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Brian Underwood edited this page Apr 28, 2016 · 25 revisions

Include in your gemfile:

# for rubygems
gem 'neo4j', '~> 5.0.0'
# for master, which is typically stable:
gem 'neo4j', github: 'neo4jrb/neo4j'

If using Rails, include the railtie in application.rb:

require 'neo4j/railtie'

To use the model generator, modify application.rb once more:

class Application < Rails::Application
  config.generators { |g| g.orm :neo4j }     

If you want to use a custom url you need to modify application.rb and require NEO4J_URL

ENV['NEO4J_URL'] || raise('no NEO4J_URL provided')

class Application < Rails::Application
  config.neo4j.session_type = :server_db
  config.neo4j.session_path = ENV['NEO4J_URL'] || 'http://localhost:7475'

If not using Rails, include the rake tasks in your Rakefile:

load 'neo4j/rake_tasks/neo4j_server.rake'
load 'neo4j/tasks/migration.rake'

Usage from Ruby

Rake tasks and basic server connection are defined in the neo4j-core gem. See its documentation for more details.

With the Rake tasks loaded, install Neo4j and start the server:

rake neo4j:install[community-2.2.2]
rake neo4j:start

(Note that if you are using zsh, you need to prefix any rake tasks with arguments with the noglob command, e.g. $ noglob bundle exec rake neo4j:install[community-2.2.0-M02].)

At this point, it will give you a message that the server has started or an error. Assuming everything is ok, point your browser to http://localhost:7474 and the Neo4j web console should load up.

To open a session to the neo4j server database:

# In JRuby or MRI, using Neo4j Server mode. When the railtie is included, this happens automatically.

If you have set a username and password during the Neo4j installation process then you will also need to pass these credentials as options:, "http://localhost:7474", { basic_auth: { username: 'neo4j', password: 'your-password'} })

After you have created a session you can now use the database, see below.

Usage from JRuby

On JRuby you can access the database in two different ways: using the embedded db or the server db.

Example, Open a session to the neo4j embedded database (running in the same JVM)

  session =, '/folder/db')

NOTE: Currently if you are using the neo4j or neo4j-core gems in JRuby you need to also use the neo4j-community or neo4j-enterprise gems, even if you are using Neo4j is server mode. We hope to fix this in the future (see this issue)

Usage with a remote Server

Example of a rails config/application.rb file:

config.neo4j.session_options = { basic_auth: { username: 'foo', password: 'bar'} } 
config.neo4j.session_type = :server_db 
config.neo4j.session_path = 'http://localhost:7474'

For more configuration options, use the initialize session option parameter which is used to initialize a Faraday session.

Example: config.neo4j.session_options = {initialize: { ssl: { verify: true }}

See how to configure the Neo4j::Session with basic authentication from a non-rails application.

A _classname property is added to all nodes during creation to store the object's class name. This prevents an extra query to the database when wrapping the node in a Ruby class. To change the property name, add this to application.rb:

config.neo4j[:class_name_property] = :new_name

NOTE The above is not true when using the master branch and Neo4j v2.1.5 or greater. See for more info.

Usage from heroku

Add a Neo4j db to your application:

# Substitute "chalk" with the plan of your choice
heroku addons:add graphenedb:chalk

See for more info, for plans.

Example of a rails config/application.rb file:

config.neo4j.session_type = :server_db 
config.neo4j.session_path = ENV["GRAPHENEDB_URL"] || 'http://localhost:7474'

Usage from Rails

Rails users are strongly encouraged to enable eager_load in their environment config files to prevent issues related to class loading and index declaration.

 rails new myapp -m -O
 cd myapp
 rake neo4j:install[community-2.2.1]
 rake neo4j:start

 rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string
 rails s
 open http://localhost:3000/users

Or manually modify the rails config file config/application.rb:

require 'neo4j/railtie'

module Blog
  class Application < Rails::Application
     # To use generators:
     config.generators { |g| g.orm :neo4j }
     # This is for embedded db, only available from JRuby
     #config.neo4j.session_type = :embedded_db # or server_db
     #config.neo4j.session_path = File.expand_path('neo4j-db', Rails.root) # or http://localhost:port

You can skip Active Record by using the -O flag when generating the rails project.

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