1.3.0 (2025-01-09)
- add missing closing section tag in loading component (516927d)
- correct closing tag in SubscriptionPage component (f07d631)
- improve footer styling for better readability on landing page (fae39f6)
- improve footer styling for better readability on landing page (a82dca1)
- user-avatar-button.tsx: hide 'Planos' menu item on large screens for improved UI (9389409)
- user-avatar-button.tsx: hide 'Planos' menu item on large screens for improved UI (9f4c10a)
- user-avatar-button.tsx: remove redundant 'Perfil' menu item for cleaner dropdown (67c08f8)
- user-avatar-button.tsx: remove redundant 'Perfil' menu item for cleaner dropdown (c1b4473)
- acquire-plan-button.tsx: ✨ update the texts to convert more and add a icon (92c5c7b)
- acquire-plan-button.tsx: ✨ update the texts to convert more and add a icon (fd466a9)
- add canvas-confetti and framer-motion dependencies to package.json (24c1cef)
- add Confetti component and ConfettiButton for interactive confetti effects (f6c571a)
- add ConfettiEffect function for animated confetti display (578b134)
- add GetStartedButton component with confetti effect on click (d8638ca)
- add HappyNewYearHeader component with confetti effect and navigation (9952ca3)
- add HeroLandingPage component for enhanced landing page experience (7889540)
- add skeleton and spinner components for loading states in the dashboard (bc7e731)
- add TextAnimate component for animated text effects (604f30d)
- dependencies: add nextjs-toploader and styled-components to package.json (d470020)
- enhance release workflow to check deployment status and update semantic release preset to React (426b887)
- enhance release workflow to check deployment status and update semantic release preset to React (4bd884b)
- enhance subscription page layout and add scroll area for better user experience (87f778c)
- enhance subscription page layout and add scroll area for better user experience (d2b38bd)
- favicon: update favicon to new favicon from jupiter finance logo (d1e6c1a)
- implement loading state with spinner and enhance loading feedback in dashboard (f966955)
- integrate Stripe for subscription management and add transaction limits (ff976ec)
- replace main content with HeroLandingPage component for improved landing experience (145dbf8)
- update branding in login page and enhance subscriptions layout with section wrapper (3c3405b)
- update date range in getDashboard function to use the current year (6ee55f3)
- update landing page text for improved clarity and engagement (f391fed)
- update LandingPage with HappyNewYearHeader and GetStartedButton components (47f6ee6)
- user-avatar-button.tsx: add settings icon to 'Configurações' menu item for improved UI (335b77b)
- user-avatar-button.tsx: add settings icon to 'Configurações' menu item for improved UI (8bf9b02)
1.2.1 (2024-12-04)
- api route to clerk webhooks: 🚑 fixed the method name (2fef337)
- api route to clerk webhooks: 🚑 fixed the method name (69ddc43)
- api route to clerk webhooks: 🚑 fixed the method name (b64db27)
1.2.0 (2024-11-27)
- 🐛 fixed a code error caused by rule of hooks (b0e7dbc)
1.1.0 (2024-11-26)
- 📱 add responsivibillity to mobile devices (e704973)
- 🐛 add suspense to root layout and private routes layout to useSearchParams work correctly (426093b)
- 🐛 ensure actions will update and delete correctly (929e5cd)
- 🐛 ensure chart will dont have error with "unused vars" (f9f02e1)
- 🐛 ensure that icons have correctly bg (ec7672f)
- 🔥 removed unused variables (df10dd8)
- db dont have nothing (56a5330)
- ensure the prod will get all dependencies correctly (bdb7030)
- ensure the prod will get all dependencies correctly (75199ed)
- removed build step from release workflow (d1850cf)
- removed unnecessary code (0b89e22)
- ♻️ add constants folder to store global datas (f9a54f5)
- ✨ add a function to check if has user and redirect to dashboard (0bd6bfd)
- ✨ add a function to redirect if user is not logged yet to login page (8931f21)
- ✨ add addTransaction server action (22a1caf)
- ✨ add and setup shadcn ui (cc256fb)
- ✨ add badge from shadcn (35c10ee)
- ✨ add button (fef9b6d)
- ✨ add clerk middleware (c095423)
- ✨ add clerk provider and header component (9ef4bfb)
- ✨ add data table to display transactions (b9cc15d)
- ✨ add date-picker (e5a5254)
- ✨ add expenses per category component (dd32619)
- ✨ add global error boundary (070bbcd)
- ✨ add Header component (c076dca)
- ✨ add heigth to layout and dark class (717ed11)
- ✨ add logo (fb54f2d)
- ✨ add mobile responsive support (5c7c71e)
- ✨ add money input (ede8a12)
- ✨ add payment method formatter, categories, and actions (7fed85b)
- ✨ add posthog provider to private routes (16f32fc)
- ✨ add posthog provider to public routes layout (a5103f0)
- ✨ add prisma (174be7a)
- ✨ add prisma client and table from shadcn (ff30fde)
- ✨ add shadcn components to use with date picker (6b00b69)
- ✨ add summary cards (b85fb1d)
- ✨ add transaction button component (2327e31)
- ✨ add Transaction Page (8714294)
- ✨ add transactions pie charts component (6a21917)
- ✨ add type-badge component (88ba359)
- ✨ create posthog provider (a4c8c5f)
- ✨ ensure dashboard get actual month to display data (5f7fe91)
- ✨ ensure overflow will not appear, and now we use scroll areas (2220b45)
- ✨ ensure transaction can be updated (15c2f27)
- ✨ inital sign in ui (6e099e6)
- ✨ initial login ui (63e12c8)
- ✨ transactions now can be created (0a7eb7d)
- ✨ updated fonts (83d81ea)
- add last transaction component (2349d3e)
- add select (52d8f05)
- add semantic release (77cd8e6)
- ensure prisma is in prod dependencies (7676144)
- ensure prisma is in prod dependencies (27794f0)