- Fail builds if they have direct dependencies on a library that is excluded
- Bug fix to prevent exception on unresolved dependencies
- Have compileOnly go to provided in ivy
- BUGFIX don't add empty dependencies block
- Build with gradle 4.0-milestone-2 as we saw issues using our plugin built with 3.5 on a 4.0-milestone-2 test project
- BREAKING: old names
- Republish after adding
to gradle plugin portal block
- Add scope to gradle to automatically put those dependencies in the compile scope of the pom and ivy files
- Make ivy-excludes conditional on Gradle version to avoid duplicate excludes due to Gradle 2.11's support for Ivy excludes
- Add conf to test jar and add safety checks to origin URL manipulation
- Bugfix to add conf and type to source and javadoc jar artifacts published to Ivy repositories
- Bugfix to guard against trying to apply dependency excludes on transitive deps
- Fix build.gradle to publish to plugin portal
- Removed nebula.maven-dependencies and nebula.ivy-dependencies because we no longer care about publishing WARs and building insight from their dependencies
- Added the minimal set of configurations to Ivy files necessary to make them Maven interoperable.
- BUGFIX: Update nebula.test-jar to behave as documented during interproject dependency
- BUGFIX: so that if these plugins are applied without a language plugin they do not fail the project
- Partial bugfix for applying without a language plugin
- Get selection rules into place before after evaluate, this should allow the plugin to work with other plugins that use project.properties or otherwise resolve the publishing model
- Fix issue where a changed status was not being reflected in the published ivy file
- move to gradle 2.8
- Fix nebula.maven-dependencies-jar plugin, update test to actually test plugin
- Add nebula.maven-resolved-dependencies-jar for projects that cannot use nebula.maven-resolved-dependencies due to other plugins resolving publications early
- add nebula.maven-dependencies-jar for projects that cannot use nebula.maven-dependencies because another plugin is resolving publishing before we can add our component
- move to gradle 2.7
- Release with fix for Gradle Plugin Portal so that v4.0.1 shows up there
- renames of multiple classes and plugins
- deprecation of nebula.test-jar, we feel this is best met by a project for common testing helpers
- Move to gradle-2.6 as our base environment
- Deprecation warnings for old plugin nebula-javadoc-jar, nebula-source-jar, nebula-test-jar
- Bug fix for multiproject builds with project dependencies via Viacheslav Shvets (slavashvets)
- Add in name and description to pom
- Fix handling of direct dependencies with omitted versions
- Move to semantic versioning
- Fix issue detecting optional dependencies
- Complete rewrite
- Move to gradle 2.2.1
- Fix a bug caused by gradle-2.x or groovy-2.x where on creating a pom for a war project that references another project in a multiproject build a plugin method couldn't be found
- Uses gradle 2.0
- Upgradle nebula-plugin-plugin to 1.12.1
- Remove semantic version sorting of ivy dependencies, to make it work with non semantic version strings
- Introduce a CustomComponent
- Make publish valid
- Include name in pom
- Upgrade nebula-plugin-plugin
- Ensuring packaging is set correct for normal projects
- bug fixes
- Refactor into separate maven and ivy packages
- Add NebulaBaseIvyPublishingPlugin for good patterns for generating ivy files
- Add CustomComponentPlugin, for extending the default SoftwareComponent model, which is needed in ivy files
- resolved-ivy plugin, for producing resolved descriptors
- resolved-maven plugin, for replacing dynamic version ranges with their resolved values
- Add groovy.util.Node classes to help updating a node easily
- Add confs-visible plugin to make runtime and compile confs visible
- Add nebula-sign plugin, to hide the details of signing while also supporting maven-publish
- Initial release