1, name: pkg.replace(/^@/, ''), type: pkgTypes[pkg], endpoint: uri } }, - ls: async (opts) => { + ls: async opts => { hookArgs = opts let id = 0 - if (hookResponse) + if (hookResponse) { return hookResponse + } - return Object.keys(pkgTypes).map((name) => ({ + return Object.keys(pkgTypes).map(name => ({ id: ++id, name: name.replace(/^@/, ''), type: pkgTypes[name], @@ -45,7 +46,12 @@ const libnpmhook = { rm: async (id, opts) => { hookArgs = { id, opts } const pkg = Object.keys(pkgTypes)[0] - return { id: 1, name: pkg.replace(/^@/, ''), type: pkgTypes[pkg], endpoint: '' } + return { + id: 1, + name: pkg.replace(/^@/, ''), + type: pkgTypes[pkg], + endpoint: '', + } }, update: async (id, uri, secret, opts) => { hookArgs = { id, uri, secret, opts } @@ -61,10 +67,7 @@ const Hook = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/hook.js', { const hook = new Hook(npm) t.test('npm hook no args', async t => { - await t.rejects( - hook.exec([]), - hook.usage, 'throws usage with no arguments' - ) + await t.rejects(hook.exec([]), hook.usage, 'throws usage with no arguments') }) t.test('npm hook add', async t => { @@ -75,12 +78,16 @@ t.test('npm hook add', async t => { await hook.exec(['add', 'semver', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - pkg: 'semver', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + pkg: 'semver', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook' + ) t.strictSame(output, ['+ semver ->'], 'prints the correct output') }) @@ -94,12 +101,16 @@ t.test('npm hook add - unicode output', async t => { await hook.exec(['add', 'semver', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - pkg: 'semver', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + pkg: 'semver', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook' + ) t.strictSame(output, ['+ semver ➜'], 'prints the correct output') }) @@ -113,18 +124,26 @@ t.test('npm hook add - json output', async t => { await hook.exec(['add', '@npmcli', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - pkg: '@npmcli', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook') - t.strictSame(JSON.parse(output[0]), { - id: 1, - name: 'npmcli', - endpoint: '', - type: 'scope', - }, 'prints the correct json output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + pkg: '@npmcli', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook' + ) + t.strictSame( + JSON.parse(output[0]), + { + id: 1, + name: 'npmcli', + endpoint: '', + type: 'scope', + }, + 'prints the correct json output' + ) }) t.test('npm hook add - parseable output', async t => { @@ -137,18 +156,26 @@ t.test('npm hook add - parseable output', async t => { await hook.exec(['add', '@npmcli', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - pkg: '@npmcli', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook') - t.strictSame(output[0].split(/\t/), [ - 'id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint', - ], 'prints the correct parseable output headers') - t.strictSame(output[1].split(/\t/), [ - '1', 'npmcli', 'scope', '', - ], 'prints the correct parseable values') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + pkg: '@npmcli', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook' + ) + t.strictSame( + output[0].split(/\t/), + ['id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint'], + 'prints the correct parseable output headers' + ) + t.strictSame( + output[1].split(/\t/), + ['1', 'npmcli', 'scope', ''], + 'prints the correct parseable values' + ) }) t.test('npm hook add - silent output', async t => { @@ -161,12 +188,16 @@ t.test('npm hook add - silent output', async t => { await hook.exec(['add', '@npmcli', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - pkg: '@npmcli', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + pkg: '@npmcli', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'provided the correct arguments to libnpmhook' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'printed no output') }) @@ -178,10 +209,14 @@ t.test('npm hook ls', async t => { await hook.exec(['ls']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - package: undefined, - }, 'received the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + package: undefined, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) t.equal(output[0], 'You have 3 hooks configured.', 'prints the correct header') const out = require('../../../lib/utils/ansi-trim')(output[1]) t.match(out, /semver.*https:\/\/*\n.*\n.*never triggered/, 'prints package hook') @@ -199,20 +234,26 @@ t.test('npm hook ls, no results', async t => { await hook.exec(['ls']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - package: undefined, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.equal(output[0], 'You don\'t have any hooks configured yet.', 'prints the correct result') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + package: undefined, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.equal(output[0], "You don't have any hooks configured yet.", 'prints the correct result') }) t.test('npm hook ls, single result', async t => { - hookResponse = [{ - id: 1, - name: 'semver', - type: 'package', - endpoint: '', - }] + hookResponse = [ + { + id: 1, + name: 'semver', + type: 'package', + endpoint: '', + }, + ] t.teardown(() => { hookResponse = null @@ -222,10 +263,14 @@ t.test('npm hook ls, single result', async t => { await hook.exec(['ls']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - package: undefined, - }, 'received the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + package: undefined, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) t.equal(output[0], 'You have one hook configured.', 'prints the correct header') const out = require('../../../lib/utils/ansi-trim')(output[1]) t.match(out, /semver.*https:\/\/*\n.*\n.*never triggered/, 'prints package hook') @@ -241,27 +286,39 @@ t.test('npm hook ls - json output', async t => { await hook.exec(['ls']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - package: undefined, - }, 'received the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + package: undefined, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) const out = JSON.parse(output[0]) - t.match(out, [{ - id: 1, - name: 'semver', - type: 'package', - endpoint: '', - }, { - id: 2, - name: 'npmcli', - type: 'scope', - endpoint: '', - }, { - id: 3, - name: 'npm', - type: 'owner', - endpoint: '', - }], 'prints the correct output') + t.match( + out, + [ + { + id: 1, + name: 'semver', + type: 'package', + endpoint: '', + }, + { + id: 2, + name: 'npmcli', + type: 'scope', + endpoint: '', + }, + { + id: 3, + name: 'npm', + type: 'owner', + endpoint: '', + }, + ], + 'prints the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm hook ls - parseable output', async t => { @@ -274,16 +331,24 @@ t.test('npm hook ls - parseable output', async t => { await hook.exec(['ls']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - package: undefined, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame( => line.split(/\t/)), [ - ['id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint', 'last_delivery'], - ['1', 'semver', 'package', '', ''], - ['2', 'npmcli', 'scope', '', `${now}`], - ['3', 'npm', 'owner', '', ''], - ], 'prints the correct result') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + package: undefined, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame( + => line.split(/\t/)), + [ + ['id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint', 'last_delivery'], + ['1', 'semver', 'package', '', ''], + ['2', 'npmcli', 'scope', '', `${now}`], + ['3', 'npm', 'owner', '', ''], + ], + 'prints the correct result' + ) }) t.test('npm hook ls - silent output', async t => { @@ -296,10 +361,14 @@ t.test('npm hook ls - silent output', async t => { await hook.exec(['ls']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - ...npm.flatOptions, - package: undefined, - }, 'received the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + ...npm.flatOptions, + package: undefined, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'printed no output') }) @@ -311,13 +380,15 @@ t.test('npm hook rm', async t => { await hook.exec(['rm', '1']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame(output, [ - '- semver X', - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame(output, ['- semver X'], 'printed the correct output') }) t.test('npm hook rm - unicode output', async t => { @@ -330,13 +401,15 @@ t.test('npm hook rm - unicode output', async t => { await hook.exec(['rm', '1']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame(output, [ - '- semver ✘', - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame(output, ['- semver ✘'], 'printed the correct output') }) t.test('npm hook rm - silent output', async t => { @@ -349,10 +422,14 @@ t.test('npm hook rm - silent output', async t => { await hook.exec(['rm', '1']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'printed no output') }) @@ -366,16 +443,24 @@ t.test('npm hook rm - json output', async t => { await hook.exec(['rm', '1']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame(JSON.parse(output[0]), { - id: 1, - name: 'semver', - type: 'package', - endpoint: '', - }, 'printed correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame( + JSON.parse(output[0]), + { + id: 1, + name: 'semver', + type: 'package', + endpoint: '', + }, + 'printed correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm hook rm - parseable output', async t => { @@ -388,14 +473,22 @@ t.test('npm hook rm - parseable output', async t => { await hook.exec(['rm', '1']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame( => line.split(/\t/)), [ - ['id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint'], - ['1', 'semver', 'package', ''], - ], 'printed correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame( + => line.split(/\t/)), + [ + ['id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint'], + ['1', 'semver', 'package', ''], + ], + 'printed correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm hook update', async t => { @@ -406,15 +499,17 @@ t.test('npm hook update', async t => { await hook.exec(['update', '1', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame(output, [ - '+ semver ->', - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame(output, ['+ semver ->'], 'printed the correct output') }) t.test('npm hook update - unicode', async t => { @@ -427,15 +522,17 @@ t.test('npm hook update - unicode', async t => { await hook.exec(['update', '1', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame(output, [ - '+ semver ➜', - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame(output, ['+ semver ➜'], 'printed the correct output') }) t.test('npm hook update - json output', async t => { @@ -448,18 +545,26 @@ t.test('npm hook update - json output', async t => { await hook.exec(['update', '1', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame(JSON.parse(output[0]), { - id: '1', - name: 'semver', - type: 'package', - endpoint: '', - }, 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame( + JSON.parse(output[0]), + { + id: '1', + name: 'semver', + type: 'package', + endpoint: '', + }, + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm hook update - parseable output', async t => { @@ -472,16 +577,24 @@ t.test('npm hook update - parseable output', async t => { await hook.exec(['update', '1', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame( => line.split(/\t/)), [ - ['id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint'], - ['1', 'semver', 'package', ''], - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame( + => line.split(/\t/)), + [ + ['id', 'name', 'type', 'endpoint'], + ['1', 'semver', 'package', ''], + ], + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm hook update - silent output', async t => { @@ -494,11 +607,15 @@ t.test('npm hook update - silent output', async t => { await hook.exec(['update', '1', '', 'some-secret']) - t.strictSame(hookArgs, { - id: '1', - uri: '', - secret: 'some-secret', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + hookArgs, + { + id: '1', + uri: '', + secret: 'some-secret', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'printed no output') }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/install-ci-test.js b/test/lib/commands/install-ci-test.js index 2baec1e0120ef..0828d2b24ed97 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/install-ci-test.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/install-ci-test.js @@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ const installCITest = new InstallCITest({ ciArgs = args ciCalled = true } - if (ciError) + if (ciError) { throw ciError + } if (cmd === 'test') { testArgs = args diff --git a/test/lib/commands/install-test.js b/test/lib/commands/install-test.js index 291755bf8288b..223bbe106aec7 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/install-test.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/install-test.js @@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ const installTest = new InstallTest({ installArgs = args installCalled = true } - if (installError) + if (installError) { throw installError + } if (cmd === 'test') { testArgs = args diff --git a/test/lib/commands/install.js b/test/lib/commands/install.js index 3f9c5f264a3ba..9de2ae2781c12 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/install.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/install.js @@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ t.test('should install using Arborist', (t) => { } }, '../../../lib/utils/reify-finish.js': (npm, arb) => { - if (arb !== ARB_OBJ) + if (arb !== ARB_OBJ) { throw new Error('got wrong object passed to reify-finish') + } }, }) @@ -250,10 +251,11 @@ t.test('completion to folder', async t => { }, fs: { readdir: (path) => { - if (path === '/') + if (path === '/') { return ['arborist'] - else + } else { return ['package.json'] + } }, }, }) @@ -305,10 +307,11 @@ t.test('completion to folder - match is not a package', async t => { }, fs: { readdir: (path) => { - if (path === '/') + if (path === '/') { return ['arborist'] - else + } else { throw new Error('EONT') + } }, }, }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/link.js b/test/lib/commands/link.js index 60215a0dcc064..a01de0b247990 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/link.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/link.js @@ -29,8 +29,9 @@ const printLinks = async (opts) => { const linkedItems = [...tree.inventory.values()] .sort((a, b) => a.pkgid.localeCompare(b.pkgid, 'en')) for (const item of linkedItems) { - if (item.isLink) + if (item.isLink) { res += `${item.path} -> ${}\n` + } } return res } diff --git a/test/lib/commands/ll.js b/test/lib/commands/ll.js index 9846348584293..c39d4338120d4 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/ll.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/ll.js @@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ t.test('ll', t => { }) ll.exec(['pkg'], err => { - if (err) + if (err) { throw err + } }) }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/logout.js b/test/lib/commands/logout.js index 09dc805c99632..39ef86c843e2b 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/logout.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/logout.js @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const mocks = { const Logout = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/logout.js', mocks) const logout = new Logout(npm) -t.test('token logout', async (t) => { +t.test('token logout', async t => { t.teardown(() => { delete flatOptions.token result = null @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ t.test('token logout', async (t) => { ) } - npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI = (registry) => { + npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI = registry => { t.equal( registry, '', @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ t.test('token logout', async (t) => { ) } - = (type) => { + = type => { t.equal(type, 'user', 'should save to user config') } @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ t.test('token logout', async (t) => { ) }) -t.test('token scoped logout', async (t) => { +t.test('token scoped logout', async t => { t.teardown(() => { config.scope = '' delete flatOptions['//'] @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ t.test('token scoped logout', async (t) => { ) } - npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI = (registry) => { + npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI = registry => { t.equal( registry, '', @@ -120,15 +120,11 @@ t.test('token scoped logout', async (t) => { } npm.config.delete = (ref, type) => { - t.equal( - ref, - '@myscope:registry', - 'should delete scoped registyr from config' - ) + t.equal(ref, '@myscope:registry', 'should delete scoped registyr from config') t.equal(type, 'user', 'should delete from user config') } - = (type) => { + = type => { t.equal(type, 'user', 'should save to user config') } @@ -152,7 +148,7 @@ t.test('token scoped logout', async (t) => { ) }) -t.test('user/pass logout', async (t) => { +t.test('user/pass logout', async t => { t.teardown(() => { delete flatOptions['//'] delete flatOptions['//'] @@ -183,12 +179,15 @@ t.test('user/pass logout', async (t) => { t.test('missing credentials', async t => { await t.rejects( logout.exec([]), - { code: 'ENEEDAUTH', message: /not logged in to https:\/\/\/, so can't log out!/ }, + { + code: 'ENEEDAUTH', + message: /not logged in to https:\/\/\/, so can't log out!/, + }, 'should throw with expected error code' ) }) -t.test('ignore invalid scoped registry config', async (t) => { +t.test('ignore invalid scoped registry config', async t => { t.teardown(() => { delete flatOptions.token result = null @@ -213,7 +212,7 @@ t.test('ignore invalid scoped registry config', async (t) => { ) } - npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI = (registry) => { + npm.config.clearCredentialsByURI = registry => { t.equal( registry, '', diff --git a/test/lib/commands/ls.js b/test/lib/commands/ls.js index 97224a74c8011..1cbcb593ff0b5 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/ls.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/ls.js @@ -122,29 +122,31 @@ const npm = mockNpm({ const ls = new LS(npm) const redactCwd = res => - res && res.replace(/\\+/g, '/').replace(new RegExp(__dirname.replace(/\\+/g, '/'), 'gi'), '{CWD}') + res && + res.replace(/\\+/g, '/').replace(new RegExp(__dirname.replace(/\\+/g, '/'), 'gi'), '{CWD}') const redactCwdObj = obj => { - if (Array.isArray(obj)) + if (Array.isArray(obj)) { return => redactCwdObj(o)) - else if (typeof obj === 'string') + } else if (typeof obj === 'string') { return redactCwd(obj) - else if (!obj) + } else if (!obj) { return obj - else if (typeof obj === 'object') { + } else if (typeof obj === 'object') { return Object.keys(obj).reduce((o, k) => { o[k] = redactCwdObj(obj[k]) return o }, {}) - } else + } else { return obj + } } const jsonParse = res => redactCwdObj(JSON.parse(res)) -const cleanUpResult = () => result = '' +const cleanUpResult = () => (result = '') -t.test('ls', (t) => { +t.test('ls', t => { t.beforeEach(cleanUpResult) config.json = false config.unicode = false @@ -161,7 +163,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree representation of dependencies structure') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree representation of dependencies structure' + ) }) t.test('missing package.json', async t => { @@ -169,7 +174,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree missing name/version of top-level package') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree missing name/version of top-level package' + ) }) t.test('extraneous deps', async t => { @@ -201,7 +209,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec(['chai']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of filtered by package and colored output') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of filtered by package and colored output' + ) npm.color = false }) @@ -220,7 +231,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec(['.']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of filtered by package and colored output') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of filtered by package and colored output' + ) config.all = true config.depth = Infinity process.exitCode = 0 @@ -239,7 +253,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec(['dog']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of filtered package and its ancestors') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of filtered package and its ancestors' + ) }) t.test('with multiple filter args', async t => { @@ -264,7 +281,11 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { }, }) await ls.exec(['dog@*', 'chai@1.0.0']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of multiple filtered packages and their ancestors') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'should output tree contaning only occurrences of multiple filtered packages and their ancestors' + ) }) t.test('with missing filter arg', async t => { @@ -281,11 +302,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { }) await ls.exec(['notadep']) t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree containing no dependencies info') - t.equal( - process.exitCode, - 1, - 'should exit with error code 1' - ) + t.equal(process.exitCode, 1, 'should exit with error code 1') process.exitCode = 0 }) @@ -382,7 +399,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { }, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree containing top-level deps and their deps only') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree containing top-level deps and their deps only' + ) config.all = true config.depth = Infinity }) @@ -404,13 +424,17 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { t.equal(err.code, 'ELSPROBLEMS', 'should have error code') t.equal( redactCwd(err.message).replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'), + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: chai@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/chai\n' + 'invalid: foo@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/foo\n' + 'missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0', 'should log missing/invalid/extraneous errors' ) }) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree containing missing, invalid, extraneous labels') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree containing missing, invalid, extraneous labels' + ) }) t.test('colored output', async t => { @@ -426,11 +450,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { }), ...simpleNmFixture, }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, - 'should have error code' - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, 'should have error code') t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree containing color info') npm.color = false }) @@ -666,7 +686,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { ...diffDepTypesNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree containing top-level deps with descriptions') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree containing top-level deps with descriptions' + ) config.all = true config.depth = Infinity config.long = false @@ -676,11 +699,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': '{broken json', }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'EJSONPARSE' }, - 'should throw EJSONPARSE error' - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'EJSONPARSE' }, 'should throw EJSONPARSE error') t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should print empty result') }) @@ -712,7 +731,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { ...diffDepTypesNmFixture, }) await t.rejects(ls.exec([])) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree signaling mismatching peer dep in problems') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree signaling mismatching peer dep in problems' + ) }) t.test('invalid deduped dep', async t => { @@ -745,7 +767,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { }, }) await t.rejects(ls.exec([])) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree signaling mismatching peer dep in problems') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree signaling mismatching peer dep in problems' + ) npm.color = false }) @@ -776,7 +801,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS', message: /missing: b@\^1.0.0/ }, 'should list missing dep problem' ) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable signaling missing peer dep in problems') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable signaling missing peer dep in problems' + ) }) t.test('unmet peer dep', async t => { @@ -825,7 +853,10 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS', message: /invalid: optional-dep@1.0.0/ }, 'should have invalid dep error msg' ) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree with empty entry for missing optional deps') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree with empty entry for missing optional deps' + ) npm.color = false }) @@ -1138,6 +1169,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { name: 'abbrev', version: '1.1.1', from: 'git+', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: 'git+', }, }, @@ -1148,6 +1180,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { version: '1.1.1', _id: 'abbrev@1.1.1', _from: 'git+', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ _resolved: 'git+', _requested: { type: 'git', @@ -1191,6 +1224,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { a: { version: '1.0.1', resolved: 'foo@dog://b8f3a2fc0c3bb8ffd8b0d0072cc6b5a3667e963c', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-8AN9lNCcBt5Xeje7fMEEpp5K3rgcAzIpTtAjYb/YMUYu8SbIVF6wz0WqACDVKvpQOUcSfNHZQNLNmue0QSwXOQ==', }, }, @@ -1244,10 +1278,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { saveSpec: null, fetchSpec: 'latest', }, - _requiredBy: [ - '#USER', - '/', - ], + _requiredBy: ['#USER', '/'], _shasum: '3c07708ec9ef3e3c985cf0ddd67df09ab8ec2abc', _spec: 'simple-output', }), @@ -1341,20 +1372,18 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { }) await ls.exec(['c']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should print tree and not duplicate child of missing items') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should print tree and not duplicate child of missing items' + ) }) - t.test('loading a tree containing workspaces', async (t) => { + t.test('loading a tree containing workspaces', async t => { npm.localPrefix = npm.prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspaces-tree', version: '1.0.0', - workspaces: [ - './a', - './b', - './d', - './group/*', - ], + workspaces: ['./a', './b', './d', './group/*'], }), node_modules: { a: t.fixture('symlink', '../a'), @@ -1432,16 +1461,14 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { config.depth = 0 npm.color = true await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), - 'should list workspaces properly with default configs') + t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should list workspaces properly with default configs') config.all = false config.depth = 0 npm.color = true npm.flatOptions.workspacesEnabled = false await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), - 'should not list workspaces with --no-workspaces') + t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should not list workspaces with --no-workspaces') config.all = true config.depth = Infinity npm.color = false @@ -1449,15 +1476,13 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { // --all await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), - 'should list --all workspaces properly') + t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should list --all workspaces properly') // --production config.production = true await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), - 'should list only prod deps of workspaces') + t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should list only prod deps of workspaces') config.production = false @@ -1468,20 +1493,20 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { // filter out a single workspace and its deps using workspaces filters await ls.execWorkspaces([], ['a']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), - 'should filter using workspace config') + t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should filter using workspace config') // filter out a workspace by parent path await ls.execWorkspaces([], ['./group']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), - 'should filter by parent folder workspace config') + t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should filter by parent folder workspace config') // filter by a dep within a workspaces sub tree await ls.execWorkspaces(['bar'], ['d']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), - 'should print all tree and filter by dep within only the ws subtree') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should print all tree and filter by dep within only the ws subtree' + ) }) t.test('filter pkg arg using depth option', async t => { @@ -1553,7 +1578,7 @@ t.test('ls', (t) => { t.end() }) -t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { +t.test('ls --parseable', t => { t.beforeEach(cleanUpResult) config.json = false config.unicode = false @@ -1571,7 +1596,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable representation of dependencies structure') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable representation of dependencies structure' + ) }) t.test('missing package.json', async t => { @@ -1579,7 +1607,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable missing name/version of top-level package') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable missing name/version of top-level package' + ) }) t.test('extraneous deps', async t => { @@ -1610,7 +1641,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec(['chai']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable contaning only occurrences of filtered by package') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable contaning only occurrences of filtered by package' + ) }) t.test('with filter arg nested dep', async t => { @@ -1626,7 +1660,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec(['dog']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable contaning only occurrences of filtered package') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable contaning only occurrences of filtered package' + ) }) t.test('with multiple filter args', async t => { @@ -1651,7 +1688,11 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { }, }) await ls.exec(['dog@*', 'chai@1.0.0']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable contaning only occurrences of multiple filtered packages and their ancestors') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'should output parseable contaning only occurrences of multiple filtered packages and their ancestors' + ) }) t.test('with missing filter arg', async t => { @@ -1667,7 +1708,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec(['notadep']) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable output containing no dependencies info') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable output containing no dependencies info' + ) }) t.test('default --depth value should be 0', async t => { @@ -1685,7 +1729,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable output containing only top-level dependencies') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable output containing only top-level dependencies' + ) config.all = true config.depth = Infinity }) @@ -1725,7 +1772,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...simpleNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable containing top-level deps and their deps only') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable containing top-level deps and their deps only' + ) config.all = true config.depth = Infinity }) @@ -1742,12 +1792,11 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { }), ...simpleNmFixture, }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, - 'should list dep problems' + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, 'should list dep problems') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable containing top-level deps and their deps only' ) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable containing top-level deps and their deps only') }) t.test('--dev', async t => { @@ -1950,12 +1999,11 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { }), ...simpleNmFixture, }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, - 'should list dep problems' + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, 'should list dep problems') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable result containing EXTRANEOUS/INVALID labels' ) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable result containing EXTRANEOUS/INVALID labels') config.long = false }) @@ -2021,7 +2069,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...diffDepTypesNmFixture, }) await ls.exec([]) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output tree containing top-level deps with descriptions') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output tree containing top-level deps with descriptions' + ) config.all = true config.depth = Infinity config.long = false @@ -2031,10 +2082,7 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': '{broken json', }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'EJSONPARSE' }, - 'should throw EJSONPARSE error') + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'EJSONPARSE' }, 'should throw EJSONPARSE error') t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should print empty result') }) @@ -2066,7 +2114,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { ...diffDepTypesNmFixture, }) await t.rejects(ls.exec([])) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable signaling missing peer dep in problems') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable signaling missing peer dep in problems' + ) }) t.test('unmet optional dep', async t => { @@ -2096,7 +2147,10 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS', message: /invalid: optional-dep@1.0.0/ }, 'should have invalid dep error msg' ) - t.matchSnapshot(redactCwd(result), 'should output parseable with empty entry for missing optional deps') + t.matchSnapshot( + redactCwd(result), + 'should output parseable with empty entry for missing optional deps' + ) }) t.test('cycle deps', async t => { @@ -2185,6 +2239,7 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { 'node_modules/abbrev': { name: 'abbrev', version: '1.1.1', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: 'git+', }, }, @@ -2195,6 +2250,7 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { version: '1.1.1', _id: 'abbrev@1.1.1', _from: 'git+', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ _resolved: 'git+', _requested: { type: 'git', @@ -2250,10 +2306,7 @@ t.test('ls --parseable', (t) => { saveSpec: null, fetchSpec: 'latest', }, - _requiredBy: [ - '#USER', - '/', - ], + _requiredBy: ['#USER', '/'], _shasum: '3c07708ec9ef3e3c985cf0ddd67df09ab8ec2abc', _spec: 'simple-output', }), @@ -2342,44 +2395,40 @@ t.test('ignore missing optional deps', async t => { }), node_modules: { 'prod-ok': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'prod-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'prod-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), }, 'prod-wrong': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'prod-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'prod-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), }, 'optional-ok': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'optional-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'optional-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), }, 'optional-wrong': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'optional-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'optional-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), }, 'peer-optional-ok': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'peer-optional-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'peer-optional-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), }, 'peer-optional-wrong': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'peer-optional-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'peer-optional-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), }, 'peer-ok': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'peer-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'peer-ok', version: '1.2.3' }), }, 'peer-wrong': { - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({name: 'peer-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'peer-wrong', version: '3.2.1' }), }, }, }) config.all = true const prefix = npm.prefix.toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, '/') - const cleanupPaths = str => - str.toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, '/').split(prefix).join('{project}') + const cleanupPaths = str => str.toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, '/').split(prefix).join('{project}') t.test('--json', async t => { config.json = true config.parseable = false - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' } - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }) result = JSON.parse(result) const problems = t.matchSnapshot(problems, 'ls --json problems') @@ -2388,25 +2437,19 @@ t.test('ignore missing optional deps', async t => { t.test('--parseable', async t => { config.json = false config.parseable = true - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' } - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }) t.matchSnapshot(cleanupPaths(result), 'ls --parseable result') }) t.test('human output', async t => { config.json = false config.parseable = false - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' } - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }) t.matchSnapshot(cleanupPaths(result), 'ls result') }) }) -t.test('ls --json', (t) => { +t.test('ls --json', t => { t.beforeEach(cleanUpResult) config.json = true config.parseable = false @@ -2455,8 +2498,11 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { jsonParse(result), { problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: chai@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-package.json/node_modules/chai', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: dog@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-package.json/node_modules/dog', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: foo@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-package.json/node_modules/foo', ], dependencies: { @@ -2464,6 +2510,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', extraneous: true, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: dog@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-package.json/node_modules/dog', ], }, @@ -2471,6 +2518,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', extraneous: true, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: foo@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-package.json/node_modules/foo', ], dependencies: { @@ -2483,6 +2531,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', extraneous: true, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: chai@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-package.json/node_modules/chai', ], }, @@ -2525,6 +2574,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', extraneous: true, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: chai@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-extraneous-deps/node_modules/chai', ], }, @@ -2557,20 +2607,14 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { 'missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0', 'should log missing dep as error' ) - t.equal( - err.code, - 'ELSPROBLEMS', - 'should have ELSPROBLEMS error code' - ) + t.equal(err.code, 'ELSPROBLEMS', 'should have ELSPROBLEMS error code') }) t.match( jsonParse(result), { name: 'test-npm-ls', version: '1.0.0', - problems: [ - 'missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0', - ], + problems: ['missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0'], }, 'should output json containing problems info' ) @@ -2603,11 +2647,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { }, 'should output json contaning only occurrences of filtered by package' ) - t.not( - process.exitCode, - 1, - 'should not exit with error code 1' - ) + t.not(process.exitCode, 1, 'should not exit with error code 1') }) t.test('with filter arg nested dep', async t => { @@ -2685,6 +2725,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { }, }, }, + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'should output json contaning only occurrences of multiple filtered packages and their ancestors' ) }) @@ -2710,11 +2751,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { }, 'should output json containing no dependencies info' ) - t.equal( - process.exitCode, - 1, - 'should exit with error code 1' - ) + t.equal(process.exitCode, 1, 'should exit with error code 1') process.exitCode = 0 }) @@ -2840,18 +2877,16 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { }), ...simpleNmFixture, }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, - 'should list dep problems' - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, 'should list dep problems') t.same( jsonParse(result), { name: 'test-npm-ls', version: '1.0.0', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: chai@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/chai', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: foo@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/foo', 'missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0', ], @@ -2860,6 +2895,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', invalid: '"^2.0.0" from the root project', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: foo@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/foo', ], dependencies: { @@ -2872,15 +2908,14 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', extraneous: true, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: chai@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/chai', ], }, ipsum: { required: '^1.0.0', missing: true, - problems: [ - 'missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0', - ], + problems: ['missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0'], }, }, }, @@ -3149,7 +3184,9 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { 'node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a': { name: '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a', version: '1.0.1', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-8AN9lNCcBt5Xeje7fMEEpp5K3rgcAzIpTtAjYb/YMUYu8SbIVF6wz0WqACDVKvpQOUcSfNHZQNLNmue0QSwXOQ==', dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': '1', @@ -3158,20 +3195,26 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { 'node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a/node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { name: '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b', version: '1.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-3nmvzIb8QL8OXODzipwoV3U8h9OQD9g9RwOPuSBQqjqSg9JZR1CCFOWNsDUtOfmwY8HFUJV9EAZ124uhqVxq+w==', }, 'node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { name: '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b', version: '2.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-KTYkpRv9EzlmCg4Gsm/jpclWmRYFCXow8GZKJXjK08sIZBlElTZEa5Bw/UQxIvEfcKmWXczSqItD49Kr8Ax4UA==', }, }, dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a': { version: '1.0.1', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-8AN9lNCcBt5Xeje7fMEEpp5K3rgcAzIpTtAjYb/YMUYu8SbIVF6wz0WqACDVKvpQOUcSfNHZQNLNmue0QSwXOQ==', requires: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': '1', @@ -3179,14 +3222,18 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { version: '1.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-3nmvzIb8QL8OXODzipwoV3U8h9OQD9g9RwOPuSBQqjqSg9JZR1CCFOWNsDUtOfmwY8HFUJV9EAZ124uhqVxq+w==', }, }, }, '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { version: '2.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-KTYkpRv9EzlmCg4Gsm/jpclWmRYFCXow8GZKJXjK08sIZBlElTZEa5Bw/UQxIvEfcKmWXczSqItD49Kr8Ax4UA==', }, }, @@ -3209,12 +3256,15 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a': { version: '1.0.1', - resolved: '', + resolved: + '', dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { - resolved: '', + resolved: + '', extraneous: true, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: @isaacs/dedupe-tests-b@ {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-from-lockfile/node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a/node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b', ], }, @@ -3222,10 +3272,12 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { }, '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { version: '2.0.0', - resolved: '', + resolved: + '', }, }, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'extraneous: @isaacs/dedupe-tests-b@ {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-from-lockfile/node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a/node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b', ], }, @@ -3342,6 +3394,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { devDependencies: {}, peerDependencies: {}, _dependencies: {}, + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ path: '{CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json---long/node_modules/prod-dep/node_modules/dog', extraneous: false, }, @@ -3482,6 +3535,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { { invalid: true, problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'error in {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-json-read-problems: Failed to parse root package.json', ], }, @@ -3489,14 +3543,10 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { ) }) - t.test('empty location', async (t) => { + t.test('empty location', async t => { npm.prefix = t.testdir({}) await ls.exec([]) - t.same( - jsonParse(result), - {}, - 'should print empty json result' - ) + t.same(jsonParse(result), {}, 'should print empty json result') }) t.test('unmet peer dep', async t => { @@ -3520,17 +3570,14 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { }), ...diffDepTypesNmFixture, }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, - 'Should have ELSPROBLEMS error code' - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, 'Should have ELSPROBLEMS error code') t.same( jsonParse(result), { name: 'test-npm-ls', version: '1.0.0', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: peer-dep@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-unmet-peer-dep/node_modules/peer-dep', ], dependencies: { @@ -3538,6 +3585,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', invalid: '"^2.0.0" from the root project', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: peer-dep@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-unmet-peer-dep/node_modules/peer-dep', ], }, @@ -3592,6 +3640,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { name: 'test-npm-ls', version: '1.0.0', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: optional-dep@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-unmet-optional-dep/node_modules/optional-dep', // mismatching optional deps get flagged in problems ], dependencies: { @@ -3599,6 +3648,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', invalid: '"^2.0.0" from the root project', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: optional-dep@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---json-unmet-optional-dep/node_modules/optional-dep', ], }, @@ -3743,6 +3793,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.1.1', id: 'abbrev@1.1.1', from: 'git+', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: 'git+', }, }, @@ -3753,6 +3804,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { version: '1.1.1', _id: 'abbrev@1.1.1', _from: 'git+', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ _resolved: 'git+', _requested: { type: 'git', @@ -3776,6 +3828,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { dependencies: { abbrev: { version: '1.1.1', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: 'git+ssh://', }, }, @@ -3812,10 +3865,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { saveSpec: null, fetchSpec: 'latest', }, - _requiredBy: [ - '#USER', - '/', - ], + _requiredBy: ['#USER', '/'], _shasum: '3c07708ec9ef3e3c985cf0ddd67df09ab8ec2abc', _spec: 'simple-output', }, @@ -3838,10 +3888,7 @@ t.test('ls --json', (t) => { saveSpec: null, fetchSpec: 'latest', }, - _requiredBy: [ - '#USER', - '/', - ], + _requiredBy: ['#USER', '/'], _shasum: '3c07708ec9ef3e3c985cf0ddd67df09ab8ec2abc', _spec: 'simple-output', }), @@ -3985,19 +4032,14 @@ t.test('show multiple invalid reasons', async t => { }, }) - const cleanupPaths = str => - redactCwd(str).toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, '/') - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, - 'should list dep problems' - ) + const cleanupPaths = str => redactCwd(str).toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, '/') + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, 'should list dep problems') t.matchSnapshot(cleanupPaths(result), 'ls result') }) -t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { +t.test('ls --package-lock-only', t => { config['package-lock-only'] = true - t.test('ls --package-lock-only --json', (t) => { + t.test('ls --package-lock-only --json', t => { t.beforeEach(cleanUpResult) config.json = true config.parseable = false @@ -4188,11 +4230,7 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { }, 'should output json contaning only occurrences of filtered by package' ) - t.equal( - process.exitCode, - 0, - 'should exit with error code 0' - ) + t.equal(process.exitCode, 0, 'should exit with error code 0') }) t.test('with filter arg nested dep', async t => { @@ -4297,6 +4335,7 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { }, }, }, + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'should output json contaning only occurrences of multiple filtered packages and their ancestors' ) }) @@ -4337,11 +4376,7 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { }, 'should output json containing no dependencies info' ) - t.equal( - process.exitCode, - 1, - 'should exit with error code 1' - ) + t.equal(process.exitCode, 1, 'should exit with error code 1') process.exitCode = 0 }) @@ -4527,17 +4562,14 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { }, }), }) - await t.rejects( - ls.exec([]), - { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, - 'should list dep problems' - ) + await t.rejects(ls.exec([]), { code: 'ELSPROBLEMS' }, 'should list dep problems') t.same( jsonParse(result), { name: 'test-npm-ls', version: '1.0.0', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: foo@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---package-lock-only-ls---package-lock-only---json-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/foo', 'missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0', ], @@ -4546,6 +4578,7 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', invalid: '"^2.0.0" from the root project', problems: [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'invalid: foo@1.0.0 {CWD}/tap-testdir-ls-ls---package-lock-only-ls---package-lock-only---json-missing-invalid-extraneous/node_modules/foo', ], dependencies: { @@ -4557,9 +4590,7 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { ipsum: { required: '^1.0.0', missing: true, - problems: [ - 'missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0', - ], + problems: ['missing: ipsum@^1.0.0, required by test-npm-ls@1.0.0'], }, }, }, @@ -4586,7 +4617,9 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { 'node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a': { name: '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a', version: '1.0.1', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-8AN9lNCcBt5Xeje7fMEEpp5K3rgcAzIpTtAjYb/YMUYu8SbIVF6wz0WqACDVKvpQOUcSfNHZQNLNmue0QSwXOQ==', dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': '1', @@ -4595,20 +4628,26 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { 'node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a/node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { name: '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b', version: '1.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-3nmvzIb8QL8OXODzipwoV3U8h9OQD9g9RwOPuSBQqjqSg9JZR1CCFOWNsDUtOfmwY8HFUJV9EAZ124uhqVxq+w==', }, 'node_modules/@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { name: '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b', version: '2.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-KTYkpRv9EzlmCg4Gsm/jpclWmRYFCXow8GZKJXjK08sIZBlElTZEa5Bw/UQxIvEfcKmWXczSqItD49Kr8Ax4UA==', }, }, dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a': { version: '1.0.1', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-8AN9lNCcBt5Xeje7fMEEpp5K3rgcAzIpTtAjYb/YMUYu8SbIVF6wz0WqACDVKvpQOUcSfNHZQNLNmue0QSwXOQ==', requires: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': '1', @@ -4616,14 +4655,18 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { version: '1.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-3nmvzIb8QL8OXODzipwoV3U8h9OQD9g9RwOPuSBQqjqSg9JZR1CCFOWNsDUtOfmwY8HFUJV9EAZ124uhqVxq+w==', }, }, }, '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { version: '2.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: '', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ integrity: 'sha512-KTYkpRv9EzlmCg4Gsm/jpclWmRYFCXow8GZKJXjK08sIZBlElTZEa5Bw/UQxIvEfcKmWXczSqItD49Kr8Ax4UA==', }, }, @@ -4646,17 +4689,20 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-a': { version: '1.0.1', - resolved: '', + resolved: + '', dependencies: { '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { version: '1.0.0', - resolved: '', + resolved: + '', }, }, }, '@isaacs/dedupe-tests-b': { version: '2.0.0', - resolved: '', + resolved: + '', }, }, }, @@ -4716,12 +4762,12 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { requires: true, dependencies: { abbrev: { + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ version: 'git+ssh://', from: 'abbrev@git+', }, }, - } - ), + }), }) await ls.exec([]) t.same( @@ -4731,6 +4777,7 @@ t.test('ls --package-lock-only', (t) => { version: '1.0.0', dependencies: { abbrev: { + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ resolved: 'git+ssh://', }, }, diff --git a/test/lib/commands/org.js b/test/lib/commands/org.js index 16a432c27b516..903b9de4f6084 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/org.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/org.js @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const npm = { silent: false, loglevel: 'info', }, - output: (msg) => { + output: msg => { output.push(msg) }, } @@ -47,28 +47,32 @@ const Org = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/org.js', { const org = new Org(npm) t.test('completion', async t => { - const completion = (argv) => - org.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } }) + const completion = argv => org.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } }) const assertions = [ - [['npm', 'org'], ['set', 'rm', 'ls']], + [ + ['npm', 'org'], + ['set', 'rm', 'ls'], + ], [['npm', 'org', 'ls'], []], [['npm', 'org', 'add'], []], [['npm', 'org', 'rm'], []], [['npm', 'org', 'set'], []], ] - for (const [argv, expected] of assertions) + for (const [argv, expected] of assertions) { t.resolveMatch(completion(argv), expected, `completion for: ${argv.join(', ')}`) + } - t.rejects(completion(['npm', 'org', 'flurb']), /flurb not recognized/, 'errors for unknown subcommand') + t.rejects( + completion(['npm', 'org', 'flurb']), + /flurb not recognized/, + 'errors for unknown subcommand' + ) }) t.test('npm org - invalid subcommand', async t => { - await t.rejects( - org.exec(['foo']), - org.usage - ) + await t.rejects(org.exec(['foo']), org.usage) }) t.test('npm org add', async t => { @@ -79,13 +83,21 @@ t.test('npm org add', async t => { await org.exec(['add', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgSetArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - role: 'developer', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.equal(output[0], 'Added username as developer to orgname. You now have 1 member in this org.', 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgSetArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + role: 'developer', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.equal( + output[0], + 'Added username as developer to orgname. You now have 1 member in this org.', + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org add - no org', async t => { @@ -136,13 +148,21 @@ t.test('npm org add - more users', async t => { }) await org.exec(['add', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgSetArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - role: 'developer', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.equal(output[0], 'Added username as developer to orgname. You now have 5 members in this org.', 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgSetArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + role: 'developer', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.equal( + output[0], + 'Added username as developer to orgname. You now have 5 members in this org.', + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org add - json output', async t => { @@ -155,20 +175,28 @@ t.test('npm org add - json output', async t => { await org.exec(['add', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgSetArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - role: 'developer', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame(JSON.parse(output[0]), { - org: { - name: 'orgname', - size: 1, + t.strictSame( + orgSetArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + role: 'developer', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame( + JSON.parse(output[0]), + { + org: { + name: 'orgname', + size: 1, + }, + user: 'username', + role: 'developer', }, - user: 'username', - role: 'developer', - }, 'printed the correct output') + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org add - parseable output', async t => { @@ -181,16 +209,24 @@ t.test('npm org add - parseable output', async t => { await org.exec(['add', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgSetArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - role: 'developer', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') - t.strictSame( => line.split(/\t/)), [ - ['org', 'orgsize', 'user', 'role'], - ['orgname', '1', 'username', 'developer'], - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgSetArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + role: 'developer', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) + t.strictSame( + => line.split(/\t/)), + [ + ['org', 'orgsize', 'user', 'role'], + ['orgname', '1', 'username', 'developer'], + ], + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org add - silent output', async t => { @@ -203,12 +239,16 @@ t.test('npm org add - silent output', async t => { await org.exec(['add', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgSetArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - role: 'developer', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'received the correct arguments') + t.strictSame( + orgSetArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + role: 'developer', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'received the correct arguments' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'prints no output') }) @@ -221,16 +261,28 @@ t.test('npm org rm', async t => { await org.exec(['rm', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgRmArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args') - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, ' received the correct args') - t.equal(output[0], 'Successfully removed username from orgname. You now have 0 members in this org.', 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgRmArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + ' received the correct args' + ) + t.equal( + output[0], + 'Successfully removed username from orgname. You now have 0 members in this org.', + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org rm - no org', async t => { @@ -254,11 +306,7 @@ t.test('npm org rm - no user', async t => { output.length = 0 }) - await t.rejects( - org.exec(['rm', 'orgname']), - /`username` is required/, - 'threw the correct error' - ) + await t.rejects(org.exec(['rm', 'orgname']), /`username` is required/, 'threw the correct error') }) t.test('npm org rm - one user left', async t => { @@ -275,16 +323,28 @@ t.test('npm org rm - one user left', async t => { await org.exec(['rm', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgRmArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args') - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, ' received the correct args') - t.equal(output[0], 'Successfully removed username from orgname. You now have 1 member in this org.', 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgRmArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + ' received the correct args' + ) + t.equal( + output[0], + 'Successfully removed username from orgname. You now have 1 member in this org.', + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org rm - json output', async t => { @@ -298,21 +358,33 @@ t.test('npm org rm - json output', async t => { await org.exec(['rm', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgRmArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args') - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, ' received the correct args') - t.strictSame(JSON.parse(output[0]), { - user: 'username', - org: 'orgname', - userCount: 0, - deleted: true, - }, 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgRmArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + ' received the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + JSON.parse(output[0]), + { + user: 'username', + org: 'orgname', + userCount: 0, + deleted: true, + }, + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org rm - parseable output', async t => { @@ -326,19 +398,31 @@ t.test('npm org rm - parseable output', async t => { await org.exec(['rm', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgRmArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args') - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, ' received the correct args') - t.strictSame( => line.split(/\t/)), [ - ['user', 'org', 'userCount', 'deleted'], - ['username', 'orgname', '0', 'true'], - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgRmArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + ' received the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + => line.split(/\t/)), + [ + ['user', 'org', 'userCount', 'deleted'], + ['username', 'orgname', '0', 'true'], + ], + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org rm - silent output', async t => { @@ -352,15 +436,23 @@ t.test('npm org rm - silent output', async t => { await org.exec(['rm', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgRmArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - user: 'username', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args') - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, ' received the correct args') + t.strictSame( + orgRmArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + user: 'username', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'libnpmorg.rm received the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + ' received the correct args' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'printed no output') }) @@ -378,10 +470,14 @@ t.test('npm org ls', async t => { await org.exec(['ls', 'orgname']) - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'receieved the correct args') + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'receieved the correct args' + ) const out = ansiTrim(output[0]) t.match(out, /one.*developer/, 'contains the developer member') t.match(out, /two.*admin/, 'contains the admin member') @@ -401,10 +497,14 @@ t.test('npm org ls - user filter', async t => { await org.exec(['ls', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'receieved the correct args') + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'receieved the correct args' + ) const out = ansiTrim(output[0]) t.match(out, /username.*admin/, 'contains the filtered member') t.notMatch(out, /missing.*admin/, 'does not contain other members') @@ -422,10 +522,14 @@ t.test('npm org ls - user filter, missing user', async t => { await org.exec(['ls', 'orgname', 'username']) - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'receieved the correct args') + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'receieved the correct args' + ) const out = ansiTrim(output[0]) t.notMatch(out, /username/, 'does not contain the requested member') t.notMatch(out, /missing.*admin/, 'does not contain other members') @@ -437,11 +541,7 @@ t.test('npm org ls - no org', async t => { output.length = 0 }) - await t.rejects( - org.exec(['ls']), - /`orgname` is required/, - 'throws the correct error' - ) + await t.rejects(org.exec(['ls']), /`orgname` is required/, 'throws the correct error') }) t.test('npm org ls - json output', async t => { @@ -460,10 +560,14 @@ t.test('npm org ls - json output', async t => { await org.exec(['ls', 'orgname']) - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'receieved the correct args') + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'receieved the correct args' + ) t.strictSame(JSON.parse(output[0]), orgList, 'prints the correct output') }) @@ -483,16 +587,24 @@ t.test('npm org ls - parseable output', async t => { await org.exec(['ls', 'orgname']) - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'receieved the correct args') - t.strictSame( => line.split(/\t/)), [ - ['user', 'role'], - ['one', 'developer'], - ['two', 'admin'], - ['three', 'owner'], - ], 'printed the correct output') + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'receieved the correct args' + ) + t.strictSame( + => line.split(/\t/)), + [ + ['user', 'role'], + ['one', 'developer'], + ['two', 'admin'], + ['three', 'owner'], + ], + 'printed the correct output' + ) }) t.test('npm org ls - silent output', async t => { @@ -511,9 +623,13 @@ t.test('npm org ls - silent output', async t => { await org.exec(['ls', 'orgname']) - t.strictSame(orgLsArgs, { - org: 'orgname', - opts: npm.flatOptions, - }, 'receieved the correct args') + t.strictSame( + orgLsArgs, + { + org: 'orgname', + opts: npm.flatOptions, + }, + 'receieved the correct args' + ) t.strictSame(output, [], 'printed no output') }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/outdated.js b/test/lib/commands/outdated.js index 1841ea9b17c85..245e93039c3f3 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/outdated.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/outdated.js @@ -55,8 +55,9 @@ const packument = spec => { }, } - if ( === 'eta') + if ( === 'eta') { throw new Error('There is an error with this package.') + } if (!mocks[]) { const err = new Error() diff --git a/test/lib/commands/owner.js b/test/lib/commands/owner.js index c9d936d47bece..8645b349f82fe 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/owner.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/owner.js @@ -211,8 +211,9 @@ t.test('owner add ', async t => { 'should contain expected new owners, adding requested user' ) return {} - } else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => { t.equal(, '@npmcli/map-workspaces', 'should use expect pkg name') @@ -250,10 +251,11 @@ t.test('owner add cwd package', async t => { email: '', name: 'foo', } - } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') + } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') { return {} - else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => ({ _rev: '1-foobaaa1', @@ -290,8 +292,9 @@ t.test('owner add already an owner', async t => { email: '', name: 'ruyadorno', } - } else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => { return { @@ -314,12 +317,13 @@ t.test('owner add fails to retrieve user', async t => { readPackageNameResponse = npmFetch.json = async (uri, opts) => { // retrieve borked user info from couchdb request - if (uri === '/-/user/org.couchdb.user:foo') + if (uri === '/-/user/org.couchdb.user:foo') { return { ok: false } - else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') + } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') { return {} - else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => ({ _rev: '1-foobaaa1', @@ -356,8 +360,9 @@ t.test('owner add fails to PUT updates', async t => { message: "I'm a teapot", }, } - } else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => ({ _rev: '1-foobaaa1', @@ -391,8 +396,9 @@ t.test('owner add fails to retrieve user info', async t => { new Error("I'm a teapot"), { status: 418 } ) - } else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => ({ _rev: '1-foobaaa1', @@ -422,10 +428,11 @@ t.test('owner add no previous maintainers property from server', as email: '', name: 'foo', } - } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fno-owners-pkg/-rev/1-foobaaa1') + } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fno-owners-pkg/-rev/1-foobaaa1') { return {} - else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => { return { @@ -512,8 +519,9 @@ t.test('owner rm ', async t => { 'should contain expected new owners, removing requested user' ) return {} - } else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => { t.equal(, '@npmcli/map-workspaces', 'should use expect pkg name') @@ -556,10 +564,11 @@ t.test('owner rm not a current owner', async t => { email: '', name: 'foo', } - } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') + } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') { return {} - else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => { return { @@ -588,10 +597,11 @@ t.test('owner rm cwd package', async t => { email: '', name: 'ruyadorno', } - } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') + } else if (uri === '/@npmcli%2fmap-workspaces/-rev/1-foobaaa1') { return {} - else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => ({ _rev: '1-foobaaa1', @@ -619,8 +629,9 @@ t.test('owner rm only user', async t => { email: '', name: 'ruyadorno', } - } else + } else {`unexpected fetch json call to uri: ${uri}`) + } } pacote.packument = async (spec, opts) => ({ _rev: '1-foobaaa1', diff --git a/test/lib/commands/pack.js b/test/lib/commands/pack.js index 6a5749623c437..f0349823a677b 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/pack.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/pack.js @@ -7,15 +7,17 @@ const OUTPUT = [] const output = (...msg) => OUTPUT.push(msg) const libnpmpack = async (spec, opts) => { - if (!opts) + if (!opts) { throw new Error('expected options object') + } return '' } const mockPacote = { - manifest: (spec) => { - if (spec.type === 'directory') + manifest: spec => { + if (spec.type === 'directory') { return pacote.manifest(spec) + } const m = { name: || 'test-package', version: spec.version || '1.0.0-test', @@ -25,7 +27,7 @@ const mockPacote = { }, } -t.afterEach(() => OUTPUT.length = 0) +t.afterEach(() => (OUTPUT.length = 0)) t.test('should pack current directory with no arguments', async t => { let tarballFileName @@ -87,10 +89,14 @@ t.test('follows pack-destination config', async t => { t.test('should pack given directory', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const Pack = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/pack.js', { @@ -122,10 +128,14 @@ t.test('should pack given directory', async t => { t.test('should pack given directory for scoped package', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: '@cool/my-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: '@cool/my-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const Pack = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/pack.js', { @@ -191,11 +201,15 @@ t.test('should log pack contents', async t => { t.test('should log output as valid json', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - main: './index.js', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + main: './index.js', + }, + null, + 2 + ), '': 'text', 'index.js': 'void', }) @@ -214,13 +228,16 @@ t.test('should log output as valid json', async t => { integrity: { sha512: [ { + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ source: 'sha512-JSdyskeR2qonBUaQ4vdlU/vQGSfgCxSq5O+vH+d2yVWRqzso4O3gUzd6QX/V7OWV//zU7kA5o63Zf433jUnOtQ==', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ digest: 'JSdyskeR2qonBUaQ4vdlU/vQGSfgCxSq5O+vH+d2yVWRqzso4O3gUzd6QX/V7OWV//zU7kA5o63Zf433jUnOtQ==', algorithm: 'sha512', options: [], }, ], toJSON () { + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ return 'sha512-JSdyskeR2qonBUaQ4vdlU/vQGSfgCxSq5O+vH+d2yVWRqzso4O3gUzd6QX/V7OWV//zU7kA5o63Zf433jUnOtQ==' }, }, @@ -256,23 +273,30 @@ t.test('should log output as valid json', async t => { await pack.exec([testDir]) - t.match(JSON.parse(OUTPUT), [{ - id: '@ruyadorno/redact@1.0.0', - name: '@ruyadorno/redact', - version: '1.0.0', - size: 2450, - unpackedSize: 4911, - shasum: '044c7574639b923076069d6e801e2d1866430f17', - integrity: 'sha512-JSdyskeR2qonBUaQ4vdlU/vQGSfgCxSq5O+vH+d2yVWRqzso4O3gUzd6QX/V7OWV//zU7kA5o63Zf433jUnOtQ==', - filename: '@ruyadorno/redact-1.0.0.tgz', - files: [ - { path: 'LICENSE' }, - { path: '' }, - { path: 'index.js' }, - { path: 'package.json' }, + t.match( + JSON.parse(OUTPUT), + [ + { + id: '@ruyadorno/redact@1.0.0', + name: '@ruyadorno/redact', + version: '1.0.0', + size: 2450, + unpackedSize: 4911, + shasum: '044c7574639b923076069d6e801e2d1866430f17', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + integrity: 'sha512-JSdyskeR2qonBUaQ4vdlU/vQGSfgCxSq5O+vH+d2yVWRqzso4O3gUzd6QX/V7OWV//zU7kA5o63Zf433jUnOtQ==', + filename: '@ruyadorno/redact-1.0.0.tgz', + files: [ + { path: 'LICENSE' }, + { path: '' }, + { path: 'index.js' }, + { path: 'package.json' }, + ], + entryCount: 4, + }, ], - entryCount: 4, - }], 'pack details output as valid json') + 'pack details output as valid json' + ) }) t.test('invalid packument', async t => { @@ -302,20 +326,21 @@ t.test('invalid packument', async t => { output, }) const pack = new Pack(npm) - await t.rejects( - pack.exec([]), - 'Invalid package, must have name and version' - ) + await t.rejects(pack.exec([]), 'Invalid package, must have name and version') t.strictSame(OUTPUT, []) }) -t.test('workspaces', (t) => { +t.test('workspaces', t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'workspaces-test', - version: '1.0.0', - workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'workspaces-test', + version: '1.0.0', + workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], + }, + null, + 2 + ), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', @@ -355,35 +380,25 @@ t.test('workspaces', (t) => { t.test('all workspaces', async t => { await pack.execWorkspaces([], []) - t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [ - ['workspace-a-1.0.0.tgz'], - ['workspace-b-1.0.0.tgz'], - ]) + t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [['workspace-a-1.0.0.tgz'], ['workspace-b-1.0.0.tgz']]) }) t.test('all workspaces, `.` first arg', async t => { await pack.execWorkspaces(['.'], []) - t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [ - ['workspace-a-1.0.0.tgz'], - ['workspace-b-1.0.0.tgz'], - ]) + t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [['workspace-a-1.0.0.tgz'], ['workspace-b-1.0.0.tgz']]) }) t.test('one workspace', async t => { await pack.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-a']) - t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [ - ['workspace-a-1.0.0.tgz'], - ]) + t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [['workspace-a-1.0.0.tgz']]) }) t.test('specific package', async t => { await pack.execWorkspaces(['abbrev'], []) - t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [ - ['abbrev-1.0.0-test.tgz'], - ]) + t.strictSame(OUTPUT, [['abbrev-1.0.0-test.tgz']]) }) t.end() }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/profile.js b/test/lib/commands/profile.js index 0a3680cf155f8..6554ca89e40f8 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/profile.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/profile.js @@ -34,10 +34,8 @@ const mocks = { 'qrcode-terminal': { generate: (url, cb) => cb() }, 'cli-table3': class extends Array { toString () { - return this - .filter(Boolean) - .map(i => [...Object.entries(i)] - .map(i => i.join(': '))) + return this.filter(Boolean) + .map(i => [...Object.entries(i)].map(i => i.join(': '))) .join('\n') } }, @@ -78,10 +76,7 @@ const Profile = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/profile.js', mocks) const profile = new Profile(npm) t.test('no args', async t => { - await t.rejects( - profile.exec([]), - profile.usage - ) + await t.rejects(profile.exec([]), profile.usage) }) t.test('profile get no args', t => { @@ -100,10 +95,7 @@ t.test('profile get no args', t => { t.test('default output', async t => { await profile.exec(['get']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output table with contents' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output table with contents') }) t.test('--json', async t => { @@ -111,21 +103,14 @@ t.test('profile get no args', t => { await profile.exec(['get']) - t.same( - JSON.parse(result), - userProfile, - 'should output json profile result' - ) + t.same(JSON.parse(result), userProfile, 'should output json profile result') }) t.test('--parseable', async t => { config.parseable = true await profile.exec(['get']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output all profile info as parseable result' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output all profile info as parseable result') }) t.test('no tfa enabled', async t => { @@ -145,10 +130,7 @@ t.test('profile get no args', t => { const profile = new Profile(npm) await profile.exec(['get']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output expected profile values' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output expected profile values') }) t.test('unverified email', async t => { @@ -169,10 +151,7 @@ t.test('profile get no args', t => { await profile.exec(['get']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output table with contents' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output table with contents') }) t.test('profile has cidr_whitelist item', async t => { @@ -193,10 +172,7 @@ t.test('profile get no args', t => { await profile.exec(['get']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output table with contents' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output table with contents') }) t.end() @@ -218,11 +194,7 @@ t.test('profile get ', t => { t.test('default output', async t => { await profile.exec(['get', 'name']) - t.equal( - result, - 'foo', - 'should output value result' - ) + t.equal(result, 'foo', 'should output value result') }) t.test('--json', async t => { @@ -242,10 +214,7 @@ t.test('profile get ', t => { await profile.exec(['get', 'name']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output parseable result value' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output parseable result value') }) t.end() @@ -267,10 +236,7 @@ t.test('profile get multiple args', t => { t.test('default output', async t => { await profile.exec(['get', 'name', 'email', 'github']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output all keys' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output all keys') }) t.test('--json', async t => { @@ -278,11 +244,7 @@ t.test('profile get multiple args', t => { await profile.exec(['get', 'name', 'email', 'github']) - t.same( - JSON.parse(result), - userProfile, - 'should output json profile result and ignore args' - ) + t.same(JSON.parse(result), userProfile, 'should output json profile result and ignore args') }) t.test('--parseable', async t => { @@ -290,19 +252,13 @@ t.test('profile get multiple args', t => { await profile.exec(['get', 'name', 'email', 'github']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output parseable profile value results' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output parseable profile value results') }) t.test('comma separated', async t => { await profile.exec(['get', 'name,email,github']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output all keys' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output all keys') }) t.end() @@ -371,11 +327,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { const profile = new Profile(npm) await profile.exec(['set', 'fullname', 'Lorem Ipsum']) - t.equal( - result, - 'Set\nfullname\nto\nLorem Ipsum', - 'should output set key success msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'Set\nfullname\nto\nLorem Ipsum', 'should output set key success msg') }) t.test('--json', async t => { @@ -413,10 +365,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { await profile.exec(['set', 'fullname', 'Lorem Ipsum']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output parseable set key success msg' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output parseable set key success msg') }) t.end() @@ -437,11 +386,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { }, 'should set new value to email' ) - t.match( - conf, - npm.flatOptions, - 'should forward flatOptions config' - ) + t.match(conf, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flatOptions config') return { ...userProfile, ...newUser, @@ -456,11 +401,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { const profile = new Profile(npm) await profile.exec(['set', 'email', '']) - t.equal( - result, - 'Set\nemail\nto\', - 'should output set key success msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'Set\nemail\nto\', 'should output set key success msg') }) t.test('change password', async t => { @@ -481,11 +422,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { }, 'should set new password' ) - t.match( - conf, - npm.flatOptions, - 'should forward flatOptions config' - ) + t.match(conf, npm.flatOptions, 'should forward flatOptions config') return { ...userProfile, } @@ -494,18 +431,17 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { const readUserInfo = { async password (label) { - if (label === 'Current password: ') + if (label === 'Current password: ') { t.ok('should interactively ask for password confirmation') - else if (label === 'New password: ') + } else if (label === 'New password: ') { t.ok('should interactively ask for new password') - else if (label === ' Again: ') + } else if (label === ' Again: ') { t.ok('should interactively ask for new password confirmation') - else + } else { throw new Error('Unexpected label: ' + label) + } - return label === 'Current password: ' - ? 'currentpassword1234' - : 'newpassword1234' + return label === 'Current password: ' ? 'currentpassword1234' : 'newpassword1234' }, } @@ -518,11 +454,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { await profile.exec(['set', 'password']) - t.equal( - result, - 'Set\npassword', - 'should output set password success msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'Set\npassword', 'should output set password success msg') }) t.test('password confirmation mismatch', async t => { @@ -548,9 +480,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { case 'Current password: ': return 'currentpassword1234' case 'New password: ': - return passwordPromptCount < 3 - ? 'password-that-will-not-be-confirmed' - : 'newpassword' + return passwordPromptCount < 3 ? 'password-that-will-not-be-confirmed' : 'newpassword' case ' Again: ': return 'newpassword' default: @@ -583,11 +513,7 @@ t.test('profile set ', t => { await profile.exec(['set', 'password']) - t.equal( - result, - 'Set\npassword', - 'should output set password success msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'Set\npassword', 'should output set password success msg') }) t.end() @@ -616,7 +542,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { await t.rejects( profile.exec(['enable-2fa', 'auth-only']), 'Enabling two-factor authentication is an interactive ' + - 'operation and JSON output mode is not available', + 'operation and JSON output mode is not available', 'should throw no support msg' ) }) @@ -627,7 +553,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { await t.rejects( profile.exec(['enable-2fa', 'auth-only']), 'Enabling two-factor authentication is an interactive ' + - 'operation and parseable output mode is not available', + 'operation and parseable output mode is not available', 'should throw no support msg' ) }) @@ -657,8 +583,8 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { await t.rejects( profile.exec(['enable-2fa', 'auth-only']), 'Your registry does ' + - 'not seem to support bearer tokens. Bearer tokens ' + - 'are required for two-factor authentication', + 'not seem to support bearer tokens. Bearer tokens ' + + 'are required for two-factor authentication', 'should throw no support msg' ) }) @@ -684,8 +610,8 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { await t.rejects( profile.exec(['enable-2fa', 'auth-only']), 'Your registry does ' + - 'not seem to support bearer tokens. Bearer tokens ' + - 'are required for two-factor authentication', + 'not seem to support bearer tokens. Bearer tokens ' + + 'are required for two-factor authentication', 'should throw no support msg' ) }) @@ -700,8 +626,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { await t.rejects( profile.exec(['enable-2fa', 'auth-only']), - 'You need to be logged in to registry ' + - ' in order to enable 2fa' + 'You need to be logged in to registry ' + ' in order to enable 2fa' ) }) @@ -709,7 +634,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { t.plan(10) // mock legacy basic auth style - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (reg) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = reg => { t.equal(reg, flatOptions.registry, 'should use expected registry') return { auth: Buffer.from('foo:bar').toString('base64') } } @@ -717,7 +642,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { t.equal(registry, flatOptions.registry, 'should set expected registry') t.equal(token, 'token', 'should set expected token') } - = (type) => { + = type => { t.equal(type, 'user', 'should save to user config') } @@ -839,10 +764,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { ) return { ...userProfile, - tfa: [ - '123456', - '789101', - ], + tfa: ['123456', '789101'], } } @@ -863,7 +785,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { } const qrcode = { - // eslint-disable-next-line standard/no-callback-literal + /* eslint-disable-next-line node/no-callback-literal */ generate: (url, cb) => cb('qrcode'), } @@ -877,10 +799,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { await profile.exec(['enable-2fa', 'auth-only']) - t.matchSnapshot( - result, - 'should output 2fa enablement success msgs' - ) + t.matchSnapshot(result, 'should output 2fa enablement success msgs') }) t.test('from token and set otp, retrieves invalid otp', async t => { @@ -934,7 +853,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { flatOptions.otp = '123456' flatOptions.otp = '123456' - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (reg) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = reg => { return { token: 'token' } } @@ -976,7 +895,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { }) t.test('missing tfa from user profile', async t => { - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (reg) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = reg => { return { token: 'token' } } @@ -1021,7 +940,7 @@ t.test('enable-2fa', t => { }) t.test('defaults to auth-and-writes permission if no mode specified', async t => { - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (reg) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = reg => { return { token: 'token' } } @@ -1085,11 +1004,7 @@ t.test('disable-2fa', t => { const profile = new Profile(npm) await profile.exec(['disable-2fa']) - t.equal( - result, - 'Two factor authentication not enabled.', - 'should output already disalbed msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'Two factor authentication not enabled.', 'should output already disalbed msg') }) t.test('requests otp', t => { @@ -1143,11 +1058,7 @@ t.test('disable-2fa', t => { const profile = new Profile(npm) await profile.exec(['disable-2fa']) - t.equal( - result, - 'Two factor authentication disabled.', - 'should output already disabled msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'Two factor authentication disabled.', 'should output already disabled msg') }) t.test('--json', async t => { @@ -1162,11 +1073,7 @@ t.test('disable-2fa', t => { await profile.exec(['disable-2fa']) - t.same( - JSON.parse(result), - { tfa: false }, - 'should output json already disabled msg' - ) + t.same(JSON.parse(result), { tfa: false }, 'should output json already disabled msg') }) t.test('--parseable', async t => { @@ -1181,11 +1088,7 @@ t.test('disable-2fa', t => { await profile.exec(['disable-2fa']) - t.equal( - result, - 'tfa\tfalse', - 'should output parseable already disabled msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'tfa\tfalse', 'should output parseable already disabled msg') }) t.end() @@ -1240,11 +1143,7 @@ t.test('disable-2fa', t => { await profile.exec(['disable-2fa']) - t.equal( - result, - 'Two factor authentication disabled.', - 'should output already disalbed msg' - ) + t.equal(result, 'Two factor authentication disabled.', 'should output already disalbed msg') }) t.end() @@ -1260,11 +1159,7 @@ t.test('unknown subcommand', async t => { t.test('completion', t => { const testComp = async ({ t, argv, expect, title }) => { - t.resolveMatch( - profile.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } }), - expect, - title - ) + t.resolveMatch(profile.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: argv } } }), expect, title) } t.test('npm profile autocomplete', async t => { @@ -1306,7 +1201,8 @@ t.test('completion', t => { t.test('npm profile unknown subcommand autocomplete', async t => { t.rejects( profile.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'profile', 'asdf'] } } }), - { message: 'asdf not recognized' }, 'should throw unknown cmd error' + { message: 'asdf not recognized' }, + 'should throw unknown cmd error' ) t.end() }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/publish.js b/test/lib/commands/publish.js index 6c444e5f7fb0c..5f4fb401064c2 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/publish.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/publish.js @@ -9,84 +9,102 @@ const fs = require('fs') const log = require('npmlog') log.level = 'silent' -t.cleanSnapshot = (data) => { +t.cleanSnapshot = data => { return data.replace(/^ *"gitHead": .*$\n/gm, '') } -const {definitions} = require('../../../lib/utils/config') +const { definitions } = require('../../../lib/utils/config') const defaults = Object.entries(definitions).reduce((defaults, [key, def]) => { defaults[key] = def.default return defaults }, {}) -t.afterEach(() => log.level = 'silent') +t.afterEach(() => (log.level = 'silent')) -t.test('should publish with libnpmpublish, passing through flatOptions and respecting publishConfig.registry', async t => { - t.plan(6) +t.test( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'should publish with libnpmpublish, passing through flatOptions and respecting publishConfig.registry', + async t => { + t.plan(6) - const registry = 'https://some.registry' - const publishConfig = { registry } - const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - publishConfig, - }, null, 2), - }) + const registry = 'https://some.registry' + const publishConfig = { registry } + const testDir = t.testdir({ + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + publishConfig, + }, + null, + 2 + ), + }) - const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { - // verify that we do NOT remove publishConfig if it was there originally - // and then removed during the script/pack process - libnpmpack: async () => { - fs.writeFileSync(`${testDir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - })) - return Buffer.from('') - }, - libnpmpublish: { - publish: (manifest, tarData, opts) => { - t.match(manifest, { name: 'my-cool-pkg', version: '1.0.0' }, 'gets manifest') - t.type(tarData, Buffer, 'tarData is a buffer') - t.ok(opts, 'gets opts object') - t.same(opts.customValue, true, 'flatOptions values are passed through') - t.same(opts.registry, registry, 'publishConfig.registry is passed through') + const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { + // verify that we do NOT remove publishConfig if it was there originally + // and then removed during the script/pack process + libnpmpack: async () => { + fs.writeFileSync( + `${testDir}/package.json`, + JSON.stringify({ + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }) + ) + return Buffer.from('') }, - }, - }) - const npm = mockNpm({ - flatOptions: { - customValue: true, - workspacesEnabled: true, - }, - }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { - t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') - return { token: 'some.registry.token' } - } - const publish = new Publish(npm) + libnpmpublish: { + publish: (manifest, tarData, opts) => { + t.match(manifest, { name: 'my-cool-pkg', version: '1.0.0' }, 'gets manifest') + t.type(tarData, Buffer, 'tarData is a buffer') + t.ok(opts, 'gets opts object') + t.same(opts.customValue, true, 'flatOptions values are passed through') + t.same(opts.registry, registry, 'publishConfig.registry is passed through') + }, + }, + }) + const npm = mockNpm({ + flatOptions: { + customValue: true, + workspacesEnabled: true, + }, + }) + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { + t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') + return { token: 'some.registry.token' } + } + const publish = new Publish(npm) - await publish.exec([testDir]) -}) + await publish.exec([testDir]) + } +) t.test('re-loads publishConfig.registry if added during script process', async t => { t.plan(5) const registry = 'https://some.registry' const publishConfig = { registry } const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { libnpmpack: async () => { - fs.writeFileSync(`${testDir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - publishConfig, - })) + fs.writeFileSync( + `${testDir}/package.json`, + JSON.stringify({ + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + publishConfig, + }) + ) return Buffer.from('') }, libnpmpublish: { @@ -99,7 +117,7 @@ t.test('re-loads publishConfig.registry if added during script process', async t }, }) const npm = mockNpm() - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } @@ -112,10 +130,14 @@ t.test('if loglevel=info and json, should not output package contents', async t t.plan(3) const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) log.level = 'info' @@ -140,7 +162,7 @@ t.test('if loglevel=info and json, should not output package contents', async t t.pass('output is called') }, }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, npm.config.get('registry'), 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } @@ -149,96 +171,109 @@ t.test('if loglevel=info and json, should not output package contents', async t await publish.exec([testDir]) }) -t.test('if loglevel=silent and dry-run, should not output package contents or publish or validate credentials, should log tarball contents', async t => { - t.plan(1) +t.test( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'if loglevel=silent and dry-run, should not output package contents or publish or validate credentials, should log tarball contents', + async t => { + t.plan(1) - const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), - }) + const testDir = t.testdir({ + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), + }) - log.level = 'silent' - const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { - '../../../lib/utils/tar.js': { - getContents: () => ({ - id: 'someid', - }), - logTar: () => { - t.pass('logTar is called') + log.level = 'silent' + const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { + '../../../lib/utils/tar.js': { + getContents: () => ({ + id: 'someid', + }), + logTar: () => { + t.pass('logTar is called') + }, }, - }, - libnpmpublish: { - publish: () => { - throw new Error('should not call libnpmpublish in dry run') + libnpmpublish: { + publish: () => { + throw new Error('should not call libnpmpublish in dry run') + }, }, - }, - }) - const npm = mockNpm({ - config: { 'dry-run': true }, - output: () => { - throw new Error('should not output in dry run mode') - }, - }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = () => { - throw new Error('should not call getCredentialsByURI in dry run') - } - - const publish = new Publish(npm) - - await publish.exec([testDir]) -}) + }) + const npm = mockNpm({ + config: { 'dry-run': true }, + output: () => { + throw new Error('should not output in dry run mode') + }, + }) + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = () => { + throw new Error('should not call getCredentialsByURI in dry run') + } -t.test('if loglevel=info and dry-run, should not publish, should log package contents and log tarball contents', async t => { - t.plan(2) + const publish = new Publish(npm) - const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), - }) + await publish.exec([testDir]) + } +) + +t.test( + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + 'if loglevel=info and dry-run, should not publish, should log package contents and log tarball contents', + async t => { + t.plan(2) + + const testDir = t.testdir({ + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), + }) - log.level = 'info' - const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { - '../../../lib/utils/tar.js': { - getContents: () => ({ - id: 'someid', - }), - logTar: () => { - t.pass('logTar is called') + log.level = 'info' + const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { + '../../../lib/utils/tar.js': { + getContents: () => ({ + id: 'someid', + }), + logTar: () => { + t.pass('logTar is called') + }, }, - }, - libnpmpublish: { - publish: () => { - throw new Error('should not call libnpmpublish in dry run') + libnpmpublish: { + publish: () => { + throw new Error('should not call libnpmpublish in dry run') + }, }, - }, - }) - const npm = mockNpm({ - config: { 'dry-run': true }, - output: () => { - t.pass('output fn is called') - }, - }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = () => { - throw new Error('should not call getCredentialsByURI in dry run') - } - const publish = new Publish(npm) + }) + const npm = mockNpm({ + config: { 'dry-run': true }, + output: () => { + t.pass('output fn is called') + }, + }) + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = () => { + throw new Error('should not call getCredentialsByURI in dry run') + } + const publish = new Publish(npm) - await publish.exec([testDir]) -}) + await publish.exec([testDir]) + } +) t.test('shows usage with wrong set of arguments', async t => { t.plan(1) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js') const publish = new Publish({}) - await t.rejects( - publish.exec(['a', 'b', 'c']), - publish.usage - ) + await t.rejects(publish.exec(['a', 'b', 'c']), publish.usage) }) t.test('throws when invalid tag', async t => { @@ -270,26 +305,33 @@ t.test('can publish a tarball', async t => { }, }) const tar = require('tar') - tar.c({ - cwd: testDir, - file: `${testDir}/tarball/package.tgz`, - sync: true, - }, ['package']) + tar.c( + { + cwd: testDir, + file: `${testDir}/tarball/package.tgz`, + sync: true, + }, + ['package'] + ) const tarFile = fs.readFileSync(`${testDir}/tarball/package.tgz`) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { libnpmpublish: { publish: (manifest, tarData, opts) => { - t.match(manifest, { - name: 'my-cool-tarball', - version: '1.2.3', - }, 'sent manifest to lib pub') + t.match( + manifest, + { + name: 'my-cool-tarball', + version: '1.2.3', + }, + 'sent manifest to lib pub' + ) t.strictSame(tarData, tarFile, 'sent the tarball data to lib pub') }, }, }) const npm = mockNpm() - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, npm.config.get('registry'), 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } @@ -302,7 +344,7 @@ t.test('should check auth for default registry', async t => { t.plan(2) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js') const npm = mockNpm() - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, npm.config.get('registry'), 'gets credentials for expected registry') return {} } @@ -322,7 +364,7 @@ t.test('should check auth for configured registry', async t => { const npm = mockNpm({ flatOptions: { registry }, }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') return {} } @@ -339,17 +381,21 @@ t.test('should check auth for scope specific registry', async t => { t.plan(2) const registry = 'https://some.registry' const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: '@npm/my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: '@npm/my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js') const npm = mockNpm({ flatOptions: { '@npm:registry': registry }, }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') return {} } @@ -366,10 +412,14 @@ t.test('should use auth for scope specific registry', async t => { t.plan(3) const registry = 'https://some.registry' const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: '@npm/my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: '@npm/my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { @@ -383,7 +433,7 @@ t.test('should use auth for scope specific registry', async t => { const npm = mockNpm({ flatOptions: { '@npm:registry': registry }, }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } @@ -398,11 +448,15 @@ t.test('read registry only from publishConfig', async t => { const registry = 'https://some.registry' const publishConfig = { registry } const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - publishConfig, - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + publishConfig, + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { @@ -414,7 +468,7 @@ t.test('read registry only from publishConfig', async t => { }, }) const npm = mockNpm() - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } @@ -430,18 +484,24 @@ t.test('able to publish after if encountered multiple configs', async t => { const tag = 'better-tag' const publishConfig = { registry } const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - publishConfig, - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + publishConfig, + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const configList = [defaults] - configList.unshift(Object.assign(Object.create(configList[0]), { - registry: `https://other.registry`, - tag: 'some-tag', - })) + configList.unshift( + Object.assign(Object.create(configList[0]), { + registry: `https://other.registry`, + tag: 'some-tag', + }) + ) configList.unshift(Object.assign(Object.create(configList[0]), { tag })) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { @@ -460,7 +520,7 @@ t.test('able to publish after if encountered multiple configs', async t => { config: { get: key => configList[0][key], list: configList, - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.same(uri, registry, 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } }, @@ -470,13 +530,17 @@ t.test('able to publish after if encountered multiple configs', async t => { await publish.exec([testDir]) }) -t.test('workspaces', (t) => { +t.test('workspaces', t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b', 'workspace-c'], - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b', 'workspace-c'], + }, + null, + 2 + ), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', @@ -508,7 +572,7 @@ t.test('workspaces', (t) => { }) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { '../../../lib/utils/tar.js': { - getContents: (manifest) => ({ + getContents: manifest => ({ id: manifest._id, }), logTar: () => {}, @@ -520,12 +584,12 @@ t.test('workspaces', (t) => { }, }) const npm = mockNpm({ - output: (o) => { + output: o => { outputs.push(o) }, }) npm.localPrefix = testDir - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } const publish = new Publish(npm) @@ -545,14 +609,8 @@ t.test('workspaces', (t) => { }) t.test('invalid workspace', async t => { - await t.rejects( - publish.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), - /No workspaces found/ - ) - await t.rejects( - publish.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), - /workspace-x/ - ) + await t.rejects(publish.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), /No workspaces found/) + await t.rejects(publish.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-x']), /workspace-x/) }) t.test('json', async t => { @@ -598,7 +656,7 @@ t.test('private workspaces', async t => { }) const mocks = { '../../../lib/utils/tar.js': { - getContents: (manifest) => ({ + getContents: manifest => ({ id: manifest._id, }), logTar: () => {}, @@ -606,22 +664,19 @@ t.test('private workspaces', async t => { libnpmpublish: { publish: (manifest, tarballData, opts) => { if (manifest.private) { - throw Object.assign( - new Error('private pkg'), - { code: 'EPRIVATE' } - ) + throw Object.assign(new Error('private pkg'), { code: 'EPRIVATE' }) } publishes.push(manifest) }, }, } const npm = mockNpm({ - output: (o) => { + output: o => { outputs.push(o) }, }) npm.localPrefix = testDir - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } @@ -635,6 +690,7 @@ t.test('private workspaces', async t => { t.equal(title, 'publish', 'should use publish warn title') t.match( msg, + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ 'Skipping workspace \u001b[32m@npmcli/a\u001b[39m, marked as \u001b[1mprivate\u001b[22m', 'should display skip private workspace warn msg' ) @@ -678,8 +734,9 @@ t.test('private workspaces', async t => { ...mocks, libnpmpublish: { publish: (manifest, tarballData, opts) => { - if (manifest.private) + if (manifest.private) { throw new Error('ERR') + } publishes.push(manifest) }, @@ -691,11 +748,7 @@ t.test('private workspaces', async t => { }) const publish = new Publish(npm) - await t.rejects( - publish.execWorkspaces([], []), - /ERR/, - 'should throw unexpected error' - ) + await t.rejects(publish.execWorkspaces([], []), /ERR/, 'should throw unexpected error') }) t.end() @@ -703,21 +756,25 @@ t.test('private workspaces', async t => { t.test('runs correct lifecycle scripts', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - scripts: { - prepublishOnly: 'echo test prepublishOnly', - prepublish: 'echo test prepublish', // should NOT run this one - publish: 'echo test publish', - postpublish: 'echo test postpublish', + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + scripts: { + prepublishOnly: 'echo test prepublishOnly', + prepublish: 'echo test prepublish', // should NOT run this one + publish: 'echo test publish', + postpublish: 'echo test postpublish', + }, }, - }, null, 2), + null, + 2 + ), }) const scripts = [] const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { - '@npmcli/run-script': (args) => { + '@npmcli/run-script': args => { scripts.push(args) }, '../../../lib/utils/tar.js': { @@ -739,7 +796,7 @@ t.test('runs correct lifecycle scripts', async t => { t.pass('output is called') }, }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, npm.config.get('registry'), 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } @@ -754,10 +811,14 @@ t.test('runs correct lifecycle scripts', async t => { t.test('does not run scripts on --ignore-scripts', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'my-cool-pkg', - version: '1.0.0', - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'my-cool-pkg', + version: '1.0.0', + }, + null, + 2 + ), }) const Publish = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/publish.js', { @@ -784,7 +845,7 @@ t.test('does not run scripts on --ignore-scripts', async t => { t.pass('output is called') }, }) - npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = (uri) => { + npm.config.getCredentialsByURI = uri => { t.same(uri, npm.config.get('registry'), 'gets credentials for expected registry') return { token: 'some.registry.token' } } diff --git a/test/lib/commands/repo.js b/test/lib/commands/repo.js index 9a7c4a95096cd..4e61047b4e7c7 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/repo.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/repo.js @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ t.test('open repo urls', t => { const url = expect[pkg] t.match({ [url]: 1, - }, opened, `opened ${url}`, {opened}) + }, opened, `opened ${url}`, { opened }) t.end() }) }) @@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ t.test('fail if cannot figure out repo url', t => { t.test('open default package if none specified', async t => { npm.localPrefix = pkgDirs await npm.exec('repo', []) - t.equal(opened[''], 1, 'opened expected url', {opened}) + t.equal(opened[''], 1, 'opened expected url', { opened }) }) t.test('workspaces', t => { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/run-script.js b/test/lib/commands/run-script.js index 6b3b40055c362..e421c655ef64f 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/run-script.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/run-script.js @@ -2,12 +2,9 @@ const t = require('tap') const { resolve } = require('path') const { fake: mockNpm } = require('../../fixtures/mock-npm') -const normalizePath = p => p - .replace(/\\+/g, '/') - .replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') +const normalizePath = p => p.replace(/\\+/g, '/').replace(/\r\n/g, '\n') -const cleanOutput = (str) => normalizePath(str) - .replace(normalizePath(process.cwd()), '{CWD}') +const cleanOutput = str => normalizePath(str).replace(normalizePath(process.cwd()), '{CWD}') const RUN_SCRIPTS = [] const flatOptions = { @@ -23,7 +20,7 @@ const npm = mockNpm({ localPrefix: __dirname, flatOptions, config, - cmd: (c) => { + cmd: c => { return { description: `test ${c} description` } }, output: (...msg) => output.push(msg), @@ -50,11 +47,14 @@ t.afterEach(() => { const getRS = windows => { const RunScript = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/run-script.js', { - '@npmcli/run-script': Object.assign(async opts => { - RUN_SCRIPTS.push(opts) - }, { - isServerPackage: require('@npmcli/run-script').isServerPackage, - }), + '@npmcli/run-script': Object.assign( + async opts => { + RUN_SCRIPTS.push(opts) + }, + { + isServerPackage: require('@npmcli/run-script').isServerPackage, + } + ), npmlog, '../../../lib/utils/is-windows-shell.js': windows, }) @@ -69,26 +69,29 @@ t.test('completion', t => { const dir = t.testdir() npm.localPrefix = dir t.test('already have a script name', async t => { - const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run', 'x']}}}) + const res = await runScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run', 'x'] } } }) t.equal(res, undefined) t.end() }) t.test('no package.json', async t => { - const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) + const res = await runScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run'] } } }) t.strictSame(res, []) t.end() }) t.test('has package.json, no scripts', async t => { writeFileSync(`${dir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({})) - const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) + const res = await runScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run'] } } }) t.strictSame(res, []) t.end() }) t.test('has package.json, with scripts', async t => { - writeFileSync(`${dir}/package.json`, JSON.stringify({ - scripts: { hello: 'echo hello', world: 'echo world' }, - })) - const res = await runScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) + writeFileSync( + `${dir}/package.json`, + JSON.stringify({ + scripts: { hello: 'echo hello', world: 'echo world' }, + }) + ) + const res = await runScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run'] } } }) t.strictSame(res, ['hello', 'world']) t.end() }) @@ -98,14 +101,8 @@ t.test('completion', t => { t.test('fail if no package.json', async t => { t.plan(2) npm.localPrefix = t.testdir() - await t.rejects( - runScript.exec([]), - { code: 'ENOENT' } - ) - await t.rejects( - runScript.exec(['test']), - { code: 'ENOENT' } - ) + await t.rejects(runScript.exec([]), { code: 'ENOENT' }) + await t.rejects(runScript.exec(['test']), { code: 'ENOENT' }) }) t.test('default env, start, and restart scripts', t => { @@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ t.test('default env, start, and restart scripts', t => { scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, - pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: {}}, + pkg: { name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: {} }, event: 'start', }, ]) @@ -160,12 +157,14 @@ t.test('default env, start, and restart scripts', t => { scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, - pkg: { name: 'x', + pkg: { + name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'SET', - } }, + }, + }, event: 'env', }, ]) @@ -181,12 +180,14 @@ t.test('default env, start, and restart scripts', t => { scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, - pkg: { name: 'x', + pkg: { + name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { restart: 'npm stop --if-present && npm start', - } }, + }, + }, event: 'restart', }, ]) @@ -236,7 +237,8 @@ t.test('non-default env script', t => { scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, - pkg: { name: 'x', + pkg: { + name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { @@ -258,30 +260,15 @@ t.test('try to run missing script', t => { }), }) t.test('no suggestions', async t => { - await t.rejects( - runScript.exec(['notevenclose']), - 'Missing script: "notevenclose"' - ) + await t.rejects(runScript.exec(['notevenclose']), 'Missing script: "notevenclose"') }) t.test('script suggestions', async t => { - await t.rejects( - runScript.exec(['helo']), - /Missing script: "helo"/ - ) - await t.rejects( - runScript.exec(['helo']), - /npm run hello/ - ) + await t.rejects(runScript.exec(['helo']), /Missing script: "helo"/) + await t.rejects(runScript.exec(['helo']), /npm run hello/) }) t.test('bin suggestions', async t => { - await t.rejects( - runScript.exec(['goodneght']), - /Missing script: "goodneght"/ - ) - await t.rejects( - runScript.exec(['goodneght']), - /npm exec goodnight/ - ) + await t.rejects(runScript.exec(['goodneght']), /Missing script: "goodneght"/) + await t.rejects(runScript.exec(['goodneght']), /npm exec goodnight/) }) t.test('with --if-present', async t => { config['if-present'] = true @@ -313,12 +300,14 @@ t.test('run pre/post hooks', async t => { scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, - pkg: { name: 'x', + pkg: { + name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'env', - } }, + }, + }, event: 'env', }, { event: 'postenv' }, @@ -348,14 +337,16 @@ t.test('skip pre/post hooks when using ignoreScripts', async t => { scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, - pkg: { name: 'x', + pkg: { + name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { preenv: 'echo before the env', postenv: 'echo after the env', env: 'env', - } }, + }, + }, banner: true, event: 'env', }, @@ -392,12 +383,14 @@ t.test('run silent', async t => { scriptShell: undefined, stdio: 'inherit', stdioString: true, - pkg: { name: 'x', + pkg: { + name: 'x', version: '1.2.3', _id: 'x@1.2.3', scripts: { env: 'env', - } }, + }, + }, event: 'env', banner: false, }, @@ -426,16 +419,20 @@ t.test('list scripts', t => { t.test('no args', async t => { await runScript.exec([]) - t.strictSame(output, [ - ['Lifecycle scripts included in x@1.2.3:'], - [' test\n exit 2'], - [' start\n node server.js'], - [' stop\n node kill-server.js'], - ['\navailable via `npm run-script`:'], - [' preenv\n echo before the env'], - [' postenv\n echo after the env'], - [''], - ], 'basic report') + t.strictSame( + output, + [ + ['Lifecycle scripts included in x@1.2.3:'], + [' test\n exit 2'], + [' start\n node server.js'], + [' stop\n node kill-server.js'], + ['\navailable via `npm run-script`:'], + [' preenv\n echo before the env'], + [' postenv\n echo after the env'], + [''], + ], + 'basic report' + ) }) t.test('silent', async t => { @@ -646,32 +643,28 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { await runScript.execWorkspaces([], []) t.strictSame(output, [ [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ '\u001b[1mScripts\u001b[22m available in \x1B[32ma@1.0.0\x1B[39m via `\x1B[34mnpm run-script\x1B[39m`:', ], [' glorp\n \x1B[2mecho a doing the glerp glop\x1B[22m'], [''], [ + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ '\u001b[1mScripts\u001b[22m available in \x1B[32mb@2.0.0\x1B[39m via `\x1B[34mnpm run-script\x1B[39m`:', ], [' glorp\n \x1B[2mecho b doing the glerp glop\x1B[22m'], [''], - [ - '\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32mc@1.0.0\x1B[39m:', - ], + ['\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32mc@1.0.0\x1B[39m:'], [' test\n \x1B[2mexit 0\x1B[22m'], [' posttest\n \x1B[2mecho posttest\x1B[22m'], ['\navailable via `\x1B[34mnpm run-script\x1B[39m`:'], [' lorem\n \x1B[2mecho c lorem\x1B[22m'], [''], - [ - '\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32md@1.0.0\x1B[39m:', - ], + ['\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32md@1.0.0\x1B[39m:'], [' test\n \x1B[2mexit 0\x1B[22m'], [' posttest\n \x1B[2mecho posttest\x1B[22m'], [''], - [ - '\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32me\x1B[39m:', - ], + ['\x1B[0m\x1B[1mLifecycle scripts\x1B[22m\x1B[0m included in \x1B[32me\x1B[39m:'], [' test\n \x1B[2mexit 0\x1B[22m'], [' start\n \x1B[2mecho start something\x1B[22m'], [''], @@ -684,27 +677,27 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { t.strictSame(output, [ [ '{\n' + - ' "a": {\n' + - ' "glorp": "echo a doing the glerp glop"\n' + - ' },\n' + - ' "b": {\n' + - ' "glorp": "echo b doing the glerp glop"\n' + - ' },\n' + - ' "c": {\n' + - ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + - ' "posttest": "echo posttest",\n' + - ' "lorem": "echo c lorem"\n' + - ' },\n' + - ' "d": {\n' + - ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + - ' "posttest": "echo posttest"\n' + - ' },\n' + - ' "e": {\n' + - ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + - ' "start": "echo start something"\n' + - ' },\n' + - ' "noscripts": {}\n' + - '}', + ' "a": {\n' + + ' "glorp": "echo a doing the glerp glop"\n' + + ' },\n' + + ' "b": {\n' + + ' "glorp": "echo b doing the glerp glop"\n' + + ' },\n' + + ' "c": {\n' + + ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + + ' "posttest": "echo posttest",\n' + + ' "lorem": "echo c lorem"\n' + + ' },\n' + + ' "d": {\n' + + ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + + ' "posttest": "echo posttest"\n' + + ' },\n' + + ' "e": {\n' + + ' "test": "exit 0",\n' + + ' "start": "echo start something"\n' + + ' },\n' + + ' "noscripts": {}\n' + + '}', ], ]) }) @@ -765,7 +758,7 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { t.test('missing scripts in all workspaces', async t => { const LOG = [] - npmlog.error = (err) => { + npmlog.error = err => { LOG.push(String(err)) } await t.rejects( @@ -777,51 +770,60 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { process.exitCode = 0 // clean exit code t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) - t.strictSame(, [ - 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: a@1.0.0', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/a', - 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: b@2.0.0', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/b', - 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: c@1.0.0', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/c', - 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: d@1.0.0', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/d', - 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: e', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/e', - 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: noscripts@1.0.0', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/noscripts', - ], 'should log error msgs for each workspace script') + t.strictSame( +, + [ + 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: a@1.0.0', + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/a', + 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: b@2.0.0', + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/b', + 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: c@1.0.0', + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/c', + 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: d@1.0.0', + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/d', + 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: e', + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/e', + 'Lifecycle script `missing-script` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "missing-script"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: noscripts@1.0.0', + /* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */ + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/noscripts', + ], + 'should log error msgs for each workspace script' + ) }) t.test('missing scripts in some workspaces', async t => { const LOG = [] - npmlog.error = (err) => { + npmlog.error = err => { LOG.push(String(err)) } await runScript.execWorkspaces(['test'], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) t.match(RUN_SCRIPTS, []) - t.strictSame(, [ - 'Lifecycle script `test` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "test"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: a@1.0.0', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/a', - 'Lifecycle script `test` failed with error:', - 'Error: Missing script: "test"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', - ' in workspace: b@2.0.0', - ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/b', - ], 'should log error msgs for each workspace script') + t.strictSame( +, + [ + 'Lifecycle script `test` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "test"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: a@1.0.0', + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/a', + 'Lifecycle script `test` failed with error:', + 'Error: Missing script: "test"\n\nTo see a list of scripts, run:\n npm run', + ' in workspace: b@2.0.0', + ' at location: {CWD}/test/lib/commands/tap-testdir-run-script-workspaces/packages/b', + ], + 'should log error msgs for each workspace script' + ) }) t.test('no workspaces when filtering by user args', async t => { @@ -866,8 +868,9 @@ t.test('workspaces', t => { t.test('failed workspace run with succeeded runs', async t => { const RunScript = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/run-script.js', { '@npmcli/run-script': async opts => { - if ( === 'a') + if ( === 'a') { throw new Error('ERR') + } RUN_SCRIPTS.push(opts) }, diff --git a/test/lib/commands/search.js b/test/lib/commands/search.js index a58d5afb9d994..c8dbc1b3b79b2 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/search.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/search.js @@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ t.test('search ', async t => { }) const search = new Search(npm) - for (const i of libnpmsearchResultFixture) + for (const i of libnpmsearchResultFixture) { src.write(i) + } src.end() @@ -96,8 +97,9 @@ t.test('search --json', async t => { }) const search = new Search(npm) - for (const i of libnpmsearchResultFixture) + for (const i of libnpmsearchResultFixture) { src.write(i) + } src.end() await search.exec(['libnpm']) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/set-script.js b/test/lib/commands/set-script.js index 0684ed3a240d4..592a2431c2e3e 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/set-script.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/set-script.js @@ -24,14 +24,14 @@ const setScript = new SetScript(npm) t.test('completion', t => { t.test('already have a script name', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({}) - const res = await setScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run', 'x']}}}) + const res = await setScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run', 'x'] } } }) t.equal(res, undefined) t.end() }) t.test('no package.json', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({}) - const res = await setScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) + const res = await setScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run'] } } }) t.strictSame(res, []) t.end() }) @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ t.test('completion', t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({ 'package.json': JSON.stringify({}), }) - const res = await setScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) + const res = await setScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run'] } } }) t.strictSame(res, []) t.end() }) @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ t.test('completion', t => { scripts: { hello: 'echo hello', world: 'echo world' }, }), }) - const res = await setScript.completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'run']}}}) + const res = await setScript.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'run'] } } }) t.strictSame(res, ['hello', 'world']) t.end() }) @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ t.test('creates scripts object', async t => { await setScript.exec(['arg1', 'arg2']) const contents = fs.readFileSync(resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'package.json')) - t.ok(parseJSON(contents), {scripts: {arg1: 'arg2'}}) + t.ok(parseJSON(contents), { scripts: { arg1: 'arg2' } }) }) t.test('warns when overwriting', async t => { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/set.js b/test/lib/commands/set.js index f7d2841ea0156..a57ea1a5401dd 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/set.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/set.js @@ -8,21 +8,25 @@ t.skip('npm set', async t => { await npm.load() t.test('no args', async t => { - t.rejects( - npm.exec('set', []), - /Usage:/, - 'prints usage' - ) + t.rejects(npm.exec('set', []), /Usage:/, 'prints usage') }) t.test('test-config-item', async t => { npm.localPrefix = t.testdir({}) - t.not(npm.config.get('test-config-item', 'project'), 'test config value', 'config is not already new value') + t.not( + npm.config.get('test-config-item', 'project'), + 'test config value', + 'config is not already new value' + ) // This will write to ~/.npmrc! // Don't unskip until we can write to project level await npm.exec('set', ['test-config-item=test config value']) t.equal(joinedOutput(), '', 'outputs nothing') - t.equal(npm.config.get('test-config-item', 'project'), 'test config value', 'config is set to new value') + t.equal( + npm.config.get('test-config-item', 'project'), + 'test config value', + 'config is set to new value' + ) }) }) @@ -31,8 +35,9 @@ t.skip('npm set', async t => { let configArgs = null const npm = { exec: async (cmd, args) => { - if (cmd === 'config') + if (cmd === 'config') { configArgs = args + } }, } @@ -40,10 +45,7 @@ const Set = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/set.js') const set = new Set(npm) t.test('npm set - no args', async t => { - await t.rejects( - set.exec([]), - set.usage - ) + await t.rejects(set.exec([]), set.usage) }) t.test('npm set', async t => { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js b/test/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js index 112aa0a28a29b..efe7e538051f7 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/shrinkwrap.js @@ -7,42 +7,40 @@ const { real: mockNpm } = require('../../fixtures/mock-npm') // stringifying to remove escaped values like \\" // This also doesn't reorder the keys of the object // like tap does by default which is nice in this case -t.formatSnapshot = (obj) => JSON.stringify(obj, (k, v) => { - try { - return JSON.parse(v) - } catch (_) {} - return v -}, 2) +t.formatSnapshot = obj => + JSON.stringify( + obj, + (k, v) => { + try { + return JSON.parse(v) + } catch (_) {} + return v + }, + 2 + ) // Run shrinkwrap against a specified testdir with config items // and make some assertions that should always be true. Sets // the results on t.context for use in child tests -const shrinkwrap = async ( - t, - testdir = {}, - config = {}, - mocks = {} -) => { +const shrinkwrap = async (t, testdir = {}, config = {}, mocks = {}) => { const { Npm, logs } = mockNpm(t, mocks) const npm = new Npm() await npm.load() npm.localPrefix = t.testdir(testdir) - if (config.lockfileVersion) + if (config.lockfileVersion) { npm.config.set('lockfile-version', config.lockfileVersion) - if ( + } + if ( { npm.config.set('global', + } await npm.exec('shrinkwrap', []) const newFile = resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json') const oldFile = resolve(npm.localPrefix, 'package-lock.json') - const notices = logs - .filter(([title]) => title === 'notice') - .map(([,, msg]) => msg) - const warnings = logs - .filter(([title]) => title === 'warn') - .map(([,, msg]) => msg) + const notices = logs.filter(([title]) => title === 'notice').map(([, , msg]) => msg) + const warnings = logs.filter(([title]) => title === 'warn').map(([, , msg]) => msg) t.notOk(fs.existsSync(oldFile), 'package-lock is always deleted') t.same(warnings, [], 'no warnings') @@ -76,29 +74,29 @@ const shrinkwrapMatrix = async (t, file, assertions) => { existingDir = { node_modules: { '.package-lock.json': existing } } } - await t.test('ancient', async (t) => { + await t.test('ancient', async t => { await shrinkwrap(t, ancientDir) t.match(t.context, assertions.ancient) t.matchSnapshot(t.context) }) - await t.test('ancient upgrade', async (t) => { + await t.test('ancient upgrade', async t => { await shrinkwrap(t, ancientDir, upgrade) t.match(t.context, assertions.ancientUpgrade) t.matchSnapshot(t.context) }) if (existingDir) { - await t.test('existing', async (t) => { + await t.test('existing', async t => { await shrinkwrap(t, existingDir) t.match(t.context, assertions.existing) t.matchSnapshot(t.context) }) - await t.test('existing upgrade', async (t) => { + await t.test('existing upgrade', async t => { await shrinkwrap(t, existingDir, upgrade) t.match(t.context, assertions.existingUpgrade) t.matchSnapshot(t.context) }) - await t.test('existing downgrade', async (t) => { + await t.test('existing downgrade', async t => { await shrinkwrap(t, existingDir, downgrade) t.match(t.context, assertions.existingDowngrade) t.matchSnapshot(t.context) @@ -107,101 +105,116 @@ const shrinkwrapMatrix = async (t, file, assertions) => { } const NOTICES = { - CREATED: (v = '') => - [`created a lockfile as npm-shrinkwrap.json${v && ` with version ${v}`}`], - RENAMED: (v = '') => - [`package-lock.json has been renamed to npm-shrinkwrap.json${v && ` and updated to version ${v}`}`], - UPDATED: (v = '') => - [`npm-shrinkwrap.json updated to version ${v}`], - SAME: () => - [`npm-shrinkwrap.json up to date`], + CREATED: (v = '') => [`created a lockfile as npm-shrinkwrap.json${v && ` with version ${v}`}`], + RENAMED: (v = '') => [ + `package-lock.json has been renamed to npm-shrinkwrap.json${ + v && ` and updated to version ${v}` + }`, + ], + UPDATED: (v = '') => [`npm-shrinkwrap.json updated to version ${v}`], + SAME: () => [`npm-shrinkwrap.json up to date`], } -t.test('with nothing', t => shrinkwrapMatrix(t, null, { - ancient: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, - logs: NOTICES.CREATED(2), - }, - ancientUpgrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, - logs: NOTICES.CREATED(3), - }, -})) - -t.test('with package-lock.json', t => shrinkwrapMatrix(t, 'package-lock', { - ancient: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, - logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(2), - }, - ancientUpgrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, - logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(3), - }, - existing: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, - logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(), - }, - existingUpgrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, - logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(3), - }, - existingDowngrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, - logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(1), - }, -})) - -t.test('with npm-shrinkwrap.json', t => shrinkwrapMatrix(t, 'npm-shrinkwrap', { - ancient: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, - logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(2), - }, - ancientUpgrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, - logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(3), - }, - existing: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, - logs: NOTICES.SAME(), - }, - existingUpgrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, - logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(3), - }, - existingDowngrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, - logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(1), - }, -})) - -t.test('with hidden lockfile', t => shrinkwrapMatrix(t, 'hidden-lockfile', { - ancient: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, - logs: NOTICES.CREATED(), - }, - ancientUpgrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, - logs: NOTICES.CREATED(), - }, - existing: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, - logs: NOTICES.CREATED(), - }, - existingUpgrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, - logs: NOTICES.CREATED(3), - }, - existingDowngrade: { - shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, - logs: NOTICES.CREATED(1), - }, -})) +t.test('with nothing', t => + shrinkwrapMatrix(t, null, { + ancient: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, + logs: NOTICES.CREATED(2), + }, + ancientUpgrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, + logs: NOTICES.CREATED(3), + }, + }) +) + +t.test('with package-lock.json', t => + shrinkwrapMatrix(t, 'package-lock', { + ancient: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, + logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(2), + }, + ancientUpgrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, + logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(3), + }, + existing: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, + logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(), + }, + existingUpgrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, + logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(3), + }, + existingDowngrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, + logs: NOTICES.RENAMED(1), + }, + }) +) + +t.test('with npm-shrinkwrap.json', t => + shrinkwrapMatrix(t, 'npm-shrinkwrap', { + ancient: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, + logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(2), + }, + ancientUpgrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, + logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(3), + }, + existing: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, + logs: NOTICES.SAME(), + }, + existingUpgrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, + logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(3), + }, + existingDowngrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, + logs: NOTICES.UPDATED(1), + }, + }) +) + +t.test('with hidden lockfile', t => + shrinkwrapMatrix(t, 'hidden-lockfile', { + ancient: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, + logs: NOTICES.CREATED(), + }, + ancientUpgrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, + logs: NOTICES.CREATED(), + }, + existing: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 2 }, + logs: NOTICES.CREATED(), + }, + existingUpgrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 3 }, + logs: NOTICES.CREATED(3), + }, + existingDowngrade: { + shrinkwrap: { lockfileVersion: 1 }, + logs: NOTICES.CREATED(1), + }, + }) +) t.test('throws in global mode', async t => { - t.rejects(shrinkwrap(t, {}, { - global: true, - }), { - message: '`npm shrinkwrap` does not work for global packages', - code: 'ESHRINKWRAPGLOBAL', - }) + t.rejects( + shrinkwrap( + t, + {}, + { + global: true, + } + ), + { + message: '`npm shrinkwrap` does not work for global packages', + code: 'ESHRINKWRAPGLOBAL', + } + ) }) diff --git a/test/lib/commands/team.js b/test/lib/commands/team.js index c374d15d80c1f..96260835fa2b6 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/team.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/team.js @@ -388,8 +388,8 @@ t.test('completion', t => { }) t.test('npm team unknown subcommand autocomplete', async t => { - t.rejects(completion({conf: {argv: {remain: ['npm', 'team', 'missing-subcommand'] } } }), - {message: 'missing-subcommand not recognized'}, 'should throw a a not recognized error' + t.rejects(completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'team', 'missing-subcommand'] } } }), + { message: 'missing-subcommand not recognized' }, 'should throw a a not recognized error' ) t.end() diff --git a/test/lib/commands/token.js b/test/lib/commands/token.js index c598c366cf374..6d0dc9d7e0874 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/token.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/token.js @@ -21,16 +21,17 @@ const Token = t.mock('../../../lib/commands/token.js', { const token = new Token(npm) -const tokenWithMocks = (mockRequests) => { +const tokenWithMocks = mockRequests => { for (const mod in mockRequests) { - if (mod === 'npm') + if (mod === 'npm') { mockRequests.npm = { ...npm, ...mockRequests.npm } - else { - if (typeof mockRequests[mod] === 'function') + } else { + if (typeof mockRequests[mod] === 'function') { mocks[mod] = mockRequests[mod] - else { - for (const key in mockRequests[mod]) + } else { + for (const key in mockRequests[mod]) { mocks[mod][key] = mockRequests[mod][key] + } } } } @@ -38,11 +39,12 @@ const tokenWithMocks = (mockRequests) => { const reset = () => { for (const mod in mockRequests) { if (mod !== 'npm') { - if (typeof mockRequests[mod] === 'function') + if (typeof mockRequests[mod] === 'function') { mocks[mod] = () => {} - else { - for (const key in mockRequests[mod]) + } else { + for (const key in mockRequests[mod]) { delete mocks[mod][key] + } } } } @@ -52,7 +54,7 @@ const tokenWithMocks = (mockRequests) => { return [token, reset] } -t.test('completion', (t) => { +t.test('completion', t => { t.plan(5) const testComp = (argv, expect) => { @@ -64,10 +66,9 @@ t.test('completion', (t) => { testComp(['npm', 'token', 'revoke'], []) testComp(['npm', 'token', 'create'], []) - t.rejects( - token.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'token', 'foobar'] } } }), - { message: 'foobar not recognize' } - ) + t.rejects(token.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'token', 'foobar'] } } }), { + message: 'foobar not recognize', + }) }) t.test('token foobar', async t => { @@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ t.test('token foobar', async t => { const [, reset] = tokenWithMocks({ log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'shows a gauge') }, }, @@ -85,51 +86,51 @@ t.test('token foobar', async t => { t.teardown(reset) - await t.rejects( - token.exec(['foobar']), - /foobar is not a recognized subcommand/ - ) + await t.rejects(token.exec(['foobar']), /foobar is not a recognized subcommand/) }) t.test('token list', async t => { t.plan(14) const now = new Date().toISOString() - const tokens = [{ - key: 'abcd1234abcd1234', - token: 'efgh5678efgh5678', - cidr_whitelist: null, - readonly: false, - created: now, - updated: now, - }, { - key: 'abcd1256', - token: 'hgfe8765', - cidr_whitelist: [''], - readonly: true, - created: now, - updated: now, - }] + const tokens = [ + { + key: 'abcd1234abcd1234', + token: 'efgh5678efgh5678', + cidr_whitelist: null, + readonly: false, + created: now, + updated: now, + }, + { + key: 'abcd1256', + token: 'hgfe8765', + cidr_whitelist: [''], + readonly: true, + created: now, + updated: now, + }, + ] const [token, reset] = tokenWithMocks({ npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', otp: '123456' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, }, }, profile: { - listTokens: (conf) => { + listTokens: conf => { t.same(conf.auth, { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken', otp: '123456' }) return tokens }, }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token') }, }, @@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ t.test('token list', async t => { t.equal(msg, 'getting list') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { const lines = spec.split(/\r?\n/) t.match(lines[3], ' abcd123 ', 'includes the trimmed key') t.match(lines[3], ' efgh56… ', 'includes the trimmed token') @@ -161,34 +162,40 @@ t.test('token list json output', async t => { t.plan(7) const now = new Date().toISOString() - const tokens = [{ - key: 'abcd1234abcd1234', - token: 'efgh5678efgh5678', - cidr_whitelist: null, - readonly: false, - created: now, - updated: now, - }] + const tokens = [ + { + key: 'abcd1234abcd1234', + token: 'efgh5678efgh5678', + cidr_whitelist: null, + readonly: false, + created: now, + updated: now, + }, + ] const [token, reset] = tokenWithMocks({ npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', json: true }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } }, }, }, profile: { - listTokens: (conf) => { - t.same(conf.auth, { basic: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } }, 'passes the correct auth') + listTokens: conf => { + t.same( + conf.auth, + { basic: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } }, + 'passes the correct auth' + ) return tokens }, }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token') }, }, @@ -197,7 +204,7 @@ t.test('token list json output', async t => { t.equal(msg, 'getting list') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { t.type(spec, 'string', 'is called with a string') const parsed = JSON.parse(spec) t.match(parsed, tokens, 'prints the json parsed tokens') @@ -213,21 +220,24 @@ t.test('token list parseable output', async t => { t.plan(11) const now = new Date().toISOString() - const tokens = [{ - key: 'abcd1234abcd1234', - token: 'efgh5678efgh5678', - cidr_whitelist: null, - readonly: false, - created: now, - updated: now, - }, { - key: 'efgh5678ijkl9101', - token: 'hgfe8765', - cidr_whitelist: [''], - readonly: true, - created: now, - updated: now, - }] + const tokens = [ + { + key: 'abcd1234abcd1234', + token: 'efgh5678efgh5678', + cidr_whitelist: null, + readonly: false, + created: now, + updated: now, + }, + { + key: 'efgh5678ijkl9101', + token: 'hgfe8765', + cidr_whitelist: [''], + readonly: true, + created: now, + updated: now, + }, + ] let callCount = 0 @@ -235,21 +245,25 @@ t.test('token list parseable output', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', parseable: true }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { auth: Buffer.from('foo:bar').toString('base64') } }, }, }, profile: { - listTokens: (conf) => { - t.same(conf.auth, { basic: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } }, 'passes the correct auth') + listTokens: conf => { + t.same( + conf.auth, + { basic: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar' } }, + 'passes the correct auth' + ) return tokens }, }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token') }, }, @@ -258,15 +272,34 @@ t.test('token list parseable output', async t => { t.equal(msg, 'getting list') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { ++callCount t.type(spec, 'string', 'is called with a string') - if (callCount === 1) - t.equal(spec, ['key', 'token', 'created', 'readonly', 'CIDR whitelist'].join('\t'), 'prints header') - else if (callCount === 2) - t.equal(spec, [tokens[0].key, tokens[0].token, tokens[0].created, tokens[0].readonly, ''].join('\t'), 'prints token info') - else - t.equal(spec, [tokens[1].key, tokens[1].token, tokens[1].created, tokens[1].readonly, tokens[1].cidr_whitelist.join(',')].join('\t'), 'prints token info') + if (callCount === 1) { + t.equal( + spec, + ['key', 'token', 'created', 'readonly', 'CIDR whitelist'].join('\t'), + 'prints header' + ) + } else if (callCount === 2) { + t.equal( + spec, + [tokens[0].key, tokens[0].token, tokens[0].created, tokens[0].readonly, ''].join('\t'), + 'prints token info' + ) + } else { + t.equal( + spec, + [ + tokens[1].key, + tokens[1].token, + tokens[1].created, + tokens[1].readonly, + tokens[1].cidr_whitelist.join(','), + ].join('\t'), + 'prints token info' + ) + } }, }) @@ -282,7 +315,7 @@ t.test('token revoke', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return {} }, @@ -290,7 +323,7 @@ t.test('token revoke', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -306,17 +339,15 @@ t.test('token revoke', async t => { }, }, profile: { - listTokens: (conf) => { + listTokens: conf => { t.same(conf.auth, {}, 'passes the correct empty auth') - return Promise.resolve([ - { key: 'abcd1234' }, - ]) + return Promise.resolve([{ key: 'abcd1234' }]) }, - removeToken: (key) => { + removeToken: key => { t.equal(key, 'abcd1234', 'deletes the correct token') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { t.equal(spec, 'Removed 1 token') }, }) @@ -333,7 +364,7 @@ t.test('token revoke multiple tokens', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -341,7 +372,7 @@ t.test('token revoke multiple tokens', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -357,16 +388,13 @@ t.test('token revoke multiple tokens', async t => { }, }, profile: { - listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([ - { key: 'abcd1234' }, - { key: 'efgh5678' }, - ]), - removeToken: (key) => { + listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([{ key: 'abcd1234' }, { key: 'efgh5678' }]), + removeToken: key => { // this will run twice t.ok(['abcd1234', 'efgh5678'].includes(key), 'deletes the correct token') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { t.equal(spec, 'Removed 2 tokens') }, }) @@ -383,7 +411,7 @@ t.test('token revoke json output', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', json: true }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -391,7 +419,7 @@ t.test('token revoke json output', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -407,14 +435,12 @@ t.test('token revoke json output', async t => { }, }, profile: { - listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([ - { key: 'abcd1234' }, - ]), - removeToken: (key) => { + listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([{ key: 'abcd1234' }]), + removeToken: key => { t.equal(key, 'abcd1234', 'deletes the correct token') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { t.type(spec, 'string', 'is given a string') const parsed = JSON.parse(spec) t.same(parsed, ['abcd1234'], 'logs the token as json') @@ -433,7 +459,7 @@ t.test('token revoke parseable output', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', parseable: true }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -441,7 +467,7 @@ t.test('token revoke parseable output', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -457,14 +483,12 @@ t.test('token revoke parseable output', async t => { }, }, profile: { - listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([ - { key: 'abcd1234' }, - ]), - removeToken: (key) => { + listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([{ key: 'abcd1234' }]), + removeToken: key => { t.equal(key, 'abcd1234', 'deletes the correct token') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { t.equal(spec, 'abcd1234', 'logs the token as a string') }, }) @@ -481,7 +505,7 @@ t.test('token revoke by token', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -489,7 +513,7 @@ t.test('token revoke by token', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -505,14 +529,12 @@ t.test('token revoke by token', async t => { }, }, profile: { - listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([ - { key: 'abcd1234', token: 'efgh5678' }, - ]), - removeToken: (key) => { + listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([{ key: 'abcd1234', token: 'efgh5678' }]), + removeToken: key => { t.equal(key, 'efgh5678', 'passes through user input') }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { t.equal(spec, 'Removed 1 token') }, }) @@ -528,7 +550,7 @@ t.test('token revoke requires an id', async t => { const [token, reset] = tokenWithMocks({ log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token') }, }, @@ -537,10 +559,7 @@ t.test('token revoke requires an id', async t => { t.teardown(reset) - await t.rejects( - token.exec(['rm']), - /`` argument is required/ - ) + await t.rejects(token.exec(['rm']), /`` argument is required/) }) t.test('token revoke ambiguous id errors', async t => { @@ -550,7 +569,7 @@ t.test('token revoke ambiguous id errors', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -558,7 +577,7 @@ t.test('token revoke ambiguous id errors', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -574,19 +593,13 @@ t.test('token revoke ambiguous id errors', async t => { }, }, profile: { - listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([ - { key: 'abcd1234' }, - { key: 'abcd5678' }, - ]), + listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([{ key: 'abcd1234' }, { key: 'abcd5678' }]), }, }) t.teardown(reset) - await t.rejects( - token.exec(['rm', 'abcd']), - /Token ID "abcd" was ambiguous/ - ) + await t.rejects(token.exec(['rm', 'abcd']), /Token ID "abcd" was ambiguous/) }) t.test('token revoke unknown id errors', async t => { @@ -596,7 +609,7 @@ t.test('token revoke unknown id errors', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -604,7 +617,7 @@ t.test('token revoke unknown id errors', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -620,18 +633,13 @@ t.test('token revoke unknown id errors', async t => { }, }, profile: { - listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([ - { key: 'abcd1234' }, - ]), + listTokens: () => Promise.resolve([{ key: 'abcd1234' }]), }, }) t.teardown(reset) - await t.rejects( - token.exec(['rm', 'efgh']), - /Unknown token id or value "efgh"./ - ) + await t.rejects(token.exec(['rm', 'efgh']), /Unknown token id or value "efgh"./) }) t.test('token create', async t => { @@ -642,9 +650,12 @@ t.test('token create', async t => { const [token, reset] = tokenWithMocks({ npm: { - flatOptions: { registry: '', cidr: ['', ''] }, + flatOptions: { + registry: '', + cidr: ['', ''], + }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -652,7 +663,7 @@ t.test('token create', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -679,7 +690,7 @@ t.test('token create', async t => { } }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { const lines = spec.split(/\r?\n/) t.match(lines[1], 'token') t.match(lines[1], 'efgh5678', 'prints the whole token') @@ -706,7 +717,7 @@ t.test('token create json output', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', json: true }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -714,7 +725,7 @@ t.test('token create json output', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -741,10 +752,14 @@ t.test('token create json output', async t => { } }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { t.type(spec, 'string', 'outputs a string') const parsed = JSON.parse(spec) - t.same(parsed, { token: 'efgh5678', created: now, readonly: false, cidr_whitelist: [] }, 'outputs the correct object') + t.same( + parsed, + { token: 'efgh5678', created: now, readonly: false, cidr_whitelist: [] }, + 'outputs the correct object' + ) }, }) @@ -764,7 +779,7 @@ t.test('token create parseable output', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', parseable: true }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -772,7 +787,7 @@ t.test('token create parseable output', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -799,16 +814,17 @@ t.test('token create parseable output', async t => { } }, }, - output: (spec) => { + output: spec => { ++callCount - if (callCount === 1) + if (callCount === 1) { t.match(spec, 'token\tefgh5678', 'prints the token') - else if (callCount === 2) + } else if (callCount === 2) { t.match(spec, `created\t${now}`, 'prints the created timestamp') - else if (callCount === 3) + } else if (callCount === 3) { t.match(spec, 'readonly\tfalse', 'prints the readonly flag') - else + } else { t.match(spec, 'cidr_whitelist\t', 'prints the cidr whitelist') + } }, }) @@ -826,7 +842,7 @@ t.test('token create ipv6 cidr', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', cidr: '::1/128' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -834,7 +850,7 @@ t.test('token create ipv6 cidr', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, @@ -848,7 +864,10 @@ t.test('token create ipv6 cidr', async t => { await t.rejects( token.exec(['create']), - { code: 'EINVALIDCIDR', message: /CIDR whitelist can only contain IPv4 addresses, ::1\/128 is IPv6/ }, + { + code: 'EINVALIDCIDR', + message: /CIDR whitelist can only contain IPv4 addresses, ::1\/128 is IPv6/, + }, 'returns correct error' ) }) @@ -862,7 +881,7 @@ t.test('token create invalid cidr', async t => { npm: { flatOptions: { registry: '', cidr: 'apple/cider' }, config: { - getCredentialsByURI: (uri) => { + getCredentialsByURI: uri => { t.equal(uri, '', 'requests correct registry') return { token: 'thisisnotarealtoken' } }, @@ -870,7 +889,7 @@ t.test('token create invalid cidr', async t => { }, log: { gauge: { - show: (name) => { + show: name => { t.equal(name, 'token', 'starts a gauge') }, }, diff --git a/test/lib/commands/unpublish.js b/test/lib/commands/unpublish.js index 7e6b5755c76a8..6ac2067531c80 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/unpublish.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/unpublish.js @@ -150,10 +150,11 @@ t.test('unpublish @version', async t => { npm.log = { silly (title, key, value) { t.equal(title, 'unpublish', 'should silly log args') - if (key === 'spec') + if (key === 'spec') { t.match(value, { name: 'pkg', rawSpec: '1.0.0' }) - else + } else { t.equal(value, 'pkg@1.0.0', 'should log originally passed arg') + } }, } @@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ t.test('completion', async t => { const testComp = async (t, { unpublish, argv, partialWord, expect, title }) => { const res = await unpublish.completion( - {conf: {argv: {remain: argv}}, partialWord} + { conf: { argv: { remain: argv } }, partialWord } ) t.strictSame(res, expect, title || argv.join(' ')) } diff --git a/test/lib/commands/version.js b/test/lib/commands/version.js index 3b3f76f759be8..6603b581061a6 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/version.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/version.js @@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ const npm = mockNpm({ prefix: '', version: '1.0.0', output: (...msg) => { - for (const m of msg) + for (const m of msg) { result.push(m) + } }, }) const mocks = { @@ -47,11 +48,13 @@ t.test('no args', async t => { t.same( result, - [{ - 'test-version-no-args': '3.2.1', - node: '1.0.0', - npm: '1.0.0', - }], + [ + { + 'test-version-no-args': '3.2.1', + node: '1.0.0', + npm: '1.0.0', + }, + ], 'should output expected values for various versions in npm' ) }) @@ -70,16 +73,10 @@ t.test('completion', async t => { t.strictSame(res, expect, argv.join(' ')) } - await testComp(['npm', 'version'], [ - 'major', - 'minor', - 'patch', - 'premajor', - 'preminor', - 'prepatch', - 'prerelease', - 'from-git', - ]) + await testComp( + ['npm', 'version'], + ['major', 'minor', 'patch', 'premajor', 'preminor', 'prepatch', 'prerelease', 'from-git'] + ) await testComp(['npm', 'version', 'major'], []) t.end() @@ -93,10 +90,12 @@ t.test('failure reading package.json', async t => { t.same( result, - [{ - npm: '1.0.0', - node: '1.0.0', - }], + [ + { + npm: '1.0.0', + node: '1.0.0', + }, + ], 'should not have package name on returning object' ) }) @@ -108,11 +107,7 @@ t.test('--json option', async t => { Object.defineProperty(process, 'versions', { value: {} }) await version.exec([]) - t.same( - result, - ['{\n "npm": "1.0.0"\n}'], - 'should return json stringified result' - ) + t.same(result, ['{\n "npm": "1.0.0"\n}'], 'should return json stringified result') }) t.test('with one arg', async t => { @@ -144,11 +139,15 @@ t.test('workspaces', async t => { t.test('no args, all workspaces', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'workspaces-test', - version: '1.0.0', - workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'workspaces-test', + version: '1.0.0', + workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], + }, + null, + 2 + ), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', @@ -166,21 +165,31 @@ t.test('workspaces', async t => { npm.prefix = testDir const version = new Version(npm) await version.execWorkspaces([], []) - t.same(result, [{ - 'workspaces-test': '1.0.0', - 'workspace-a': '1.0.0', - 'workspace-b': '1.0.0', - npm: '1.0.0', - }], 'outputs includes main package and workspace versions') + t.same( + result, + [ + { + 'workspaces-test': '1.0.0', + 'workspace-a': '1.0.0', + 'workspace-b': '1.0.0', + npm: '1.0.0', + }, + ], + 'outputs includes main package and workspace versions' + ) }) t.test('no args, single workspaces', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'workspaces-test', - version: '1.0.0', - workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'workspaces-test', + version: '1.0.0', + workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], + }, + null, + 2 + ), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', @@ -198,20 +207,30 @@ t.test('workspaces', async t => { npm.prefix = testDir const version = new Version(npm) await version.execWorkspaces([], ['workspace-a']) - t.same(result, [{ - 'workspaces-test': '1.0.0', - 'workspace-a': '1.0.0', - npm: '1.0.0', - }], 'outputs includes main package and requested workspace versions') + t.same( + result, + [ + { + 'workspaces-test': '1.0.0', + 'workspace-a': '1.0.0', + npm: '1.0.0', + }, + ], + 'outputs includes main package and requested workspace versions' + ) }) t.test('no args, all workspaces, workspace with missing name or version', async t => { const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'workspaces-test', - version: '1.0.0', - workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b', 'workspace-c'], - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'workspaces-test', + version: '1.0.0', + workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b', 'workspace-c'], + }, + null, + 2 + ), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', @@ -233,21 +252,31 @@ t.test('workspaces', async t => { npm.prefix = testDir const version = new Version(npm) await version.execWorkspaces([], []) - t.same(result, [{ - 'workspaces-test': '1.0.0', - 'workspace-a': '1.0.0', - npm: '1.0.0', - }], 'outputs includes main package and valid workspace versions') + t.same( + result, + [ + { + 'workspaces-test': '1.0.0', + 'workspace-a': '1.0.0', + npm: '1.0.0', + }, + ], + 'outputs includes main package and valid workspace versions' + ) }) t.test('with one arg, all workspaces', async t => { const libNpmVersionArgs = [] const testDir = t.testdir({ - 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ - name: 'workspaces-test', - version: '1.0.0', - workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], - }, null, 2), + 'package.json': JSON.stringify( + { + name: 'workspaces-test', + version: '1.0.0', + workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b'], + }, + null, + 2 + ), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', @@ -273,7 +302,11 @@ t.test('workspaces', async t => { const version = new Version(npm) await version.execWorkspaces(['major'], []) - t.same(result, ['workspace-a', 'v2.0.0', 'workspace-b', 'v2.0.0'], 'outputs the new version for only the workspaces prefixed by the tagVersionPrefix') + t.same( + result, + ['workspace-a', 'v2.0.0', 'workspace-b', 'v2.0.0'], + 'outputs the new version for only the workspaces prefixed by the tagVersionPrefix' + ) }) t.test('too many args', async t => { diff --git a/test/lib/commands/view.js b/test/lib/commands/view.js index 116930aff4ede..728787ec4aacc 100644 --- a/test/lib/commands/view.js +++ b/test/lib/commands/view.js @@ -21,11 +21,13 @@ const cleanLogs = () => { const yesterday = new Date( - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 25) const packument = (nv, opts) => { - if (!opts.fullMetadata) + if (!opts.fullMetadata) { throw new Error('must fetch fullMetadata') + } - if (!opts.preferOnline) + if (!opts.preferOnline) { throw new Error('must fetch with preferOnline') + } const mocks = { red: { @@ -192,8 +194,9 @@ const packument = (nv, opts) => { license: {}, dependencies: (() => { const deps = {} - for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) + for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) { deps[i] = '1.0.0' + } return deps })(), @@ -255,8 +258,9 @@ const packument = (nv, opts) => { }, }, } - if (nv.type === 'git') + if (nv.type === 'git') { return mocks[nv.hosted.project] + } return mocks[] } @@ -528,7 +532,7 @@ t.test('throws when unpublished', async t => { const view = new View(npm) await t.rejects( view.exec(['red']), - { code: 'E404'} + { code: 'E404' } ) }) @@ -654,7 +658,7 @@ t.test('no registry completion', async t => { }, }) const view = new View(npm) - const res = await view.completion({conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'view'] } } }) + const res = await view.completion({ conf: { argv: { remain: ['npm', 'view'] } } }) t.notOk(res, 'there is no package completion') t.end() }) diff --git a/test/lib/load-all-commands.js b/test/lib/load-all-commands.js index e9d61f9c1f69e..f813e50b220e1 100644 --- a/test/lib/load-all-commands.js +++ b/test/lib/load-all-commands.js @@ -20,12 +20,17 @@ t.test('load each command', async t => { for (const cmd of cmdList.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b, 'en'))) { t.test(cmd, async t => { const impl = await npm.cmd(cmd) - if (impl.completion) + if (impl.completion) { t.type(impl.completion, 'function', 'completion, if present, is a function') + } t.type(impl.exec, 'function', 'implementation has an exec function') t.type(impl.execWorkspaces, 'function', 'implementation has an execWorkspaces function') t.equal(util.inspect(impl.exec), '[AsyncFunction: exec]', 'exec function is async') - t.equal(util.inspect(impl.execWorkspaces), '[AsyncFunction: execWorkspaces]', 'execWorkspaces function is async') + t.equal( + util.inspect(impl.execWorkspaces), + '[AsyncFunction: execWorkspaces]', + 'execWorkspaces function is async' + ) t.ok(impl.description, 'implementation has a description') t.ok(, 'implementation has a name') t.match(impl.usage, cmd, 'usage contains the command') diff --git a/test/lib/load-all.js b/test/lib/load-all.js index b6b2b6adc44f5..fb45331ba92aa 100644 --- a/test/lib/load-all.js +++ b/test/lib/load-all.js @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ const { real: mockNpm } = require('../fixtures/mock-npm') const full = process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === 'check-coverage' -if (!full) +if (!full) { t.pass('nothing to do here, not checking for full coverage') -else { +} else { const { Npm } = mockNpm(t) const npm = new Npm() diff --git a/test/lib/npm.js b/test/lib/npm.js index dc9640c0629b1..1ccd26e375803 100644 --- a/test/lib/npm.js +++ b/test/lib/npm.js @@ -18,8 +18,9 @@ for (const env of Object.keys(process.env).filter(e => /^npm_/.test(e))) { ['test', 'run-script'].some(i => i === event), 'should match "npm test" or "npm run test"' ) - } else + } else { t.match(process.env[env], /^(run-script|exec)$/) + } } delete process.env[env] } @@ -42,8 +43,9 @@ const bePosix = () => { const argv = [...process.argv] t.afterEach(() => { - for (const env of Object.keys(process.env).filter(e => /^npm_/.test(e))) + for (const env of Object.keys(process.env).filter(e => /^npm_/.test(e))) { delete process.env[env] + } process.env.npm_config_cache = CACHE process.argv = argv Object.defineProperty(process, 'platform', { diff --git a/test/lib/utils/config/definitions.js b/test/lib/utils/config/definitions.js index 15b43715f45bd..f6813a8bc0bb5 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/config/definitions.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/config/definitions.js @@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ const definitions = require(defpath) // Tie the definitions to a snapshot so that if they change we are forced to // update snapshots, which rebuilds the docs -for (const key of Object.keys(definitions)) +for (const key of Object.keys(definitions)) { t.matchSnapshot(definitions[key].describe(), `config description for ${key}`) +} const isWin = '../../../../lib/utils/is-windows.js' @@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ t.test('cache', t => { const flat = {} defsNix.cache.flatten('cache', { cache: '/some/cache/value' }, flat) - const {join} = require('path') + const { join } = require('path') t.equal(flat.cache, join('/some/cache/value', '_cacache')) t.equal(flat.npxCache, join('/some/cache/value', '_npx')) @@ -199,8 +200,8 @@ t.test('flatteners that populate flat.omit array', t => { // ignored if setting is not dev or development obj.also = 'ignored' definitions.also.flatten('also', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(obj, {also: 'ignored', omit: [], include: []}, 'nothing done') - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: []}, 'nothing done') + t.strictSame(obj, { also: 'ignored', omit: [], include: [] }, 'nothing done') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: [] }, 'nothing done') obj.also = 'development' definitions.also.flatten('also', obj, flat) @@ -227,10 +228,10 @@ t.test('flatteners that populate flat.omit array', t => { const flat = {} const obj = { include: ['dev'] } definitions.include.flatten('include', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: []}, 'not omitting anything') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: [] }, 'not omitting anything') obj.omit = ['optional', 'dev'] definitions.include.flatten('include', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: ['optional']}, 'only omitting optional') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: ['optional'] }, 'only omitting optional') t.end() }) @@ -254,12 +255,12 @@ t.test('flatteners that populate flat.omit array', t => { obj.only = 'prod' definitions.only.flatten('only', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: ['dev']}, 'omit dev when --only=prod') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: ['dev'] }, 'omit dev when --only=prod') obj.include = ['dev'] flat.omit = [] definitions.only.flatten('only', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: []}, 'do not omit when included') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: [] }, 'do not omit when included') t.end() }) @@ -283,7 +284,7 @@ t.test('flatteners that populate flat.omit array', t => { optional: true, include: ['optional'], }, 'include optional when set') - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: []}, 'nothing to omit in flatOptions') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: [] }, 'nothing to omit in flatOptions') delete obj.include obj.optional = false @@ -293,21 +294,21 @@ t.test('flatteners that populate flat.omit array', t => { optional: false, include: [], }, 'omit optional when set false') - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: ['optional']}, 'omit optional when set false') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: ['optional'] }, 'omit optional when set false') t.end() }) t.test('production', t => { const flat = {} - const obj = {production: true} + const obj = { production: true } definitions.production.flatten('production', obj, flat) t.strictSame(obj, { production: true, omit: ['dev'], include: [], }, '--production sets --omit=dev') - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: ['dev']}, '--production sets --omit=dev') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: ['dev'] }, '--production sets --omit=dev') delete obj.omit obj.production = false @@ -328,14 +329,14 @@ t.test('flatteners that populate flat.omit array', t => { include: ['dev'], omit: [], }, 'omit and include dev') - t.strictSame(flat, {omit: []}, 'do not omit dev when included') + t.strictSame(flat, { omit: [] }, 'do not omit dev when included') t.end() }) t.test('dev', t => { const flat = {} - const obj = {dev: true} + const obj = { dev: true }'dev', obj, flat) t.strictSame(obj, { dev: true, @@ -355,7 +356,7 @@ t.test('cache-max', t => { t.strictSame(flat, {}, 'no effect if not <= 0') obj['cache-max'] = 0 definitions['cache-max'].flatten('cache-max', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {preferOnline: true}, 'preferOnline if <= 0') + t.strictSame(flat, { preferOnline: true }, 'preferOnline if <= 0') t.end() }) @@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ t.test('cache-min', t => { t.strictSame(flat, {}, 'no effect if not >= 9999') obj['cache-min'] = 9999 definitions['cache-min'].flatten('cache-min', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {preferOffline: true}, 'preferOffline if >=9999') + t.strictSame(flat, { preferOffline: true }, 'preferOffline if >=9999') t.end() }) @@ -378,19 +379,19 @@ t.test('color', t => { const obj = { color: 'always' } definitions.color.flatten('color', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {color: true}, 'true when --color=always') + t.strictSame(flat, { color: true }, 'true when --color=always') obj.color = false definitions.color.flatten('color', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {color: false}, 'true when --no-color') + t.strictSame(flat, { color: false }, 'true when --no-color') process.stdout.isTTY = false obj.color = true definitions.color.flatten('color', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {color: false}, 'no color when stdout not tty') + t.strictSame(flat, { color: false }, 'no color when stdout not tty') process.stdout.isTTY = true definitions.color.flatten('color', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {color: true}, '--color turns on color when stdout is tty') + t.strictSame(flat, { color: true }, '--color turns on color when stdout is tty') delete process.env.NO_COLOR const defsAllowColor = t.mock(defpath) @@ -421,7 +422,7 @@ t.test('retry options', t => { const flat = {} obj[config] = 99 definitions[config].flatten(config, obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {retry: {[option]: 99}}, msg) + t.strictSame(flat, { retry: { [option]: 99 } }, msg) delete obj[config] } t.end() @@ -442,7 +443,7 @@ t.test('search options', t => { const flat = {} obj[config] = 99 definitions[config].flatten(config, obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, { search: { limit: 20, [option]: 99 }}, msg) + t.strictSame(flat, { search: { limit: 20, [option]: 99 } }, msg) delete obj[config] } @@ -515,18 +516,18 @@ t.test('shrinkwrap/package-lock', t => { const obj = { shrinkwrap: false } const flat = {} definitions.shrinkwrap.flatten('shrinkwrap', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {packageLock: false}) + t.strictSame(flat, { packageLock: false }) obj.shrinkwrap = true definitions.shrinkwrap.flatten('shrinkwrap', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {packageLock: true}) + t.strictSame(flat, { packageLock: true }) delete obj.shrinkwrap obj['package-lock'] = false definitions['package-lock'].flatten('package-lock', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {packageLock: false}) + t.strictSame(flat, { packageLock: false }) obj['package-lock'] = true definitions['package-lock'].flatten('package-lock', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {packageLock: true}) + t.strictSame(flat, { packageLock: true }) t.end() }) @@ -550,7 +551,7 @@ t.test('defaultTag', t => { const obj = { tag: 'next' } const flat = {} definitions.tag.flatten('tag', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {defaultTag: 'next'}) + t.strictSame(flat, { defaultTag: 'next' }) t.end() }) @@ -558,7 +559,7 @@ t.test('timeout', t => { const obj = { 'fetch-timeout': 123 } const flat = {} definitions['fetch-timeout'].flatten('fetch-timeout', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {timeout: 123}) + t.strictSame(flat, { timeout: 123 }) t.end() }) @@ -573,10 +574,10 @@ t.test('saveType', t => { t.strictSame(flat, {}, 'remove if false and set to prod') flat.saveType = 'dev' definitions['save-prod'].flatten('save-prod', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'dev'}, 'ignore if false and not already prod') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'dev' }, 'ignore if false and not already prod') obj['save-prod'] = true definitions['save-prod'].flatten('save-prod', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'prod'}, 'set to prod if true') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'prod' }, 'set to prod if true') t.end() }) @@ -591,10 +592,10 @@ t.test('saveType', t => { flat.saveType = 'prod' obj['save-dev'] = false definitions['save-dev'].flatten('save-dev', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'prod'}, 'ignore if false and not already dev') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'prod' }, 'ignore if false and not already dev') obj['save-dev'] = true definitions['save-dev'].flatten('save-dev', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'dev'}, 'set to dev if true') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'dev' }, 'set to dev if true') t.end() }) @@ -602,40 +603,40 @@ t.test('saveType', t => { const obj = { 'save-bundle': true } const flat = {} definitions['save-bundle'].flatten('save-bundle', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveBundle: true}, 'set the saveBundle flag') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveBundle: true }, 'set the saveBundle flag') obj['save-bundle'] = false definitions['save-bundle'].flatten('save-bundle', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveBundle: false}, 'unset the saveBundle flag') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveBundle: false }, 'unset the saveBundle flag') obj['save-bundle'] = true obj['save-peer'] = true definitions['save-bundle'].flatten('save-bundle', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveBundle: false}, 'false if save-peer is set') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveBundle: false }, 'false if save-peer is set') t.end() }) t.test('save-peer', t => { - const obj = { 'save-peer': false} + const obj = { 'save-peer': false } const flat = {} definitions['save-peer'].flatten('save-peer', obj, flat) t.strictSame(flat, {}, 'no effect if false and not yet set') obj['save-peer'] = true definitions['save-peer'].flatten('save-peer', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'peer'}, 'set saveType to peer if unset') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'peer' }, 'set saveType to peer if unset') flat.saveType = 'optional' definitions['save-peer'].flatten('save-peer', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'peerOptional'}, 'set to peerOptional if optional already') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'peerOptional' }, 'set to peerOptional if optional already') definitions['save-peer'].flatten('save-peer', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'peerOptional'}, 'no effect if already peerOptional') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'peerOptional' }, 'no effect if already peerOptional') obj['save-peer'] = false definitions['save-peer'].flatten('save-peer', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'optional'}, 'switch peerOptional to optional if false') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'optional' }, 'switch peerOptional to optional if false') obj['save-peer'] = false flat.saveType = 'peer' @@ -646,25 +647,25 @@ t.test('saveType', t => { }) t.test('save-optional', t => { - const obj = { 'save-optional': false} + const obj = { 'save-optional': false } const flat = {} definitions['save-optional'].flatten('save-optional', obj, flat) t.strictSame(flat, {}, 'no effect if false and not yet set') obj['save-optional'] = true definitions['save-optional'].flatten('save-optional', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'optional'}, 'set saveType to optional if unset') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'optional' }, 'set saveType to optional if unset') flat.saveType = 'peer' definitions['save-optional'].flatten('save-optional', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'peerOptional'}, 'set to peerOptional if peer already') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'peerOptional' }, 'set to peerOptional if peer already') definitions['save-optional'].flatten('save-optional', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'peerOptional'}, 'no effect if already peerOptional') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'peerOptional' }, 'no effect if already peerOptional') obj['save-optional'] = false definitions['save-optional'].flatten('save-optional', obj, flat) - t.strictSame(flat, {saveType: 'peer'}, 'switch peerOptional to peer if false') + t.strictSame(flat, { saveType: 'peer' }, 'switch peerOptional to peer if false') flat.saveType = 'optional' definitions['save-optional'].flatten('save-optional', obj, flat) diff --git a/test/lib/utils/error-message.js b/test/lib/utils/error-message.js index aec4c3a199271..1959b9217a7d0 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/error-message.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/error-message.js @@ -215,10 +215,11 @@ t.test('args are cleaned', t => { t.test('eacces/eperm', t => { const runTest = (windows, loaded, cachePath, cacheDest) => t => { - if (windows) + if (windows) { beWindows() - else + } else { bePosix() + } const path = `${cachePath ? CACHE : '/not/cache/dir'}/path` const dest = `${cacheDest ? CACHE : '/not/cache/dir'}/dest` @@ -229,10 +230,11 @@ t.test('eacces/eperm', t => { stack: 'dummy stack trace', }) verboseLogs.length = 0 - if (loaded) + if (loaded) { t.matchSnapshot(errorMessage(er, npm)) - else + } else { t.matchSnapshot(errorMessage(er, unloadedNpm)) + } t.matchSnapshot(verboseLogs) t.end() @@ -243,7 +245,7 @@ t.test('eacces/eperm', t => { for (const loaded of [true, false]) { for (const cachePath of [true, false]) { for (const cacheDest of [true, false]) { - const m = JSON.stringify({windows, loaded, cachePath, cacheDest}) + const m = JSON.stringify({ windows, loaded, cachePath, cacheDest }) t.test(m, runTest(windows, loaded, cachePath, cacheDest)) } } diff --git a/test/lib/utils/open-url.js b/test/lib/utils/open-url.js index 36724d0adf7bb..e4792ae5f5e35 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/open-url.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/open-url.js @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ const npm = { browser: true, }, config: { - get: (k) => npm._config[k], + get: k => npm._config[k], set: (k, v) => { npm._config[k] = v }, @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const openUrl = t.mock('../../../lib/utils/open-url.js', { opener, }) -t.test('opens a url', async (t) => { +t.test('opens a url', async t => { t.teardown(() => { openerUrl = null openerOpts = null @@ -41,31 +41,39 @@ t.test('opens a url', async (t) => { t.same(OUTPUT, [], 'printed no output') }) -t.test('returns error for non-https and non-file url', async (t) => { +t.test('returns error for non-https and non-file url', async t => { t.teardown(() => { openerUrl = null openerOpts = null OUTPUT.length = 0 }) - await t.rejects(openUrl(npm, '', 'npm home'), /Invalid URL/, 'got the correct error') + await t.rejects( + openUrl(npm, '', 'npm home'), + /Invalid URL/, + 'got the correct error' + ) t.equal(openerUrl, null, 'did not open') t.same(openerOpts, null, 'did not open') t.same(OUTPUT, [], 'printed no output') }) -t.test('returns error for non-parseable url', async (t) => { +t.test('returns error for non-parseable url', async t => { t.teardown(() => { openerUrl = null openerOpts = null OUTPUT.length = 0 }) - await t.rejects(openUrl(npm, 'git+ssh://user@host:repo.git', 'npm home'), /Invalid URL/, 'got the correct error') + await t.rejects( + openUrl(npm, 'git+ssh://user@host:repo.git', 'npm home'), + /Invalid URL/, + 'got the correct error' + ) t.equal(openerUrl, null, 'did not open') t.same(openerOpts, null, 'did not open') t.same(OUTPUT, [], 'printed no output') }) -t.test('encodes non-URL-safe characters in url provided', async (t) => { +t.test('encodes non-URL-safe characters in url provided', async t => { t.teardown(() => { openerUrl = null openerOpts = null @@ -77,7 +85,7 @@ t.test('encodes non-URL-safe characters in url provided', async (t) => { t.same(OUTPUT, [], 'printed no output') }) -t.test('opens a url with the given browser', async (t) => { +t.test('opens a url with the given browser', async t => { npm.config.set('browser', 'chrome') t.teardown(() => { openerUrl = null @@ -91,7 +99,7 @@ t.test('opens a url with the given browser', async (t) => { t.same(OUTPUT, [], 'printed no output') }) -t.test('prints where to go when browser is disabled', async (t) => { +t.test('prints where to go when browser is disabled', async t => { npm.config.set('browser', false) t.teardown(() => { openerUrl = null @@ -107,7 +115,7 @@ t.test('prints where to go when browser is disabled', async (t) => { t.matchSnapshot(OUTPUT[0][0], 'printed expected message') }) -t.test('prints where to go when browser is disabled and json is enabled', async (t) => { +t.test('prints where to go when browser is disabled and json is enabled', async t => { npm.config.set('browser', false) npm.config.set('json', true) t.teardown(() => { @@ -125,7 +133,7 @@ t.test('prints where to go when browser is disabled and json is enabled', async t.matchSnapshot(OUTPUT[0][0], 'printed expected message') }) -t.test('prints where to go when given browser does not exist', async (t) => { +t.test('prints where to go when given browser does not exist', async t => { npm.config.set('browser', 'firefox') openerResult = Object.assign(new Error('failed'), { code: 'ENOENT' }) t.teardown(() => { @@ -142,7 +150,7 @@ t.test('prints where to go when given browser does not exist', async (t) => { t.matchSnapshot(OUTPUT[0][0], 'printed expected message') }) -t.test('handles unknown opener error', async (t) => { +t.test('handles unknown opener error', async t => { npm.config.set('browser', 'firefox') openerResult = Object.assign(new Error('failed'), { code: 'ENOBRIAN' }) t.teardown(() => { diff --git a/test/lib/utils/otplease.js b/test/lib/utils/otplease.js index fb9476120e2df..b3711965c2c9c 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/otplease.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/otplease.js @@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ t.test('prompts for otp for EOTP', async (t) => { let runs = 0 const fn = async (opts) => { - if (++runs === 1) + if (++runs === 1) { throw Object.assign(new Error('nope'), { code: 'EOTP' }) + } t.equal(opts.some, 'prop', 'carried original options') t.equal(opts.otp, '1234', 'received the otp') diff --git a/test/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js b/test/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js index c1d7902c0684a..acbf66396a702 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/pulse-till-done.js @@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ let pulseStarted = null const npmlog = { gauge: { pulse: () => { - if (pulseStarted) + if (pulseStarted) { pulseStarted() + } }, }, } diff --git a/test/lib/utils/read-user-info.js b/test/lib/utils/read-user-info.js index 5d937ff78a551..35101f1d7029a 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/read-user-info.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/read-user-info.js @@ -14,14 +14,16 @@ const npmlog = { const npmUserValidate = { username: (username) => { - if (username === 'invalid') + if (username === 'invalid') { return new Error('invalid username') + } return null }, email: (email) => { - if (email.startsWith('invalid')) + if (email.startsWith('invalid')) { return new Error('invalid email') + } return null }, diff --git a/test/lib/utils/reify-finish.js b/test/lib/utils/reify-finish.js index b66d5bcd3b53a..b565034058adb 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/reify-finish.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/reify-finish.js @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const npm = { const builtinConfMock = { loadError: new Error('no builtin config'), - raw: { hasBuiltinConfig: true, x: 'y', nested: { foo: 'bar' }}, + raw: { hasBuiltinConfig: true, x: 'y', nested: { foo: 'bar' } }, } const reifyOutput = () => {} @@ -22,8 +22,9 @@ const fs = { promises: realFs.promises && { ...realFs.promises, writeFile: async (path, data) => { - if (!expectWrite) + if (!expectWrite) { throw new Error('did not expect to write builtin config file') + } return realFs.promises.writeFile(path, data) }, }, @@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ t.test('should write if everything above passes', async t => { await reifyFinish(npm, { options: { global: true }, actualTree: { - inventory: new Map([['node_modules/npm', {path}]]), + inventory: new Map([['node_modules/npm', { path }]]), }, }) // windowwwwwwssss!!!!! diff --git a/test/lib/utils/reify-output.js b/test/lib/utils/reify-output.js index 3ffbdf86a2989..9a1bffb4033f9 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/reify-output.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/reify-output.js @@ -97,8 +97,9 @@ t.test('no message when funding config is false', (t) => { }) = false npm.output = out => { - if (out.endsWith('looking for funding')) + if (out.endsWith('looking for funding')) {'should not print funding info', { actual: out }) + } } reifyOutput(npm, { @@ -283,8 +284,9 @@ t.test('showing and not showing audit report', async t => { delete npm.flatOptions.auditLevel npm.command = command // only set exitCode back if we're passing tests - if (t.passing()) + if (t.passing()) { process.exitCode = exitCode + } }) process.exitCode = 0 @@ -312,8 +314,9 @@ t.test('showing and not showing audit report', async t => { delete npm.flatOptions.auditLevel npm.command = command // only set exitCode back if we're passing tests - if (t.passing()) + if (t.passing()) { process.exitCode = exitCode + } }) process.exitCode = 0 @@ -368,11 +371,13 @@ t.test('packages changed message', t => { ], }, } - for (let i = 0; i < added; i++) + for (let i = 0; i < added; i++) { mock.diff.children.push({ action: 'ADD', ideal: { location: 'loc' } }) + } - for (let i = 0; i < removed; i++) + for (let i = 0; i < removed; i++) { mock.diff.children.push({ action: 'REMOVE', actual: { location: 'loc' } }) + } for (let i = 0; i < changed; i++) { const actual = { location: 'loc' } @@ -395,8 +400,9 @@ t.test('packages changed message', t => { for (const removed of [0, 1, 2]) { for (const changed of [0, 1, 2]) { for (const audited of [0, 1, 2]) { - for (const json of [true, false]) + for (const json of [true, false]) { cases.push([added, removed, changed, audited, json, 'install']) + } } } } @@ -407,8 +413,9 @@ t.test('packages changed message', t => { cases.push([0, 0, 0, 2, false, 'audit']) t.plan(cases.length) - for (const [added, removed, changed, audited, json, command] of cases) + for (const [added, removed, changed, audited, json, command] of cases) { testCase(t, added, removed, changed, audited, json, command) + } t.end() }) diff --git a/test/lib/utils/split-package-names.js b/test/lib/utils/split-package-names.js index 82b8f5578397f..5fe1e6cd8dde3 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/split-package-names.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/split-package-names.js @@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ t.test('splitPackageNames', t => { ['@npmcli/one/semver', '@npmcli/one/node_modules/semver'], ] - for (const [input, expected] of assertions) + for (const [input, expected] of assertions) { t.equal(splitPackageNames(input), expected, `split ${input} correctly`) + } t.end() }) diff --git a/test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js b/test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js index dc0a64ff46127..78ff93825e489 100644 --- a/test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js +++ b/test/lib/utils/update-notifier.js @@ -21,13 +21,17 @@ const pacote = { process.exit(1) } MANIFEST_REQUEST.push(spec) - if (PACOTE_ERROR) + if (PACOTE_ERROR) { throw PACOTE_ERROR + } return { - version: spec === 'npm@latest' ? CURRENT_VERSION - : /-/.test(spec) ? CURRENT_BETA - : NEXT_VERSION, + version: + spec === 'npm@latest' + ? CURRENT_VERSION + : /-/.test(spec) + ? CURRENT_BETA + : NEXT_VERSION, } }, } @@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ const npm = { flatOptions, log: { useColor: () => true }, version: CURRENT_VERSION, - config: { get: (k) => k !== 'global' }, + config: { get: k => k !== 'global' }, command: 'view', argv: ['npm'], } @@ -54,7 +58,9 @@ const fs = { ...require('fs'), stat: (path, cb) => { if (basename(path) !== '_update-notifier-last-checked') { - console.error(new Error('should only write to notifier last checked file')) + console.error( + new Error('should only write to notifier last checked file') + ) process.exit(1) } process.nextTick(() => cb(STAT_ERROR, { mtime: new Date(STAT_MTIME) })) @@ -65,7 +71,9 @@ const fs = { process.exit(1) } if (basename(path) !== '_update-notifier-last-checked') { - console.error(new Error('should only write to notifier last checked file')) + console.error( + new Error('should only write to notifier last checked file') + ) process.exit(1) } process.nextTick(() => cb(WRITE_ERROR)) @@ -93,30 +101,39 @@ const runUpdateNotifier = async npm => { t.test('situations in which we do not notify', t => { t.test('nothing to do if notifier disabled', async t => { - t.equal(await runUpdateNotifier({ - ...npm, - config: { get: (k) => k !== 'update-notifier' }, - }), null) + t.equal( + await runUpdateNotifier({ + ...npm, + config: { get: k => k !== 'update-notifier' }, + }), + null + ) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [], 'no requests for manifests') }) t.test('do not suggest update if already updating', async t => { - t.equal(await runUpdateNotifier({ - ...npm, - flatOptions: { ...flatOptions, global: true }, - command: 'install', - argv: ['npm'], - }), null) + t.equal( + await runUpdateNotifier({ + ...npm, + flatOptions: { ...flatOptions, global: true }, + command: 'install', + argv: ['npm'], + }), + null + ) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [], 'no requests for manifests') }) t.test('do not suggest update if already updating with spec', async t => { - t.equal(await runUpdateNotifier({ - ...npm, - flatOptions: { ...flatOptions, global: true }, - command: 'install', - argv: ['npm@latest'], - }), null) + t.equal( + await runUpdateNotifier({ + ...npm, + flatOptions: { ...flatOptions, global: true }, + command: 'install', + argv: ['npm@latest'], + }), + null + ) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [], 'no requests for manifests') }) @@ -161,14 +178,14 @@ t.test('situations in which we do not notify', t => { t.test('only check weekly for GA releases', async t => { // One week (plus five minutes to account for test environment fuzziness) - STAT_MTIME = - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) + (1000 * 60 * 5) + STAT_MTIME = - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 + 1000 * 60 * 5 t.equal(await runUpdateNotifier(npm), null) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [], 'no requests for manifests') }) t.test('only check daily for betas', async t => { // One day (plus five minutes to account for test environment fuzziness) - STAT_MTIME = - (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + (1000 * 60 * 5) + STAT_MTIME = - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 + 1000 * 60 * 5 t.equal(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npm, version: HAVE_BETA }), null) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [], 'no requests for manifests') }) @@ -180,42 +197,70 @@ t.test('notification situations', t => { t.test('new beta available', async t => { const version = HAVE_BETA t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npm, version }), 'color') - t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), 'no color') + t.matchSnapshot( + await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), + 'no color' + ) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [`npm@^${version}`, `npm@^${version}`]) }) t.test('patch to next version', async t => { const version = NEXT_PATCH t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npm, version }), 'color') - t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), 'no color') - t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, ['npm@latest', `npm@^${version}`, 'npm@latest', `npm@^${version}`]) + t.matchSnapshot( + await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), + 'no color' + ) + t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [ + 'npm@latest', + `npm@^${version}`, + 'npm@latest', + `npm@^${version}`, + ]) }) t.test('minor to next version', async t => { const version = NEXT_MINOR t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npm, version }), 'color') - t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), 'no color') - t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, ['npm@latest', `npm@^${version}`, 'npm@latest', `npm@^${version}`]) + t.matchSnapshot( + await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), + 'no color' + ) + t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, [ + 'npm@latest', + `npm@^${version}`, + 'npm@latest', + `npm@^${version}`, + ]) }) t.test('patch to current', async t => { const version = CURRENT_PATCH t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npm, version }), 'color') - t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), 'no color') + t.matchSnapshot( + await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), + 'no color' + ) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, ['npm@latest', 'npm@latest']) }) t.test('minor to current', async t => { const version = CURRENT_MINOR t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npm, version }), 'color') - t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), 'no color') + t.matchSnapshot( + await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), + 'no color' + ) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, ['npm@latest', 'npm@latest']) }) t.test('major to current', async t => { const version = CURRENT_MAJOR t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npm, version }), 'color') - t.matchSnapshot(await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), 'no color') + t.matchSnapshot( + await runUpdateNotifier({ ...npmNoColor, version }), + 'no color' + ) t.strictSame(MANIFEST_REQUEST, ['npm@latest', 'npm@latest']) }) diff --git a/test/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js b/test/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js index 0f51d95fcb763..0d1bba3144d83 100644 --- a/test/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js +++ b/test/lib/workspaces/get-workspaces.js @@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ const cleanOutput = (str, path) => normalizePath(str) const clean = (res, path) => { const cleaned = new Map() - for (const [key, value] of res.entries()) + for (const [key, value] of res.entries()) { cleaned.set(key, cleanOutput(value, path)) + } return cleaned }