title | authors | authorLinks | affiliations | translators | translatorLinks | date | dataset | abstract | |||||||
Genomová analýza šíření nemoci COVID-19. Situační zpráva ze dne 10. 4. 2020. |
Fred Hutch, Seattle, USA; Biozentrum, Basel, Switzerland; CZI, CA, USA |
10. dubna 2020 |
Předkládaná zpráva využívá ke sledování šíření nemoci COVID-19 veřejně dostupné genomové údaje. Aktualizace těchto zpráv se provádí jednou týdně. |
Nejprve si ukážeme, jak se nákaza šířila měsíc po měsíci.
Budeme se soustředit na dynamiku přenosu mezi různými regiony světa,konkrétně se pak zabývat těmito tématy:
- Výchozí informace a zdroje.
- Poznámka k odběru vzorků.
- Počáteční šíření v Asii.
- První případy přenosu z Asie do Severní Ameriky, Evropy a Oceánie.
- Růst ohnisek nákazy v Severní Americe a Evropě.
- Následné přeshraniční šíření mezi zeměmi v regionech.
- Šíření z Evropy a Severní Ameriky do jižních částí planety.
- Kruh se uzavírá: zpětný přenos do Asie.
- Co můžete udělat vy.
- Poděkování vědeckým pracovníkům a institucím.
# Úvodní informace
Provedli jsme analýzu 3 160 veřejně dostupných genomů viru SARS-CoV-2. Vzájemným porovnáním těchto virových genomů můžeme popsat, jak virus SARS-CoV-2 (původce nemoci COVID-19) postupuje světem a šíří se v rámci různých lokalit.
V současnosti přecházíme ke konkrétnějším regionálně zaměřeným analýzám. Více informací o této změně najdete [zde](https://twitter.com/nextstrain/status/1247851469392564224). O tom, jak nám můžete pomoci, se dozvíte [zde](https://twitter.com/sidneymbell/status/1247933122064207872). Děkujeme vám za trpělivost během tohoto procesu.
Připravili jsme materiály dostupné online, které usnadňují interpretaci zde uváděných dat.
- Situační zprávy Světové zdravotnické organizace (WHO).
- Zdroje publikované Centrem pro kontrolu a prevenci nemocí (CDC).
- Informace o nemoci COVID-19 v deníku The New York Times.
- Zeptejte se odborníka a časté dotazy.
V současnosti máme k dispozici sekvence ze vzorků odebraných v 57 zemích na 6 světadílech. To je neuvěřitelný úspěch – sekvenování neznámého, velkého RNA viru uprostřed pandemie je obtížné a lze jej provést pouze díky neskutečné práci a včasnému sdílení dat vědci a lékaři z celého světa.
I když nám tato data umožňují vyvodit mnoho užitečných charakteristik propuknutí nákazy a sledovat její šíření v reálném čase, je důležité zdůraznit, že naše závěry jsou limitovány dostupnými údaji.
Mapa například ukazuje relativně málo sekvencí z jihu planety. Důvodem však není to, že by se nemoc COVID-19 v těchto oblastech nevyskytovala nebo že by zjištěné případy nebyly natolik zásadní, abychom se jim snažili porozumět. Spíše z těchto oblastí nemáme k dispozici dostatečné množství údajů. Velikost jednotlivých kruhů na mapě tedy neoznačuje skutečný rozsah nákazy, ale spíše kolik dat je aktuálně z dané oblasti k dispozici.
Nyní se soustředíme na vzorky od poloviny prosince 2019 do poloviny ledna 2020, tedy z prvního měsíce šíření nákazy.
Jednotlivé větve stromu představují vzorky odebrané nakaženým osobám.
Každý vnitřní uzel neboli bod, kde dochází k větvení představuje případ (bez odběru vzorku), který byl společným předkem všech ostatních případů v dceřiné větvi (kladu).
Větve mají barvu podle toho, kde byly vzorky odebrány. Uzly (větvení) mají barvu podle odvozeného (nejpravděpodobnějšího) místa ancestrálního neboli evolučně původního případu.
Geografické porovnání toho, kde byla sekvence izolována, s místy, kde se vyskytovali její předci, nám může pomoci porozumět nejen tomu, kde se infekce vyskytují, ale také tomu, odkud pravděpodobně pocházejí.
Zdá se, že společný předek vyskytujících se virů se objevil na konci listopadu nebo začátkem prosince 2019 ve Wu-chanu v Číně.
V souladu s tím byla většina případů prokázaných na základě odběru vzorků i odvozených evolučně původních případů v tomto raném období lokalizována v Asii.
To odpovídá šíření především v rámci Číny a přenosu několika případů do jiných zemí v Asii během prvního měsíce nákazy.
Během druhého měsíce šíření nákazy (od poloviny ledna do poloviny února 2020) začínáme pozorovat výskyt jednotlivých případů v Severní Americe, Evropě a Oceánii.
Tyto rané případy ještě spadají do společné skupiny se vzorky z Asie a obecně postrádají charakteristické znaky lokálního přenosu.
To odpovídá předpokladu, že k prvotnímu rozšíření nákazy do jiných částí světa došlo z hlavního ohniska v Asii. I když většina těchto případů přenosu nevedla k lokálnímu propuknutí nákazy, nejméně ve třech případech se tak stalo. Právě ty pak vedly k rozsáhlému šíření nákazy v Evropě a Severní Americe i poněkud méně intenzivnímu šíření v Oceánii.
Po přiblížení detailu horní části stromu (ve stejném časovém období) vidíme evolučně původní virus v Evropě (vnitřní uzel), který je zárodkem rozsáhlého evropského ohniska nákazy.
To naznačuje, že i když jsme v té době ještě nesekvenovali žádné vzorky z této větve (kladu), původci evropského ohniska nákazy se v oblasti vyskytovali již koncem ledna nebo začátkem února, aniž by byli detekováni.
Když si obdobně přiblížíme detail spodní části stromu, vidíme evolučně původní virus v Severní Americe (vnitřní uzel), který tam způsobil pozdější rozsáhlé šíření nákazy.
To naznačuje, že ačkoli jsme v té době měli pouze jeden sekvenovaný případ z tohoto klastru, šířil se virus (aniž by byl zjištěn) v Severní Americe koncem ledna nebo začátkem února.
Během třetího měsíce šíření nákazy (od poloviny února do poloviny března 2020) se tyto dva klastry rozšířily a vyvolaly velká ohniska epidemie v Evropě a Severní Americe.
V každém z těchto regionů vidíme rozsáhlé mísení variant viru napříč vnitrostátními i mezistátními hranicemi.
Tato skutečnost se zde projevuje vzájemným průnikem vzorků z několika států USA a kanadských provincií.
Již dříve jsme informovali o podobném charakteristickém projevu častého mísení různých virových linií mezi evropskými zeměmi.
Severoamerické a evropské klastry se neomezují jen na příslušné regiony. Během tohoto období vidíme na pozadí hlavních kladů – evropského a severoamerického – rovněž případy z Jižní Ameriky, Oceánie a Afriky. To ukazuje na častý mezikontinentální přenos v tomto období.
Zajímavé je, že vzorky z jihu planety pokrývají celou šířku stromu, což naznačuje, že ohniska nákazy v těchto regionech jsou směsicí mnoha virových linií.
Během posledního měsíce se pandemický kruh uzavřel. Zde vidíme případy zpětného přenosu z Evropy a Severní Ameriky zpět do Asie.
To jednoznačně dokládá, že tato pandemie představuje celosvětový boj. Pokud máme mít naději virus kdekoli porazit, musíme se všichni úplně všude snažit dostat jej pod kontrolu.
Regionální a vnitrostátní ohniska nákazy jsou a budou pevně propojena.
Tato pandemie představuje celosvětový boj. Pokud máme mít naději virus kdekoli porazit, musíme se všichni úplně všude snažit dostat jej pod kontrolu.
# Co můžete udělat vy
#### ... jako běžný občan
* Důsledně omezovat společenský kontakt, zejména pokud spadáte do ohrožené skupiny.
* Nezapomínejte, že i když vy sami do silně ohrožené skupiny nepatříte, řada lidí kolem vás ano. Dodržováním těchto opatření chráníte ostatní.
* Myjte si ruce, „jako byste právě nakrájeli silně pálivou papriku a chystali se vyměnit si kontaktní čočky“.
* Co nejvíce se zdržujte doma – zejména pokud jste nemocní. Pořiďte si zásoby pro případ, že budete muset zůstat v domácí karanténě.
* Jste-li zaměstnavatel, nabídněte všem zaměstnancům, u kterých je to možné, práci z domova.
#### ... jako představitel veřejné moci
* Zpřístupněte bezplatné a široce dostupné testování.
* Financujte a zavádějte rozsáhlé projekty trasování kontaktů.
* Finančně podporujte osoby postižené pravidly omezení společenského kontaktu.
Chtěli bychom ocenit úžasnou a rychlou práci všech vědců bojujících s touto nákazou, zejména těch, kteří pracují v Číně. Analýzy tohoto typu jsou možné pouze na základě rychlého sdílení genomových dat a metadat.
Dále děkujeme organizaci GISAID za poskytnutí platformy, přes kterou lze tyto údaje nahrávat a sdílet.
Chtěli bychom vyjádřit svůj vděk za data shromážděná těmito zdrojovými laboratořemi:
* AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* ARS Algarve - Laboratorio Laura Ayres
* AZ Department of Health Services
* Akershus University Hospital, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
* Alaska State Public Health Virology Laboratory
* Andersen Lab, The Scripps Research Institute
* Arizona Department of Health Services
* Auckland Hospital
* BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
* Bamrasnaradura Hospital
* Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
* Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital
* Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
* CH Barreiro Montijo
* CH Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
* CH Jean de Navarre Laboratoire de Biologie
* CH VN Gaia - Espinho
* CHBarreiro Montijo
* CHRU Bretonneau - Serv. Bacterio-Virol.
* CHRU Pontchaillou - Laboratoire de Virologie
* CHU - Hopital Cavale Blanche - Labo. de Virologie
* CHU Coimbra
* CHU Coimbra - Pediatrico
* CHU Gabriel Montpied
* CHUA - Faro
* CHULC - H Curry Cabral
* CHULC - H D Estefania
* CNR Virus des Infections Respiratoires - France SUD
* Cabinet medical
* Cadham Provincial Laboratory
* California Department of Health
* California Department of Public Health
* Center for Virology, Medical University of Vienna
* Center of Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Hospital Hygiene, University of Duesseldorf
* Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
* Central Virology Laboratory
* Centre Hositalier Universitaire de Rouen Laboratoire de Virologie
* Centre Hospitalier Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
* Centre Hospitalier Lucien Hussel
* Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Nantes Laboratoire de Virologie
* Centre Hospitalier Rene Dubois Laboratoire de Microbiologie - Bat A
* Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph Saint Luc
* Centre Hospitalier de Bourg en Bresse
* Centre Hospitalier de Macon
* Centre Hospitalier de Valence
* Centre Hospitalier des Vals d'Ardeche
* Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology (CHAZVY), College of Medicine University of Lagos/Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology - Public Health
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Public Health
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology- Public Health
* Centro Hospital do Porto, E.P.E. - H. Geral de Santo Antonio
* Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Sao Joao, Porto
* Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub
* Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Virology; Institut fur Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr, Munich
* Chiba Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Chiu Laboratory, University of California, San Francisco
* Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Chile
* Clinica Santa Maria, Santiago, Chile
* Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory, Diagnostic & Experimental Pathology, Lilly Research Laboratories
* Clinical Microbiology Lab
* Clinique AVERAY LA BROUSTE, Med. Polyvalente
* Connecticut State Department of Public Health
* Dasman Diabetes Institute
* Dasman Diabetes Institute and Virology Laboratory Ministry of Health
* Department for Virology, Molecular Biology and Genome Research, R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
* Department of Clinical Microbiology
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital, 23 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma , Italy
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy
* Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris
* Department of Internal Medicine, Triemli Hospital
* Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
* Department of Medical Microbiology, University Malaya Medical Centre
* Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
* Department of Microbiology, Institute for Viral Diseases, College of Medicine, Korea University
* Department of Microbiology, PathWest QEII Medical Centre
* Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital
* Department of Pathology, Toshima Hospital
* Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital
* Department of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Department of Virology and Immunology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Huslab Finland
* Department of Virus and Microbiological Special diagnostics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
* Department of microbiology laboratory,Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Dept. of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Dept. of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Dienst Gezondheid & Jeugd Zuid-Holland Zuid
* Division of Consolidated Laboratories
* Division of Consolidated Laboratories Services
* Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
* Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
* Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Zurich
* Division of Viral Diseases, Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
* Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
* Dunedin Hospital
* Dutch COVID-19 response team
* E. Gulbja Laboratorija
* EHPAD - Residences les Cedres
* ErasmusMC
* FL Bureau of Health Laboratories Tampa
* FL Bureau of Public Health Laboratories-Tampa
* Forde Hospital Department of Microbiology
* Foundation Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
* Foundation Pamm
* Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Fundacion Jimenez Diaz
* Furst Medical Laboratory
* GA Department of Public Health
* GA Department of Public Health Laboratory
* GH Les Portes du Sud
* Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
* General Hospital of Central Theater Command of People's Liberation Army of China
* Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provincial Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provinical Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention;Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health
* Guangdong Provincial Institution of Public Health, Guangdong Provinical Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
* H Beatriz Angelo
* H Braga
* H Dr Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
* H Dr. Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
* H Evora
* H Garcia de Orta
* H Guimaraes
* H Santarem
* HSE Ilha Terceira - Angra do Heroismo
* HUS Diagnostiikkakeskus, Hallinto
* Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Hangzhou Center for Disease and Control Microbiology Lab
* Hangzhou Center for Diseases Control and Prevention
* Harborview Medical Center
* Health Board Laboratory of Communicable Diseases
* Hong Kong Department of Health
* Hopital Instruction des Armees - BEGIN
* Hopital Prive de l'Est Lyonnais
* Hopital Robert Debre Laboratoire de Virologie
* Hopital franco britannique - Laboratoire
* Hopital franco britannique - Service des Urgences
* Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve Laboratoire de Virologie
* Hospital General y Universitario de Guadalajara
* Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
* Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE
* Hospital San Pedro
* Hospital Sao Joaquim Beneficencia Portuguesa
* Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol(HUGTiP)/Fundacio Lluita contra la SIDA (FLSida)/IRTA-CReSA
* Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (HUVH) - Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)
* Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
* Hospital Universitario La Paz
* Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal
* Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves
* Hospital Universitario de Canarias
* Hospital de Talca, Chile
* Hospital of Southern Norway - Kristiansand, Department of Medical Microbiology
* IL Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
* INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS
* Illinois Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
* Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology
* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology, Microbial Containment Complex
* Instirut Pasteur Dakar
* Institut Medico legal- Hop R. Poincare
* Institut Pasteur Dakar
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI) Hospices Civils de Lyon
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI), Hospices Civils de Lyon
* Institut pasteur Dakar
* Institute information KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
* Institute of Microbiology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
* Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
* Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
* Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
* Instituto Nacional de Salud
* Instituto Nacional de Saude (INSA)
* Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science
* Japanese Quarantine Stations
* Jiangxi Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Jiangxi province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* KU Leuven, Clincal and Epidemiological Virology
* KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Klinik Hirslanden Zurich
* Kochi Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases Division of Viral Diseases
* L'Air du Temps
* LABM GH nord Essonne
* LACEN RJ - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Noel Nutels
* LACEN/ES - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica do Espirito Santo
* Lab voor klinische biologie
* Labo BM - Site de Juvisy - Hopital General
* Laboiratorio Fleury
* Laboratoire National de Sante
* Laboratoire National de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
* Laboratoire Nationale de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
* Laboratoire de Virologie Institut de Virologie - INSERM U 1109 Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
* Laboratoire de Virologie, HUG
* Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Professor Goncalo Moniz LACEN/BA
* Laboratorio Hermes Pardini
* Laboratorio Simili
* Laboratorio de Ecologia de Doencas Transmissiveis na Amazonia, Instituto Leonidas e Maria Deane - Fiocruz Amazonia
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorio. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Peru
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud Peru
* Laboratorio di Microbiologia e Virologia, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
* Laboratory Medicine
* Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, University of Milan
* Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center fro Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
* Lapland Central Hospital
* Le Chateau de Seine-Port
* MHC Brabant Zuidoost
* MHC Drente
* MHC Flevoland
* MHC Gooi & Vechtstreek
* MHC Haaglanden
* MHC Hart voor Brabant
* MHC Kennemerland
* MHC Rotterdam-Rijnmond
* MHC Utrecht
* MHC West-Brabant
* MSHS Clinical Microbiology Laboratories
* Massachusetts Department of Public Health
* Mater Pathology
* Max von Pettenkofer Institute, Virology, National Reference Center for Retroviruses, LMU Munich
* Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory
* Ministry of Health Turkey
* Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory
* Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Lab II
* Molecular Diagnostic Services
* Monash Medical Centre
* NH Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Labs
* NHC Key laboratory of Enteric Pathogenic Microbiology, Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology
* NIC Viral Respiratory Unit - Institut Pasteur of Algeria
* NRL for Influenza, Centrum Epidemiology and Microbiology of National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic
* NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
* NYU Langone Health
* National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* National Influenza Center - Instituto Adolfo Lutz
* National Influenza Center - National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* National Influenza Center, Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
* National Influenza Center, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* National Influenza Centre, National Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu, Nepal
* National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service
* National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* National Public Health Laboratory
* National Public Health Laboratory, National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory, Vilnius, Lithuania
* Nordland Hospital - Bodo, Laboratory Department, Molecular Biology Unit
* OR State PHL-Virology/Immunology Section
* Oregon State Public Health- Virology section
* Oslo University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Ospedale Civile Castel Di Sangro
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini, Teramo
* Ospedale Regionale San Salvatore
* Ospedale San Liberatore di Atri
* Ostfold Hospital Trust -Kalnes Centre for Laboratory Medicine Section for gene technology and infection serology
* Parc des Dames
* PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
* Pathology North
* Pathology Queensland
* Presidio Ospedaliero "S. Spirito" - PESCARA
* Presidio ospedaliero "Santo Spirito"
* Prince of Wales Hospital
* Providence Regional Medical Center
* Public Health Laboratory
* Public Health Laboratory, Saudi CDC
* Public Health Ontario Laboratories
* Public Health Ontario Laboratory
* Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre
* R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
* RI State Health Laboratories
* RI State Health Laboratory
* Regional Virus Laboratory, Belfast
* Residence Eleusis
* Residence Villa Caroline
* Residence de maintenon
* Residence les Marines
* Respiratory Virus Unit, Microbiology Services Colindale, Public Health England
* Rockhampton Base Hospital
* Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory
* Royal Darwin Hospital
* Russian State Collection of Viruses
* Saitama Medical University
* Saitama Medical University Hospital
* Saitama Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Santa Clara County Public Health Department
* Seattle Flu Study
* Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University
* Secretaria de Salud Medellin
* Sentinelles network
* Serology, Virology and OTDS Laboratories (SAViD), NSW Health Pathology Randwick
* Service de Biologie Medicale - BP 125
* Service de Biologie clinique
* Service des Urgences
* Servicio Microbiologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valencia
* Servicio Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario. Valencia.
* Servicio Virosis Respiratorias-Departamento Virologia-INEI
* Servicio de Microbiologia. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
* Servicio de Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia
* Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University
* Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Immunity, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Singapore General Hospital
* Singapore General Hospital, Molecular Laboratory, Division of Pathology
* Sorbonne Universite, Inserm et Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (Pitie Salpetriere)
* South China Agricultural University
* State Health Office Baden-Wuerttemberg
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China 310003
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China. 310003
* State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
* Stavanger University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
* Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
* Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
* Texas DSHS Lab Services
* Texas Department of State Health Services
* Texas Department of State Health Services Lab Services
* The Central Hospital Of Wuhan
* The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
* The National Institute of Public Health Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
* The National University Hospital of Iceland
* The Republican Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
* The University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
* Tianmen Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory
* UW Virology Lab
* Unilabs Laboratory Medicine
* Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
* University Hospital Basel, Clinical Virology
* University Hospital of Northern Norway, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
* University of Wisconsin - Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* University of Wisconsin - Madison: Influenza Research Institute
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratory
* University of Wisconsin-Madison, AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* Unknown
* Utah Public Health Laboratory
* Valley Medical Center
* Vestfold Hospital, Tonsberg Department of Microbiology
* Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)
* Viral Respiratory Lab, National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB)
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratories
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
* ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology; Human Genome Variation Research Group & Genomics Centre MCB; Bioinformatics Research Group Department of Virology
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre, University of Pecs
* Virology Department, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian
* Virology Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
* Virology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, University Politecnica delle Marche
* Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.
* Virology laboratory Ministry of Health Kuwait sequenced at Dasman Diabetes Institute
* WA State Department of Health
* WHO National Influenza Centre Russian Federation
* Wales Specialist Virology Centre
* Washington State Department of Health
* Washington State Public Health Lab
* Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Wellington Hospital
* West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, NHSGGC
* Wisconsin Department of Health Services
* Wuhan Fourth Hospital
* Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital
* Wuhan Lung Hospital
* Wyoming Public Health Laboratory
* Yale COVID-19 Biorepository
* Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory
* Yongchuan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Zhongxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* deCODE genetics
Tyto údaje byly sdíleny prostřednictvím neziskové organizace GISAID. Srdečně děkujeme za její pomoc.
Vpravo uvádíme konkrétní sekvence poskytnuté jednotlivými laboratořemi.
Genomy viru SARS-CoV-2 laskavě sdíleli vědci z těchto přispívajících laboratoří:
* AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* USA/WI-17/2020
* USA/WI-21/2020
* USA/WI-23/2020
* USA/WI-24/2020
* ARS Algarve - Laboratorio Laura Ayres
* Portugal/PT0015/2020
* Portugal/PT0016/2020
* Portugal/PT0019/2020
* AZ Department of Health Services
* USA/AZ_4811/2020
* Akershus University Hospital, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
* Norway/1495/2020
* Norway/1694/2020
* Norway/1811/2020
* Norway/2113/2020
* Norway/2114/2020
* Alaska State Public Health Virology Laboratory
* USA/AK-PHL02/2020
* USA/AK-PHL03/2020
* USA/AK-PHL06/2020
* USA/AK-PHL15/2020
* Andersen Lab, The Scripps Research Institute
* USA/CA-MG0987/2020
* USA/CA-PC101P/2020
* Arizona Department of Health Services
* USA/AZ1/2020
* Auckland Hospital
* NewZealand/01/2020
* NewZealand/20VR0189/2020
* NewZealand/20VR019/2020
* NewZealand/20VR0206/2020
* BCCDC Public Health Laboratory
* Canada/BC_02421/2020
* Canada/BC_0443574/2020
* Canada/BC_0554880/2020
* Canada/BC_1318414/2020
* Canada/BC_13297/2020
* Canada/BC_17397/2020
* Canada/BC_25211/2020
* Canada/BC_35720/2020
* Canada/BC_37_0-2/2020
* Canada/BC_3808524/2020
* Canada/BC_3842755/2020
* Canada/BC_3968175/2020
* Canada/BC_3972884/2020
* Canada/BC_3989992/2020
* Canada/BC_4078583/2020
* Canada/BC_40860/2020
* Canada/BC_4118226/2020
* Canada/BC_4122951/2020
* Canada/BC_4143842/2020
* Canada/BC_4143868/2020
* Canada/BC_41851/2020
* Canada/BC_4540462/2020
* Canada/BC_4799711/2020
* Canada/BC_5275718/2020
* Canada/BC_5282984/2020
* Canada/BC_5306970/2020
* Canada/BC_5522039/2020
* Canada/BC_5979789/2020
* Canada/BC_6004567/2020
* Canada/BC_6129127/2020
* Canada/BC_6404889/2020
* Canada/BC_64686/2020
* Canada/BC_6489864/2020
* Canada/BC_6502001/2020
* Canada/BC_65034/2020
* Canada/BC_66353/2020
* Canada/BC_69243/2020
* Canada/BC_6981299/2020
* Canada/BC_6997898/2020
* Canada/BC_7277381/2020
* Canada/BC_7493713/2020
* Canada/BC_7515663/2020
* Canada/BC_7553799/2020
* Canada/BC_78548/2020
* Canada/BC_8150537/2020
* Canada/BC_8159203/2020
* Canada/BC_83109/2020
* Canada/BC_83163/2020
* Canada/BC_8486790/2020
* Canada/BC_8606204/2020
* Canada/BC_8622445/2020
* Canada/BC_8718874/2020
* Canada/BC_8894200/2020
* Canada/BC_8896915/2020
* Canada/BC_8897642/2020
* Canada/BC_9345042/2020
* Canada/BC_9345715/2020
* Canada/BC_9446031/2020
* Canada/BC_9574898/2020
* Bamrasnaradura Hospital
* Nonthaburi/61/2020
* Nonthaburi/74/2020
* Beijing Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology
* pangolin/Guangdong/P2S/2019
* pangolin/Guangxi/P1E/2017
* pangolin/Guangxi/P2V/2017
* pangolin/Guangxi/P3B/2017
* pangolin/Guangxi/P4L/2017
* pangolin/Guangxi/P5E/2017
* pangolin/Guangxi/P5L/2017
* Brian D. Allgood Army Community Hospital
* Korea/BA-ACH_2604/2020
* Korea/BA-ACH_2718/2020
* Korea/BA-ACH_2719/2020
* Bundeswehr Institute of Microbiology
* Germany/BavPat2/2020
* Germany/BavPat3/2020
* CH Barreiro Montijo
* Portugal/PT0052/2020
* Portugal/PT0076/2020
* Portugal/PT0077/2020
* Portugal/PT0082/2020
* Portugal/PT0083/2020
* CH Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
* France/HF2306/2020
* France/HF2748/2020
* France/HF2946/2020
* France/HF2948/2020
* France/HF3138/2020
* France/HF3141/2020
* France/HF3290/2020
* France/HF3293/2020
* France/HF3295/2020
* CH Jean de Navarre Laboratoire de Biologie
* France/HF2196/2020
* France/HF2797/2020
* France/HF3036/2020
* CH VN Gaia - Espinho
* Portugal/PT0079/2020
* Portugal/PT0080/2020
* Portugal/PT0081/2020
* CHBarreiro Montijo
* Portugal/PT0021/2020
* Portugal/PT0032/2020
* CHRU Bretonneau - Serv. Bacterio-Virol.
* France/CVL2000/2020
* CHRU Pontchaillou - Laboratoire de Virologie
* France/B2330/2020
* France/B2334/2020
* France/B2335/2020
* France/B2336/2020
* France/B2337/2020
* France/B2340/2020
* France/B2343/2020
* France/B2344/2020
* France/B2346/2020
* France/B2348/2020
* France/B2349/2020
* France/B2351/2020
* Portugal/PT0042/2020
* Portugal/PT0050/2020
* Portugal/PT0061/2020
* Portugal/PT0062/2020
* CHU - Hopital Cavale Blanche - Labo. de Virologie
* France/B1623/2020
* CHU Coimbra
* Portugal/PT0017/2020
* CHU Coimbra - Pediatrico
* Portugal/PT0020/2020
* CHU Gabriel Montpied
* France/Clermont-Ferrand_650/2020
* France/Clermont-Ferrand_651/2020
* CHUA - Faro
* Portugal/PT0039/2020
* CHULC - H Curry Cabral
* Portugal/PT0004/2020
* Portugal/PT0006a/2020
* Portugal/PT0006b/2020
* Portugal/PT0009/2020
* Portugal/PT0010/2020
* Portugal/PT0011/2020
* Portugal/PT0025/2020
* Portugal/PT0026/2020
* Portugal/PT0027/2020
* Portugal/PT0028/2020
* Portugal/PT0029/2020
* Portugal/PT0030/2020
* Portugal/PT0031/2020
* CHULC - H D Estefania
* Portugal/PT0007/2020
* Portugal/PT0008/2020
* France/IDF2792/2020
* France/IDF3212/2020
* CNR Virus des Infections Respiratoires - France SUD
* France/Pollionay_1733/2020
* France/RA739/2020
* France/Valence_425/2020
* Spain/CastillayLeon201323/2020
* Spain/CastillayLeon201372/2020
* Spain/CastillayLeon201437/2020
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-05/2020
* Cabinet medical
* France/IDF2561/2020
* Cadham Provincial Laboratory
* Canada/MB_10/2020
* Canada/MB_8/2020
* California Department of Health
* USA/CA3/2020
* USA/CA4/2020
* USA/CA5/2020
* California Department of Public Health
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC1/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC10/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC11/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC18/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC19/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC2/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC20/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC21/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC22/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC23/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC24/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC25/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC3/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC4/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC5/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC6/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC7/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC8/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC9/2020
* USA/CA1/2020
* USA/CA2/2020
* USA/CA6/2020
* USA/CA7/2020
* USA/CA8/2020
* USA/CA9/2020
* USA/CA_2602/2020
* Center for Virology, Medical University of Vienna
* Austria/CeMM0001/2020
* Austria/CeMM0002/2020
* Austria/CeMM0003/2020
* Austria/CeMM0004/2020
* Austria/CeMM0005/2020
* Austria/CeMM0006/2020
* Austria/CeMM0007/2020
* Austria/CeMM0008/2020
* Austria/CeMM0009/2020
* Austria/CeMM0010/2020
* Austria/CeMM0011/2020
* Austria/CeMM0012/2020
* Austria/CeMM0013/2020
* Austria/CeMM0014/2020
* Austria/CeMM0015/2020
* Austria/CeMM0016/2020
* Austria/CeMM0017/2020
* Austria/CeMM0018/2020
* Austria/CeMM0019/2020
* Austria/CeMM0020/2020
* Austria/CeMM0021/2020
* Center of Medical Microbiology, Virology, and Hospital Hygiene, University of Duesseldorf
* Germany/NRW-01/2020
* Germany/NRW-011/2020
* Germany/NRW-02-1/2020
* Germany/NRW-03/2020
* Germany/NRW-04/2020
* Germany/NRW-05/2020
* Germany/NRW-06/2020
* Germany/NRW-07/2020
* Germany/NRW-08/2020
* Germany/NRW-09/2020
* Germany/NRW-10/2020
* Germany/NRW-12/2020
* Germany/NRW-13/2020
* Germany/NRW-14/2020
* Germany/NRW-15/2020
* Germany/NRW-16/2020
* Germany/NRW-17/2020
* Germany/NRW-18/2020
* Germany/NRW-19/2020
* Germany/NRW-20/2020
* Germany/NRW-21/2020
* Germany/NRW-22/2020
* Germany/NRW-23/2020
* Germany/NRW-24/2020
* Germany/NRW-25/2020
* Germany/NRW-26/2020
* Germany/NRW-27/2020
* Germany/NRW-28/2020
* Germany/NRW-29/2020
* Germany/NRW-30/2020
* Germany/NRW-31/2020
* Germany/NRW-32/2020
* Germany/NRW-33/2020
* Germany/NRW-34/2020
* Germany/NRW-35/2020
* Centers for Disease Control, R.O.C. (Taiwan)
* Taiwan/107/2020
* Taiwan/125/2020
* Taiwan/128/2020
* Taiwan/170/2020
* Taiwan/2/2020
* Central Virology Laboratory
* Israel/ISR_JP0320/2020
* Centre Hositalier Universitaire de Rouen Laboratoire de Virologie
* France/N1620/2020
* France/N2223/2020
* Centre Hospitalier Compiegne Laboratoire de Biologie
* France/HF1465/2020
* France/HF1645/2020
* France/HF1795/2020
* France/HF1805/2020
* France/HF1813/2020
* France/HF1870/2020
* France/HF1871/2020
* France/HF1986/2020
* France/HF1988/2020
* France/HF1989/2020
* France/HF1993/2020
* France/HF1995/2020
* France/HF2060/2020
* France/HF2150/2020
* France/HF2151/2020
* France/HF2155/2020
* France/HF2174/2020
* France/HF2234/2020
* France/HF2237/2020
* France/HF2239/2020
* France/HF2393/2020
* France/HF2405/2020
* France/HF2496/2020
* France/HF2586/2020
* France/HF2595/2020
* France/HF2597/2020
* France/HF2601/2020
* Centre Hospitalier Lucien Hussel
* France/ARA10282/2020
* Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire de Nantes Laboratoire de Virologie
* France/PL1643/2020
* Centre Hospitalier Rene Dubois Laboratoire de Microbiologie - Bat A
* France/IDF1980/2020
* Centre Hospitalier Saint Joseph Saint Luc
* France/ARA10163/2020
* France/ARA10165/2020
* France/ARA12877/2020
* Centre Hospitalier de Bourg en Bresse
* France/ARA10251/2020
* France/ARA12253/2020
* France/ARA12264/2020
* France/ARA12265/2020
* France/ARA12996/2020
* France/Bourg-en-Bresse_06678/2020
* France/Bourg-en-Bresse_06813/2020
* Centre Hospitalier de Macon
* France/ARA09428/2020
* France/ARA11980/2020
* France/ARA11995/2020
* France/ARA11997/2020
* France/ARA12269/2020
* France/ARA12270/2020
* France/ARA12626/2020
* France/ARA12630/2020
* France/ARA12632/2020
* France/Macon_06756/2020
* Centre Hospitalier de Valence
* France/ARA09434/2020
* France/ARA09451/2020
* France/ARA09686/2020
* France/ARA10552/2020
* France/Valence_532/2020
* Centre Hospitalier des Vals d'Ardeche
* France/ARA094100/2020
* Centre for Human and Zoonotic Virology (CHAZVY), College of Medicine University of Lagos/Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC)
* Nigeria/Lagos01/2020
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology - Public Health
* Australia/NSW10/2020
* Australia/NSW12/2020
* Australia/NSW13/2020
* Australia/NSW14/2020
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services
* Australia/NSW01/2020
* Australia/NSW02/2020
* Australia/NSW04/2020
* Australia/NSW05/2020
* Australia/NSW06/2020
* Australia/NSW07/2020
* Australia/NSW08/2020
* Australia/NSW09/2020
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Public Health
* Australia/NSW15/2020
* Australia/NSW18/2020
* Australia/NSW19/2020
* Australia/NSW21/2020
* Australia/NSW24/2020
* Australia/NSW25/2020
* Australia/NSW26/2020
* Australia/NSW27/2020
* Australia/NSW28/2020
* Australia/NSW31/2020
* Australia/NSW35/2020
* Australia/NSW36/2020
* Australia/NSW37/2020
* Australia/NSW38/2020
* Australia/NSW39/2020
* Australia/NSW40/2020
* Australia/NSW41/2020
* Australia/NSW44/2020
* Australia/NSW45/2020
* Australia/NSW47/2020
* Australia/NSW48/2020
* Australia/NSW50/2020
* Australia/NSW52/2020
* Australia/NSW53/2020
* Australia/NSW54/2020
* Australia/NSW56/2020
* Australia/NSW57/2020
* Australia/NSW58/2020
* Australia/NSW61/2020
* Australia/NSW62/2020
* Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology- Public Health
* Australia/NSW11/2020
* Centro Hospital do Porto, E.P.E. - H. Geral de Santo Antonio
* Portugal/CV62/2020
* Portugal/PT0012/2020
* Portugal/PT0013/2020
* Portugal/PT0014/2020
* Centro Hospitalar e Universitario de Sao Joao, Porto
* Portugal/CV63/2020
* Portugal/PT0001b/2020
* Portugal/PT0003/2020
* Portugal/PT0005/2020
* Chan-Zuckerberg Biohub
* USA/CZB-RR057-005/2020
* USA/CZB-RR057-006/2020
* USA/CZB-RR057-007/2020
* USA/CZB-RR057-011/2020
* USA/CZB-RR057-013/2020
* USA/CZB-RR057-014/2020
* USA/CZB-RR057-015/2020
* Charite Universitatsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Virology; Institut fur Mikrobiologie der Bundeswehr, Munich
* Germany/BavPat1/2020
* Chiba Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Japan/P2-1/2020
* Japan/P2-2/2020
* Japan/P5-1/2020
* Japan/P5-2/2020
* Japan/P5-3/2020
* Chiu Laboratory, University of California, San Francisco
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC12/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC26/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC27/2020
* USA/CA-CDPH-UC28/2020
* Clinica Alemana de Santiago, Chile
* Chile/Santiago-1/2020
* Clinica Santa Maria, Santiago, Chile
* Chile/Santiago-2/2020
* Clinical Diagnostics Laboratory, Diagnostic & Experimental Pathology, Lilly Research Laboratories
* USA/IN-Lilly-IPB0170-4bc20/2020
* USA/IN-Lilly-IPB0170-4bc21/2020
* Clinical Microbiology Lab
* SaudiArabia/KAIMRC-Alghoribi/2020
* Clinique AVERAY LA BROUSTE, Med. Polyvalente
* France/IDF2420/2020
* Connecticut State Department of Public Health
* USA/CT-Yale-001/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-002/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-003/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-005/2020
* Dasman Diabetes Institute
* Kuwait/KU17/2020
* Kuwait/KU18/2020
* Dasman Diabetes Institute and Virology Laboratory Ministry of Health
* Kuwait/KU09/2020
* Department for Virology, Molecular Biology and Genome Research, R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
* Georgia/Tb-1352/2020
* Georgia/Tb-1523/2020
* Georgia/Tb-1679/2020
* Department of Clinical Microbiology
* Belgium/ULG-10001/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10003/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10004/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10006/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10007/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10008/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10009/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10011/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10012/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10013/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10014/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10015/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10016/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10017/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10018/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10022/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10024/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10025/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10026/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10027/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10028/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10029/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10030/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10031/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10032/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10033/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10040/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10042/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10043/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10044/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10045/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10046/2020
* Belgium/ULG-10047/2020
* Belgium/ULG-2971/2020
* Belgium/ULG-3000/2020
* Belgium/ULG-3162/2020
* Belgium/ULG-3163/2020
* Belgium/ULG-3662/2020
* Belgium/ULG-3665/2020
* Belgium/ULG-3683/2020
* Belgium/ULG-3843/2020
* Belgium/ULG-4163/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6216/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6457/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6503/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6638/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6649/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6670/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6688/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6732/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6743/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6754/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6939/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6942/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6948/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6950/2020
* Belgium/ULG-6972/2020
* Belgium/ULG-7019/2020
* Belgium/ULG-7134/2020
* Belgium/ULG-7242/2020
* Belgium/ULG-7500/2020
* Belgium/ULG-7626/2020
* Belgium/ULG-7729/2020
* Belgium/ULG-7773/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8532/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8541/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8543/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8578/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8595/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8617/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8634/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8664/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8715/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8808/2020
* Belgium/ULG-8810/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9558/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9572/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9617/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9618/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9619/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9620/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9634/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9641/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9647/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9694/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9714/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9715/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9716/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9719/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9725/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9732/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9735/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9738/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9739/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9741/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9742/2020
* Belgium/ULG-9751/2020
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital
* HongKong/HKPU102_2802/2020
* HongKong/HKPU23_2601/2020
* HongKong/HKPU27_3001/2020
* HongKong/HKPU29_0102/2020
* HongKong/HKPU30_2901/2020
* HongKong/HKPU32_0402/2020
* HongKong/HKPU33_0202/2020
* HongKong/HKPU34_3001/2020
* HongKong/HKPU35_0402/2020
* HongKong/HKPU36-0702/2020
* HongKong/HKPU38-3001/2020
* HongKong/HKPU39-3001/2020
* HongKong/HKPU40-2801/2020
* HongKong/HKPU41-0802/2020
* HongKong/HKPU43-0202/2020
* HongKong/HKPU44-0102/2020
* HongKong/HKPU52-3101/2020
* HongKong/HKPU53-0802/2020
* HongKong/HKPU54-0302/2020
* HongKong/HKPU57-0702/2020
* HongKong/HKPU60-0802/2020
* HongKong/HKPU61-0202/2020
* HongKong/HKPU64-1202/2020
* HongKong/HKPU65-1202/2020
* HongKong/HKPU70-1302/2020
* HongKong/HKPU73-0802/2020
* HongKong/HKPU74-1302/2020
* HongKong/HKPU76-0802/2020
* HongKong/HKPU83-1702/2020
* HongKong/HKPU84-2502/2020
* HongKong/HKPU86-1802/2020
* HongKong/HKPU89-2502/2020
* HongKong/HKPU90-1602/2020
* HongKong/HKPU91-2002/2020
* HongKong/HKPU_2801/2020
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital
* HongKong/HKPU66-2501/2020
* Department of Clinical Pathology, Tuen Mun Hospital, 23 Tsing Chung Koon Road, Tuen Mun, N.T.
* HongKong/HKPU63-1402/2020
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma , Italy
* Italy/CDG1/2020
* Department of Infectious Diseases, Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Rome, Italy
* Italy/SPL1/2020
* Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Bichat Claude Bernard Hospital, Paris
* France/IDF0372-isl/2020
* France/IDF0372/2020
* France/IDF0373/2020
* France/IDF0386-islP1/2020
* France/IDF0386-islP3/2020
* France/IDF0515-isl/2020
* France/IDF0515/2020
* France/IDF0571/2020
* Department of Internal Medicine, Triemli Hospital
* Switzerland/1000477102/2020
* Switzerland/1000477377/2020
* Department of Laboratory Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital
* Taiwan/NTU01/2020
* Taiwan/NTU02/2020
* Taiwan/NTU03/2020
* Department of Medical Microbiology, University Malaya Medical Centre
* Malaysia/186197/2020
* Malaysia/188407/2020
* Malaysia/189332/2020
* Malaysia/190300/2020
* Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, China
* HongKong/CUHK1/2020
* HongKong/CUHK2/2020
* Department of Microbiology, Institute for Viral Diseases, College of Medicine, Korea University
* SouthKorea/KUMC01/2020
* SouthKorea/KUMC02/2020
* SouthKorea/KUMC04/2020
* SouthKorea/KUMC06/2020
* Department of Microbiology, PathWest QEII Medical Centre
* Australia/WA01/2020
* Australia/WA02/2020
* Australia/WA03/2020
* Australia/WA04/2020
* Australia/WA06/2020
* Australia/WA07/2020
* Australia/WA09/2020
* Australia/WA10/2020
* Department of Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital
* HongKong/HKPU12_2201/2020
* HongKong/HKPU1_2101/2020
* HongKong/HKPU2_1801/2020
* HongKong/HKPU42-0302/2020
* HongKong/HKPU48-0202/2020
* HongKong/HKPU49-3001/2020
* HongKong/HKPU6_2101/2020
* Department of Pathology, Toshima Hospital
* Japan/TK-20-31-3/2020
* Department of Pathology, United Christian Hospital
* HongKong/HKPU17_2201/2020
* HongKong/HKPU19_0402/2020
* HongKong/HKPU20_3001/2020
* HongKong/HKPU28_3001/2020
* HongKong/HKPU45-0502/2020
* HongKong/HKPU92-1302/2020
* Department of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Japan/AI-I-004/2020
* Department of Virology and Immunology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Huslab Finland
* Finland/13M19/2020
* Finland/13M26/2020
* Finland/13M27/2020
* Finland/13M29/2020
* Finland/13M3/2020
* Finland/13M33/2020
* Finland/13M57/2020
* Finland/13M58/2020
* Finland/13M60/2020
* Finland/13M64/2020
* Finland/13M65/2020
* Finland/13M69/2020
* Finland/13M77/2020
* Finland/13M79/2020
* Finland/13M82/2020
* Finland/13M83/2020
* Finland/14M12/2020
* Finland/14M13/2020
* Finland/14M14/2020
* Finland/14M16/2020
* Finland/14M20/2020
* Finland/14M26/2020
* Finland/14M3/2020
* Finland/14M32/2020
* Finland/14M74/2020
* Finland/14M77/2020
* Finland/14M82/2020
* Finland/FIN-114/2020
* Finland/FIN-266/2020
* Finland/FIN-274/2020
* Finland/FIN-313/2020
* Finland/FIN-318/2020
* Finland/FIN-455/2020
* Finland/FIN-508/2020
* Finland/FIN01032020/2020
* Finland/FIN03032020A/2020
* Finland/FIN03032020B/2020
* Finland/FIN03032020C/2020
* Department of Virus and Microbiological Special diagnostics, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
* Denmark/SSI-01/2020
* Denmark/SSI-02/2020
* Denmark/SSI-03/2020
* Denmark/SSI-04/2020
* Denmark/SSI-05/2020
* Denmark/SSI-09/2020
* Denmark/SSI-101/2020
* Denmark/SSI-102/2020
* Denmark/SSI-104/2020
* Department of microbiology laboratory,Anhui Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Anhui/SZ005/2020
* Dept. of Pathology, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Japan/NA-20-05-1/2020
* Japan/OS-20-07-1/2020
* Dept. of Virology III, National Institute of Infectious Diseases
* Japan/KY-V-029/2020
* Japan/TY-WK-012/2020
* Japan/TY-WK-501/2020
* Japan/TY-WK-521/2020
* Dienst Gezondheid & Jeugd Zuid-Holland Zuid
* Netherlands/Hardinxveld_Giessendam_1364806/2020
* Division of Consolidated Laboratories
* USA/VA-DCLS-0019/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0033/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0040/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0045/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0046/2020
* Division of Consolidated Laboratories Services
* USA/VA-DCLS-0018/2020
* Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
* USA/VA-DCLS-0005/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0006/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0007/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0008/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0009/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0010/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0011/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0012/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0014/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0016/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0017/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0020/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0021/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0024/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0031/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0034/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0036/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0038/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0039/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0042/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0043/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0044/2020
* Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University College of Medicine
* SouthKorea/KUMC03/2020
* SouthKorea/KUMC05/2020
* Division of Infectious Diseases, University Hospital Zurich
* Switzerland/1000477796/2020
* Switzerland/1000477797/2020
* Switzerland/1000477806/2020
* Division of Viral Diseases, Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases, Korea Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention
* SouthKorea/KCDC05/2020
* SouthKorea/KCDC06/2020
* SouthKorea/KCDC07/2020
* SouthKorea/KCDC12/2020
* SouthKorea/KCDC24/2020
* Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre
* Canada/NB_6/2020
* Dunedin Hospital
* NewZealand/CoV001/2020
* NewZealand/CoV002/2020
* Dutch COVID-19 response team
* Netherlands/Flevoland_1/2020
* Netherlands/Gelderland_1/2020
* Netherlands/Gelderland_2/2020
* Netherlands/Gelderland_3/2020
* Netherlands/Limburg_2/2020
* Netherlands/Limburg_3/2020
* Netherlands/Limburg_4/2020
* Netherlands/Limburg_5/2020
* Netherlands/Limburg_6/2020
* Netherlands/Limburg_7/2020
* Netherlands/NA_1/2020
* Netherlands/NA_10/2020
* Netherlands/NA_11/2020
* Netherlands/NA_12/2020
* Netherlands/NA_13/2020
* Netherlands/NA_14/2020
* Netherlands/NA_15/2020
* Netherlands/NA_16/2020
* Netherlands/NA_17/2020
* Netherlands/NA_18/2020
* Netherlands/NA_19/2020
* Netherlands/NA_2/2020
* Netherlands/NA_20/2020
* Netherlands/NA_21/2020
* Netherlands/NA_22/2020
* Netherlands/NA_23/2020
* Netherlands/NA_24/2020
* Netherlands/NA_25/2020
* Netherlands/NA_26/2020
* Netherlands/NA_27/2020
* Netherlands/NA_28/2020
* Netherlands/NA_29/2020
* Netherlands/NA_30/2020
* Netherlands/NA_31/2020
* Netherlands/NA_32/2020
* Netherlands/NA_33/2020
* Netherlands/NA_34/2020
* Netherlands/NA_35/2020
* Netherlands/NA_4/2020
* Netherlands/NA_5/2020
* Netherlands/NA_6/2020
* Netherlands/NA_7/2020
* Netherlands/NA_8/2020
* Netherlands/NA_9/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_1/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_10/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_11/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_12/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_13/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_14/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_15/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_16/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_17/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_18/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_19/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_2/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_20/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_21/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_22/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_23/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_24/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_25/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_26/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_27/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_28/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_29/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_3/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_30/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_31/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_32/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_33/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_34/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_35/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_36/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_37/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_38/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_39/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_4/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_41/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_42/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_44/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_45/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_46/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_47/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_48/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_49/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_5/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_51/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_52/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_53/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_54/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_55/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_56/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_57/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_58/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_59/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_6/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_60/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_61/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_62/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_63/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_64/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_65/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_66/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_67/2020
* Netherlands/NoordBrabant_68/2020
* Netherlands/NoordHolland_1/2020
* Netherlands/NoordHolland_2/2020
* Netherlands/NoordHolland_3/2020
* Netherlands/Overijssel_1/2020
* Netherlands/Overijssel_2/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_1/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_10/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_11/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_12/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_13/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_14/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_15/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_16/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_17/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_18/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_19/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_2/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_3/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_4/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_5/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_6/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_7/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_8/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_1/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_10/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_11/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_13/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_14/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_15/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_16/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_17/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_18/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_19/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_2/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_20/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_21/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_22/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_23/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_24/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_25/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_26/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_27/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_28/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_29/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_30/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_31/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_5/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_6/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_7/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_8/2020
* Netherlands/ZuidHolland_9/2020
* E. Gulbja Laboratorija
* Latvia/ChVir2025/2020
* EHPAD - Residences les Cedres
* France/HF2381/2020
* ErasmusMC
* Netherlands/Nieuwendijk_1363582/2020
* Netherlands/Rotterdam_1363790/2020
* FL Bureau of Health Laboratories Tampa
* USA/FL_6318/2020
* FL Bureau of Public Health Laboratories-Tampa
* USA/FL_5091/2020
* USA/FL_5125/2020
* Spain/Madrid201442/2020
* Spain/Madrid201449/2020
* Forde Hospital Department of Microbiology
* Norway/1951/2020
* Foundation Elisabeth-Tweesteden Ziekenhuis
* Netherlands/Tilburg_1363354/2020
* Netherlands/Tilburg_1364286/2020
* Foundation Pamm
* Netherlands/Berlicum_1363564/2020
* Fujian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Fujian/13/2020
* Fujian/8/2020
* Fundacion Jimenez Diaz
* Spain/Madrid201706/2020
* Spain/Madrid201709/2020
* Spain/Madrid201738/2020
* Furst Medical Laboratory
* Norway/1867/2020
* Norway/1953/2020
* Norway/1955/2020
* GA Department of Public Health
* USA/GA_1299/2020
* USA/GA_1320/2020
* USA/GA_1445/2020
* GA Department of Public Health Laboratory
* USA/GA_2741/2020
* USA/GA_2742/2020
* GH Les Portes du Sud
* France/ARA09588/2020
* Geelong Centre for Emerging Infectious Diseases
* Australia/VIC-CBA1/2020
* Australia/VIC-CBA2/2020
* Australia/VIC-CBA3/2020
* General Hospital of Central Theater Command of People's Liberation Army of China
* Wuhan/WH01/2019
* Wuhan/WH02/2019
* Wuhan/WH03/2020
* Wuhan/WH04/2020
* Gorgas Memorial Institute for Health Studies
* Panama/328677/2020
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provincial Public Health
* Foshan/20SF207/2020
* Foshan/20SF210/2020
* Foshan/20SF211/2020
* Guangdong/20SF012/2020
* Guangdong/20SF013/2020
* Guangdong/20SF014/2020
* Guangdong/20SF025/2020
* Guangdong/20SF028/2020
* Guangdong/20SF040/2020
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention; Guangdong Provinical Public Health
* Guangdong/20SF174/2020
* Guangzhou/20SF206/2020
* Guangdong Provincial Center for Diseases Control and Prevention;Guangdong Provincial Institute of Public Health
* Guangdong/20SF201/2020
* Guangdong Provincial Institution of Public Health, Guangdong Provinical Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Guangdong/2020XN4239-P0034/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4243-P0035/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4273-P0036/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4276-P0037/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4291-P0038/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4373-P0039/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4433-P0040/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4448-P0002/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4459-P0041/2020
* Guangdong/2020XN4475-P0042/2020
* Guangdong/DG-S2-P0054/2020
* Guangdong/DG-S41-P0056/2020
* Guangdong/DG-S6-P0055/2020
* Guangdong/DG-S9-P0045/2020
* Guangdong/FS-S29-P0051/2020
* Guangdong/FS-S30-P0052/2020
* Guangdong/FS-S34-P0015/2020
* Guangdong/FS-S42-P0046/2020
* Guangdong/FS-S48-P0047/2020
* Guangdong/FS-S50-P0053/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020012-P0022/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020016-P0011/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020080-P0010/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020085-P0043/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020086-P0021/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020087-P0008/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020115-P0009/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020134-P0031/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020139-P0007/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020227-P0029/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020233-P0027/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020234-P0023/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020241-P0013/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020246-P0028/2020
* Guangdong/GD2020258-P0018/2020
* Guangdong/GDFS2020052-P0025/2020
* Guangdong/GDFS2020054-P0005/2020
* Guangdong/GDFS2020056-P0044/2020
* Guangdong/GDFS2020127-P0026/2020
* Guangdong/GDSZ202004-P0004/2020
* Guangdong/GDSZ202008-P0020/2020
* Guangdong/GDSZ202009-P0032/2020
* Guangdong/GDSZ202013-P0014/2020
* Guangdong/GDSZ202015-P0019/2020
* Guangdong/GZ-S6-P0050/2020
* Guangdong/JM-S1-P0062/2020
* Guangdong/MM-S1-P0048/2020
* Guangdong/SZ-N128-P0057/2020
* Guangdong/SZ-N59-P0049/2020
* Guangdong/ZH-N22-P0059/2020
* Guangdong/ZH-S33-P0058/2020
* Guangdong/ZQ-S2-P0061/2020
* Guangdong/ZS-S6-P0060/2020
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory
* USA/WI-GMF-00049/2020
* USA/WI-GMF-00227/2020
* USA/WI-GMF-00228/2020
* Gundersen Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
* USA/WI-GMF-00018/2020
* USA/WI-GMF-00232/2020
* USA/WI-GMF-00237/2020
* USA/WI-GMF00281/2020
* USA/WI-GMF00441/2020
* USA/WI-GMF00466/2020
* H Beatriz Angelo
* Portugal/PT0051/2020
* Portugal/PT0055/2020
* Portugal/PT0078/2020
* Portugal/PT0084/2020
* Portugal/PT0088/2020
* H Braga
* Portugal/PT0018/2020
* Portugal/PT0022/2020
* Portugal/PT0023/2020
* Portugal/PT0034/2020
* Portugal/PT0035/2020
* Portugal/PT0036/2020
* Portugal/PT0037/2020
* H Dr Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
* Portugal/PT0054/2020
* H Dr. Nelio Mendonca - Funchal
* Portugal/PT0041/2020
* Portugal/PT0046/2020
* Portugal/PT0056/2020
* Portugal/PT0057/2020
* Portugal/PT0058/2020
* H Evora
* Portugal/PT0038/2020
* Portugal/PT0063/2020
* Portugal/PT0064/2020
* H Garcia de Orta
* Portugal/PT0033/2020
* H Guimaraes
* Portugal/PT0043/2020
* Portugal/PT0044/2020
* Portugal/PT0045/2020
* H Santarem
* Portugal/PT0040/2020
* Portugal/PT0059/2020
* Portugal/PT0065/2020
* Portugal/PT0066/2020
* Portugal/PT0067/2020
* Portugal/PT0068/2020
* Portugal/PT0085/2020
* Portugal/PT0087/2020
* Portugal/PT0089/2020
* Portugal/PT0092/2020
* Spain/Cataluna201396/2020
* Spain/Cataluna201397/2020
* Spain/PaisVasco201493/2020
* Spain/CastillayLeon201061/2020
* Spain/Galicia201663/2020
* Spain/PaisVasco201382/2020
* Spain/PaisVasco201602/2020
* Spain/PaisVasco201607/2020
* Spain/Madrid201105/2020
* Spain/Andalucia201272/2020
* Spain/Andalucia201373/2020
* HSE Ilha Terceira - Angra do Heroismo
* Portugal/PT0024/2020
* Portugal/PT0060/2020
* Portugal/PT0086/2020
* Portugal/PT0090/2020
* Portugal/PT0091/2020
* HUS Diagnostiikkakeskus, Hallinto
* Finland/FIN-25/2020
* Hangzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Hangzhou/HZ162/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ178/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ185/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ477/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ48/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ481/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ49/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ551/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ576/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ60/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ62/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ638/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ79/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ90/2020
* Hangzhou/HZ91/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0001/2020
* Hangzhou Center for Disease and Control Microbiology Lab
* Hangzhou/HZ-1/2020
* Hangzhou Center for Diseases Control and Prevention
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0012/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0013/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0025/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0048/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0048L/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0049L/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0090/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0090L/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0091/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0091L/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0119/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0135/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0162/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC0167/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC6706/2020
* Hangzhou/HZCDC6789/2020
* Harborview Medical Center
* USA/WA3-UW1/2020
* USA/WA9-UW6/2020
* Health Board Laboratory of Communicable Diseases
* Estonia/ChVir1982/2020
* Estonia/ChVir1983/2020
* Estonia/ChVir1985/2020
* Hong Kong Department of Health
* HongKong/VB20024950/2020
* HongKong/VB20026565/2020
* HongKong/VM20001061/2020
* HongKong/VM20002493/2020
* HongKong/VM20002507/2020
* HongKong/VM20002508/2020
* HongKong/VM20002582/2020
* HongKong/VM20002849/2020
* HongKong/VM20002868/2020
* HongKong/VM20002907/2020
* Hopital Instruction des Armees - BEGIN
* France/IDF2075/2020
* Hopital Prive de l'Est Lyonnais
* France/ARA10257/2020
* Hopital Robert Debre Laboratoire de Virologie
* France/GE1973/2020
* France/GE1977/2020
* Hopital franco britannique - Laboratoire
* France/IDF2410/2020
* Hopital franco britannique - Service des Urgences
* France/IDF2284/2020
* Hopitaux universitaires de Geneve Laboratoire de Virologie
* Switzerland/AG7120/2020
* Switzerland/BE2536/2020
* Switzerland/BE6651/2020
* Switzerland/BS0914/2020
* Switzerland/GE0199/2020
* Switzerland/GE06207/2020
* Switzerland/GE1402/2020
* Switzerland/GE1422/2020
* Switzerland/GE4135/2020
* Switzerland/GE4984/2020
* Switzerland/GE6679/2020
* Switzerland/GE8102/2020
* Switzerland/GR2988/2020
* Switzerland/GR3043/2020
* Switzerland/SZ1417/2020
* Switzerland/TI2045/2020
* Switzerland/VD0503/2020
* Hospital General y Universitario de Guadalajara
* Spain/CastillaLaMancha201328/2020
* Spain/CastillaLaMancha201329/2020
* Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein
* Brazil/SPBR-01/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-02/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-03/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-11/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-12/2020
* Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando Fonseca, EPE
* Portugal/IGC00009/2020
* Portugal/IGC00010/2020
* Hospital San Pedro
* Spain/LaRioja201575/2020
* Hospital Sao Joaquim Beneficencia Portuguesa
* Brazil/SPBR-04/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-05/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-06/2020
* Hospital Universitari Germans Trias i Pujol(HUGTiP)/Fundacio Lluita contra la SIDA (FLSida)/IRTA-CReSA
* Spain/Irsi-04/2020
* Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron (HUVH) - Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR)
* Spain/VH000001133/2020
* Spain/VH198152683/2020
* Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre
* Spain/Madrid_H10_39/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H11_40/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_1301/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_1502/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_1703/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_1804/2021
* Spain/Madrid_H12_1905/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_2006/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_2107/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_2208/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_2309/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H12_2410/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H2_16/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H3_10/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H5_34/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H7_36/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H8_37/2020
* Spain/Madrid_H9_38/2020
* Hospital Universitario La Paz
* Spain/Madrid_LP10_12/2020
* Spain/Madrid_LP12_21/2020
* Spain/Madrid_LP14_3/2020
* Spain/Madrid_LP15_4/2020
* Hospital Universitario Ramon y Cajal
* Spain/Madrid_R10_33/2020
* Spain/Madrid_R2_15/2020
* Spain/Madrid_R5_8/2020
* Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves
* Spain/Andalucia201617/2020
* Hospital Universitario de Canarias
* Spain/Canarias201495/2020
* Hospital de Talca, Chile
* Chile/Talca-1/2020
* Chile/Talca-2/2020
* Hospital of Southern Norway - Kristiansand, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Norway/1538/2020
* Norway/1539/2020
* Norway/1989/2020
* IL Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
* USA/IL1/2020
* USA/IL2/2020
* INMI Lazzaro Spallanzani IRCCS
* Italy/INMI1-cs/2020
* Italy/INMI1-isl/2020
* Italy/INMI3/2020
* Italy/INMI4/2020
* Italy/INMI5/2020
* Italy/INMI6/2020
* Italy/INMI7/2020
* Illinois Department of Public Health Chicago Laboratory
* USA/IL_1293/2020
* USA/IL_1375/2020
* Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
* India/1-27/2020
* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology
* India/1-31/2020
* Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology, Microbial Containment Complex
* India/2020763/2020
* India/2020770/2020
* India/2020772/2020
* India/2020773/2020
* India/2020777/2020
* India/2020781/2020
* India/2020c32/2020
* Instirut Pasteur Dakar
* Senegal/119/2020
* Institut Medico legal- Hop R. Poincare
* France/IDF2256/2020
* Institut Pasteur Dakar
* Senegal/003/2020
* Senegal/016/2020
* Senegal/020/2020
* Senegal/026/2020
* Senegal/073/2020
* Senegal/082/2020
* Senegal/087/2020
* Senegal/094/2020
* Senegal/102/2020
* Senegal/136/2020
* Senegal/139/2020
* Senegal/306/2020
* Senegal/315/2020
* Senegal/328/2020
* Senegal/370/2020
* Senegal/382/2020
* Senegal/600/2020
* Senegal/611/2020
* Senegal/618/2020
* Senegal/620/2020
* Senegal/640/2020
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI) Hospices Civils de Lyon
* France/Lyon_06464/2020
* France/Lyon_06487/2020
* France/Lyon_06531/2020
* France/Lyon_0693/2020
* France/Lyon_487/2020
* France/Lyon_508/2020
* France/Lyon_683/2020
* Institut des Agents Infectieux (IAI), Hospices Civils de Lyon
* France/ARA10170/2020
* France/ARA10172/2020
* France/ARA10184/2020
* France/ARA10188/2020
* France/ARA10189/2020
* France/ARA10192/2020
* France/ARA10876/2020
* France/ARA10910/2020
* France/ARA10968/2020
* France/ARA11036/2020
* France/ARA11939/2020
* France/ARA11943/2020
* France/ARA11949/2020
* France/ARA11950/2020
* France/ARA11952/2020
* France/ARA12125/2020
* France/ARA12217/2020
* France/ARA12222/2020
* France/ARA12238/2020
* France/ARA12249/2020
* France/ARA12250/2020
* France/ARA12260/2020
* France/ARA12371/2020
* France/ARA12384/2020
* France/ARA12388/2020
* France/ARA12485/2020
* France/ARA12499/2020
* France/ARA12524/2020
* France/ARA12558/2020
* France/ARA12576/2020
* France/ARA12759/2020
* France/ARA1284/2020
* France/ARA12915/2020
* France/ARA12973/2020
* France/ARA1307/2020
* France/ARA13074/2020
* France/ARA13095/2020
* France/ARA13160/2020
* France/ARA1322/2020
* France/Lyon_06042/2020
* France/Lyon_06056/2020
* France/Lyon_06573/2020
* France/Lyon_06625/2020
* France/Lyon_0668/2020
* France/Lyon_06820/2020
* Institut pasteur Dakar
* Senegal/610/2020
* Institute information KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Belgium/JRH-030459/2020
* Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana
* Slovenia/12304/2020
* Slovenia/4584/2020
* Slovenia/808/2020
* Institute of Microbiology, Universidad San Francisco de Quito
* Ecuador/HEE-01/2020
* Institute of Pathogen Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College
* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-01/2019
* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-02/2019
* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-03/2019
* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-04/2019
* Wuhan/IPBCAMS-WH-05/2020
* Institute of Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13-20/2020
* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13-21/2020
* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF13/2020
* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-envF54/2020
* Institute of Virology, Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; Public Health Authority of the Slovak Republic, Bratislava
* Slovakia/SK-BMC1/2020
* Slovakia/SK-BMC2/2020
* Slovakia/SK-BMC5/2020
* Slovakia/SK-BMC6/2020
* Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias
* Mexico/CDMX-InDRE_01/2020
* Instituto Nacional de Salud
* Colombia/Bogota78390/2020
* Instituto Nacional de Saude (INSA)
* Portugal/PT0047/2020
* Portugal/PT0048/2020
* Portugal/PT0049/2020
* Portugal/PT0053/2020
* Portugal/PT0069/2020
* Portugal/PT0070/2020
* Portugal/PT0071/2020
* Portugal/PT0072/2020
* Portugal/PT0073/2020
* Portugal/PT0074/2020
* Portugal/PT0075/2020
* Portugal/PT0093/2020
* Portugal/PT0094/2020
* Portugal/PT0095/2020
* Portugal/PT0096/2020
* Ishikawa Prefectural Institute of Public Health and Environmental Science
* Japan/P3-1/2020
* Japan/P3-2/2020
* Japanese Quarantine Stations
* Japan/DP0005/2020
* Japan/DP0027/2020
* Japan/DP0037/2020
* Japan/DP0058/2020
* Japan/DP0059/2020
* Japan/DP0065/2020
* Japan/DP0077/2020
* Japan/DP0078/2020
* Japan/DP0104/2020
* Japan/DP0107/2020
* Japan/DP0121/2020
* Japan/DP0133/2020
* Japan/DP0134/2020
* Japan/DP0152/2020
* Japan/DP0158/2020
* Japan/DP0184/2020
* Japan/DP0190/2020
* Japan/DP0191/2020
* Japan/DP0196/2020
* Japan/DP0200/2020
* Japan/DP0236/2020
* Japan/DP0274/2020
* Japan/DP0278/2020
* Japan/DP0286/2020
* Japan/DP0287/2020
* Japan/DP0289/2020
* Japan/DP0290/2020
* Japan/DP0294/2020
* Japan/DP0311/2020
* Japan/DP0319/2020
* Japan/DP0328/2020
* Japan/DP0344/2020
* Japan/DP0346/2020
* Japan/DP0357/2020
* Japan/DP0361/2020
* Japan/DP0438/2020
* Japan/DP0457/2020
* Japan/DP0462/2020
* Japan/DP0464/2020
* Japan/DP0476/2020
* Japan/DP0481/2020
* Japan/DP0482/2020
* Japan/DP0543/2020
* Japan/DP0544/2020
* Japan/DP0568/2020
* Japan/DP0588/2020
* Japan/DP0644/2020
* Japan/DP0645/2020
* Japan/DP0654/2020
* Japan/DP0687/2020
* Japan/DP0690/2020
* Japan/DP0697/2020
* Japan/DP0699/2020
* Japan/DP0700/2020
* Japan/DP0703/2020
* Japan/DP0724/2020
* Japan/DP0743/2020
* Japan/DP0752/2020
* Japan/DP0763/2020
* Japan/DP0764/2020
* Japan/DP0765/2020
* Japan/DP0779/2020
* Japan/DP0785/2020
* Japan/DP0786/2020
* Japan/DP0802/2020
* Japan/DP0803/2020
* Japan/DP0804/2020
* Japan/DP0827/2020
* Japan/DP0880/2020
* Japan/DP0890/2020
* Jiangxi Province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Ganzhou/JX81/2020
* Jian/JX129/2020
* Jian/JX169/2020
* Jiujiang/JX22/2020
* Nanchang/JX14/2020
* Nanchang/JX149/2020
* Nanchang/JX155/2020
* Nanchang/JX174/2020
* Nanchang/JX176/2020
* Nanchang/JX177/2020
* Nanchang/JX39/2020
* Nanchang/JX90/2020
* Nanchang/JXN3T4/2020
* Pingxiang/JX151/2020
* Pingxiang/JX5/2020
* Shangrao/JX105/2020
* Shangrao/JX1176/2020
* Shangrao/JX1177/2020
* Shangrao/JX1178/2020
* Shangrao/JX1215/2020
* Shangrao/JX1948/2020
* Shangrao/JX1974/2020
* Shangrao/JX29/2020
* Xinyu/JX122/2020
* Xinyu/JX124/2020
* Jiangxi province Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* NanChang/JX216/2020
* Jingzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Jingzhou/HBCDC-HB-01/2020
* KU Leuven, Clincal and Epidemiological Virology
* Belgium/BM-03012/2020
* KU Leuven, Clinical and Epidemiological Virology
* Belgium/030959/2020
* Belgium/AC-030982/2020
* Belgium/AGR-0324174/2020
* Belgium/AKM-030670/2020
* Belgium/BA-02291/2020
* Belgium/BC-03016/2020
* Belgium/BCM-0324160/2020
* Belgium/BDW-030694/2020
* Belgium/BEG-0323154/2020
* Belgium/BEG-0324149/2020
* Belgium/BG-030551/2020
* Belgium/BG-030955/2020
* Belgium/BGM-030444/2020
* Belgium/BJ-030767/2020
* Belgium/BJ-0324192/2020
* Belgium/BJ-0325181/2020
* Belgium/BM-030687/2020
* Belgium/BS-030598/2020
* Belgium/BS-0325183/2020
* Belgium/CA-0319111/2020
* Belgium/CCM-0324167/2020
* Belgium/CD-030679/2020
* Belgium/CF-0324119/2020
* Belgium/CG-030158/2020
* Belgium/CJE-0325178/2020
* Belgium/CJM-0323175/2020
* Belgium/CK-0324150/2020
* Belgium/DA-030691/2020
* Belgium/DA-0319106/2020
* Belgium/DAL-030650/2020
* Belgium/DB-03023/2020
* Belgium/DB-0323140/2020
* Belgium/DBA-03032/2020
* Belgium/DBD-03024/2020
* Belgium/DBOM-030566/2020
* Belgium/DCB-0324163/2020
* Belgium/DCS-030796/2020
* Belgium/DCS-0325158/2020
* Belgium/DD-030593/2020
* Belgium/DHWM-03041/2020
* Belgium/DJ-030452/2020
* Belgium/DJMG-0325156/2020
* Belgium/DLDJ-030569/2020
* Belgium/DME-0324135/2020
* Belgium/DMM-0325180/2020
* Belgium/DNS-0324176/2020
* Belgium/DPG-0325123/2020
* Belgium/DRV-0325157/2020
* Belgium/DV-0324117/2020
* Belgium/DVBJ-030468/2020
* Belgium/DVG-0325146/2020
* Belgium/DWAEE-030954/2020
* Belgium/EBN-0323116/2020
* Belgium/EC-0325128/2020
* Belgium/ECC-030686/2020
* Belgium/FAE-030948/2020
* Belgium/FFJ-0324124/2020
* Belgium/FM-030592/2020
* Belgium/FMC-0323159/2020
* Belgium/FR-03029/2020
* Belgium/GE-030573/2020
* Belgium/GE-0317105/2020
* Belgium/GHB-03021/2020
* Belgium/GJ-030458/2020
* Belgium/GJJ-0325145/2020
* Belgium/GL-030546/2020
* Belgium/GLA-0324179/2020
* Belgium/GM-0323139/2020
* Belgium/GMH-03022/2020
* Belgium/GMJ-0324132/2020
* Belgium/GOF-030578/2020
* Belgium/GS-030549/2020
* Belgium/GSA-030454/2020
* Belgium/HAA-030953/2020
* Belgium/HC-030760/2020
* Belgium/HCM-0324151/2020
* Belgium/HL-030771/2020
* Belgium/HP-0319108/2020
* Belgium/Human/CS-031052/2020
* Belgium/JJC-0325165/2020
* Belgium/JK-0305110/2020
* Belgium/JL-03044/2020
* Belgium/JLJ-0320101/2020
* Belgium/KA-03042/2020
* Belgium/KKN-0319184/2020
* Belgium/KN-030756/2020
* Belgium/LD-030597/2020
* Belgium/LJ-0325148/2020
* Belgium/LM-030685/2020
* Belgium/LPDC-0323115/2020
* Belgium/LT-030956/2020
* Belgium/LV-0324133/2020
* Belgium/LY-030575/2020
* Belgium/MAC-0324142/2020
* Belgium/MC-030689/2020
* Belgium/MC-0323129/2020
* Belgium/MCW-030574/2020
* Belgium/MF-030546/2020
* Belgium/MJP-0306100/2020
* Belgium/MJP-030684/2020
* Belgium/ML-0324164/2020
* Belgium/MMJ-03034/2020
* Belgium/MNL-0324130/2020
* Belgium/MS-0324134/2020
* Belgium/MSE-0324121/2020
* Belgium/MSE-0324131/2020
* Belgium/MTR-03021/2020
* Belgium/MTR-03026/2020
* Belgium/NA-0323141/2020
* Belgium/NIM-0324161/2020
* Belgium/NJC-0324126/2020
* Belgium/NKMA-0324172/2020
* Belgium/NKR-030645/2020
* Belgium/NL-030447/2020
* Belgium/NMA-0324169/2020
* Belgium/NML-0325127/2020
* Belgium/OS-0325137/2020
* Belgium/OT-0319109/2020
* Belgium/PA-030680/2020
* Belgium/PAN-030681/2020
* Belgium/PC-0325147/2020
* Belgium/PC-0325182/2020
* Belgium/PJM-0325166/2020
* Belgium/PM-0324144/2020
* Belgium/QKJ-03015/2020
* Belgium/QL-0324173/2020
* Belgium/QOJ-030751/2020
* Belgium/RA-030445/2020
* Belgium/RA-030664/2020
* Belgium/RC-0324168/2020
* Belgium/RDC-030961/2020
* Belgium/RGE-0325122/2020
* Belgium/RHA-0324177/2020
* Belgium/RJ-030552/2020
* Belgium/RJL-030588/2020
* Belgium/RR-030699/2020
* Belgium/RS-030257/2020
* Belgium/RS-030677/2020
* Belgium/RS-0324138/2020
* Belgium/RT-03035/2020
* Belgium/RT-030460/2020
* Belgium/RYR-030649/2020
* Belgium/SB-030990/2020
* Belgium/SC-0319113/2020
* Belgium/SEM-0324120/2020
* Belgium/SH-03014/2020
* Belgium/SJ-030583/2020
* Belgium/SN-03031/2020
* Belgium/SQ-03043/2020
* Belgium/SR-0319112/2020
* Belgium/SS-031047/2020
* Belgium/STM-0324170/2020
* Belgium/TG-030757/2020
* Belgium/UM-0318103/2020
* Belgium/UMF-03025/2020
* Belgium/UNJP-0324125/2020
* Belgium/VAG-03013/2020
* Belgium/VBK-03061/2020
* Belgium/VD-0318102/2020
* Belgium/VDLH-030548/2020
* Belgium/VF-030562/2020
* Belgium/VGA-030672/2020
* Belgium/VHC-030655/2020
* Belgium/VHRA-030644/2020
* Belgium/VHV-0324118/2020
* Belgium/VI-03027/2020
* Belgium/VJP-030463/2020
* Belgium/VL-0318104/2020
* Belgium/VLG-0325162/2020
* Belgium/VLM-03011/2020
* Belgium/VM-0325171/2020
* Belgium/VMC-030695/2020
* Belgium/VNP-0320107/2020
* Belgium/VPE-030650/2020
* Belgium/VPMV-0325153/2020
* Belgium/VRAR-030643/2020
* Belgium/VRJM-0323114/2020
* Belgium/VS-030542/2020
* Belgium/VT-0325143/2020
* Belgium/VWJM-0324136/2020
* Belgium/WAM-030676/2020
* Belgium/WWM-030665/2020
* Belgium/ZF-0325152/2020
* Klinik Hirslanden Zurich
* Switzerland/1000477757/2020
* Kochi Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Japan/P1/2020
* Korea Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (KCDC) Center for Laboratory Control of Infectious Diseases Division of Viral Diseases
* SouthKorea/KCDC03/2020
* L'Air du Temps
* France/GE2720/2020
* France/GE2722/2020
* LABM GH nord Essonne
* France/IDF2278/2020
* France/IDF2279/2020
* France/IDF2534/2020
* France/IDF2684/2020
* LACEN RJ - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Noel Nutels
* Brazil/RJ-314/2020
* LACEN/ES - Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica do Espirito Santo
* Brazil/ES-225/2020
* Lab voor klinische biologie
* Belgium/UGent-11/2020
* Belgium/UGent-12/2020
* Belgium/UGent-4/2020
* Belgium/UGent-6/2020
* Labo BM - Site de Juvisy - Hopital General
* France/IDF3230/2020
* Laboiratorio Fleury
* Brazil/SPBR-08/2020
* Laboratoire National de Sante
* Luxembourg/Lux1/2020
* Laboratoire National de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
* Luxembourg/LNS0000001/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS0156959/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS0366116/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS0591129/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS0641910/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS0716877/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS0756270/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS0945359/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS1234709/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS1612000/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS1870254/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS1874423/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS1909273/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS1918658/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2151006/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2247193/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2614631/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2886370/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2907333/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS3089015/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS3156434/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS3588186/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS3711853/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS3879580/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS4134806/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS4691488/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS4836560/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS4845603/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS5032431/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS5228153/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS5440244/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS6603085/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS7537751/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS7753431/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS7866283/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS7928872/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS8188502/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS8639502/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9080444/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9086704/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9324837/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9512434/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9627078/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9652104/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9862689/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9982497/2020
* Laboratoire Nationale de Sante, Microbiology, Virology
* Luxembourg/LNS0158952/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2013896/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2128808/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS2848109/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS3694003/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS5731562/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS6282845/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS8489624/2020
* Luxembourg/LNS9371718/2020
* Laboratoire de Virologie Institut de Virologie - INSERM U 1109 Hopitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg
* France/GE1583/2020
* Laboratoire de Virologie, HUG
* Switzerland/AG0361/2020
* Switzerland/BL0902/2020
* Switzerland/GE3121/2020
* Switzerland/GE3895/2020
* Switzerland/GE5373/2020
* Switzerland/GE9586/2020
* Switzerland/TI9486/2020
* Switzerland/VD5615/2020
* Laboratorio Central de Saude Publica Professor Goncalo Moniz LACEN/BA
* Brazil/BA-312/2020
* Laboratorio Hermes Pardini
* Brazil/GO0106/2020
* Brazil/MG0108/2020
* Brazil/MG0109/2020
* Brazil/MG0112/2020
* Brazil/RS0107/2020
* Brazil/SP0104/2020
* Brazil/SP0105/2020
* Brazil/SP0110/2020
* Brazil/SP0111/2020
* Laboratorio Simili
* Brazil/MG0101/2020
* Brazil/MG0102/2020
* Laboratorio de Ecologia de Doencas Transmissiveis na Amazonia, Instituto Leonidas e Maria Deane - Fiocruz Amazonia
* Brazil/AMBR-02/2020
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorio. Instituto Nacional de Salud. Peru
* Peru/010/2020
* Laboratorio de Referencia Nacional de Virus Respiratorios. Instituto Nacional de Salud Peru
* Peru/01/2020
* Laboratorio di Microbiologia e Virologia, Universita Vita-Salute San Raffaele, Milano
* Italy/UniSR1/2020
* Laboratory Medicine
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-01/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-02/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-03/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-04/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-05/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-06/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-07/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-08/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-09/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-10/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-11/2020
* Taiwan/CGMH-CGU-12/2020
* Laboratory of Infectious Diseases, Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences L. Sacco, University of Milan
* Italy/UniMI01/2020
* Italy/UniMI02/2020
* Italy/UniMI03/2020
* Laboratory of Microbiology, Department of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece
* Greece/10/2020
* Greece/12/2020
* Greece/16/2020
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S5/2020
* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S8/2020
* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S9/2020
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology International Center fro Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB)
* Italy/FVG-ICGEB_S1/2020
* Laboratory of Molecular Virology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
* Chile/Santiago_op2d1/2020
* Chile/Santiago_op3d1/2020
* Chile/Santiago_op4d1/2020
* Lapland Central Hospital
* Finland/1/2020
* Le Chateau de Seine-Port
* France/IDF3274/2020
* France/IDF3276/2020
* MHC Brabant Zuidoost
* Netherlands/Eindhoven_1363782/2020
* MHC Drente
* Netherlands/Dalen_1363624/2020
* MHC Flevoland
* Netherlands/Zeewolde_1365080/2020
* MHC Gooi & Vechtstreek
* Netherlands/Blaricum_1364780/2020
* Netherlands/Naarden_1364774/2020
* MHC Haaglanden
* Netherlands/Nootdorp_1364222/2020
* MHC Hart voor Brabant
* Netherlands/Oisterwijk_1364072/2020
* MHC Kennemerland
* Netherlands/Haarlem_1363688/2020
* MHC Rotterdam-Rijnmond
* Netherlands/Rotterdam_1364040/2020
* MHC Utrecht
* Netherlands/Utrecht_1363564/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_1363628/2020
* Netherlands/Utrecht_1364066/2020
* MHC West-Brabant
* Netherlands/Andel_1365066/2020
* Netherlands/Helmond_1363548/2020
* MSHS Clinical Microbiology Laboratories
* USA/NJ-PV09072/2020
* USA/NY-PV08109/2020
* USA/NY-PV08120/2020
* USA/NY-PV08121/2020
* USA/NY-PV08122/2020
* USA/NY-PV08123/2020
* USA/NY-PV08124/2020
* USA/NY-PV08125/2020
* USA/NY-PV08127/2020
* USA/NY-PV08133/2020
* USA/NY-PV08135/2020
* USA/NY-PV08136/2020
* USA/NY-PV08137/2020
* USA/NY-PV08138/2020
* USA/NY-PV08139/2020
* USA/NY-PV08140/2020
* USA/NY-PV08143/2020
* USA/NY-PV08146/2020
* USA/NY-PV08148/2020
* USA/NY-PV08149/2020
* USA/NY-PV08150/2020
* USA/NY-PV08400/2020
* USA/NY-PV08401/2020
* USA/NY-PV08402/2020
* USA/NY-PV08403/2020
* USA/NY-PV08404/2020
* USA/NY-PV08405/2020
* USA/NY-PV08410/2020
* USA/NY-PV08412/2020
* USA/NY-PV08413/2020
* USA/NY-PV08414/2020
* USA/NY-PV08415/2020
* USA/NY-PV08416/2020
* USA/NY-PV08417/2020
* USA/NY-PV08419/2020
* USA/NY-PV08420/2020
* USA/NY-PV08425/2020
* USA/NY-PV08426/2020
* USA/NY-PV08427/2020
* USA/NY-PV08428/2020
* USA/NY-PV08429/2020
* USA/NY-PV08432/2020
* USA/NY-PV08434/2020
* USA/NY-PV08435/2020
* USA/NY-PV08436/2020
* USA/NY-PV08438/2020
* USA/NY-PV08441/2020
* USA/NY-PV08443/2020
* USA/NY-PV08444/2020
* USA/NY-PV08445/2020
* USA/NY-PV08446/2020
* USA/NY-PV08447/2020
* USA/NY-PV08448/2020
* USA/NY-PV08449/2020
* USA/NY-PV08450/2020
* USA/NY-PV08452/2020
* USA/NY-PV08453/2020
* USA/NY-PV08455/2020
* USA/NY-PV08456/2020
* USA/NY-PV08459/2020
* USA/NY-PV08461/2020
* USA/NY-PV08462/2020
* USA/NY-PV08463/2020
* USA/NY-PV08464/2020
* USA/NY-PV08466/2020
* USA/NY-PV08468/2020
* USA/NY-PV08469/2020
* USA/NY-PV08471/2020
* USA/NY-PV08472/2020
* USA/NY-PV08473/2020
* USA/NY-PV08474/2020
* USA/NY-PV08476/2020
* USA/NY-PV08477/2020
* USA/NY-PV08478/2020
* USA/NY-PV08481/2020
* USA/NY-PV08485/2020
* USA/NY-PV08486/2020
* USA/NY-PV08487/2020
* USA/NY-PV08489/2020
* USA/NY-PV08490/2020
* USA/NY-PV08491/2020
* USA/NY-PV08492/2020
* USA/NY-PV08493/2020
* USA/NY-PV08494/2020
* USA/NY-PV08495/2020
* USA/NY-PV08496/2020
* USA/NY-PV08498/2020
* USA/NY-PV08500/2020
* USA/NY-PV09000/2020
* USA/NY-PV09006/2020
* USA/NY-PV09019/2020
* USA/NY-PV09020/2020
* USA/NY-PV09021/2020
* USA/NY-PV09023/2020
* USA/NY-PV09025/2020
* USA/NY-PV09028/2020
* USA/NY-PV09029/2020
* USA/NY-PV09030/2020
* USA/NY-PV09032/2020
* USA/NY-PV09037/2020
* USA/NY-PV09039/2020
* USA/NY-PV09041/2020
* USA/NY-PV09043/2020
* USA/NY-PV09044/2020
* USA/NY-PV09046/2020
* USA/NY-PV09047/2020
* USA/NY-PV09050/2020
* USA/NY-PV09056/2020
* USA/NY-PV09060/2020
* USA/NY-PV09061/2020
* USA/NY-PV09063/2020
* USA/NY-PV09064/2020
* USA/NY-PV09067/2020
* USA/NY-PV09068/2020
* USA/NY-PV09071/2020
* USA/NY-PV09073/2020
* USA/NY-PV09075/2020
* USA/NY-PV09076/2020
* USA/NY-PV09077/2020
* USA/NY-PV09079/2020
* USA/NY-PV09080/2020
* USA/NY-PV09083/2020
* USA/NY-PV09087/2020
* USA/NY-PV09088/2020
* USA/NY-PV09090/2020
* USA/NY-PV09092/2020
* USA/NY-PV09097/2020
* USA/NY-PV09098/2020
* USA/NY-PV09099/2020
* USA/NY-PV09102/2020
* USA/NY-PV09103/2020
* USA/NY1-PV08001/2020
* USA/NY2-PV08100/2020
* Massachusetts Department of Public Health
* USA/MA1/2020
* Mater Pathology
* Australia/QLDID922/2020
* Australia/QLDID923/2020
* Australia/QLDID929/2020
* Australia/QLDID931/2020
* Max von Pettenkofer Institute, Virology, National Reference Center for Retroviruses, LMU Munich
* Germany/BAV-V2010486/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2010492/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2010837/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2010840/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2011376/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2011395/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2011463/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2011672/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2011673/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2011675/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2012612/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2012620/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2012622/2020
* Germany/BAV-V2012856/2020
* Microbiological Diagnostic Unit Public Health Laboratory
* Australia/VIC107/2020
* Australia/VIC108/2020
* Australia/VIC109/2020
* Australia/VIC110/2020
* Australia/VIC111/2020
* Australia/VIC114/2020
* Australia/VIC115/2020
* Australia/VIC116/2020
* Australia/VIC117/2020
* Australia/VIC118/2020
* Australia/VIC119/2020
* Australia/VIC120/2020
* Australia/VIC121/2020
* Australia/VIC122/2020
* Australia/VIC123/2020
* Australia/VIC126/2020
* Australia/VIC127/2020
* Australia/VIC128/2020
* Australia/VIC129/2020
* Australia/VIC130/2020
* Australia/VIC131/2020
* Australia/VIC132/2020
* Australia/VIC134/2020
* Australia/VIC135/2020
* Australia/VIC136/2020
* Australia/VIC137/2020
* Australia/VIC289/2020
* Australia/VIC290/2020
* Australia/VIC308/2020
* Australia/VIC309/2020
* Australia/VIC310/2020
* Australia/VIC311/2020
* Australia/VIC312/2020
* Australia/VIC315/2020
* Australia/VIC316/2020
* Australia/VIC317/2020
* Australia/VIC318/2020
* Australia/VIC319/2020
* Australia/VIC320/2020
* Australia/VIC321/2020
* Australia/VIC322/2020
* Australia/VIC323/2020
* Australia/VIC324/2020
* Australia/VIC325/2020
* Australia/VIC326/2020
* Ministry of Health Turkey
* Turkey/6224-Ankara1034/2020
* Minnesota Department of Health, Public Health Laboratory
* USA/MN1-MDH1/2020
* USA/MN2-MDH2/2020
* USA/MN25-MDH25/2020
* USA/MN26-MDH26/2020
* USA/MN29-MDH29/2020
* USA/MN3-MDH3/2020
* USA/MN30-MDH30/2020
* USA/MN31-MDH31/2020
* USA/MN32-MDH32/2020
* USA/MN34-MDH34/2020
* USA/MN35-MDH35/2020
* USA/MN36-MDH36/2020
* USA/MN38-MDH38/2020
* USA/MN39-MDH39/2020
* USA/MN4-MDH4/2020
* USA/MN40-MDH40/2020
* USA/MN41-MDH41/2020
* USA/MN42-MDH42/2020
* USA/MN43-MDH43/2020
* USA/MN44-MDH44/2020
* USA/MN45-MDH45/2020
* USA/MN46-MDH46/2020
* USA/MN47-MDH47/2020
* USA/MN48-MDH48/2020
* USA/MN5-MDH5/2020
* USA/MN51-MDH51/2020
* USA/MN52-MDH52/2020
* USA/MN53-MDH53/2020
* USA/MN55-MDH55/2020
* USA/MN56-MDH56/2020
* USA/MN57-MDH57/2020
* USA/MN58-MDH58/2020
* USA/MN59-MDH59/2020
* USA/MN60-MDH60/2020
* USA/MN62-MDH62/2020
* USA/MN63-MDH63/2020
* USA/MN64-MDH64/2020
* USA/MN65-MDH65/2020
* USA/MN66-MDH66/2020
* USA/MN67-MDH67/2020
* USA/MN68-MDH68/2020
* USA/MN69-MDH69/2020
* Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Lab II
* Pakistan/Manga-KPK/2020
* Molecular Diagnostic Services
* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0006/2020
* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0007/2020
* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0011/2020
* SouthAfrica/KRISP_0012/2020
* Monash Medical Centre
* Australia/VIC01/2020
* NH Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Labs
* USA/NH_0004/2020
* USA/NH_0008/2020
* NHC Key laboratory of Enteric Pathogenic Microbiology, Institute of Pathogenic Microbiology
* Jiangsu/JS01/2020
* Jiangsu/JS02/2020
* Jiangsu/JS03/2020
* NIC Viral Respiratory Unit - Institut Pasteur of Algeria
* Algeria/G0638_2264/2020
* Algeria/G0640_2265/2020
* Algeria/G0860_2262/2020
* NRL for Influenza, Centrum Epidemiology and Microbiology of National Institute of Public Health, Czech Republic
* CzechRepublic/ChVir1630/2020
* CzechRepublic/ChVir1912/2020
* NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
* USA/NY_2929/2020
* NYU Langone Health
* USA/NJ-NYUMC83/2020
* USA/NJ-NYUMC84/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC1/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC10/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC11/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC12/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC13/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC14/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC15/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC16/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC17/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC18/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC19/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC2/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC20/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC21/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC22/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC23/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC24/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC25/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC26/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC27/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC28/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC29/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC3/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC30/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC31/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC32/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC33/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC34/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC35/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC36/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC37/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC38/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC39/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC4/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC40/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC41/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC42/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC43/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC44/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC45/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC46/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC47/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC48/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC49/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC5/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC50/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC51/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC52/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC53/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC54/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC55/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC56/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC57/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC58/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC59/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC6/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC60/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC61/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC62/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC63/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC64/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC65/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC66/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC67/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC68/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC69/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC7/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC70/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC71/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC72/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC73/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC74/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC75/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC76/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC77/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC78/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC79/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC8/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC80/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC81/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC82/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC85/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC86/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC87/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC88/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC89/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC9/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC90/2020
* USA/NY-NYUMC91/2020
* National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* Singapore/12/2020
* Singapore/13/2020
* Singapore/14/2020
* Singapore/22/2020
* Singapore/23/2020
* Singapore/24/2020
* Singapore/25/2020
* Singapore/26/2020
* Singapore/27/2020
* Singapore/28/2020
* Singapore/29/2020
* Singapore/3/2020
* Singapore/30/2020
* Singapore/31/2020
* Singapore/32/2020
* Singapore/33/2020
* Singapore/34/2020
* Singapore/4/2020
* National Influenza Center - Instituto Adolfo Lutz
* Brazil/SPBR-07/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-09/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-10/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-13/2020
* Brazil/SPBR-14/2020
* National Influenza Center - National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* Vietnam/VR03-38142/2020
* National Influenza Center, Indian Council of Medical Research - National Institute of Virology
* India/763/2020
* India/770/2020
* India/772/2020
* India/773/2020
* India/777/2020
* India/781/2020
* India/c32/2020
* National Influenza Center, National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE)
* Vietnam/38142/2020
* Vietnam/39607/2020
* Vietnam/CM295/2020
* Vietnam/CM296/2020
* Vietnam/CM99/2020
* National Influenza Centre, National Public Health Laboratory, Kathmandu, Nepal
* Nepal/61/2020
* National Institute for Communicable Diseases of the National Health Laboratory Service
* SouthAfrica/R03006-20/2020
* National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC
* Beijing/IVDC-BJ-005/2020
* Chongqing/IVDC-CQ-001/2020
* Henan/IVDC-HeN-002/2020
* Jiangsu/IVDC-JS-001/2020
* Jiangxi/IVDC-JX-002/2020
* Shandong/IVDC-SD-001/2020
* Shanghai/IVDC-SH-001/2020
* Sichuan/IVDC-SC-001/2020
* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-01/2019
* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-04/2020
* Wuhan/IVDC-HB-05/2019
* Yunnan/IVDC-YN-003/2020
* National Public Health Laboratory
* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5045/2020
* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5047/2020
* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5049/2020
* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-5096/2020
* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-6430/2020
* Malaysia/MKAK-CL-2020-7554/2020
* Singapore/11/2020
* National Public Health Laboratory, National Centre for Infectious Diseases
* Singapore/10/2020
* Singapore/12Clin/2020
* Singapore/14Clin/2020
* Singapore/15/2020
* Singapore/16/2020
* Singapore/17/2020
* Singapore/18/2020
* Singapore/19/2020
* Singapore/20/2020
* Singapore/21/2020
* Singapore/3Clin/2020
* Singapore/7/2020
* Singapore/8/2020
* Singapore/9/2020
* National Public Health Surveillance Laboratory, Vilnius, Lithuania
* Lithuania/ChVir1632/2020
* Nordland Hospital - Bodo, Laboratory Department, Molecular Biology Unit
* Norway/2087/2020
* OR State PHL-Virology/Immunology Section
* USA/OR_2656/2020
* Oregon State Public Health- Virology section
* USA/OR_5430/2020
* Oslo University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Norway/1379/2020
* Norway/1380/2020
* Norway/1443/2020
* Norway/1455/2020
* Norway/1493/2020
* Norway/1494/2020
* Norway/2084/2020
* Ospedale Civile Castel Di Sangro
* Italy/TE5472/2020
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini
* Italy/6193/2020
* Italy/TE4836/2020
* Italy/TE5052/2020
* Italy/TE5166/2020
* Italy/TE5476/2020
* Italy/TE6195/2020
* Italy/TE6222/2020
* Italy/TE6225/2020
* Ospedale Civile Giuseppe Mazzini, Teramo
* Italy/TE5056/2020
* Ospedale Regionale San Salvatore
* Italy/TE5512/2020
* Italy/TE5780/2020
* Ospedale San Liberatore di Atri
* Italy/TE4880/2020
* Ostfold Hospital Trust -Kalnes Centre for Laboratory Medicine Section for gene technology and infection serology
* Norway/2052/2020
* Parc des Dames
* France/IDF2412/2020
* France/IDF2414/2020
* PathWest Laboratory Medicine WA
* Australia/WA11/202
* Pathology North
* Australia/NSWID930/2020
* Pathology Queensland
* Australia/QLD01/2020
* Australia/QLD02/2020
* Australia/QLD03/2020
* Australia/QLD04/2020
* Australia/QLD09/2020
* Australia/QLDID919/2020
* Australia/QLDID924/2020
* Australia/QLDID925/2020
* Australia/QLDID926/2020
* Australia/QLDID927/2020
* Australia/QLDID928/2020
* Presidio Ospedaliero "S. Spirito" - PESCARA
* Italy/TE4925/2020
* Presidio ospedaliero "Santo Spirito"
* Italy/TE4953/2020
* Italy/TE4959/2020
* Prince of Wales Hospital
* HongKong/VB20017970/2020
* Providence Regional Medical Center
* USA/WA1/2020
* Public Health Laboratory
* SaudiArabia/SCDC-3321/2020
* Public Health Laboratory, Saudi CDC
* SaudiArabia/SCDC-3324/2020
* Public Health Ontario Laboratories
* Canada/ON_PHL0052/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0141/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0142/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0178/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0539/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0654/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0743/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0976/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL0977/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL1083/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL1095/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL1898/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL2223/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL2259/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL2273/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL2294/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL2653/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3318/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3350/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3380/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3458/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3459/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3476/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3501/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3536/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3575/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3650/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3670/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3680/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3692/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3695/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3741/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3802/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3877/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3917/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL3919/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL4069/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL4088/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL4181/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL4232/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL4464/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5472/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5672/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5694/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5705/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5710/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5756/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5757/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL5930/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL6883/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL6884/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL6922/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL6980/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL7512/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL7513/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL7590/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL7972/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL8458/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL8539/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL8580/2020
* Canada/ON_PHL8751/2020
* Canada/ON_PHLH6415/2020
* Canada/ON_PHLU8150/2020
* Public Health Ontario Laboratory
* Canada/ON-PHL2445/2020
* Canada/ON-VIDO-01/2020
* Queen Elizabeth II Health Science Centre
* Canada/NS_13/2020
* R. G. Lugar Center for Public Health Research, National Center for Disease Control and Public Health (NCDC) of Georgia.
* Georgia/Tb-273/2020
* Georgia/Tb-390/2020
* Georgia/Tb-468/2020
* Georgia/Tb-477/2020
* Georgia/Tb-537/2020
* Georgia/Tb-54/2020
* Georgia/Tb-673/2020
* Georgia/Tb-712/2020
* Georgia/Tb-82/2020
* Georgia/Tb/2020
* RI State Health Laboratories
* USA/RI_0520/2020
* RI State Health Laboratory
* USA/RI_0556/2020
* Netherlands/Delft_1363424/2020
* Netherlands/Diemen_1363454/2020
* Netherlands/Loon_op_zand_1363512/2020
* Netherlands/Oss_1363500/2020
* NetherlandsL/Houten_1363498/2020
* Regional Virus Laboratory, Belfast
* NorthernIreland/HSCNI01/2020
* Residence Eleusis
* France/IDF2989/2020
* Residence Villa Caroline
* France/IDF2848/2020
* France/IDF2849/2020
* Residence de maintenon
* France/IDF3040/2020
* Residence les Marines
* France/IDF3029/2020
* Respiratory Virus Unit, Microbiology Services Colindale, Public Health England
* England/01/2020
* England/02/2020
* England/09c/2020
* England/200641094/2020
* England/200690245/2020
* England/200690300/2020
* England/200690306/2020
* England/200690756/2020
* England/200940527/2020
* England/200960041/2020
* England/200960515/2020
* England/200981386/2020
* England/200990002/2020
* England/200990006/2020
* England/20099038206/2020
* England/200990660/2020
* England/200990723/2020
* England/200990724/2020
* England/200990725/2020
* England/20099079106/2020
* England/20099107406/2020
* England/200991076/2020
* England/201000003/2020
* England/20100001406/2020
* England/20100004706/2020
* England/20100004806/2020
* England/20100005406/2020
* England/20100022706/2020
* England/20100023206/2020
* England/20100024006/2020
* England/20100077906/2020
* England/20100121006/2020
* England/20100121007/2020
* England/20100122106/2020
* England/20100122107/2020
* England/20102000106/2020
* England/20102000206/2020
* England/20102000306/2020
* England/20102000506/2020
* England/20102000906/2020
* England/20102068502/2020
* England/20102068506/2020
* England/20102073303/2020
* England/20102087902/2020
* England/20102088002/2020
* England/20102098802/2020
* England/20102112102/2020
* England/20102115303/2020
* England/20104002606/2020
* England/20104002902/2020
* England/20104003002/2020
* England/20104004402/2020
* England/20104004502/2020
* England/20104004802/2020
* England/20104004902/2020
* England/20104007503/2020
* England/201040081/2020
* England/20104008402/2020
* England/20104008502/2020
* England/20104008702/2020
* England/20104008802/2020
* England/20104008902/2020
* England/20104009002/2020
* England/20104009102/2020
* England/20104013703/2020
* England/201040141/2020
* England/20104015302/2020
* England/20104023103/2020
* England/20104035803/2020
* England/20106003303/2020
* England/20106004803/2020
* England/20106004902/2020
* England/20106005103/2020
* England/20106005303/2020
* England/20106005403/2020
* England/20106087206/2020
* England/20106116603/2020
* England/20106145903/2020
* England/20108003202/2020
* England/20108003302/2020
* England/20108004602/2020
* England/20108004702/2020
* England/20108004803/2020
* England/20108006003/2020
* England/20108006603/2020
* England/20108006802/2020
* England/20108007002/2020
* England/20108007302/2020
* England/20108007402/2020
* England/20108034006/2020
* England/20108125106/2020
* England/20109035906/2020
* England/20109038906/2020
* England/20109039306/2020
* England/20109047803/2020
* England/20109050106/2020
* England/20109050306/2020
* England/20109050406/2020
* England/20109050506/2020
* England/20109050606/2020
* England/20109050706/2020
* England/20109050806/2020
* England/20109051806/2020
* England/20109051906/2020
* England/20109052006/2020
* England/20109052106/2020
* England/20109052206/2020
* England/20109052306/2020
* England/20109052506/2020
* England/20109053106/2020
* England/20109053406/2020
* England/20109053606/2020
* England/20109054806/2020
* England/20109056406/2020
* England/20109056906/2020
* England/20109058906/2020
* England/20109060106/2020
* England/20109093606/2020
* England/20109093706/2020
* England/20109093806/2020
* England/20109093906/2020
* England/20109094006/2020
* England/20109094106/2020
* England/20109094206/2020
* England/20109094506/2020
* England/20109097506/2020
* England/20109097906/2020
* England/20109098806/2020
* England/20109098906/2020
* England/20109099006/2020
* England/20109099106/2020
* England/20109099206/2020
* England/20110000106/2020
* England/20110000606/2020
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* England/20129006802/2020
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* England/20130000102/2020
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* England/20136006402/2020
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* England/20136097904/2020
* England/20138012802/2020
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* England/20139007104/2020
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* England/20139010904/2020
* England/20139013406/2020
* England/20139013706/2020
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* England/20139019902/2020
* England/20139020106/2020
* England/20139020506/2020
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* England/20139057504/2020
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* England/20139059904/2020
* England/20139060004/2020
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* England/20139060804/2020
* England/20139061104/2020
* England/20139061704/2020
* England/20139061804/2020
* England/20139062104/2020
* England/20139062204/2020
* England/20139062304/2020
* England/20139062504/2020
* England/20139062704/2020
* England/20139062804/2020
* England/20139063204/2020
* England/20139063504/2020
* England/20139063604/2020
* England/20139063704/2020
* England/20139063804/2020
* England/20140037504/2020
* England/20140038604/2020
* England/20140038704/2020
* England/20140039004/2020
* England/20140039104/2020
* England/20140039204/2020
* England/20140039304/2020
* England/20140039404/2020
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* England/20140039604/2020
* England/20140042004/2020
* England/20140048104/2020
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* England/20140048804/2020
* England/20140048904/2020
* England/20140050604/2020
* England/20142022504/2020
* England/20142060404/2020
* England/20142060804/2020
* England/20142060904/2020
* England/20142061004/2020
* England/20142061304/2020
* England/20142061404/2020
* England/20142061804/2020
* England/20142062204/2020
* England/20142062604/2020
* England/20142062904/2020
* England/20142063004/2020
* England/20142063404/2020
* Rockhampton Base Hospital
* Australia/QLDID920/2020
* Roy Romanow Provincial Laboratory
* Canada/SK_4/2020
* Royal Darwin Hospital
* Australia/NT01/2020
* Australia/NT02/2020
* Australia/NT04/2020
* Australia/NT05/2020
* Russian State Collection of Viruses
* Russia/Moscow_PMVL-1/2020
* Estonia/ChVir2148/2020
* Saitama Medical University
* Japan/SMU-0311S3/2020
* Saitama Medical University Hospital
* Japan/SMU-0311S2/2020
* Saitama Prefectural Institute of Public Health
* Japan/P4-1/2020
* Japan/P4-2/2020
* Japan/P4-3/2020
* Japan/P4-4/2020
* Japan/P4-5/2020
* Japan/P4-6/2020
* Japan/P4-7/2020
* Japan/P4-8/2020
* Santa Clara County Public Health Department
* Seattle Flu Study
* USA/WA-S10/2020
* USA/WA-S11/2020
* USA/WA-S110/2020
* USA/WA-S111/2020
* USA/WA-S112/2020
* USA/WA-S2/2020
* USA/WA-S3/2020
* USA/WA-S4/2020
* USA/WA-S5/2020
* USA/WA-S6/2020
* USA/WA-S7/2020
* USA/WA-S8/2020
* USA/WA-S9/2020
* Second Hospital of Anhui Medical University
* Hefei/2/2020
* Secretaria de Salud Medellin
* Colombia/79256/2020
* Sentinelles network
* France/BFC2709/2020
* France/CVL3365/2020
* France/GE2843/2020
* France/GE3067/2020
* Serology, Virology and OTDS Laboratories (SAViD), NSW Health Pathology Randwick
* Australia/NSW03/2020
* Service de Biologie Medicale - BP 125
* France/IDF2359/2020
* France/IDF2536/2020
* France/IDF2548/2020
* France/IDF2936/2020
* France/IDF3163/2020
* France/IDF3165/2020
* France/IDF3170/2020
* France/IDF3218/2020
* France/IDF3235/2020
* France/IDF3236/2020
* France/IDF3324/2020
* Service de Biologie clinique
* France/IDF2768/2020
* France/IDF3345/2020
* Service des Urgences
* France/IDF2532/2020
* France/IDF2533/2020
* Servicio Microbiologia, Hospital Clinico Universitario, Valencia
* Spain/Valencia3/2020
* Servicio Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario. Valencia.
* Spain/Valencia1/2020
* Spain/Valencia2/2020
* Servicio Virosis Respiratorias-Departamento Virologia-INEI
* Argentina/C121/2020
* Argentina/C1374/2020
* Argentina/C3013/2020
* Servicio de Microbiologia. Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia
* Spain/Valencia10/2020
* Spain/Valencia11/2020
* Spain/Valencia12/2020
* Spain/Valencia13/2020
* Spain/Valencia14/2020
* Spain/Valencia15/2020
* Spain/Valencia16/2020
* Spain/Valencia17/2020
* Spain/Valencia18/2020
* Spain/Valencia19/2020
* Spain/Valencia20/2020
* Spain/Valencia21/2020
* Spain/Valencia22/2020
* Spain/Valencia23/2020
* Spain/Valencia24/2020
* Spain/Valencia25/2020
* Spain/Valencia26/2020
* Spain/Valencia27/2020
* Spain/Valencia28/2020
* Spain/Valencia29/2020
* Spain/Valencia30/2020
* Spain/Valencia31/2020
* Spain/Valencia32/2020
* Spain/Valencia33/2020
* Spain/Valencia34/2020
* Spain/Valencia35/2020
* Spain/Valencia36/2020
* Spain/Valencia37/2020
* Spain/Valencia38/2020
* Spain/Valencia39/2020
* Spain/Valencia4/2020
* Spain/Valencia5/2020
* Spain/Valencia6/2020
* Spain/Valencia7/2020
* Spain/Valencia8/2020
* Spain/Valencia9/2020
* Servicio de Microbiologia. Hospital Clinico Universitario de Valencia
* Spain/Valencia40/2020
* Spain/Valencia41/2020
* Spain/Valencia42/2020
* Spain/Valencia43/2020
* Spain/Valencia44/2020
* Spain/Valencia45/2020
* Spain/Valencia46/2020
* Spain/Valencia47/2020
* Spain/Valencia48/2020
* Spain/Valencia49/2020
* Spain/Valencia50/2020
* Spain/Valencia51/2020
* Spain/Valencia52/2020
* Spain/Valencia53/2020
* Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Shandong/LY001/2020
* Shandong/LY002/2020
* Shandong/LY003/2020
* Shandong/LY004/2020
* Shandong/LY005/2020
* Shandong/LY006/2020
* Shandong/LY007/2020
* Shandong/LY008/2020
* Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center, Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University
* Shanghai/SH0002/2020
* Shanghai/SH0003/2020
* Shanghai/SH0004/2020
* Shanghai/SH0005/2020
* Shanghai/SH0007/2020
* Shanghai/SH0008/2020
* Shanghai/SH0009/2020
* Shanghai/SH0010/2020
* Shanghai/SH0011/2020
* Shanghai/SH0012/2020
* Shanghai/SH0013/2020
* Shanghai/SH0014/2020
* Shanghai/SH0017/2020
* Shanghai/SH0020/2020
* Shanghai/SH0021/2020
* Shanghai/SH0022/2020
* Shanghai/SH0023/2020
* Shanghai/SH0024/2020
* Shanghai/SH0025/2020
* Shanghai/SH0026/2020
* Shanghai/SH0027/2020
* Shanghai/SH0028/2020
* Shanghai/SH0029/2020
* Shanghai/SH0030/2020
* Shanghai/SH0031/2020
* Shanghai/SH0032/2020
* Shanghai/SH0033/2020
* Shanghai/SH0034/2020
* Shanghai/SH0035/2020
* Shanghai/SH0036/2020
* Shanghai/SH0037/2020
* Shanghai/SH0038/2020
* Shanghai/SH0039/2020
* Shanghai/SH0040/2020
* Shanghai/SH0041/2020
* Shanghai/SH0042/2020
* Shanghai/SH0043/2020
* Shanghai/SH0044/2020
* Shanghai/SH0045/2020
* Shanghai/SH0047/2020
* Shanghai/SH0048/2020
* Shanghai/SH0049/2020
* Shanghai/SH0050/2020
* Shanghai/SH0051/2020
* Shanghai/SH0052/2020
* Shanghai/SH0053/2020
* Shanghai/SH0054/2020
* Shanghai/SH0055/2020
* Shanghai/SH0056/2020
* Shanghai/SH0058/2020
* Shanghai/SH0059/2020
* Shanghai/SH0060/2020
* Shanghai/SH0065/2020
* Shanghai/SH0066/2020
* Shanghai/SH0067/2020
* Shanghai/SH0068/2020
* Shanghai/SH0069/2020
* Shanghai/SH0070/2020
* Shanghai/SH0071/2020
* Shanghai/SH0072/2020
* Shanghai/SH0073/2020
* Shanghai/SH0074/2020
* Shanghai/SH0075/2020
* Shanghai/SH0076/2020
* Shanghai/SH0077/2020
* Shanghai/SH0079/2020
* Shanghai/SH0080/2020
* Shanghai/SH0081/2020
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* Shanghai/SH0085/2020
* Shanghai/SH0086/2020
* Shanghai/SH0088/2020
* Shanghai/SH0091/2020
* Shanghai/SH0093/2020
* Shanghai/SH0094/2020
* Shanghai/SH0098/2020
* Shanghai/SH0100/2020
* Shanghai/SH0101/2020
* Shanghai/SH0102/2020
* Shanghai/SH0104/2020
* Shanghai/SH0106/2020
* Shanghai/SH0107/2020
* Shanghai/SH0109/2020
* Shanghai/SH0110/2020
* Shanghai/SH0112/2020
* Shanghai/SH0114/2020
* Shanghai/SH0115/2020
* Shanghai/SH0117/2020
* Shanghai/SH0119/2020
* Shanghai/SH0121/2020
* Shanghai/SH0125/2020
* Shanghai/SH0126/2020
* Shanghai/SH0127/2020
* Shanghai/SH0128/2020
* Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Pathogen and Immunity, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Disease, Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Shenzhen/SZTH-002/2020
* Shenzhen/SZTH-003/2020
* Shenzhen/SZTH-004/2020
* Shenzhen Third People's Hospital
* Shenzhen/SZTH-001/2020
* Singapore General Hospital
* Singapore/1/2020
* Singapore/2/2020
* Singapore General Hospital, Molecular Laboratory, Division of Pathology
* Singapore/5/2020
* Singapore/6/2020
* Sorbonne Universite, Inserm et Assistance Publique-Hopitaux de Paris (Pitie Salpetriere)
* France/IDF0626/2020
* South China Agricultural University
* pangolin/Guangdong/1/2019
* State Health Office Baden-Wuerttemberg
* Germany/Baden-Wuerttemberg-1/2020
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China 310003
* Hangzhou/ZJU-010/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-011/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-03/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-04/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-06/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-07/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-08/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-09/2020
* State Key Laboratory for Diagnosis and Treatment of Infectious Diseases, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou, China. 310003
* Hangzhou/ZJU-01/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-02/2020
* Hangzhou/ZJU-05/2020
* State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Disease, National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Health, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University
* Guangzhou/GZMU0014/2020
* Guangzhou/GZMU0016/2020
* Guangzhou/GZMU0030/2020
* Guangzhou/GZMU0031/2020
* Guangzhou/GZMU0042/2020
* Guangzhou/GZMU0044/2020
* Guangzhou/GZMU0047/2020
* Guangzhou/GZMU0048/2020
* Stavanger University Hospital, Department of Medical Microbiology
* Norway/2065/2020
* Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
* Australia/QLDID921/2020
* Tai Lung Veterinary Laboratory, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
* canine/HongKong/20-02756/2020
* Taiwan Centers for Disease Control
* Taiwan/3/2020
* Taiwan/4/2020
* Texas DSHS Lab Services
* USA/TX_2039/2020
* USA/TX_2817/2020
* USA/TX_2967/2020
* Texas Department of State Health Services
* USA/TX1/2020
* Texas Department of State Health Services Lab Services
* USA/TX_2020/2020
* The Central Hospital Of Wuhan
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-02/2020
* The Chaim Sheba Medical Center
* Israel/ISR_IT0320/2020
* The National Institute of Public Health Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
* CzechRepublic/951/2020
* The National University Hospital of Iceland
* Iceland/101/2020
* Iceland/102/2020
* Iceland/103/2020
* Iceland/105/2020
* Iceland/106/2020
* Iceland/107/2020
* Iceland/108/2020
* Iceland/109/2020
* Iceland/110/2020
* Iceland/111/2020
* Iceland/112/2020
* Iceland/113/2020
* Iceland/114/2020
* Iceland/12/2020
* Iceland/123/2020
* Iceland/124/2020
* Iceland/125/2020
* Iceland/126/2020
* Iceland/127/2020
* Iceland/128/2020
* Iceland/129/2020
* Iceland/13/2020
* Iceland/130/2020
* Iceland/131/2020
* Iceland/132/2020
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* Iceland/14/2020
* Iceland/140/2020
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* Iceland/15/2020
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* Iceland/16/2020
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* Iceland/24/2020
* Iceland/240/2020
* Iceland/241/2020
* Iceland/242/2020
* Iceland/243/2020
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* Iceland/9/2020
* Iceland/90/2020
* Iceland/91/2020
* Iceland/92/2020
* Iceland/93/2020
* Iceland/94/2020
* Iceland/95/2020
* Iceland/96/2020
* Iceland/97/2020
* Iceland/99/2020
* The Republican Research and Practical Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology
* Belarus/ChVir2072/2020
* Belarus/ChVir2073/2020
* The University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital
* Shenzhen/HKU-SZ-002/2020
* Shenzhen/HKU-SZ-005/2020
* Tianmen Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Tianmen/HBCDC-HB-07/2020
* UCD National Virus Reference Laboratory
* Ireland/21023/2020
* Ireland/21145/2020
* Ireland/22901/2020
* Ireland/24042/2020
* Ireland/24052/2020
* Ireland/COR-20134/2020
* Ireland/Cork2/2020
* Ireland/Dublin-19072/2020
* Ireland/Dublin-22361/2020
* Ireland/Dublin-22428/2020
* Ireland/Limerick-19933/2020
* Ireland/Limerick-19934/2020
* Ireland/Limerick-19935/2020
* UW Virology Lab
* USA/CT-UW213/2020
* USA/CT-UW223/2020
* USA/CT-UW224/2020
* USA/CT-UW258/2020
* USA/CT-UW259/2020
* USA/CT-UW260/2020
* USA/CT-UW271/2020
* USA/CT-UW272/2020
* USA/CT-UW273/2020
* USA/CT-UW328/2020
* USA/CT-UW329/2020
* USA/ID-UW226/2020
* USA/ID-UW228/2020
* USA/ID-UW232/2020
* USA/ID-UW233/2020
* USA/ID-UW235/2020
* USA/ID-UW236/2020
* USA/ID-UW239/2020
* USA/ID-UW241/2020
* USA/ID-UW254/2020
* USA/IL-UW350/2020
* USA/IL-UW351/2020
* USA/IL-UW352/2020
* USA/IL-UW381/2020
* USA/MN-UW243/2020
* USA/MN-UW257/2020
* USA/MN-UW264/2020
* USA/MN-UW334/2020
* USA/OR-UW54/2020
* USA/UNKNOWN-UW219/2020
* USA/UNKNOWN-UW276/2020
* USA/UNKNOWN-UW354/2020
* USA/UNKNOWN-UW382/2020
* USA/WA-UW100/2020
* USA/WA-UW101/2020
* USA/WA-UW102/2020
* USA/WA-UW103/2020
* USA/WA-UW104/2020
* USA/WA-UW105/2020
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* USA/WA-UW17/2020
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* USA/WA-UW72/2020
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* USA/WA-UW97/2020
* USA/WA-UW98/2020
* USA/WA-UW99/2020
* USA/WA11-UW7/2020
* USA/WA12-UW8/2020
* USA/WA13-UW9/2020
* USA/WA14-UW10/2020
* USA/WA15-UW11/2020
* USA/WA16-UW12/2020
* USA/WA17-UW13/2020
* USA/WA18-UW14/2020
* Unilabs Laboratory Medicine
* Norway/1917/2020
* Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-03/2020
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-04/2020
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
* Brazil/RJ0114/2020
* Brazil/RJ0115/2020
* Brazil/RJ0116/2020
* Brazil/RJ0117/2020
* Brazil/RJ0118/2020
* Brazil/RJ0119/2020
* Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ
* Brazil/RJ0113/2020
* University Hospital Basel, Clinical Virology
* Switzerland/42169171/2020
* Switzerland/42169310/2020
* Switzerland/42169471/2020
* Switzerland/42170345/2020
* Switzerland/42174724/2020
* Switzerland/42175075/2020
* Switzerland/42175213/2020
* Switzerland/42175220/2020
* Switzerland/42176216/2020
* Switzerland/42176229/2020
* Switzerland/42176560/2020
* Switzerland/42176753/2020
* Switzerland/42176771/2020
* Switzerland/42177236/2020
* Switzerland/42177430/2020
* Switzerland/42177434/2020
* Switzerland/42177472/2020
* Switzerland/42178712/2020
* Switzerland/42202619/2020
* Switzerland/42202622/2020
* Switzerland/42202805/2020
* University Hospital of Northern Norway, Department for Microbiology and Infectious Disease Control
* Norway/1526/2020
* Norway/1781/2020
* Norway/2088/2020
* Norway/2090/2020
* Norway/2093/2020
* University of Wisconsin - Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* USA/WI-15/2020
* University of Wisconsin - Madison: Influenza Research Institute
* Japan/UT-NCGM02/2020
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* USA/WI-03/2020
* USA/WI-04/2020
* USA/WI-05/2020
* USA/WI-06/2020
* USA/WI-07/2020
* USA/WI-08/2020
* USA/WI-09/2020
* USA/WI-10/2020
* USA/WI-11/2020
* USA/WI-12/2020
* USA/WI-13/2020
* USA/WI-14/2020
* USA/WI-18/2020
* USA/WI-19/2020
* USA/WI-22/2020
* USA/WI-25/2020
* USA/WI-26/2020
* USA/WI-27/2020
* USA/WI-28/2020
* USA/WI-29/2020
* USA/WI-30/2020
* USA/WI-31/2020
* USA/WI-32/2020
* USA/WI-33/2020
* USA/WI-34/2020
* USA/WI-35/2020
* USA/WI-36/2020
* USA/WI-37/2020
* USA/WI-38/2020
* USA/WI-39/2020
* USA/WI-40/2020
* USA/WI-41/2020
* USA/WI-42/2020
* USA/WI-43/2020
* USA/WI-44/2020
* USA/WI-45/2020
* USA/WI-46/2020
* USA/WI-47/2020
* USA/WI-48/2020
* USA/WI-49/2020
* USA/WI-50/2020
* USA/WI-51/2020
* USA/WI-52/2020
* USA/WI-53/2020
* USA/WI-54/2020
* USA/WI-55/2020
* USA/WI-56/2020
* USA/WI-57/2020
* USA/WI-58/2020
* USA/WI-59/2020
* USA/WI-60/2020
* USA/WI-61/2020
* USA/WI-62/2020
* USA/WI-63/2020
* USA/WI-64/2020
* USA/WI-65/2020
* USA/WI-66/2020
* USA/WI-67/2020
* USA/WI-68/2020
* USA/WI-69/2020
* USA/WI-70/2020
* USA/WI-71/2020
* USA/WI-72/2020
* USA/WI-73/2020
* USA/WI-74/2020
* USA/WI-75/2020
* USA/WI-76/2020
* USA/WI-77/2020
* USA/WI-78/2020
* USA/WI-79/2020
* USA/WI-80/2020
* USA/WI-81/2020
* USA/WI-82/2020
* USA/WI-83/2020
* USA/WI-84/2020
* University of Wisconsin-Madison AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratory
* USA/WI-02/2020
* University of Wisconsin-Madison, AIDS Vaccine Research Laboratories
* USA/WI-16/2020
* Unknown
* France/BFC2094/2020
* Netherlands/Coevorden_1363618/2020
* Utah Public Health Laboratory
* USA/UPHL-01/2020
* USA/UPHL-03/2020
* USA/UPHL-04/2020
* USA/UPHL-05/2020
* USA/UPHL-06/2020
* USA/UT-00008/2020
* USA/UT-00009/2020
* USA/UT-00010/2020
* USA/UT-00011/2020
* USA/UT-00012/2020
* USA/UT-00014/2020
* USA/UT-00016/2020
* USA/UT-00018/2020
* USA/UT-00019/2020
* USA/UT-00020/2020
* USA/UT-00021/2020
* USA/UT-00022/2020
* USA/UT-00023/2020
* USA/UT-00024/2020
* USA/UT-00025/2020
* USA/UT-00027/2020
* USA/UT-00028/2020
* USA/UT-00031/2020
* USA/UT-00032/2020
* USA/UT-00033/2020
* USA/UT-00034/2020
* USA/UT-00035/2020
* USA/UT-00055/2020
* USA/UT-00089/2020
* USA/UT-00090/2020
* USA/UT-00139/2020
* USA/UT-00159/2020
* USA/UT-00284/2020
* USA/UT-00287/2020
* USA/UT-00288/2020
* USA/UT-00289/2020
* USA/UT-00290/2020
* USA/UT-00291/2020
* USA/UT-00297/2020
* USA/UT-00300/2020
* USA/UT-00301/2020
* USA/UT-00303/2020
* USA/UT-00342/2020
* USA/UT-00344/2020
* USA/UT-00345/2020
* USA/UT-00346/2020
* USA/UT-00347/2020
* USA/UT-00348/2020
* USA/UT-00349/2020
* USA/UT-00350/2020
* USA/UT-00352/2020
* USA/UT-00361/2020
* USA/UT-00364/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0001/2020
* Valley Medical Center
* USA/WA8-UW5/2020
* Vestfold Hospital, Tonsberg Department of Microbiology
* Norway/1772/2020
* Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory (VIDRL)
* Australia/VIC02/2020
* Australia/VIC03/2020
* Australia/VIC04/2020
* Australia/VIC05/2020
* Australia/VIC06/2020
* Australia/VIC07/2020
* Australia/VIC08/2020
* Australia/VIC09/2020
* Australia/VIC10/2020
* Australia/VIC100/2020
* Australia/VIC101/2020
* Australia/VIC102/2020
* Australia/VIC103/2020
* Australia/VIC104/2020
* Australia/VIC105/2020
* Australia/VIC106/2020
* Australia/VIC11/2020
* Australia/VIC112/2020
* Australia/VIC113/2020
* Australia/VIC12/2020
* Australia/VIC13/2020
* Australia/VIC138/2020
* Australia/VIC139/2020
* Australia/VIC14/2020
* Australia/VIC140/2020
* Australia/VIC141/2020
* Australia/VIC142/2020
* Australia/VIC143/2020
* Australia/VIC144/2020
* Australia/VIC145/2020
* Australia/VIC146/2020
* Australia/VIC147/2020
* Australia/VIC148/2020
* Australia/VIC149/2020
* Australia/VIC15/2020
* Australia/VIC150/2020
* Australia/VIC151/2020
* Australia/VIC152/2020
* Australia/VIC153/2020
* Australia/VIC154/2020
* Australia/VIC155/2020
* Australia/VIC156/2020
* Australia/VIC157/2020
* Australia/VIC158/2020
* Australia/VIC159/2020
* Australia/VIC160/2020
* Australia/VIC161/2020
* Australia/VIC162/2020
* Australia/VIC163/2020
* Australia/VIC164/2020
* Australia/VIC165/2020
* Australia/VIC166/2020
* Australia/VIC167/2020
* Australia/VIC168/2020
* Australia/VIC169/2020
* Australia/VIC17/2020
* Australia/VIC170/2020
* Australia/VIC171/2020
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* Australia/VIC94/2020
* Australia/VIC95/2020
* Australia/VIC96/2020
* Australia/VIC97/2020
* Australia/VIC98/2020
* Australia/VIC99/2020
* Viral Respiratory Lab, National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB)
* Congo/108/2020
* Congo/158/2020
* Congo/191/2020
* Congo/214/2020
* Congo/215/2020
* Congo/236/2020
* Congo/241/2020
* Congo/243/2020
* Congo/248/2020
* Congo/253/2020
* Congo/254/2020
* Congo/299/2020
* Congo/300/2020
* Congo/307/2020
* Congo/352/2020
* Congo/353/2020
* Congo/355/2020
* Congo/376/2020
* Congo/396/2020
* Congo/397/2020
* Congo/400/2020
* Congo/402/2020
* Congo/431/2020
* Congo/445/2020
* Congo/521/2020
* Congo/523/2020
* Congo/73/2020
* Congo/80/2020
* Congo/81/2020
* Congo/82/2020
* Congo/94/2020
* Congo/KN-0017/2020
* Congo/KN-0038/2020
* Congo/KN-0043/2020
* Congo/KN-0051/2020
* Congo/KN-0054/2020
* Congo/KN-0058/2020
* Congo/KN-0059/2020
* Congo/KN-0060/2020
* Congo/KN-0070/2020
* Congo/KN-0072/2020
* Congo/KN-13/2020
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratories
* USA/VA-DCLS-0003/2020
* USA/VA-DCLS-0004/2020
* Virginia Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services
* USA/VA-DCLS-0002/2020
* ViroGenetics - BSL3 Laboratory of Virology; Human Genome Variation Research Group & Genomics Centre MCB; Bioinformatics Research Group Department of Virology
* Poland/PL_P1/2020
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre
* Hungary/2/2020
* Hungary/49/2020
* Virological Research Group, Szentagothai Research Centre, University of Pecs
* Hungary/mbl1/2020
* Virology Department, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, NHS Lothian
* Scotland/EDB003/2020
* Scotland/EDB004/2020
* Scotland/EDB005/2020
* Scotland/EDB006/2020
* Scotland/EDB007/2020
* Scotland/EDB008/2020
* Scotland/EDB009/2020
* Scotland/EDB011/2020
* Scotland/EDB012/2020
* Scotland/EDB013/2020
* Virology Department, Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
* England/SHEF-BFCB1/2020
* England/SHEF-BFCC0/2020
* England/SHEF-BFCDF/2020
* England/SHEF-BFCEE/2020
* England/SHEF-BFCFD/2020
* England/SHEF-BFD09/2020
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* England/SHEF-BFD54/2020
* England/SHEF-BFD63/2020
* England/SHEF-BFD72/2020
* England/SHEF-BFD81/2020
* England/SHEF-BFDAF/2020
* England/SHEF-BFDBE/2020
* England/SHEF-BFDCD/2020
* England/SHEF-BFDDC/2020
* England/SHEF-BFDEB/2020
* England/SHEF-BFDFA/2020
* England/SHEF-BFE06/2020
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* England/SHEF-BFE33/2020
* England/SHEF-BFE42/2020
* England/SHEF-BFE51/2020
* England/SHEF-BFE60/2020
* England/SHEF-BFE9D/2020
* England/SHEF-BFEAC/2020
* England/SHEF-BFEBB/2020
* England/SHEF-BFED9/2020
* England/SHEF-BFEE8/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF03/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF12/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF21/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF30/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF4F/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF5E/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF6D/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF7C/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF8B/2020
* England/SHEF-BFF9A/2020
* England/SHEF-BFFA9/2020
* England/SHEF-BFFB8/2020
* England/SHEF-BFFC7/2020
* England/SHEF-BFFD6/2020
* England/SHEF-BFFE5/2020
* England/SHEF-BFFF4/2020
* England/SHEF-C000C/2020
* England/SHEF-C001B/2020
* England/SHEF-C002A/2020
* England/SHEF-C0039/2020
* England/SHEF-C0048/2020
* England/SHEF-C0057/2020
* England/SHEF-C0066/2020
* England/SHEF-C0075/2020
* England/SHEF-C0084/2020
* England/SHEF-C0093/2020
* England/SHEF-C00A2/2020
* England/SHEF-C00B1/2020
* England/SHEF-C00C0/2020
* England/SHEF-C00DF/2020
* England/SHEF-C00EE/2020
* England/SHEF-C00FD/2020
* England/SHEF-C0109/2020
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* England/SHEF-C0127/2020
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* England/SHEF-C0163/2020
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* England/SHEF-C01AF/2020
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* England/SHEF-C0206/2020
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* England/SHEF-C0233/2020
* England/SHEF-C0242/2020
* England/SHEF-C0251/2020
* England/SHEF-C0260/2020
* England/SHEF-C027F/2020
* England/SHEF-C028E/2020
* England/SHEF-C029D/2020
* England/SHEF-C02AC/2020
* England/SHEF-C02BB/2020
* England/SHEF-C02CA/2020
* England/SHEF-C02D9/2020
* England/SHEF-C02E8/2020
* England/SHEF-C02F7/2020
* England/SHEF-C0303/2020
* England/SHEF-C0312/2020
* England/SHEF-C0321/2020
* England/SHEF-C0330/2020
* England/SHEF-C034F/2020
* England/SHEF-C035E/2020
* England/SHEF-C036D/2020
* England/SHEF-C037C/2020
* England/SHEF-C038B/2020
* England/SHEF-C039A/2020
* England/SHEF-C03B8/2020
* England/SHEF-C03C7/2020
* England/SHEF-C03D6/2020
* England/SHEF-C03E5/2020
* England/SHEF-C03F4/2020
* England/SHEF-C0400/2020
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* England/SHEF-C043D/2020
* England/SHEF-C044C/2020
* England/SHEF-C045B/2020
* England/SHEF-C046A/2020
* England/SHEF-C0479/2020
* England/SHEF-C0488/2020
* England/SHEF-C0497/2020
* England/SHEF-C04A6/2020
* England/SHEF-C04B5/2020
* England/SHEF-C04C4/2020
* England/SHEF-C04D3/2020
* England/SHEF-C04E2/2020
* England/SHEF-C04F1/2020
* England/SHEF-C050D/2020
* England/SHEF-C051C/2020
* England/SHEF-C052B/2020
* England/SHEF-C053A/2020
* England/SHEF-C0549/2020
* England/SHEF-C0567/2020
* England/SHEF-C0576/2020
* England/SHEF-C0585/2020
* England/SHEF-C0594/2020
* England/SHEF-C05A3/2020
* England/SHEF-C05B2/2020
* England/SHEF-C05C1/2020
* England/SHEF-C05D0/2020
* England/SHEF-C05FE/2020
* England/SHEF-C060A/2020
* England/SHEF-C0619/2020
* England/SHEF-C0628/2020
* England/SHEF-C0637/2020
* England/SHEF-C0646/2020
* England/SHEF-C0655/2020
* England/SHEF-C0664/2020
* England/SHEF-C0673/2020
* England/SHEF-C0682/2020
* England/SHEF-C0691/2020
* England/SHEF-C06A0/2020
* England/SHEF-C06BF/2020
* England/SHEF-C06CE/2020
* England/SHEF-C06DD/2020
* England/SHEF-C06FB/2020
* England/SHEF-C0707/2020
* England/SHEF-C0716/2020
* England/SHEF-C0725/2020
* England/SHEF-C0734/2020
* England/SHEF-C0752/2020
* England/SHEF-C0770/2020
* England/SHEF-C078F/2020
* England/SHEF-C079E/2020
* England/SHEF-C07AD/2020
* England/SHEF-C07BC/2020
* England/SHEF-C07CB/2020
* England/SHEF-C07DA/2020
* England/SHEF-C07E9/2020
* England/SHEF-C07F8/2020
* England/SHEF-C0804/2020
* England/SHEF-C0813/2020
* England/SHEF-C0822/2020
* England/SHEF-C0831/2020
* England/SHEF-C0840/2020
* England/SHEF-C086E/2020
* England/SHEF-C087D/2020
* England/SHEF-C088C/2020
* England/SHEF-C089B/2020
* England/SHEF-C08AA/2020
* England/SHEF-C08B9/2020
* England/SHEF-C08C8/2020
* England/SHEF-C08E6/2020
* England/SHEF-C08F5/2020
* England/SHEF-C0901/2020
* England/SHEF-C092F/2020
* England/SHEF-C093E/2020
* England/Sheff01/2020
* England/Sheff02/2020
* Virology Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Sciences and Public Health, University Politecnica delle Marche
* Italy/UnivPM1/2020
* Virology Unit, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge.
* Cambodia/0012/2020
* Virology laboratory Ministry of Health Kuwait sequenced at Dasman Diabetes Institute
* Kuwait/KU12/2020
* WA State Department of Health
* USA/WA-NH10/2020
* USA/WA-NH11/2020
* USA/WA-NH12/2020
* USA/WA-NH13/2020
* USA/WA-NH14/2020
* USA/WA-NH17/2020
* USA/WA-NH18/2020
* USA/WA-NH19/2020
* USA/WA-NH2/2020
* USA/WA-NH20/2020
* USA/WA-NH21/2020
* USA/WA-NH22/2020
* USA/WA-NH23/2020
* USA/WA-NH24/2020
* USA/WA-NH3/2020
* USA/WA-NH4/2020
* USA/WA-NH5/2020
* USA/WA-NH6/2020
* USA/WA-NH7/2020
* USA/WA-NH8/2020
* USA/WA-NH9/2020
* USA/WA1-A12/2020
* USA/WA_5030/2020
* WHO National Influenza Centre Russian Federation
* Russia/StPetersburg-3524/2020
* Russia/StPetersburg-RII3992/2020
* Russia/StPetersburg-RII3997/2020
* Wales Specialist Virology Centre
* Wales/PHW03/2020
* Wales/PHW04/2020
* Wales/PHW05/2020
* Wales/PHW06/2020
* Wales/PHW07/2020
* Wales/PHW09/2020
* Wales/PHW1/2020
* Wales/PHW10/2020
* Wales/PHW12/2020
* Wales/PHW13/2020
* Wales/PHW17/2020
* Wales/PHW18/2020
* Wales/PHW2/2020
* Wales/PHW21/2020
* Wales/PHW25/2020
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* Wales/PHW32/2020
* Wales/PHW33/2020
* Wales/PHW35/2020
* Wales/PHW37/2020
* Wales/PHW38/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23966/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23A81/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23A90/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23ACD/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23ADC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23AEB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23AFA/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23B06/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23B24/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23B42/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23B51/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23B60/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23B7F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23B9D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23BAC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23BD9/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23BE8/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23BF7/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23C21/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23CB8/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23CC7/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23CD6/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23CE5/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23CF4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23D00/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23D1F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23D2E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23D4C/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23D6A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23D79/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23D88/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23DB5/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23DE2/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23DF1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E1C/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E2B/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E3A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E49/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E58/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E67/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E76/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E85/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23E94/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23EA3/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23EC1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23ED0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23EEF/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23EFE/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23F19/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23F46/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23F55/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23F64/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23F73/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23FA0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23FBF/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23FDD/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23FEC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-23FFB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24006/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24015/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24024/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24033/2020
* Wales/PHWC-240BB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-240CA/2020
* Wales/PHWC-240D9/2020
* Wales/PHWC-240E8/2020
* Wales/PHWC-240F7/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24112/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24121/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2414F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2415E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2416D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2419A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-241A9/2020
* Wales/PHWC-241E5/2020
* Wales/PHWC-241F4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2422E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2423D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2426A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24279/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24288/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-242A6/2020
* Wales/PHWC-242B5/2020
* Wales/PHWC-242C4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-242D3/2020
* Wales/PHWC-242E2/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2433A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24349/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24358/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24367/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24385/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24394/2020
* Wales/PHWC-243A3/2020
* Wales/PHWC-243C1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-243D0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-243EF/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-24419/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-24446/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-244BF/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-244DD/2020
* Wales/PHWC-244EC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-244FB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24507/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-24552/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2458F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2459E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-245AD/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-2465F/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-2467D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2468C/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-246AA/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-246D7/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-247B6/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-247D4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-247F2/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2480E/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-24895/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-248B3/2020
* Wales/PHWC-248C2/2020
* Wales/PHWC-248D1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-248E0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-248FF/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2490B/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2491A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24929/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-24956/2020
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* Wales/PHWC-24992/2020
* Wales/PHWC-249A1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-249B0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-249CF/2020
* Wales/PHWC-249DE/2020
* Wales/PHWC-249ED/2020
* Wales/PHWC-249FC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A08/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A17/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A26/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A35/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A44/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A62/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A71/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A80/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24A9F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24AAE/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24ABD/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24ACC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24ADB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24AEA/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24AF9/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B05/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B14/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B23/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B32/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B41/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B50/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B6F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B7E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B8D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24B9C/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24BAB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24BBA/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24BC9/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24BD8/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24BE7/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24BF6/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24C11/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24C3F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24C4E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24C7B/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24C8A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24C99/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24CB7/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24CC6/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24CE4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24CF3/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D0F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D1E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D2D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D4B/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D5A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D69/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D78/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D87/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24D96/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24DA5/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24DB4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24DC3/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24DD2/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24DE1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24DF0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24E93/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24EA2/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24EB1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24EC0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24EDF/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24EEE/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24EFD/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F09/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F18/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F27/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F36/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F45/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F54/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F63/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F72/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F81/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24F90/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24FDC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24FEB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-24FFA/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25005/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25014/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25023/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25032/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25041/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25050/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2506F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2507E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-250E7/2020
* Wales/PHWC-250F6/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25102/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25111/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25120/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2513F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2514E/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2515D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2516C/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2517B/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2518A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-251B7/2020
* Wales/PHWC-251C6/2020
* Wales/PHWC-251D5/2020
* Wales/PHWC-251E4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2522D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2523C/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2525A/2020
* Wales/PHWC-252B4/2020
* Wales/PHWC-253A2/2020
* Wales/PHWC-253B1/2020
* Wales/PHWC-253C0/2020
* Wales/PHWC-253DF/2020
* Wales/PHWC-253EE/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25418/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25427/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25445/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25454/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25463/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25472/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25481/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25490/2020
* Wales/PHWC-254AF/2020
* Wales/PHWC-254CD/2020
* Wales/PHWC-254EB/2020
* Wales/PHWC-254FA/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25506/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25515/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25524/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25542/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25551/2020
* Wales/PHWC-25560/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2557F/2020
* Wales/PHWC-2559D/2020
* Wales/PHWC-255AC/2020
* Wales/PHWC-255D9/2020
* Wales/PHWC-255E8/2020
* Wales/PHWC-255F7/2020
* Washington State Department of Health
* USA/WA-S100/2020
* USA/WA-S101/2020
* USA/WA-S102/2020
* USA/WA-S103/2020
* USA/WA-S104/2020
* USA/WA-S105/2020
* USA/WA-S106/2020
* USA/WA-S107/2020
* USA/WA-S108/2020
* USA/WA-S109/2020
* USA/WA-S113/2020
* USA/WA-S114/2020
* USA/WA-S115/2020
* USA/WA-S116/2020
* USA/WA-S117/2020
* USA/WA-S118/2020
* USA/WA-S119/2020
* USA/WA-S12/2020
* USA/WA-S120/2020
* USA/WA-S121/2020
* USA/WA-S122/2020
* USA/WA-S13/2020
* USA/WA-S14/2020
* USA/WA-S15/2020
* USA/WA-S16/2020
* USA/WA-S17/2020
* USA/WA-S18/2020
* USA/WA-S19/2020
* USA/WA-S20/2020
* USA/WA-S21/2020
* USA/WA-S22/2020
* USA/WA-S23/2020
* USA/WA-S24/2020
* USA/WA-S25/2020
* USA/WA-S26/2020
* USA/WA-S27/2020
* USA/WA-S28/2020
* USA/WA-S29/2020
* USA/WA-S30/2020
* USA/WA-S31/2020
* USA/WA-S32/2020
* USA/WA-S33/2020
* USA/WA-S34/2020
* USA/WA-S35/2020
* USA/WA-S36/2020
* USA/WA-S37/2020
* USA/WA-S38/2020
* USA/WA-S39/2020
* USA/WA-S40/2020
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* USA/WA-S42/2020
* USA/WA-S43/2020
* USA/WA-S44/2020
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* USA/WA-S46/2020
* USA/WA-S47/2020
* USA/WA-S48/2020
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* USA/WA-S51/2020
* USA/WA-S52/2020
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* USA/WA-S54/2020
* USA/WA-S55/2020
* USA/WA-S56/2020
* USA/WA-S57/2020
* USA/WA-S58/2020
* USA/WA-S59/2020
* USA/WA-S60/2020
* USA/WA-S61/2020
* USA/WA-S62/2020
* USA/WA-S63/2020
* USA/WA-S64/2020
* USA/WA-S65/2020
* USA/WA-S66/2020
* USA/WA-S67/2020
* USA/WA-S68/2020
* USA/WA-S69/2020
* USA/WA-S70/2020
* USA/WA-S71/2020
* USA/WA-S72/2020
* USA/WA-S73/2020
* USA/WA-S74/2020
* USA/WA-S75/2020
* USA/WA-S76/2020
* USA/WA-S77/2020
* USA/WA-S78/2020
* USA/WA-S79/2020
* USA/WA-S80/2020
* USA/WA-S81/2020
* USA/WA-S82/2020
* USA/WA-S83/2020
* USA/WA-S84/2020
* USA/WA-S85/2020
* USA/WA-S86/2020
* USA/WA-S87/2020
* USA/WA-S88/2020
* USA/WA-S89/2020
* USA/WA-S90/2020
* USA/WA-S91/2020
* USA/WA-S92/2020
* USA/WA-S93/2020
* USA/WA-S94/2020
* USA/WA-S95/2020
* USA/WA-S96/2020
* USA/WA-S97/2020
* USA/WA-S98/2020
* USA/WA-S99/2020
* USA/WA1-F6/2020
* USA/WA2/2020
* Washington State Public Health Lab
* USA/WA4-UW2/2020
* USA/WA6-UW3/2020
* USA/WA7-UW4/2020
* Weifang Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* China/WF0001/2020
* China/WF0002/2020
* China/WF0003/2020
* China/WF0004/2020
* China/WF0006/2020
* China/WF0009/2020
* China/WF0012/2020
* China/WF0014/2020
* China/WF0015/2020
* China/WF0016/2020
* China/WF0017/2020
* China/WF0018/2020
* China/WF0019/2020
* China/WF0020/2020
* China/WF0021/2020
* China/WF0023/2020
* China/WF0024/2020
* China/WF0026/2020
* China/WF0028/2020
* China/WF0029/2020
* Wellington Hospital
* NewZealand/20VR0275/2020
* NewZealand/20VR0276/2020
* West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre, NHSGGC
* Scotland/CVR01/2020
* Scotland/CVR02/2020
* Scotland/CVR03/2020
* Scotland/CVR04/2020
* Scotland/CVR05/2020
* Scotland/CVR06/2020
* Scotland/CVR07/2020
* Scotland/CVR10/2020
* Wisconsin Department of Health Services
* USA/WI1/2020
* Wuhan Fourth Hospital
* Wuhan/WH05/2020
* Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
* bat/Yunnan/RaTG13/2013
* Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-01/2019
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-02/2019
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-03/2019
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-04/2019
* Wuhan/WIV02/2019
* Wuhan/WIV04/2019
* Wuhan/WIV05/2019
* Wuhan/WIV06/2019
* Wuhan/WIV07/2019
* Wuhan Lung Hospital
* Wuhan/HBCDC-HB-06/2020
* Wyoming Public Health Laboratory
* USA/WY-WYPHL001/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL003/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL004/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL005/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL006/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL007/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL008/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL009/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL010/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL011/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL012/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL014/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL015/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL018/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL019/2020
* USA/WY-WYPHL020/2020
* Yale COVID-19 Biorepository
* USA/CT-Yale-044/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-045/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-046/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-047/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-048/2020
* Yale Clinical Virology Laboratory
* USA/CT-Yale-006/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-007/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-008/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-009/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-010/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-012/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-013/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-014/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-016/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-017/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-018/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-020/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-021/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-023/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-024/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-027/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-028/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-029/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-031/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-034/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-035/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-036/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-037/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-039/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-040/2020
* USA/CT-Yale-043/2020
* USA/NY-Yale-022/2020
* USA/NY-Yale-025/2020
* USA/NY-Yale-026/2020
* USA/NY-Yale-030/2020
* Yongchuan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Chongqing/YC01/2020
* Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Zhejiang/WZ-01/2020
* Zhejiang/WZ-02/2020
* Zhongxian Center for Disease Control and Prevention
* Chongqing/ZX01/2020
* deCODE genetics
* Iceland/1/2020
* Iceland/10/2020
* Iceland/100/2020
* Iceland/104/2020
* Iceland/11/2020
* Iceland/115/2020
* Iceland/116/2020
* Iceland/117/2020
* Iceland/118/2020
* Iceland/119/2020
* Iceland/120/2020
* Iceland/121/2020
* Iceland/122/2020
* Iceland/170/2020
* Iceland/171/2020
* Iceland/2/2020
* Iceland/262/2020
* Iceland/29/2020
* Iceland/326/2020
* Iceland/327/2020
* Iceland/328/2020
* Iceland/329/2020
* Iceland/330/2020
* Iceland/331/2020
* Iceland/332/2020
* Iceland/333/2020
* Iceland/334/2020
* Iceland/335/2020
* Iceland/336/2020
* Iceland/337/2020
* Iceland/338/2020
* Iceland/339/2020
* Iceland/340/2020
* Iceland/341/2020
* Iceland/342/2020
* Iceland/38/2020
* Iceland/98/2020
* Iceland/LUH-01/2020