- Amortization
- IRR and XIRR
- Utils
- Computing bank discount yield BDY for a T-bill
- Computing money market yield MMY for a T-bill
- Cash ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due
- Computing Coefficient of variation
- Cost of goods sold and ending inventory under three methods FIFO,LIFO,Weighted average
- Current ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due
- Depreciation Expense Recognition - double-declining balance DDB, the most common declining balance method, which applies two times the straight-line rate to the declining balance
- Debt ratio - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations
- Diluted Earnings Per Share
- Computing the rate of return for each period
- Convert stated annual rate to the effective annual rate
- Convert stated annual rate to the effective annual rate with continuous compounding
- Bond-equivalent yield BEY, 2 x the semiannual discount rate
- Computing HPR, the holding period return
- Equivalent/proportional Interest Rates
- Basic Earnings Per Share
- Financial leverage - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations
- Estimate future value fv
- Estimate future value of an annuity
- Estimate future value fv of a single sum
- Computing the future value of an uneven cash flow series
- Geometric mean return
- Gross profit margin - Evaluate a company's financial performance
- Harmonic mean, average price
- Computing HPR, the holding period return
- Bond-equivalent yield BEY, 2 x the semiannual discount rate
- Convert holding period return to the effective annual rate
- Computing money market yield MMY for a T-bill
- Computing IRR, the internal rate of return
- Calculate the net increase in common shares from the potential exercise of stock options or warrants
- Long-term debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations
- Computing HPR, the holding period return
- Estimate the number of periods
- Net profit margin - Evaluate a company's financial performance
- Computing NPV, the PV of the cash flows less the initial time = 0 outlay
- Estimate period payment
- Estimate present value pv
- Estimate present value pv of an annuity
- Estimate present value of a perpetuity
- Estimate present value pv of a single sum
- Computing the present value of an uneven cash flow series
- Quick ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due
- Convert a given norminal rate to a continuous compounded rate
- Convert a given continuous compounded rate to a norminal rate
- Rate of return for a perpetuity
- Computing Sampling error
- Computing Roy's safety-first ratio
- Computing Sharpe Ratio
- Depreciation Expense Recognition - Straight-line depreciation SL allocates an equal amount of depreciation each year over the asset's useful life
- Total debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations
- Computing TWRR, the time-weighted rate of return
- Calculate weighted average shares - weighted average number of common shares
- Weighted mean as a portfolio return
You are interested in borrowing $250,000 under a 30 year, fixed-rate loan with a 4.25% APR.
rate = Finrb::Rate.new(0.0425, :apr, :duration => (30 * 12))
amortization = Finrb::Amortization.new(250000, rate)
Find the standard monthly payment:
=> Flt::DecNum('-1229.91')
Find the total cost of the loan:
=> Flt::DecNum('-442766.55')
How much will you pay in interest?
=> Flt::DecNum('192766.55')
How much interest in the first six months?
=> Flt::DecNum('5294.62')
If your loan has an adjustable rate, no problem. You can pass an arbitrary number of rates, and they will be used in the amortization. For example, we can look at an amortization of $250000, where the APR starts at 4.25%, and increases by 1% every five years.
values = %w{ 0.0425 0.0525 0.0625 0.0725 0.0825 0.0925 }
rates = values.collect { |value| Finrb::Rate.new( value, :apr, :duration => (5 * 12) }
arm = Finrb::Amortization.new(250000, *rates)
Since we are looking at an ARM, there is no longer a single "payment" value.
=> nil
But we can look at the different payments over time.
=> [Flt::DecNum('-1229.85'), Flt::DecNum('-1360.41'), Flt::DecNum('-1475.65'), Flt::DecNum('-1571.07'), ... snipped ... ]
The other methods previously discussed can be accessed in the same way:
=> Flt::DecNum('287515.45')
=> Flt::DecNum('-537515.45')
Last, but not least, you may pass a block when creating an Amortization which returns a modified monthly payment. For example, to increase your payment by $150, do:
rate = Finrb::Rate.new(0.0425, :apr, :duration => (30 * 12))
extra_payments = 250000.amortize(rate){ |period| period.payment - 150 }
Disregarding the block, we have used the same parameters as the first example. Notice the difference in the results:
=> Flt::DecNum('-442745.98')
=> Flt::DecNum('-400566.24')
=> Flt::DecNum('192745.98')
=> Flt::DecNum('150566.24')
You can also increase your payment to a specific amount:
extra_payments_2 = 250000.amortize(rate){ -1500 }
guess = 0.1
transactions = []
transactions << Transaction.new(-10000, date: '2010-01-01'.to_time(:utc))
transactions << Transaction.new(123000, date: '2012-01-01'.to_time(:utc))
# => Finrb::Rate.new(2.507136, :apr)
Utils is a static class providing basic financial functions for modeling.
Utils is based on R's FinCal library (ported to Ruby).
Provides the following functions:
Basic Earnings Per Share
Bond-equivalent yield (BEY), 2 x the semiannual discount rate
Calculate the net increase in common shares from the potential exercise of stock options or warrants
Calculate weighted average shares - weighted average number of common shares
Cash ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due.
Computing Coefficient of variation
Computing HPR, the holding period return
Computing IRR, the internal rate of return
Computing NPV, the PV of the cash flows less the initial (time = 0) outlay
Computing Roy's safety-first ratio
Computing Sampling error
Computing Sharpe Ratio
Computing TWRR, the time-weighted rate of return
Computing bank discount yield (BDY) for a T-bill
Computing money market yield (MMY) for a T-bill
Computing the future value of an uneven cash flow series
Computing the present value of an uneven cash flow series
Computing the rate of return for each period
Convert a given continuous compounded rate to a norminal rate
Convert a given norminal rate to a continuous compounded rate
Convert holding period return to the effective annual rate
Convert stated annual rate to the effective annual rate (with continuous compounding)
Cost of goods sold and ending inventory under three methods (FIFO,LIFO,Weighted average)
Current ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due.
Debt ratio - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations.
Depreciation Expense Recognition - Straight-line depreciation (SL) allocates an equal amount of depreciation each year over the asset's useful life
Depreciation Expense Recognition - double-declining balance (DDB), the most common declining balance method, which applies two times the straight-line rate to the declining balance.
Diluted Earnings Per Share
Equivalent/proportional Interest Rates
Estimate future value (fv) (of a single sum)
Estimate future value of an annuity
Estimate period payment
Estimate present value (pv) (of a single sum) (of an annuity)
Estimate present value of a perpetuity
Estimate the number of periods
Financial leverage - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations.
Geometric mean return
Gross profit margin - Evaluate a company's financial performance
Harmonic mean, average price
Long-term debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations.
Net profit margin - Evaluate a company's financial performance
Quick ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due.
Rate of return for a perpetuity
Total debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations.
Weighted mean as a portfolio return
Param - d - the dollar discount, which is equal to the difference between the face value of the bill and the purchase price
Param - f - the face value (par value) of the bill
Param - t - number of days remaining until maturity
Param - bdy - bank discount yield
Param - t - number of days remaining until maturity
Cash ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due
Param - cash - cash
Param - ms - marketable securities
Param - cl - current liabilities
Param - sd - standard deviation
Param - avg - average value
Param - uinv - units of beginning inventory
Param - pinv - price of beginning inventory
Param - units - nx1 vector of inventory units. inventory purchased ordered by time (from first to last)
Param - price - nx1 vector of inventory price. same order as units
Param - sinv - units of sold inventory
Param - method - inventory methods: FIFO (first in first out, permitted under both US and IFRS), LIFO (late in first out, US only), WAC (weighted average cost,US and IFRS)
Current ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due
Param - ca - current assets
Param - cl - current liabilities
Depreciation Expense Recognition - double-declining balance (DDB), the most common declining balance method, which applies two times the straight-line rate to the declining balance
Param - cost - cost of long-lived assets
Param - rv - residual value of the long-lived assets at the end of its useful life. DDB does not explicitly use the asset's residual value in the calculations, but depreciation ends once the estimated residual value has been reached. If the asset is expected to have no residual value, the DB method will never fully depreciate it, so the DB method is typically changed to straight-line at some point in the asset's life.
Param - t - length of the useful life
Param - td - total debt
Param - ta - total assets
Param - ni - net income
Param - pd - preferred dividends
Param - cpd - dividends on convertible preferred stock
Param - cdi - interest on convertible debt
Param - tax - tax rate
Param - w - weighted average number of common shares outstanding
Param - cps - shares from conversion of convertible preferred stock
Param - cds - shares from conversion of convertible debt
Param - iss - shares issuable from stock options
Param - n - number of periods
Param - pv - present value
Param - fv - future value
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - lower - the lower end points of the rate of return to be searched.
Param - upper - the upper end points of the rate of return to be searched. @importFrom stats uniroot
Param - r - stated annual rate
Param - m - number of compounding periods per year
- Param - r - stated annual rate
- Param - ear - effective annual rate
Param - ear - effective annual rate
Param - t - number of days remaining until maturity
@description An interest rate to be applied n times p.a. can be converted to an equivalent rate to be applied p times p.a.
Param - r - interest rate to be applied n times per year (r is annual rate!)
Param - n - times that the interest rate r were compounded per year
Param - p - times that the equivalent rate were compounded per year
Param - type - equivalent interest rates ('e',default) or proportional interest rates ('p')
- monthly interest rat equivalent to 5% compounded per year
- monthly interest rat equivalent to 5% compounded per half year
- monthly interest rat equivalent to 5% compounded per quarter
- annual interest rate equivalent to 5% compounded per month
this is equivalent to ear(r=0.05,m=12)
quarter interest rate equivalent to 5% compounded per year
- quarter interest rate equivalent to 5% compounded per month
- monthly proportional interest rate which is equivalent to a simple annual interest
Param - ni - net income
Param - pd - preferred dividends
Param - w - weighted average number of common shares outstanding
Financial leverage - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations
Param - te - total equity
Param - ta - total assets
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - n - number of periods
Param - pv - present value
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - n - number of periods
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - n - number of periods
Param - pv - present value
Param - r - stated annual rate
Param - cf - uneven cash flow
Finrb::Utils.fv_uneven(r=0.1, cf=[-1000, -500, 0, 4000, 3500, 2000])
- Param - r - returns over multiple periods
Finrb::Utils.geometric_mean(r=[-0.0934, 0.2345, 0.0892])
Param - gp - gross profit, equal to revenue minus cost of goods sold (cogs)
Param - rv - revenue (sales)
- Param - p - price over multiple periods
Param - ev - ending value
Param - bv - beginning value
Param - cfr - cash flow received
Param - hpr - holding period return
Param - t - number of month remaining until maturity
Param - hpr - holding period return
Param - t - number of days remaining until maturity
Param - hpr - holding period return
Param - t - number of days remaining until maturity
- Param - cf - cash flow,the first cash flow is the initial outlay @importFrom stats uniroot
Finrb::Utils.irr(cf=[-5, 1.6, 2.4, 2.8])
Calculate the net increase in common shares from the potential exercise of stock options or warrants
Param - amp - average market price over the year
Param - ep - exercise price of the options or warrants
Param - n - number of common shares that the options and warrants can be convened into
Long-term debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations
Param - ltd - long-term debt
Param - te - total equity
Param - mmy - money market yield
Param - t - number of days remaining until maturity
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - pv - present value
Param - fv - future value
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - ni - net income
Param - rv - revenue (sales)
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - cf - cash flow,the first cash flow is the initial outlay
Finrb::Utils.npv(r=0.12, cf=[-5, 1.6, 2.4, 2.8])
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - n - number of periods
Param - pv - present value
Param - fv - future value
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - n - number of periods
Param - fv - future value
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - n - number of periods
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - g - growth rate of perpetuity
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - type - payments occur at the end of each period (type=0); payments occur at the beginning of each period (type=1)
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - n - number of periods
Param - fv - future value
Param - r - discount rate, or the interest rate at which the amount will be compounded each period
Param - cf - uneven cash flow
Finrb::Utils.pv_uneven(r=0.1, cf=[-1000, -500, 0, 4000, 3500, 2000])
Quick ratio - Liquidity ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its short-term obligations as they come due
Param - cash - cash
Param - ms - marketable securities
Param - rc - receivables
Param - cl - current liabilities
Param - r - norminal rate
Param - m - number of times compounded each year
Param - rc - continuous compounded rate
Param - m - number of desired times compounded each year
Param - pmt - payment per period
Param - pv - present value
Param - sm - sample mean
Param - mu - population mean
Finrb::Utils.sampling_error(sm=0.45, mu=0.5)
Param - rp - portfolio return
Param - rl - threshold level return
Param - sd - standard deviation of portfolio retwns
Param - rp - portfolio return
Param - rf - risk-free return
Param - sd - standard deviation of portfolio retwns
Depreciation Expense Recognition - Straight-line depreciation (SL) allocates an equal amount of depreciation each year over the asset's useful life
Param - cost - cost of long-lived assets
Param - rv - residual value of the long-lived assets at the end of its useful life
Param - t - length of the useful life
Total debt-to-equity - Solvency ratios measure the firm's ability to satisfy its long-term obligations
Param - td - total debt
Param - te - total equity
Param - ev - ordered ending value list
Param - bv - ordered beginning value list
Param - cfr - ordered cash flow received list
Param - ns - n x 1 vector vector of number of shares
Param - nm - n x 1 vector vector of number of months relate to ns
Param - r - returns of the individual assets in the portfolio
Param - w - corresponding weights associated with each of the individual assets
Finrb::Utils.wpr(r=[0.12, 0.07, 0.03],w=[0.5,0.4,0.1])