In this lab, you'll work on the second part of the punkt0 compiler project. Your goal is to manually implement a recursive-descent parser to transform programs described by the punkt0 grammar into abstract syntax trees. You also need to write a pretty-printer for these trees. This assignment is rather long and we can only recommend that you start early, that you make sure you understand every step, and that you ask otherwise.
One way to partially check your implementation is to use the
pretty-printer to output the parsed AST. If you then re-parse this
output and re-pretty-print it, you should obtain exactly the same
result. In other words: for all input programs P
, you should have
that the identity print(parse(P)) = print(parse(print(parse(P))))
holds. While this condition is necessary to ensure you have properly
written your parser and printer, it is not sufficient, and you are as
usual responsible for checking the details of your implementation
before you submit it.
Write a recursive-descent Parser for punkt0 by manually writing mutually recursive procedures, as sketched in the lecture on recursive descent parsing, and generating the appropriate abstract syntax trees.
Implement a new command-line option
for printing out the AST.
It's not allowed in punkt0 to have a variable with a name that matches a keyword.
You need to properly encode the operator precedence as in Java and Scala. From highest priority to lowest: !, then '*' and /, then + and -, then < and ==, then &&, then ||. Except for the unary operators, all operators are left-associative. There is no precedence between operators of the same level. For instance:
4 / 3 * 6
reads as((4 / 3) * 6)
and6 * 4 / 3
as((6 * 4) / 3
. -
keyword always applies to the closestif
. You can add comments to mark the end ofif
blocks in your pretty-printer to make sure you parse things properly.
if (expr1) if (expr2) a = 1 else a = 2
...could be reprinted as:
if (expr1) { if (expr2) { a = 1 } else { a = 2 } }
...and should **not** produce:
if (expr1) { if (expr2) { a = 1 } } else { a = 2 }
You have to write the parser manually, as a series of mutually recursive functions. You are not allowed to use parser combinators or other such libraries.
You need to set the position of the trees. Normally, the position of the tree corresponding to
42 + 23
is the position of the4
. -
We provide a number of both valid and invalid test programs which you can use to test both your lexer and your parser (there are subdirectories "lab2" and "lab3").
The provided test programs also include the reference output for each test program (tokens for each valid lexer test, AST for each valid parser test).
Write a pretty-printer for the AST hierarchy. Your pretty-printer should transform any valid AST into the corresponding textual representation in the punkt0 programming language. The output does not need to be exactly as the input file; whitespaces can be placed differently, comments will disappear and parentheses can be added (or removed), as long as the program keeps the original intended meaning. Re-parsing the pretty-printed output and re-printing it should yield an identical result, though.
- Implement a new command-line option
for pretty-printing the AST of a program.
We provide code stubs for your parser component. The ZIP archive also contains all files of the lexer stubs.