diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index a3294b983..d9c020d9e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# HGeometry
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diff --git a/hgeometry-combinatorial/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Combinatorial/Instances.hs b/hgeometry-combinatorial/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Combinatorial/Instances.hs
index f36e00b78..21f0b02d6 100644
--- a/hgeometry-combinatorial/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Combinatorial/Instances.hs
+++ b/hgeometry-combinatorial/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Combinatorial/Instances.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import HGeometry.Tree.Binary.Static
instance (Arbitrary c, Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (c :+ e) where
arbitrary = (:+) <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+ shrink = genericShrink
@@ -38,9 +38,15 @@ instance (Arbitrary c, Arbitrary e) => Arbitrary (c :+ e) where
instance (Arbitrary a, Num a, Eq a) => Arbitrary (GRatio a) where
arbitrary = (/) <$> arbitrary <*> (arbitrary `suchThat` (/= 0))
+ shrink r = 0 : 1 : [ a' % b'
+ | a' <- shrink $ numerator r
+ , b' <- fromInteger 1 : shrink (denominator r)
+ , b' /= 0
+ ]
instance KnownNat p => Arbitrary (RealNumber p) where
arbitrary = fromFixed <$> arbitrary
+ shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary Sign.Sign where
arbitrary = (\b -> if b then Sign.Positive else Sign.Negative) <$> arbitrary
@@ -69,6 +75,7 @@ instance (Arbitrary a, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (BinLeafTree v a) where
| otherwise = do
l <- choose (0,n-1)
Node <$> f l <*> arbitrary <*> f (n-l-1)
+ -- shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (BinaryTree a) where
arbitrary = sized f
@@ -76,3 +83,4 @@ instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (BinaryTree a) where
| otherwise = do
l <- choose (0,n-1)
Internal <$> f l <*> arbitrary <*> f (n-l-1)
+ -- shrink = genericShrink
diff --git a/hgeometry/data/test-with-ipe/golden/PlaneGraph/smallPlaneGraph.ipe b/hgeometry/data/test-with-ipe/golden/PlaneGraph/smallPlaneGraph.ipe
index 8988561db..5ae5285d5 100644
--- a/hgeometry/data/test-with-ipe/golden/PlaneGraph/smallPlaneGraph.ipe
+++ b/hgeometry/data/test-with-ipe/golden/PlaneGraph/smallPlaneGraph.ipe
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
-Point2 0.0 0.0 :+ 0Point2 200.0 200.0 :+ 1Point2 200.0 0.0 :+ 2Point2 (-100.0) 400.0 :+ 30.0 1.0 m
+Point2 0.0 0.0 :+ 0Point2 200.0 200.0 :+ 1Point2 200.0 0.0 :+ 2Point2 (-100.0) 400.0 :+ 30.0 1.0 m
200.0 1.0 l
"0->2"200.0 -1.0 m
0.0 -1.0 l
@@ -153,7 +153,17 @@
201.0 0.0 l
"1->2"199.0 0.0 m
199.0 200.0 l
-"2->1"0.0 0.0 m
+"2->1"0.0 0.0 m
+200.0 0.0 l
+Dart (Arc 0) +10.0 0.0 m
+200.0 200.0 l
+Dart (Arc 1) +10.0 0.0 m
+-100.0 400.0 l
+Dart (Arc 2) +1200.0 200.0 m
+-100.0 400.0 l
+Dart (Arc 3) +1200.0 200.0 m
+200.0 0.0 l
+Dart (Arc 4) +10.0 0.0 m
200.0 0.0 l
200.0 200.0 l
diff --git a/hgeometry/hgeometry.cabal b/hgeometry/hgeometry.cabal
index 40865b006..5bdf68b01 100644
--- a/hgeometry/hgeometry.cabal
+++ b/hgeometry/hgeometry.cabal
@@ -70,7 +70,8 @@ common all-setup
, file-io >= 0.1 && < 1
, indexed-traversable >= 0.1.3 && < 1
, vector-builder >= 0.3.8 && < 1
- , HsYAML >= 0.2 && < 1
+ , HsYAML >= 0.2 && < 1
+ , semialign >= 1.3 && < 1.4
, ghc-typelits-natnormalise >= 0.7.7 && < 1
, ghc-typelits-knownnat >= 0.7.6 && < 1
@@ -100,14 +101,12 @@ common point-setup
common vector-setup
- semialign >= 1.2 && < 2
- , these >= 1.1 && < 2
+ these >= 1.1 && < 2
common kernel-setup
, hgeometry:point
- , semialign
common hgeometry-setup
@@ -381,6 +380,7 @@ library
-- HGeometry.HalfPlane.CommonIntersection
+ HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation
@@ -664,6 +664,7 @@ test-suite with-ipe-hspec
+ Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateSpec
diff --git a/hgeometry/kernel/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Kernel/Instances.hs b/hgeometry/kernel/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Kernel/Instances.hs
index 11c08eb89..1ec4f8463 100644
--- a/hgeometry/kernel/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Kernel/Instances.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/kernel/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Kernel/Instances.hs
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
module HGeometry.Kernel.Instances where
import Control.Lens hiding (cons)
+import Data.Semialign
import GHC.TypeLits
import HGeometry.Ball
import HGeometry.Box
@@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ import HGeometry.HalfSpace
import HGeometry.HyperPlane (HyperPlane(..))
import HGeometry.HyperPlane.NonVertical (NonVerticalHyperPlane(..))
import HGeometry.Interval
-import HGeometry.Interval.EndPoint()
+import HGeometry.Interval.EndPoint ()
import HGeometry.Line.LineEQ
import HGeometry.Line.PointAndVector
import HGeometry.LineSegment
@@ -41,25 +42,39 @@ import Test.QuickCheck
instance Arbitrary r => Arbitrary (EndPoint ep r) where
arbitrary = EndPoint <$> arbitrary
+ shrink (EndPoint p) = EndPoint <$> shrink p
instance Arbitrary EndPointType where
arbitrary = (\b -> if b then Open else Closed) <$> arbitrary
+ shrink = \case
+ Open -> [Closed]
+ Closed -> []
instance Arbitrary r => Arbitrary (AnEndPoint r) where
arbitrary = AnEndPoint <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
+ shrink = genericShrink
instance ( Arbitrary (endPoint r)
, Eq (endPoint r), Ord r, IxValue (endPoint r) ~ r, EndPoint_ (endPoint r)
) => Arbitrary (Interval endPoint r) where
arbitrary = do p <- arbitrary
- q <- arbitrary `suchThat` (isValid p)
+ q <- arbitrary `suchThat` (isValidInterval p)
pure $ buildInterval p q
- where
- isValid p q = p /= q && ((p^._endPoint == q^._endPoint) `implies` bothClosed p q)
- bothClosed p q = endPointType p == Closed && endPointType q == Closed
- implies p q = not p || q
+ shrink i = [ buildInterval p q
+ | p <- shrink $ i^.startPoint
+ , q <- shrink $ i^.endPoint
+ , isValidInterval p q
+ ]
+isValidInterval :: (Eq (endPoint r), Ord r, IxValue (endPoint r) ~ r, EndPoint_ (endPoint r))
+ => endPoint r -> endPoint r -> Bool
+isValidInterval p q = p /= q && ((p^._endPoint == q^._endPoint) `implies` bothClosed p q)
+bothClosed :: EndPoint_ (endPoint r) => endPoint r -> endPoint r -> Bool
+bothClosed p q = endPointType p == Closed && endPointType q == Closed
+implies :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
+implies p q = not p || q
instance ( Arbitrary (endPoint point)
, IsEndPoint (endPoint point) (endPoint point)
@@ -69,6 +84,11 @@ instance ( Arbitrary (endPoint point)
arbitrary = do p <- arbitrary
q <- arbitrary `suchThat` (\q' -> q'^._endPoint /= p^._endPoint)
pure $ LineSegment p q
+ shrink s = [ LineSegment p q
+ | p <- shrink $ s^.startPoint
+ , q <- shrink $ s^.endPoint
+ , q^._endPoint /= p^._endPoint
+ ]
instance ( Arbitrary point
, Arbitrary (NumType point)
@@ -77,6 +97,11 @@ instance ( Arbitrary point
) => Arbitrary (Ball point) where
arbitrary = Ball <$> arbitrary
<*> (arbitrary `suchThat` (> 0))
+ shrink (Ball c r) = [ Ball c' r'
+ | c' <- shrink c
+ , r' <- 1 : shrink r
+ , r' > 0
+ ]
instance ( Arbitrary point
, Point_ point 2 r, Num r, Ord r
@@ -86,6 +111,8 @@ instance ( Arbitrary point
b <- arbitrary `suchThat` (/= a)
c <- arbitrary `suchThat` (\c' -> c' /= a && c' /= b && ccw a b c' /= CoLinear)
pure $ Triangle a b c
+ shrink = genericShrink
instance Arbitrary r => Arbitrary (LineEQ r) where
arbitrary = LineEQ <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
@@ -103,10 +130,16 @@ instance ( Arbitrary point
, Arbitrary r
, Point_ point d r
, Num r
- , Ord (Vector d r)
+ , Ord r
+ , Zip (Vector d)
) => Arbitrary (Box point) where
arbitrary = (\p v -> Box p (p .+^ v)) <$> arbitrary
- <*> arbitrary `suchThat` (> zero)
+ <*> arbitrary `suchThat` (allOf components (> 0))
+ shrink b = [ Box p (p .+^ v)
+ | p <- shrink $ b^.minPoint
+ , v <- shrink $ size b
+ , allOf components (> 0) v
+ ]
instance ( Has_ Additive_ m r
, Has_ Vector_ n (Vector m r)
diff --git a/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Interval/EndPoint.hs b/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Interval/EndPoint.hs
index 466c06cd5..06bb118d5 100644
--- a/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Interval/EndPoint.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Interval/EndPoint.hs
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ module HGeometry.Interval.EndPoint
import Control.Lens
import Data.Foldable1
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import HGeometry.Properties
import Text.Read
@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ class IsEndPoint endPoint endPoint => EndPoint_ endPoint where
mkEndPoint :: IxValue endPoint -> endPoint
-- | Possible endpoint types; open or closed
-data EndPointType = Open | Closed deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)
+data EndPointType = Open | Closed deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded,Generic)
-- testV :: Vector 2 (Point 2 Double)
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ data EndPointType = Open | Closed deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded)
-- | EndPoint with a type safe tag
newtype EndPoint (et :: EndPointType) r = EndPoint r
- deriving stock (Eq,Ord,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
+ deriving stock (Eq,Ord,Functor,Foldable,Traversable,Generic)
instance Show r => Show (EndPoint Closed r) where
showsPrec = showsPrecImpl "ClosedE"
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ pattern OpenE x = EndPoint x
-- | Data type modelling an endpoint that can both be open and closed.
data AnEndPoint r = AnEndPoint {-# UNPACK #-} !EndPointType !r
- deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Functor,Foldable,Traversable)
+ deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Functor,Foldable,Traversable,Generic)
type instance NumType (AnEndPoint r) = r
type instance IxValue (AnEndPoint r) = r
diff --git a/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Internal.hs b/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Internal.hs
index f62092be6..c1c98a90f 100644
--- a/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Internal.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Internal.hs
@@ -27,7 +27,6 @@ import Data.Kind (Type)
import HGeometry.Box.Boxable
import HGeometry.Intersection
import HGeometry.Interval
-import HGeometry.Interval.Class
import HGeometry.Line.Class
import HGeometry.Line.PointAndVector
import HGeometry.LineSegment.Class
diff --git a/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Triangle.hs b/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Triangle.hs
index 3f2b0ea04..4c541ab79 100644
--- a/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Triangle.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/kernel/src/HGeometry/Triangle.hs
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@ module HGeometry.Triangle
) where
import Control.Lens
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import HGeometry.Box.Boxable
--- import HGeometry.HalfSpace
--- import HGeometry.HyperPlane
-import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Intersection
+import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Properties
--- import HGeometry.Transformation
+import HGeometry.Transformation
import HGeometry.Triangle.Class
import HGeometry.Vector
-import Text.Read
import Hiraffe.Graph
+import Text.Read
-- | Triangles in d-dimensional space
newtype Triangle point = MkTriangle (Vector 3 point)
+ deriving (Generic)
-- | Construct a triangle from its three points
pattern Triangle :: point -> point -> point -> Triangle point
@@ -64,11 +64,9 @@ instance HasVertices (Triangle point) (Triangle point') where
instance HasPoints (Triangle point) (Triangle point') point point' where
allPoints = _TriangleVector.components
--- instance ( DefaultTransformByConstraints (Triangle point) d r
--- , Point_ point d r
--- , d > 0
--- ) => IsTransformable (Triangle point)
+instance ( DefaultTransformByConstraints (Triangle point) d r
+ , Point_ point d r
+ ) => IsTransformable (Triangle point)
instance (Show point) => Show (Triangle point) where
showsPrec k (Triangle a b c ) = showParen (k > appPrec) $
diff --git a/hgeometry/point/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Point/Instances.hs b/hgeometry/point/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Point/Instances.hs
index c958b63f0..fbdf43367 100644
--- a/hgeometry/point/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Point/Instances.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/point/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Point/Instances.hs
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ import Test.QuickCheck
instance Arbitrary v => Arbitrary (PointF v) where
arbitrary = Point <$> arbitrary
+ shrink (Point v) = Point <$> shrink v
diff --git a/hgeometry/point/src/HGeometry/Point/Class.hs b/hgeometry/point/src/HGeometry/Point/Class.hs
index c00873c01..1d34eaa56 100644
--- a/hgeometry/point/src/HGeometry/Point/Class.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/point/src/HGeometry/Point/Class.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ module HGeometry.Point.Class
-- , projectPoint
-- , PointFor
, HasPoints(..), HasPoints'
+ , NoDefault(..)
) where
import Control.Lens
@@ -31,15 +32,12 @@ import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
+import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import GHC.TypeNats
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.Properties
import HGeometry.Vector
import qualified Linear.Affine as Linear
--- import Linear.V2 (V2(..))
--- import Linear.V3 (V3(..))
--- import Linear.V4 (V4(..))
-- $setup
-- >>> import HGeometry.Point
@@ -361,3 +359,12 @@ instance Affine_ point d r => Affine_ (point :+ extra) d r where
instance (Point_ point d r, Default extra) => Point_ (point :+ extra) d r where
{-# SPECIALIZE instance Point_ point d r => Point_ (point :+ ()) d r #-}
fromVector v = fromVector v :+ def
+-- | A newtype that can discharge the Default constraint in an unsafe way, if you really
+-- sure that you'll never actually need the default
+newtype NoDefault extra = NoDefault extra
+ deriving newtype (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Num,Bounded,Real,Fractional,RealFrac,Generic)
+instance Default (NoDefault extra) where
+ def = error "NoDefault does not have an actual default. So something went wrong"
diff --git a/hgeometry/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Polygon/Instances.hs b/hgeometry/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Polygon/Instances.hs
index 3ad2b2ce6..ae0b2fe06 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Polygon/Instances.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Polygon/Instances.hs
@@ -118,6 +118,11 @@ instance Arbitrary (SimplePolygon (Point 2 (RealNumber (p::Nat)))) where
-- instance Arbitrary (MultiPolygon () Rational) where
-- arbitrary = elements allMultiPolygons'
simplifyP :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 Rational) -> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 Rational)]
simplifyP pg
-- Scale up polygon such that each coordinate is a whole number.
@@ -127,13 +132,12 @@ simplifyP pg
-- Scale down polygon maintaining each coordinate as a whole number
| gcdP /= 1 = [ pg&vertices %~ divP gcdP ]
- -- unsafeFromCircularVector $ CV.map (over core (divP gcdP)) vs]
| minX /= 0 || minY /= 0 = [ pg&vertices %~ align ]
-- = [unsafeFromCircularVector $ CV.map (over core align) vs]
| otherwise =
let pg' = pg&vertices %~ _div2
-- unsafeFromCircularVector $ CV.map (over core _div2) vs
- in [ pg' | not (hasSelfIntersections pg') ]
+ in [ pg' | hasNoSelfIntersections $ pg'^..vertices ]
-- otherwise = []
minX = first1Of (minimumVertexBy (comparing (^.xCoord)).xCoord) pg
@@ -154,8 +158,6 @@ simplifyP pg
divP v (Point2 c d) = Point2 (c/v) (d/v)
_div2 (Point2 a b) = Point2 (numerator a `div` 2 % 1) (numerator b `div` 2 % 1)
-hasSelfIntersections = const True
--- FIXME!
lcmPoint :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 Rational) -> Rational
lcmPoint p = realToFrac t
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Intersection/BentleyOttmann.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Intersection/BentleyOttmann.hs
index 911e23873..d4af6f33c 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Intersection/BentleyOttmann.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/LineSegment/Intersection/BentleyOttmann.hs
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ module HGeometry.LineSegment.Intersection.BentleyOttmann
import Control.Lens hiding (contains)
import Data.Coerce
-import Data.Default.Class
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.List as List
@@ -49,9 +48,8 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import HGeometry.Foldable.Sort
import HGeometry.Intersection
import HGeometry.Interval.Class
-import HGeometry.Interval.EndPoint
+-- import HGeometry.Interval.EndPoint
import HGeometry.LineSegment
-import HGeometry.LineSegment.Class
import HGeometry.LineSegment.Intersection.Types
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Properties (NumType, Dimension)
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Class.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Class.hs
index 02ac8edba..313008613 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Class.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Class.hs
@@ -22,15 +22,19 @@ module HGeometry.PlaneGraph.Class
, dartSegments
, edgeSegments
+ , interiorFacePolygonAt
, interiorFacePolygons
) where
import Control.Lens
+import Data.Coerce
+import Data.Default.Class
+import Data.Foldable1
import Data.Functor.Apply
-import Data.Kind (Constraint)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
import Data.Ord (comparing)
+import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.LineSegment
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
@@ -49,7 +53,21 @@ class ( PlanarGraph_ planeGraph
, NumType vertex ~ NumType planeGraph
) => PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex | planeGraph -> vertex where
- {-# MINIMAL #-}
+ {-# MINIMAL fromEmbedding #-}
+ -- | Build a graph from its embedding; i.e. for each vertex we expect its adjacencies in
+ -- CCW order.
+ --
+ -- If the, in the list of neighbours of vertex u we see a vertex v
+ -- that itself does not appear in the adjacencylist, we may drop
+ -- it. In other words if u has a neighbour v, then v better have a
+ -- specification of its neighbours somewhere.
+ fromEmbedding :: ( Foldable1 f, Functor f, Foldable h, Functor h
+ , vi ~ VertexIx planeGraph
+ , v ~ Vertex planeGraph
+ , e ~ Edge planeGraph
+ , GraphFromAdjListExtraConstraints planeGraph h
+ ) => f (vi, v, h (vi, e)) -> planeGraph
-- | Getter to access the outer face
outerFace :: Eq (FaceIx planeGraph)
@@ -191,23 +209,67 @@ interiorFacePolygons :: forall planeGraph vertex r.
, Ord r, Num r
, Eq (FaceIx planeGraph)
- => IndexedFold (FaceIx planeGraph) planeGraph (SimplePolygon vertex)
+ => IndexedFold (FaceIx planeGraph)
+ planeGraph
+ (SimplePolygon (vertex :+ VertexIx planeGraph))
interiorFacePolygons = theFold
theFold :: forall p f.
- ( Indexable (FaceIx planeGraph) p, Applicative f, Contravariant f)
- => p (SimplePolygon vertex) (f (SimplePolygon vertex))
+ ( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex
+ , Indexable (FaceIx planeGraph) p, Applicative f, Contravariant f)
+ => p (SimplePolygon (vertex :+ VertexIx planeGraph))
+ (f (SimplePolygon (vertex :+ VertexIx planeGraph)))
-> planeGraph
-> f planeGraph
theFold pPolyFPoly g = interiorFaces (Indexed draw) g
draw :: FaceIx planeGraph -> Face planeGraph -> f (Face planeGraph)
- draw fi _ = let poly = uncheckedFromCCWPoints . fmap (\vi -> g^?!vertexAt vi)
- $ boundaryVertices fi g
+ draw fi _ = let poly = polygonFromFace g fi
in poly >$ indexed pPolyFPoly fi poly
+polygonFromFace :: forall planeGraph vertex r.( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex
+ , Point_ vertex 2 r
+ )
+ => planeGraph -> FaceIx planeGraph
+ -> SimplePolygon (vertex :+ VertexIx planeGraph)
+polygonFromFace gr fi = poly'&vertices.extra %~ coerce
+ where
+ poly' :: SimplePolygon (vertex :+ NoDefault (VertexIx planeGraph))
+ poly' = uncheckedFromCCWPoints
+ . fmap (\vi -> gr^?!vertexAt vi :+ NoDefault vi)
+ $ boundaryVertices fi gr
-- note that this is safe, since boundaryVerticesOf guarantees that for
-- interior faces, the vertices are returned in CCW order.
+ -- TODO: why can't I just coerce poyl' to the right type?
+-- | Renders a single interior face as a simple polygon.
+-- Note that this is a fold rather than a getter for the same reason faceAt is a traversal
+-- rather than a lens: i.e. if you pass some nonsensical FaceIx the face may not exist.
+interiorFacePolygonAt :: forall planeGraph vertex.
+ ( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex
+ , Point_ vertex 2 (NumType vertex)
+ )
+ => FaceIx planeGraph
+ -> IndexedFold (FaceIx planeGraph)
+ planeGraph
+ (SimplePolygon (vertex :+ VertexIx planeGraph))
+interiorFacePolygonAt fi = theFold
+ where
+ theFold pPolyFPoly gr = faceAt fi draw gr
+ where
+ -- draw :: Face planeGraph -> f (Face planeGraph)
+ draw _ = let poly = polygonFromFace gr fi
+ in poly >$ indexed pPolyFPoly fi poly
+newtype NoDefault e = NoDefault e
+instance Default (NoDefault e) where
+ def = undefined
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Type.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Type.hs
index 52d8942e7..33e861c69 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Type.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/PlaneGraph/Type.hs
@@ -19,14 +19,19 @@ module HGeometry.PlaneGraph.Type
import Control.Lens hiding (holes, holesOf, (.=))
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable1
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import qualified Data.Vector.NonEmpty as Vector
import Data.YAML
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import HGeometry.Box
+import HGeometry.Foldable.Sort (sortBy )
import HGeometry.PlaneGraph.Class
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Properties
+import HGeometry.Transformation
import Hiraffe.PlanarGraph
import qualified Hiraffe.PlanarGraph as PG
-- * The PlaneGraph type
@@ -89,7 +94,11 @@ instance HasFaces (PlaneGraph s v e f) (PlaneGraph s v e f') where
instance DiGraph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) where
type DiGraphFromAdjListExtraConstraints (PlaneGraph s v e f) h = (f ~ (), Foldable1 h)
+ -- | The vertices are expected to have their adjacencies in CCW order.
diGraphFromAdjacencyLists = PlaneGraph . diGraphFromAdjacencyLists
+ -- TODO: we should probably use some toEmbedding here as well I think
endPoints (PlaneGraph g) = endPoints g
twinDartOf d = twinOf d . to Just
outgoingDartsOf v = _PlanarGraph.outgoingDartsOf v
@@ -99,14 +108,37 @@ instance BidirGraph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) where
getPositiveDart (PlaneGraph g) e = getPositiveDart g e
-instance Graph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) where
+-- | Computes the cyclic order of adjacencies around each vertex.
+-- \(O(n \log n)\)
+toEmbedding :: ( Foldable1 g, Functor g, Foldable h, Functor h
+ , vi ~ VertexIx (PlaneGraph s v e f)
+ , v ~ Vertex (PlaneGraph s v e f)
+ , e ~ Edge (PlaneGraph s v e f)
+ , GraphFromAdjListExtraConstraints (PlaneGraph s v e f) h
+ , Point_ v 2 r, Ord r, Num r
+ ) => g (vi, v, h (vi, e)) -> g (vi, v, Vector.NonEmptyVector (vi, e))
+toEmbedding vs = fmap sortAround' vs
+ where
+ vertexLocs = foldMap (\(vi,v,_) -> Map.singleton vi v) vs
+ sortAround' (vi,v,adjs) = (vi,v, Vector.unsafeFromVector $ sortBy (ccwCmpAround' v) adjs)
+ ccwCmpAround' v (ui,_) (wi,_) = ccwCmpAround v (vertexLocs Map.! ui) (vertexLocs Map.! wi)
+instance ( Point_ v 2 (NumType v)
+ , Ord (NumType v), Num (NumType v)
+ ) => Graph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) where
type GraphFromAdjListExtraConstraints (PlaneGraph s v e f) h = (f ~ (), Foldable1 h)
- fromAdjacencyLists = PlaneGraph . fromAdjacencyLists
+ fromAdjacencyLists = fromEmbedding . toEmbedding
neighboursOf u = _PlanarGraph.neighboursOf u
incidentEdgesOf u = _PlanarGraph.incidentEdgesOf u
-instance PlanarGraph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) where
+instance ( Point_ v 2 (NumType v)
+ , Ord (NumType v), Num (NumType v)
+ ) => PlanarGraph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) where
type DualGraphOf (PlaneGraph s v e f) = PlanarGraph s Dual f e v
dualGraph = dualGraph . coerce @_ @(PlanarGraph s Primal v e f)
@@ -123,7 +155,8 @@ instance PlanarGraph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) where
instance ( Point_ v 2 (NumType v)
, Ord (NumType v), Num (NumType v)
- ) => PlaneGraph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) v
+ ) => PlaneGraph_ (PlaneGraph s v e f) v where
+ fromEmbedding = PlaneGraph . fromAdjacencyLists
instance ( Point_ v 2 r, Point_ v' 2 r'
) => HasPoints (PlaneGraph s v e f)
@@ -134,5 +167,10 @@ instance ( Point_ v 2 r
, Ord r, Num r
) => IsBoxable (PlaneGraph s v e f)
+instance ( Point_ v 2 r
+ , DefaultTransformByConstraints (PlaneGraph s v e f) 2 r
+ ) => IsTransformable (PlaneGraph s v e f)
-- boundingBox = boundingBoxList' . F.toList . fmap (^._2.location) . vertices
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Class.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Class.hs
index e73158769..e5aa6897b 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Class.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Class.hs
@@ -74,13 +74,15 @@ class HasVertices polygon polygon => HasOuterBoundary polygon where
-- running time :: \(O(n)\)
- outerBoundaryEdges :: IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon) polygon (Vertex polygon, Vertex polygon)
+ outerBoundaryEdges :: IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon,VertexIx polygon) polygon
+ (Vertex polygon, Vertex polygon)
default outerBoundaryEdges
:: Enum (VertexIx polygon)
- => IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon) polygon (Vertex polygon, Vertex polygon)
+ => IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon,VertexIx polygon) polygon (Vertex polygon, Vertex polygon)
outerBoundaryEdges = ifolding1 $
- \pg -> ( \(i,u) -> (i,(u, pg ^.outerBoundaryVertexAt (succ i))) )
- <$> itoNonEmptyOf outerBoundary pg
+ \pg -> ( \(i,u) -> let (j,v) = pg ^.outerBoundaryVertexAt (succ i).withIndex
+ in ((i,j) , (u,v))
+ ) <$> itoNonEmptyOf outerBoundary pg
-- \pg -> fmap ( \(i,u) -> (i,(u, pg ^.outerBoundaryVertexAt (succ i))) )
-- . NonEmpty.fromList
-- $ itoListOf outerBoundary pg
@@ -91,16 +93,17 @@ class HasVertices polygon polygon => HasOuterBoundary polygon where
-- running time: \(O(1)\)
outerBoundaryEdgeAt :: VertexIx polygon
- -> IndexedGetter (VertexIx polygon) polygon
+ -> IndexedGetter (VertexIx polygon, VertexIx polygon) polygon
(Vertex polygon, Vertex polygon)
-- default implementation of outerBoundaryEdge. It achieves the
-- desired running time when indexing is indeed constant.
default outerBoundaryEdgeAt :: Enum (VertexIx polygon)
=> VertexIx polygon
- -> IndexedGetter (VertexIx polygon) polygon
+ -> IndexedGetter (VertexIx polygon, VertexIx polygon) polygon
(Vertex polygon, Vertex polygon)
outerBoundaryEdgeAt i = ito $
- \pg -> (i, (pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt i, pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt (succ i)))
+ \pg -> let (j,v) = pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt (succ i).withIndex
+ in ( (i,j), (pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt i, v))
@@ -170,8 +173,9 @@ outerBoundaryEdgeSegmentAt :: ( HasOuterBoundary polygon
, Point_ point 2 r
=> VertexIx polygon
- -> IndexedGetter (VertexIx polygon) polygon
- (ClosedLineSegment point)
+ -> IndexedGetter (VertexIx polygon, VertexIx polygon)
+ polygon
+ (ClosedLineSegment point)
outerBoundaryEdgeSegmentAt i = outerBoundaryEdgeAt i. to (uncurry ClosedLineSegment)
-- | Get the line segments representing the outer boundary of the polygon.
@@ -180,25 +184,27 @@ outerBoundaryEdgeSegments :: forall polygon point r.
, Vertex polygon ~ point
, Point_ point 2 r
- => IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon) polygon (ClosedLineSegment point)
+ => IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon,VertexIx polygon)
+ polygon
+ (ClosedLineSegment point)
outerBoundaryEdgeSegments = outerBoundaryEdges . to (uncurry ClosedLineSegment)
-- | A fold that associates each vertex on the boundary with its
-- predecessor and successor (in that order) along the boundary.
outerBoundaryWithNeighbours :: ( HasOuterBoundary polygon
- , Enum (VertexIx polygon)
+ , VertexIx polygon ~ Int
- => IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon)
+ => IndexedFold1 (VertexIx polygon,
+ (VertexIx polygon, VertexIx polygon))
(Vertex polygon, (Vertex polygon, Vertex polygon))
outerBoundaryWithNeighbours = ifolding1 $
- \pg -> (\(i,u) -> (i, f pg i u)) <$> itoNonEmptyOf outerBoundary pg
+ \pg -> f pg (numVertices pg) <$> itoNonEmptyOf outerBoundary pg
- f pg i u = let v = pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt (pred i)
- w = pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt (succ i)
- in (u, (v, w))
+ f pg n (i,u) = let (j,v) = pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt ((i-1) `mod` n).withIndex
+ (k,w) = pg^.outerBoundaryVertexAt ((i+1) `mod` n).withIndex
+ in ( (i, (j,k)) , (u, (v, w)) )
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple.hs
index 5d1c943db..e1e66c69a 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple.hs
@@ -14,11 +14,12 @@
module HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
( SimplePolygon_(..)
, SimplePolygon
- , SimplePolygonF
+ , SimplePolygonF(..)
, toCyclic
, VertexContainer
, HasInPolygon(..)
, inSimplePolygon
+ , hasNoSelfIntersections
) where
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
@@ -26,6 +27,7 @@ import Control.Lens
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Functor.Classes
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Data.Vector.NonEmpty.Internal (NonEmptyVector(..))
import GHC.Generics
@@ -34,6 +36,7 @@ import HGeometry.Box
import HGeometry.Cyclic
import HGeometry.Foldable.Util
import HGeometry.Intersection
+import HGeometry.LineSegment.Intersection.BentleyOttmann
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple.Class
@@ -123,8 +126,15 @@ instance ( Point_ point 2 r
, VertexContainer f point
) => Polygon_ (SimplePolygonF f point) point r where
area = areaSimplePolygon
- ccwPredecessorOf u = singular $ vertexAt (pred u)
- ccwSuccessorOf u = singular $ vertexAt (succ u)
+ ccwPredecessorOf u = \pvFv pg -> let n = numVertices pg
+ p = (pred u) `mod` n
+ l = singular $ vertexAt p
+ in l pvFv pg
+ -- make sure to wrap the index to make sure we report the right index.
+ ccwSuccessorOf u = \pvFv pg -> let n = numVertices pg
+ s = (succ u) `mod` n
+ l = singular $ vertexAt s
+ in l pvFv pg
instance ( Point_ point 2 r
, VertexContainer f point
@@ -197,3 +207,16 @@ instance ( SimplePolygon_ (SimplePolygonF f point) point r
q `intersect` pg | q `intersects` pg = Just q
| otherwise = Nothing
-- this implementation is a bit silly but ok
+-- | verify that some sequence of points has no self intersecting edges.
+hasNoSelfIntersections :: forall f point r.
+ (Foldable f, Functor f, Point_ point 2 r, Ord r, Real r)
+ => f point -> Bool
+hasNoSelfIntersections vs = let vs' = (\p -> (p^.asPoint)&coordinates %~ toRational) <$> vs
+ pg :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 Rational)
+ pg = uncheckedFromCCWPoints vs'
+ in Map.null $ interiorIntersections $ pg^..outerBoundaryEdgeSegments
+ -- outerBoundaryEdgeSegments interiorIntersections pg
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple/InPolygon.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple/InPolygon.hs
index ca73aebfd..fbf300610 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple/InPolygon.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Simple/InPolygon.hs
@@ -116,11 +116,11 @@ q `inSimplePolygon` pg = case ifoldMapOf outerBoundaryEdges countAbove pg of
-- (e.g. the <=> does not hold in that case). If we discover q lies
-- on an edge e, we actually report that.
- countAbove i (u,v) = case (u^.xCoord) `compare` (v^.xCoord) of
- EQ | onVerticalEdge u v -> OnEdge i
- | otherwise -> mempty
- LT -> countAbove' i (AnClosedE u) (AnOpenE v)
- GT -> countAbove' i (AnOpenE v) (AnClosedE u)
+ countAbove (i,_) (u,v) = case (u^.xCoord) `compare` (v^.xCoord) of
+ EQ | onVerticalEdge u v -> OnEdge i
+ | otherwise -> mempty
+ LT -> countAbove' i (AnClosedE u) (AnOpenE v)
+ GT -> countAbove' i (AnOpenE v) (AnClosedE u)
-- count the edge if q
countAbove' i l r
| (Point1 $ q^.xCoord) `intersects` (view xCoord <$> Interval l r)
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c606ad733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation
+-- Copyright : (C) Frank Staals
+-- License : see the LICENSE file
+-- Maintainer : Frank Staals
+module HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation
+ ( triangulate
+ , computeDiagonals
+ , PolygonEdgeType(..)
+ , PolygonFaceData(..)
+ , Diagonal
+ ) where
+import Control.Lens
+import Data.Coerce
+import HGeometry.Ext
+import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
+import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.MakeMonotone as MM
+import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotone as TM
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.Types
+import HGeometry.Vector
+import Hiraffe.PlanarGraph
+-- | Triangulates a polygon of \(n\) vertices
+-- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
+triangulate :: forall s polygon point r.
+ (SimplePolygon_ polygon point r, Ord r, Num r)
+ => polygon
+ -> PlaneGraph s point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData
+triangulate pg = constructGraph pg (computeDiagonals pg)
+-- | Computes a set of diagaonals that together triangulate the input polygon
+-- of \(n\) vertices.
+-- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
+computeDiagonals :: forall polygon point r.
+ (SimplePolygon_ polygon point r, Ord r, Num r)
+ => polygon -> [Diagonal polygon]
+computeDiagonals pg = monotoneDiags <> extraDiags
+ where
+ monotoneSubdiv :: PlaneGraph () point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData
+ monotoneSubdiv = MM.makeMonotone @() pg
+ -- use some arbitrary proxy type
+ -- get the existing diagonals
+ monotoneDiags :: [Diagonal polygon]
+ monotoneDiags = map (\(d,_) -> let (u,v) = monotoneSubdiv ^. endPointsOf d.asIndex
+ in coerce $ Vector2 u v
+ )
+ . filter ((== Diagonal) . snd)
+ $ monotoneSubdiv ^.. edges.withIndex
+ -- and compute the diagonals in each interior y-monotone polygon
+ extraDiags :: [Diagonal polygon]
+ extraDiags = foldMap (collectDiags . fst)
+ $ filter ((== Inside) . snd)
+ $ monotoneSubdiv^..interiorFaces.withIndex
+ -- collectDiags :: FaceIx planeGraph -> [Diagonal polygon]
+ collectDiags i = let yMonotonePoly = monotoneSubdiv ^?! interiorFacePolygonAt i
+ in map (coerce . withOriginalId yMonotonePoly) $
+ TM.computeDiagonals yMonotonePoly
+withOriginalId :: ( TM.YMonotonePolygon_ yMonotonePolygon (point :+ i) r
+ ) => yMonotonePolygon -> Diagonal yMonotonePolygon -> Vector 2 i
+withOriginalId yMonotonePoly = fmap (\j -> yMonotonePoly^?!vertexAt j.extra)
+ -- getOriginalID :: VertexId monotonePolygon -> VertexId polygon
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/MakeMonotone.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/MakeMonotone.hs
index 820cf7eb4..ed0133bc9 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/MakeMonotone.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/MakeMonotone.hs
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
-- Maintainer : Frank Staals
module HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.MakeMonotone
- ( computeDiagonals
+ ( makeMonotone
+ , computeDiagonals
, classifyVertices
, VertexType(..)
@@ -22,8 +23,10 @@ import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.Foldable.Sort
import HGeometry.LineSegment
+import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple.Class
import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.Types
import qualified HGeometry.Set.Util as SS
import HGeometry.Vector
@@ -32,6 +35,17 @@ import qualified VectorBuilder.Vector as Builder
+-- | Given a polygon, computes a plane subdivision representing a split of the polygon
+-- into y-monotone subpolygons.
+-- running time: \(O(n\log n)\)
+makeMonotone :: forall s polygon point r.
+ (SimplePolygon_ polygon point r, Ord r, Num r)
+ => polygon
+ -> PlaneGraph s point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData
+makeMonotone pg = constructGraph pg (computeDiagonals pg)
-- | Given a polygon, find a set of non-intersecting diagonals that partition
-- the polygon into y-monotone pieces.
@@ -77,7 +91,8 @@ p `cmpSweep` q = comparing (^.yCoord) p q <> comparing (Down . (^.xCoord)) p q
-- | Handle an event
handle :: forall polygon point r. ( Polygon_ polygon point r
, Point_ point 2 r, Num r, Ord r
- , Default (VertexIx polygon), Ord (VertexIx polygon)
+ , Default (VertexIx polygon)
+ , Ord (VertexIx polygon)
=> polygon
-> (StatusSruct polygon, [Diagonal polygon]) -> Event polygon
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/Triangulate.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/Triangulate.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 553734f88..000000000
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/Triangulate.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.MakeMonotone
--- Copyright : (C) Frank Staals
--- License : see the LICENSE file
--- Maintainer : Frank Staals
-module HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.Triangulate
- (
- ) where
-import Control.Lens
-import Data.Either (lefts)
-import qualified Data.Foldable as F
-import HGeometry.Ext
-import HGeometry.LineSegment
-import HGeometry.PlanarSubdivision.Basic
-import HGeometry.Polygon
-import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.MakeMonotone as MM
-import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotone.TriangulateMonotone as TM
-import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.Types
--- | Triangulates a polygon of \(n\) vertices
--- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
-triangulate :: forall s t p r. (Ord r, Fractional r)
- => Polygon t p r -> PlanarSubdivision s p PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r
-triangulate pg' = constructSubdivision e es diags
- where
- (pg, diags) = computeDiagonals' pg'
- (e:es) = listEdges pg
--- | Triangulates a polygon of \(n\) vertices
--- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
-triangulate' :: forall s t p r. (Ord r, Fractional r)
- => Polygon t p r -> PlaneGraph s p PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r
-triangulate' pg' = constructGraph e es diags
- where
- (pg, diags) = computeDiagonals' pg'
- (e:es) = listEdges pg
--- | Computes a set of diagaonals that together triangulate the input polygon
--- of \(n\) vertices.
--- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
-computeDiagonals :: (Ord r, Fractional r) => Polygon t p r -> [LineSegment 2 p r]
-computeDiagonals = snd . computeDiagonals'
--- | Computes a set of diagaonals that together triangulate the input polygon
--- of \(n\) vertices. Returns a copy of the input polygon, whose boundaries are
--- oriented in counter clockwise order, as well.
--- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
-computeDiagonals' :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
- => Polygon t p r -> (Polygon t p r, [LineSegment 2 p r])
-computeDiagonals' pg' = (pg, monotoneDiags <> extraDiags)
- where
- pg = toCounterClockWiseOrder pg'
- monotoneP = MM.makeMonotone @() pg -- use some arbitrary proxy type
- -- outerFaceId' = outerFaceId monotoneP
- monotoneDiags = map (^._2.core) . filter (\e' -> e'^._2.extra == Diagonal)
- . F.toList . edgeSegments $ monotoneP
- extraDiags = concatMap (TM.computeDiagonals . toCounterClockWiseOrder')
- . lefts . map (^._2.core)
- . filter (\mp -> mp^._2.extra == Inside) -- triangulate only the insides
- -- . filter (\f -> f^._1 /= outerFaceId')
- . F.toList . internalFacePolygons $ monotoneP
- -- FIXME: we should already get all polygons in CCW order, so no
- -- need for the toClockwiseOrder' call
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotone.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotone.hs
index 23c2cae0d..424472e3d 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotone.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotone.hs
@@ -7,8 +7,7 @@
module HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotone
( YMonotonePolygon_
- -- , triangulate
- -- , triangulate'
+ , triangulate
, computeDiagonals
-- , LR(..)
-- , P
@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ import HGeometry.Combinatorial.Util
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.Vector (Vector(Vector2))
-- import HGeometry.PlanarSubdivision.Basic (PlanarSubdivision, PolygonFaceData)
--- import HGeometry.PlaneGraph (PlaneGraph)
+import HGeometry.PlaneGraph (PlaneGraph)
import HGeometry.Point
import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple.Class
@@ -48,35 +47,18 @@ import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.Types
type YMonotonePolygon_ = SimplePolygon_
data LR = L | R deriving (Show,Eq)
-type PlanarSubdivision s point e f r = ()
-- | Triangulates a polygon of \(n\) vertices
-- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
-triangulate :: ( YMonotonePolygon_ yMonotonePolygon point r
- , Ord r, Fractional r)
+triangulate :: forall s yMonotonePolygon point r.
+ (YMonotonePolygon_ yMonotonePolygon point r, Ord r, Num r
+ )
=> yMonotonePolygon
- -> PlanarSubdivision s point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r
-triangulate pg = constructSubdivision e es (computeDiagonals pg)
- where
- (e:es) = listEdges pg
+ -> PlaneGraph s point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData
+triangulate pg = constructGraph pg (computeDiagonals pg)
-- TODO: Find a way to construct the graph in O(n) time.
--- | Triangulates a polygon of \(n\) vertices
--- running time: \(O(n \log n)\)
-triangulate' :: forall s p r. (Ord r, Fractional r)
- => yMonotonePolygon-> PlaneGraph s p PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r
-triangulate' pg' = constructGraph e es (computeDiagonals pg)
- where
- pg = toCounterClockWiseOrder pg'
- (e:es) = listEdges pg
- -- TODO: Find a way to construct the graph in O(n) time.
-- | Given a y-monotone polygon in counter clockwise order computes the diagonals
-- to add to triangulate the polygon
diff --git a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/Types.hs b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/Types.hs
index 41c726c58..47f5ecffa 100644
--- a/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/Types.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/src/HGeometry/Polygon/Triangulation/Types.hs
@@ -8,23 +8,21 @@
module HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.Types where
import Control.Lens
-import Control.Monad (forM_)
-import qualified Data.Foldable as F
+import Data.Coerce
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
-import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
--- import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
-import HGeometry.Ext
-import HGeometry.LineSegment
--- import HGeometry.PlanarSubdivision.Basic
--- import qualified HGeometry.PlaneGraph as PG
-import Hiraffe.Graph.Class
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import HGeometry.Lens.Util
import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
-import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
import HGeometry.Point
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple.Class
import HGeometry.Vector
+import Hiraffe.Graph.Class
import Hiraffe.PlanarGraph as PlanarGraph
+-- import qualified Data.Foldable as F
+-- import Debug.Trace
-- | After triangulation, edges are either from the original polygon or a new diagonal.
@@ -90,48 +88,84 @@ constructSubdivision e origs diags = fromPlaneGraph $ constructGraph e origs dia
+-- fromConnectedSegments :: ( Foldable1 f
+-- , LineSegment_ lineSegment vertex
+-- , Point_ vertex 2 r, Ord r, Num r
+-- )
+-- => f lineSegment -> PlaneGraph s (NonEmpty vertex) lineSegment ()
+-- fromConnectedSegments segs = fromAdjacencyLists adjLists
+-- where
+-- adjLists = Map.fromListWith (<>) . concatMap f . zipWith g [0..] . F.toList $ ss
+-- mkVertex
+-- fromadjacencylists
+-- where
+-- planarGraph dts & PG.vertexData .~ vxData
+-- where
+-- pts = M.fromListWith (<>) . concatMap f . zipWith g [0..] . F.toList $ ss
+-- f (s :+ e) = [ ( s^.start.core
+-- , SP (sing $ s^.start.extra) [(s^.end.core) :+ h Positive e])
+-- , ( s^.end.core
+-- , SP (sing $ s^.end.extra) [(s^.start.core) :+ h Negative e])
+-- ]
+-- g i (s :+ e) = s :+ (Arc i :+ e)
+-- h d (a :+ e) = (Dart a d, e)
+-- sing x = x NonEmpty.:| []
+-- vts = map (\(p,sp) -> (p,map (^.extra) . sortAround' (ext p) <$> sp))
+-- . M.assocs $ pts
+-- -- vertex Data
+-- vxData = V.fromList . map (\(p,sp) -> VertexData p (sp^._1)) $ vts
+-- -- The darts
+-- dts = map (^._2._2) vts
-- | Given a list of original edges and a list of diagonals, creates a
--- planar-subdivision
+-- planar-subdivision. The vertexId's will remain unchanged.
-- running time: \(O(n\log n)\)
-constructGraph :: (Polygon_ polygon point r, Point_ point 2 r
+constructGraph :: forall s polygon point r f.
+ ( SimplePolygon_ polygon point r, Point_ point 2 r
+ , Foldable f, Ord r, Num r
=> polygon
-> f (Diagonal polygon)
-> PlaneGraph s point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData
-constructGraph pg diags = undefined
-e origs diags =
- subdiv & PG.vertexData.traverse %~ NonEmpty.head
- & PG.faceData .~ faceData'
- & PG.rawDartData.traverse %~ snd
+constructGraph pg diags = gr&faces %@~ computeFaceLabel
+-- constructGraph pg diags = gr&faces %@~ computeFaceLabel
- subdiv :: PG.PlaneGraph s (NonEmpty p) (Bool,PolygonEdgeType) () r
- subdiv = PG.fromConnectedSegments $ e' : origs' <> diags'
- diags' = (:+ (True, Diagonal)) <$> diags
- origs' = (:+ (False,Original)) <$> origs
- e' = e :+ (True, Original)
- -- the darts incident to internal faces
- queryDarts = concatMap shouldQuery . F.toList . PG.edges' $ subdiv
- shouldQuery d = case subdiv^.dataOf d of
- (True, Original) -> [d]
- (True, Diagonal) -> [d, twin d]
- _ -> []
- -- the interior faces
- intFaces = flip PG.leftFace subdiv <$> queryDarts
- faceData' :: V.Vector PolygonFaceData
- faceData' = V.create $ do
- v' <- MV.replicate (PG.numFaces subdiv) Outside
- forM_ intFaces $ \(PG.FaceId (PG.VertexId f)) ->
- MV.write v' f Inside
- pure v'
+ -- | Note that we use fromAdjacencyLists
+ gr = fromAdjacencyLists adjLists :: PlaneGraph s point PolygonEdgeType ()
+ adjLists = uncurry collectDiags <$> itoNonEmptyOf outerBoundaryWithNeighbours pg
+ collectDiags :: (VertexIx polygon, (VertexIx polygon, VertexIx polygon))
+ -> (point, (point, point))
+ -> ( VertexIdIn Primal s
+ , point, NonEmpty (VertexIdIn Primal s,PolygonEdgeType)
+ )
+ collectDiags (u, (v,w)) (p,_) = coerce (u,p, (v, Original) :| (w, Original) : diagonalsOf u)
+ -- get the diagonals incident to vertex u
+ diagonalsOf u = fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup u diags'
+ -- associate every diagonal with its endpoints
+ diags' :: Map.Map (VertexIx polygon) [(VertexIx polygon, PolygonEdgeType)]
+ diags' = foldr (\(Vector2 u v) -> Map.insertWith (<>) u [(v, Diagonal)]
+ . Map.insertWith (<>) v [(u, Diagonal)]
+ ) Map.empty diags
+ theOuterFaceId = outerFaceId gr
+ computeFaceLabel fi _
+ | fi == theOuterFaceId = Outside
+ | otherwise = Inside
-- -constructSubdivision px e origs diags =
-- - subdiv & planeGraph.PG.vertexData.traverse %~ NonEmpty.head
@@ -160,3 +194,6 @@ e origs diags =
-- - forM_ intFaces $ \(PG.FaceId (PG.VertexId f)) ->
-- - MV.write v' f (FaceData [] Inside)
-- - pure v'
diff --git a/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/PlaneGraph/RenderSpec.hs b/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/PlaneGraph/RenderSpec.hs
index 96268f6df..caa710ff2 100644
--- a/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/PlaneGraph/RenderSpec.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/PlaneGraph/RenderSpec.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module PlaneGraph.RenderSpec
( spec
+ , drawGraph
+ , drawVertex
+ , drawDart
+ , drawFace
+ , drawEdge
) where
import Control.Lens
@@ -14,7 +19,6 @@ import HGeometry.Boundary
import HGeometry.Ext
import HGeometry.Line
import HGeometry.LineSegment
-import HGeometry.Number.Radical
import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
import HGeometry.PlaneGraph.Class
import HGeometry.Point
@@ -94,13 +98,16 @@ spec = describe "render planegraph tests" $ do
drawGraph :: ( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex
, IsTransformable vertex
- , Point_ vertex 2 r, Ord r, Radical r, Fractional r, Show r, Eq (FaceIx planeGraph)
+ , Point_ vertex 2 r, Ord r, Real r
+ , Fractional r, Show r, Eq (FaceIx planeGraph)
, Show (Vertex planeGraph), Show (Dart planeGraph), Show (Face planeGraph)
+ , Show (EdgeIx planeGraph)
) => planeGraph -> [IpeObject r]
drawGraph gr = theVertices <> theEdges <> theFaces
theVertices = ifoldMapOf vertices drawVertex gr
theEdges = ifoldMapOf dartSegments (drawDart gr) gr
+ <> ifoldMapOf edgeSegments (drawEdge gr) gr
theFaces = ifoldMapOf interiorFacePolygons (drawFace gr) gr
drawVertex :: ( Point_ vertex 2 r, Show vertex)
@@ -110,8 +117,18 @@ drawVertex _ v = [ iO $ ipeDiskMark (v^.asPoint) ! attr SLayer "vertex"
-- ! attr SStroke Ipe.red
+drawEdge :: ( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex, Point_ vertex 2 r, IsTransformable vertex
+ , Show (EdgeIx planeGraph), Fractional r, Real r)
+ => planeGraph -> EdgeIx planeGraph -> ClosedLineSegment vertex -> [IpeObject r]
+drawEdge gr d s = [ iO $ ipeLineSegment s ! attr SLayer "edges"
+ , iO $ ipeLabel (tshow d :+ c) ! attr SLayer "edgeLabel"
+ ]
+ where
+ c = interpolate 0.5 s ^. asPoint
drawDart :: ( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex, Point_ vertex 2 r, IsTransformable vertex
- , Show (Dart planeGraph), Radical r, Fractional r)
+ , Show (Dart planeGraph), Fractional r, Real r)
=> planeGraph -> DartIx planeGraph -> ClosedLineSegment vertex -> [IpeObject r]
drawDart gr d s = [ iO $ ipeLineSegment (offset s)
! attr SArrow normalArrow
@@ -123,23 +140,27 @@ drawDart gr d s = [ iO $ ipeLineSegment (offset s)
c = interpolate 0.5 s ^. asPoint
-- computes the midpoint of the segment.
+offset :: forall lineSegment point r.
+ (LineSegment_ lineSegment point, IsTransformable lineSegment
+ , HasSupportingLine lineSegment
+ , Point_ point 2 r, Real r, Fractional r)
+ => lineSegment -> lineSegment
offset s = translateBy theOffset s
- theOffset = negated $ signorm v
+ theOffset :: Vector 2 r
+ theOffset = fmap realToFrac . negated $ signorm (realToFrac @_ @Double <$> v)
+ v :: Vector 2 r
v = perpendicularTo (supportingLine s) ^. direction
drawFace :: ( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex, Point_ vertex 2 r
, Show (Face planeGraph), Ord r, Fractional r)
- => planeGraph -> FaceIx planeGraph -> SimplePolygon vertex -> [IpeObject r]
-drawFace gr f pg = [ iO $ ipePolygon (pg&vertices %~ (^.asPoint)) ! attr SLayer "face"
+ => planeGraph -> FaceIx planeGraph -> SimplePolygon (vertex :+ VertexIx planeGraph) -> [IpeObject r]
+drawFace gr f pg = [ iO $ ipePolygon pg' ! attr SLayer "face"
, iO $ ipeLabel (tshow (gr^?!faceAt f) :+ c) ! attr SLayer "faceLabel"
- c = centroid pg ^.asPoint
+ pg' = pg&vertices %~ (^.core.asPoint)
+ c = centroid pg'
tshow :: Show a => a -> Text.Text
diff --git a/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotoneSpec.hs b/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotoneSpec.hs
index 0102146d8..4604cd321 100644
--- a/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotoneSpec.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateMonotoneSpec.hs
@@ -2,53 +2,90 @@
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
module Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotoneSpec (spec) where
-import Control.Lens
-import Data.Maybe
-import Golden
-import HGeometry
-import HGeometry.Ext
-import HGeometry.Number.Real.Rational
-import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
-import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
-import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotone
-import Ipe
-import System.OsPath
-import Test.Hspec
-import Test.Util
+import Control.Lens
+import Data.Maybe
+import Golden
+import HGeometry
+import HGeometry.Ext
+import HGeometry.Number.Real.Rational
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
+import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation
+import Ipe
+import System.OsPath
+import Test.Hspec
+import Test.Util
+import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotone as TM
+import Debug.Trace
type R = RealNumber 5
spec :: Spec
-spec = do testCases [osp|test-with-ipe/Polygon/Triangulation/monotone.ipe|]
- testCases [osp|test-with-ipe/Polygon/Triangulation/simplepolygon6.ipe|]
-testCases :: OsPath -> Spec
-testCases fp = (runIO $ readInput =<< getDataFileName fp) >>= \case
+spec = do it "triangulate triangle" $ do
+ let tri :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R)
+ tri = uncheckedFromCCWPoints $ [origin, Point2 10 0, Point2 10 10]
+ gr = TM.triangulate @() tri
+ extractDiagonals gr `shouldBe` []
+ testCases toMonotoneSpec [osp|test-with-ipe/Polygon/Triangulation/monotone.ipe|]
+ testCases toSpec [osp|test-with-ipe/Polygon/Triangulation/monotone.ipe|]
+ testCases toSpec [osp|test-with-ipe/Polygon/Triangulation/simplepolygon6.ipe|]
+testCases :: (TestCase R -> Spec) -> OsPath -> Spec
+testCases toSpec' fp = (runIO $ readInput =<< getDataFileName fp) >>= \case
Left e -> it "reading TriangulateMonotone file" $
expectationFailure $ "Failed to read ipe file " ++ show e
- Right tcs -> mapM_ toSpec tcs
+ Right tcs -> mapM_ toSpec' tcs
data TestCase r = TestCase { _polygon :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) :+ IpeColor r
, _solution :: [ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)]
deriving (Show,Eq)
+toMonotoneSpec :: (Num r, Ord r, Show r) => TestCase r -> Spec
+toMonotoneSpec (TestCase (poly :+ c) sol) = do
+ describe ("testing monotone polygons of color " ++ show c) $ do
+ it "comparing monotone diagonals with manual solution" $ do
+ let algSol = TM.computeDiagonals poly
+ (naiveSet . map toSeg $ algSol) `shouldBe` naiveSet sol
+ it "comparing monotone diagonals from the triangualtion with manual solution" $ do
+ let gr = TM.triangulate @() poly
+ algSol = traceShow ("edges", gr^..edges.withIndex)
+ $ extractDiagonals gr
+ (naiveSet algSol) `shouldBe` naiveSet sol
+ where
+ toSeg (Vector2 i j) = ClosedLineSegment (poly^?!vertexAt i) (poly^?!vertexAt j)
toSpec :: (Num r, Ord r, Show r) => TestCase r -> Spec
-toSpec (TestCase (poly :+ c) sol) =
- describe ("testing polygions of color " ++ show c) $ do
- it "comparing with manual solution" $ do
+toSpec (TestCase (poly :+ c) sol) = do
+ describe ("testing polygons of color " ++ show c) $ do
+ it "comparing diagonals with manual solution" $ do
let algSol = computeDiagonals poly
(naiveSet . map toSeg $ algSol) `shouldBe` naiveSet sol
+ it "comparing diagonals from the triangualtion with manual solution" $ do
+ let gr = triangulate @() poly
+ algSol = traceShow ("edges", gr^..edges.withIndex)
+ $ extractDiagonals gr
+ (naiveSet algSol) `shouldBe` naiveSet sol
- naiveSet = NaiveSet . map S
toSeg (Vector2 i j) = ClosedLineSegment (poly^?!vertexAt i) (poly^?!vertexAt j)
-newtype S r = S (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)) deriving (Show)
+naiveSet = NaiveSet . map S
+extractDiagonals gr = mapMaybe (\(d,edgeType) -> case edgeType of
+ Diagonal -> gr^?edgeSegmentAt d
+ _ -> Nothing
+ ) $ gr^..edges.withIndex
+newtype S r = S (ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)) deriving newtype (Show)
instance (Eq r) => Eq (S r) where
(S s) == (S y) = (s^.start == y^.start && s^.end == y^.end)
diff --git a/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateSpec.hs b/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateSpec.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6b803d96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateSpec.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+module Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateSpec (spec) where
+import Control.Lens
+-- import Debug.Trace
+import HGeometry
+import HGeometry.Ext
+import HGeometry.Number.Real.Rational
+import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation
+import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.MakeMonotone as MM
+import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotone as TM
+import HGeometry.Transformation
+import Ipe
+import PlaneGraph.RenderSpec (drawVertex, drawDart, drawEdge)
+-- import System.OsPath
+import Test.Hspec
+-- import Test.QuickCheck
+-- import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
+type R = RealNumber 5
+spec :: Spec
+spec = describe "triangulateSpec" $ do
+ it "buggy polygon monotone area" $ do
+ let g = TM.triangulate @() buggyPolygon
+ trigs = graphPolygons g
+ sum (map area trigs) `shouldBe` area buggyPolygon
+ -- it "all monotone polygons"
+ it "monotone diags of buggypolygon2'" $
+ MM.computeDiagonals buggyPolygon2' `shouldBe` [Vector2 0 3]
+ it "buggyPolygon2' diagonals" $
+ computeDiagonals buggyPolygon2' `shouldBe` [Vector2 0 3,Vector2 1 3]
+ -- let g = triangulate @() buggyPolygon2'
+ -- trigs = graphPolygons g
+ -- runIO $ do
+ -- putStrLn "==============g buggy2 ===================="
+ -- print g
+ -- putStrLn "==============dual g buggy 2 ===================="
+ -- print $ dualGraph g
+ -- putStrLn "=================================="
+ -- writeIpeFile [osp|/tmp/out.ipe|] . singlePageFromContent $ drawGraph $ scaleUniformlyBy 10 g
+ it "buggyPolygon2' monotone area" $ do
+ let g = triangulate @() buggyPolygon2'
+ trigs = graphPolygons g
+ sum (map area trigs) `shouldBe` area buggyPolygon2'
+ it "buggyPolygon2 monotone area" $ do
+ let g = triangulate @() buggyPolygon2
+ trigs = graphPolygons g
+ sum (map area trigs) `shouldBe` area buggyPolygon2
+_drawGraph :: ( PlaneGraph_ planeGraph vertex
+ , IsTransformable vertex
+ , Point_ vertex 2 r, Ord r, Real r, Fractional r, Show r, Eq (FaceIx planeGraph)
+ , Show (Vertex planeGraph), Show (Dart planeGraph), Show (Face planeGraph)
+ , Show (EdgeIx planeGraph)
+ ) => planeGraph -> [IpeObject r]
+_drawGraph gr = theVertices <> theEdges <> theFaces
+ where
+ theVertices = ifoldMapOf vertices drawVertex gr
+ theEdges = ifoldMapOf dartSegments (drawDart gr) gr
+ <> ifoldMapOf edgeSegments (drawEdge gr) gr
+ theFaces = [] -- ifoldMapOf interiorFacePolygons (drawFace gr) gr
+graphPolygons :: (Ord r, Num r, Point_ point 2 r)
+ => PlaneGraph s point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData
+ -> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
+graphPolygons gr = map (&vertices %~ view (core.asPoint)) $ gr^..interiorFacePolygons
+buggyPolygon :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R)
+buggyPolygon = read "SimplePolygon [Point2 9 9,Point2 3 6,Point2 0 3,Point2 2 3,Point2 0 0]"
+buggyPolygon2 :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R)
+buggyPolygon2 = read "SimplePolygon [Point2 0 11,Point2 52 0,Point2 68 13,Point2 38 12,Point2 15 16]"
+buggyPolygon2' :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R)
+buggyPolygon2' = read "SimplePolygon [Point2 0 11,Point2 52 0,Point2 68 15,Point2 38 12,Point2 15 16]"
+-- spec :: Spec
+-- spec = do testCases [osp|test-with-ipe/Polygon/Triangulation/monotone.ipe|]
+-- -- testCases [osp|test-with-ipe/Polygon/Triangulation/simplepolygon6.ipe|]
+-- testCases :: OsPath -> Spec
+-- testCases fp = (runIO $ readInput =<< getDataFileName fp) >>= \case
+-- Left e -> it "reading TriangulateMonotone file" $
+-- expectationFailure $ "Failed to read ipe file " ++ show e
+-- Right tcs -> mapM_ toSpec tcs
+-- data TestCase r = TestCase { _polygon :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 r) :+ IpeColor r
+-- , _solution :: [ClosedLineSegment (Point 2 r)]
+-- }
+-- deriving (Show,Eq)
+-- toSpec :: (Num r, Ord r, Show r) => TestCase r -> Spec
+-- toSpec (TestCase (poly :+ c) sol) =
+-- describe ("testing polygions of color " ++ show c) $ do
+-- it "comparing with manual solution" $ do
+-- let algSol = triangulate @() poly
+-- (naiveSet . map toSeg $ algSol) `shouldBe` naiveSet sol
diff --git a/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateSpec_.hs b/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateSpec_.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 56079ebdc..000000000
--- a/hgeometry/test-with-ipe/test/Polygon/Triangulation/TriangulateSpec_.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateSpec (spec) where
-import Control.Lens
-import qualified Data.Vector as V
-import HGeometry
-import HGeometry.Ext
-import HGeometry.PlanarSubdivision (PolygonFaceData)
-import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
-import HGeometry.PolygonSpec ()
-import HGeometry.PolygonTriangulation.Triangulate
-import HGeometry.PolygonTriangulation.Types
-import Test.Hspec
-import Test.QuickCheck
-import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
-spec :: Spec
-spec = do
- it "sum (map area (triangulate polygon)) == area polygon" $ do
- property $ \(poly :: SimplePolygon () Rational) ->
- let g = triangulate' @() poly
- trigs = graphPolygons g
- in sum (map area trigs) === area poly
- it "all isTriangle . triangulate" $ do
- property $ \(poly :: SimplePolygon () Rational) ->
- let g = triangulate' @() poly
- trigs = graphPolygons g
- in all isTriangle trigs
-graphPolygons :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
- => PlaneGraph s p PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r -> [SimplePolygon p r]
-graphPolygons g = map (^._2.core) . V.toList . snd $ facePolygons (outerFaceId g) g
diff --git a/hgeometry/test/Polygon/TriangulateSpec.hs b/hgeometry/test/Polygon/TriangulateSpec.hs
index a9413cc63..cda5c7c14 100644
--- a/hgeometry/test/Polygon/TriangulateSpec.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/test/Polygon/TriangulateSpec.hs
@@ -1,36 +1,71 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Polygon.TriangulateSpec (spec) where
--- import Control.Lens
--- import qualified Data.Vector as V
--- import HGeometry
--- import HGeometry.Ext
--- import HGeometry.PlanarSubdivision (PolygonFaceData)
--- import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
--- import HGeometry.PolygonSpec ()
--- import HGeometry.PolygonTriangulation.Triangulate
--- import HGeometry.PolygonTriangulation.Types
+import Control.Lens
+import HGeometry
+import HGeometry.Ext
+import HGeometry.Number.Real.Rational
+import HGeometry.PlaneGraph
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Class
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Instances ()
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Simple
+import HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation
+import qualified HGeometry.Polygon.Triangulation.TriangulateMonotone as TM
import Test.Hspec
--- import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
+import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck
+import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Instances ()
+-- import Debug.Trace
+type R = RealNumber 5
spec :: Spec
spec = do
- pure ()
--- prop "sum (map area (triangulate polygon)) == area polygon" $
--- \(poly :: SimplePolygon () Rational) ->
--- let g = triangulate' @() poly
--- trigs = graphPolygons g
--- in sum (map area trigs) === area poly
--- prop "all isTriangle . triangulate" $
--- \(poly :: SimplePolygon () Rational) ->
--- let g = triangulate' @() poly
--- trigs = graphPolygons g
--- in all isTriangle trigs
--- graphPolygons :: (Ord r, Fractional r)
--- => PlaneGraph s p PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData r -> [SimplePolygon p r]
--- graphPolygons g = map (^._2.core) . V.toList . snd $ facePolygons (outerFaceId g) g
+ it "buggy polygon diagionals" $
+ computeDiagonals buggyPolygon `shouldBe` [ Vector2 3 1
+ , Vector2 3 0
+ ]
+ it "buggy polygon monotone area" $
+ let g = TM.triangulate @() buggyPolygon
+ trigs = graphPolygons g
+ in sum (map area trigs) `shouldBe` area buggyPolygon
+ it "buggy polygon area" $
+ let g = triangulate @() buggyPolygon
+ trigs = graphPolygons g
+ in sum (map area trigs) `shouldBe` area buggyPolygon
+ prop "sum (map area (triangulate polygon)) == area polygon" $
+ \(poly :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R)) ->
+ let g = triangulate @() poly
+ trigs = graphPolygons g
+ in counterexample (show g) $ sum (map area trigs) === area poly
+ prop "all isTriangle . triangulate" $
+ \(poly :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R)) ->
+ let g = triangulate @() poly
+ trigs = graphPolygons g
+ in all isTriangle trigs
+ -- prop "creating the graph does not create additional diagionals" $
+ -- \poly ->
+ -- let gr = triangulate @() poly
+ -- algSol = extractDiagonals gr
+ -- in naiveSet algoSol `shouldBe` naiveSet (computeDiagionals poly)
+buggyPolygon :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R)
+buggyPolygon = read "SimplePolygon [Point2 9 13,Point2 3 6,Point2 0 3,Point2 2 3,Point2 0 0]"
+isTriangle :: SimplePolygon (Point 2 R) -> Bool
+isTriangle = (== 3) . numVertices
+graphPolygons :: (Ord r, Num r, Point_ point 2 r)
+ => PlaneGraph s point PolygonEdgeType PolygonFaceData
+ -> [SimplePolygon (Point 2 r)]
+graphPolygons gr = map (&vertices %~ view (core.asPoint)) $ gr^..interiorFacePolygons
diff --git a/hgeometry/vector/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Vector/Instances.hs b/hgeometry/vector/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Vector/Instances.hs
index 8c55ec0f1..99c374630 100644
--- a/hgeometry/vector/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Vector/Instances.hs
+++ b/hgeometry/vector/src-quickcheck/HGeometry/Vector/Instances.hs
@@ -13,16 +13,18 @@
module HGeometry.Vector.Instances where
--- import Control.Lens
--- import D
--- import HGeometry.Vector.Class
-import Test.QuickCheck
+import Control.Lens
import HGeometry.Vector
+import Test.QuickCheck
instance (Arbitrary r, Vector_ (Vector d r) d r) => Arbitrary (Vector d r) where
arbitrary = generateA (const arbitrary)
+ shrink v = [ v&component' i .~ x'
+ | (i,x) <- v^..components.withIndex
+ , x' <- shrink x
+ ]
-- instance ( forall r. VectorLike_ (Vector d r)
-- ) => Arbitrary1 (Vector d) where