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File metadata and controls

302 lines (240 loc) · 16.9 KB


eKuiper's stream processing capabilities are powered by its rules. Rules are the backbone of data flow, dictating how data is ingested, transformed, and then exported to external systems.

A rule is a JSON-defined stream processing flow. It bridges the gap between data sources and processing logic before leading to actions that send the data to external systems.

  "id": "rule1",
  "sql": "SELECT demo.temperature, demo1.temp FROM demo left join demo1 on demo.timestamp = demo1.timestamp where demo.temperature > demo1.temp GROUP BY demo.temperature, HOPPINGWINDOW(ss, 20, 10)",
  "actions": [
      "log": {}
      "mqtt": {
        "server": "tcp://",
        "topic": "demoSink"

Key components of a rule:

  • ID: A unique identifier.
  • SQL: The processing logic, built on eKuiper's extended SQL syntax.
  • Actions: List of sink actions dictating where the processed data is sent.

The table below is a detailed explanation of the row component:

Parameter name Optional Description
id false The id of the rule. The rule id must be unique in the same eKuiper instance.
name true The display name or description of a rule
sql required if graph is not defined The sql query to run for the rule
actions required if graph is not defined An array of sink actions
graph required if sql is not defined The json presentation of the rule's DAG(directed acyclic graph)
options true A map of options

Rule Logic

A rule represents a stream processing flow from a data source that ingest data into the flow to various processing logic to actions that engest the data to external systems.

There are two ways to define the flow aka. business logic of a rule. Either using SQL/actions combination or using the newly added graph API.

  1. SQL Query Approach: Using a combination of SQL and actions for a more declarative approach.
  2. Graph API Approach: Introduced in eKuiper 1.6.0, this method represents the rule as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) in JSON, ideal for graphical user interfaces.

SQL Query

By specifying the sql and actions property, we can define the business logic of a rule in a declarative way. Among these, sql defines the SQL query to run against a predefined stream which will transform the data. The output data can then be routed to multiple locations by actions.


The simplest rule SQL is like SELECT * FROM demo. It has ANSI SQL-like syntax and can leverage abundant operators and functions provided by eKuiper runtime. See SQL for more information of eKuiper SQL.

Most of the SQL clauses define the logic except the FROM clause, which is responsible for specifying the stream. In this example, demo is the stream. It is possible to have multiple streams or streams/tables by using a join clause. As a streaming engine, there must be at least one stream in a rule.

Thus, the SQL query here actually defines two parts:

  • The stream(s) or table(s) to be processed.
  • How to process.

Before using the SQL rule, the stream must be defined in prior. Please check streams for details.


The actions part defines the output action for a rule. Each rule can have multiple actions. An action is an instance of a sink connector. When define actions, the key is the sink connector type name, and the value is the properties.

eKuiper has built in abundant sink connector type such as mqtt, rest and file. Users can also extend more sink type to be used in a rule action. Each sink type have its own property set. For more detail, please check sink.

Graph rule

Since eKuiper 1.6.0, eKuiper provides graph property in the rule model as an alternative way to create a rule. The property defines the DAG of a rule in JSON format. It is easy to map it directly to a graph in a GUI editor and suitable to serve as the backend of a drag and drop UI. An example of the graph rule definition is as below:

  "id": "rule1",
  "name": "Test Condition",
  "graph": {
    "nodes": {
      "demo": {
        "type": "source",
        "nodeType": "mqtt",
        "props": {
          "datasource": "devices/+/messages"
      "humidityFilter": {
        "type": "operator",
        "nodeType": "filter",
        "props": {
          "expr": "humidity > 30"
      "logfunc": {
        "type": "operator",
        "nodeType": "function",
        "props": {
          "expr": "log(temperature) as log_temperature"
      "tempFilter": {
        "type": "operator",
        "nodeType": "filter",
        "props": {
          "expr": "log_temperature < 1.6"
      "pick": {
        "type": "operator",
        "nodeType": "pick",
        "props": {
          "fields": ["log_temperature as temp", "humidity"]
      "mqttout": {
        "type": "sink",
        "nodeType": "mqtt",
        "props": {
          "server": "tcp://${mqtt_srv}:1883",
          "topic": "devices/result"
    "topo": {
      "sources": ["demo"],
      "edges": {
        "demo": ["humidityFilter"],
        "humidityFilter": ["logfunc"],
        "logfunc": ["tempFilter"],
        "tempFilter": ["pick"],
        "pick": ["mqttout"]

The graph property is a json structure with nodes to define the nodes presented in the graph and topo to define the edge between nodes. The node type can be built-in node types such as window node and filter node etc. It can also be a user-defined node from plugins. Please refer to graph rule for more detail.

Fine Tuning

eKuiper provides a slew of options to fine-tune rule behavior, including:

  • Debugging and Logging: Control log verbosity and direct logs to specific files.
  • Event Time: Choose between event time or processing time for timestamping.
  • Fault Tolerance: Define behavior for late-arriving events.
  • Concurrency: Manage parallel processing for different rule phases.
  • Buffering: Control in-memory message buffering.
  • QoS and Checkpointing: Ensure data reliability with Quality of Service levels and periodic state saving.
  • Restart Strategy: Define how rules should restart after failures.
  • Scheduled Rules: Set up periodic rule execution based on cron expressions.

See the table below for a detailed explanation of each rule behavior:

Option name Type & Default Value Description
debug bool: false Specify whether to enable the debug level for this rule. By default, it will inherit the Debug configuration parameters in the global configuration.
logFilename string: "" Specify the name of a separate log file for this rule, and the log will be saved in the global log folder. By default, the log configuration parameters in the global configuration will be used.
isEventTime boolean: false Whether to use event time or processing time as the timestamp for an event. If event time is used, the timestamp will be extracted from the payload. The timestamp filed must be specified by the stream definition.
lateTolerance int64:0 When working with event-time windowing, it can happen that elements arrive late. LateTolerance can specify by how much time(unit is millisecond) elements can be late before they are dropped. By default, the value is 0 which means late elements are dropped.
concurrency int: 1 A rule is processed by several phases of plans according to the sql statement. This option will specify how many instances will be run for each plan. If the value is bigger than 1, the order of the messages may not be retained.
bufferLength int: 1024 Specify how many messages can be buffered in memory for each plan. If the buffered messages exceed the limit, the plan will block message receiving until the buffered messages have been sent out so that the buffered size is less than the limit. A bigger value will accommodate more throughput but will also take up more memory footprint.
sendMetaToSink bool:false Specify whether the meta data of an event will be sent to the sink. If true, the sink can get te meta data information.
sendError bool: true Whether to send the error to sink. If true, any runtime error will be sent through the whole rule into sinks. Otherwise, the error will only be printed out in the log.
qos int:0 Specify the qos of the stream. The options are 0: At most once; 1: At least once and 2: Exactly once. If qos is bigger than 0, the checkpoint mechanism will be activated to save states periodically so that the rule can be resumed from errors.
checkpointInterval int:300000 Specify the time interval in milliseconds to trigger a checkpoint. This is only effective when qos is bigger than 0.
restartStrategy struct Specify the strategy to automatic restarting rule after failures. This can help to get over recoverable failures without manual operations. Please check Rule Restart Strategy for detail configuration items.
cron string: "" Specify the periodic trigger strategy of the rule, which is described by cron expression
duration string: "" Specifies the running duration of the rule, only valid when cron is specified. The duration should not exceed the time interval between two cron cycles, otherwise it will cause unexpected behavior.
cronDatetimeRange lists of struct Specify the effective time period of the Scheduled Rule, which is only valid when cron is specified. When this cronDatetimeRange is specified, the Scheduled Rule will only take effect within the time range specified. Please see [Scheduled Rule](#Scheduled Rule) for detailed configuration items

For detail about qos and checkpointInterval, please check state and fault tolerance.

The rule options can be defined globally in etc/kuiper.yaml under the rules section. The options defined in the rule json will override the global setting.

Rule Restart Strategy

The restart strategy options include:

Option name Type & Default Value Description
attempts int: 0 The maximum retry times. If set to 0, the rule will fail immediately without retrying.
delay int: 1000 The default interval in millisecond to retry. If multiplier is not set, the retry interval will be fixed to this value.
maxDelay int: 30000 The maximum interval in millisecond to retry. Only effective when multiplier is set so that the delay will increase for each retry.
multiplier float: 2 The exponential to increase the interval.
jitterFactor float: 0.1 How large random value will be added or subtracted to the delay to prevent restarting multiple rules at the same time.

The default values can be changed by editing the etc/kuiper.yaml file.

Scheduled Rule

Rules support periodic start, run and pause. In options, cron expresses the starting policy of the periodic rule, such as starting every 1 hour, and duration expresses the running time when the rule is started each time, such as running for 30 minutes.

When cron is every 1 hour and duration is 30 minutes, then the rule will be started every 1 hour, and will be suspended after 30 minutes each time, waiting for the next startup.

When a periodic rule is stopped by stop rule, the rule will be removed from the periodic scheduler and will no longer be scheduled to run. If the rule is running, it will also be paused.

cronDatetimeRangeconfiguration items are like following:

Option name Type & Default Value Description
begin string The begin time of the effective period of the scheduled rule, the format is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'
end string The end time of the effective period of the scheduled rule, the format is `YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'
beginTimestamp int The starting unix timestamp of the period in which the periodic rule takes effect, in ms
endTimestamp int The end unix timestamp of the period in which the periodic rule takes effect, in ms

cronDatetimeRange supports lists of struct, you can declare a set of time ranges to express multiple time ranges for scheduled rules to take effect:

    "cronDatetimeRange": [
            "begin": "2023-06-26 10:00:00",
            "end": "2023-06-26 20:00:00"
            "beginTimestamp": 1701401478000,
            "endTimestamp": 1701401578000

Phase run rules

When cronDatetimeRange is configured but cron and duration are empty, the rule will run according to the time period specified by cronDatetimeRange until the time period is exceeded.

View Rule Status

When a rule is deployed to eKuiper, we can use the rule indicator to understand the current running status of the rule.

We can get the running status of all rules and the detailed status of a single rule through the rest API.

The status of all rules can be obtained through Show Rules, and the status of a single rule can be obtained through getting the status of a rule.

Understanding Status of Running Rules

For the following rules:

  "id": "rule",
  "sql": "select * from demo",
  "actions": [
      "mqtt": {
        "server": "tcp://",
        "topic": "devices/+/messages",
        "qos": 1,
        "clientId": "demo_001",
        "retained": false

We can get the status from the above get-the-status-of-a-rule:

  "status": "running",
  "source_demo_0_records_in_total": 0,
  "source_demo_0_records_out_total": 0,
  "op_2_project_0_records_in_total": 0,
  "op_2_project_0_records_out_total": 0,
  "sink_mqtt_0_0_records_in_total": 0,
  "sink_mqtt_0_0_records_out_total": 0,

status represents the current running status of the rule, and running represents that the rule is running.

The monitoring items represent the operation status of each operator during the rule running process, and the monitoring items are composed of operator_type information_operator concurrency_index actual_monitoring_items.

Take source_demo_0_records_in_total as an example, where source represents the operator for reading data, demo is the corresponding stream, 0 represents the index of the operator instance in the concurrency, and records_in_total interprets the actual the monitoring item, that is, how many records the operator has received.

When we try to send a record to the stream, the status of the rule is obtained again as follows:

  "status": "running",
  "source_demo_0_records_in_total": 1,
  "source_demo_0_records_out_total": 1,
  "op_2_project_0_records_in_total": 1,
  "op_2_project_0_records_out_total": 1,
  "sink_mqtt_0_0_records_in_total": 1,
  "sink_mqtt_0_0_records_out_total": 1,

It can be seen that records_in_total and records_out_total of each operator have changed from 0 to 1, which means that the operator has received a record and passed a record to the next operator, and finally sent to the sink and the sink wrote 1 record.