From b58c306bb541c854d1bdbd48a83f980cc39dd6ed Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Kate Osborn <> Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 13:08:31 -0600 Subject: [PATCH] Add guide for TLS Route in site (#2363) (#2412) Problem: No user-facing documentation for configuring TLS Passthrough Solution: Add a how-to guide for TLS Passthrough and update Gateway API compatibility doc Co-authored-by: Sarthak Agrawal <> --- .../traffic-management/ | 231 ++++++++++++++++++ .../overview/ | 58 +++-- site/go.mod | 2 +- site/go.sum | 2 + 4 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) create mode 100644 site/content/how-to/traffic-management/ diff --git a/site/content/how-to/traffic-management/ b/site/content/how-to/traffic-management/ new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..53395fbc20 --- /dev/null +++ b/site/content/how-to/traffic-management/ @@ -0,0 +1,231 @@ +--- +title: "TLS Passthrough" +weight: 800 +toc: true +docs: "DOCS-000" +--- + +Learn how to use TLSRoutes to configure TLS Passthrough load-balancing with NGINX Gateway Fabric. + +## Overview + +In this guide, we will show how to configure TLS passthrough for your application, using a [TLSRoute]( + +## Before you begin + +- [Install]({{< relref "installation/" >}}) NGINX Gateway Fabric. +- Save the public IP address and port of NGINX Gateway Fabric into shell variables: + + ```text + GW_IP=XXX.YYY.ZZZ.III + GW_TLS_PORT=<port number> + ``` + +{{< note >}}In a production environment, you should have a DNS record for the external IP address that is exposed, and it should refer to the hostname that the Gateway will forward for.{{< /note >}} + +## Set up + +Create the `secure-app` application by copying and pasting the following block into your terminal: + +```yaml +kubectl apply -f - <<EOF +apiVersion: apps/v1 +kind: Deployment +metadata: + name: secure-app +spec: + replicas: 1 + selector: + matchLabels: + app: secure-app + template: + metadata: + labels: + app: secure-app + spec: + containers: + - name: secure-app + image: nginxdemos/nginx-hello:plain-text + ports: + - containerPort: 8443 + volumeMounts: + - name: secret + mountPath: /etc/nginx/ssl + readOnly: true + - name: config-volume + mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d + volumes: + - name: secret + secret: + secretName: app-tls-secret + - name: config-volume + configMap: + name: secure-config +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Service +metadata: + name: secure-app +spec: + ports: + - port: 8443 + targetPort: 8443 + protocol: TCP + name: https + selector: + app: secure-app +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: ConfigMap +metadata: + name: secure-config +data: + app.conf: |- + server { + listen 8443 ssl; + listen [::]:8443 ssl; + + server_name; + + ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/tls.crt; + ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/tls.key; + + default_type text/plain; + + location / { + return 200 "hello from pod \$hostname\n"; + } + } +--- +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: app-tls-secret +data: + tls.crt: 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 + tls.key: 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 +EOF +``` + +This will create the **secure-app** Service and a Deployment. The secure app is configured to serve HTTPS traffic on port 8443 for the host For TLS termination, a self-signed TLS certificate, with the common name ``, and key are used. The app responds to a client's HTTPS requests with a simple text response "hello from pod $POD_HOSTNAME". + +Run the following command to verify the resources were created: + +```shell +kubectl get pods,svc +``` + +The output should include the **secure-app** pod and the **secure-app** Service: + +```text +NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE +pod/secure-app-575785644-kzqf6 1/1 Running 0 12s + +NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE +service/secure-app ClusterIP <none> 8443/TCP 12s +``` + +Create a Gateway. This will create a TLS listener with the hostname `*` and passthrough TLS mode. Copy and paste this into your terminal. + +```yaml +kubectl apply -f - <<EOF +apiVersion: +kind: Gateway +metadata: + name: gateway + namespace: default +spec: + gatewayClassName: nginx + listeners: + - name: tls + port: 443 + protocol: TLS + hostname: "*" + allowedRoutes: + namespaces: + from: All + kinds: + - kind: TLSRoute + tls: + mode: Passthrough +EOF +``` + +This Gateway will configure NGINX Gateway Fabric to accept TLS connections on port 443 and route them to the corresponding backend Services without decryption. The routing is done based on the SNI, which allows clients to specify a server name (like during the SSL handshake. + +{{< note >}}It is possible to add an HTTPS listener on the same port that terminates TLS connections so long as the hostname does not overlap with the TLS listener hostname.{{< /note >}} + +Create a TLSRoute that attaches to the Gateway and routes requests to `` to the `secure-app` Service: + +```yaml +kubectl apply -f - <<EOF +apiVersion: +kind: TLSRoute +metadata: + name: tls-secure-app-route + namespace: default +spec: + parentRefs: + - name: gateway + namespace: default + hostnames: + - "" + rules: + - backendRefs: + - name: secure-app + port: 8443 +EOF +``` + +{{< note >}}To route to a Service in a Namespace different from the TLSRoute Namespace, create a [ReferenceGrant]( to permit the cross-namespace reference. {{< /note >}} + +## Send traffic + +Using the external IP address and port for NGINX Gateway Fabric, send traffic to the `secure-app` application. + +{{< note >}}If you have a DNS record allocated for ``, you can send the request directly to that hostname, without needing to resolve.{{< /note >}} + +Send a request to the `secure-app` Service on the TLS port with the `--insecure` flag. The `--insecure` flag is required because the `secure-app` is using self-signed certificates. + +```shell +curl --resolve$GW_TLS_PORT:$GW_IP$GW_TLS_PORT --insecure -v +``` + +```text +Added to DNS cache +* Hostname was found in DNS cache +* Trying +* Connected to ( port 8443 +* ALPN: curl offers h2,http/1.1 +* (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Client hello (1): +* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Server hello (2): +* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Unknown (8): +* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Certificate (11): +* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, CERT verify (15): +* (304) (IN), TLS handshake, Finished (20): +* (304) (OUT), TLS handshake, Finished (20): +* SSL connection using TLSv1.3 / AEAD-AES256-GCM-SHA384 / [blank] / UNDEF +* ALPN: server accepted http/1.1 +* Server certificate: +* subject: C=US; ST=CA; L=San Francisco; +* start date: Mar 23 23:20:43 2020 GMT +* expire date: Mar 23 23:20:43 2023 GMT +* issuer: C=US; ST=CA; L=San Francisco; +* SSL certificate verify result: self signed certificate (18), continuing anyway. +* using HTTP/1.x +> GET / HTTP/1.1 +> Host: +> User-Agent: curl/8.6.0 +> Accept: */* +> +< HTTP/1.1 200 OK +< Server: nginx/1.27.0 +< Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 20:41:21 GMT +< Content-Type: text/plain +< Content-Length: 43 +< Connection: keep-alive +< +hello from pod secure-app-575785644-kzqf6 +``` + +Note that the server certificate used to terminate the TLS connection has the subject common name of ``. This is the server certificate that the `secure-app` is configured with and shows that the TLS connection was terminated by the `secure-app`, not NGINX Gateway Fabric. diff --git a/site/content/overview/ b/site/content/overview/ index c2094de2ae..e7405e5a47 100644 --- a/site/content/overview/ +++ b/site/content/overview/ @@ -10,18 +10,18 @@ Learn which Gateway API resources NGINX Gateway Fabric supports and to which lev ## Summary {{< bootstrap-table "table table-striped table-bordered" >}} -| Resource | Core Support Level | Extended Support Level | Implementation-Specific Support Level | API Version | -| ------------------------------------- | ------------------- | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | -| [GatewayClass](#gatewayclass) | Supported | Not supported | Supported | v1 | -| [Gateway](#gateway) | Supported | Partially supported | Not supported | v1 | -| [HTTPRoute](#httproute) | Supported | Partially supported | Not supported | v1 | -| [ReferenceGrant](#referencegrant) | Supported | N/A | Not supported | v1beta1 | -| [GRPCRoute](#grpcroute) | Supported | Partially supported | Not supported | v1 | -| [TLSRoute](#tlsroute) | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | N/A | -| [TCPRoute](#tcproute) | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | N/A | -| [UDPRoute](#udproute) | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | N/A | -| [BackendTLSPolicy](#backendtlspolicy) | Supported | Supported | Not supported | v1alpha3 | -| [Custom policies](#custom-policies) | N/A | N/A | Supported | N/A | +| Resource | Core Support Level | Extended Support Level | Implementation-Specific Support Level | API Version | +|---------------------------------------|--------------------|------------------------|---------------------------------------|-------------| +| [GatewayClass](#gatewayclass) | Supported | Not supported | Supported | v1 | +| [Gateway](#gateway) | Supported | Partially supported | Not supported | v1 | +| [HTTPRoute](#httproute) | Supported | Partially supported | Not supported | v1 | +| [ReferenceGrant](#referencegrant) | Supported | N/A | Not supported | v1beta1 | +| [GRPCRoute](#grpcroute) | Supported | Partially supported | Not supported | v1 | +| [TLSRoute](#tlsroute) | Supported | Not supported | Not supported | v1alpha2 | +| [TCPRoute](#tcproute) | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | N/A | +| [UDPRoute](#udproute) | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | N/A | +| [BackendTLSPolicy](#backendtlspolicy) | Supported | Supported | Not supported | v1alpha3 | +| [Custom policies](#custom-policies) | N/A | N/A | Supported | N/A | {{< /bootstrap-table >}} --- @@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ See the [static-mode]({{< relref "/reference/">}}) comman - `Accepted/False/UnsupportedProtocol` - `Accepted/False/InvalidCertificateRef` - `Accepted/False/ProtocolConflict` + - `Accpeted/False/HostnameConflict` - `Accepted/False/UnsupportedValue`: Custom reason for when a value of a field in a Listener is invalid or not supported. - `Accepted/False/GatewayConflict`: Custom reason for when the Gateway is ignored due to a conflicting Gateway. NGINX Gateway Fabric only supports a single Gateway. - `Programmed/True/Programmed` @@ -131,6 +132,7 @@ See the [static-mode]({{< relref "/reference/">}}) comman - `ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidCertificateRef` - `ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidRouteKinds` - `Conflicted/True/ProtocolConflict` + - `Conflicted/True/HostnameConflict` - `Conflicted/False/NoConflicts` --- @@ -255,10 +257,38 @@ Fields: {{< bootstrap-table "table table-striped table-bordered" >}} | Resource | Core Support Level | Extended Support Level | Implementation-Specific Support Level | API Version | -| -------- | ------------------ | ---------------------- | ------------------------------------- | ----------- | -| TLSRoute | Not supported | Not supported | Not supported | N/A | +|----------|--------------------|------------------------|---------------------------------------|-------------| +| TLSRoute | Supported | Not supported | Not supported | v1alpha2 | {{< /bootstrap-table >}} +**Fields**: + +- `spec` + - `parentRefs`: Partially supported. Port not supported. + - `hostnames`: Supported. + - `rules` + - `backendRefs`: Partially supported. Only one backend ref allowed. + - `weight`: Not supported. +- `status` + - `parents` + - `parentRef`: Supported. + - `controllerName`: Supported. + - `conditions`: Supported (Condition/Status/Reason): + - `Accepted/True/Accepted` + - `Accepted/False/NoMatchingListenerHostname` + - `Accepted/False/NoMatchingParent` + - `Accepted/False/NotAllowedByListeners` + - `Accepted/False/UnsupportedValue`: Custom reason for when the TLSRoute includes an invalid or unsupported value. + - `Accepted/False/InvalidListener`: Custom reason for when the TLSRoute references an invalid listener. + - `Accepted/False/GatewayNotProgrammed`: Custom reason for when the Gateway is not Programmed. TLSRoute can be valid and configured, but will maintain this status as long as the Gateway is not Programmed. + - `Accepted/False/HostnameConflict`: Custom reason for when the TLSRoute has a hostname that conflicts with another TLSRoute on the same port. + - `ResolvedRefs/True/ResolvedRefs` + - `ResolvedRefs/False/InvalidKind` + - `ResolvedRefs/False/RefNotPermitted` + - `ResolvedRefs/False/BackendNotFound` + - `ResolvedRefs/False/UnsupportedValue`: Custom reason for when one of the TLSRoute rules has a backendRef with an unsupported value. + - `PartiallyInvalid/True/UnsupportedValue` + --- ### TCPRoute diff --git a/site/go.mod b/site/go.mod index 7dd1ab90e6..b745ac77f8 100644 --- a/site/go.mod +++ b/site/go.mod @@ -2,4 +2,4 @@ module go 1.21 -require v0.41.0 // indirect +require v0.41.1 // indirect diff --git a/site/go.sum b/site/go.sum index ea6bf85748..9f3c8112b0 100644 --- a/site/go.sum +++ b/site/go.sum @@ -1,2 +1,4 @@ v0.41.0 h1:uB9jC0Qk9i2CG63gScHxVHAEz1zyGoAdtY0Lcpkg1lI= v0.41.0/go.mod h1:DPNgSS5QYxkjH/BfH4uPDiTfODqWJ50NKZdorguom8M= v0.41.1 h1:Wan0Mb8uz1X4Z2vd/1nR0GOPel5mWVPuFD3jd4SezsU= v0.41.1/go.mod h1:DPNgSS5QYxkjH/BfH4uPDiTfODqWJ50NKZdorguom8M=