import type { Schema } from 'genson-js/dist/types'; import type { Event, Method } from '@/pages/api/generateCode'; export interface GeneratedCode { jsCode: string; sqlCode: string; } interface Column { name: string; sql: string; } function sanitizeTableName(tableName: string): string { // Convert to PascalCase let pascalCaseTableName = tableName // Replace special characters with underscores .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, '_') // Makes first letter and any letters following an underscore upper case .replace(/^([a-zA-Z])|_([a-zA-Z])/g, (match: string) => match.toUpperCase()) // Removes all underscores .replace(/_/g, ''); // Add underscore if first character is a number if (/^[0-9]/.test(pascalCaseTableName)) { pascalCaseTableName = '_' + pascalCaseTableName; } return pascalCaseTableName; } const createColumn = (columnName: string, schema: Schema): Column => { let type: string; switch (schema.type) { case 'string': type = 'TEXT'; break; case 'integer': type = 'INT'; break; case 'number': type = 'FLOAT'; break; case 'boolean': type = 'BOOLEAN'; break; case 'array': type = 'TEXT[]'; break; case 'object': type = 'JSONB'; break; default: type = 'TEXT'; } return { name: columnName, sql: `"${columnName}" ${type}` }; }; export class WizardCodeGenerator { constructor(private contractFilter: string, private selectedMethods: Method[], private selectedEvents?: Event[]) {} private getColumns(method: Method): Column[] { if (! { return []; } return Object.entries([k, v]) => createColumn(k, v)); } private getTableName(method: Method): { contextDbName: string; tableName: string } { const tableName = `calls_to_${method.method_name}`; return { tableName, contextDbName: sanitizeTableName(tableName) }; } private generateSQLForMethod(method: Method): string { if (! { return ''; } const { tableName } = this.getTableName(method); const columns = this.getColumns(method); // TODO: add NULLABLE for optional fields return ` CREATE TABLE ${tableName} ( "block_height" INT, "block_timestamp" TIMESTAMP, "signer_id" TEXT, "receipt_id" TEXT, ${ => ` ${c.sql},`).join('\n')} PRIMARY KEY ("receipt_id") ); -- Consider adding an index ( on a frequently queried column, e.g.: ${ => `-- CREATE INDEX "${tableName}_${}_key" ON "${tableName}" ("${}" ASC);`).join('\n')} `; } private generateJSForMethod(method: Method): string { const columnNames = this.getColumns(method).map((c) =>; const primaryKeys = ['receipt_id']; const { contextDbName } = this.getTableName(method); const methodName = method.method_name; return ` // Extract and upsert ${methodName} function calls const callsTo${methodName} = extractFunctionCallEntity("${this.contractFilter}", "${methodName}", ${JSON.stringify( columnNames, )}); try { await context.db.${contextDbName}.upsert(callsTo${methodName}, ${JSON.stringify(primaryKeys)}, ${JSON.stringify( columnNames, )}); } catch(e) { context.error(\`Unable to upsert ${methodName} function calls: \$\{e.message\}\`); } `; } private generateJSCode(): string { return ` function extractFunctionCallEntity(contractFilter, methodName, argsToInclude) { const jsonify = (v) => { if ((typeof v === "object" && v !== null) || Array.isArray(v)) return JSON.stringify(v); return v; }; return block .functionCallsToReceiver(contractFilter, methodName) .map((fc) => { let fcArgs = {}; try { fcArgs = fc.argsAsJSON(); } catch (e) { console.log( \`Failed to parse args \$\{fc.args\} into JSON for \$\{fc.methodName\}\` ); } const extractedArgs = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(fcArgs) .filter(([k]) => argsToInclude.includes(k)) .map(([k, v]) => [k, jsonify(v)]) ); return { block_height: block.blockHeight, block_timestamp: block.timestamp, signer_id: fc.signerId, receipt_id: fc.receiptId, ...extractedArgs, }; }); } ${ => this.generateJSForMethod(m)).join('\n')} `; } public generateCode(): GeneratedCode { const jsCode = this.generateJSCode(); const sqlCode = => this.generateSQLForMethod(m)).join('\n'); return { jsCode, sqlCode }; } }