This is a take-home coding test I created for hiring an entry-level developer for Novus back in 2015. The test is in Scala (because that's what we use at Novus), but Scala novices should be able to complete it. You can learn more about my thoughts behind this approach on the Novus Tech Blog, here:
Since the job opening was filled and some time has passed, I'm unlikely to re-use this particular test. However, I thought perhaps others might find it useful for interview preparation or just learning Scala. So, I published it to Github.
If you complete the test, by all means feel free to contact me - I'll be happy to provide code review / feedback on your solutions. Pull requests with new test cases / fixes / etc. also welcome!
LEGAL: Although I'm hosting this project on my personal Github, the copyright of this project belongs to my employer at the time of its creation: Novus Parters. You may use this project for personal learning as outlined above, but please do not redistribute it, copy its code into other projects (personal or commericial), include it in a coding interviews book / blog post, or otherwise represent it as your own work. Thanks for understanding!
n ZUCKER at gMAIL dot com