Publish Stream Analytics Transformation is a Build and Release Task for wihtin your Build / Release pipeline.
With this tasks you can create a new transformation within a stream analytics job. The tasks uses the default stream analytics powershell module to publish the transformation.
The tasks extracts the content of a file (for example a *.asaql file) and places this value in the query of the stream analytics job.
Within the task two parameters can be specified:
- Azure Subscription: The Azure Subscription were the Stream Analytics Job is hosted.
- Stream Analytics Job Name: The job name.
- Stream Analytics Query file: The query file within source control.
- Streaming Units: The streaming units of your transformation.
- Transformation Name: The name of the transformation (Default value of the transformation is 'Transformation')
For the documentation check the Wiki.
When you like the extension please leave a review. File a issues when you have suggestions or problems with the extension.
Version | Remarks |
1.0.0 | Initial version |
1.1.0 | Issue fixed where property StreamingUnit isn't recognized |
1.2.0 | Changes tagging and some minor changes |
1.2.1 | Integrated within CI & CD |