The Janno file format is specified here. This documentation includes additional background information about some of the columns in the .janno
file. This should make it more easy to compile the necessary information for both published and unpublished data.
The Individual_ID
column has to represent each sample with a world-wide unique identifier string equal to the identifier used in the respective accompanying publication. There is no central authority to issue these identifiers, so it remains in the hand of the authors to avoid duplication. The Individual_ID
s are also employed in the genetic data files and therefore have to adhere to certain constraints. If there are multiple samples from one individual, then they have to be clearly distinguished with relevant suffixes added to the Individual_ID
The Collection_ID
column stores an additional, secondary identifier as it is often provided by collaboration partners (archaeologists, museums, collections) that provide specimen for archaeogenetic research. These identifiers might have a very heterogenous structure and may not be unique across different projects or institutions. The Collection_ID
column is therefore a free form text field.
The Group_Name
column contains one or multiple group or population names for each individual, separated by ;
. The first entry must be identical to the one used in the genotype data for the respective sample. Assigning group and population names is a hard problem in archeogenetics, so that's why the .janno
file allows for more than one identifier.
The .janno
file contains five columns to describe the spatial origin of an individual sample: Country
, Location
, Site
and finally Latitude
and Longitude
The Country
column should contain a present-day political country name following the English short name
in ISO 3166.
The Location
column allows for free form text entry and can contain further, unspecified location information. This might be the name of an administrative or geographic region, or an arbitrary unit of reference like a mountain, lake or city close to the point of discory of the respective sample.
The Site
column should contain a site name, ideally in the latin alphabet and ideally the name that is commonly used in publications.
The Latitude
and Longitude
column should contain geographic coordinates (WGS84) in decimal degrees (DD) with a precision of not more than five places after the decimal point. This yields a precision of about 1.1132m at the equator which is sufficient to describe the position of an archaeological site. Coordinates in other formats like for example Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS) or in completely different coordinate reference systems should be transformed. There exist many Open Source software solutions to do that, most based on the PROJ library e.g. the The World Coordinate Converter.
The temporal position of a sample is encoded with seven different columns in the .janno
file: Date_C14_Labnr
, Date_C14_Uncal_BP
, Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err
, Date_BC_AD_Median
, Date_BC_AD_Start
, Date_BC_AD_Stop
, Date_Type
The Date_Type
column handles the general distinction between the most common forms of dating:
The entry modern
is reserved for present day reference samples, so not ancient DNA. If the sample is directly (or very reliably indirectly) radiocarbon dated and the columns Date_C14_Labnr
, Date_C14_Uncal_BP
and Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err
can be filled, then C14
applies. contextual
covers everything else, including age attribution based on the archaeologically determined stratigraphy or typological information. The contextual
value should also be chosen if the sample is only dated very indirectly (e.g. radiocarbon dates from other, unrelated features of the respective site) or dated with other physical or chemical dating methods (e.g. dendrochronology or optically stimulated luminescence).
If a sample is radiocarbon dated (Date_Type = C14
), then the three columns Date_C14_Labnr
, Date_C14_Uncal_BP
and Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err
can be filled. Each of these can hold multiple values separated by ;
to allow for multiple radiocarbon dates for each aDNA sample. With multiple values the number and order of values in the columns should of course be equal.
Each radiocarbon date has a unique identifier: the "lab number". It consists of a lab code issued by the journal Radiocarbon for each laboratory and a serial number. This lab number makes the date well identifiable and should be reported in Date_C14_Labnr
with the lab code separated from the serial number with a minus symbol.
The uncalibrated radiocarbon measurement can be described by a Gaussian distribution with mean and standard deviation. So the column Date_C14_Uncal_BP
holds the mean of that distribution in years before present (BP) as usually reported by radiocarbon laboratories. The age is always a positive integer value starting from a zero that corresponds to 1950 AD. The column Date_C14_Uncal_BP_Err
holds the respective standard deviation for each date in years. This should be the 1-sigma distance, so that the probability that the actual uncalibrated age of the measured sample is within the Date_C14_Uncal_BP
range is about 68%.
The columns Date_BC_AD_Median
, Date_BC_AD_Start
, Date_BC_AD_Stop
store a simplified summary of the age information. Ages are reported in years BC and AD, so in relation to the zero point of the Gregorian calender. BC dates are represented with negative, AD with positive integer values.
- If radiocarbon dates are available (
Date_Type = C14
should report the median age after calibration. With multiple dates this can be determined either with sum calibration or more complex (e.g. bayesian) age modelling.Date_BC_AD_Start
should report the starting/ending age of a 95% probability window around the age median. poseidonR offers a simple function to calibrate radiocarbon dates and compile the necessary input forDate_BC_AD_Median
- If only contextual (e.g. from archaeological typology) age information is available (
Date_Type = contextual
should simply report the approximate starting and end date determined by the respective source of scientific authority (e.g. an archaeologist knowledgable about the relevant typological sequences). In this caseDate_BC_AD_Median
should be calculated as the mean ofDate_BC_AD_Start
rounded to an integer value. - If the sample is a modern reference sample (
Date_Type = modern
should all be set to the value 2000, for 2000AD.
The Genetic_Sex
column should encode the biological sex as determined from the DNA read distribution on the X and Y chromosome. It only allows for the entries
: femaleM
: maleU
This limitation stems from the genotype data formats by Plink and the Eigensoft software package. Edge cases (e.g. XXY, XYY, X0, ...) can not be expressed with this format and should be reported as U
with an additional comment in the free text Note
field. Genetic sex determination for ancient DNA can be performed for example with Sex.DetERRmine.
The MT_Haplogroup
column is meant to store the human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup for the respective individual in a simple string. The entry can be arbitrarily precise. A software tool to determine the MT haplogroup is for example Haplogrep.
The Y_Haplogroup
column holds the respective human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup in a simple string. The notation should follow a syntax with the main branch + the most terminal derived Y-SNP separated with a minus symbol (e.g. R1b-P312).
The Source_Tissue
column documents the skeletal, soft tissue or other elements from which source material for DNA library preparation have been extracted. If multiple libraries have been taken from different elements, these can be listed separated by ;
. Specific bone names should be reported with an underscore (e.g. bone_phalanx, tooth_molar).
The No_of_Libraries
column holds a simple integer value of the number of libraries that have been prepared for an individual.
The Data_Type
column specifies the general pre-sequencing preparation methods that have been applied to the library. See Knapp/Hofreiter 2010 for a review of the different techniques. This field can hold one of four different values, but also multiple of these separated by ;
if different methods have been applied for different libraries.
: Sequencing without any enrichment (whole genome sequencing, screening etc.)1240k
: Target enrichment with hybridization capture optimised for sequences covering the 1240k SNP arrayOtherCapture
: Target enrichment with hybridization capture for any other set of sequencesReferenceGenome
: Modern reference genomes where aDNA fragmentation is not an issue and other sample preparation techniques apply
column documents if the libraries for the respective individual went through UDG (USER enzyme) treatment. This wet lab protocol step removes molecular damage in the form of deaminated cytosines characteristic of ancient DNA.
: A protocol without UDG treatment (e.g. Aaron/Neumann/Brandt et al. 2020a)half
: A protocol with UDG-half treatment (e.g. Aaron/Neumann/Brandt et al. 2020b)plus
: A protocol with UDG-full treatment (e.g. Aaron/Neumann/Brandt et al. 2020c)mixed
: Multiple later merged libraries went through different UDG treatment approaches
The Library_Built
column describes the library preparation method regarding single- or double-stranded protocols. See e.g. Gansauge/Meyer 2013 for more information.
: Double-stranded library preparationss
: Single-stranded library preparationother
: Other library preparion method or merged data from differently prepared libraries
The Genotype_Ploidy
column stores a characteristic of the aDNA data treatment. Humans have two complete sets of chromosomes in their cells and hence are diploid organisms. For many computational aDNA applications it is more practical, though, to work with pseudo-haploid data, so data were only one read per position is selected by a random sampling process.
: No random read selectionhaploid
: Random read selection to produce pseudo-haploid data
The column Data_Preparation_Pipeline_URL
should finally store an URL that links to a complete and human-readable description of the computational pipeline (for example a specific configuration for nf-core/eager) by which the sample data was processed. One solution to document and publish a computational workflow like this might be through
The Endogenous
column holds the percentage of mapped reads over the total amount of reads that went into the mapping pipeline. That boils down to the DNA percentage of the library that matches the (human) reference. It should be determined from Shotgun libraries (so before any hybridization capture), not on target and without any quality filtering. In case of multiple libraries only the highest value should be reported. The % endogenous DNA can be calculated for example with the script.
The Nr_autosomal_SNPs
column should give the number of SNPs on the 1240k SNP array covered at least once in any of the libraries from this sample.
The Coverage_1240k
column should report the mean SNP coverage on the 1240k SNP array for the merged libraries of this sample. To calculate the coverage it's necessary to determine which 1240k SNPs are covered how many times by the mapped reads. Individual SNPs might be covered multiple times, whereas others may not be covered at all by the highly deteriorated ancient DNA. The coverage for each SNP is therefore a number between 0 and n and the mean coverage for a complete sample can be calculated as a mean of the SNP-wise coverage distribution for all its libraries combined. The coverage can be calculated for example with the QualiMap software package.
The Damage
column contains the % damage on the first position of the 5' end for the main Shotgun library used for sequencing or capture. In case of multiple libraries you should report a value from the merged read alignment.
The Xcontam
column stores the mean of an X chromosome based contamination measure. It can only be filled for male individuals. In case of multiple libraries you should report a value from the merged read alignment. X contamination can be calculated for example with ANGSD. ANGSD can possibly yield a negative contamination value; in this case the result should be reported as 0.
The Xcontam_stderr
column adds an uncertainty term to the mean contamination measure reported in Xcontam
. It should be one standard error.
The mtContam
column is intended for a mean mitochondrial DNA based contamination rate. For multiple libraries a value from the merged read alignment should be reported. This measure can be estimated for example with ContamMix (no homepage, please contact Philip Johnson) or Schmutzi.
The mtContam_stderr
column adds an error term with the size of one standard error to the mean mtDNA based contamination estimate, just as Xcontam_stderr
for Xcontam
The Genetic_Source_Accession_IDs
column was introduced to link the derived genotype data in Poseidon with the raw sequencing data typically uploaded to archives like the ENA or SRA. There projects or even individual samples are given clear identifiers: Accession IDs. This janno column is supposed to store one or multiple of these Accessions IDs for each individual/sample in Poseidon. If multiple are entered, then they should be arranged by descending specificity from left to right (e.g. project id > sample id > sequencing run id).
The Primary_Contact
column is a free form text field that stores the name of the main or the corresponding author of the respective paper for published data.
The Publication_Status
column holds either the value unpublished
for (yet) unpublished samples or -- for published data -- one or multiple citation-keys of the form AuthorJournalYear
without any spaces or special characters. These keys have to be identical to the BibTeX citation-keys identifying the respective entries in the .bib
file of the package. BibTeX is a file format to store bibliographic information, where each entry (article, book, website, ...) is defined by a series of parameters (authors, year of publication, journal, ...). Here's an example .bib
file with two entries:
doi = {10.1073/pnas.1518445113},
url = {},
year = 2015,
month = {dec},
publisher = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
volume = {113},
number = {2},
pages = {368--373},
author = {Lara M. Cassidy and Rui Martiniano and Eileen M. Murphy and Matthew D. Teasdale and James Mallory and Barrie Hartwell and Daniel G. Bradley},
title = {Neolithic and Bronze Age migration to Ireland and establishment of the insular Atlantic genome},
journal = {Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences}
doi = {10.1126/sciadv.aax0061},
url = {},
year = 2019,
month = {jul},
publisher = {American Association for the Advancement of Science ({AAAS})},
volume = {5},
number = {7},
pages = {eaax0061},
author = {Michal Feldman and Daniel M. Master and Raffaela A. Bianco and Marta Burri and Philipp W. Stockhammer and Alissa Mittnik and Adam J. Aja and Choongwon Jeong and Johannes Krause},
title = {Ancient {DNA} sheds light on the genetic origins of early Iron Age Philistines},
journal = {Science Advances}
The string CassidyPNAS2015
is the citation-key of the first entry. To cite both publications in the Publication_Status
column, one would enter CassidyPNAS2015;FeldmanScienceAdvances2019
When creating a new Poseidon package the .bib
file should be filled together with the Publication_Status
column. One of the most simple ways to obtain the BibTeX entries may be to request them with the doi from here. It could be necessary to adjust the result manually, though. The citation-key, for example, has to be replaced by the one used in the Publication_Status
The Note
column is a free form text field that can contain small amounts of additional information that is not yet expressed in a more systematic form in the the other .janno
file columns.
The Keywords
column was introduced to allow for tagging individuals with arbitrary keywords. This should simplify sorting and filtering in personal Poseidon package repositories. Each keyword is a string and multiple keywords can be separated with ;