diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index c6de281a..d2a86aba 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,7 +1,58 @@ -# Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/intellij -# Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=intellij +# Created by https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/intellij+all,node,vim,emacs,macos +# Edit at https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore?templates=intellij+all,node,vim,emacs,macos -### Intellij ### +### Emacs ### +# -*- mode: gitignore; -*- +*~ +\#*\# +/.emacs.desktop +/.emacs.desktop.lock +*.elc +auto-save-list +tramp +.\#* + +# Org-mode +.org-id-locations +*_archive + +# flymake-mode +*_flymake.* + +# eshell files +/eshell/history +/eshell/lastdir + +# elpa packages +/elpa/ + +# reftex files +*.rel + +# AUCTeX auto folder +/auto/ + +# cask packages +.cask/ +dist/ + +# Flycheck +flycheck_*.el + +# server auth directory +/server/ + +# projectiles files +.projectile + +# directory configuration +.dir-locals.el + +# network security +/network-security.data + + +### Intellij+all ### # Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio, WebStorm and Rider # Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839 @@ -12,6 +63,9 @@ .idea/**/dictionaries .idea/**/shelf +# AWS User-specific +.idea/**/aws.xml + # Generated files .idea/**/contentModel.xml @@ -53,6 +107,12 @@ cmake-build-*/ # IntelliJ out/ +# jsdoc build directory +reference/ + +# minio storage +data/ + # mpeltonen/sbt-idea plugin .idea_modules/ @@ -62,6 +122,9 @@ atlassian-ide-plugin.xml # Cursive Clojure plugin .idea/replstate.xml +# SonarLint plugin +.idea/sonarlint/ + # Crashlytics plugin (for Android Studio and IntelliJ) com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml crashlytics.properties @@ -74,37 +137,209 @@ fabric.properties # Android studio 3.1+ serialized cache file .idea/caches/build_file_checksums.ser -### Intellij Patch ### -# Comment Reason: https://github.com/joeblau/gitignore.io/issues/186#issuecomment-215987721 +### Intellij+all Patch ### +# Ignore everything but code style settings and run configurations +# that are supposed to be shared within teams. + +.idea/* + +!.idea/codeStyles +!.idea/runConfigurations + +### macOS ### +# General +.DS_Store +.AppleDouble +.LSOverride + +# Icon must end with two \r +Icon + + +# Thumbnails +._* + +# Files that might appear in the root of a volume +.DocumentRevisions-V100 +.fseventsd +.Spotlight-V100 +.TemporaryItems +.Trashes +.VolumeIcon.icns +.com.apple.timemachine.donotpresent + +# Directories potentially created on remote AFP share +.AppleDB +.AppleDesktop +Network Trash Folder +Temporary Items +.apdisk + +### macOS Patch ### +# iCloud generated files +*.icloud + +### Node ### +# Logs +logs +*.log +npm-debug.log* +yarn-debug.log* +yarn-error.log* +lerna-debug.log* +.pnpm-debug.log* + +# Diagnostic reports (https://nodejs.org/api/report.html) +report.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.json + +# Runtime data +pids +*.pid +*.seed +*.pid.lock + +# Directory for instrumented libs generated by jscoverage/JSCover +lib-cov + +# Coverage directory used by tools like istanbul +coverage +*.lcov + +# nyc test coverage +.nyc_output + +# Grunt intermediate storage (https://gruntjs.com/creating-plugins#storing-task-files) +.grunt + +# Bower dependency directory (https://bower.io/) +bower_components + +# node-waf configuration +.lock-wscript + +# Compiled binary addons (https://nodejs.org/api/addons.html) +build/Release + +# Dependency directories +node_modules/ +jspm_packages/ + +# Snowpack dependency directory (https://snowpack.dev/) +web_modules/ + +# TypeScript cache +*.tsbuildinfo + +# Optional npm cache directory +.npm + +# Optional eslint cache +.eslintcache + +# Optional stylelint cache +.stylelintcache + +# Microbundle cache +.rpt2_cache/ +.rts2_cache_cjs/ +.rts2_cache_es/ +.rts2_cache_umd/ + +# Optional REPL history +.node_repl_history + +# Output of 'npm pack' +*.tgz + +# Yarn Integrity file +.yarn-integrity + +# dotenv environment variable files +.env +.env.development.local +.env.test.local +.env.production.local +.env.local + +# parcel-bundler cache (https://parceljs.org/) +.cache +.parcel-cache + +# Next.js build output +.next +out + +# Nuxt.js build / generate output +.nuxt +dist + +# Gatsby files +.cache/ +# Comment in the public line in if your project uses Gatsby and not Next.js +# https://nextjs.org/blog/next-9-1#public-directory-support +# public + +# vuepress build output +.vuepress/dist + +# vuepress v2.x temp and cache directory +.temp + +# Docusaurus cache and generated files +.docusaurus + +# Serverless directories +.serverless/ + +# FuseBox cache +.fusebox/ + +# DynamoDB Local files +.dynamodb/ + +# TernJS port file +.tern-port + +# Stores VSCode versions used for testing VSCode extensions +.vscode-test + +# yarn v2 +.yarn/cache +.yarn/unplugged +.yarn/build-state.yml +.yarn/install-state.gz +.pnp.* -*.iml -modules.xml -.idea/misc.xml -*.ipr +### Node Patch ### +# Serverless Webpack directories +.webpack/ -# Sonarlint plugin -# https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7973-sonarlint -.idea/**/sonarlint/ +# Optional stylelint cache -# SonarQube Plugin -# https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7238-sonarqube-community-plugin -.idea/**/sonarIssues.xml +# SvelteKit build / generate output +.svelte-kit -# Markdown Navigator plugin -# https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7896-markdown-navigator-enhanced -.idea/**/markdown-navigator.xml -.idea/**/markdown-navigator-enh.xml -.idea/**/markdown-navigator/ +### Vim ### +# Swap +[._]*.s[a-v][a-z] +!*.svg # comment out if you don't need vector files +[._]*.sw[a-p] +[._]s[a-rt-v][a-z] +[._]ss[a-gi-z] +[._]sw[a-p] -# Cache file creation bug -# See https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/JBR-2257 -.idea/$CACHE_FILE$ +# Session +Session.vim +Sessionx.vim -# CodeStream plugin -# https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/12206-codestream -.idea/codestream.xml +# Temporary +.netrwhist +# Auto-generated tag files +tags +# Persistent undo +[._]*.un~ -# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/intellij +# End of https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/intellij+all,node,vim,emacs,macos # Test data files test-settings.* diff --git a/.tool-versions b/.tool-versions new file mode 100644 index 00000000..99f4ccb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/.tool-versions @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +nodejs 20.8.0 diff --git a/Dockerfile.oss b/Dockerfile.oss index f986474e..838bda85 100644 --- a/Dockerfile.oss +++ b/Dockerfile.oss @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ ENV PROXY_CACHE_VALID_NOTFOUND "1m" ENV PROXY_CACHE_VALID_FORBIDDEN "30s" ENV CORS_ENABLED 0 ENV DIRECTORY_LISTING_PATH_PREFIX "" +ENV STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH "" # We modify the nginx base image by: # 1. Adding configuration files needed for proxying private S3 buckets diff --git a/Dockerfile.plus b/Dockerfile.plus index 47252b5e..6183ed00 100644 --- a/Dockerfile.plus +++ b/Dockerfile.plus @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ ENV PROXY_CACHE_VALID_NOTFOUND "1m" ENV PROXY_CACHE_VALID_FORBIDDEN "30s" ENV CORS_ENABLED 0 ENV DIRECTORY_LISTING_PATH_PREFIX "" +ENV STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH "" COPY plus/etc/ssl /etc/ssl COPY plus/usr /usr diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile index 8efeb48e..d59cd652 100644 --- a/GNUmakefile +++ b/GNUmakefile @@ -22,3 +22,30 @@ help: .PHONY: test test: ## Run all tests $Q $(CURDIR)/test.sh --type oss --unprivileged false --latest-njs false + +# Check if the 'open' command exists on the system +OPEN := $(shell command -v open 2> /dev/null) + +# Define the open command based on availability +ifeq ($(OPEN),) + OPEN_COMMAND = xdg-open +else + OPEN_COMMAND = open +endif + +docs_destination_directory = "reference" + +.PHONY: docs +docs: + npx jsdoc -c $(CURDIR)/jsdoc/conf.json -d $(CURDIR)/$(docs_destination_directory) || true + +.PHONY: jsdoc +jsdoc: docs ## Build JSDoc output + +.PHONY: jsdoc-open +jsdoc-open: docs + $(OPEN_COMMAND) $(CURDIR)/$(docs_destination_directory)/index.html + +.PHONY: clean +clean: ## Clean up build artifacts + $Q rm -rf $(CURDIR)/$(docs_destination_directory) diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 4dfc069d..625b88dd 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ deployments/ contains files used for deployment technologies docs/ contains documentation about the project examples/ contains additional `Dockerfile` examples that extend the base configuration +jsdoc JSDoc configuration files oss/ contains files used solely in NGINX OSS configurations plus/ contains files used solely in NGINX Plus configurations test/ contains automated tests for validang that the examples work @@ -79,9 +80,10 @@ Dockerfile.buildkit.plus Dockerfile with the same configuration as Docke with support for hiding secrets using Docker's Buildkit Dockerfile.latest-njs Dockerfile that inherits from the last build of the gateway and then builds and installs the latest version of njs from source -Dockerfile.unprivileged Dockerfiles that inherits from the last build of the gateway and +Dockerfile.unprivileged Dockerfiles that inherits from the last build of the gateway and makes the necessary modifications to allow running the container as a non root, unprivileged user. +package.json Node.js package file used only for generating JSDoc settings.example Docker env file example standalone_ubuntu_oss_install.sh install script that will install the gateway as a Systemd service test.sh test launcher diff --git a/common/docker-entrypoint.sh b/common/docker-entrypoint.sh index 024d0aa7..d607c804 100644 --- a/common/docker-entrypoint.sh +++ b/common/docker-entrypoint.sh @@ -32,16 +32,21 @@ parseBoolean() { # This line is an addition to the NGINX Docker image's entrypoint script. if [ -z ${DNS_RESOLVERS+x} ]; then - resolvers="" - for ip in $(grep nameserver /etc/resolv.conf | cut -d' ' -f2 | xargs) - do - if echo "${ip}" | grep -q ':'; then - resolvers="$resolvers [${ip}]" - else - resolvers="$resolvers $ip" - fi - done - export DNS_RESOLVERS="${resolvers}" + resolvers="" + + # This method of pulling individual nameservers from + # /etc/resolv.conf taken from the entrypoint script in the + # official docker image. + # https://github.com/nginxinc/docker-nginx/blob/master/entrypoint/15-local-resolvers.envsh + for ip in $(awk 'BEGIN{ORS=" "} $1=="nameserver" {print $2}' /etc/resolv.conf) + do + if echo "${ip}" | grep -q ':'; then + resolvers="$resolvers [${ip}]" + else + resolvers="$resolvers $ip" + fi + done + export DNS_RESOLVERS="${resolvers}" fi # Normalize the CORS_ENABLED environment variable to a numeric value diff --git a/common/etc/nginx/include/awscredentials.js b/common/etc/nginx/include/awscredentials.js index 8f4b0da1..b64d03f8 100644 --- a/common/etc/nginx/include/awscredentials.js +++ b/common/etc/nginx/include/awscredentials.js @@ -14,6 +14,19 @@ * limitations under the License. */ +/** + * @module awscredentials + * @alias AwsCredentials + */ + +/** + * @typedef {Object} Credentials + * @property {string} accessKeyId - AWS access key ID + * @property {string} secretAccessKey - AWS secret access key + * @property {string | null} sessionToken - AWS session token + * @property {string | null} expiration - Expiration timestamp of the credentials + */ + import utils from "./utils.js"; const fs = require('fs'); @@ -33,10 +46,16 @@ const NOW = new Date(); const ECS_CREDENTIAL_BASE_URI = ''; /** + * URL to EC2 Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) token endpoint + * @see {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instancedata-data-retrieval.html| EC2 Instance Metadata Service} * @type {string} */ const EC2_IMDS_TOKEN_ENDPOINT = ''; +/** + * URL to EC2 Instance Metadata Service (IMDS) security credentials endpoint + * @type {string} + */ const EC2_IMDS_SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT = ''; /** @@ -56,7 +75,7 @@ const maxValidityOffsetMs = 4.5 * 60 * 1000; * Get the current session token from either the instance profile credential * cache or environment variables. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) * @returns {string} current session token or empty string */ function sessionToken(r) { @@ -70,8 +89,8 @@ function sessionToken(r) { /** * Get the instance profile credentials needed to authenticate against S3 from * a backend cache. If the credentials cannot be found, then return undefined. - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) - * @returns {undefined|{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string|null), expiration: (string|null)}} AWS instance profile credentials or undefined + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @returns {Credentials|undefined} AWS instance profile credentials or undefined */ function readCredentials(r) { if ('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID' in process.env && 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY' in process.env) { @@ -98,8 +117,8 @@ function readCredentials(r) { * Read credentials from the NGINX Keyval store. If it is not found, then * return undefined. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) - * @returns {undefined|{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}} AWS instance profile credentials or undefined + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @returns {Credentials|undefined} AWS instance profile credentials or undefined * @private */ function _readCredentialsFromKeyValStore(r) { @@ -121,7 +140,7 @@ function _readCredentialsFromKeyValStore(r) { * Read the contents of the credentials file into memory. If it is not * found, then return undefined. * - * @returns {undefined|{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}} AWS instance profile credentials or undefined + * @returns {Credentials|undefined} AWS instance profile credentials or undefined * @private */ function _readCredentialsFromFile() { @@ -161,8 +180,8 @@ function _credentialsTempFile() { /** * Write the instance profile credentials to a caching backend. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) - * @param credentials {{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}} AWS instance profile credentials + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @param credentials {Credentials} AWS instance profile credentials */ function writeCredentials(r, credentials) { /* Do not bother writing credentials if we are running in a mode where we @@ -185,7 +204,7 @@ function writeCredentials(r, credentials) { /** * Write the instance profile credentials to the NGINX Keyval store. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) * @param credentials {{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}} AWS instance profile credentials * @private */ @@ -198,8 +217,7 @@ function _writeCredentialsToKeyValStore(r, credentials) { * file will be quite small and should end up in the file cache relatively * quickly if it is repeatedly read. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) - * @param credentials {{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}} AWS instance profile credentials + * @param credentials {Credentials} AWS instance profile credentials * @private */ function _writeCredentialsToFile(credentials) { @@ -220,7 +238,7 @@ function _writeCredentialsToFile(credentials) { * If the gateway is not using instance profile credentials, then this function * quickly exits. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @returns {Promise} */ async function fetchCredentials(r) { @@ -299,7 +317,7 @@ async function fetchCredentials(r) { * (Elastic Container Service) metadata endpoint. * * @param credentialsUri {string} endpoint to get credentials from - * @returns {Promise<{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}>} + * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async function _fetchEcsRoleCredentials(credentialsUri) { @@ -321,7 +339,7 @@ async function _fetchEcsRoleCredentials(credentialsUri) { * Get the credentials needed to generate AWS signatures from the EC2 * metadata endpoint. * - * @returns {Promise<{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}>} + * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async function _fetchEC2RoleCredentials() { @@ -364,7 +382,7 @@ async function _fetchEC2RoleCredentials() { * Get the credentials by assuming calling AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity with the environment variable * values ROLE_ARN, AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE and AWS_ROLE_SESSION_NAME * - * @returns {Promise<{accessKeyId: (string), secretAccessKey: (string), sessionToken: (string), expiration: (string)}>} + * @returns {Promise} * @private */ async function _fetchWebIdentityCredentials(r) { diff --git a/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig2.js b/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig2.js index 5630b212..9e5abd6b 100644 --- a/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig2.js +++ b/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig2.js @@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ * limitations under the License. */ +/** + * @module awssig2 + * @alias AwsSig2 + */ + import utils from "./utils.js"; const mod_hmac = require('crypto'); @@ -22,10 +27,10 @@ const mod_hmac = require('crypto'); * Create HTTP Authorization header for authenticating with an AWS compatible * v2 API. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @param uri {string} The URI-encoded version of the absolute path component URL to create a request * @param httpDate {string} RFC2616 timestamp used to sign the request - * @param credentials {object} Credential object with AWS credentials in it (AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken) + * @param credentials {Credentials} Credential object with AWS credentials in it (AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken) * @returns {string} HTTP Authorization header value */ function signatureV2(r, uri, httpDate, credentials) { @@ -40,7 +45,6 @@ function signatureV2(r, uri, httpDate, credentials) { return `AWS ${credentials.accessKeyId}:${signature}`; } - export default { signatureV2 } diff --git a/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig4.js b/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig4.js index 7bf30e8f..fb7be86f 100644 --- a/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig4.js +++ b/common/etc/nginx/include/awssig4.js @@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ * limitations under the License. */ +/** + * @module awssig4 + * @alias AwsSig4 + */ + import awscred from "./awscredentials.js"; import utils from "./utils.js"; @@ -23,20 +28,20 @@ const mod_hmac = require('crypto'); * Constant defining the headers being signed. * @type {string} */ -const DEFAULT_SIGNED_HEADERS = 'host;x-amz-date'; +const DEFAULT_SIGNED_HEADERS = 'host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date'; /** * Create HTTP Authorization header for authenticating with an AWS compatible * v4 API. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @param timestamp {Date} timestamp associated with request (must fall within a skew) * @param region {string} API region associated with request * @param service {string} service code (for example, s3, lambda) * @param uri {string} The URI-encoded version of the absolute path component URL to create a canonical request * @param queryParams {string} The URL-encoded query string parameters to create a canonical request * @param host {string} HTTP host header value - * @param credentials {object} Credential object with AWS credentials in it (AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken) + * @param credentials {Credentials} Credential object with AWS credentials in it (AccessKeyId, SecretAccessKey, SessionToken) * @returns {string} HTTP Authorization header value */ function signatureV4(r, timestamp, region, service, uri, queryParams, host, credentials) { @@ -71,6 +76,7 @@ function _buildCanonicalRequest(r, method, uri, queryParams, host, amzDatetime, sessionToken) { const payloadHash = awsHeaderPayloadHash(r); let canonicalHeaders = 'host:' + host + '\n' + + 'x-amz-content-sha256:' + payloadHash + '\n' + 'x-amz-date:' + amzDatetime + '\n'; if (sessionToken && sessionToken.length > 0) { @@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ function _buildCanonicalRequest(r, * Creates a signature for use authenticating against an AWS compatible API. * * @see {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html | AWS V4 Signing Process} - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @param amzDatetime {string} ISO8601 timestamp string to sign request with * @param eightDigitDate {string} date in the form of 'YYYYMMDD' * @param creds {object} AWS credentials @@ -184,7 +190,7 @@ function _buildStringToSign(amzDatetime, eightDigitDate, region, service, canoni * Creates a string containing the headers that need to be signed as part of v4 * signature authentication. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @param sessionToken {string|undefined} AWS session token if present * @returns {string} semicolon delimited string of the headers needed for signing * @private @@ -227,8 +233,8 @@ function _buildSigningKeyHash(kSecret, eightDigitDate, region, service) { * the eight digit date string and the second element contains a JSON string * of the kSigningHash. * - * @param cached input string to parse - * @returns {string[]|*[]} array containing eight digit date and kSigningHash or empty + * @param cached {string} input string to parse + * @returns {Array} array containing eight digit date and kSigningHash or empty * @private */ function _splitCachedValues(cached) { @@ -251,10 +257,10 @@ function _splitCachedValues(cached) { * ISO 8601: YYYYMMDD'T'HHMMSS'Z'. * @see {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigv4-date-handling.html | Handling dates in Signature Version 4} * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @param _r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) * @returns {string} ISO 8601 timestamp */ -function awsHeaderDate(r) { +function awsHeaderDate(_r) { return utils.getAmzDatetime( awscred.Now(), utils.getEightDigitDate(awscred.Now()) @@ -264,7 +270,7 @@ function awsHeaderDate(r) { /** * Return a payload hash in the header * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @returns {string} payload hash */ function awsHeaderPayloadHash(r) { diff --git a/common/etc/nginx/include/s3gateway.js b/common/etc/nginx/include/s3gateway.js index dda556cc..b1be836a 100644 --- a/common/etc/nginx/include/s3gateway.js +++ b/common/etc/nginx/include/s3gateway.js @@ -14,6 +14,19 @@ * limitations under the License. */ +/** + * @module s3gateway + * @alias S3Gateway + */ + +/** + * @typedef {Object} S3ReqParams + * @property {string} uri - URI to use for S3 request + * @property {string|undefined} httpDate - RFC2616 timestamp used to sign the request + * @property {string|undefined} host - S3 host to use for request + * @property {string|undefined} queryParams - query parameters to use with S3 request + */ + import awscred from "./awscredentials.js"; import awssig2 from "./awssig2.js"; import awssig4 from "./awssig4.js"; @@ -34,17 +47,39 @@ _requireEnvVars('S3_STYLE'); * @type {boolean} */ const ALLOW_LISTING = utils.parseBoolean(process.env['ALLOW_DIRECTORY_LIST']); +/** + * Flag indicating if index pages should be provided for directories. + * @type {boolean} + * */ const PROVIDE_INDEX_PAGE = utils.parseBoolean(process.env['PROVIDE_INDEX_PAGE']); +/** + * Flag that when enabled checks if requesting a folder is without trailing slash, and return 302 + * appending a slash to it when using for static site hosting. + * @type {boolean} + * */ const APPEND_SLASH = utils.parseBoolean(process.env['APPEND_SLASH_FOR_POSSIBLE_DIRECTORY']); +/** + * Flag indicating if 404 should be returned when requesting an empty bucket. + * @type {boolean} + * */ const FOUR_O_FOUR_ON_EMPTY_BUCKET = utils.parseBoolean(process.env['FOUR_O_FOUR_ON_EMPTY_BUCKET']); +/** + * Flag indicating why type of S3 URI to use. Valid values are 'virtual' and + * 'path'. If not set, 'virtual' is assumed. + * @type {string} + * */ const S3_STYLE = process.env['S3_STYLE']; - +/** + * Additional header prefixes to strip from the response before sending to the + * client. This is useful for removing headers that may contain sensitive + * information. + * @type {Array} + * */ const ADDITIONAL_HEADER_PREFIXES_TO_STRIP = utils.parseArray(process.env['HEADER_PREFIXES_TO_STRIP']); - /** * Default filename for index pages to be read off of the backing object store. * @type {string} - */ + * */ const INDEX_PAGE = "index.html"; /** @@ -56,7 +91,7 @@ const SERVICE = 's3'; /** * Transform the headers returned from S3 such that there isn't information * leakage about S3 and do other tasks needed for appropriate gateway output. - * @param r HTTP request + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request */ function editHeaders(r) { const isDirectoryHeadRequest = @@ -91,7 +126,7 @@ function editHeaders(r) { * Determines if a given HTTP header should be removed before being * sent on to the requesting client. * @param headerName {string} Lowercase HTTP header name - * @param additionalHeadersToStrip {Array[string]} array of additional headers to remove + * @param additionalHeadersToStrip {Array} array of additional headers to remove * @returns {boolean} true if header should be removed */ function _isHeaderToBeStripped(headerName, additionalHeadersToStrip) { @@ -113,7 +148,7 @@ function _isHeaderToBeStripped(headerName, additionalHeadersToStrip) { * Outputs the timestamp used to sign the request, so that it can be added to * the 'Date' header and sent by NGINX. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) * @returns {string} RFC2616 timestamp */ function s3date(r) { @@ -124,7 +159,7 @@ function s3date(r) { * Creates an AWS authentication signature based on the global settings and * the passed request parameter. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @returns {string} AWS authentication signature */ function s3auth(r) { @@ -154,12 +189,12 @@ function s3auth(r) { } /** - * Generate some of request parameters for AWS signature version 2 + * Generate request parameters for AWS signature version 2 * * @see {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/auth-request-sig-v2.html | AWS signature version 2} - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @param bucket {string} S3 bucket associated with request - * @returns s3ReqParams {object} s3ReqParams object (host, method, uri, queryParams) + * @returns {S3ReqParams} s3ReqParams object (host, method, uri, queryParams) * @private */ function _s3ReqParamsForSigV2(r, bucket) { @@ -181,13 +216,13 @@ function _s3ReqParamsForSigV2(r, bucket) { } /** - * Generate some of request parameters for AWS signature version 4 + * Generate request parameters for AWS signature version 4 * * @see {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/signature-version-4.html | AWS V4 Signing Process} - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @param bucket {string} S3 bucket associated with request * @param server {string} S3 host associated with request - * @returns s3ReqParams {object} s3ReqParams object (host, uri, queryParams) + * @returns {S3ReqParams} s3ReqParams object (host, uri, queryParams) * @private */ function _s3ReqParamsForSigV4(r, bucket, server) { @@ -222,7 +257,7 @@ function _s3ReqParamsForSigV4(r, bucket, server) { * path style S3 URIs to be created that do not use a subdomain to specify * the bucket name. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) * @returns {string} start of the file path for the S3 object URI */ function s3BaseUri(r) { @@ -242,7 +277,7 @@ function s3BaseUri(r) { /** * Returns the s3 path given the incoming request * - * @param r HTTP request + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request * @returns {string} uri for s3 request */ function s3uri(r) { @@ -307,7 +342,7 @@ function _s3DirQueryParams(uriPath, method) { * a read (GET/HEAD) request, then we reject the request outright by returning * a HTTP 405 error with a list of allowed methods. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object */ function redirectToS3(r) { // This is a read-only S3 gateway, so we do not support any other methods @@ -322,9 +357,9 @@ function redirectToS3(r) { if (isDirectoryListing && (r.method === 'GET' || r.method === 'HEAD')) { r.internalRedirect("@s3PreListing"); - } else if ( PROVIDE_INDEX_PAGE == true ) { + } else if (PROVIDE_INDEX_PAGE === true) { r.internalRedirect("@s3"); - } else if ( !ALLOW_LISTING && !PROVIDE_INDEX_PAGE && uriPath == "/" ) { + } else if (!ALLOW_LISTING && !PROVIDE_INDEX_PAGE && uriPath === "/") { r.internalRedirect("@error404"); } else { r.internalRedirect("@s3"); @@ -333,8 +368,12 @@ function redirectToS3(r) { function trailslashControl(r) { if (APPEND_SLASH) { + // For the purposes of understanding whether this is a directory, + // consider the uri without query params or anchors + const path = r.variables.uri_path.split(/[?#]/)[0]; + const hasExtension = /\/[^.\/]+\.[^.]+$/; - if (!hasExtension.test(r.variables.uri_path) && !_isDirectory(r.variables.uri_path)){ + if (!hasExtension.test(path) && !_isDirectory(path)){ return r.internalRedirect("@trailslash"); } } @@ -353,22 +392,20 @@ async function loadContent(r) { r.internalRedirect("@s3Directory"); return; } - const url = s3uri(r); + const uri = s3uri(r); let reply = await ngx.fetch( - `${url}` + `${uri}` ); - if (reply.status == 200) { - // found index.html, so redirect to it - r.internalRedirect(r.variables.request_uri + INDEX_PAGE); - } else if (reply.status == 404) { - // else just list the contents of the directory + if (reply.status === 200) { + utils.debug_log(r, `Found index file, redirecting to: ${uri}`); + r.internalRedirect(uri); + } else if (reply.status === 404) { + // As there was no index file found, just list the contents of the directory r.internalRedirect("@s3Directory"); } else { r.internalRedirect("@error500"); } - - return; } /** @@ -379,9 +416,9 @@ async function loadContent(r) { * * If anyone finds a better way to do this, please submit a PR. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) - * @param data chunked data buffer - * @param flags contains field that indicates that a chunk is last + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object (not used, but required for NGINX configuration) + * @param data {NjsStringOrBuffer} chunked data buffer + * @param flags {NginxHTTPSendBufferOptions} contains field that indicates that a chunk is last */ function filterListResponse(r, data, flags) { if (FOUR_O_FOUR_ON_EMPTY_BUCKET) { @@ -449,16 +486,9 @@ function _escapeURIPath(uri) { * @private */ function _isDirectory(path) { - if (path === undefined) { - return false; - } - const len = path.length; - - if (len < 1) { - return false; - } + if (!path) return false; - return path.charAt(len - 1) === '/'; + return path.slice(-1) === '/'; } /** diff --git a/common/etc/nginx/include/utils.js b/common/etc/nginx/include/utils.js index f5fa5627..d65e9b83 100644 --- a/common/etc/nginx/include/utils.js +++ b/common/etc/nginx/include/utils.js @@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ * limitations under the License. */ +/** + * @module utils + * @alias Utils + */ + /** * Flag indicating debug mode operation. If true, additional information * about signature generation will be logged. @@ -23,10 +28,10 @@ const DEBUG = parseBoolean(process.env['DEBUG']); /** - * Checks to see if all of the elements of the passed array are present as keys + * Checks to see if all the elements of the passed array are present as keys * in the running process' environment variables. Alternatively, if a single * string is passed, it will check for the presence of that string. - * @param envVars {array[string]|string} array of expected keys or single expected key + * @param envVars {Array|string} array of expected keys or single expected key * @returns {boolean} true if all keys are set as environment variables */ function areAllEnvVarsSet(envVars) { @@ -45,7 +50,7 @@ function areAllEnvVarsSet(envVars) { /** * Parses a string delimited by semicolons into an array of values * @param string {string|null} value representing a array of strings - * @returns {Array} a list of values + * @returns {Array} a list of values */ function parseArray(string) { if (string == null || !string || string === ';') { @@ -85,7 +90,7 @@ function parseBoolean(string) { /** * Outputs a log message to the request logger if debug messages are enabled. * - * @param r {Request} HTTP request object + * @param r {NginxHTTPRequest} HTTP request object * @param msg {string} message to log */ function debug_log(r, msg) { diff --git a/common/etc/nginx/nginx.conf b/common/etc/nginx/nginx.conf index 43914f5f..75857f70 100644 --- a/common/etc/nginx/nginx.conf +++ b/common/etc/nginx/nginx.conf @@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ env PROXY_CACHE_VALID_NOTFOUND; env PROXY_CACHE_VALID_FORBIDDEN; env HEADER_PREFIXES_TO_STRIP; env FOUR_O_FOUR_ON_EMPTY_BUCKET; +env STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH; events { worker_connections 1024; diff --git a/common/etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template b/common/etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template index 1d558bd0..6255d110 100644 --- a/common/etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template +++ b/common/etc/nginx/templates/default.conf.template @@ -9,10 +9,15 @@ include /etc/nginx/conf.d/gateway/v${AWS_SIGS_VERSION}_js_vars.conf; # Extracts only the path from the requested URI. This strips out all query # parameters and anchors in order to prevent extraneous data from being sent # to S3. -map $request_uri $uri_path { +map $request_uri $uri_full_path { "~^(?P.*?)(\?.*)*$" $path; } +# Remove a portion of request URL (if configured) +map $uri_full_path $uri_path { + "~^$STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH(.*)" $1; +} + map $S3_STYLE $s3_host_hdr { virtual "${S3_BUCKET_NAME}.${S3_SERVER}"; path "${S3_SERVER}:${S3_SERVER_PORT}"; @@ -239,6 +244,7 @@ server { # Apply XSL transformation to the XML returned from S3 directory listing # results such that we can output an HTML directory contents list. xslt_stylesheet /etc/nginx/include/listing.xsl; + xslt_string_param rootPath '${DIRECTORY_LISTING_PATH_PREFIX}'; xslt_types application/xml; # We apply an output filter to the XML input received from S3 before it @@ -310,6 +316,10 @@ server { } location @error404 { + # The CORS configuration needs to be imported in several places in order for + # it to be applied within different contexts. + include /etc/nginx/conf.d/gateway/cors.conf; + return 404; } @@ -321,7 +331,7 @@ server { location @trailslash { # 302 to request without slashes - rewrite ^ $scheme://$http_host$request_uri/ redirect; + rewrite ^ $scheme://$http_host$uri/$is_args$query_string redirect; } # Provide a hint to the client on 405 errors of the acceptable request methods diff --git a/docs/development.md b/docs/development.md index f3763475..0afdb867 100644 --- a/docs/development.md +++ b/docs/development.md @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ additional modules. ## Testing -Automated tests require `docker`, `docker-compose`, `curl`, `mc` and `md5sum` to be +Automated tests require `docker`, `docker-compose`, `curl`, `md5sum` (or `md5` on MacOS), and `mc` (the minio [cli tool](https://github.com/penpyt/asdf-mc)) to be installed. To run all unit tests and integration tests, run the following command. If you invoke the test script with a plus parameter, you will need to add your NGINX repository keys to the `plus/etc/ssl/nginx` directory diff --git a/docs/getting_started.md b/docs/getting_started.md index 8bfce615..5e24732f 100644 --- a/docs/getting_started.md +++ b/docs/getting_started.md @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ running as a Container or as a Systemd service. | `JS_TRUSTED_CERT_PATH` | No | | | Enables the `js_fetch_trusted_certificate` directive when retrieving AWS credentials and sets the path (on the container) to the specified path | | `HEADER_PREFIXES_TO_STRIP` | No | | | A list of HTTP header prefixes that exclude headers client responses. List should be specified in lower-case and a semicolon (;) should be used to as a deliminator between values. For example: `x-goog-;x-something-` | | `CORS_ENABLED` | No | `true`, `false` | `false` | Flag that enables CORS headers on GET requests and enables pre-flight OPTIONS requests. If enabled, this will add CORS headers for "fully open" cross domain requests by default, meaning all domains are allowed, similar to the settings show in [this example](https://enable-cors.org/server_nginx.html). CORS settings can be fine-tuned by overwriting the [`cors.conf.template`](/common/etc/nginx/templates/gateway/cors.conf.template) file. | -| `CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN` | No | | | value to set to be returned from the CORS `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header. This value is only used if CORS is enabled. (default: \*) | - +| `CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGIN` | No | | | value to set to be returned from the CORS `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header. This value is only used if CORS is enabled. (default: \*) +| `STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH` | No | | | Removes a portion of the path in the requested URL (if configured). Useful when deploying to an ALB under a folder (eg. www.mysite.com/somepath). If you are using [AWS instance profile credentials](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use_switch-role-ec2.html), you will need to omit the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`, `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` and `AWS_SESSION_TOKEN` variables from @@ -104,6 +104,13 @@ It will also redirect `/some/path` to `/some/path/` when S3 returns 404 on look like a possible directory, it must not start with a `.` and not have an extension. +### Hosting a Bucket as a Subfolder on an ALB + +The `STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH` environment variable allows one to host an +S3 bucket in a subfolder on an ALB. For example, if you wanted to expose the +root of a bucket under the path "www.mysite.com/somepath", you would set this +variable to "/somepath". + ## Running as a Systemd Service An [install script](/standalone_ubuntu_oss_install.sh) for the gateway shows diff --git a/jsdoc/conf.json b/jsdoc/conf.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d104b89e --- /dev/null +++ b/jsdoc/conf.json @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +{ + "plugins": [ + "node_modules/better-docs/typescript" + ], + "source": { + "include": ["./common/etc/nginx/include", "./node_modules/njs-types"], + "includePattern": "\\.(jsx|js|ts|tsx)$", + "excludePattern": "(^|\\/|\\\\)_" + }, + "opts": { + "template": "./node_modules/better-docs", + "readme": "README.md", + "verbose": true + } +} diff --git a/package-lock.json b/package-lock.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..33859378 --- /dev/null +++ b/package-lock.json @@ -0,0 +1,2683 @@ +{ + "name": "nginx-s3-gateway", + "lockfileVersion": 3, + "requires": true, + "packages": { + "": { + 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AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb -S3_SERVER=s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com +S3_SERVER=s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com S3_SERVER_PORT=443 S3_SERVER_PROTO=https S3_REGION=us-east-1 @@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ PROXY_CACHE_INACTIVE=60m PROXY_CACHE_VALID_OK=1h PROXY_CACHE_VALID_NOTFOUND=1m PROXY_CACHE_VALID_FORBIDDEN=30s +STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH=/somepath \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/standalone_ubuntu_oss_install.sh b/standalone_ubuntu_oss_install.sh index eed6725a..774d4981 100644 --- a/standalone_ubuntu_oss_install.sh +++ b/standalone_ubuntu_oss_install.sh @@ -171,6 +171,8 @@ PROXY_CACHE_VALID_NOTFOUND=${PROXY_CACHE_VALID_NOTFOUND:-'1m'} PROXY_CACHE_VALID_FORBIDDEN=${PROXY_CACHE_VALID_FORBIDDEN:-'30s'} # Enables or disables CORS for the S3 Gateway (true=enabled, false=disabled) CORS_ENABLED=${CORS_ENABLED:-'false'} +# Configure portion of URL to be removed (optional) +STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH=${STRIP_LEADING_DIRECTORY_PATH:-''} EOF # By enabling CORS, we also need to enable the OPTIONS method which diff --git a/test.sh b/test.sh index 507fa0f8..d2be720e 100755 --- a/test.sh +++ b/test.sh @@ -19,6 +19,16 @@ set -o errexit # abort on nonzero exit status set -o pipefail # don't hide errors within pipes +### Overview +# This script does three things: +# 1. Sets up the test environment using docker-compose and creates test data +# 2. Runs unit tests in the ./test/unit directory which are written in Javascript +# 3. Runs integration tests in ./test/integration which are written in bash +# +# The integration test runner uses a series of flags to test different configuration +# values. See the function definition for `integration_test` in this file +# for details on the parameters and their allowed values. + nginx_server_proto="http" nginx_server_host="localhost" nginx_server_port="8989" @@ -121,7 +131,7 @@ e "${startup_message}" set -o nounset # abort on unbound variable -docker_cmd="$(command -v docker)" +docker_cmd="$(command -v docker || true)" if ! [ -x "${docker_cmd}" ]; then e "required dependency not found: docker not found in the path or not executable" exit ${no_dep_exit_code} @@ -137,7 +147,7 @@ else fi e "Using Docker Compose command: ${docker_compose_cmd}" -curl_cmd="$(command -v curl)" +curl_cmd="$(command -v curl || true)" if ! [ -x "${curl_cmd}" ]; then e "required dependency not found: curl not found in the path or not executable" exit ${no_dep_exit_code} @@ -378,6 +388,16 @@ runUnitTestWithSessionToken "awssig4_test.js" runUnitTestWithSessionToken "s3gateway_test.js" ### INTEGRATION TESTS +# The arguments correspond to flags given to the integration test runner +# integration_test 2 0 0 0 +# AWS_SIGS_VERSION=$1 : any valid AWS Sigs version. Supported values are `2` or `4` +# ALLOW_DIRECTORY_LIST=$2 : boolean value denoted by `0` or `1` +# PROVIDE_INDEX_PAGE=$3 : boolean value denoted by `0` or `1` +# APPEND_SLASH_FOR_POSSIBLE_DIRECTORY=$4 : boolean value denoted by `0` or `1` +# +# These are various invocations of ./test/integration/test_api.sh +# where the flags represent different configurations for that single test +# file. integration_test_data @@ -396,6 +416,11 @@ integration_test 2 0 1 0 compose stop nginx-s3-gateway # Restart with new config +p "Testing API with AWS Signature V2 and allow directory listing on and append slash and allow index" +integration_test 2 1 1 1 + +compose stop nginx-s3-gateway # Restart with new config + p "Test API with AWS Signature V4 and allow directory listing off" integration_test 4 0 0 0 diff --git a/test/data/bucket-1/test/index.html b/test/data/bucket-1/test/index.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..da85dd89 --- /dev/null +++ b/test/data/bucket-1/test/index.html @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +

This is an index page of the d directory

\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/test/integration/test_api.sh b/test/integration/test_api.sh index 1233dbd2..5153233c 100644 --- a/test/integration/test_api.sh +++ b/test/integration/test_api.sh @@ -58,18 +58,30 @@ if [ -z "${test_dir}" ]; then e "missing second parameter: path to test data directory" fi -curl_cmd="$(command -v curl)" +curl_cmd="$(command -v curl || true)" if ! [ -x "${curl_cmd}" ]; then e "required dependency not found: curl not found in the path or not executable" exit ${no_dep_exit_code} fi +curl_cmd="${curl_cmd} --connect-timeout 3 --max-time 30 --no-progress-meter" -checksum_cmd="$(command -v md5sum)" -if ! [ -x "${curl_cmd}" ]; then +# Allow for MacOS which does not support "md5sum" +# but has "md5 -r" which can be substituted +checksum_cmd="$(command -v md5sum || command -v md5 || true)" + +if ! [ -x "${checksum_cmd}" ]; then e "required dependency not found: md5sum not found in the path or not executable" exit ${no_dep_exit_code} fi +# If we are using the `md5` executable +# then use the -r flag which makes it behave the same as `md5sum` +# this is done after the `-x` check for ability to execute +# since it will not pass with the flag +if [[ $checksum_cmd =~ \/md5$ ]]; then + checksum_cmd="${checksum_cmd} -r" +fi + assertHttpRequestEquals() { method="$1" path="$2" @@ -93,11 +105,11 @@ assertHttpRequestEquals() { if [ "${method}" = "HEAD" ]; then expected_response_code="$3" - actual_response_code="$(${curl_cmd} -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' --head "${uri}" ${extra_arg})" + actual_response_code="$(${curl_cmd} -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' --head "${uri}" ${extra_arg})" if [ "${expected_response_code}" != "${actual_response_code}" ]; then e "Response code didn't match expectation. Request [${method} ${uri}] Expected [${expected_response_code}] Actual [${actual_response_code}]" - e "curl command: ${curl_cmd} -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' --head '${uri}' ${extra_arg}" + e "curl command: ${curl_cmd} -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' --head '${uri}' ${extra_arg}" exit ${test_fail_exit_code} fi elif [ "${method}" = "GET" ]; then @@ -107,21 +119,21 @@ assertHttpRequestEquals() { checksum_output="$(${checksum_cmd} "${body_data_path}")" expected_checksum="${checksum_output:0:${checksum_length}}" - curl_checksum_output="$(${curl_cmd} -s -X "${method}" "${uri}" ${extra_arg} | ${checksum_cmd})" + curl_checksum_output="$(${curl_cmd} -X "${method}" "${uri}" ${extra_arg} | ${checksum_cmd})" s3_file_checksum="${curl_checksum_output:0:${checksum_length}}" if [ "${expected_checksum}" != "${s3_file_checksum}" ]; then e "Checksum doesn't match expectation. Request [${method} ${uri}] Expected [${expected_checksum}] Actual [${s3_file_checksum}]" - e "curl command: ${curl_cmd} -s -X '${method}' '${uri}' ${extra_arg} | ${checksum_cmd}" + e "curl command: ${curl_cmd} -X '${method}' '${uri}' ${extra_arg} | ${checksum_cmd}" exit ${test_fail_exit_code} fi else expected_response_code="$3" - actual_response_code="$(${curl_cmd} -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' "${uri}" ${extra_arg})" + actual_response_code="$(${curl_cmd} -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' "${uri}" ${extra_arg})" if [ "${expected_response_code}" != "${actual_response_code}" ]; then e "Response code didn't match expectation. Request [${method} ${uri}] Expected [${expected_response_code}] Actual [${actual_response_code}]" - e "curl command: ${curl_cmd} -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' '${uri}' ${extra_arg}" + e "curl command: ${curl_cmd} -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' '${uri}' ${extra_arg}" exit ${test_fail_exit_code} fi fi @@ -277,6 +289,15 @@ assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "/statichost/noindexdir/multipledir/" "data/bucket assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "/statichost" "data/bucket-1/statichost/index.html" assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "/statichost/noindexdir/multipledir" "data/bucket-1/statichost/noindexdir/multipledir/index.html" fi + + if [ "${allow_directory_list}" == "1" ]; then + if [ "$append_slash" == "1" ]; then + assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "test" "200" + assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "test/" "200" + assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "test?foo=bar" "200" + assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "test/?foo=bar" "200" + fi + fi fi if [ "${allow_directory_list}" == "1" ]; then @@ -288,7 +309,9 @@ if [ "${allow_directory_list}" == "1" ]; then assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D1%8B/" "200" assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "системы/" "200" if [ "$append_slash" == "1" ]; then - assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "b" "302" + if [ "${index_page}" == "0" ]; then + assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "b" "302" + fi else assertHttpRequestEquals "GET" "b" "404" fi diff --git a/test/unit/awssig4_test.js b/test/unit/awssig4_test.js index 351aed4c..b1f3612c 100644 --- a/test/unit/awssig4_test.js +++ b/test/unit/awssig4_test.js @@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ function _runSignatureV4(r) { const canonicalRequest = awssig4._buildCanonicalRequest(r, r.method, req.uri, req.queryParams, req.host, amzDatetime, creds.sessionToken); - var expected = '600721cacc21e3de14416de7517868381831f4709e5c5663bbf2b738e4d5abe4'; + var expected = 'cf4dd9e1d28c74e2284f938011efc8230d0c20704f56f67e4a3bfc2212026bec'; var signature = awssig4._buildSignatureV4(r, amzDatetime, eightDigitDate, creds, region, service, canonicalRequest);