Releases: npezza93/archipelago
Releases · npezza93/archipelago
Some folks may not agree with this new version. If you're not a fan, feel free to stay on v3.
- No longer building windows or linux versions. I dont regularly use these operating systems so saying Archipelago supported those systems seemed disingenuous.
- Single tab mode is the only mode now. You can no longer split sessions or create new tabs. I use tmux 100% of the time so these were duplicated features that i had to maintain and caused for unnecessary complexity.
- The app will feel like it boots faster. It does boot a little bit faster but there is no more waiting for your terminal to boot.
- Both the main app and settings were written in react. This has been thrown out for stimulus. Makes everything simpler and easier to maintain. Not trying to go to the moon.
- Settings app no longer has a custom style. It now feels much more like a macOS native settings screen and is more performant.
- Threw out a bunch of settings that dont really need to be exposed.
- If you have a transparent terminal you may need to pick a new vibrancy option. macOS changed whats available, dont blame me.
- visor has been removed. Never used it, didnt want to maintain it.
- m1 support
TL;DR Trimmed a whole lot of fat after using Archipelago for years.
Update packages
Version bump to 4.0.0-rc11
Version bump to 4.0.0-rc9
Version bump to 4.0.0-rc10
Update to rc8
Bump version
Bump version
Bump version