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A neuroscience library for Python, intended to complement the existing nibabel library.

For additional documentation, in particular usage documentation, see the neuropythy wiki and the OSF wiki for Benson and Winawer, (2018).


Noah C. Benson <[email protected]>


The neuropythy library is available on PyPI and can be installed via pip:

pip install neuropythy

The dependencies (below) should be installed auotmatically. Alternately, you can check out this github repository and run setuptools:

# Clone the repository
git clone
# Enter the repo directory
cd neuropythy
# setup the submodules
git submodule init && git submodule update
# Install the library
python install


The neuropythy library depends on a few other libraries, all freely available:

These libaries should be installed automatically for you if you use pip or setuptools (see above), and they must be found on your PYTHONPATH in order to use neuropythy.

Optional Dependencies

All optional dependencies are included in the requirements-dev.txt file in the neuropythy repository root.

  • s3fs ≥ 0.1.5. The HCP dataset can be accessed automatically using neuropythy's hcp_subject() function. If configured correctly (see below), neuropythy will silently download the relevant HCP data from its Amazon S3 bucket as it is requested. Doing this requires the s3fs library.
  • h5py ≥ 2.8.0. The h5py file is used to import the HCP retinotopy data if it is found or configured for automatic-downloading (see below).
  • matplotlib ≥ 1.5.3. A few functions for plotting cortical maps are defined in the package. These are not defined if matplotlib is not imported successfully. The primary interface to this functionality is the neuropythy.cortex_plot as well as some helper functions and colormaps.
  • ipyvolume ≥ 0.5.1. If you wish to make 3D graphics plots, you will need to install and use the ipyvolume library. The neuropythy function neuropythy.cortex_plot will handle most of the details, assuming you have ipyvolume installed.
  • Java ≥ 1.8. The registration algorithm employed by the register_retinotopy command is performed by a Java library embedded in the neuropythy Python library. This library is the nben library, and is included as a submodule of this GitHub repository, found in neuropythy/lib/nben; a standalone jar-file is also distributed as part of the PyPI neuropythy distribution. However, in order for the Py4j library, which allows Python to execute Java routines, to use this jar-file, you must have a working version of Java installed; accordingly, the register_retinotopy command is only available if you have Java installed and working. For help getting Java configured to work with Py4j, see the Py4j installation page.

Python Version

Neuropythy is compatible with both Python 2 and 3. It was deleveloped under 2.7 and is now used primarily with 3.6.


Neuropythy is most useful when it knows where to find your FreeSurfer subject data or where you want it to store datasets or Human Connectome Project files. These configuration items can be set in a number of ways:

  • On startup, neuropythy looks for a file ~/.npythyrc (though this file name may be changed by setting the NPYTHYRC environment variable). The contents of this file should be a JSON dictionary with configurable variables (such as "freesurfer_subject_paths") as the keys. An example configuration file:
    {"freesurfer_subject_paths": "/Volumes/server/Freesurfer_subjects",
     "data_cache_root":          "~/Temp/npythy_cache",
     "hcp_subject_paths":        "/Volumes/server/Projects/HCP/subjects",
     "hcp_auto_download":        true,
     "hcp_credentials":          "~/.hcp-passwd"}
  • Each config variable in the NPYTHYRC file may be overrided using an associated environment variable. Usually the environment variable names are either the config variables in uppercase or NPYTHY_ + the variable in uppercase: NPYTHY_DATA_CACHE_ROOT, HCP_CREDENTIALS, HCP_AUTO_DOWNLOAD. The SUBJECTS_DIR environment is used for the FreeSurfer subject paths, and the HCP_SUBJECTS_DIR variable is used for the HCP subject paths (both may be :-separated lists of directories).
  • The config items may be retrieved and set directly using neuropythy.config. Values that are set in this way override the NPYTHYRC file and all environment variables. For example:
    import neuropythy as ny
    #=> '/Users/nben/Temp/npythy_cache'
    ny.config['data_cache_root'] = '~/Documents/npythy_data'
    #=> '/Users/nben/Documents/npythy_data'

Human Connectome Project Integration

The neuropythy library is capable of automatically integrating with the Human Connectome Project's Amazon S3 bucket. Neuropythy will present you with nested data structures representing individual HCP subjects and will silently download the relevant structure files as they are requested. To configure this behavior, follow these steps:

  • Make a directory somewhere to store the HCP subjects that are downloaded. The subjects won't be downloaded all at once, but it will drastically speed up future loading of subjects if you cache them on your local filesystem.
  • Sign up for an HCP account. You can do this at the HCP's database page.
  • Once you have an account, log into the database; near the top of the initial splash page is a cell titles "WU-Minn HCP Data - 1200 Subjects" and inside this cell is a button for activating Amazon S3 Access. When you activate this feature, you will be given an amazon "Key" and "Secret".
  • Copy and paste your key and secret into a file ~/.hcp-passwd such that the contents are your key followed by a colon followed by your secret, e.g., mys3key:mys3secret.
  • You should then make sure that the configuration variable "hcp_credentials" is set to "~/.hcp-passwd" in your ~/.npythyrc file (see Configuration, above). Additionally, set the "hcp_auto_download" value is set to true, and set the "hcp_auto_path" variable to the directory in which you plan to store the HCP subject data.

Note that the above steps will additionally enable auto-downloading of the retinotopic mapping database; if you are only interested in the structural data, you can set the "hcp_auto_download" variable to "structure". If you do enable auto-downloading of the retinotopic maps, then the first time you examine an HCP subject, neuropythy will have to download the retinotopy database files, which are approximately 1 GB; it may appear as if neuropythy has frozen during this time, but it is probably just due to the download. Generally speaking, if your internet connection is relatively fast, you should not notice significant delays from downloading the HCP strucutral data otherwise.

For more information about using the HCP module of neuropythy, see this page.

Additional notes:

  • Currently, only 'lowres-prf_*' properties are available via neuropythy. The 'lowres-' refers to the fact that the pRF models were solved on the HCP fs_LR32k mesh rather than the higher-resolution 59k mesh. Higher resolution solutions being available in the near future in a new release of neuropythy and will be named 'prf_*', e.g., 'prf_polar_angle'.
  • Low resolution and higher resolution pRF solutions are very similar; there is no need to be concerned that the low-resolution pRF solutions are broadly missing the mark with respect to the retinotopic maps of subjects.
  • If you enable pythons logging module to print info-level messages, then neuropythy will inform you whenever it is about to download a large file; it does not print messages for the smaller files that typically take only a few seconds to download. To configure this, use:
    import logging

Builtin Datasets

Neuropythy now comes with support for builtin datasets. These datasets are downloaded when they are first requested, and are only re-downloaded if necessary; note that if you have configured neuropythy's "data_cache_root" configuration variable (see Configuration, above), then the data will be downloaded to a temporary directory that is deleted when Python exits.

Currently, there is only one builtin dataset (not including the Human Connectome Project dataset, above), and that is the dataset from Benson and Winawer (2018). To access this dataset:

import neuropythy as ny
subs =['benson_winawer_2018'].subjects
#=> ['S1201', 'S1202', 'S1203', 'S1204', 'S1205', 'S1206', 'S1207', 'S1208', 'fsaverage']
#=> Subject(<S1201>,
#=>         <'/Users/nben/Temp/npythy_cache/benson_winawer_2018/freesurfer_subjects/S1201'>)
#=> array([118.811386, 118.80122 , 120.842255, ..., -14.08387 , -62.615746, -32.82376],
#=>       dtype=float32)

See also help(['benson_winawer_2018']) or print(['benson_winawer_2018'].__doc__).


Currently Neuropythy is undergoing rapid development, but to get started, the neuropythy.commands package contains functions that run command-interfaces for the various routines included. Any of these commands may be invoked by calling Neuropythy's main function and passing the name of the command as the first argument followed by any additional command arguments. The argument --help may be passed for further information about each command.

  • surface_to_image. This command projects data on the cortical surface into a volume the same orientation as the subject's mri/orig.mgz file. The algorithm used tends to be much cleaner than that used by FreeSurfer's mri_surf2vol.

  • atlas. This command is similar to the (now deprecated) nben/occipital_atlas docker/command, which applies both the Wang et al. (2015) and Benson et al. (2014) atlases to the cortical surface of a subject. The atlas command is similar but uses a more updated version of the Benson-2014 atlas and is more flexible than occipital_atlas or the benson14_retinotopy command (below). Old versions (1.0, 2.0, 2.1, 2.5, 3.0) of the Benson-2014 atlas may be applied to a subject using this command as well.

  • benson14_retinotopy. This command applies the anatomically-defined template of retinotopy described by Benson et al. (2014; see References below) to a subject. Note that the template applied is not actually the template shown in the paper but is a similar updated version.

  • register_retinotopy. This command fits a retinotopic model of V1, V2, and V3 to retinotopy data for a subject and saves the predicted retinotopic maps that result. Running this command requires some retinotopic measurements that have already been transferred to the subject's FreeSurfer surface. These files can either be specified on the command line (see the register_retinotopy --help documentation) or placed in the subject's surf/ directory and named as follows:

    • lh.prf_angle.mgz (subject's LH polar angle, 0-180 degrees refers to UVM -> RHM -> LVM)
    • rh.prf_angle.mgz (subject's RH polar angle, 0-180 degrees refers to UVM -> LHM -> RVM)
    • lh.prf_eccen.mgz (subject's LH eccentricity, in degrees)
    • rh.prf_eccen.mgz (subject's RH eccentricity, in degrees)
    • lh.prf_vexpl.mgz (the varaince explained of each vertex's pRF solution for the LH; 0-1 values)
    • rh.prf_vexpl.mgz (the varaince explained of each vertex's pRF solution for the RH; 0-1 values)

    To be clear, both the left and right hemispheres' angle files should specify the polar angle in positive degrees; for the right hemisphere, positive refers to the left visual hemi-field; for the left hemisphere, positive values refer to the right visual hemi-field. In both cases, 0 represents the upper vertical meridian and 180 represents the lower vertical meridian. Each MGZ file should contain a 1x1xn (or 1x1x1xn) volume where n is the number of vertices in the relevant hemisphere and the vertex ordering is that used by FreeSurfer.

If neuropythy is installed on your machine, then you can execute a command like so:

> python -m neuropythy surface_to_image --help
> python -m neuropythy atlas --verbose bert


There is a Docker containing Neuropythy that can be used to run the Neuropythy commands quite easily without installing Neuropythy itself. If you have Docker installed, you can use Neuropythy as follows:

# If your FreeSurfer subject's directory is /data/subjects and you want to
# apply the Benson2014 template to a subject bert:
docker run -ti --rm -v /data/subjects:/subjects nben/neuropythy \
           atlas --verbose bert

The docker can now also be used to start a notebook server; you can either build this yourself (in which case any local changes to the neuropythy code will be included) using docker-compose or you may use the nben/neuropythy docker on docker-hub.

Using docker-compose

To build the docker image locally:

git clone
cd neuropythy
# This command will take some time to build the VM;
docker-compose build
# This will start the notebook server (and will build
# the docker first if you haven't run the above
# command). Note, however, that this command won't
# rebuild the container if you have local changes.
docker-compose up

The above instructions will create a notebook server running on port 8888; to change this, you can either edit the docker-compose.yml file or instead use docker-compose run:

docker-compose run -p 8888:8080 neuropythy notebook

Assuming that your FreeSurfer subjects directory and your HCP subject directory, if any, are set via the SUBJECTS_DIR and HCP_SUBJECTS_DIR environment variables, then these directories will be available inside the docker VM in /data/freesurfer_subjects and /data/hcp/subjects. Additionally, your NPYTHY_DATA_CACHE_ROOT, HCP_CREDENTIALS, HCP_AUTO_DOWNLOAD and other environment variables will be forwarded to neuropythy. However, note that if your HCP_CREDENTIALS variable is a file, you will need to put the literal credentials in the variable instead as the docker image cannot read from your file.

Using nben/neuropythy from Docker Hub

To run the notebook server using the prepared docker-image:

# fetch the docker:
docker pull nben/neuropythy:latest
# run the notebook server
docker run -it \
           -v "$SUBJECTS_DIR:/data/freesurfer_subjects" \
           -v "$HCP_SUBJECTS_DIR:/data/hcp/subjects" \
           -p 8888:8888 \
       nben/neuropythy notebook

Note that the lines starting with -v can each be omitted if you don't want to mount your subject directories inside the docker and/or if you don't have HCP/FreeSurfer subjects.


To cite Neuropythy, please reference the following:

  • Benson NC, Winawer J (2018) Bayesian Analysis of Retinotopic Maps. bioRxiv doi:10.1101/325597.


  • Benson NC, Winawer J (2018) Bayesian Analysis of Retinotopic Maps. bioRxiv doi:10.1101/325597.
  • Benson NC, Butt OH, Brainard DH, Aguirre GK (2014) Correction of distortion in flattened representations of the cortical surface allows prediction of V1-V3 functional organization from anatomy. PLoS Comput. Biol. 10(3):e1003538. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003538. PMC:3967932.
  • Benson NC, Butt OH, Datta R, Radoeva PD, Brainard DH, Aguirre GK (2012) The retinotopic organization of striate cortex is well predicted by surface topology. Curr. Biol. 22(21):2081-5. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2012.09.014. PMC:3494819.

A Note about Licenses

Versions of neuropythy prior to version 0.9.5 have all employed the GPLv3 license. Starting with version 0.9.5, however, neuropythy uses the Affero GPL (AGPL) license. This license requires that anyone providing a service that runs neuropythy over a network provide the source code to the version of neuropythy that they are running.

To be clear: this license does not interfere with any scientific or personal use of neuropythy, nor does it forbid commercial use outright. If you wish to use neuropythy in commercial software, you must only do one of the following:

  • Use a version of neuropythy prior to version 0.9.5 (all of which will remain licensed under the GPL);
  • Make freely available the neuropythy source code used in the provided service;
  • Obtain a custom license for neuropythy from the author.


This README file is part of the Neuropythy library.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see