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Declared Relationships

Andreas Ronge edited this page Jul 21, 2014 · 8 revisions

has_many (outgoing)

A has_many declaration is used to generate accessor methods for traversing relationships as well as creating new relationships.

The first argument of the has_many is the name of the method that will be generated.


class Person
  include Neo4j::ActiveNode
  has_many :friends

This will generate a friends method on the Person class so that we can create new relationships between two nodes like this:

p = Person.create
p.friends << Person.create  # by default it creates an outgoing relationship of type friends

This could also be achieved without using the accessor method, example

p = Person.create
# example 1
p.outgoing(:friends) << Person.create  # Notice you don't have to declare the relationship !

# example 2
# See
p.create_rel(:friends, Person.create, {}) # last argument is the properties of the relationship

Example: To retrieve all nodes using the friends accessor method

p.friends.to_a # [Person object, ...]

It is also possible to retrieve nodes without using the accessor method.


# or, see

To retrieve the relationship object instead of the nodes, use the generated friends_rels method. Example

p.friends_rels.to_a  # [Neo4j::Relationship objects]

# this can also be done using the Neo4j::Node.rels method
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