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Semantic Elections

This project's goal is to convert CIK open data about bulgarian elections to 5-star RDF. If you don't already know why this is useful, read this blog post.


The sparql endpoint is situated at

Data Model

Example diagrams in the model folder.

Example SPARQL Queries

Търся Кандидат по (част от) името

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
select * where { 
	?s a my:Candidate ; rdfs:label ?lab ; myd:candidacy ?el .
    optional{?el rdfs:label ?elLabel }

Всички известни партии

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
select * where { 
	?s a my:Party ; rdfs:label ?label 
} order by ?label

Всички избори в които дадена партия е участвала

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
select * where { 
    bind(wd:Q164242 as ?party) #DPS
	?party rdfs:label ?lab .
    ?electionParty myd:party ?party ; myd:candidacy ?election ; myd:number ?ballot_num .
    ?election myd:date ?date .
    optional{ ?election rdfs:label ?label .}
} order by desc(?date)

Партии и коалиции на местно ниво отнасящи се към дадена партия

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX election: <>
select ?localParty ?localPartyLabel ?ballotNum ?localEl ?localElLabel ?munLabel where { 
#    bind(wd:Q164242 as ?party) #DPS
    bind(wd:Q792527 as ?party) #VMRO
    bind(election:mi2015 as ?election) #LOCAL 2015, use mi2019 for local 2019
	?party rdfs:label ?lab .	
    ?electionParty myd:party ?party ; myd:candidacy ?election ; myd:number ?num .
    ?localParty a my:LocalParty ; myd:party ?electionParty ; rdfs:label ?localPartyLabel ; myd:number ?ballotNum ; myd:candidacy ?localEl .
    ?localEl rdfs:label ?localElLabel ; myd:jurisdiction ?mun. 
    ?mun rdfs:label ?munLabel .

Листата на дадена партия за даден избор

BASE  <>
PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX election: <>
select ?localEl ?localElLabel ?mirNumber ?localParty ?localPartyLabel ?localPartyNumber ?candidate ?candNumber ?name   where { 

    bind(wd:Q164242 as ?party) #DPS
    #bind(wd:Q792527 as ?party) #VMRO
#    bind(<election/mi2015/os/1910> as ?localEl) #"Местни Избори 2015 за общински съвет 1910. Дулово"
    bind(<election/pi2017/24> as ?localEl) #"Избори за Парламент на РБ МИР  24. СОФИЯ 24 МИР"
#    bind(<election/ep2019> as ?localEl) #"Избори за Европейски Парламент 2019"
    ?localParty  myd:party+ ?party ; rdfs:label ?localPartyLabel ; myd:number ?localPartyNumber ; myd:candidacy ?localEl .
    ?candidate a my:Candidate ; myd:represents ?localParty  ; rdfs:label ?name ; myd:number ?candNumber .
    ?localEl rdfs:label ?localElLabel ; 
    optional{?localEl myd:jurisdiction/myd:number ?mirNumber}
} order by ?candNumber 

Aggregated results on municipality level (local election results)

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX myp: <>
PREFIX myps: <>
PREFIX mypq: <>
PREFIX election: <>
select ?candidate ?name ?party ?partyName (sum(?valid_votes) as ?sum_valid_votes) (sum(?invalid_votes) as ?sum_invalid_votes) 
    where {
    	bind(<election/mi2019/ko/tur1/2246> as ?election) #"Местни Избори 2019 за кмет на община 2246. Столична - Тур 1"
        ?party a my:LocalParty ;
              #myd:candidacy ?election ;
              rdfs:label ?partyName .
        ?voting myp:vote ?vote  ;
                myd:election ?election .
    	?candidate a my:Candidate ;
                myd:represents ?party ; 
                myd:candidacy ?election ; 
                rdfs:label ?name ;
        ?vote myps:vote ?party;
            mypq:valid_votes_recieved ?valid_votes ;
            mypq:invalid_votes_recieved ?invalid_votes .
group by ?election ?party ?partyName ?candidate ?name order by desc(?sum_valid_votes)

Агрегирани резултати по населено място

# Агрегирани резултати по населено място 
# Агрегирани резултати по населено място 

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX place: <>
PREFIX myp: <>
PREFIX myps: <>
PREFIX mypq: <>

?place_label ?date ?el ?el_label ?party_label (sum(?n_votes) as ?sum_votes) ?sum_voted (floor(?sum_votes/?sum_voted*10000)/100 as ?ratio)
where {
    bind(place:22530 as ?place) # place:EKATTE 
    {select distinct ?el ?place (sum(?voted) as ?sum_voted) {
       ?sec a  my:Section ;
         myd:place ?place ;
         myd:election ?el .
    ?voting myd:section ?sec ;
            myd:voters_voted_count ?voted ;
    } group by ?el ?place }
    ?sec a  my:Section ;
         myd:place ?place ;
         rdfs:label ?section_label ;
         myd:election ?el .
    ?voting myd:section ?sec ;
            myp:vote ?vote_st ;
    		myd:voters_voted_count ?voted ;
    ?vote_st myps:vote ?party ;
             mypq:valid_votes_recieved ?n_votes ;
    filter(?n_votes > 10)
    ?party rdfs:label ?party_label .
    ?el rdfs:label ?el_label ; myd:date ?date . 
    ?place rdfs:label ?place_label .
} group by ?date ?place_label ?el ?el_label ?party_label ?sum_voted order by desc(?date) ?el desc(?sum_votes)

всички резултати на дадена партия, агрегирани по населено място, за определен избор (в случая - за ДПС за изборите за общински съветници 2019

BASE  <>
PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX place: <>
PREFIX myp: <>
PREFIX myps: <>
PREFIX mypq: <>
PREFIX election: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

select ?place ?place_label ?el_label ?el ?party ?party_label (sum(?n_votes) as ?sum_votes) where {
 	?el myd:partOf	<election/mi2019/os> . #use <election/mi2019/os> for 2015 municipal council elections 
    ?party myd:party/myd:party wd:Q164242 . # gerb is wd:Q133968
    ?sec a  my:Section ;
         myd:place ?place ;
         rdfs:label ?section_label ;
         myd:election ?el .
    ?voting myd:section ?sec ;
            myp:vote ?vote_st .
    ?vote_st myps:vote ?party ;
             mypq:valid_votes_recieved ?n_votes.
    ?party rdfs:label ?party_label .
    ?el rdfs:label ?el_label .
    ?place rdfs:label ?place_label .
} group by ?place ?place_label ?el ?el_label ?party ?party_label order by ?el

Вот по секции за даден набор партии в дадено населено място

# Вот по секции за даден набор партии в дадено населено място 

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX place: <>
PREFIX myp: <>
PREFIX myps: <>
PREFIX mypq: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
select ?voting ?el_label ?sec_num ?vote_type ?party_label ?n_votes  ?total_votes ?vote_ratio ?prot_html ?prot_pdf { 
    values ?main_party {
        wd:Q164242  #DPS
        wd:Q133968 #GERB  
    bind(place:37376 as ?place) # place:EKATTE 
    ?sec a  my:Section ;
         myd:place ?place ;
         rdfs:label ?section_label ;
         myd:election ?el ;
         myd:number ?sec_num ;
	?party rdfs:label ?party_label ; myd:party+ ?main_party .

    ?voting myd:section ?sec ;
            myp:vote ?vote_st ;
            myd:voters_voted_count ?total_votes ;
    		myd:link_pdf ?prot_pdf ;
      		myd:link_html ?prot_html ;
        	myd:vote ?party ;
    ?vote_st myps:vote ?party ;
             mypq:type ?vote_type ;
             mypq:valid_votes_recieved ?n_votes.
    bind(floor((?n_votes/?total_votes)*10000)/100 as ?vote_ratio)
    ?el rdfs:label ?el_label .
    ?place rdfs:label ?place_label .
} order by ?el ?sec_num

Peevski's preferences

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX myp: <>
PREFIX myps: <>
PREFIX mypq: <>
select * {
    {select * where { 
            ?cand a my:Candidate ; rdfs:label ?lab ; myd:candidacy ?el .
            optional{?el rdfs:label ?elLabel }
            filter(contains(lcase(?lab),"делян славчев пеевски"))
    ?voting myp:preference_vote ?pv ; myd:election ?el.
    ?pv myps:preference_vote ?cand ; mypq:valid_votes_recieved ?pref .
    filter(?pref > 10)

Преференциите на даден кандидат с географски сечения и относителен резултат

BASE  <>
PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX election: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX myps: <>
PREFIX mypq: <>
PREFIX myp: <>
PREFIX jurisdiction: <>
select ?election ?election_date ?party_label ?cand_number ?cand_name ?obl ?mun ?place ?sec_id ?cand_preferences ?party_votes ?pref_ratio ?total_voted ?party_ratio ?protocol where {

    {select ?candidate where {
            ?candidate a my:Candidate ; rdfs:label ?lab ; myd:candidacy ?el .
            optional{?el rdfs:label ?elLabel }
            filter(contains(lcase(?lab),"мартин николаев харизанов"))

    ?candidate a my:Candidate ; myd:represents ?localParty  ; myd:candidacy ?el ; rdfs:label ?cand_name ; myd:number ?cand_number .
    ?voting  myp:vote ?v ;  myd:section ?section ; myd:link_html ?protocol ; myd:voters_voted_count ?total_voted .
    ?el myd:main_election ?election ; myd:date ?election_date ; myd:jurisdiction ?mir.
    ?v myps:vote ?localParty ; mypq:valid_votes_recieved ?party_votes .
        optional{?voting myp:preference_vote ?pv .
        ?pv myps:preference_vote ?candidate ; mypq:valid_votes_recieved ?cand_preferences .
    ?localParty rdfs:label ?party_label .
    ?section myd:number ?sec_id ;
             myd:place/rdfs:label ?place ;
             myd:place/myd:municipality/rdfs:label ?mun ;
             myd:place/myd:municipality/myd:province/rdfs:label ?obl ;

    bind(floor((?cand_preferences/?party_votes)*10000)/100 as ?pref_ratio)
    bind(floor((?party_votes/?total_voted)*10000)/100 as ?party_ratio)

} order by desc(?election_date)

Изборните секции в Драгичево

PREFIX my: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX myd: <>
PREFIX place: <>
select * where { 
	?s a  my:Section ; myd:place place:23251 ; rdfs:label ?label ; myd:election ?el .
    ?el rdfs:label ?elLabel .
} limit 100