Estimating flu clade and mutation frequencies
branch | URL |
release | |
master | |
This README is for the data analysis pipeline. For the web interface, see web/
Currently not working due to lack of polars in Nextstrain managed environments (conda/docker)
On Linux:
curl -fsSL --proto '=https' | bash
On macOS:
curl -fsSL --proto '=https' | bash
You can set it up to use Docker or a Nextstrain managed conda environment (completely independent of any other conda environments you may have).
Using docker:
nextstrain setup --set-default docker
Using managed conda environment:
nextstrain setup --set-default conda
Run analysis:
nextstrain build . --profile profiles/flu
Install conda environment:
mamba env create -f environment.yml
Activate the environment:
conda activate flu_frequencies
Run for flu using:
snakemake --profile profiles/flu
Run for SARS-CoV-2 using:
snakemake --profile profiles/SC2
Run the following command to generate flu frequencies and copy the resulting CSV tables into data_web/inputs
snakemake prep_web --profile profiles/flu
Generate the JSON versions of the CSV tables that the web application uses.
python scripts/ --input-pathogens-json data_web/inputs/pathogens.json --output-dir web/public/data
Commit the updated JSON files in web/public/data
to a development or base branch and push to GitHub to deploy a Preview version of the web application.
Vercel deploys a web application for each commit in a pull request.
You can access each deployment through the repository's Deployments page.
See the web application README for more about deployment from the master
and release
- Provide mamba environment file for simpler setup
- Agree on formatters to use (snakefmt and black?)