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395 lines (251 loc) · 18.6 KB

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395 lines (251 loc) · 18.6 KB
  1. api
  2. async
  3. atom
  4. blockchain
  5. boot
  6. clojure-library
  7. clojure-spec
  8. clojurescript
  9. cuda
  10. database
  11. edn
  12. electron
  13. epl
  14. ethereum
  15. excel
  16. figwheel
  17. frontend
  18. gpu
  19. gpu-computing
  20. haskell
  21. hiccup
  22. high-performance-computing
  23. html
  24. http
  25. java
  26. javascript
  27. jdbc
  28. leiningen
  29. library
  30. ligatures
  31. logging
  32. metrics
  33. migrations
  34. openapi
  35. opencl
  36. programming-language
  37. project-template
  38. re-frame
  39. react
  40. reagent
  41. repl
  42. rest
  43. ring
  44. routing
  45. sql
  46. swagger
  47. taoensso
  48. web


  1. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  2. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library


  1. sente. Realtime web comms for Clojure/Script
  2. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger


  1. proton. space-atom. spacemacs and sublimious style editing in atom
  2. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).


  1. status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
  2. ethlance. Ethlance is the first job market platform built entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. Free to use forever!


  1. boot. Build tooling for Clojure.
  2. perun. Programmable static site generator built with Clojure and Boot


  1. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library
  2. markdown-clj. Markdown parser in Clojure
  3. fluokitten. Category theory concepts in Clojure - Functors, Applicatives, Monads, Monoids and more.
  4. rebel-readline. Terminal readline library for Clojure dialects
  5. migratus. MIGRATE ALL THE THINGS!
  6. bayadera. High-performance Bayesian Data Analysis on the GPU in Clojure


  1. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  2. spec-provider. Infer Clojure specs from sample data. Inspired by F#'s type providers.


  1. LightTable. The Light Table IDE
  2. re-frame. A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript.
  3. reagent. A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
  4. datascript. Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
  5. lein-figwheel. Figwheel builds your ClojureScript code and hot loads it into the browser as you are coding!
  6. status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
  7. klipse. A simple client-side code evaluator pluggable on any web page: clojure, ruby, javascript, python, scheme, es2017, jsx, brainfuck, c++, reagent, lua, ocaml, reasonml
  8. lumo. Fast, cross-platform, standalone ClojureScript environment
  9. sente. Realtime web comms for Clojure/Script
  10. timbre. Pure Clojure/Script logging library
  11. closh. Bash-like shell based on Clojure
  12. frontend. CircleCI's frontend
  13. garden. Generate CSS with Clojure
  14. cljs-devtools. A collection of Chrome DevTools enhancements for ClojureScript developers
  15. bidi. Bidirectional URI routing
  16. mount. managing Clojure and ClojureScript app state since (reset)
  17. sablono. Lisp/Hiccup style templating for Facebook's React in ClojureScript.
  18. proton. space-atom. spacemacs and sublimious style editing in atom
  19. precept. A declarative programming framework
  20. ethlance. Ethlance is the first job market platform built entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. Free to use forever!
  21. shadow-cljs. ClojureScript compilation made easy
  22. clojurecademy. Clojurecademy Web Application
  23. expound. Human-optimized error messages for clojure.spec
  24. tenzing. ⚡️ Clojurescript application template using Boot
  25. cljs-electron. ClojureScript + Electron + Figwheel + Reagent = ❤❤❤
  26. markdown-clj. Markdown parser in Clojure
  27. chocolatier. WIP ClojureScript game/engine using Pixi.js for rendering.
  28. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
  29. bouncer. A validation DSL for Clojure & Clojurescript applications
  30. rebel-readline. Terminal readline library for Clojure dialects


  1. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library
  2. bayadera. High-performance Bayesian Data Analysis on the GPU in Clojure


  1. datascript. Immutable database and Datalog query engine for Clojure, ClojureScript and JS
  2. ragtime. Database-independent migration library


  1. sente. Realtime web comms for Clojure/Script
  2. nippy. High-performance serialization library for Clojure
  3. fipp. Fast Idiomatic Pretty Printer for Clojure


  1. cljs-electron. ClojureScript + Electron + Figwheel + Reagent = ❤❤❤
  2. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).


  1. sente. Realtime web comms for Clojure/Script
  2. timbre. Pure Clojure/Script logging library
  3. carmine. Redis client and message queue for Clojure
  4. nippy. High-performance serialization library for Clojure


  1. status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
  2. ethlance. Ethlance is the first job market platform built entirely on the Ethereum blockchain. Free to use forever!


  1. docjure. Read and write Office documents from Clojure
  2. jagrid. Japanese-styled grid framework.


  1. lein-figwheel. Figwheel builds your ClojureScript code and hot loads it into the browser as you are coding!
  2. cljs-electron. ClojureScript + Electron + Figwheel + Reagent = ❤❤❤
  3. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).


  1. reagent. A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
  2. frontend. CircleCI's frontend


  1. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library
  2. bayadera. High-performance Bayesian Data Analysis on the GPU in Clojure


  1. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library
  2. bayadera. High-performance Bayesian Data Analysis on the GPU in Clojure


  1. lux. The Lux Programming Language
  2. pragmatapro. PragmataPro font is designed to help pros to work better


  1. hiccup. Fast library for rendering HTML in Clojure
  2. sablono. Lisp/Hiccup style templating for Facebook's React in ClojureScript.


  1. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library
  2. bayadera. High-performance Bayesian Data Analysis on the GPU in Clojure


  1. hiccup. Fast library for rendering HTML in Clojure
  2. Selmer. A fast, Django inspired template system in Clojure.
  3. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).


  1. compojure. A concise routing library for Ring/Clojure
  2. ring. Clojure HTTP server abstraction
  3. liberator. Liberator is a Clojure library for building RESTful applications.
  4. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger


  1. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library
  2. restQL-server. Microservice query language


  1. klipse. A simple client-side code evaluator pluggable on any web page: clojure, ruby, javascript, python, scheme, es2017, jsx, brainfuck, c++, reagent, lua, ocaml, reasonml
  2. lumo. Fast, cross-platform, standalone ClojureScript environment
  3. jagrid. Japanese-styled grid framework.


  1. ragtime. Database-independent migration library
  2. clojureql. ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure


  1. cljfmt. A tool for formatting Clojure code
  2. lein-ring. Ring plugin for Leiningen
  3. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
  4. lein-test-refresh. Refreshes and reruns clojure.tests in your project.


  1. lambdacd. a library to define a continuous delivery pipeline in code
  2. metrics-clojure. A thin façade around Coda Hale's metrics library.


  1. FiraCode. Monospaced font with programming ligatures
  2. pragmatapro. PragmataPro font is designed to help pros to work better


  1. riemann. A network event stream processing system, in Clojure.
  2. timbre. Pure Clojure/Script logging library


  1. riemann. A network event stream processing system, in Clojure.
  2. metrics-clojure. A thin façade around Coda Hale's metrics library.


  1. ragtime. Database-independent migration library
  2. migratus. MIGRATE ALL THE THINGS!


  1. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  2. ring-swagger. Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps


  1. neanderthal. Fast Clojure Matrix Library
  2. bayadera. High-performance Bayesian Data Analysis on the GPU in Clojure


  1. alda. A music programming language for musicians. 🎶
  2. lux. The Lux Programming Language


  1. tenzing. ⚡️ Clojurescript application template using Boot
  2. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).


  1. re-frame. A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript.
  2. status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
  3. re-com. A ClojureScript library of reusable components for Reagent
  4. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).
  5. re-frame-template. Leiningen template for reagent web app based on the re-frame pattern. Includes figwheel and optionally cider, doo, compjure, garden, less, re-com, re-frisk, re-frame-10x and secretary.


  1. reagent. A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
  2. sablono. Lisp/Hiccup style templating for Facebook's React in ClojureScript.
  3. re-com. A ClojureScript library of reusable components for Reagent


  1. re-frame. A Reagent Framework For Writing SPAs, in Clojurescript.
  2. reagent. A minimalistic ClojureScript interface to React.js
  3. status-react. a free (libre) open source, mobile OS for Ethereum
  4. reagent-cookbook. Examples of how to accomplish specific tasks in a Reagent webapp.
  5. re-com. A ClojureScript library of reusable components for Reagent
  6. cljs-electron. ClojureScript + Electron + Figwheel + Reagent = ❤❤❤
  7. lein_template_descjop. A Leiningen template(Clojure/ClojureScript Project) for Web based desktop application with Electron (atom-shell).


  1. lein-figwheel. Figwheel builds your ClojureScript code and hot loads it into the browser as you are coding!
  2. lumo. Fast, cross-platform, standalone ClojureScript environment
  3. shadow-cljs. ClojureScript compilation made easy
  4. rebel-readline. Terminal readline library for Clojure dialects


  1. liberator. Liberator is a Clojure library for building RESTful applications.
  2. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  3. restQL-server. Microservice query language
  4. ring-swagger. Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps


  1. compojure. A concise routing library for Ring/Clojure
  2. ring. Clojure HTTP server abstraction
  3. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  4. lein-ring. Ring plugin for Leiningen


  1. compojure. A concise routing library for Ring/Clojure
  2. bidi. Bidirectional URI routing


  1. ragtime. Database-independent migration library
  2. clojureql. ClojureQL is superior SQL integration for Clojure


  1. compojure-api. Sweet web apis with Compojure & Swagger
  2. ring-swagger. Swagger Spec for Clojure Web Apps


  1. sente. Realtime web comms for Clojure/Script
  2. timbre. Pure Clojure/Script logging library
  3. carmine. Redis client and message queue for Clojure
  4. nippy. High-performance serialization library for Clojure


  1. ring. Clojure HTTP server abstraction
  2. duct. Server-side application framework for Clojure