Power BI Actions is a task for Azure Pipelines. With this tasks you can automate specific tasks for Power BI.
The following tasks can be automated by using this extension:
- Upload / Import Power BI dashboard (pbix file).
- Upload / Import Power BI dashboard and skip report (pbix file).
- Create a Power BI workspace.
- Remove a Power BI workspace.
- Add a new Admin user to a Power BI workspace.
- Add a Service Principal to a Power BI workspace.
- Add a Group to a Power BI workspace.
- Update the connection of a Power BI report.
- Refresh a dataset.
- Update SQL Direct Query String
- Update Gateway
- Set a specific capacity for a workplace
- Rebind Report
- Set Refresh Schedule
The following organization types are supported from version 5 and higher:
- Commercial (Public)
- Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud (US)
- Microsoft 365 Government Community Cloud High (US)
- US Department of Defense
- Microsoft Cloud China
- Microsoft Cloud Germany
The task works with a "Power BI" service connection that needs to be configured within the "Service Connections" settings of the project. From version 5 there is one single service connections. In this service connection you can choose between "Username/Password" and "Service Principal" authentication.
For the service connection to work with a Username password combination you need to configure the following parameters:
- Username: The username of the user that will perform the actions. Make sure the account does not have Multi Factor authentication enabled.
- Password: The password of the user.
Note: The user must have a Power BI Pro license in order to perform the tasks.
To configure a Service Principal with PowerBI you will have to go through this guide:
Service principal with Power BI
- ClientId: The client id of the Azure Active Directory application. This application should have the appropriate rights in order to use the Power BI Api.
- ClientSecret: The client secret of the application
- Tenant ID: The identifier of the Azure Active Directory tenant
During the execution of the task different values will be placed inside variables:
- PowerBIActions.ReportId: The report Id of the uploaded report (only supported when uploading one report).
- PowerBIActions.WorkspaceId: The Id of the workspace.
For the documentation check the wiki.
If you like the extension, please leave a review. File an issue when you have suggestions or if you experience problems with the extension.
Version | Remarks |
1.0.0 | Initial version |
2.0.0 | Added support for: - Groups that do not exist. - The 'me' workspace. - Updating datasets |
3.2.6 | Small bug fix |
4.0.0 | Added Service Principal support |
5.1.0 | Added support for Government environments and consolidated |
5.2.0 | Added support for PowerBi Report transfer ownership and updating parameters in reports |
5.3.0 | Added support for PowerBi Gateway change |
5.4.0 | Added support for Report rebinding and refresh schedule |
5.4.2 | Added skip report functionality |