This release is complete redesign of Nebula with a new architecture, due to the scale of the changes it also includes breaking changes as both the design & the workflow is now radically improved.
- updated NebulaPythonSDK to 2.0.0 & now using that to all contact with the manager
- added pruning on all devices
- added pruning on a per device_group basis
- added device_group logic - each device group consists of a list of apps it's running and each device\worker is configured at the worker container start to be part of a single device_group
- added support for connecting to managers with no user\pass
- multiple syntax & pep8 fixes
- updated documentation
- allowing worker to run with no conf.json file
- folder structure refactor
- locked shippable ARM build python version
- no more RabbitMQ needed
- moved roll to happen via a per app configurable option
- fixed #35
- edge case protection against starting a worker as part of a device_group that hasn't been created yet