Executes SQL statements on a SQLite database, including GeoPackages. Most SQLite statements are supported including: SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, CREATE, ALTER, DROP, PRAGMA, VACUUM, and more. Providing SQL on the command line executes the single statement. Omitting SQL on the command line starts an interactive SQL shell with additional command options. Handles special SQLite and GeoPackage cases and statements including:
- Dropping columns (not natively supported in SQLite)
- Copying a table and all dependencies (not a standard SQL alter table command)
- For GeoPackages
- Renaming a user table also updates dependencies throughout the GeoPackage
- Dropping a table also removes dependencies throughout the GeoPackage
- Defence Geospatial Information Working Group (DGIWG) GeoPackage Profile validation
./sqlite-exec.sh [-m max_rows] [-w max_column_width] [-l max_lines_per_row] [-dgiwg] sqlite_file [sql]
java -jar sqlite-exec.jar [-m max_rows] [-w max_column_width] [-l max_lines_per_row] [-dgiwg] sqlite_file [sql]
Add an alias to your shell to run from any location
alias sql="~/sqlite-exec/sqlite-exec.sh"
And run
sql sqlite_file [sql]
Run using the script, Jar, or alias.
sql /path/geopackage.gpkg "SELECT * FROM gpkg_contents"
sql /path/geopackage.gpkg
sql> PRAGMA integrity_check;
sql> PRAGMA table_info(table_name);
sql> SELECT * FROM table_name;
sql> ALTER TABLE table_name COPY TO table_name_copy;
sql> ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name;
sql> ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
sql> DROP TABLE table_name_copy;
sql> SELECT * from sqlite_master;
sql> VACUUM;
[-m max_rows] [-w max_column_width] [-l max_lines_per_row] [-dgiwg] sqlite_file [sql]
Executes SQL on a SQLite database
Provide the SQL to execute a single statement. Omit to start an interactive session.
-m max_rows
Max rows per query (Default is 100)
-w max_column_width
Max width (in characters) per column (Default is 120)
-l max_lines_per_row
Max lines per row (Default is 0 = none)
DGIWG GeoPackage Profile validation
path to the SQLite database file
SQL statement to execute
- Supports most SQLite statements including:
- Terminate SQL statements with a ;
- Exit with a single empty line
info - GeoPackage information
help - print this help information
version - Show the SQLite Exec version
count - count database tables
tables [name] - list database tables (all or LIKE table name)
indexes [name] - list database indexes (all or LIKE index name)
views [name] - list database views (all or LIKE view name)
triggers [name] - list database triggers (all or LIKE trigger name)
rows [n] - display or set the max rows per query
width [n] - display or set the max width (in characters) per column
lines [n] - display or set the max lines per row
history - list successfully executed sql commands
!! - re-execute the previous successful sql command
!n - re-execute a sql statement by history id n
!-n - re-execute a sql statement n commands back in history
blobs [-e file_extension] [-d directory] [-p pattern]
- write blobs from the previous successful sql command to the file system
file_extension - file extension added to each saved blob file
directory - base directory to save table_name/column_name/blobs (default is ./blobs)
pattern - file directory and/or name pattern consisting of column names in parentheses
info <name> - PRAGMA table_info(<name>); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <name>;
count <name> - SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <name>;
sqlite_master - SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
<name> - SELECT * FROM <name>;
vacuum - VACUUM [INTO 'filename'];
fk - PRAGMA foreign_keys [= boolean];
fkc - PRAGMA foreign_key_check[(<table-name>)];
integrity - PRAGMA integrity_check[(N)];
quick - PRAGMA quick_check[(N)];
contents [name] - List GeoPackage contents (all or LIKE table name)
attributes [name] - List GeoPackage attributes tables (all or LIKE table name)
features [name] - List GeoPackage feature tables (all or LIKE table name)
tiles [name] - List GeoPackage tile tables (all or LIKE table name)
ginfo <name> - Query GeoPackage metadata for the table name
cbounds [-p projection] [name]
- Determine the bounds (using only the contents) of the entire GeoPackage or single table name
projection - desired projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
bounds [-p projection] [-m] [name]
- Determine the bounds of the entire GeoPackage or single table name
projection - desired projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
m - manually query unindexed tables
tbounds [-p projection] [-m] [name]
- Determine the bounds (using only table metadata) of the entire GeoPackage or single table name
projection - desired projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
m - manually query unindexed tables
extensions [name] - List GeoPackage extensions (all or LIKE table name)
rtree [-g|-d] <name>
- Create, recreate, or drop a feature table R-tree
g - index using geodesic bounds
d - drop the R-tree if it exists
geometry <name> [-p projection] [ids]
- Display feature table geometries as Well-Known Text
projection - desired display projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
ids - single or comma delimited feature table row ids
geometry <name> [-p projection] <id> <wkt>
- Update or insert a feature table geometry with Well-Known Text
projection - Well-Known Text projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
id - single feature table row id to update or -1 to insert a new row
wkt - Well-Known Text
reproject <name> <projection|optimization> [-z zoom_levels] [reproject_name]
- Reproject tile table tiles to a different projection or optimization
projection - Projection as 'authority:code' or 'epsg_code'
optimization - wm, pc, wmw, or pcw
wm - Web Mercator optimization, minimally tile bounded
pc - Platte Carre (WGS84) optimization, minimally tile bounded
wmw - Web Mercator optimization, world bounded with XYZ tile coordinates
pcw - Platte Carre (WGS84) optimization, world bounded with XYZ tile coordinates
zoom_levels - Zoom level(s) specified as 'z', 'zmin-zmax', or 'z1,z2,...', (default is all levels)
reproject_name - Reprojection table name (default is <name>)
dgiwg - DGIWG GeoPackage Profile validation
Special Supported Cases:
Drop Column - Not natively supported in SQLite
* ALTER TABLE table_name DROP column_name
* ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name
Copy Table - Not a traditional SQL statment
* ALTER TABLE table_name COPY TO new_table_name
Rename Table - User tables are updated throughout the GeoPackage
* ALTER TABLE table_name RENAME TO new_table_name
Drop Table - User tables are dropped throughout the GeoPackage
* DROP TABLE table_name