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QISKit SDK 0.5.0



  • Introduce providers and rework backends (#376).
    • Split backends into local and ibmq.
    • Each provider derives from the following classes for its specific requirements.
      BaseProvider class. BaseBackend class. BaseJob class.
    • Allow querying result by both circuit name and QuantumCircuit instance.
  • Introduce the QISKit wrapper (#376).
    • Introduce convenience wrapper functions around commonly used QISKit components (e.g. compile and execute functions).
    • Introduce the DefaultQISKitProvider, which acts as a context manager for the current session (e.g. providing easy access to all available_backends).
    • Avoid relying on QuantumProgram (eventual deprecation).
    • The functions are also available as top-level functions (for example, qiskit.get_backend()).
  • Introduce BaseJob class and asynchronous jobs (#403).
    • Return BaseJob after run().
    • Mechanisms for querying status and results, or to cancel a job
  • Introduce a skip_transpiler flag for compile() (#411).
  • Introduce schemas for validating interfaces between qiskit and backends (#434)
    • qobj_schema
    • result_schema
    • job_status_schema
    • default_pulse_config_schema
    • backend_config_schema
    • backend_props_schema
    • backend_status_schema
  • Improve C++ simulator (#386)
    • Add tensor_index.hpp for multi-partite qubit vector indexing.
    • Add qubit_vector.hpp for multi-partite qubit vector algebra.
    • Rework C++ simulator backends to use QubitVector class instead of std::vector.
  • Improve interface to simulator backends (#435)
    • Introduce local_statevector_simulator_py and local_statevector_simulator_cpp.
    • Introduce aliased and deprecated backend names and mechanisms for resolving them.
    • Introduce optional compact flag to query backend names only by unique function.
    • Introduce result convenience functions get_statevector, get_unitary
    • Add snapshot command for caching a copy of the current simulator state.
  • Introduce circuit drawing via circuit_drawer() and plot_circuit() (#295, #414)
  • Introduce benchmark suite for performance testing (test/performance) (#277)
  • Introduce more robust probability testing via assertDictAlmostEqual (#390)
  • Allow combining circuits across both depth and width (#389)
  • Enforce string token names (#395)

Bug Fixes

  • Fix coherent error bug in local_qasm_simulator_cpp (#318)
  • Fix the order and format of result bits obtained from device backends (#430)
  • Fix support for noises in the idle gate of local_clifford_simulator_cpp (#440)
  • Fix JobProcessor modifying input qobj (#392) (and removed JobProcessor during #403)
  • Fix ability to apply all gates on register (#369)

Backward-incompatible changes

  • Some methods of QuantumProgram are soon to be deprecated. Please use the top-level functions instead.
  • The Register instantiation now expects size, name. Using name, size is still supported but will be deprecated in the future.
  • Simulators no longer return wavefunction by setting shots=1. Instead, use the local_statevector_simulator, or explicitly ask for snapshot.
  • Return job instance after run(), rather than result.
  • Rename simulators according to PROVIDERNAME_SIMPLEALIAS_simulator_LANGUAGEORPROJECT
  • Move simulator extensions to qiskit/extensions/simulator
  • Move Rzz and CSwap to standard extension library

QISKit SDK 0.4.0



  • Job handling improvements.
    • Allow asynchronous job submission.
    • New JobProcessor class: utilizes concurrent.futures.
    • New QuantumJob class: job description.
  • Modularize circuit "compilation".
    Takes quantum circuit and information about backend to transform circuit into one which can run on the backend.
  • Standardize job description.
    All backends take QuantumJob objects which wraps qobj program description.
  • Simplify addition of backends, where circuits are run/simulated.
    • qiskit.backends package added.
    • Real devices and simulators are considered "backends" which inherent from BaseBackend.
  • Reorganize and improve Sphinx documentation.
  • Improve unittest framework.
  • Add tools for generating random circuits.
  • New utilities for fermionic Hamiltonians (qiskit/tools/apps/fermion).
  • New utilities for classical optimization and chemistry (qiskit/tools/apps/optimization).
  • Randomized benchmarking data handling.
  • Quantum tomography (qiskit/tools/qcvv).
    Added functions for generating, running and fitting process tomography experiments.
  • Quantum information functions (qiskit/tools/qi).
    • Partial trace over subsystems of multi-partite vector.
    • Partial trace over subsystems of multi-partite matrix.
    • Flatten an operator to a vector in a specified basis.
    • Generate random unitary matrix.
    • Generate random density matrix.
    • Generate normally distributed complex matrix.
    • Generate random density matrix from Hilbert-Schmidt metric.
    • Generate random density matrix from the Bures metric.
    • Compute Shannon entropy of probability vector.
    • Compute von Neumann entropy of quantum state.
    • Compute mutual information of a bipartite state.
    • Compute the entanglement of formation of quantum state.
  • Visualization improvements (qiskit/tools).
    • Wigner function representation.
    • Latex figure of circuit.
  • Use python logging facility for info, warnings, etc.
  • Auto-deployment of sphinx docs to github pages.
  • Check IBMQuantumExperience version at runtime.
  • Add QuantumProgram method to reconfigure already generated qobj.
  • Add Japanese introductory documentation (doc/ja).
  • Add Korean translation of readme (doc/ko).
  • Add appveyor for continuous integration on Windows.
  • Enable new IBM Q parameters for hub/group/project.
  • Add QuantumProgram methods for destroying registers and circuits.
  • Use Sympy for evaluating expressions.
  • Add support for ibmqx_hpc_qasm_simulator backend.
  • Add backend interface to Project Q C++ simulator.
    Requires installation of Project Q.
  • Introduce InitializeGate class.
    Generates circuit which initializes qubits in arbitrary state.
  • Introduce local_qiskit_simulator a C++ simulator with realistic noise.
    Requires C++ build environment for make-based build.
  • Introduce local_clifford_simulator a C++ Clifford simulator.
    Requires C++ build environment for make-based build.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix basis gates (#76).
  • Enable QASM parser to work in multiuser environments.
  • Correct operator precedence when parsing expressions (#190).
  • Fix "math domain error" in mapping (#111, #151).

Backward-incompatible changes

  • The standard extension for creating U base gates has been modified to be consistent with the rest of the gate APIs (see #203).
  • The silent parameter has been removed from a number of QuantumProgram methods. The same behaviour can be achieved now by using the enable_logs() and disable_logs() methods, which use the standard Python logging.