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Project Ideas Project popularity

Philippe Ombredanne edited this page Feb 24, 2022 · 1 revision

In search of popularity and prominence metric for software packages

Software is consumed as packages in ecosystems such as Maven/Java, RPM, Debian, npm, Rubygems.

Each ecosystem typically offers a centralized package repository though some are fully decentralized (such as Go). Determining the popularity and prominence of a software package within its ecosystem in a somewhat unbiased way is an unresolved issue and goes well beyond just counting stars on GitHub.

The goal of this project is to:

  • Inventory and research existing efforts to provide metric proxies such as and including Sourcerank, Sonatype MTTU, OpenSSF Criticality, and others
  • Inventory and document the metrics and data that could be available in key ecosystems such as Maven/Java, RPM, Debian, npm, Rubygems, PyPI, Conda, R, Perl, Go, Dart, Rust, Swift, Eclipse, Conan and PHP.
  • Propose new metrics directions and a validation process for a possible unified approach (or multiple ecosystem-specific approaches)

The research question is: How to rank open source packages relative prominence and popularity? The project is also to write actual code to compute this popularity and prominence.

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