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File metadata and controls

355 lines (262 loc) · 7.74 KB

Developer Walkthrough (deprecated)

By Steffen Prohaska

The walkthrough below contains step-by-step instructions that demonstrate how to create an app from scratch using the nog packages.

2015-08-20 Warning: The information may be outdated.

Blob Upload with REST API and Access Check

Create a new Meteor app with our default settings, commit it to a separate repo, and check that clickme works (note that Velocity tests are running):

cd examples/local
../../tools/bin/meteor-create tmp-blob-testapp
cd tmp-blob-testapp

git init
git add . && git commit -m init


open http://localhost:3000

Keep meteor running, open a second console and continue. Configure access to the nog packages and add nog-blob:

cd examples/local/tmp-blob-testapp
ln -s ../../../packages .
meteor add nog-blob

The app is now crashing, because the configuration, such as the AWS access key, is missing. Create _private/settings-localhost-test.json:

echo '/_private/' >>.gitignore
mkdir _private
touch _private/settings-localhost-test.json

Configure the access key and the S3 bucket in _private/settings-localhost-test.json:

    "AWSAccessKeyId": "<key-id>",
    "AWSSecretAccessKey": "<secrect-key>",
    "AWSBucketRegion": "<region>",
    "upload": {
        "bucket": "<s3-bucket>",
        "loglevel": 1

Here <region> is the region where the bucket is stored, which is decided when the bucket is created, e.g. eu-central-1 (Frankfurt), or us-east-1 (N. Virginia). See AWS Regions and Availability Zones for a complete list.

Restart the app with settings:

meteor run --settings _private/settings-localhost-test.json


git add . && git commit -m 'add nog-blob'

Add a file input and wire it to upload a file and display upload progress.

In client/templates/upload.tpl.jade:

    h4 upload files
    input.js-upload-files(type='file' name='files[]' multiple)
  each uploads

Add it to the layout in client/layout.tpl.jade:


Handle events in client/templates/
  'change .js-upload-files': (ev) ->
    for f in
      console.log f
      NogBlob.uploadFile f, (err, res) ->
        if err
          return console.error err
        console.log 'upload ok'

  uploads: -> NogBlob.files.find()


git add . && git commit -m 'add file input'

Add an error display:

meteor add nog-error

In client/layout.tpl.jade:



git add . && git commit -m 'add error display'

Add a collection to store the recently uploaded objects and display them:


@Objects = new Mongo.Collection 'objects'

  'addObject': (doc) ->
    check doc,
      name: String
      blob: String
    if Meteor.isServer
      doc.createDate = new Date()
      Objects.insert doc

if Meteor.isServer
  Meteor.publish 'recentObjects', ->
    Objects.find {}, {sort: {createDate: -1}, limit: 10}

if Meteor.isClient
  Meteor.subscribe 'recentObjects'

Change client/templates/ to add an object when the upload completed:

      # ...
      NogBlob.uploadFile f, (err, res) ->
        # ... 'addObject', {
          name: res.filename
          blob: res.sha1
        }, (err, res) ->
          if err
            return console.error err
          console.log 'ok, added object'

Add a template to display the objects:

In client/templates/recentObjects.tpl.jade:

    h4 recent objects
each objects
    .col-md-4 #{createDate}
    .col-md-4 #{blob}

In client/templates/

  objects: ->
    Objects.find {}, {sort: {createDate: -1}}

Add the template to client/layout.tpl.jade:

// ...


git add . && git commit -m 'add recent objects'

Add a REST API for the blobs:

meteor add nog-rest


if Meteor.isServer
  NogRest.actions '/api/blobs', NogBlob.api.blobs.actions()

Add test it:

curl \
  http://localhost:3000/api/blobs/31968d2e8b58e29e63851cb4b340216026f11f69 |
  python -m json.tool


git add . && git commit -m 'add REST API'

Add REST API authentication:

meteor add nog-auth

The app is crashing, because it requires a master key for encrypting API keys when storing them in MongoDB. Add a master key to _private/settings-localhost-test.json. You may use the following commands to generate random ids and secrets:

head -c 100 /dev/random | openssl dgst -sha256 | head -c 20   # id
head -c 100 /dev/random | openssl dgst -sha256 | head -c 40   # secret

In _private/settings-localhost-test.json:

    "NogAuthMasterKeys": [
        { "keyid": "<primary-key-id>", "secretkey": "<secret>" },
        { "keyid": "<old-key-id>", "secretkey": "<secret>" }

The first key is the primary key. Old keys can be provided to support key rotation. nog-auth will re-encrypt all keys with the primary key when the app restarts.

Curl should now report an error for unauthenticated requests.

Fix it by creating a fake user.

meteor add accounts-password

Provide a testing password in _private/settings-localhost-test.json:

    "tests": {
      "passwords": {
          "user": "d43d7d4833e52ca24bc98dd604c231e47e1d2542"

Create a fake user in

if Meteor.isServer then Meteor.startup ->
  password = Meteor.settings.tests?.passwords?.user
  check password, String

  username = '__testing__user'
  olduser = Meteor.users.findOne {username},
    fields: {'services.nogauth.keys': 1}
  keys = olduser?.services?.nogauth?.keys
  Meteor.users.remove {username}
  uid = Accounts.createUser {username, password}
  if keys?
    Meteor.users.update {username},
      { $set: { 'services.nogauth.keys': keys } }
    console.log "Kept previous API key with id: #{keys[0].keyid}"
    key = NogAuth.createKey uid
    console.log 'New testing API key:'
    console.log "export NOG_KEYID=#{key.keyid}"
    console.log "export NOG_SECRETKEY=#{key.secretkey}"

The app will print the key to the console. Configure it and confirm that curl works with a signed request:

export NOG_KEYID=<copied>
export NOG_SECRETKEY=<copied>

curl $(
  ../../../tools/bin/sign-req GET \
) | python -m json.tool


git add . && git commit -m 'add auth'

The last step is to restrict upload rights by requiring a logged in user.

meteor add nog-access

The app should now refuse to upload, and curl should report an error (404). Fix this, by assigning a role to the testing user:

meteor add alanning:roles


  # ...
  Roles.addUsersToRoles uid, ['users']

Login from the browser console to upload:

  {username: '__testing__user'},


git add . && git commit -m 'add access control'

To configure an upload size limit, add the following to _private/settings-localhost-test.json:

    "public": {
        "upload": {
            "uploadSizeLimit": <limit-in-bytes>