- Ruby 2.3.0
- Neo4j Community Edition
- Semantic UI 2.1
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox (in case you use v5.1 you may need to downgrade to v5.0)
Start the virtual machine. The first time the machine is started it will be created and configured which may take a while.
vagrant up
SSH to the VM
vagrant ssh
CD to the code directory. This directory is synced with the directory on your computer.
cd /vagrant
Install the project requirements
bundle install
Set the environment (optional)
export GITHUB_KEY='<your_key>'
export GITHUB_SECRET='<your_secret>'
Run migrations
rake neo4j:migrate
Start the rails server
rails s -b
Web Addresses:
- GraphGist Portal
- Neo4j Database
After some user(s) are created you can give a user admin privileges by running the following query in the neo4j database website linked above:
MATCH (u:User {name:'<username of a user>'}) SET u.admin = true RETURN u
If you need to reboot the database, use:
sudo systemctl restart neo4j
Install ruby
rvm install 2.3.0
rvm use 2.3.0
gem install bundler
Install the project requirements
bundle install
Ensure the Neo4j database is running.
Set the environment (optional, only if you want to log in with github)
export GITHUB_KEY='<your_key>'
export GITHUB_SECRET='<your_secret>'
Start the rails server
rails s
You can now visit the website in your browser at localhost:3000
First it needs the S3 bucket name to be set to pass some tests:
export S3_BUCKET_NAME=graphgist_test
To run tests:
bundle exec rake
If you'd like to run single test file then:
rspec ./spec/controllers/query_controller_spec.rb