Access the host at It has the latest payloads including the improved PS4 Pro payloads.
- Get Hosting - Interserver recommended (Get first month for $0.01)
- Get Domain - Namecheap recommended (Click for best offers)
- Download the latest script from Releases. Extract it.
- Upload it to your host after making necessary changes.
- Done!
For a more detailed article, click here.
- Use hippie's bin2js converter to convert .bin payloads to .js.
- Place .js files in payloads folder.
- Add HTML for new payloads in index.html.
- Edit cache.manifest.
- Upload to host.
- Done.
For detailed instructions, click here.
To add new payloads quicker and easier, use Index.html Generator for PS4Linux Exploit Host.
To donate to support my work, click here.
- Sleirsgoevy for the Jailbreak Host files that this script is based on.
- ChendoChap for Kernel exploit (9.00).
- hippie68 for bin2js converter.
- All other devs who made this possible.