##To use this test runner framework you have to setup your test file accoding the following sample.
now all error message will be in different color
=============================================================== sample_test.c
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "dependency.h"
void test_generate_fibonacci_of_one(){
void test_generate_fibonacci_of_two(){
=============================================================== do not create any main function inside your test file and don not put your test name with in any printf function.
##Usage :
node runTestForC.js test_file.c dependency_file.c -w==> runs all tests
node runTestForC.js test_file.c dependency_file.c -w -list ==> lists all tests
node runTestForC.js test_file.c dependency_file.c -w -stop ==> stops on first failure
node runTestForC.js test_file.c dependency_file.c -w -only namePart ==> runs all tests that match the namePart
-w is optional to avoid compiler warning