--------What is it-------
This webapp is a facilitator for delivery services of any kind. But the key difference between Munchin and many others is that the "driver" is taking advantage of something he or she is already doing. For example, say someone is driving to a burger place to pick up food, they would broadcast their trip (to the surrounding community) along with some parameters for their trip (eta, fee, destination, max orders, etc) and other users would be able to join their trip. We use the Venmo API to allow for payments between the driver and those who joined the trip and the Twilio API to allow for text notifications about delivery confirmation and arrival time.
This webapp is deployed using Google App Engine and Maven.
-------Latest Version-----
Visit it at hackmunchin.appspot.com (must have a valid rice.edu email to use it)
If you found any bugs, or have any ideas you want to share, you can contact
Stuart Wyrough at [email protected] Nich Kwon at [email protected] Luke Samora at [email protected] Joseph Hwang at [email protected]
SnapStream Most Creative Project Award @ HackRice2015: http://challengepost.com/software/munchin