Setup local env vars
export NERVES_HUB_HOME=./nerves-hub
export NERVES_HUB_PORT=4002
export NERVES_HUB_CA_DIR=/absolute/path/to/nerves_hub_web/test/fixtures/ssl/
Setup a local instance of Nerves Hub CA
git clone [email protected]:nerves-hub/nerves_hub_ca.git
cd nerves_hub_ca
source dev.env
mix do deps.get, nerves_hub_ca.init, ecto.create, ecto.migrate
iex -S mix
Setup a local instance of Nerves Hub
git clone [email protected]:nerves-hub/nerves_hub_web.git
cd nerves_hub_web
mix deps.get
docker-compose up -d
make reset-db
make server
Setup a local instance of NervesHub
Clone nerves_hub
and fetch deps
git clone [email protected]:nerves-hub/nerves_hub.git
cd nerves_hub
mix deps.get
Authenticate as the default user.
email: [email protected] password: nerveshub
mix nerves_hub.user auth
NERVES_HUB_NON_INTERACTIVE=y mix nerves_hub.device create --identifier test --description test --tag test
mix deps.compile --force # this is to reload cert and key you just created
iex -S mix # make your changes, test em out etc.