The Supreme Court is the supreme judiciary power within Nation3.
It is composed of judges who are legal professionals, elected by the Nation3 DAO.
Its role is to resolve disputes by:
- Reading the agreement's terms.
- Reviewing any other evidence submitted by the parties of an agreement.
- Submitting a new fair financial outcome based on the law in effect and their judgement.
This is a chart describing the Supreme Court formation:
graph LR
DAO[Nation3 DAO] -->|Appoints| Judges
Judges -->|Form| Court[Supreme Court]
Court -->|Resolves disputes| Agreements
This is a chart describing the dispute resolution flow:
graph LR
Court[Supreme Court] -->|Proposes| Outcome
Parties -->|Submit evidence| Court
Parties -->|Can appeal| Outcome
DAO -->|Can approve appeal| Outcome
Outcome -->|If appeal approved, it's invalid| Outcome
If the appeal is approved, the Supreme Court must propose a new outcome to resolve the dispute.
Attorney based out of Monmouth County, New Jersey, in the United States. Practicing for nearly 14 years, focusing on complex commercial litigation — including extensive arbitration experience. | Matthew-Blaine-Esq.-scaled (1).jpg | | |
International tax and tech lawyer since 2001, focused in crypto law since 2016. Deeply engaged with different web3 projects, such as Aragon, OlympusDAO, Molecule,, LabDAO, ValleyDAO. | 1516849127890 (1).jpeg | | |
I’ve participated in multiple arbitration courts and Model United Nations conferences. Previously led Curia — LexDAO’s on-chain ADR project. | 1601140646359.jpeg | | |
Canadian licensed lawyer and certified negotiator. Focusing on corporate and employment law, banking litigation and business disputes. General Counsel at Lido, member of the advisory committee to the UK law commission on law reform for DAOs. | Eric-Hill.jpeg | | |
Experienced working with German courts and in migration and criminal law. Worked at one of Germany’s top corporate law firms. Member of Surge DAO. | ZmlsZTovLy9Vc2Vycy9ndWVzdC9MaWJyYXJ5L0FwcGxpY2F0aW9uJTIwU3VwcG9ydC9qYWNrL3RlbGVncmFtXzRjNWNmMTMyMTZlZWViODFhNzJhZWNmNWFmNGYyN2JkL21lZGlhLzExMDQ5OTkuanBn.jpeg | |
Although not written in law, these are the advisable requirements to become a judge:
- Have a full professional proficiency in English.
- Be a certified legal professional.
- Be a Nation3 citizen.
- Be prepared to enter this agreement with the Nation3 DAO.
{% hint style="info" %} The next judge elections will be conduced on the 5th of November of 2023. {% endhint %}
The Nation3 DAO will hold yearly elections to choose the judges of the Supreme Court.
To apply, you'll need to create a new post in this category within the Nation3 forum including:
- The following statement: “I, [your name], with adress [your Ethereum address] understand, and agree to enter into, the agreement with the Nation3 DAO to fulfil my role as a Judge in the Supreme Court of Nation3, should I be elected by community vote”.
- Legal qualifications.
- Relevant legal experience (e.g. contract law, corporate & employment law, business disputes, as well as any type of dispute resolution).
- Relevant Web3 experience or research.