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SSV - Operator Getting Started Guide

Setting AWS Server for Operator

This section details the steps to run an operator on AWS.

1. Setup

Create a server of your choice and expose it on ports 12000 UDP and 13000 TCP

  • In the search bar search for "ec2" and then click on EC2 in the search results
  • In the EC2 Dashboard, select Launch Instance
  • Select "Ubuntu Server 20.04"
  • Choose "t2.micro" (free tier, should be selected by default)
  • Go to the "Configure Security Group" tab at the top
  • Make sure you have 3 rules (use the Add Rule button as necessary) - Custom UDP, Custom TCP and SSH, and make sure to set their Port Range and Source attributes as seen in the screenshot below - security_permission
  • Click on "Review and Launch" and then "Launch"
  • In the key pair pop-up, select "Create a new key pair" in the drop-down, then name this key pair and download it
  • Click Launch Instances and then View Instances
  • In the instances table, take note of the Public IP of your newly created instance

2. Login with SSH


$ cd ./{path to the folder to which the key pair file was downloaded}

$ chmod 400 {key pair file name}

$ ssh -i {key pair file name} ubuntu@{instance public IP}

type yes when prompted


cd\{path to the folder to which the key pair file was downloaded}

ssh -i {key pair file name} ubuntu@{instance public IP}

type yes when prompted

3. Installation Script

Download and run the installation script.

$ sudo su

$ wget

$ chmod +x

$ ./

4. Generate Operator Keys

The following command will generate your operator's public and private keys (appear as "pk" and "sk" in the output).

$ docker run --rm -it 'bloxstaking/ssv-node:latest' /go/bin/ssvnode generate-operator-keys

5. Create a Configuration File

Fill all the placeholders (e.g. <ETH 2.0 node> or <db folder>) with actual values, and run the command below to create a config.yaml file.

$ yq n db.Path "<db folder>" | tee config.yaml \
  && yq w -i config.yaml eth2.Network "prater" \
  && yq w -i config.yaml eth2.BeaconNodeAddr "<ETH 2.0 node>" \
  && yq w -i config.yaml eth1.ETH1Addr "<ETH1 node WebSocket address>" \
  && yq w -i config.yaml eth1.RegistryContractAddr "0x687fb596F3892904F879118e2113e1EEe8746C2E" \
  && yq w -i config.yaml OperatorPrivateKey "<private key of the operator>"


  Path: ./data/db/node_1
  Network: prater
  ETH1Addr: ws://
  RegistryContractAddr: 0x687fb596F3892904F879118e2113e1EEe8746C2E
OperatorPrivateKey: LS0tLS...

5.1 Logger Configuration

In order to see debug level logs, add the corresponding section to the config.yaml by running:

$ yq w -i config.yaml global.LogLevel "debug"

Logs can be formatted as json instead of the default console format:

$ yq w -i config.yaml global.LogFormat "json"

Log levels can be shown in lowercase and w/o colors, default is upper case with colors:

$ yq w -i config.yaml global.LogLevelFormat "lowercase"

5.2 Metrics Configuration

In order to enable metrics, the corresponding config should be in place:

$ yq w -i config.yaml MetricsAPIPort "15000"

See setup monitoring for more details.

5.3 Profiling Configuration

In order to enable go profiling tools, turn on the corresponding flga:

$ yq w -i config.yaml EnableProfile "true"

6. Start SSV Node in Docker

Run the docker image in the same folder you created the config.yaml:

$ docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name=ssv_node -e CONFIG_PATH=./config.yaml -p 13000:13000 -p 12000:12000/udp -v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/config.yaml -v $(pwd):/data -it 'bloxstaking/ssv-node:latest' make BUILD_PATH=/go/bin/ssvnode start-node \
  && docker logs ssv_node --follow

7. Update SSV Node Image

The current version is available through logs or a cmd:

$ docker run --rm -it 'bloxstaking/ssv-node:latest' /go/bin/ssvnode version

In order to updtae, kill running container and pull the latest image or a specific version (bloxstaking/ssv-node:<version>)

$ docker rm -f ssv_node && docker pull bloxstaking/ssv-node:latest

Now run the container again as specified above in step 6.

8. Setup Monitoring

Follow the next steps to setup a local monitoring environment (prometheus and grafana containers):

  1. Prometheus:
# download prometheus config
$ mkdir prometheus && wget -O ./prometheus/prometheus.yaml
# start a container
$ docker run --user root -p 9390:9090 -dit --name=prometheus -v $(pwd)/prometheus/:/data/prometheus -v $(pwd)/prometheus/prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml 'prom/prometheus:v2.24.0' --config.file="/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml" --storage.tsdb.path="/data/prometheus"
  1. Grafana:
# create a data dir
$ mkdir grafana
# start a container
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -dti -v $(pwd)/grafana/:/var/lib/grafana --name=grafana 'grafana/grafana:8.0.0'
  1. Create a local network for connectivity of all containers:
$ docker network create --driver bridge ssv-net
$ docker network connect --alias ssv-node-1 ssv-net ssv_node
$ docker network connect --alias prometheus ssv-net prometheus
$ docker network connect --alias grafana ssv-net grafana
  1. Expose grafana externally by adding inbound rule to open port 3000 or by some proxy such as Nginx.

  2. Follow grafana instructions in monitoring > grafana


  • change the values of instance variable in Grafana (Settings > Variables) to ssv-node-1
  • Process Health panels are showing K8S metrics which is not used in this setup, and therefore won't be available