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mruizolazar edited this page Aug 6, 2016 · 54 revisions

NeuroMat NES (Neuroscience Experiments System)


The Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (CEPID NeuroMat) software development team has released version 0.2.1 of Neuroscience Experiments System (NES), an open-source tool to organize, control and manage clinical, neurophysiological and experimental data gathered in hospitals and research institutions.

This documentation is divided in 4 parts:

  1. Installation (Python 2.7): Shows the step-by-step required to install NES in a new server;
  2. Installation v0.3: Shows the step-by-step required to install NES 0.3 in a new server;
  3. Installation (Python 2.7): Shows the step-by-step required to install NES in a new server;
  4. LimeSurvey: Explains how LimeSurvey, an open source system for online question-and-answer surveys, can be used in a way that allows integration with NES;
  5. User Guide: Explains the utility and how to use the functionalities of NES;
  6. Videos: Lists video tutorials related to the system; and
  7. Training: Stores learning materials from training courses on NES and LimeSurvey.
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