Autocomplete all the words!
The project we are currently working on requires auto-complete with a large number of possible words.
This is an experiment to create a great auto-complete experience on a shoe-string.
- Scrap all this code and re-write from scratch TDD?
- Read file with list of english words
- Store this list of words as an array called words
- Provide a way to search for a word (or part of word) in the words list (to get suggestions)
- store a count of the words that have been searched for
- Implement simple example UI allowing people to search for words
- Only start searching for suggestions after the person types second character
- send the string of characters the person types to the server
- When a person clicks on a word in the UI we need to count that as a "vote" for the word, so we can get some stats.
- When a word is clicked (or enter key hit) display the definition
- Put demo app on Heroku:
- Remove surplus words files (to reduce bandwidth) note: extended list is:
Example: search for the first four characters of the word awesome:
Returns the following four words:
npm run-script cover
Use the zipped version of the words.txt file to reduce bandwidth when installing the the module.
delete un-compressed version of words.txt
Use for faster transport of characters and suggestions.
There are several solutions to the autocomplete/autosuggest problem. The two most popular are:
- JQuery AutoComplete:
- Typeahead.js (by Twitter):
JQuery AutoComplete is Clunky and requires JQuery UI (#bloatware) try the demo on a mobile device: to see what I mean.
Typeahead is quite slick. See: but is focussed on the front-end. I needed the back-end component. (i.e. a fast way of returning word suggestions from a large dictionary of words - not just a small list of US States or Cities)
- Zero installation or configuration required. #winning
- Benchmarks:
- LevelDB with Node:
- Try/learn it:
- Great documentaion at:
- Another intro: