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"spacing": { + "padding": { + "bottom": "0.5rem", + "left": "1rem", + "right": "1rem", + "top": "0.5rem" + } + }, + "typography": { + "fontFamily": "inherit", + "fontSize": "var(--wp--preset--font-size--small)", + "fontWeight": "500", + "lineHeight": "inherit", + "textDecoration": "none" + } + }, + "heading": { + "color": { + "text": "var(--wp--preset--color--primary)" + }, + "typography": { + "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--poppins)", + "textDecoration": "none" + } + }, + "link": { + ":active": { + "typography": { + "textDecoration": "none" + } + }, + ":focus": { + "typography": { + "textDecoration": "underline dashed" + } + }, + ":hover": { + "color": { + "text": "var(--wp--preset--color--primary)" + }, + "typography": { + "textDecoration": "underline" + } + }, + "color": { + "text": "var(--wp--preset--color--primary)" + }, + "typography": { + "textDecoration": "none" + } + } + }, + "spacing": { + "blockGap": "var(--wp--custom--vertical-spacing)" + }, + "typography": { + "fontFamily": "var(--wp--preset--font-family--mulish)", + "fontSize": "var(--wp--preset--font-size--normal)", + "lineHeight": "1.5" + } + } + } +] diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/1-fork.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/1-fork.cy.js index c6ac7a19f..15b1758cb 100644 --- a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/1-fork.cy.js +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/1-fork.cy.js @@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ describe( 'SiteGen Fork Step', function () { cy.wait( 10000 ); cy.visit( 'wp-admin/?page=nfd-onboarding#/wp-setup/step/fork' ); cy.timeout( 60000 ); - cy.wait( 25000 ); } ); it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/2-welcome.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/2-welcome.cy.js index fbad5bc39..28fc5bafe 100644 --- a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/2-welcome.cy.js +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/2-welcome.cy.js @@ -1,59 +1,69 @@ // -import { AdminBarCheck, BackButtonCheck, DarkBGCheck, LightBGCheck, ProgressBarCheck} from "../wp-module-support/siteGen.cy"; +import { + AdminBarCheck, + BackButtonCheck, + DarkBGCheck, + LightBGCheck, + ProgressBarCheck, +} from '../wp-module-support/siteGen.cy'; describe( 'SiteGen Welcome Step', function () { before( () => { - cy.visit( - 'wp-admin/?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/welcome' - ); + cy.visit( 'wp-admin/?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/welcome' ); } ); - it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { - AdminBarCheck(); - } ); + it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { + AdminBarCheck(); + } ); - it( 'Check for the existing dark background', () => { + it( 'Check for the existing dark background', () => { DarkBGCheck(); } ); - it( 'Check for the light background', () => { - LightBGCheck(); - } ); - - it( 'Check the Progress Bar Value', () => { - ProgressBarCheck('0%'); - }); - - it( 'Check for back button and go back', () => { - BackButtonCheck('sitegen/step/welcome'); - } ); - - it( 'Check if the orb is visible', () => { - cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__orb' ) - .should('be.visible'); - } ); - - it( 'Check for the heading title', () => { - cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__heading__text' ) - .should('be.visible') - .contains('WordPress'); - } ); - - it( 'Check for the subheading title', () => { - cy.get('.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__sub-heading') - .should('exist'); - cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__sub-heading__text' ) - .should('be.visible') - .contains('AI'); - } ); - - it( 'Check the Get Started button', () => { - cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-button--site-gen-next' ) - .should('be.visible') - .should('have.text','Get Started') - .click(); - cy.wait(2000); - cy.url().should('not.contain', 'sitegen/step/welcome'); - } ); -}); + it( 'Check for the light background', () => { + LightBGCheck(); + } ); + + it( 'Check the Progress Bar Value', () => { + ProgressBarCheck( '0%' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check for back button and go back', () => { + BackButtonCheck( 'sitegen/step/welcome' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check if the orb is visible', () => { + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__orb' + ).should( 'be.visible' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check for the heading title', () => { + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__heading__text' + ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .contains( 'WordPress' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check for the subheading title', () => { + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__sub-heading' + ).should( 'exist' ); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-step--site-gen__welcome__container__sub-heading__text' + ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .contains( 'AI' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check the Get Started button', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-button--site-gen-next' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.text', 'Get Started' ) + .click(); + cy.wait( 2000 ); + cy.url().should( 'not.contain', 'sitegen/step/welcome' ); + } ); +} ); diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/3-site-details.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/3-site-details.cy.js index b07ca89d1..d25000ae4 100644 --- a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/3-site-details.cy.js +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/3-site-details.cy.js @@ -1,68 +1,87 @@ // -import { AdminBarCheck, BackButtonCheck, DarkBGCheck, LightBGCheck, ProgressBarCheck} from "../wp-module-support/siteGen.cy"; +import { + AdminBarCheck, + BackButtonCheck, + DarkBGCheck, + LightBGCheck, + ProgressBarCheck, +} from '../wp-module-support/siteGen.cy'; describe( 'SiteGen Site Details Step', function () { - before( () => { - cy.visit( - 'wp-admin/index.php?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/site-details' - ); - } ); + before( () => { + cy.visit( + 'wp-admin/index.php?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/site-details' + ); + } ); - it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { - AdminBarCheck(); - } ); + it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { + AdminBarCheck(); + } ); - it( 'Check for the existing dark background', () => { - DarkBGCheck(); - } ); + it( 'Check for the existing dark background', () => { + DarkBGCheck(); + } ); - it( 'Check for the light background', () => { - LightBGCheck(); - } ); + it( 'Check for the light background', () => { + LightBGCheck(); + } ); - it( 'Check the Progress Bar Value', () => { - ProgressBarCheck('14.2857%'); - }); + it( 'Check the Progress Bar Value', () => { + ProgressBarCheck( '14.2857%' ); + } ); - it( 'Check if the Next Button is disabled when no prompt is entered', () => { - cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-button--site-gen-next--disabled' ).should('be.visible'); - } ); + it( 'Check if the Next Button is disabled when no prompt is entered', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-button--site-gen-next--disabled' ).should( + 'be.visible' + ); + } ); - it( 'Check for back button and go back', () => { - BackButtonCheck('sitegen/step/site-details'); - } ); + it( 'Check for back button and go back', () => { + BackButtonCheck( 'sitegen/step/site-details' ); + } ); - it( 'Check for the header to be visible', () => { - cy.get( '.ai-heading' ).should('be.visible'); - } ); + it( 'Check for the header to be visible', () => { + cy.get( '.ai-heading' ).should( 'be.visible' ); + } ); - it( 'Check for the placeholder text & input box hint to be visible before the prompt', () => { - cy.get('.nfd-sg-input-box__field') - .should('have.attr', 'placeholder', 'I want a site for my company that sells…'); - cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__hint' ).should('be.visible'); - } ); + it( 'Check for the placeholder text & input box hint to be visible before the prompt', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__field' ).should( + 'have.attr', + 'placeholder', + 'I want a site for my company that sells…' + ); + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__hint' ).should( 'be.visible' ); + } ); - it( 'Enter the prompt and see the box-info progress', () => { - cy.get('.nfd-sg-input-box__field').type('I have a Yoga Studio called Asana,located in Cocoa Beach, Florida. We prioritize sustainibility '); - cy.get('.nfd-sg-input-box__info-icon') - .should('be.visible') - .should('have.length',3); - cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-button--site-gen-next--disabled' ).should('be.visible'); - cy.get('.nfd-sg-input-box__field').type('and source our yoga mats from co-consious suppliers here in the USA. '); - cy.get('.nfd-sg-input-box__info-icon--selected') - .should('be.visible') - .should('have.length', 2); - cy.get('.nfd-sg-input-box__field').type('In addition to our classes, we also provide a curated selection of yoga attire and access'); - cy.get('.nfd-sg-input-box__info-icon--selected') - .should('be.visible') - .should('have.length', 3); - } ); + it( 'Enter the prompt and see the box-info progress', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__field' ).type( + 'I have a Yoga Studio called Asana,located in Cocoa Beach, Florida. We prioritize sustainibility ' + ); + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__info-icon' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.length', 3 ); + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-button--site-gen-next--disabled' ).should( + 'be.visible' + ); + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__field' ).type( + 'and source our yoga mats from co-consious suppliers here in the USA. ' + ); + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__info-icon--selected' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.length', 2 ); + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__field' ).type( + 'In addition to our classes, we also provide a curated selection of yoga attire and access' + ); + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-input-box__info-icon--selected' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.length', 3 ); + } ); - it.skip( 'Check if the Next Button is enabled and click Next', () => { - cy.get('.nfd-sg-site-details--next-btn') - .should('be.visible') - .click(); - cy.url().should('not.contain','sitegen/step/site-details'); - } ); -}); + it( 'Check if the Next Button is enabled and click Next', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-sg-site-details--next-btn' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .click(); + cy.url().should( 'not.contain', 'sitegen/step/site-details' ); + } ); +} ); diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/4-site-logo.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/4-site-logo.cy.js index abaf39c81..dab62baee 100644 --- a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/4-site-logo.cy.js +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/4-site-logo.cy.js @@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ describe( 'SiteGen Site Logo Step', function () { cy.intercept( apiList.homepages, ( req ) => { homePagesMock( req ); } ).as( 'homePageCall' ); - cy.visit( 'wp-admin/?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/site-logo' ); cy.wait( '@sitegenCalls', { timeout: 60000 } ); cy.wait( '@homePageCall', { timeout: 60000 } ); + cy.timeout( 120000 ); } ); it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ describe( 'SiteGen Site Logo Step', function () { DisabledNextButton(); } ); - it.skip( 'Check if Image gets uploaded', () => { + it( 'Check if Image gets uploaded', () => { const sampleLogoPath = `vendor/newfold-labs/wp-module-onboarding/tests/cypress/fixtures/image.png`; const LogoPreviewClass = '.nfd-onboarding-image-uploader--with-text__site_logo__preview'; @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ describe( 'SiteGen Site Logo Step', function () { ); } ); - it.skip( 'Check if the Next Button is enabled and go next', () => { + it( 'Check if the Next Button is enabled and go next', () => { cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-button--site-gen-next' ) .should( 'not.be.disabled' ) .click(); diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/5-experience.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/5-experience.cy.js index 7e90ecb9e..50db95d42 100644 --- a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/5-experience.cy.js +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/5-experience.cy.js @@ -7,12 +7,26 @@ import { LightBGCheck, ProgressBarCheck, } from '../wp-module-support/siteGen.cy'; +import { + apiList, + siteGenMockAll, + homePagesMock, +} from '../wp-module-support/MockApi.cy'; describe( 'SiteGen Experience & Site Building Step', function () { before( () => { cy.visit( 'wp-admin/index.php?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/experience' ); + cy.intercept( apiList.sitegen, ( req ) => { + siteGenMockAll( req ); + } ).as( 'sitegenCalls' ); + + cy.intercept( apiList.homepages, ( req ) => { + homePagesMock( req ); + } ).as( 'homePageCall' ); + cy.timeout( 120000 ); + cy.wait( 5000 ); } ); it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/6-preview.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/6-preview.cy.js index 708616f94..8f8780b18 100644 --- a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/6-preview.cy.js +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/6-preview.cy.js @@ -6,12 +6,26 @@ import { LightBGCheck, ProgressBarCheck, } from '../wp-module-support/siteGen.cy'; +import { + apiList, + siteGenMockAll, + homePagesMock, +} from '../wp-module-support/MockApi.cy'; describe( 'SiteGen Site Preview Step', function () { before( () => { cy.visit( 'wp-admin/index.php?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/preview' ); + cy.intercept( apiList.sitegen, ( req ) => { + siteGenMockAll( req ); + } ).as( 'sitegenCalls' ); + + cy.intercept( apiList.homepages, ( req ) => { + homePagesMock( req ); + } ).as( 'homePageCall' ); + cy.timeout( 120000 ); + cy.wait( 5000 ); cy.wait( 5000 ); } ); @@ -37,7 +51,7 @@ describe( 'SiteGen Site Preview Step', function () { .should( 'have.length', 3 ); } ); - it( 'Check for the favourited theme versions', () => { + it.skip( 'Check for the favourited theme versions', () => { cy.get( 'g[clip-path="url(#heart-filled_svg__a)"]' ).should( 'not.exist' ); // when no fav theme is selected diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/7-editor.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/7-editor.cy.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..76870310a --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/5-AI-SiteGen-onboarding-flow/7-editor.cy.js @@ -0,0 +1,283 @@ +// +import { + apiList, + customizeDataMock, + themeStyleMock, +} from '../wp-module-support/MockApi.cy'; +import { + AdminBarCheck, + DarkBGCheck, + ProgressBarCheck, +} from '../wp-module-support/siteGen.cy'; + +describe( 'SiteGen Site Editor Step', function () { + before( () => { + cy.visit( + 'wp-admin/index.php?page=nfd-onboarding#/sitegen/step/preview' + ); + cy.wait( 15000 ); + } ); + + it( 'Select any theme and go forward to the next step', () => { + cy.get( + '.live-preview-sitegen--selectable-card__live-preview-container__overlay', + { timeout: 10000 } + ) + .eq( 0 ) + .click(); + cy.url().should( 'not.contain', 'sitegen/step/preview', { + timeout: 20000, + } ); + } ); + + it( 'Check for the header admin bar', () => { + AdminBarCheck(); + } ); + + it( 'Check for the existing dark background', () => { + DarkBGCheck(); + } ); + + it( 'Check if we cannot change to light background', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-toggle__theme__button__dark' ).should( + 'not.exist' + ); + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-sitegen-light' ).should( 'not.exist' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check the Progress Bar Value', () => { + ProgressBarCheck( '85.7143%' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check if the sidebar is closed upon landing', () => { + cy.get( 'nfd-onboarding-sidebar__panel is-open' ).should( 'not.exist' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check if rename functionality works as expected', () => { + let existing_theme_name; + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header__center-input' ) + .invoke( 'attr', 'value' ) + .then( ( value ) => { + existing_theme_name = value; + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header__center-input' ).should( + 'be.disabled' + ); // not able to rename + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header__center-dropdown_icon' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .click(); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-header__version_dropdown-menu' + ).should( 'be.visible' ); + cy.get( '.components-menu-item__button' ) + .eq( 0 ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.text', 'Rename' ) + .click(); + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header__center-input' ) + .clear() + .type( 'New Theme Name' ); + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header__progress-bar' ).click(); + let NewVal; + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header__center-input' ) + .invoke( 'attr', 'value' ) + .then( ( value ) => { + NewVal = value; + expect( existing_theme_name ).to.not.equal( NewVal ); + } ); + } ); + } ); + + it( 'Check for all the themes to be visible inside sidebar', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header__center-dropdown_icon' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .click(); + cy.get( '.components-menu-item__button' ) + .eq( 1 ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.text', 'View All' ) + .click(); + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar__panel.is-open' ).should( + 'be.visible' + ); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__versions-tab__preview-container' + ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.length', 3 ); // as we are not currently regenrating new themes + } ); + + it.skip( 'Check for favoriting a theme and it appears everywhere', () => { + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__versions-tab__preview-container' + ) + .eq( 1 ) + .click(); + cy.get( 'g[clip-path="url(#heart-filled_svg__a)"]' ).should( + 'not.exist' + ); + cy.get( + ':nth-child(4) > .nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__versions-tab__preview-container__context > .nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__versions-tab__preview-container__context__icon__fill' + ).should( 'not.exist' ); + cy.get( '.navigation-buttons-editor__favorite' ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .click(); + cy.get( 'g[clip-path="url(#heart-filled_svg__a)"]', { + timeout: 20000, + } ).should( 'exist' ); + cy.get( + ':nth-child(4) > .nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__versions-tab__preview-container__context > .nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__versions-tab__preview-container__context__icon__fill' + ).should( 'exist' ); + } ); + + it.skip( 'Check for favorite themes inside favorite tab', () => { + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__favorites-tab' + ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .click(); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__tab-panel__versions-tab__preview-container' + ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.length', 1 ); + cy.get( + '.components-button.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--sitegen-editor-patterns__header__icon' + ).should( 'be.visible' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check for the existence of Regenerate button', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header--sitegen__editor__start__regenerate' ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'be.visible' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check existence of Save & Continue button', () => { + cy.get( '.nfd-onboarding-header--sitegen__editor__end__save-button' ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'exist' ); + } ); + + it( 'Check changing the existing fonts from sidebar', () => { + cy.intercept( apiList.themestyle, ( req ) => { + themeStyleMock( req ); + } ).as( 'themeStyleCalls' ); + cy.intercept( apiList.customizedata, ( req ) => { + customizeDataMock( req ); + } ).as( 'customizeDataCall' ); + cy.wait( 2000 ); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-header--sitegen__editor__end__customize-button' + ).click(); + cy.wait( '@themeStyleCalls', { timeout: 60000 } ); + cy.wait( '@customizeDataCall', { timeout: 60000 } ); + cy.get( + '.components-panel__body.nfd-onboarding-sidebar-learn-more.is-opened', + { timeout: 20000 } + ).should( 'be.visible' ); + cy.get( + '.components-panel__body.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel.is-opened', + { timeout: 20000 } + ).should( 'be.visible' ); + let FontsCount = 0; + const FontsClass = + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__font-group__container__button__font-name__container'; + const arr = cy.get( FontsClass, { timeout: 20000 } ); + arr.each( () => { + cy.get( FontsClass ).eq( FontsCount ).scrollIntoView().click(); + FontsCount += 1; + } ); + } ); + + it( 'Check changing the custom fonts from sidebar', () => { + const CustomeFontsClass = + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__fonts-form__container'; + cy.get( CustomeFontsClass ).should( 'not.exist' ); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__container > .components-button' + ) + .scrollIntoView() + .click(); + cy.get( CustomeFontsClass ).should( 'exist' ); + cy.get( '#headings' ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .select( 'poppins' ); + cy.get( '#body' ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .select( 'oswald' ); + cy.get( '.components-button.apply.is-primary' ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .click(); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__custom-fonts__container > .nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__font-group__container > .nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__font-group__container__button > .nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__font-group__container__button__icon' + ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'exist' ); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-fonts-panel__font-group__container__button__font-name__container' + ).should( 'have.length', 6 ); + } ); + + it( 'Check changing the existing colors from sidebar', () => { + cy.get( + '.components-panel__body.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-colors-panel.is-opened' + ).should( 'exist' ); + const ColorPalleteClass = + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__color-palette-icon__container'; + let ColorCount = 0; + const arr = cy.get( ColorPalleteClass, { timeout: 20000 } ); + arr.each( () => { + cy.get( ColorPalleteClass ) + .eq( ColorCount ) + .scrollIntoView() + .click(); + ColorCount += 1; + } ); + } ); + + it( 'Check changing the custom colors from sidebar', () => { + const CustomColorClass = + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-colors-panel__custom__colors__container'; + cy.get( CustomColorClass ).should( 'not.exist' ); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-colors-panel__custom__colors__button__container' + ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .click(); + cy.get( CustomColorClass ).should( 'exist' ); + let previewCount = 0; + const className = '.custom-palette__below__row'; + const array = cy.get( className ); + const colors = [ 'F31267', '1E5B32', '331E5C', 'E00505', 'EB22E9' ]; + array.each( () => { + const randomIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * colors.length ); + cy.get( className ).eq( previewCount ).click(); + cy.get( '.components-color-palette__custom-color-button' ).click(); + cy.get( '.components-input-control__input' ).clear(); + cy.get( '.components-input-control__input' ).type( + colors[ randomIndex ] + ); + cy.get( className ).eq( previewCount ).click(); + previewCount += 1; + } ); + cy.get( '.components-button.is-primary' ).scrollIntoView().click(); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__color-palette-icon__container' + ) + .should( 'be.visible' ) + .should( 'have.length', 6 ); + } ); + + it( 'Check clicking the reset button', () => { + cy.get( '.components-panel__header > :nth-child(2)' ) + .scrollIntoView() + .should( 'exist' ) + .click(); + cy.get( + '.nfd-onboarding-sidebar--customize__design-colors-panel__custom__colors__container' + ).should( 'not.exist' ); + } ); +} ); diff --git a/tests/cypress/integration/wp-module-support/MockApi.cy.js b/tests/cypress/integration/wp-module-support/MockApi.cy.js index 3e3822c39..2a5b009cb 100644 --- a/tests/cypress/integration/wp-module-support/MockApi.cy.js +++ b/tests/cypress/integration/wp-module-support/MockApi.cy.js @@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ const sitemap_mock = require( '../../fixtures/sitemap.json' ); const plugin_recommendation_mock = require( '../../fixtures/plugin-recommendation.json' ); const font_pair_mock = require( '../../fixtures/font-pair.json' ); const homepages_mock = require( '../../fixtures/homepages.json' ); +const theme_style_mock = require( '../../fixtures/theme-style.json' ); +const customize_data_mock = require( '../../fixtures/customize-data.json' ); export const apiList = { sitegen: @@ -16,20 +18,24 @@ export const apiList = { '/index.php?rest_route=%2Fnewfold-onboarding%2Fv1%2Fsitegen%2Fhomepages&flow=sitegen&_locale=user', homepagesRegenerate: '/index.php?rest_route=%2Fnewfold-onboarding%2Fv1%2Fsitegen%2Fhomepages%2Fregenerate&flow=sitegen&_locale=user', + themestyle: + '/index.php?rest_route=%2Fnewfold-onboarding%2Fv1%2Fthemes%2Fvariations&variations=false&flow=sitegen&_locale=user', + customizedata: + '/index.php?rest_route=%2Fnewfold-onboarding%2Fv1%2Fsitegen%2Fcustomize-data&flow=sitegen&_locale=user', }; export const siteGenMockAll = ( req ) => { const requestBody = req.body; const sitegen_identifiers = { - 'site_config': site_config_mock, - 'site_classification': site_classification_mock, - 'target_audience': target_audience_mock, - 'content_tones': content_tones_mock, - 'content_structure': content_structure_mock, - 'color_palette': color_palette_mock, - 'sitemap': sitemap_mock, - 'plugin_recommendation': plugin_recommendation_mock, - 'font_pair': font_pair_mock, + site_config: site_config_mock, + site_classification: site_classification_mock, + target_audience: target_audience_mock, + content_tones: content_tones_mock, + content_structure: content_structure_mock, + color_palette: color_palette_mock, + sitemap: sitemap_mock, + plugin_recommendation: plugin_recommendation_mock, + font_pair: font_pair_mock, }; if ( sitegen_identifiers.hasOwnProperty( requestBody.identifier ) ) { @@ -39,6 +45,7 @@ export const siteGenMockAll = ( req ) => { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json', }, + delay: 2000, } ); } }; @@ -52,3 +59,22 @@ export const homePagesMock = ( req ) => { }, } ); }; + +export const themeStyleMock = ( req ) => { + req.reply( { + method: 'GET', + statusCode: 200, + body: theme_style_mock, + } ); +}; + +export const customizeDataMock = ( req ) => { + req.reply( { + method: 'GET', + statusCode: 200, + body: customize_data_mock, + headers: { + 'content-type': 'application/json', + }, + } ); +};