diff --git a/internal/framework/status/setters.go b/internal/framework/status/setters.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..40effc14c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/framework/status/setters.go
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+package status
+import (
+	"slices"
+	v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/client"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1beta1"
+	ngfAPI "github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/apis/v1alpha1"
+// setter is a function that takes an object and sets the status on that object if the status has changed.
+// If the status has not changed, and the setter does not set the status, it returns false.
+type setter func(client.Object) bool
+func newNginxGatewayStatusSetter(clock Clock, status NginxGatewayStatus) func(client.Object) bool {
+	return func(object client.Object) bool {
+		ng := object.(*ngfAPI.NginxGateway)
+		conds := convertConditions(
+			status.Conditions,
+			status.ObservedGeneration,
+			clock.Now(),
+		)
+		if conditionsEqual(ng.Status.Conditions, conds) {
+			return false
+		}
+		ng.Status = ngfAPI.NginxGatewayStatus{
+			Conditions: conds,
+		}
+		return true
+	}
+func newGatewayClassStatusSetter(clock Clock, gcs GatewayClassStatus) func(client.Object) bool {
+	return func(object client.Object) bool {
+		gc := object.(*v1beta1.GatewayClass)
+		status := prepareGatewayClassStatus(gcs, clock.Now())
+		if conditionsEqual(gc.Status.Conditions, status.Conditions) {
+			return false
+		}
+		gc.Status = status
+		return true
+	}
+func newGatewayStatusSetter(clock Clock, gs GatewayStatus) func(client.Object) bool {
+	return func(object client.Object) bool {
+		gw := object.(*v1beta1.Gateway)
+		status := prepareGatewayStatus(gs, clock.Now())
+		if gwStatusEqual(gw.Status, status) {
+			return false
+		}
+		gw.Status = status
+		return true
+	}
+func newHTTPRouteStatusSetter(gatewayCtlrName string, clock Clock, rs HTTPRouteStatus) func(client.Object) bool {
+	return func(object client.Object) bool {
+		hr := object.(*v1beta1.HTTPRoute)
+		status := prepareHTTPRouteStatus(
+			rs,
+			gatewayCtlrName,
+			clock.Now(),
+		)
+		if hrStatusEqual(gatewayCtlrName, hr.Status, status) {
+			return false
+		}
+		hr.Status = status
+		return true
+	}
+func gwStatusEqual(prev, cur v1beta1.GatewayStatus) bool {
+	addressesEqual := slices.EqualFunc(prev.Addresses, cur.Addresses, func(a1, a2 v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress) bool {
+		if !equalPointers[v1beta1.AddressType](a1.Type, a2.Type) {
+			return false
+		}
+		return a1.Value == a2.Value
+	})
+	if !addressesEqual {
+		return false
+	}
+	if !conditionsEqual(prev.Conditions, cur.Conditions) {
+		return false
+	}
+	return slices.EqualFunc(prev.Listeners, cur.Listeners, func(s1, s2 v1beta1.ListenerStatus) bool {
+		if s1.Name != s2.Name {
+			return false
+		}
+		if s1.AttachedRoutes != s2.AttachedRoutes {
+			return false
+		}
+		if !conditionsEqual(s1.Conditions, s2.Conditions) {
+			return false
+		}
+		return slices.EqualFunc(s1.SupportedKinds, s2.SupportedKinds, func(k1, k2 v1beta1.RouteGroupKind) bool {
+			if k1.Kind != k2.Kind {
+				return false
+			}
+			return equalPointers(k1.Group, k2.Group)
+		})
+	})
+func hrStatusEqual(gatewayCtlrName string, prev, cur v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus) bool {
+	// Since other controllers may update HTTPRoute status we can't assume anything about the order of the statuses,
+	// and we have to ignore statuses written by other controllers when checking for equality.
+	// Therefore, we can't use slices.EqualFunc here because it cares about the order.
+	// First, we check if the prev status has any RouteParentStatuses that are no longer present in the cur status.
+	for _, prevParent := range prev.Parents {
+		if prevParent.ControllerName != v1beta1.GatewayController(gatewayCtlrName) {
+			continue
+		}
+		exists := slices.ContainsFunc(cur.Parents, func(curParent v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) bool {
+			return routeParentStatusEqual(prevParent, curParent)
+		})
+		if !exists {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	// Then, we check if the cur status has any RouteParentStatuses that are no longer present in the prev status.
+	for _, curParent := range cur.Parents {
+		exists := slices.ContainsFunc(prev.Parents, func(prevParent v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) bool {
+			return routeParentStatusEqual(curParent, prevParent)
+		})
+		if !exists {
+			return false
+		}
+	}
+	return true
+func routeParentStatusEqual(p1, p2 v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) bool {
+	if p1.ControllerName != p2.ControllerName {
+		return false
+	}
+	if p1.ParentRef.Name != p2.ParentRef.Name {
+		return false
+	}
+	if !equalPointers(p1.ParentRef.Namespace, p2.ParentRef.Namespace) {
+		return false
+	}
+	if !equalPointers(p1.ParentRef.SectionName, p2.ParentRef.SectionName) {
+		return false
+	}
+	// we ignore the rest of the ParentRef fields because we do not set them
+	return conditionsEqual(p1.Conditions, p2.Conditions)
+func conditionsEqual(prev, cur []v1.Condition) bool {
+	return slices.EqualFunc(prev, cur, func(c1, c2 v1.Condition) bool {
+		if c1.ObservedGeneration != c2.ObservedGeneration {
+			return false
+		}
+		if c1.Type != c2.Type {
+			return false
+		}
+		if c1.Status != c2.Status {
+			return false
+		}
+		if c1.Message != c2.Message {
+			return false
+		}
+		return c1.Reason == c2.Reason
+	})
+// equalPointers returns whether two pointers are equal.
+// Pointers are considered equal if one of the following is true:
+// - They are both nil.
+// - One is nil and the other is empty (e.g. nil string and "").
+// - They are both non-nil, and their values are the same.
+func equalPointers[T comparable](p1, p2 *T) bool {
+	if p1 == nil && p2 == nil {
+		return true
+	}
+	var p1Val, p2Val T
+	if p1 != nil {
+		p1Val = *p1
+	}
+	if p2 != nil {
+		p2Val = *p2
+	}
+	return p1Val == p2Val
diff --git a/internal/framework/status/setters_test.go b/internal/framework/status/setters_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f379e369ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/internal/framework/status/setters_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,846 @@
+package status
+import (
+	"testing"
+	"time"
+	. "github.com/onsi/gomega"
+	v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
+	"sigs.k8s.io/gateway-api/apis/v1beta1"
+	ngfAPI "github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/apis/v1alpha1"
+	"github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/internal/framework/conditions"
+	"github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/internal/framework/helpers"
+func TestNewNginxGatewayStatusSetter(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		name         string
+		status       ngfAPI.NginxGatewayStatus
+		newStatus    NginxGatewayStatus
+		expStatusSet bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name:         "NginxGateway has no status",
+			expStatusSet: true,
+			newStatus: NginxGatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name:         "NginxGateway has old status",
+			expStatusSet: true,
+			newStatus: NginxGatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+			},
+			status: ngfAPI.NginxGatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []v1.Condition{{Message: "old condition"}},
+			},
+		},
+		{
+			name:         "NginxGateway has same status",
+			expStatusSet: false,
+			newStatus: NginxGatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+			},
+			status: ngfAPI.NginxGatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []v1.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	clock := &RealClock{}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			setter := newNginxGatewayStatusSetter(clock, test.newStatus)
+			statusSet := setter(&ngfAPI.NginxGateway{Status: test.status})
+			g.Expect(statusSet).To(Equal(test.expStatusSet))
+		})
+	}
+func TestNewGatewayClassStatusSetter(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		name         string
+		status       v1beta1.GatewayClassStatus
+		newStatus    GatewayClassStatus
+		expStatusSet bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "GatewayClass has no status",
+			newStatus: GatewayClassStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "GatewayClass has old status",
+			newStatus: GatewayClassStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+			},
+			status: v1beta1.GatewayClassStatus{
+				Conditions: []v1.Condition{{Message: "old condition"}},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "GatewayClass has same status",
+			newStatus: GatewayClassStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+			},
+			status: v1beta1.GatewayClassStatus{
+				Conditions: []v1.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: false,
+		},
+	}
+	clock := &RealClock{}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			setter := newGatewayClassStatusSetter(clock, test.newStatus)
+			statusSet := setter(&v1beta1.GatewayClass{Status: test.status})
+			g.Expect(statusSet).To(Equal(test.expStatusSet))
+		})
+	}
+func TestNewGatewayStatusSetter(t *testing.T) {
+	expAddress := v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress{
+		Type:  helpers.GetPointer(v1beta1.IPAddressType),
+		Value: "",
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name         string
+		status       v1beta1.GatewayStatus
+		newStatus    GatewayStatus
+		expStatusSet bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "Gateway has no status",
+			newStatus: GatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+				Addresses:  []v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress{expAddress},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Gateway has old status",
+			newStatus: GatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+				Addresses:  []v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress{expAddress},
+			},
+			status: v1beta1.GatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []v1.Condition{{Message: "old condition"}},
+				Addresses:  []v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress{expAddress},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "Gateway has same status",
+			newStatus: GatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+				Addresses:  []v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress{expAddress},
+			},
+			status: v1beta1.GatewayStatus{
+				Conditions: []v1.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+				Addresses:  []v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress{expAddress},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: false,
+		},
+	}
+	clock := &RealClock{}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			setter := newGatewayStatusSetter(clock, test.newStatus)
+			statusSet := setter(&v1beta1.Gateway{Status: test.status})
+			g.Expect(statusSet).To(Equal(test.expStatusSet))
+		})
+	}
+func TestNewHTTPRouteStatusSetter(t *testing.T) {
+	controllerName := "controller"
+	tests := []struct {
+		name         string
+		status       v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus
+		newStatus    HTTPRouteStatus
+		expStatusSet bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "HTTPRoute has no status",
+			newStatus: HTTPRouteStatus{
+				ParentStatuses: []ParentStatus{
+					{
+						Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "HTTPRoute has old status",
+			newStatus: HTTPRouteStatus{
+				ParentStatuses: []ParentStatus{
+					{
+						Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "new condition"}},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			status: v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus{
+				RouteStatus: v1beta1.RouteStatus{
+					Parents: []v1beta1.RouteParentStatus{
+						{
+							ParentRef:      v1beta1.ParentReference{},
+							ControllerName: v1beta1.GatewayController(controllerName),
+							Conditions:     []v1.Condition{{Message: "old condition"}},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "HTTPRoute has same status",
+			newStatus: HTTPRouteStatus{
+				ParentStatuses: []ParentStatus{
+					{
+						Conditions: []conditions.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			status: v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus{
+				RouteStatus: v1beta1.RouteStatus{
+					Parents: []v1beta1.RouteParentStatus{
+						{
+							ParentRef:      v1beta1.ParentReference{},
+							ControllerName: v1beta1.GatewayController(controllerName),
+							Conditions:     []v1.Condition{{Message: "same condition"}},
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			expStatusSet: false,
+		},
+	}
+	clock := &RealClock{}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			setter := newHTTPRouteStatusSetter(controllerName, clock, test.newStatus)
+			statusSet := setter(&v1beta1.HTTPRoute{Status: test.status})
+			g.Expect(statusSet).To(Equal(test.expStatusSet))
+		})
+	}
+func TestGWStatusEqual(t *testing.T) {
+	getDefaultStatus := func() v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+		return v1beta1.GatewayStatus{
+			Addresses: []v1beta1.GatewayStatusAddress{
+				{
+					Type:  helpers.GetPointer(v1beta1.IPAddressType),
+					Value: "",
+				},
+				{
+					Type:  helpers.GetPointer(v1beta1.IPAddressType),
+					Value: "",
+				},
+			},
+			Conditions: []v1.Condition{
+				{
+					Type: "type", /* conditions are covered by another test*/
+				},
+			},
+			Listeners: []v1beta1.ListenerStatus{
+				{
+					Name: "listener1",
+					SupportedKinds: []v1beta1.RouteGroupKind{
+						{
+							Group: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Group](v1beta1.GroupName),
+							Kind:  "HTTPRoute",
+						},
+						{
+							Group: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Group](v1beta1.GroupName),
+							Kind:  "TCPRoute",
+						},
+					},
+					AttachedRoutes: 1,
+					Conditions: []v1.Condition{
+						{
+							Type: "type", /* conditions are covered by another test*/
+						},
+					},
+				},
+				{
+					Name: "listener2",
+					SupportedKinds: []v1beta1.RouteGroupKind{
+						{
+							Group: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Group](v1beta1.GroupName),
+							Kind:  "HTTPRoute",
+						},
+					},
+					AttachedRoutes: 1,
+					Conditions: []v1.Condition{
+						{
+							Type: "type", /* conditions are covered by another test*/
+						},
+					},
+				},
+				{
+					Name: "listener3",
+					SupportedKinds: []v1beta1.RouteGroupKind{
+						{
+							Group: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Group](v1beta1.GroupName),
+							Kind:  "HTTPRoute",
+						},
+					},
+					AttachedRoutes: 1,
+					Conditions: []v1.Condition{
+						{
+							Type: "type", /* conditions are covered by another test*/
+						},
+					},
+				},
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	getModifiedStatus := func(mod func(v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+		return mod(getDefaultStatus())
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name       string
+		prevStatus v1beta1.GatewayStatus
+		curStatus  v1beta1.GatewayStatus
+		expEqual   bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name:       "different number of addresses",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Addresses = status.Addresses[:1]
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different address type",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Addresses[1].Type = helpers.GetPointer(v1beta1.HostnameAddressType)
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different address value",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Addresses[0].Value = ""
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different conditions",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Conditions[0].Type = "different"
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different number of listener statuses",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Listeners = status.Listeners[:2]
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different listener status name",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Listeners[2].Name = "different"
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different listener status attached routes",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Listeners[1].AttachedRoutes++
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different listener status conditions",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Listeners[0].Conditions[0].Type = "different"
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different listener status supported kinds (different number)",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Listeners[0].SupportedKinds = status.Listeners[0].SupportedKinds[:1]
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different listener status supported kinds (different kind)",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Listeners[1].SupportedKinds[0].Kind = "TCPRoute"
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "different listener status supported kinds (different group)",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.GatewayStatus) v1beta1.GatewayStatus {
+				status.Listeners[1].SupportedKinds[0].Group = helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Group]("different")
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "equal",
+			prevStatus: getDefaultStatus(),
+			curStatus:  getDefaultStatus(),
+			expEqual:   true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			equal := gwStatusEqual(test.prevStatus, test.curStatus)
+			g.Expect(equal).To(Equal(test.expEqual))
+		})
+	}
+func TestHRStatusEqual(t *testing.T) {
+	testConds := []v1.Condition{
+		{
+			Type: "type", /* conditions are covered by another test*/
+		},
+	}
+	previousStatus := v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus{
+		RouteStatus: v1beta1.RouteStatus{
+			Parents: []v1beta1.RouteParentStatus{
+				{
+					ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+						Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+						Name:        "our-parent",
+						SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section1"),
+					},
+					ControllerName: "ours",
+					Conditions:     testConds,
+				},
+				{
+					ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+						Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+						Name:        "not-our-parent",
+						SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section1"),
+					},
+					ControllerName: "not-ours",
+					Conditions:     testConds,
+				},
+				{
+					ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+						Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+						Name:        "our-parent",
+						SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section2"),
+					},
+					ControllerName: "ours",
+					Conditions:     testConds,
+				},
+				{
+					ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+						Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+						Name:        "not-our-parent",
+						SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section2"),
+					},
+					ControllerName: "not-ours",
+					Conditions:     testConds,
+				},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+	getDefaultStatus := func() v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus {
+		return v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus{
+			RouteStatus: v1beta1.RouteStatus{
+				Parents: []v1beta1.RouteParentStatus{
+					{
+						ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+							Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+							Name:        "our-parent",
+							SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section1"),
+						},
+						ControllerName: "ours",
+						Conditions:     testConds,
+					},
+					{
+						ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+							Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+							Name:        "our-parent",
+							SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section2"),
+						},
+						ControllerName: "ours",
+						Conditions:     testConds,
+					},
+				},
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	newParentStatus := v1beta1.RouteParentStatus{
+		ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+			Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+			Name:        "our-parent",
+			SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section3"),
+		},
+		ControllerName: "ours",
+		Conditions:     testConds,
+	}
+	getModifiedStatus := func(mod func(status v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus) v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus) v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus {
+		return mod(getDefaultStatus())
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name       string
+		prevStatus v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus
+		curStatus  v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus
+		expEqual   bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name:       "stale status",
+			prevStatus: previousStatus,
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus) v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus {
+				// remove last parent status
+				status.Parents = status.Parents[:1]
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "new status",
+			prevStatus: previousStatus,
+			curStatus: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus) v1beta1.HTTPRouteStatus {
+				// add another parent status
+				status.Parents = append(status.Parents, newParentStatus)
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:       "equal",
+			prevStatus: previousStatus,
+			curStatus:  getDefaultStatus(),
+			expEqual:   true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			equal := hrStatusEqual("ours", test.prevStatus, test.curStatus)
+			g.Expect(equal).To(Equal(test.expEqual))
+		})
+	}
+func TestRouteParentStatusEqual(t *testing.T) {
+	getDefaultStatus := func() v1beta1.RouteParentStatus {
+		return v1beta1.RouteParentStatus{
+			ParentRef: v1beta1.ParentReference{
+				Namespace:   helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("test"),
+				Name:        "parent",
+				SectionName: helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("section"),
+			},
+			ControllerName: "controller",
+			Conditions: []v1.Condition{
+				{
+					Type: "type", /* conditions are covered by another test*/
+				},
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	getModifiedStatus := func(mod func(v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) v1beta1.RouteParentStatus {
+		return mod(getDefaultStatus())
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name     string
+		p1       v1beta1.RouteParentStatus
+		p2       v1beta1.RouteParentStatus
+		expEqual bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name: "different controller name",
+			p1:   getDefaultStatus(),
+			p2: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) v1beta1.RouteParentStatus {
+				status.ControllerName = "different"
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "different parentRef name",
+			p1:   getDefaultStatus(),
+			p2: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) v1beta1.RouteParentStatus {
+				status.ParentRef.Name = "different"
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "different parentRef namespace",
+			p1:   getDefaultStatus(),
+			p2: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) v1beta1.RouteParentStatus {
+				status.ParentRef.Namespace = helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.Namespace]("different")
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "different parentRef section name",
+			p1:   getDefaultStatus(),
+			p2: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) v1beta1.RouteParentStatus {
+				status.ParentRef.SectionName = helpers.GetPointer[v1beta1.SectionName]("different")
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name: "different conditions",
+			p1:   getDefaultStatus(),
+			p2: getModifiedStatus(func(status v1beta1.RouteParentStatus) v1beta1.RouteParentStatus {
+				status.Conditions[0].Type = "different"
+				return status
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "equal",
+			p1:       getDefaultStatus(),
+			p2:       getDefaultStatus(),
+			expEqual: true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			equal := routeParentStatusEqual(test.p1, test.p2)
+			g.Expect(equal).To(Equal(test.expEqual))
+		})
+	}
+func TestConditionsEqual(t *testing.T) {
+	getDefaultConds := func() []v1.Condition {
+		return []v1.Condition{
+			{
+				Type:               "type1",
+				Status:             "status1",
+				ObservedGeneration: 1,
+				LastTransitionTime: v1.Time{Time: time.Now()},
+				Reason:             "reason1",
+				Message:            "message1",
+			},
+			{
+				Type:               "type2",
+				Status:             "status2",
+				ObservedGeneration: 1,
+				LastTransitionTime: v1.Time{Time: time.Now()},
+				Reason:             "reason2",
+				Message:            "message2",
+			},
+			{
+				Type:               "type3",
+				Status:             "status3",
+				ObservedGeneration: 1,
+				LastTransitionTime: v1.Time{Time: time.Now()},
+				Reason:             "reason3",
+				Message:            "message3",
+			},
+		}
+	}
+	getModifiedConds := func(mod func([]v1.Condition) []v1.Condition) []v1.Condition {
+		return mod(getDefaultConds())
+	}
+	tests := []struct {
+		name      string
+		prevConds []v1.Condition
+		curConds  []v1.Condition
+		expEqual  bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name:      "different observed gen",
+			prevConds: getDefaultConds(),
+			curConds: getModifiedConds(func(conds []v1.Condition) []v1.Condition {
+				conds[2].ObservedGeneration++
+				return conds
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:      "different status",
+			prevConds: getDefaultConds(),
+			curConds: getModifiedConds(func(conds []v1.Condition) []v1.Condition {
+				conds[1].Status = "different"
+				return conds
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:      "different type",
+			prevConds: getDefaultConds(),
+			curConds: getModifiedConds(func(conds []v1.Condition) []v1.Condition {
+				conds[0].Type = "different"
+				return conds
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:      "different message",
+			prevConds: getDefaultConds(),
+			curConds: getModifiedConds(func(conds []v1.Condition) []v1.Condition {
+				conds[2].Message = "different"
+				return conds
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:      "different reason",
+			prevConds: getDefaultConds(),
+			curConds: getModifiedConds(func(conds []v1.Condition) []v1.Condition {
+				conds[1].Reason = "different"
+				return conds
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:      "different number of conditions",
+			prevConds: getDefaultConds(),
+			curConds: getModifiedConds(func(conds []v1.Condition) []v1.Condition {
+				return conds[:2]
+			}),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:      "equal",
+			prevConds: getDefaultConds(),
+			curConds:  getDefaultConds(),
+			expEqual:  true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			equal := conditionsEqual(test.prevConds, test.curConds)
+			g.Expect(equal).To(Equal(test.expEqual))
+		})
+	}
+func TestEqualPointers(t *testing.T) {
+	tests := []struct {
+		p1       *string
+		p2       *string
+		name     string
+		expEqual bool
+	}{
+		{
+			name:     "first pointer nil; second has non-empty value",
+			p1:       nil,
+			p2:       helpers.GetPointer("test"),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "second pointer nil; first has non-empty value",
+			p1:       helpers.GetPointer("test"),
+			p2:       nil,
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "different values",
+			p1:       helpers.GetPointer("test"),
+			p2:       helpers.GetPointer("different"),
+			expEqual: false,
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "both pointers nil",
+			p1:       nil,
+			p2:       nil,
+			expEqual: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "first pointer nil; second empty",
+			p1:       nil,
+			p2:       helpers.GetPointer(""),
+			expEqual: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "second pointer nil; first empty",
+			p1:       helpers.GetPointer(""),
+			p2:       nil,
+			expEqual: true,
+		},
+		{
+			name:     "same value",
+			p1:       helpers.GetPointer("test"),
+			p2:       helpers.GetPointer("test"),
+			expEqual: true,
+		},
+	}
+	for _, test := range tests {
+		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
+			g := NewWithT(t)
+			val := equalPointers(test.p1, test.p2)
+			g.Expect(val).To(Equal(test.expEqual))
+		})
+	}
diff --git a/internal/framework/status/updater.go b/internal/framework/status/updater.go
index 6dd114b4ea..16797ea347 100644
--- a/internal/framework/status/updater.go
+++ b/internal/framework/status/updater.go
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import (
 	ngfAPI "github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/apis/v1alpha1"
-	"github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/internal/mode/static/config"
 //go:generate go run github.com/maxbrunsfeld/counterfeiter/v6 . Updater
@@ -43,8 +42,6 @@ type UpdaterConfig struct {
 	Client client.Client
 	// Clock is used as a source of time for the LastTransitionTime field in Conditions in resource statuses.
 	Clock Clock
-	// GatewayPodConfig contains information about this Pod.
-	GatewayPodConfig config.GatewayPodConfig
 	// Logger holds a logger to be used.
 	Logger logr.Logger
 	// GatewayCtlrName is the name of the Gateway controller.
@@ -62,20 +59,18 @@ type UpdaterConfig struct {
 // It has the following limitations:
-// (1) It is not smart. It will update the status of a resource (make an API call) even if it hasn't changed.
-// (2) It is synchronous, which means the status reporter can slow down the event loop.
+// (1) It is synchronous, which means the status reporter can slow down the event loop.
 // Consider the following cases:
 // (a) Sometimes the Gateway will need to update statuses of all resources it handles, which could be ~1000. Making 1000
 // status API calls sequentially will take time.
 // (b) k8s API can become slow or even timeout. This will increase every update status API call.
 // Making UpdaterImpl asynchronous will prevent it from adding variable delays to the event loop.
-// (3) It doesn't clear the statuses of a resources that are no longer handled by the Gateway. For example, if
+// (2) It doesn't clear the statuses of a resources that are no longer handled by the Gateway. For example, if
 // an HTTPRoute resource no longer has the parentRef to the Gateway resources, the Gateway must update the status
 // of the resource to remove the status about the removed parentRef.
-// (4) If another controllers changes the status of the Gateway/HTTPRoute resource so that the information set by our
+// (3) If another controllers changes the status of the Gateway/HTTPRoute resource so that the information set by our
 // Gateway is removed, our Gateway will not restore the status until the EventLoop invokes the StatusUpdater as a
 // result of processing some other new change to a resource(s).
 // FIXME(pleshakov): Make updater production ready
@@ -157,16 +152,12 @@ func (upd *UpdaterImpl) updateNginxGateway(ctx context.Context, status *NginxGat
 	upd.cfg.Logger.Info("Updating Nginx Gateway status")
 	if status != nil {
-		upd.writeStatuses(ctx, status.NsName, &ngfAPI.NginxGateway{}, func(object client.Object) {
-			ng := object.(*ngfAPI.NginxGateway)
-			ng.Status = ngfAPI.NginxGatewayStatus{
-				Conditions: convertConditions(
-					status.Conditions,
-					status.ObservedGeneration,
-					upd.cfg.Clock.Now(),
-				),
-			}
-		})
+		upd.writeStatuses(
+			ctx,
+			status.NsName,
+			&ngfAPI.NginxGateway{},
+			newNginxGatewayStatusSetter(upd.cfg.Clock, *status),
+		)
@@ -187,11 +178,8 @@ func (upd *UpdaterImpl) updateGatewayAPI(ctx context.Context, statuses GatewayAP
-			upd.writeStatuses(ctx, nsname, &v1beta1.GatewayClass{}, func(object client.Object) {
-				gc := object.(*v1beta1.GatewayClass)
-				gc.Status = prepareGatewayClassStatus(gcs, upd.cfg.Clock.Now())
-			},
-			)
+			upd.writeStatuses(ctx, nsname, &v1beta1.GatewayClass{}, newGatewayClassStatusSetter(upd.cfg.Clock, gcs))
@@ -201,10 +189,8 @@ func (upd *UpdaterImpl) updateGatewayAPI(ctx context.Context, statuses GatewayAP
-		upd.writeStatuses(ctx, nsname, &v1beta1.Gateway{}, func(object client.Object) {
-			gw := object.(*v1beta1.Gateway)
-			gw.Status = prepareGatewayStatus(gs, upd.cfg.Clock.Now())
-		})
+		upd.writeStatuses(ctx, nsname, &v1beta1.Gateway{}, newGatewayStatusSetter(upd.cfg.Clock, gs))
 	for nsname, rs := range statuses.HTTPRouteStatuses {
@@ -213,15 +199,13 @@ func (upd *UpdaterImpl) updateGatewayAPI(ctx context.Context, statuses GatewayAP
-		upd.writeStatuses(ctx, nsname, &v1beta1.HTTPRoute{}, func(object client.Object) {
-			hr := object.(*v1beta1.HTTPRoute)
-			// statuses.GatewayStatus is never nil when len(statuses.HTTPRouteStatuses) > 0
-			hr.Status = prepareHTTPRouteStatus(
-				rs,
-				upd.cfg.GatewayCtlrName,
-				upd.cfg.Clock.Now(),
-			)
-		})
+		upd.writeStatuses(
+			ctx,
+			nsname,
+			&v1beta1.HTTPRoute{},
+			newHTTPRouteStatusSetter(upd.cfg.GatewayCtlrName, upd.cfg.Clock, rs),
+		)
@@ -229,7 +213,7 @@ func (upd *UpdaterImpl) writeStatuses(
 	ctx context.Context,
 	nsname types.NamespacedName,
 	obj client.Object,
-	statusSetter func(client.Object),
+	statusSetter setter,
 ) {
 	err := wait.ExponentialBackoffWithContext(
@@ -284,7 +268,7 @@ func NewRetryUpdateFunc(
 	nsname types.NamespacedName,
 	obj client.Object,
 	logger logr.Logger,
-	statusSetter func(client.Object),
+	statusSetter func(client.Object) bool,
 ) func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
 	return func(ctx context.Context) (bool, error) {
 		// The function handles errors by reporting them in the logs.
@@ -298,16 +282,28 @@ func NewRetryUpdateFunc(
 			if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
 				return true, nil
 				"Encountered error when getting resource to update status",
 				"error", err,
 				"namespace", nsname.Namespace,
 				"name", nsname.Name,
-				"kind", obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Kind)
+				"kind", obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Kind,
+			)
 			return false, nil
-		statusSetter(obj)
+		if !statusSetter(obj) {
+			logger.V(1).Info(
+				"Skipping status update because there's no change",
+				"namespace", nsname.Namespace,
+				"name", nsname.Name,
+				"kind", obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Kind,
+			)
+			return true, nil
+		}
 		if err := updater.Update(ctx, obj); err != nil {
@@ -315,7 +311,9 @@ func NewRetryUpdateFunc(
 				"error", err,
 				"namespace", nsname.Namespace,
 				"name", nsname.Name,
-				"kind", obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Kind)
+				"kind", obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind().Kind,
+			)
 			return false, nil
diff --git a/internal/framework/status/updater_retry_test.go b/internal/framework/status/updater_retry_test.go
index db4a23b6bc..c2f084e0e7 100644
--- a/internal/framework/status/updater_retry_test.go
+++ b/internal/framework/status/updater_retry_test.go
@@ -20,56 +20,80 @@ import (
 func TestNewRetryUpdateFunc(t *testing.T) {
 	tests := []struct {
-		getReturns         error
-		updateReturns      error
-		name               string
-		expConditionPassed bool
+		getReturns          error
+		updateReturns       error
+		name                string
+		expUpdateCallCount  int
+		statusSetterReturns bool
+		expConditionPassed  bool
-			getReturns:         errors.New("failed to get resource"),
-			updateReturns:      nil,
-			name:               "get fails",
-			expConditionPassed: false,
+			getReturns:          errors.New("failed to get resource"),
+			updateReturns:       nil,
+			statusSetterReturns: true,
+			expUpdateCallCount:  0,
+			name:                "get fails",
+			expConditionPassed:  false,
-			getReturns:         apierrors.NewNotFound(schema.GroupResource{}, "not found"),
-			updateReturns:      nil,
-			name:               "get fails and apierrors is not found",
-			expConditionPassed: true,
+			getReturns:          apierrors.NewNotFound(schema.GroupResource{}, "not found"),
+			updateReturns:       nil,
+			statusSetterReturns: true,
+			expUpdateCallCount:  0,
+			name:                "get fails and apierrors is not found",
+			expConditionPassed:  true,
-			getReturns:         nil,
-			updateReturns:      errors.New("failed to update resource"),
-			name:               "update fails",
-			expConditionPassed: false,
+			getReturns:          nil,
+			updateReturns:       errors.New("failed to update resource"),
+			statusSetterReturns: true,
+			expUpdateCallCount:  1,
+			name:                "update fails",
+			expConditionPassed:  false,
-			getReturns:         nil,
-			updateReturns:      nil,
-			name:               "nothing fails",
-			expConditionPassed: true,
+			getReturns:          nil,
+			updateReturns:       nil,
+			statusSetterReturns: false,
+			expUpdateCallCount:  0,
+			name:                "status not set",
+			expConditionPassed:  true,
+		},
+		{
+			getReturns:          nil,
+			updateReturns:       nil,
+			statusSetterReturns: true,
+			expUpdateCallCount:  1,
+			name:                "nothing fails",
+			expConditionPassed:  true,
-	fakeStatusUpdater := &statusfakes.FakeK8sUpdater{}
-	fakeGetter := &controllerfakes.FakeGetter{}
 	for _, test := range tests {
 		t.Run(test.name, func(t *testing.T) {
 			g := NewWithT(t)
+			fakeStatusUpdater := &statusfakes.FakeK8sUpdater{}
+			fakeGetter := &controllerfakes.FakeGetter{}
 			f := status.NewRetryUpdateFunc(
-				func(client.Object) {})
+				func(client.Object) bool { return test.statusSetterReturns },
+			)
 			conditionPassed, err := f(context.Background())
 			// The function should always return nil.
+			g.Expect(fakeStatusUpdater.UpdateCallCount()).To(Equal(test.expUpdateCallCount))
diff --git a/internal/framework/status/updater_test.go b/internal/framework/status/updater_test.go
index 66512a9bdc..786ce10c26 100644
--- a/internal/framework/status/updater_test.go
+++ b/internal/framework/status/updater_test.go
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ import (
-	"github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/internal/mode/static/config"
 	staticConds "github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/internal/mode/static/state/conditions"
@@ -252,14 +251,11 @@ var _ = Describe("Updater", func() {
 		BeforeAll(func() {
 			updater = status.NewUpdater(status.UpdaterConfig{
-				GatewayCtlrName:  gatewayCtrlName,
-				GatewayClassName: gcName,
-				Client:           client,
-				Logger:           zap.New(),
-				Clock:            fakeClock,
-				GatewayPodConfig: config.GatewayPodConfig{
-					PodIP: "",
-				},
+				GatewayCtlrName:          gatewayCtrlName,
+				GatewayClassName:         gcName,
+				Client:                   client,
+				Logger:                   zap.New(),
+				Clock:                    fakeClock,
 				UpdateGatewayClassStatus: true,
@@ -424,7 +420,11 @@ var _ = Describe("Updater", func() {
-				err := client.Get(context.Background(), types.NamespacedName{Namespace: "test", Name: "gateway"}, latestGw)
+				err := client.Get(
+					context.Background(),
+					types.NamespacedName{Namespace: "test", Name: "gateway"},
+					latestGw,
+				)
 				expectedGw.ResourceVersion = latestGw.ResourceVersion
@@ -655,12 +655,16 @@ var _ = Describe("Updater", func() {
 				wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
 				ctx := context.Background()
-				// spin up 10 goroutines that Update and 10 that WriteLastStatuses
-				// and make sure that 20 updates were made to the Gateway resource.
+				// Spin up 10 goroutines that Update and 10 that call Enable which writes the last statuses.
+				// Since we only write statuses when they've changed, we will only update the status 10 times.
+				// The purpose of this test is to exercise the locking mechanism embedded in the updater.
+				// If there is a data race, this test combined with the -race flag that we run tests with,
+				// should catch it.
 				for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
+					gen := 5 + i
 					go func() {
-						updater.Update(ctx, createGwAPIStatuses(generations{gateways: 5}))
+						updater.Update(ctx, createGwAPIStatuses(generations{gateways: int64(gen)}))
@@ -682,8 +686,8 @@ var _ = Describe("Updater", func() {
 				// Before this test there were 6 updates to the Gateway resource.
-				// So now the resource version should equal 26.
-				Expect(latestGw.ResourceVersion).To(Equal("26"))
+				// So now the resource version should equal 16.
+				Expect(latestGw.ResourceVersion).To(Equal("16"))
@@ -696,14 +700,11 @@ var _ = Describe("Updater", func() {
 		BeforeAll(func() {
 			updater = status.NewUpdater(status.UpdaterConfig{
-				GatewayCtlrName:  gatewayCtrlName,
-				GatewayClassName: gcName,
-				Client:           client,
-				Logger:           zap.New(),
-				Clock:            fakeClock,
-				GatewayPodConfig: config.GatewayPodConfig{
-					PodIP: "",
-				},
+				GatewayCtlrName:          gatewayCtrlName,
+				GatewayClassName:         gcName,
+				Client:                   client,
+				Logger:                   zap.New(),
+				Clock:                    fakeClock,
 				UpdateGatewayClassStatus: false,
@@ -747,14 +748,11 @@ var _ = Describe("Updater", func() {
 	Describe("Edge cases", func() {
 		It("panics on update if status type is unknown", func() {
 			updater := status.NewUpdater(status.UpdaterConfig{
-				GatewayCtlrName:  gatewayCtrlName,
-				GatewayClassName: gcName,
-				Client:           client,
-				Logger:           zap.New(),
-				Clock:            fakeClock,
-				GatewayPodConfig: config.GatewayPodConfig{
-					PodIP: "",
-				},
+				GatewayCtlrName:          gatewayCtrlName,
+				GatewayClassName:         gcName,
+				Client:                   client,
+				Logger:                   zap.New(),
+				Clock:                    fakeClock,
 				UpdateGatewayClassStatus: true,
diff --git a/internal/mode/static/manager.go b/internal/mode/static/manager.go
index 7a04f33e8d..3eca635143 100644
--- a/internal/mode/static/manager.go
+++ b/internal/mode/static/manager.go
@@ -161,7 +161,6 @@ func StartManager(cfg config.Config) error {
 		Clock:                    status.NewRealClock(),
 		UpdateGatewayClassStatus: cfg.UpdateGatewayClassStatus,
 		LeaderElectionEnabled:    cfg.LeaderElection.Enabled,
-		GatewayPodConfig:         cfg.GatewayPodConfig,
 	eventHandler := newEventHandlerImpl(eventHandlerConfig{
@@ -273,7 +272,10 @@ func registerControllers(
 			objectType: &apiv1.Service{},
 			options: func() []controller.Option {
-				svcNSName := types.NamespacedName{Namespace: cfg.GatewayPodConfig.Namespace, Name: cfg.GatewayPodConfig.ServiceName}
+				svcNSName := types.NamespacedName{
+					Namespace: cfg.GatewayPodConfig.Namespace,
+					Name:      cfg.GatewayPodConfig.ServiceName,
+				}
 				return []controller.Option{
 					controller.WithK8sPredicate(predicate.GatewayServicePredicate{NSName: svcNSName}),
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/1.0.0.md b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/1.0.0.md
index 0d8b60ad62..1c2d47f189 100644
--- a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/1.0.0.md
+++ b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/1.0.0.md
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 NGF version:
-commit: "72b6c6ef8915c697626eeab88fdb6a3ce15b8da0"
-date: "2023-10-04T22:22:09Z"
+commit: "676cb63b1787f1379c5d0034000b4518d35b8145" // TODO: update commit to final commit for PR
+date: "2023-10-16T17:00:09Z"
 version: "edge"
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Kubernetes:
 Server Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"27",
 GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2023-09-21T22:16:57Z",
 GoVersion:"go1.20.8 X:boringcrypto", Compiler:"gc",
@@ -46,9 +46,18 @@ Platform:"linux/amd64"}
 ### Scale Listeners
-| Total Reloads | Total Reload Errors | Average Reload Time (ms) |
-| 107           | 0                   | 155.05374791154367       |
+| Total | Total Errors | Ave Time (ms)      | <= 500ms |
+| 128   | 0            | 134.69505494505492 | 100%     |
+Event Batch Processing:
+| Total | Ave Time (ms)      | <= 500ms | <= 1000ms |
+| 398   | 218.22692307692304 | 93.22%   | 100%      |
 **NGINX Errors**: None.
@@ -56,20 +65,27 @@ Platform:"linux/amd64"}
 **Pod Restarts**: None.
-**CPU**: Steep linear increase as NGF processed all the Services. Dropped off during scaling of Listeners.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/CPU.png).
+**CPU**: ![CPU.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/CPU.png).
-**Memory**: Gradual increase in memory. Topped out at 40MiB.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/Memory.png).
+**Memory**: ![Memory.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/Memory.png).
-**Time To Ready**: Time to ready numbers consistently under 3s. 62nd Listener had longest TTR of 3.02s.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/TTR.png).
+**Time To Ready**: ![TTR.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/TTR.png).
 ### Scale HTTPS Listeners
-| Total Reloads | Total Reload Errors | Average Reload Time (ms) |
-| 130           | 0                   | 151.49397590361446ms     |
+| Total | Total Errors | Ave Time (ms)      | <= 500ms |
+| 128   | 0            | 153.67699221223148 | 100%     |
+Event Batch Processing:
+| Total | Ave Time (ms)      | <= 500ms | <= 1000ms | <= 5000ms |
+| 457   | 201.60030046204622 | 91.69%   | 99.78%    | 100%      |
 **NGINX Errors**: None.
@@ -77,21 +93,29 @@ See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/TTR.png).
 **Pod Restarts**: None.
-**CPU**: Steep linear increase as NGF processed all the Services and Secrets. Dropped off during scaling of Listeners.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/CPU.png).
+**CPU**: ![CPU.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/CPU.png).
-**Memory**: Mostly linear increase. Topping out at right under 50MiB.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/Memory.png).
+**Memory**: ![Memory.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/Memory.png).
-**Time To Ready**: The time to ready numbers were pretty consistent (under 3 sec) except for one spike of 10s. I believe
-this spike was client-side because the NGF logs indicated that the reload successfully happened under 3s.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/TTR.png).
+**Time To Ready**: ![TTR.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/TTR.png).
 ### Scale HTTPRoutes
-| Total Reloads | Total Reload Errors | Average Reload Time (ms) |
-| 1001          | 0                   | 354.3878787878788ms      |
+| Delay     | Total | Total Errors | Ave Time (ms)     | <= 500ms | <= 1000ms |
+| 2 seconds | 1001  | 0            | 341.7087396702501 | 83.32%   | 100%      |
+| No delay  | 1001  | 0            | 369.2821023173991 | 75.72%   | 100%      |
+Event Batch Processing:
+| Delay     | Total | Ave Time           | <= 500ms | <= 1000ms |
+| 2 seconds | 2089  | 192.62227561490883 | 86.21%   | 100%      |
+| No delay  | 2082  | 206.68062489354992 | 83.43%   | 100%      |
 **NGINX Errors**: None.
@@ -99,37 +123,47 @@ See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/TTR.png).
 **Pod Restarts**: None.
-**CPU**: CPU mostly oscillated between .04 and .06. Several spikes over .06.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU.png).
+2-sec delay:
-**Memory**: Memory usage gradually increased from 25 - 150MiB over course of the test with some spikes reaching up to
-200MiB. See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory.png).
+No delay:
-**Time To Ready**: This time to ready graph is unique because there are three plotted lines:
-- Blue Line: 2-second delay after adding a new HTTPRoute.
-- Red Line: No delay after adding a new HTTPRoute.
-- Green Line: 10-second delay after adding a new HTTPRoute
+2-sec delay:
-The Blue and Red lines are incomplete because the tests timed out. However, I think the implications are pretty clear.
-The more time that passes between scaling events, the smaller the time to ready values are. This is because NGF
-re-queues all the HTTPRoutes after updating their statuses. This is because the HTTPRoute has changed after we write its
-status. This is compounded by the fact that NGF writes status for every HTTPRoute in the graph on every configuration
-update. So if you add HTTPRoute 100, NGF will update the configuration with this new route and then update the status of
-all 100 HTTPRoutes in the graph.
+No delay:
-Related issues:
-- https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/issues/1013
-- https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/issues/825
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/TTR.png).
+Issue Filed: [Improve HTTPRoute Processing at Scale](https://github.com/nginxinc/nginx-gateway-fabric/issues/1122).
 ### Scale Upstream Servers
-| Start Time (UNIX) | End Time (UNIX) | Duration (s) | Total Reloads | Total Reload Errors | Average Reload Time (ms) |
-| 1696535183        | 1696535311      | 128          | 83            | 0                   | 126.55555555555557       |
+| Start Time (UNIX) | End Time (UNIX) | Duration (s) |
+| 1697516151        | 1697516255      | 104          |
+| Total | Total Errors | Ave Time (ms)      | <= 500ms |
+| 116   | 0            | 125.35251106285726 | 100%     |
+Event Batch Processing:
+| Total | Ave Time (ms)      | <=500ms | <= 1000ms | <= 5000ms |
+| 122   | 241.95484032851115 | 97.54%  | 98.36%    | 100%      |
 **NGINX Errors**: None.
@@ -137,11 +171,9 @@ See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/TTR.png).
 **Pod Restarts**: None.
-**CPU**: CPU steeply increases as NGF handles all the new Pods. Drops after they are processed.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/CPU.png).
+**CPU**: ![CPU.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/CPU.png).
-**Memory**: Memory stays relatively flat and under 40MiB.
-See [graph](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/Memory.png).
+**Memory**: ![Memory.png](/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/Memory.png).
 ### Scale HTTP Matches
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU-no-delay.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU-no-delay.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e3ea3cd31f
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU-no-delay.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU.png
index d881a9c70a..fa312a8f48 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/CPU.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory-no-delay.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory-no-delay.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a4a7784c6
Binary files /dev/null and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory-no-delay.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory.png
index 615e8cc70e..ff8fc0cc5c 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/Memory.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/TTR.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/TTR.png
index 7079e762c5..3e98afd88c 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/TTR.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/TTR.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results-10s-delay.csv b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results-10s-delay.csv
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a153e5920..0000000000
--- a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results-10s-delay.csv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,541 +0,0 @@
-# HTTPRoutes,Time to Ready (s),Error
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results-no-delay.csv b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results-no-delay.csv
index d36ab1e0a2..b9c8382ff2 100644
--- a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results-no-delay.csv
+++ b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results-no-delay.csv
@@ -1,476 +1,1003 @@
 # HTTPRoutes,Time to Ready (s),Error
+Test Start,Test End,Test End + 10s,Duration
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results.csv b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results.csv
index 36b989c8c4..acb0fabdc8 100644
--- a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results.csv
+++ b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPRoutes/results.csv
@@ -1,1001 +1,1003 @@
 # HTTPRoutes,Time to Ready (s),Error
+Test Start,Test End,Test End + 10s,Duration
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/CPU.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/CPU.png
index 55de292fa7..15ce148d78 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/CPU.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/CPU.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/Memory.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/Memory.png
index 3ddf1f1601..954b623230 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/Memory.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/Memory.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/TTR.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/TTR.png
index 14e9d920c6..0b77fa24b2 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/TTR.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/TTR.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/results.csv b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/results.csv
index 1c30ee62f9..3ae575fb22 100644
--- a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/results.csv
+++ b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_HTTPSListeners/results.csv
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
 # HTTPS Listeners,Time to Ready (s),Error
+Test Start,Test End,Test End + 10s,Duration
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/CPU.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/CPU.png
index b6028ec1db..f419c7b8f1 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/CPU.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/CPU.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/Memory.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/Memory.png
index 3e7800da30..68dd6abac5 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/Memory.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/Memory.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/TTR.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/TTR.png
index 67aeb8c23e..ef6e27b37f 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/TTR.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/TTR.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/results.csv b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/results.csv
index 89ef9e114b..c802ed2bbc 100644
--- a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/results.csv
+++ b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_Listeners/results.csv
@@ -1,65 +1,67 @@
 # Listeners,Time to Ready (s),Error
+Test Start,Test End,Test End + 10s,Duration
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/CPU.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/CPU.png
index 92eebb022f..d0d11125b6 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/CPU.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/CPU.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/Memory.png b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/Memory.png
index 6d035f3ed4..197325b441 100644
Binary files a/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/Memory.png and b/tests/scale/results/1.0.0/TestScale_UpstreamServers/Memory.png differ
diff --git a/tests/scale/scale.md b/tests/scale/scale.md
index 54a052ccf5..c638809fb9 100644
--- a/tests/scale/scale.md
+++ b/tests/scale/scale.md
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ are listed in the [Scale Upstream Servers](#scale-upstream-servers) test steps.
 - Install edge NGF and save the Pod Name and LoadBalancer IP for tests:
-  helm install scale-test oci://ghcr.io/nginxinc/charts/nginx-gateway-fabric  --create-namespace --wait -n nginx-gateway --version=0.0.0-edge
+  helm install scale-test oci://ghcr.io/nginxinc/charts/nginx-gateway-fabric  --create-namespace --wait -n nginx-gateway --version=0.0.0-edge --set nginxGateway.config.logging.level=debug
@@ -192,17 +192,23 @@ Total Resources Created:
 - 1000 HTTPRoutes
 - 1 Service, Deployment, Pod
-This test takes around 7 hours to run, so I recommend running it on a VM, or overnight with the aid of
-[caffeinate](https://www.theapplegeek.co.uk/blog/caffeinate) for MAC users.
 Follow the steps below to run the test:
 - Run the test:
-  go test -v -tags scale -timeout 600m -run TestScale_HTTPRoutes -i 1000 -delay 2s
+  go test -v -tags scale -timeout 30m -run TestScale_HTTPRoutes -i 1000
+  ```
+  To test with a delay in between each new HTTPRoute, you can add the `-delay` flag to the above command. For example,
+  to add a 2-second delay:
+  ```console
+  go test -v -tags scale -timeout 60m -run TestScale_HTTPRoutes -i 1000 -delay 2s
+  The test takes longer to run with a delay so make sure to adjust the timeout value.
 - [Analyze](#analyze) the results.
 - Clean up:
@@ -350,6 +356,8 @@ Follow these steps to run the test:
   kubectl describe httproute route
+- Edit your /etc/hosts file and add an entry for "NGF_IP cafe.example.com".
 - Test the first match:
@@ -406,6 +414,31 @@ Follow these steps to run the test:
     rate(nginx_gateway_fabric_nginx_reloads_milliseconds_count[<Duration>] @ <Test End + 10s>)
+  Reload Time Distribution:
+    ```console
+    nginx_gateway_fabric_nginx_reloads_milliseconds_bucket - nginx_gateway_fabric_nginx_reloads_milliseconds_bucket @ <Test Start>
+    ```
+  Total number of event batches processed:
+    ```console
+    nginx_gateway_fabric_event_batch_processing_milliseconds_count - nginx_gateway_fabric_event_batch_processing_milliseconds_count @ <Test Start>
+    ```
+  Average event batch processing time (ms):
+    ```console
+    rate(nginx_gateway_fabric_event_batch_processing_milliseconds_sum[<Duration>] @ <Test End + 10s>) /
+    rate(nginx_gateway_fabric_event_batch_processing_milliseconds_count[<Duration>] @ <Test End + 10s>)
+    ```
+  Event Batch Processing Time Distribution:
+    ```console
+    nginx_gateway_fabric_event_batch_processing_milliseconds_bucket - nginx_gateway_fabric_event_batch_processing_milliseconds_bucket @ <Test Start>
+    ```
   Record these numbers in a table in the results file.
 - Take screenshots of memory and CPU usage in GKE Dashboard
diff --git a/tests/scale/scale_test.go b/tests/scale/scale_test.go
index cf18eaacd6..c3174de8f3 100644
--- a/tests/scale/scale_test.go
+++ b/tests/scale/scale_test.go
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ import (
 var (
 	numIterations = flag.Int("i", 1, "number of times to scale the resource")
 	delay         = flag.Duration("delay", 0, "delay between each scaling iteration")
-	version       = flag.String("version", "1.0", "version of NGF under test")
+	version       = flag.String("version", "1.0.0", "version of NGF under test")
 func TestScale_Listeners(t *testing.T) {
@@ -202,7 +202,8 @@ func kubectlWaitAllPodsReady() error {
 func kubectlExec(arg ...string) error {
 	cmd := exec.Command("kubectl", arg...)
-	return cmd.Err
+	return cmd.Run()
 func waitForResponseForHost(url, host string) (time.Duration, error) {