diff --git a/src/pages/index.jsx b/src/pages/index.jsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1f2fbba9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/pages/index.jsx
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
+import { graphql } from 'gatsby';
+import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
+import IOSeo from '../components/IOSeo';
+import { css } from '@emotion/react';
+import SegmentedControl from '../components/SegmentedControl';
+import Overlay from '../components/Overlay';
+import QuickstartTile from '../components/QuickstartTile';
+import IOBanner from '../components/IOBanner';
+import {
+ SearchInput,
+ useTessen,
+ Button,
+} from '@newrelic/gatsby-theme-newrelic';
+import { navigate } from '@reach/router';
+import BUILD_YOUR_OWN from '../images/build-your-own.svg';
+import { useDebounce } from 'react-use';
+import { sortFeaturedQuickstarts } from '../utils/sortFeaturedQuickstarts';
+import {
+} from '../data/constants';
+import CATEGORIES from '../data/instant-observability-categories';
+import SuperTiles from '../components/SuperTiles';
+const VIEWS = {
+ GRID: 'Grid view',
+ LIST: 'List view',
+ * Determines if one string is a substring of the other, case insensitive
+ * @param {String} substring the substring to test against
+ * @returns {(Function) => Boolean} Callback function that determines if the argument has the substring
+ */
+const stringIncludes = (substring) => (fullstring) =>
+ fullstring.toLowerCase().includes(substring.toLowerCase());
+ * Filters a quickstart based on a provided search term.
+ * @param {String} search Search term.
+ * @returns {(Function) => Boolean} Callback function to be used by filter.
+ */
+const filterBySearch = (search) => ({
+ title,
+ summary,
+ description,
+ keywords,
+}) => {
+ if (!search) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ const searchIncludes = stringIncludes(search);
+ return (
+ searchIncludes(title) ||
+ searchIncludes(summary) ||
+ searchIncludes(description) ||
+ keywords.some(searchIncludes)
+ );
+ * Filters a quickstart based on a category.
+ * @param {String} category The category type (e.g. 'featured').
+ * @returns {(Function) => Boolean} Callback function to be used by filter.
+ */
+const filterByCategory = (category) => {
+ const { associatedKeywords = [] } =
+ CATEGORIES.find(({ value }) => value === category) || {};
+ return (quickstart) =>
+ !category ||
+ (quickstart.keywords &&
+ quickstart.keywords.find((k) => associatedKeywords.includes(k)));
+const QuickstartsPage = ({ data, location }) => {
+ const [view, setView] = useState(VIEWS.GRID);
+ const tessen = useTessen();
+ const [search, setSearch] = useState('');
+ const [category, setCategory] = useState('');
+ const [isCategoriesOverlayOpen, setIsCategoriesOverlayOpen] = useState(false);
+ useEffect(() => {
+ const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
+ const searchParam = params.get('search');
+ const categoryParam = params.get('category');
+ setSearch(searchParam);
+ setCategory(categoryParam || '');
+ if (searchParam || categoryParam) {
+ tessen.track({
+ eventName: 'instantObservability',
+ category: 'QuickstartCatalogSearch',
+ search: searchParam,
+ quickstartCategory: categoryParam,
+ });
+ }
+ }, [location.search, tessen]);
+ const closeCategoriesOverlay = () => {
+ setIsCategoriesOverlayOpen(false);
+ };
+ const handleSearch = (value) => {
+ if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
+ const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
+ params.set('search', value);
+ navigate(`?${params.toString()}`);
+ }
+ };
+ const handleCategory = (value) => {
+ if (value !== null && value !== undefined) {
+ const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search);
+ params.set('category', value);
+ navigate(`?${params.toString()}`);
+ }
+ closeCategoriesOverlay();
+ };
+ useDebounce(
+ () => {
+ handleSearch(search);
+ },
+ 400,
+ [search]
+ );
+ const quickstarts = data.allQuickstarts.nodes;
+ const alphaSort = quickstarts.sort((a, b) => a.title.localeCompare(b.title));
+ let sortedQuickstarts = sortFeaturedQuickstarts(alphaSort);
+ // Hard-code for moving codestream object to front of sortedQuickstarts array - CM
+ if ((!category && !search) || (category === 'featured' && !search)) {
+ // uuid is codestream id specifically - CM
+ const codestreamIndex = sortedQuickstarts.findIndex(
+ ({ id }) => id === '29bd9a4a-1c19-4219-9694-0942f6411ce7'
+ );
+ if (codestreamIndex > -1) {
+ const codestreamObject = sortedQuickstarts[codestreamIndex];
+ sortedQuickstarts = [
+ codestreamObject,
+ ...sortedQuickstarts.slice(0, codestreamIndex),
+ ...sortedQuickstarts.slice(codestreamIndex + 1),
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ const filteredQuickstarts = sortedQuickstarts
+ .filter(filterBySearch(search))
+ .filter(filterByCategory(category));
+ const categoriesWithCount = CATEGORIES.map((cat) => ({
+ ...cat,
+ count: quickstarts
+ .filter(filterBySearch(search))
+ .filter(filterByCategory(cat.value)).length,
+ }));
+ /**
+ * Finds display name for selected category.
+ * @returns {String} Display name for results found.
+ */
+ const getDisplayName = (defaultName = 'All quickstarts') => {
+ const found = CATEGORIES.find((cat) => cat.value === category);
+ if (!found.value) return defaultName;
+ return found.displayName;
+ };
+ return (
+ <>