HttpAsked is the wrapper on original HTTP request instance. This is passed as first parameter to any request handler.
id : An unique id which can be used to identify all the transactions in logs related to one request. This is by default not set until requestId
property of server is set to true
or set to a function to generate unique id.
params : This is not set in case of static URLs. Otherwise it is a map where all the properties are the name of the parameters. Check Anumargak for more detail.
headers : Request header parameters map.
cookies : Muneem doesn't parse cookies by default. So you can acees them from the header to parse.
You can use some external library for parsing or express middleware. Eg
var cookie = require('cookie');
app.add("handler", "someName", (asked, answer) => {
asked.cookies = cookie.parse( asked.headers.cookie );
console.log( asked.cookies["foo"] );
queryStr : complete unparsed query string
hashStr : complete unparsed hash string
path: URL without query string or hash string.
_native : Native request. You should avoid to use it, use stream instead.
stream : Metered request stream.
contentLength : The value of "content-length" header. Otherwise -1.
body : Request Body content. It'll be set to buffer when you call readBody()
and request body is present. Otherwise it is an empty array.
await asked.readBody();
var data =;
//var data = await asked.readBody()